All courses are in Russian or English from this selection are available upon request or are regularly reissued.

Courses in Russian

1. The Science of Wealth

Volume: 11 video lectures.
Organizer: Friedrich von Hayek Institute.

The course is intended for those who strive for fundamental knowledge economic theory. Pavel Usanov will talk about the main economic models- from Aristotelian catallactics to socialism - and will explain how they are reflected in real life people.

2. History of economic thought

Volume: 11 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: Higher School of Economics.

For an in-depth understanding of modern economic processes The historical aspect is important. Professors from the Higher School of Economics will not only tell you what Marx meant by surplus value and why Smith advocated a free market, but will also develop critical economic thinking in you.

3. Economics for non-economists

Volume: 10 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: Higher School of Economics.

For those who do not want to delve into economics, this course is suitable. Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory Igor Kim in simple language will explain the basic concepts of micro- and macroeconomics. Find out what supply and demand are, what the mechanism of competition and monopoly is, what GDP is and where inflation and unemployment come from - take financial literacy to a new level.

4. Financial markets and institutions

Volume: 9 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: Higher School of Economics.

This course presents lectures by Professor Nikolai Iosifovich Berzon: the structure of the financial market (from stock to foreign exchange), stocks, bonds, the banking sector and much more. What you need for novice investors. If you learn to invest money, then learn from the best!

5. Theories of money. From shell to bitcoin

Volume: 8 modules.
Organizer: European University in St. Petersburg.

If life is a game, then money helps keep score. This is how it was in the days when people exchanged bullion precious metals. This is the case now, when the world is going crazy over. Professor of Economics Yulia Vymyatnina will tell you what can be considered money and what cannot, and what the value of money is. In 2015, her course took second place in the EdCrunch Award competition in the Humanities category.

6. ABC of finance

Volume: 6 modules.
Organizer: Tomsk state university control systems and radio electronics.

If you think the budget, financial plan and investments are the lot of economists, then you are mistaken. Any modern man must skillfully invest money and analyze the economic situation. The candidate will teach you this economic sciences Valeria Tsibulnikova. Focus is on .

7. Financial literacy

Volume: 6 modules.
Venue: 4brain.
Authors: Grigory Ksheminsky and Evgeny Buyanov.

Many people cannot provide themselves with a decent life even with a good salary. Paradox? Hardly! This is a natural consequence of financial ignorance. The authors of this text course are convinced that well-being begins with a conscious attitude towards money and financial thinking.

8. Basics of financial literacy

Volume: 13 modules.
Venue: Zillion.
Organizer: Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Moscow Government, commissioned by TemoCentre.

What taxes do citizens pay? Why are we denied loans? And how to ensure a comfortable old age? More than six and a half thousand listeners have already received answers to these and other questions about creating a personal budget and planning expenses. You too have a chance to improve your financial literacy.

9. Fundamentals of finance for youth

Volume: 5 modules.
Organizer: Center additional education Novosibirsk State University.

A special feature of this course is interactivity. It consists of 100 mini-tasks, which, in turn, are divided into thematic modules (personal, household, global, corporate finance and financial institutions). By completing tasks, you earn points and move from level to level.

10. Business for dummies

Volume: 14 video lectures.
Venue:"Lecture Hall".
Yuri Milyukov, founder of the Moscow Commodity Exchange.

How did certain organizational and legal forms for business appear? How are banks, exchanges, insurers and logistics organized? Why are auditors, consultants, appraisers, experts and analysts needed? The answers to these and many other questions are in the speeches of the famous entrepreneur Yuri Milyukov.

Courses in English

1. Financial literacy

Volume: 4 modules.
Venue: open2study.
Authors: Peter Mordaunt, Paul Clitheroe.

What is the difference between goals in life and financial goals? How to make sure that income prevails over expenses? What is the 10% rule? How is investing different from saving? How not to screw things up and not run into scammers? The answers to these and many other questions will be given to you by teachers at Macquarie University.

2. Finance for everyone: smart tools for decision-making

Volume: 6 modules.
Venue: edX.
Organizer: University of Michigan.

What is more profitable: renting or taking out a mortgage? Buy a used car or a new one? Open a deposit or invest in securities? It is easier to make such important decisions if you are familiar with the basic financial principles. Master them within this course. Its peculiarity is the abundance of examples from life.

3. Financial mathematics

Volume: 2 modules.
Venue: Alison.

Money loves counting. This short course will teach you how to balance debits and credits. You will understand the difference between profit and margin, you will be able to calculate lost profits and adopt various methods.

4. Finance for non-financiers

Volume: 5 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: Rice University.

Professor James Weston is a respected expert in the field of corporate finance. In this course, he explains how financiers make certain decisions. Very useful lectures for entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a whole new level.

5. Behavioral finance

Volume: 3 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: Duke University.

Behavioral economics studies how social and psychological factors influence market variables. For example, prices of goods. This course will explain why people invest in pyramid schemes rather than mutual funds, make unnecessary purchases, and other financial mistakes.

6. Financial planning for youth

Volume: 8 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

A course that will not only teach you how to put the right goals, plan a budget and invest, but will also allow you to try on the role of a financial advisor. Why not make solving financial problems your profession?

7. Introduction to personal finance management

Volume: 2 modules.
Venue: Alison.
Christine Williams.

In this course, certified lawyer Christine Williams teaches you how to get rid of . First, she suggests creating a table of debt obligations and prioritizing them based on terms and interest rates. This will help you choose the right strategy and keep your monthly payments to a minimum.

8. Personal and family financial planning

Volume: 9 modules.
Venue: Coursera.
Organizer: University of Florida.

Professor Michael S. Gutter teaches students how to navigate their way to financial independence. The modules on the tax and credit system may not be of interest to you, since they are focused on America. But general principles financial literacy universal.

9. Managing your money

Volume: 8 modules.
Venue: OpenLearn.

This course will help you get your finances in order. First, they will explain to you how to create a personal budget. You will identify useless or overly expensive expense items and be able to optimize them. And then you will learn the basics of lending and investing.

10. 5 Keys to Investing

Volume: 1 module.
Venue: Udemy.
Steve Bollinger.

We offer training programs for:

  • commercial and financial directors,
  • managers and employees of financial and economic services,
  • financial specialists, economists and analysts,
  • top managers of companies in the field of financial management.

Our seminars and courses on finance are dedicated to teaching:

Every third course or seminar on the topic “Financial Management” is a “Hit” program. And 60% of participants in the subsequent course come to us on the recommendation of previous students, their colleagues and financial directors of companies. This is the result of the work of our experts, absolute professionals in the field of practice and training in financial management.

Lead Authors courses and seminars on finance at SRC Business School - and. The fundamental difference between their training is that academies teach financial management as a process, and our experts, in their courses and seminars, build for students a hierarchy and sequence of actions that leads to business success. M. Serov and E. Ivanchenko have clear and specific answers to 500 questions about financial and strategic management. And already 3,000 participants in their seminars and courses, specialists and directors, were convinced that complex things can be simply explained and taught in 2-3 days.

Are you planning to improve your skills? Are time and financial resources limited? Then we are happy to recommend you one special option - the Program professional retraining. It is designed specifically for managers and specialists of financial services, financial controllers, economists, and accountants.

7 reasons to choose this course:

  1. As part of this financial course, you will be able to increase your qualification level by 2-3 points.
  2. The course is taught by practical experts, managers of 80 consulting projects, authors of courses for economists and financiers, as well as courses financial management for beginners.
  3. With their help, during your training you will independently develop an improvement project financial system your company.
  4. The course lasts 3 months. No more than 7 school days per month.
  5. The financial course program can be tailored to suit your skill level.
  6. Upon completion of the financial management course in Moscow, you will receive a diploma of professional retraining.

Other financial courses and advanced training programs for economists Mikhail Serov and Eduard Ivanchenko:

  • – this is an opportunity to consider the entire complex of corporate management financial accounting; learn the principles of preparing management reporting; work with financial statements and analyze the efficiency of the enterprise; figure out how to plan financial results and control traffic cash; understand how to take management decisions in conditions of environmental uncertainty.
  • . Right at the seminar you will be able to develop own algorithm implementation of internal and financial control; choose financial indicators for business analysis and control; diagnose the system internal control according to the author's method.
  • – these are answers to the questions: how will budgeting help achieve the organization’s strategic goals? What methods and technologies for developing budgets should you use? How to draw up and consolidate budgets at all levels? How are financial indicators and management decisions in the field of procurement, production and sales interconnected? How to distribute responsibility for the formation, coordination and execution of budgets within the financial structure of the company? How to create and apply budget regulations?
  • The seminar will help you reach the next level of financial management and work in a new way with the company’s balance sheet, profit and loss statement, manage cash flow, plan and analyze financial results, evaluate the company’s activities using financial documents, and determine the effectiveness of investments.
  • This course is for financial analyst, manager financial service and company directors is in line with international best practice. At the seminar you will be able to master the skills of fast (intuitive) financial analysis, train them in working with real cases Russian companies, get proven tools that have been used many times in business management. One of best courses financial analyst in Moscow.

New and updated courses for economists and financiers from our experts:

  • . The authors will propose algorithms and techniques that will allow making management decisions with mandatory consideration of risks; integrate risk assessment and reporting into management processes; organize risk diagnostics in a continuous monitoring mode; use the most effective methods protecting the company from risks and their consequences.
  • At this seminar, learn how to use 5-7 indicators for each area of ​​management to assess business performance and make an accurate forecast for 1-3 years.
  • . This is a great opportunity to learn modern techniques strategic management, understand how to consolidate strategic maps, business plans, budgets and operational plans “in one package”, analyze real situations from your practice, and find ways to solve them.

The most popular seminar in our course schedule for economists and financiers - Elvira Mityukova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, lecturer at the Institute of Economics of Russia, winner of the Accounting Oscar award, offers 60 tax schemes that will optimize business, reduce income tax and insurance premiums, optimize VAT. Finance for non-financiers

When deciding to participate in our financial management courses in Moscow, you can be sure that We check all programs according to 4 parameters:

  • Do courses and seminars on finance reflect the stated issues sufficiently and deeply;
  • whether the cases used in the course are modern and relevant;
  • Are the proposed methods of teaching financial management effective?
  • what is the practical experience of our consultants, authors of courses in economics and finance.


One of the key figures in modern company is financial director or financial manager. No strategic decision regarding production, purchasing or sales is made without the agreement of all financial issues. This profession in any country in the world is considered one of the highest paid, and also very promising in terms of career. In the modern economy, there is a traditionally high level of demand for specialists capable of managing the financial flows of a company. A good financier always takes a responsible approach to his own self-education and is able to make an excellent career in a fairly short time. Our resource site offers financial management courses in Moscow and seminars on finance to the attention of beginners and advanced financiers.

What can you learn in the courses offered?

Advanced training courses in finance cover many current issues:
  • financial manager as an important link in the management structure of the company;
  • management and financial accounting;
  • enterprise balance sheet;
  • CVP break-even analysis;
  • methods for calculating the cost of manufactured products;
  • pricing policy management;
  • choosing a bank and cooperation with it;
  • types of enterprise budgets;
  • cash management;
  • financial forecasting;
  • financial risk management.

What is the purpose of the courses?

Enterprise finance courses are designed to improve the level of professionalism of financial managers in management accounting, cost issues, pricing, budget management and enterprise expenses. Our website B-Seminar.RU contains only best companies in their segment, offering educational programs for teaching finance.

Such courses are needed not only by men and women in respectable suits. The sooner you understand the principles of creating a personal budget, proper planning of expenses and creating savings, the better. The educational platform Zillion offers a course for high school students, designed for 70 educational hours. The course includes 12 videos and 13 tests to test your knowledge.

This program was developed by HSE professors to improve the qualifications of teachers, but anyone can take it. A total of 7 video courses on financial topics are available. They will teach you how to manage personal money, explain the intricacies of the relationship between a person and the state, and talk about pyramids and other types of financial fraud. They will also help you deal with insurance and stock markets and even inspire you to start a new business. Complete collection of video lectures at the link.

More than 50 financial experts took part in the creation of these materials. The course is free and designed as a game. Participants will have to complete more than 100 tasks on topics about personal, household, global and corporate finance, as well as financial institutions. Each assignment contains videos, articles and practical problems. For each completed task, points are awarded, which can then be exchanged for a university certificate.

The Fingram website is generally devoted to the topic of finance and publishes various news from this area, but we are primarily interested in the section “ Training courses" There are financial literacy training programs for beginners and advanced, online investment courses and two financial quests. After the theoretical material, the user is offered tests on a given topic. The site also contains links to courses from respected educational institutions: Open University in the UK, Michigan and Yale University.

If you have already understood the basics and are ready to deepen your financial knowledge, take the “ABC of Finance” course on the Lectorium website. This knowledge will be useful to those who want to understand financial instruments and investment rules. The course teacher has 11 years of experience in financial markets and in the field stock trading. You can take the training for free.

Another basic course from High school economy. The program will introduce basic concepts about financial markets and instruments. No abstract topics - just what every person has to face in life. The course consists of video lessons, tests and lists of additional literature. You can join it for free after registration. If you haven’t had time to sign up for this course, there are several more similar ones in the site catalog.

The Banking and Finance course from Sberbank can be taken on the Coursera platform. The course will be useful for those who want to understand how a bank works: about bank loans, loans and other forms of financing. The course includes video materials, further reading for self-study and practice tests.

Knowledge in the field of accounting, finance, investments makes it possible to get a job in the most successful and stable companies or advance in career ladder. Therefore, courses for financiers in Moscow, organized at the Russian School of Management, will be useful:

  • young financial specialists;
  • financial managers and directors;
  • accountants and economists.

Advanced training courses for financiers will provide practical skills in budgeting and management accounting. Students will learn to understand investment activities and other aspects.

Financier courses: issues addressed

Finance trainings cover many current issues. Students will learn:

  • what are the tasks and goals financial manager in the structure of management of the organization’s activities;
  • how to draw up a balance sheet of an enterprise;
  • how to maintain financial and management accounting;
  • how to manage pricing policy;
  • how to choose a bank and start cooperation with it;
  • what is proper money management;
  • how to conduct a CVP break-even analysis;
  • how to compose financial forecasts and so on.

Financier courses teach beginners and advanced professionals. Most classes are dedicated to practice. Playing out different situations, performing calculations, discussing the main problems that may arise in the work of a financier, allow you to successfully consolidate all the acquired theoretical knowledge.

Economics courses are taught by experienced teachers with impressive practical experience. They share their own knowledge with listeners and give expert recommendations on various issues.

Financier courses are designed to improve the level of qualifications of managers, directors, accountants and economists in management accounting, pricing, budgeting, and enterprise expense planning. The Russian School of Management offers several training programs, among which you are sure to find a seminar, course or training that suits you.

You can sign up for training right now on our website.