After registering an individual entrepreneur, you must choose a taxation system by submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service within 5 to 10 days. Then you need to receive a letter from the Pension Fund and Rosstat statistics codes. If you have employees, also do not forget to register with the Social Insurance Fund as an employer!


Just the other day you took a small step in the big world of business - you officially became an entrepreneur. But what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur, where to go and what to do? Unfortunately, the paperwork doesn't end there.

Preparation and submission of documents: what, where, when?

So, after completing registration with the Federal Tax Service, you should have the following documents in your hands:

  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • TIN certificate (if you have not received one before).

But these documents are not enough to conduct full-fledged legal activities. Therefore, you, an entrepreneur without employees, will have to go through the following authorities with the following goals:

Table 1. Standard list of actions after registration
Name of bodyWhat to do?

Submit an application to switch to a specific tax regime:

  • simplified tax system (within 10 days from the date of registration);
  • UTII (within 5 days from the date of start of use);
  • PSN (no more than 10 days before the start of use).

Receive a letter of registration as an individual entrepreneur within 30 days

Receive statistics codes (Information letter about accounting in the Unified State Register of Industrial Organizations) for maintaining and submitting reports, generating documentation (information is also available on the Rosstat website)

All aspiring entrepreneurs are required to perform the above actions. Further submission of applications depends on the specifics of the activity:

Table 2. Actions after registering an individual entrepreneur for certain types of business.
Name of bodyWhy and what to do?

Pension Fund and Federal Tax Service

If necessary, open a bank account (entrepreneurs are not obliged to do this). If opened, notify the Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund of the account by submitting applications in the prescribed form.

If it is necessary to install a cash register, enter into a service agreement with the service provider, registering the cash register (additionally, attach a lease agreement for the premises where the device will be located).


Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, etc.

Submit to the relevant authority a notification about the start of activity, if it is mentioned in clause 1, article 8 of Federal Law No. 249 of December 26, 2008 (hotel business, personal services, catering services and others)

A few words about individual entrepreneurs with employees

If you are going to hire workers, you have to do a few more things:

Both government agencies will need to submit the following documents:

  • employment contract;
  • copy of TIN;
  • copy of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • copy of OGRN;
  • SNILS.

After this, you can safely focus on running your business. But do not forget to submit reports to the Federal Tax Service in a timely manner, and also correctly calculate contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Security, paying them on time!

    After state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur, the Federal Tax Service issues the following documents:

    • Certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur
    • TIN certificate of an individual (if it was not previously obtained)
    • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

  1. It is necessary to obtain from the Pension Fund a notification of registration of an individual entrepreneur as an insurer
    (sometimes sent by mail)

  2. It is necessary to obtain a notification from the territorial tax office about the possibility of applying a simplified taxation system
    (if you submitted an application for a simplified system when registering an individual entrepreneur or within 5 days after registration)

  3. It is necessary to submit an application to the tax office for the application of the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income:
    (within 5 days after concluding the lease agreement) and receive from the tax office a notification for individual entrepreneurs about the possibility of applying the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income
    (at the tax office at the place of the lease agreement where the activity is carried out as an individual entrepreneur)

  4. Further, at the request of an individual entrepreneur, you can order a print
    (but an individual entrepreneur is not required to have it)

  5. The next step is to receive an Information Letter about registration in the USRPO (“STATISTICS CODES”)

  6. If necessary, we open a current account for an individual as an individual entrepreneur in a bank:
    (an individual entrepreneur does not have a direct obligation to open a bank account).
    After opening an account, the bank issues a certificate (or letter) about opening a current account, which contains all your details and the date of opening the current account.

  7. Within 7 calendar days after opening a bank account:
    an individual entrepreneur is obliged to notify the territorial Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund about opening a current account by submitting an application in the prescribed form to these structures.
    If you do not notify the territorial Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service in time, then penalties will be applied, the fine amounts from five to ten thousand rubles.

    Download forms for notification of opening/closing of a current account:

    After opening an additional account or closing current current accounts:
    Within 7 calendar days, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to notify the territorial Federal Tax Service and the Pension Fund about the opening (closing) of a current account by submitting an application in the prescribed form to these structures. If you do not notify the territorial Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service in time, then penalties will be applied, the fine amounts from five to ten thousand rubles. If an individual entrepreneur has hired employees, then the obligation to notify the closure and opening of accounts also applies to the Social Insurance Fund; penalties for failure to notify the Social Insurance Fund are similar.

  8. If an individual entrepreneur needs a cash register, then it is necessary:
    buy a cash register, conclude a service agreement with the technical service center, and, together with the technical specialist of the center, register the cash register with the territorial tax office (register at the place of registration). Also, the tax office is provided with a lease agreement for the premises where the cash register will be located (if there is a premises) . If an individual entrepreneur does not have time to register a cash register, then you can send a power of attorney, but the power of attorney must be notarized.

  9. Also, for a number of types of activities, an individual entrepreneur may not use a cash register:
    An individual entrepreneur can use strict reporting forms or issue a document at the buyer’s request confirming the fact that money has been received. Please note that if you decide not to use a cash register, being sure that the law allows you to do so in the case of your activity, you must be 100% sure of this, because in case of an error, individual entrepreneurs have fines for accepting money without using cash registers from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for each fact of accepting money.

  10. If an individual entrepreneur wants to hire employees:
    The individual entrepreneur is obliged to notify the territorial Social Insurance Fund within ten days, and within thirty days to notify the territorial Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and receive notification of registration as an employer. If this is not done on time, then penalties will apply, starting from five thousand rubles. This procedure is carried out when hiring employees for the first time. If all employees are dismissed, then the Individual Entrepreneur is obliged to submit statements to the territorial Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that the individual entrepreneur is no longer an employer.

After all these procedures, or part of such procedures, an individual entrepreneur can begin activities.

Please note that this material contains only general points that you need to pay attention to after registering an individual entrepreneur. Issues related to the activities of each individual entrepreneur must be considered in the context of the type of activity they carry out, which may require additional actions by a person who is an individual entrepreneur in interaction with various regulatory authorities and other authorities.

The materials on this page are subject to the rules set out in the section “Notification of risks when applying consultations and explanations” located on this website at http://site/uvedomlenie.php

Many individual entrepreneurs who have completed the state registration procedure with the tax service are concerned about what to do next after registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019. In our article today we will look at what steps need to be taken after.

After an individual entrepreneur has received documents from the tax office (the issuance of a Certificate of State Registration as an Individual Entrepreneur has been canceled since January 1, 2017; only an Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is issued), he needs to take a number of actions, namely:

1. Choice of taxation system

Let us remind you that in the Russian Federation in 2019 the following tax regimes apply:

  • UTII();
  • Unified Agricultural Tax (Unified Agricultural Tax).

Please note that immediately after state registration, the individual entrepreneur is automatically listed on OSNO. At the same time, the entrepreneur has the right to use other taxation systems.

An individual entrepreneur can switch to the simplified tax system within 30 days from the date of registration by submitting the appropriate application (on form No. 26.2-1). If he does not submit an application to switch to this tax regime within the period established by law, then this can only be done in the next calendar year.

All other tax regimes are not so strictly tied to the transition dates.

2. Registration in funds (PFR and Social Insurance Fund)

So, what to do next after registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019. Upon completion of the state registration procedure, the Federal Tax Service transfers the information to the Pension Fund. Thus, an individual entrepreneur does not need to register with this fund.

Let us remind you that previously individual employers had to register with the Pension Fund within thirty days from the date of hiring the first employee. To do this, it was necessary to provide to the Pension Fund:

  • application (posted on the official website of the Pension Fund);
  • passport and its photocopy;

Since 2017, there is no need to register as an employer with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, since since then the Federal Tax Service has been administering pension and medical contributions. Therefore, the above steps for registering with the Pension Fund of Russia in 2019 do not need to be completed.

The situation with the FSS is different. If an individual entrepreneur does not have employees, then they cannot register. If the individual entrepreneur is an employer, then he is given 30 days by law to register with the Social Insurance Fund in 2019 (from the date of concluding an employment contract with the employee). You must provide the FSS with:

  • application (posted on the official website of the FSS);
  • certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur or license to carry out certain activities and its photocopy;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN) and a photocopy of it;
  • an employment contract concluded with the first employee and a photocopy of it.

3. Making a seal

In accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs have the right to work without a seal. Despite this state of affairs, printing has its advantages. For example, an entrepreneur who works with printing inspires more trust from business partners. In addition, the seal gives more credibility to the individual entrepreneur.

4. Letter from the statistics department

After completing the registration procedure, the entrepreneur must visit the statistics department. There he should be given a letter that contains all the statistical data and IP codes.

This letter will help in opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in a bank.

5. Opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur in a bank

It should be noted that according to the law, opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur is an optional procedure. Not every individual entrepreneur needs it.

For example, if an entrepreneur is engaged in providing services to citizens, then he does not need a bank account. But if it is planned that in the future the individual entrepreneur will work with organizations, then having a current account in a bank is simply necessary.

An individual entrepreneur can choose any bank he likes and open an account there by submitting a package of required documents.

Let us remind you that there is no longer any need to notify an individual entrepreneur about opening a current account at a bank. Banks, in turn, notify the Pension Fund and the Federal Tax Service themselves.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a bank account are posted on this page.

6. Cash register

From July 1, 2019, all individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the taxation regime, are required to use a cash register.

Registration of a cash register is carried out at the tax service where the entrepreneur opened an individual entrepreneur. Details of registering a cash register can be found in this material.

7. Registration with Rospotrebnadzor

For some types of individual entrepreneur activities, it is necessary to provide a package of documents to Rospotrebnadzor.

In general, these are all the steps that an individual entrepreneur needs to take after completing the state registration procedure in 2019.

If you still have questions about what to do after registering an individual entrepreneur in 2019, you can ask them in the comments to this page.

Many beginning entrepreneurs believe that the main thing is to register with the tax authorities, and then they can work and earn serious money by engaging in business activities. But practice shows that this is not entirely true. Firstly, you must have an idea for a business, and secondly, you will need to do a lot of important things to facilitate accounting and prevent sanctions from regulatory authorities. In this article we will look atwhat steps need to be taken and what, in general, to pay attention to in order to successfully run a business.


In order to open an individual entrepreneur, you just need to contact the local tax office, submit an application, provide your passport and Taxpayer Identification Number, and pay a fee of 800 rubles. After this, within 5 days you will receive documents and become a full-fledged entrepreneur. This status imposes on you certain responsibilities in parallel with your rights, such as regular reporting, payment of insurance premiums and taxes, maintaining the necessary documentation, etc.Let's consider seven main questions about what an entrepreneur needs to do after he has passed the state registration procedure with the tax authority.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is the first step on the road to success

Choosing tax systems

When applying for registration, it is best to immediately inform the inspectors that you want to work on a simplified system. If this is not done, then you will have thirty days to choose a suitable system. Let us remind you that you choose the order of payment and calculation of taxes. There are several tax systems in Russia that are suitable for a particular type of activity. You need to understand them in order to choose the best option for your business. There are five main options:

  1. The general system under which an entrepreneur pays 13% tax, calculated from the difference between income minus expenses. On the common system, entrepreneurs pay VAT, which significantly reduces the attractiveness of the common system for small businesses.
  2. Simplified system. The best option for many beginning entrepreneurs. You pay 6 percent of the amount of income received and do not pay VAT. It is noteworthy that the rate under the simplified tax system is floating, depending on the region (it can be reduced to 1%).
  3. Simplified taxation system Income minus expenses 15%. A good option for those who incur expenses in the process of doing business. The tax rate can also be reduced to 5% depending on the region, and if the amount of income is equal to or less than expenses, then 1% of income is paid.
  4. UTII, which is imposed on certain types of activities. Suitable for retail trade, provision of various services, veterinary services, placement of advertising structures, etc.
  5. Unified agricultural tax, which is imposed on agricultural producers. This tax applies only to them, allowing them to reduce the burden and increase the profitability of farming.

Attention:If, upon registration, an entrepreneur does not indicate the taxation system, then by default he is placed on the general one, which is considered the most unfavorable. To optimize costs and reduce the burden, switch to a simplified tax regime that suits your purposes.

So now you knowimmediately choose a tax system and study its nuances. Remember that if you delay filing your declaration, your current accounts will be blocked and sanctions will be imposed in the form of fines and various penalties, so always adhere to the specified deadlines. You can also receive a maximum payment from the pension fund of 154 thousand rubles. Officials will think that since you do not submit a declaration, then you have exceeded the norm, and they will charge you a full payment.

Remember about tax holidays

If you become an individual entrepreneur for the first time, you may fall under the influence of tax holidays (in the case of working on the PSN and simplified tax system). This means that you will have a zero tax rate for 24 months. That is, in fact, you will not pay taxes at all for the first 2 years. But this does not apply to all individual entrepreneurs, but only to certain areas of activity that are determined by the regional authorities. Carefully study the legislation and regional regulations, because two years without taxes is an excellent option for beginning entrepreneurs.

Register with the tax office last

Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs

In addition to the traditional tax, every entrepreneur must pay contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. It should be noted that since 2018, the tax service began collecting contributions, since the pension and medical funds cannot cope with these responsibilities.

Attention:The amount of contributions changes every year. For example, in 2017 it was equal to 25 thousand rubles + 1% of income if its size exceeds 300 thousand rubles.

For newly registered individual entrepreneurs, the size is smaller. Contributions must be paid for the entire time you are working. That is, it cannot be said that you are not conducting business activities or are not making a profit, and therefore are not going to pay royalties. More precisely, it is possible to say, but this would be a violation of the requirements of the law with all the ensuing consequences. There are several exceptions when the suspension of payments to the Pension Fund and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund can be carried out. This is done in three cases:

  1. The individual entrepreneur was drafted into the army for compulsory service.
  2. He is the guardian of parents who are over 80 years old.
  3. He is the guardian of a disabled child, a disabled person of the 1st degree, or simply takes care of a baby who is not yet one and a half years old.

In these cases, accrual is not automatically suspended. You need to collect documents and prove that you are really in a difficult situation by providing certificates from the hospital, etc. Therefore, you do not need to run and register with the tax office at the first opportunity, and then ask the question: I opened an IP, what to do next? You will be subject to taxes and contributions even if you do not operate. Therefore, either open up when the idea has already been thought out and the launch of a new enterprise is on the horizon, or, conversely, deregister if you plan to take a break for several months. In this case, you will need to pay a fee of 160 rubles, and when you are able to return to activity, you will simply register again.

Submitting a notice

If you have registered as an individual entrepreneur, this does not mean that all relevant services will know about you. For example, the law provides for the mandatory submission of an application to the Rospotrebnadzor office stating that you have started activities. This is necessary for Rospotrebnadzor to include you in its inspection plan. There is no need to be afraid of this: the first scheduled inspection will take place only three years after registration. But unscheduled ones can take place at any time due to a complaint against you from a client, tax office, law enforcement officers, consumer protection, etc.

Attention:This requirement does not apply to all types of businesses, so check with the tax office when registering whether you need to submit an application and report the start of business activities. If you do not notify Rospotrebnadzor, you will be fined 5 thousand rubles.

If you do not plan to conduct business, close the individual entrepreneur

Opening a current account

What actions after registering an individual entrepreneur need to be done further? If you plan to work not only with ordinary individuals, accepting money from them through a cash register, but also with other companies and organizations (including budget ones), then contact a financial institution and open your own current account. You can choose a bank yourself by studying their conditions for maintaining an account - they are different everywhere, so you won’t be able to give any advice by default.

Russian legislation prohibits working with cash under contracts for amounts exceeding 100,000 rubles. If the contract is concluded for a large amount, then you must work through a current account so that sanctions are not applied to you. Please note that we are not talking about a one-time transfer of money for the goods, but for the total amount of the contract. For example, you enter into a rental agreement for premises, paying 20 thousand per month for it. The contract was concluded for a year, so the total payment amount is 240 thousand, which falls under the limit of 100 thousand rubles.

Many entrepreneurs are afraid of non-cash payments because they are more expensive to service (you need to pay for account maintenance, cash withdrawals, etc.). But with the right approach, you will dramatically increase the number of clients, and you won’t have to cash out money - you will spend it on purchasing raw materials, goods and other services from your counterparties. Also, non-cash allows you to organize the acceptance of payments from individuals via bank cards, which is practiced today with almost every purchase.

Official registration as the insuring party

This step must be taken by everyone who is going to hire employees and workers. It makes no difference whether you are going to enter into civil contracts with them, classic employment contracts or fixed-term ones: in any case, you pay insurance plus wages, while filing reports and transferring personal income tax. Since 2017, accounting for insurance funds and general administration of revenues has been carried out by the tax service, but some of the reports are sent to the social insurance fund and the Pension Fund.

Why should you register as an insured party? There are two factors here. Firstly, the registration procedure in these services takes up to 30 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract. If you do not register, then the Pension Fund will fine you 10 thousand rubles and the Social Insurance Fund will fine you 20 thousand rubles. Secondly, refusal to register becomes the reason for an extraordinary inspection with all the ensuing consequences, so it is better to do everything yourself.

Attention:To register, you need to submit an application to the Social Insurance Fund and the tax office. The Federal Tax Service itself will notify the pension fund of registration and contributions made.

Remember to file returns and pay taxes

Nuances of entrepreneurship

Above we looked at the key points of what to do afterLet's look at what an entrepreneur cannot do in the course of business activities:

  1. Impossibility of sale as a company. Essentially, an individual entrepreneur is an ordinary person and he does not have a company, so he cannot sell the business as such. That is, he can sell off the premises, equipment, remaining goods in the warehouse, even transfer the customer base and the name of the store to the new owner, but the new owner will have to re-register everything again. If the work was carried out under a license, then it must be obtained by the new owner. It will be necessary to re-issue permits with the SES and fire inspectorate,obtain various permits, renew contracts, etc.
  2. The name of an individual entrepreneur cannot be changed. More precisely, it can only be changed if the passport data has changed (for example, during marriage). An individual entrepreneur cannot call himself “Lana” or “Kosior”; in documents he will be listed exclusively by his full name. You can, of course, create your own trademark, but, in essence, this will not change anything.
  3. Knowing the responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur after registration , you must remember that double registration of an entrepreneur is not possible. That is, if you can create an essentially infinite number of LLCs for each type of activity, then there can only be one individual entrepreneur.
  4. Entrepreneurship cannot be inherited, leased or transferred to a manager. You can find many such offers on the Internet, but be aware that this is illegal and you face serious fines for circumventing the law. You cannot appoint a manager for your business, although, of course, you can hire a manager and entrust him with the main work, including filing returns with the tax office.

    Step-by-step instructions for individual entrepreneurs on how to obtain statistics codes, how to register with funds, whether you need a bank account and whether it is necessary to have a stamp.

    Get statistics codes

    What are statistics codes?
    Statistics codes are a notification sheet that includes codes assigned to the individual entrepreneur:

    • OKPO is the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations;
    • OKATO is the All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative-Territorial Division;
    • OKTMO is the All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories;
    • OKOPF is the All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms;
    • OKFS is the All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership;
    • OKOGU is the All-Russian Classifier of State Government and Management Bodies.

    What are statistics codes for?
    Statistics codes will be needed at the bank if you open an account, they will be needed when filling out tax returns and in other cases. Therefore, it is imperative to obtain statistics codes.

    How much does it cost to get statistics codes?
    You can get statistics codes yourself for free. There is no state duty.

    How to find out statistics codes?

    You can get statistics codes in two ways:

    • contact in person
    You can find your territorial authority using the Rosstat link (opens in a new window). You need to have with you all the documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs received from the tax office, and a passport. The application for assignment of statistics codes must be written on the spot.
    • through Rosstat online service (will also open in a new window)
    Using the Rosstat service is easy. Follow the link. Don’t be confused by the strange FSGS - this is the Federal State Statistics Service.
    Enter your data into the form. Only TIN is possible. If you don’t have it at hand, make an online statement through the tax service. It's free and won't take more than a minute.
    When you enter your TIN on the Rosstat website, your codes will appear in the search results directly on this page.

    I advise you to export the notification, print it and store it. Probably someone will say: why, if everything is online? Agree. But I seem to be from the school that trusts paper documents more. I printed it out and put it in a folder, so it’s always at hand. You never know what will happen to the online service at the right time. In addition, you can simply lose the link you need, and then waste extra time searching. So decide for yourself which is more convenient for you.

    Register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund

    PFR is the Pension Fund of Russia, and FSS is the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Registration with these funds occurs automatically, as lawyers say - without application. There is no need to go anywhere. The tax office independently transmits data about the new individual entrepreneur to both the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. Next, the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund will register you as an individual entrepreneur, and they will send you a notification of registration.
    We also store this document.

    Open a bank account


    The question is does an individual entrepreneur need a current account, is at the intersection of legal and accounting knowledge. From a legal point of view, there is no direct mandatory requirement for an individual entrepreneur to have a current account. In fact, it all depends on the types of activities and the procedure for calculations that you are going to carry out and, of course, on the type of taxation. A clear answer - yes or no - is not suitable in this case.

    First: if an individual entrepreneur works on an imputed basis (= pays the Unified Tax on imputed income), then the state receives fixed payments. And it (the state) does not need to see other turnovers and transactions in this case. Consequently, in this case, a current account for an individual entrepreneur may not be opened (if non-cash payments are not required for counterparties).

    Second: if the type of taxation is different - for example, general, simplified - then the individual entrepreneur either has a cash register - and then the state will look at transactions according to cash reports, or you need a current account - in this case, use your own, say, already opened for an individual , a bank account is not possible, because for taxation the state needs to see transactions; if the account receives money from both a business and a transfer from an uncle/aunt, these amounts are merged and then it will be very difficult to explain how the taxable base was obtained. Therefore, the account for Ivanov’s individual entrepreneur and Ivanov’s account are different accounts. Plus, if you work with contractors under contracts, then for internal accounting it is also heterogeneous, when the party to the contract is IP Ivanov, and the money goes to the current account of simply Ivanov. There are also special clauses in bank agreements for servicing a current account that directly prohibit the use of an individual’s account for business activities.

    These are the subtleties of a current account for individual entrepreneurs.

    Before you open a bank account, be sure to look at and compare the terms of service and prices at several different banks. To choose the best bank for yourself, study: how much does servicing a current account cost (per year/per month), how much does a client bank cost (the ability to work remotely with the bank), if suddenly servicing a bank account is free, find out what the size of the commission is for each transactions (it still won’t be free :)), are there any promotions for new individual entrepreneurs - for example, there are banks that register individual entrepreneurs (that is, prepare documents) and open a current account for free, there are those that give a promotional code for a certain amount to create advertising in Yandex.Direct or Google.Adwords, plus other attractive discounts - be sure to find out how long such promotions last and what the cost of banking services will be later.

    It is also useful to find out how long banking transactions take - that is, how long it will take for money to flow from account to account. Normal period is 1 working day.
    And finally: managing your money in a bank account for an individual entrepreneur is much easier than, for example, an LLC. The individual entrepreneur can simply withdraw and that’s it. And an LLC needs grounds for withdrawal - for salary, for household purposes. expenses, payment of dividends, etc.

    From September 1, 2016, when opening a current account, individual entrepreneurs no longer have to provide the bank with a certificate of registration with the tax authority.

    Order a print

    Not required, but recommended

    For an individual entrepreneur, a seal is desirable, but not required. Not a single Russian law stipulates the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to have a seal.

    But business customs are developing in such a way that it is still better to have a seal. For example, the tax service itself explained in one of its letters that a power of attorney issued by an individual entrepreneur to a representative, but not having a seal, must be notarized. While for powers of attorney that have a seal, such certification is not required.

    To order a print, you can contact any company that provides such services. I recommend that you have documents confirming your registration as an individual entrepreneur. A company employee will make copies for making a seal, and, of course, return the originals to you.