Gordeev Sergey Eduardovich- Russian businessman, president and chairman of the board, owner controlling stake(74.6%) shares, working in this development company since 2013. In the past (2007 - 2010), he was a representative in the Federation Council from the administration of the Perm Territory.

Another top developer fails? What is happening with Sergey Gordeev's company, and what are his plans for his business?

The large-scale collapse of Urban Group, a company that was in the TOP-10 of Russian developers, has not yet been forgotten. Interest-holders of a no less large developer of federal significance, SU-155, have not yet had time to recover. However, “, this name, like the name of Sergey Gordeev, who is the owner of the company, in Lately I remember it on the forums especially often. Our editors tried to understand what is happening with one of the leaders in the construction market, and conducted a study.

Information analysis: company performance and owner personality

Most forecasts, however, come from those who are not construction market players, experts or analysts. The latter are especially afraid to express any opinions now, the situation around the PIK Group is seen as too ambiguous, so there are very real risks of damaging their expert reputation.

When calculating the probability of the next major bankruptcy, we analyze financial indicators, economic conditions, management actions and other factors.We will try to understand how the state of affairs is, starting from information about the identity of the owner, who, by the way, does not at all consider the situation to be any deplorable.

Biographical details: business, politics

Gordeev Sergey Eduardovich is a public person, so there was plenty of information on resources with free access. His biography is not much different from the biography of modern political figures, which, by the way, Gordeev was at different periods of his life.A native of the capital, Sergey Eduardovich graduated from the Management Academy in 2003 (the city of Togliatti), the acquired specialty is “Finance and Credit”, but even before entering the university he organized the Rosbuilding company (back in 1995).


The company was engaged in the re-profiling of industrial enterprises, their restructuring, and also, according to contemporaries and the inhabitants of the forums, the raiding of land.

Since the mid-nineties, the company has been conducting a fairly aggressive business in the capital's real estate market (primarily commercial).The mid-2000s became known as the era of mergers and acquisitions (most often hostile), but Sergey Eduardovich saw signs of its end in time and in 2004 curtailed the activities of his first company, being at that time a very wealthy person.

In 2007, Gordeev ended up as a member of the Federation Council from the Perm Territory, earned capital and Moscow connections acquired in a difficult era, turned out to be most welcome. However, Sergei was not going to completely leave business for politics - his new company Horus Capital (founded in 2005) continued to make a profit over the next ten years. The activities of the new company are boutique development (according to the owner's own request), reconstruction of real estate objects - residential complexes, office centers.

However, in 2010, Gordeev sold this company to Boris Mints and Mikhail Gutseriev, the deal amounted to only 1.2 billion dollars, but only 600 million dollars were received in cash, exactly the same amount went to buyers for some debts, about which little is known.

In 2013, the investment company Platforma is created, which acquires a 19.9% ​​stake in the PIK group, five years later, in 2017, Gordeev's share in PIK increased to 74.6% (the transaction amount was 47.2 billion rubles).At the same time, a year earlier, he also acquired the Morton company, which also joined PIK.

Business Features: Timely Repurposing and Luck

Actually, that's what happened during all these years. Gordeev, being a financier with good knowledge legislation, was distinguished by an active life position, earning where possible . That is, he transferred to his property the immovable assets of bankrupt enterprises and land plots.

Then, when the era of pronounced lawlessness began to come to an end, Sergey Eduardovich changed his profile somewhat, while remaining a player in the real estate market. Now interesting objects were bought on legal grounds, and, after reconstruction, sold profitably.

However, over time, the market for the reconstruction and re-profiling of objects was depleted, and Gordeev's business required another change in the vector of efforts. However, Sergey Eduardovich was ready for such a turn of events, and knew in advance what he would do next, buying shares in a group of construction companies back in 2013.Thus, being involved in the construction business (and this was partly even a forced measure, since capital was invested), it took him five years to figure out this business.


The timing of the sale of Horus Capital was extremely well chosen, almost immediately rental rates for Moscow offices (in dollar terms) plummeted due to the collapse of the Russian ruble (2014).

Taking into account the specialty of the owner, obtained at the university, as well as very serious connections (due to which success in politics was achieved), the author of this article cannot exclude the possibility of some insider inside the Central Bank.

Modern history: reputation and assets

In 2015, Mr. Gordeev invested $10 million in Elon Musk's project to create a new mode of transport - Hyperloop (a vacuum train that can move at a speed of 6400-8000 km / h). Therefore, if suddenly the company still goes bankrupt, you know where the money of equity holders is - in the pipe!

2016-2017 became a period active development construction business already directly owned by Gordeev. In 2017 and 2018, he even appeared in the Forbes ranking, taking a pretty good 57th place in the "two hundred richest people in the Russian Federation", the total value of assets amounted to 1.5 and 1.7 billion dollars, respectively.

It is curious that in 2018 Sergey Gordeev was on the list exactly between Avdeev (and the Moscow Credit Bank) and Durov (needs no introduction).

Where exactly the funds received from the sale of Horus Capital (and this, we recall, $ 600 million) rotated from the moment the company was sold in 2013 until the actual acquisition of Morton and the rest of PIK in 2017 is unknown. It is also not known how this amount more than doubled (considering the amounts of recent transactions).

Perhaps it is also worth paying attention to a slightly different side of the issue. Large investments in a purchase approved by the antimonopoly company, a place in the Forbes rating, an assessment of the state (more precisely, the current value of the assets where the money was invested), numerous interviews with major publications - all this is necessary to legalize the funds available to Gordeev.Thus, now Sergey Eduardovich in the eyes of the public is a wealthy, influential and successful businessman, holding a leading position in the construction business.

In addition, such a demonstration of solvency was supposed to ensure the trust of the audience of potential equity holders. Both and Morton are quite well-known players in the construction market, whose projects were popular.A merger led by a successful and wealthy businessman, in the eyes of the general public and market experts, was likely to be one of the key factors in the confidence of buyers.

Additionally, it is worth noting that Gordeev decided not to limit himself to the financial component of the business and personally deals with the affairs of the company , while remaining on the post of president and at the same time chairman of the board, that is, “keeps abreast” of events related to the company and responds in a timely manner to the challenges that the construction market throws at such a difficult time for it.

Owner plans: implementation, motivation, probabilities

What goals did the current owner of the PIK group have regarding the construction business, in general, and his company, in particular, what does he see as its competitive advantages? When studying the biography in the actions of Gordeev, such a feature as consistency is visible.Sergey Eduardovich plans and acts in the long term and rarely makes directly speculative transactions when the purchase and sale of assets is carried out in a short time.

The likelihood that he, in the event of any problems in the company, will “merge” his business and try to distance himself from it is not too great. Experience, political background, availability of financial support and personal leadership of the business inspires some confidence that the problem will be noticed and eliminated in a timely manner.

In his numerous interviews, Gordeev outlined the “correct” motivation, from his words it can be concluded that the businessman wants to build more technologically advanced and beautiful houses than other developers. In this case, words do not diverge from deeds - for which residential areas are being built, they were developed within the company (800 architects work in the state).adopted by developers.

Actually, in addition to the quality and design of the company's products, it is worth paying attention to financial indicators. In recent years, the debts of PIK Group, which amounted to 18 billion rubles before the purchase, turned into a negative value, already at the end of 2016 Money the company's accounts became more than debts on loans.

In addition, the management staff was gradually updated, only a quarter of the staff was preserved from the old days.

The state of affairs in the company: what the numbers say

But where do the rumors about the possible bankruptcy of PIK come from?It’s worth clarifying right away that this phenomenon is permanent, the developer is “buried” with a frequency of about once every two to three years. In order to emphasize the inconsistency of the rumors, the company published on its official website the news that over the past couple of months about 3 million square meters of real estate have been brought to the market.

Of these, about 1.7 million squares are in Moscow and 1.4 million are in the Moscow region. Reports were published on the website on October 11, 2018, which clearly do not indicate that the company has any problems.

Moreover, this news correlates with the publication of October 10, 2018, which tells that an interesting deal has been concluded between the group of companies and VTB.This is the largest transaction in Russia concluded within the framework of project financing (for construction), the amount of the credit line opened by the bank is 19.9 billion rubles.

Garbage scandal is a great reason for rumors

Of course, PIK is a fairly large group, which includes dozens of divisions, and it is impossible to guarantee the complete absence of difficulties or any problems at all for some of the companies included in the group. Moreover, we are not talking about some large-scale debts, long-term construction or deception of equity holders, but rather about current issues that, for some reason, fell out of the attention of management.

In particular, such nuances just became the reason for the formation of an informational occasion and spreading rumors about the presence of PIK Group of Companies of serious problems that are fraught with the bankruptcy of the group, or at least some company that is part of the group.

The reason this time was an incident of a very local scale, known as the "garbage scandal".The bottom line is this: on September 11, it became known that large debts had arisen in Tula for the removal of garbage from territories under the jurisdiction of seven Criminal Codes (members of the PIK group). This could lead to some kind of domestic disaster, so the mayor of Tula took up the issue, who discussed the procedure for repaying the debt with the head of the PIK-Comfort division.

In general, there is nothing surprising in the fact that some media outlets took advantage of this informational occasion and for some reason connected the four-month delay in debt with the probable bankruptcy of a fairly large group of companies.

It should be noted that PIK is not friendly with garbage at all and even builds on the spot former landfill MSW "Salaryevo" residential complex "Salaryevo Park".

Personal life

Sergey Gordeev is a non-public person and, as eyewitnesses say, he is easily embarrassed in front of the camera. It is not surprising that information about his personal hobbies is not hidden. It is known that Gordeev is not married and has no children. He is fond of architecture, graphic design, urbanism and ... and theater.

In 2019, Sergey Gordeev was in 14th place in the top free Forbes millionaires. Arkady Rotenberg () is in 10th place, Vasily Anisimov (Coalco) is in 15th place.


Actually, rumors are quite an effective tool that works to shape public opinion. , information of this kind (probability of bankruptcy) is not so easy to check for an ordinary layman. Not to mention the existing equity holders of PIK Group, whose hair turns gray at such news, which, in fact, often prevents them from approaching the problem of assessing the situation in a balanced way.

We hope that the information provided as part of this study will give impetus to reflection based on facts, and not on conjectures that distort the meaning of the newsbreak, although real, but completely uncritical for a large holding.

Where he has the largest stake, the developer will be able to commission 1.8 million square meters annually. m of housing - no one has built so many in the recent history of Russia. Therefore, Forbes recognized Gordeev as a businessman of 2016.

Gordeev has always had a special flair for deals. In 2004, he curtailed the activities of the Rosbuilding company, which since the mid-1990s has been conducting an aggressive business in the non-residential real estate market in Moscow, developing territories industrial enterprises. In the mid-2000s, the era of mergers and hostile takeovers that made Gordeev a wealthy man was leaving, he himself became a senator from the Perm Territory, but he did not abandon the business. Gordeev's new development company, Horus Capital, received projects at the sites of factories and plants that have replenished the businessman's piggy bank for 10 years. As Gordeev says in an interview with Forbes, Horus Capital was engaged in boutique development. The company's most famous facility is the Stanislavsky Factory business center on Taganka. Before the revolution, the factory belonged to the Alekseev family of industrialists, until one of the manufacturers, who went down in history under the pseudonym Konstantin Stanislavsky, built a theater for the workers. Gordeev reconstructed the theater at the Stanislavsky Factory, and the troupe of director Sergei Zhenovach has been playing here for more than eight years.

In 2009-2010, Gordeev sold Fabrika and 10 other Horus Capital properties to the family of billionaire Mikhail Gutseriev and O1 Properties Boris Mints. The total amount of transactions was estimated at $ 1.2 billion, taking into account the debt, which amounted to at least $ 600 million, Gordeev could have received the same amount in cash. He chose the right time for the sale, since then the dollar rental rates in Moscow class B offices have halved.

In December 2013, Sergey Gordeev bought from the Nafta group a 19.9% ​​stake in OJSC PIK Group of Companies, one of the largest housing builders in the mass segment. “I bought it very quickly, spontaneously, I just had a chance,” the businessman recalls. - Only then began to understand. I had a dream: I wanted to create a company that would build high-quality housing, but a lot and technologically.” On the exchange, such a stake was then worth a little less than $300 million. Since then, the company's market capitalization has grown, in 2016 alone, the PIK group has risen in price by 25%. Gordeev increased his stake to 29.9%, its current market value is about $850 million.

Since the summer of 2014, the main shareholder has been working as the president and chairman of the board of OJSC PIK Group of Companies and receives a salary of 10,000 rubles. “I'm not sure that I'm the best CEO possible, as a shareholder I have a lot of questions for myself,” he admits. - I have never been a CEO before, I preferred to stay in the background. But now I like it."

Panel "iPhones"

Residential property prices have been declining since 2013, with supply far exceeding demand. Due to what did the capitalization of the PIK group grow? “From the very beginning, we have been a company that has publicly announced its intention to grow. Not all companies declare this, - says Sergey Gordeev. - And besides, we set ourselves the goal of becoming something like Apple in building construction. We are very focused on product and design - more so than our competitors."

The PIK Group, for example, does not involve third-party architects; they develop all house projects themselves. There are 800 architects in the company, and the main shareholder is proud that he is the only Russian architect who has received the Royal Institute of British Architects award (designed a private house with a garden in the suburbs of London). New PIK projects, even those produced by the industrial method, bear little resemblance to the old panel series. The company is developing a program that would automatically design a building, taking into account given amount apartments of various sizes. “Industrial housing construction is now developing all over the world,” says Gordeev. - In London, you can find houses built in an industrial way, at a price of £15,000 per sq. m and above. We want to make the most beautiful houses in the world."

It is unlikely that investors are attracted by the aesthetics of housing built by the PIK group, but they definitely pay attention to the company's operating performance. Over the past three years, PIK's net debt of 18 billion rubles has turned into a negative one - in mid-2016, there were more cash in the company's accounts than loans. “Borrowing is now expensive,” Gordeev argues. - If possible, it is better to always live without debts. Our prudent actions in the field of finance probably also influenced capitalization.” There are other changes as well. For three years, the management top of the PIK group has been updated: a quarter of today's employees, according to Gordeev, worked with him before he joined the company, half of the new employees and only a quarter remained from the old days.

The company's position in the market is stable. “Year by year they show strong results,” says VTB Capital analyst Maria Kolbina. "It's one of the leading companies in the industry, and with the acquisition of Morton, it will be a recognized leader." What worries investors? Analysts pay attention to the low liquidity of shares. “PIK is actually a non-public company,” says Kolbina. - Papers are almost not traded, the volumes are minimal. After the arrival of Sergey Gordeev, the investor relations function actually came to naught, the company stopped sending out press releases about land purchases, transactions and changes in capital.” Gordeev admits there is a problem. "We are discussing this issue with investment banks, most likely, some measures will be taken in 2017,” he promises.

"Morton" Commander

The founder and owner of the Morton company, Alexander Ruchev, told Forbes that in his youth he dreamed of doing science and considered his first attempts to succeed in business as a momentary matter. Ruchev turned around after 2009: his company Morton, then a small developer near Moscow, managed to get a contract worth 17 billion rubles from the Ministry of Defense for the construction of housing for the military. During the crisis, when demand collapsed and many construction projects stopped, the budget money helped the company. In 2015, Morton became the largest developer in Russia - it put into operation 947,000 sq. m. m. of housing, for comparison: the PIK group built 665,000 sq. m. m.

Morton has a large land bank,” says Nikolai Kazansky, Managing Partner at Colliers International. The company's project portfolio is 7 million square meters. m - this is more than that of PIK or another major developer, Andrey Molchanov's LSR group. Morton's revenue in 2015 amounted to 59.2 billion rubles. And unexpectedly in 2016 Ruchev decided to sell the growing business. “We talked with Alexander [Ruchyev],” says Gordeev. - Somehow he came and offered to cooperate or even unite. And I half-jokingly, not really counting on an answer, suggested: let's buy you. After a while he came and said he agreed. And the deal went through." Gordeev bought out the entire business, including a house-building plant and a land bank, leaving Ruchiev with only foreign assets. Alexander Ruchiev confirmed to Forbes that Gordeev's offer came as a surprise to him, and that this is how the deal went through. “I think the share capital payment component in the deal was minimal,” says Maria Kolbina of VTB Capital. “If you buy a company only for debt, it’s not so bad.”

According to Forbes, the deal could amount to 45 billion rubles, taking into account Morton's debt of 22–24 billion rubles ( expert opinions vary from 60 billion to 165 billion rubles). Where does the buyer get the money from? “I spend little,” says Gordeev. - Ever since the sale of Horus Capital, I had significant funds. I have made successful investments in stock market. I didn’t have to pledge anything, I just took the money out of my pocket and paid.”

Already in October, it became known that the PIK group was buying out Morton from its shareholder. According to Gordeev, at the second stage he did not earn anything, he sold literally a ruble more than he bought. What is the purpose of such a two-stage deal structure? “It was necessary to decide quickly, the shareholders of Morton wanted it that way,” explains Gordeev. - And in the PIK company, everything is discussed and weighed for a long time. So I decided to buy the Morton for myself, and then I’ll have a look.”

“There was no hurry - there was a choice,” says Alexander Ruchev. - At that moment, we were at a crossroads: on the one hand, there was planned work to attract a partner to the capital, and certain results had already been achieved, and on the other hand, Sergey Gordeev's offer to sell the company appeared. Sergei's proposal was more interesting."

“High leverage and falling sales could soon lead to the bankruptcy of Morton,” says Nikolai Kazansky of Colliers. The same version was offered by several developers near Moscow. “In 2015, Morton built about 1 million sq. m, and sold, according to our estimates, 600,000–700,000 sq. m. m,” says Julia Sapor, head of the Est-a-Tet Analytical and Consulting Center.

By official version, "Morton's" debt. “In fact, there may be more,” says one of the market participants. - Here we recently encountered a company that has bank loans for a certain amount, and for the same amount - just money issued by partners on receipt. You will never know about it." An illustrative example. The construction holding "SU-155" of billionaire Mikhail Balakin reported a debt of 28 billion rubles, and later the sanatorium bank "Russian Capital" called the amount of 315 billion. Gordeev rejects all assumptions about the large debt of "Morton". “From our point of view, we did not see any special problems,” he says. “Morton was fine.”

PIK Group placed several series of bonds. Denis Vorchik, an analyst at Uralsib Bank, believes that Gordeev can partially receive these funds: PIK will pay off its shareholder for Morton. Gordeev claims that PIK needs money to build up the land bank, and the issue of bonds is not directly related to the purchase of Morton. As stated at a conference call with analysts financial director PIK Alexander Titov, the company's consolidated net debt by the end of 2016 will grow to 45 billion rubles.


Sergey Gordeev quickly received FAS approval for the acquisition of Morton, while approval of the second part of the deal has not yet been received. How will the emergence of such a giant affect the market? “According to preliminary estimates, the share of the PIK group in the mass market of the Moscow region after the merger with Morton will be 20%,” says Maria Litinetskaya, General Director of Metrium Group. According to her forecast, if not limited production capacity, in 2018 the combined company may commission 2.5 million sq. m. m. “After the actual merger of PIK and Morton, the risk of monopolization and market capture will increase, especially in those locations where large-scale projects are concentrated,” said Yulia Sapor from the Analytical and Consulting Center Est-a-Tet. However, the deal already has positive consequences. “The most important thing for the market is that Morton did not have time to collapse and go bankrupt, that another SU-155 did not happen,” says Nikolai Kazansky. “Morton has been aggressively building up its land bank, and now PIK, as a better and more professional developer, will be able to implement it better.”

Standard & Poor's sent PIK's rating for review after the news of the deal with Morton. Agency analysts believe that the opacity of Morton's structure and financial flows may increase the risks of PIK. However, the company has already announced that it plans to save up to 10 billion rubles on the reduction of administrative expenses alone.

Sergey Gordeev himself did not exactly fail, he manages to successfully combine personal projects with the work of the general director of the public PIK. The businessman bought a plot of land in Salaryevo, where a metro station was subsequently built. So Gordeev got the TPU project and shopping center. But there was a huge dump nearby, the territory, according to Gordeev, was depressive. And then the Moscow authorities allowed to build housing next to the Salaryevo metro station. The residential complex "Salaryevo Park" has become one of the largest new projects of PIK (600,000 sq. m.). And no rubbish got in the way. “There is no conflict of interest,” Gordeev dismisses. “Just a synergistic effect.”

Gordeev himself does not consider himself, in his opinion, more worthy candidates - businessmen Oleg Tinkov and Sergey Galitsky or Sberbank President German Gref.

As a result of Gordeev's meeting with the mayor of Moscow, Yu. Luzhkov, the conflict was settled, the parties agreed to coordinate the work. The Company established the Employment and Social Support Fund.

State activity

Another project was the creation of the Perm State Museum of Modern Art in the building of an abandoned city river station.

In 2009-2010 On the initiative of Gordeev, two international architectural competitions were held in Perm: for the reconstruction of the building of the Museum of Modern Art, where Yuri Grigoryan's architectural bureau "Project-Meganom" won, and for the choice architectural solution reconstruction of the existing building and construction of a new stage of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky, where the English company David Chipperfield architects won. Several world-famous architectural companies took part in the competitions. .

Russian Avant-Garde Foundation

see also

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  1. Information on the website of the information and analytical agency www.advisers.ru
  2. // 15.02.2007
  3. Information on the website of the information and analytical agency Realprise
  4. Rubtsova.E. . Internet newspaper DNI.RU, September 2, 2005
  5. Information on the site www.bis-broker.com
  6. Information on the websites www.commercialrealty.ru, www.arendator.ru
  7. Schukin A.// Expert. . - July 26, 2010,. - No. 29 (714) .
  8. News agency "New Region 2", September 16, 2008
  9. Kuznetsova M.// Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", . - February 6, 2009.
  10. Strelnikova L.// GTRK "Perm". - June 30, 2009.
  11. Information on the Interfax news agency website, June 30, 2009.
  12. Bondarenko O.// Russian newspaper ,. - April 13, 2007..


An excerpt characterizing Gordeev, Sergey Eduardovich

Prince Andrei, among other hopelessly wounded, was handed over to the care of the inhabitants.

At the beginning of 1806, Nikolai Rostov returned on vacation. Denisov was also going home to Voronezh, and Rostov persuaded him to go with him to Moscow and stay at their house. At the penultimate station, having met a comrade, Denisov drank three bottles of wine with him and, approaching Moscow, despite the bumps in the road, did not wake up, lying at the bottom of the sledge, near Rostov, which, as it approached Moscow, came more and more into impatience.
“Soon? Is it soon? Oh, these unbearable streets, shops, rolls, lanterns, cabbies! thought Rostov, when they had already written down their holidays at the outpost and drove into Moscow.
- Denisov, come! Asleep! he said, leaning forward with his whole body, as if by this position he hoped to speed up the movement of the sleigh. Denisov did not respond.
- Here is the corner of the crossroads where Zakhar the cab driver is standing; here he is and Zakhar, and still the same horse. Here is the shop where the gingerbread was bought. Is it soon? Well!
- Which house is that? asked the coachman.
- Yes, at the end, to the big one, how can you not see! This is our house, - said Rostov, - after all, this is our house! Denisov! Denisov! We'll come now.
Denisov raised his head, cleared his throat, and said nothing.
“Dmitry,” Rostov turned to the lackey in the box. “Is this our fire?”
- So exactly with and with daddy in the office glows.
- Haven't gone to bed yet? A? How do you think? Look, don’t forget, get me a new Hungarian at once, ”added Rostov, feeling his new mustache. “Come on, let’s go,” he shouted to the driver. “Wake up, Vasya,” he turned to Denisov, who lowered his head again. - Come on, let's go, three rubles for vodka, let's go! Rostov shouted when the sleigh was already three houses from the entrance. It seemed to him that the horses were not moving. Finally the sleigh was taken to the right to the entrance; above his head, Rostov saw a familiar cornice with broken plaster, a porch, a sidewalk pillar. He jumped out of the sleigh on the move and ran into the passage. The house also stood motionless, unfriendly, as if it didn't care who came to it. There was no one in the vestibule. "My God! is everything all right?" thought Rostov, stopping for a minute with a sinking heart, and at once starting to run further along the passage and the familiar, crooked steps. The same doorknob of the castle, for the uncleanliness of which the countess was angry, also weakly opened. A single tallow candle burned in the hallway.
Old man Mikhail was sleeping on the chest. Prokofy, the visiting lackey, the one who was so strong that he lifted the carriage by the back, sat and knitted bast shoes from the hems. He glanced at the open door, and his indifferent, sleepy expression suddenly changed into ecstatic fright.
- Fathers, lights! Count young! he exclaimed, recognizing the young master. – What is it? My dove! - And Prokofy, shaking with excitement, rushed to the door to the living room, probably in order to announce, but apparently again changed his mind, returned back and leaned on the shoulder of the young master.
– Healthy? Rostov asked, pulling his hand away from him.
- God bless! All thanks to God! just ate now! Let me see you, Your Excellency!
- Is everything all right?
- Thank God, thank God!
Rostov, completely forgetting about Denisov, not wanting to let anyone warn him, threw off his fur coat and ran on tiptoe into a dark, large hall. Everything is the same, the same card tables, the same chandelier in a case; but someone had already seen the young gentleman, and before he had time to run to the living room, something swiftly, like a storm, flew out of the side door and hugged and began to kiss him. Another, third, similar creature jumped out of another, third door; More hugs, more kisses, more cries, more tears of joy. He could not make out where and who is dad, who is Natasha, who is Petya. Everyone was screaming and talking and kissing him at the same time. Only his mother was not among them - he remembered that.
- But I didn’t know ... Nikolushka ... my friend!
- Here he is ... ours ... My friend, Kolya ... He has changed! No candles! Tea!
- Kiss me then!
- Darling ... but me.
Sonya, Natasha, Petya, Anna Mikhailovna, Vera, the old count, embraced him; and people and maids, having filled the rooms, sentenced and gasped.
Petya hung on his feet. - And then me! he shouted. Natasha, after she, bending him to her, kissed his whole face, jumped away from him and holding on to the floor of his Hungarian, jumped like a goat all in one place and squealed piercingly.
From all sides were shining tears of joy, loving eyes, from all sides were lips seeking a kiss.
Sonya, red as red, also held on to his hand and beamed all over in a blissful look fixed on his eyes, which she was waiting for. Sonya was already 16 years old, and she was very beautiful, especially at this moment of happy, enthusiastic animation. She looked at him, not taking her eyes off, smiling and holding her breath. He looked at her gratefully; but still waiting and looking for someone. The old countess hasn't come out yet. And then there were footsteps at the door. The steps are so fast that they couldn't have been his mother's.
But it was she in a new dress, unfamiliar to him, sewn without him. Everyone left him and he ran to her. When they came together, she fell on his chest sobbing. She could not raise her face and only pressed him against the cold laces of his Hungarian coat. Denisov, not noticed by anyone, entered the room, stood right there and, looking at them, rubbed his eyes.
“Vasily Denisov, your son’s friend,” he said, introducing himself to the count, who looked at him inquiringly.
- Welcome. I know, I know,” said the count, kissing and hugging Denisov. - Nikolushka wrote ... Natasha, Vera, here he is Denisov.
The same happy, enthusiastic faces turned to the shaggy figure of Denisov and surrounded him.
- My dear, Denisov! - Natasha squealed, beside herself with delight, jumped up to him, hugged and kissed him. Everyone was embarrassed by Natasha's act. Denisov also blushed, but smiled and took Natasha's hand and kissed it.
Denisov was taken to the room prepared for him, and the Rostovs all gathered in the sofa near Nikolushka.
The old countess, without letting go of his hand, which she kissed every minute, sat next to him; the rest, crowding around them, caught his every movement, word, glance, and did not take their eyes off him with enthusiastic love. The brother and sisters argued and intercepted places from each other closer to him, and fought over who would bring him tea, a handkerchief, a pipe.

Sergei Gordeev's construction bubble is in danger of bursting

Russia's largest real estate developer looks to be in for a tough time. To transactions of the main shareholder of PIK Group Sergei Gordeev show, according to insider information, law enforcement agencies are interested, and parliamentarians demand an investigation into the company's activities. In addition, along with the consolidation of the developer, the dissatisfaction of end customers also grows.

Shareholder history

Sergey Gordeev, President of the largest domestic construction company PIK Group, in October of this year, increased its stake in the company to 74.6% by purchasing shares of companies Alexandra Mamuta And Mikaila Shishkhanova. The fact is that since the beginning of the year the company, according to official data, has sold housing for a record 120 billion rubles. But do not confuse this figure with profit. In accordance with the legislation updated this year, such funds can only be spent on construction purposes (the law thus protects equity holders). However, in a professional environment, the opinion was expressed that Sergei Gordeev directed part of these funds, namely 47 billion rubles, to buy back shares.

A legitimate question arises: if the money is spent, what funds will PIK use to complete the construction of houses where people have already bought apartments? More recently, another monstrous building structure fell into a similar trap - SU-155. Its bankruptcy left several tens of thousands of defrauded equity holders in the Moscow region alone.

Now, as expected, the legality of the spending of funds of equity holders will also want to be checked by the investigating authorities. By the way, this will not be their first visit to PIK. May this year investigative committee already conducted searches in the company's offices in the case of damages sports society "Dynamo" .

PIK's problems can become a headache not only for the company's clients, equity investors or residents of houses that have already been built, but also a test for the credit sector. At the end of June, PIK Group sold a package of its own global depositary receipts (GDR), corresponding to a 7.6% stake in the company, to VTB Bank for 15 billion rubles. If the abuses of the builders are revealed, then the needy, according to media reports, state aid VTB runs the risk of becoming the owner of another "toxic" asset. It is noteworthy that Promsvyazbank, at about the time when VTB was buying PIK securities, on the contrary, hastened to get rid of all the shares of the “rapidly growing” developer.

Meanwhile, in Mytishchi, administrative cases have been initiated against the PIK structures for non-compliance with energy efficiency requirements. The problems of Mytishchi associated with PIK are not new. Back in 2014, it turned out that in this city PIK was building 133,000 square meters of housing without a permit, RIA Novosti reported. Earlier, in 2007, in Mytishchi, near Moscow, deceived equity holders organized a tent camp, demanding that the authorities punish the PIK-region enterprise. Now PIK is implementing a project for the integrated development of two microdistricts (15 and 16) here. The municipal contract for this project ends in 2025.

Residents of the Putilkovo microdistrict even call PIK a “swindler company”. According to them, from each purchased square meter, they took 37,000 "for the development of infrastructure." Roads were to be laid, parking lots, schools, kindergartens and clinics were to be built. As a result, even the construction of a police stronghold was achieved with difficulty by citizens, and they fought against crime under the windows on their own. "From each apartment from 1 to 3 million to nowhere," the townspeople complain. The construction of a number of facilities, including sports ones, has been frozen. On this moment in two built kindergartens (there were four promised) - a queue of several hundred families. There is only one exit road in the microdistrict (they promised three), so not only being late for work is guaranteed, but also traffic jams for ambulances and fire trucks.

In July of this year, in Khimki, in a new building “from PIK”, a fire hydrant suddenly popped out, because of which the apartment halls on many floors were flooded.

Inherited communal services from PIK and in Podolsk. There, the debt to the supplier "SEZ" for the resources received exceeded seven million rubles.

Meanwhile, the landfill swallowed up the village near Naro-Fominsk. The publication "Podmoskovye Segodnya" writes that it was not possible to achieve cleaning from PIK-Comfort, which is the founder of the "garbage-collecting" company. As a result of long disputes, another company was involved in the case.

housing policy

From time to time scandals with new settlers and equity holders on construction sites grow from the problem of builders and public utilities into a social phenomenon unpleasant for the authorities at the urban or even regional level. Able to create a noticeable information background, influence the political agenda or even the election results.

The activities of the PIK Group, which periodically creates hotbeds of discontent almost throughout the country, and especially in the Moscow region, did not go unnoticed in the political expert community. Thus, according to political scientist Alexander Markin, a company that is capable of causing a sufficiently wide social protest will find it difficult to overcome the temptation to use such a resource to achieve economic or political goals. “It would be quite reasonable to assume that the social explosion, which we are already seeing at the facilities of a giant developer in the Moscow region, can be used as a resource to, for example, try to remove the governor of the Moscow region, in the hope of seeing a more loyal construction business figure. Freezing the construction of infrastructure is easy and almost safe. Ultimately, the developer will not suffer if he is forced to fulfill the promise. But the officials different levels in the wake of “popular anger” and subsequent organizational conclusions at the federal level, they risk losing their posts,” he expresses his opinion. And he shares his fear: “A carelessly fanned fire can affect not only the district or regional leadership, but also the regional voting results in the presidential elections, which, probably, no one in their right mind wants. By the way, these considerations can also explain the alleged attention to the structure on the part of law enforcement agencies.

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Biography, life story of Sergey Eduardovich Gordeev

Gordeev Sergey Eduardovich (born November 22, 1972 in Moscow) - Russian entrepreneur and political activist.


In 2003 he graduated from the Togliatti Academy of Management with a degree in Finance and Credit.

He was vice-rector at the Togliatti Academy of Management for professional retraining and advanced training programs.

Entrepreneurial activity

From August 1994 to March 1995, he was the head of the real estate department of CJSC Freya. From March to June 1995 he was Deputy CEO OOO Virtus.

In 1995, he founded the Rosbuilding company, which he headed until March 1998. The company has become a leading investor in the Moscow real estate market, for the most part in the markets of reprofiling and restructuring of industrial enterprises, construction sites, commercial premises and department stores. In 1998, the company gained prominence in connection with the takeover of a number of major metropolitan department stores. The department stores Fashion, Moskovsky, Bucharest, Pervomaisky, 1000 Little Things, Change, Petrovsky Passage, Troparevo, Novoarbatsky and a number of others then fell into the sphere of interests of Rosbuilding. Since 2000, the company has been actively buying textile industry enterprises.

In 2003, the company had a conflict with the Moscow government regarding a plan to restructure the factory named after. Alekseev.

As a result of Gordeev's meeting with the mayor of Moscow, the conflict was settled, the parties agreed to coordinate the work. The Company established the Employment and Social Support Fund.

In 2004, the company ceased operations by decision of the shareholder, was disbanded and liquidated.

In 2005, Gordeev created the Horus-Capital company, which is engaged in development projects. The company specialized in the construction and reconstruction of office centers and residential complexes. In total, the company's assets included 15 objects with an area of ​​more than 550 thousand square meters. m. Among them business center"Gamma", "Petrel", "Avion", "Krugozor", "Ray", "Water Stadium", office center"Factory Stanislavsky", premium class business center "Oasis".


For the Stanislavsky Factory project, Gordeev, together with the architect of the English company John McAslan, was awarded the RIBA international award (Royal Institute of British Architects) - for the best international project 2011. Also, this project became the first in the ranking of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow.

In 2010, Gordeev sold Horus-Capital to O1, Boris Mints.

In 2013, Gordeev acquired a 7.96% stake in FC Otkritie by buying shares from VTB.

In 2016, Gordeev buys the Morton company. He is also a co-owner of 30% of the PIK group.

Russian Avant-Garde Foundation

In 2006, it became known that A. Ilkanaev, one of the heirs of the daughter of the outstanding architect K. S. Melnikov, sold half of the architect’s house-workshop, which is a monument of history and culture, to Senator S. E. Gordeev.

In December 2006, Gordeev established the Russian Avant-Garde Foundation for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Preservation, which carries out publishing activities and work in the field of preserving cultural heritage sites.

In the spring of 2007, the headquarters of the Foundation for the Promotion of the Preservation of the Russian Heritage "Russian Avant-Garde" moved to the building of the "Burevestnik" club.

Some of the events organized by the foundation are held in the club building. Thus, in 2007 open lectures on the stage of the Burevestnik club were read by the Dutch architect, Pritzker Prize winner Rem Koolhaas and the Italian architectural critic Luca Molinari. In addition, the club building houses restoration workshops where the archives of Soviet avant-garde architects are being reanimated.

September 25, 2008 in Perm opened an exhibition of contemporary Russian art "Russian Poor", initiated by S. Gordeev. The curator of the exhibition was Marat Gelman. The exhibition was attended by artists Anatoly Osmolovsky, Avdey Ter-Oganyan, Yuri Shabelnikov, Vladimir Anzelm, AES, Valery Koshlyakov, Blue Noses and others.

State activity

July 19, 2007 Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory elected Sergey Gordeev as the representative of the Governor of the Territory in the Federation Council. On September 19 of the same year, at a meeting of the Upper House of the Russian Parliament, S. Gordeev resigned ahead of schedule as a representative of the Ust-Orda Buryat autonomous region in the Federation Council and was approved by the senator of the Upper House from the Perm Territory.

During his work in the Federation Council, Gordeev implemented a number of projects in the Perm Territory. In particular, he initiated the development of a city master plan in Perm. The project was carried out by the Dutch company KCAP and became widely known in the architectural and urban planning circles in Russia.

Another project was the creation of the Perm State Museum of Modern Art in the building of an abandoned city river station.

In 2009-2010 On the initiative of Gordeev, two international architectural competitions were held in Perm: for the reconstruction of the building of the Museum of Modern Art, where Yuri Grigoryan's architectural bureau "Project-Meganom" won, and for the choice of an architectural solution for the reconstruction of the existing building and the construction of a new stage for the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after .