Classical music from Pyotr Tchaikovsky's ballet based on Hoffmann's fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.”

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What is it, Tchaikovsky's music from The Nutcracker?

A little New Year's, a little children's and very, very touching. You won't find a better playlist of classical music on a winter evening, especially when there is a small child in the house. The concepts of beauty are laid down from the very first years of life, hearing development is rapid and it is important not to miss the moment of acquaintance with the real, live music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

There is a polka, a waltz, a march, and even a mazurka. With one such playlist you can introduce your child to almost all musical variations. Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Russian dances - each is like a small story with notes of the musical heritage of peoples.

Listening to music while reading a book is amazing!

The immortal ballet The Nutcracker is traditionally associated with Christmas and New Year, like Hoffmann's fairy tale itself, although people love to listen to music at any time of the year. Most of the melodies are used by kindergartens and schools in staging matinees. And with the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Christmas comes with light steps...

Moments of reading a fairy tale with musical accompaniment can become real magic, especially on a winter evening. Such memories will remain with the child for years and will warm him in difficult times.

Literary and musical lounge based on the fairy tale by E.T.A. Hoffmann "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"

to the 240th anniversary of the German writer, artist, composer E.T.A. Hoffman; to the 200th anniversary of the writing of the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” in collaboration with the city children's library
Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, teacher of the primary education class of the 1st category, class teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of the material: I offer you a New Year's leisure scenario for organizing and conducting literary and musical themed leisure in the classroom, in a group; for organizing festive events dedicated to the anniversary of the writer and work; for extracurricular activities in the course “Visiting a Fairy Tale.” This material will be useful to primary school teachers; class teachers, GPA teachers, librarians; for children 7 - 8 years old.
Target: organizing children's New Year's leisure, creating a festive mood, developing creative imagination and initiative.
- introduce the content of E. T. A. Hoffmann’s fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”;
- develop interest in reading;
- develop a culture of communication; to form the creative activity of schoolchildren;
- develop the creative potential of children;
- develop the ability to speak in front of an audience;

Relevance of the material
January 24, 2016 marked the 240th anniversary of the birth of Ernst Hoffmann, the legendary German writer, composer, and artist.

And already on December 16, 2016 - 200 years since the creation of his immortal work “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”.
Preliminary work: reading and discussion of excerpts from E. Hoffmann’s book “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”; learning dialogues, preparing solo numbers; listening to excerpts of musical works from the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker"; viewing and discussion of the animated film “The Nutcracker”.

The history of the creation of the fairy tale
“The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” is a fairy tale by Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, published in the collection “Children's Fairy Tales”. The work was written under the influence of the author’s communication with the children of his friend Julian Gitzig; their names - Fritz and Marie - were given to the main characters of The Nutcracker. Based on the fairy tale, a ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky was created in two acts with a libretto by Marius Petipa. The work was repeatedly filmed and became the basis for animated films.

On Christmas evening, Fritz and Marie - the children of the medical adviser Stahlbaum - receive many gifts from their parents: dolls, a wooden horse, toy hussars, tiny dishes, picture books. Godfather Drosselmeyer presents them with a miniature castle with golden towers, through the halls of which ladies and gentlemen move. A little later, the children are introduced to another toy - a small ugly man named the Nutcracker, who can crack hard nuts.
Before going to bed, Marie lingers near the closet, in which the gifts were put away for the night, and finds herself witnessing the battle. It is led by the seven-headed Mouse King, who emerged from under the floor with his army, and an army of living dolls, led by the Nutcracker. The girl tries to protect the little man, but she feels pain in her arm and falls to the floor. Waking up in her bed, she tries to tell her mother and doctor about the night battle, but they consider her story to be echoes of her illness. The godfather who visited Marie brings the repaired Nutcracker and says that he was once Drosselmeyer’s Nuremberg nephew, a kind and noble young man. He turned into a tiny freak by the will of Queen Myshilda. The Nutcracker can return to its original appearance,

but for this it is necessary that he defeat the Mouse King, and that a beautiful lady falls in love with him.

Meeting with the fairy tale "A living fairy tale"

Characters and performers:
Storyteller - Maksimova R.I. (librarian)
Nutcracker - Bogdan, 7 years old
Mouse King - Egor, 7 years old
Marie - Polina, 7 years old
Fritz - Artem, 7 years old
Dream Marie - Angelina, 7 years old
Terrible mouse - Kira, 7 years old
students of 1st "A" class
- Hello, dear friends! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? I am very glad that today we have children who not only love, but also read fairy tales. Today we will meet not just a magical, but also a musical fairy tale in which magical dreams come to life.
And here is our fairy tale - “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.” She's the birthday girl this year. She turned 200 years old on December 16th.
And in order to correctly name the author’s surname, I suggest answer the quiz questions:

1. An item with which you can establish the authenticity of the princess. (Pea)

2. He delivers the girl to the borders of the ice kingdom in the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen's "The Snow Queen". (Deer)

3. The object of Sharik’s dreams from Prostokvashino. (Camera gun)

4. The cleanest hero from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky. (Moidodyr)

5. The nickname of the poodle from the fairy tale about the adventures of Pinocchio. (Artemon)

6. The name of the boy who traveled with the wild geese. (Nils)

As the children answer the questions, a “living surname” appears on the stage, made up of the first letters of the guessed words.

For 200 years now, the story of the Nutcracker, written by Hoffmann in 1816, has enchanted and inspired artists, poets, readers, and viewers. This story retains its novelty because it appeals to faith in miracles. And faith in miracles lives in each of us.
New Year is coming again
And everyone is waiting impatiently,
That magic will happen.
We open the veil of secrecy
And we invite everyone to the fairy tale...
(The flute sounds, the curtain opens)

It all started on a festive evening on Christmas Eve on the streets of Germany, somewhere between a dream and reality.
It was already completely dark, and the streets were empty, only fluffy and soft snow continued to fall to the ground. Merry festive preparations were underway in the house of Medical Advisor Stahlbaum. Little Marie and Fritz were given many New Year's gifts.
Marie and Fritz come on stage to the Christmas tree

- Where are the gifts?
- So here they are!
- My favorite ball, dear Fritz, look!
(points to the Christmas tree, admires the Christmas tree decorations)
- What a box! (looks inside)
- Row of soldiers! Tomorrow I will organize a military parade!
- Oh, what a gift, look quickly! (addresses Marie)
- An elegant doll for little Marie! (gives her the box)
- This is the godfather’s castle, just like a real one, it’s filled with the life of graceful dolls!
- They gave us a lot of toys, but we didn’t open this box.
(Marie takes the Nutcracker out of the box)
- It's a nutcracker! (enthusiastically)
Fritz (looking at the Nutcracker):
- How ugly!
- But he is brave,
But the strongest!
I won't let anyone hurt him,
He will stand by our Christmas tree.

- Well, stop making noise, it's time to sleep, kids!
And your toys will wait for the morning!
(The children leave the stage, quiet music sounds, Marie has a wonderful dream)
Dance "Son Marie" is performed

(The chimes sound)
The clock struck 12 times dully and hoarsely. And then a strange giggle and squeak was heard from everywhere, and running and stomping began behind the wall, as if thousands of tiny paws and thousands of tiny lights were looking through the cracks in the floor. But these were not lights, no, but the small sparkling eyes of mice. The Mouse King himself has come to us!
The Mouse King appears on stage to the music of Chinese dance.
Mouse King:
-Have you seen my nimble kids?
Mouse King I am the father of all mice!
I’ll ruin your holiday, I’ll tell you not jokingly -
You will remember the king for a long time!
I will eat all the candies, I will take revenge on you!
And I won’t let you in with your gifts!
Even the Nutcracker is tough for me,
I'll rip him in half in an instant!
Come on, mice, quickly come here,
The Nutcracker is in big trouble!
(Mice run up to the King to the music)

Terrible Mouse:
- Let's nibble on the treat!
Let's break the toys!
And we'll grab the Christmas tree
All the way to the top!
Although the Nutcracker is a brave man,
But he will come to an end!
The brave Nutcracker does not sleep, is not afraid,
He immediately wants to fight with the mice!
The Nutcracker (without a saber) comes on stage to the march.

My soldiers, come out quickly,
Let's drive away the nasty mice from their holes!
Their place should be in the damp basement!
Follow me! We will defeat the enemy!
Mouse King:
We are not afraid of you, where is your saber?
And the army is not visible, even I’m offended! (laughs)
Guys, let's help the Nutcracker fight the Mouse King!

Game program “Battle between the army of the Nutcracker and the army of the Mouse King”

First battle "Find the saber"

To defeat the Mouse King in a fair fight, you need to find his saber.
On the slide there are drawings of various sabers, the guys choose the correct answer, and the saber appears in the hands of the Nutcracker.

Second battle "Right-Left"

The presenter shows the children a scoreboard on which mice run left and right. You need to correctly count how many mice run to the right and how many to the left.
Third battle "Find the nut"

Balloons are tied to the players’ feet, and a “magic nut” is hidden in one of them. You need to burst your neighbor's balloon with your foot and find a nut.
Fourth battle "Take off the crown"

There are 7 mouse pictures on the cardboard tree, with paper crowns inserted into the slots. To break the spell, players must remove all 7 crowns with their eyes closed.
Hooray! The toys have won!
The Nutcracker has been released from his spell!
So let's continue to have fun
And it's fun to dance!
The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds, the guys dance and release balloons.





named after Yu.F. Goryacheva

methodological association of teachers


Musical - literary - choreographic composition



Bychkova L.F.

piano teacher

Novoulyanovsk 2014

Subject: musical literary and choreographic composition “The Nutcracker”

Age audience: 7+

Participants: 23 people

Form of conduct: the concert is composed in the form of a fairy tale

Type: obtaining new information

Target: formation of a sense of aesthetic perception and empathy for the works of Russian musical classics


educational- acquaintance with the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, German writer T.A. Hoffmann, choreographer M. Petipa

educational– creating an emotionally positive, fairy-tale atmosphere: the fight against evil forces that interfere with human happiness, the victory of goodness and true love

developing ie - the formation of musical taste, the ability to penetrate into the artistic image of a musical work

Expected Results: synthesis of literature and music, interest in creating ballet, popularization of classics among the population, formation of an interested audience and listeners.

Hall decoration: two pianos, sound amplification equipment, multimedia, decorations, literary publications, portraits of musical heroes and the composer.


The name of Tchaikovsky opens one of the brilliant pages of Russian musical culture of the 19th century. The work of this composer occupies a significant place in Russian music. It is distinguished by amazing melodic richness. A subtle connoisseur of the human soul, he captured in his music the whole world of experiences of Russian people of his time. Having written many works of a sad, elegiac nature, Tchaikovsky constantly turned to bright images that embodied the poetry of dreams and a feeling of complete happiness. With all the depth and richness of various psychological shades, Tchaikovsky’s lyrics are distinguished by exceptional spontaneity, emotional “openness”, and the ability to influence the human soul...

Those who visited the theater for the performances “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”, “Eugene Onegin”, “Iolanta” will not forget the joy and excitement caused by the sincere and unusually beautiful music of P.I. Tchaikovsky. It sounds on all continents and finds ardent fans everywhere. The musical language of the great lyricist is so bright that it is recognizable in any work, be it a complex symphony or a simple children's play.

Well, friends, do you want to listen to the fairy tale about the Nutcracker and the Mouse King?

Frankly speaking, I myself don’t really know whether this is a fairy tale or a true story. They say everything that you will hear about now actually happened, only a very, very long time ago. The authors of this wonderful fairy tale are Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and ... this fairy tale is extraordinary because it is musical. And it will be told by wonderful Music: mischievous and sad, tender and solemn.

Now sit back and listen carefully...

    “Overture” (Polyakova Ya.)

It all started on a wonderful New Year’s Eve, when in all the apartments of a small German town festive preparations were underway to welcome guests: in the living room there was a large fluffy Christmas tree, which the adults decorated with toys and lights, gifts were being prepared for the children, and from the kitchen came the delicious smells of preparing holiday treats . That is why Marie and Franz, the children of Councilor Stahlbaum, were not allowed into the living room all day.

    “Meeting the guests” (Krainova A.)

Finally it got dark, the clock struck nine times. The owl on the wall clock perked up, flapping its wings - and the holiday began. Everyone had a lot of fun - both adults and children, and especially Marie and Franz's aunt - Mother Zhigon.

    “Mother Zhigon” (Khoreva D.)

And here’s another surprise Stahlbaum prepared for the children: out of nowhere, a gentle oriental melody began to sound. The violins sang it soulfully, the tambourine accompanied their song with a magical tinkling, and then the oriental beauties glided in a smooth dance.

    "Arabian dance" (choreographers)

All the guests froze in surprise for a while, and the owner of the house, meanwhile, began distributing gifts. What a noise and commotion there was here! And now everyone is having fun around the Christmas tree, clutching precious gifts to their chests - mechanical wind-up dolls, soldiers, plush toys...

Fearing that the children will quickly break such expensive gifts, Marie and Franz’s father orders them to be taken to his office. Of course, the guys were very upset, but Drosselmeer, the godfather of Marie and Franz, takes it out of his pocket and gives them a funny Nutcracker man for cracking nuts. He was ugly

5. “The Nutcracker” (Maltseva A.)

Franz, having taken the Nutcracker away from Marie, forces him to gnaw on the largest nuts, causing the little man’s jaw... to break.

Marie wraps the Nutcracker's head, lulls him to sleep and lays him on the bed.

But then the father again calls all the guests to the Christmas tree, and all those present - big and small - dance the ancient dance - “Grossfather”.

6. “Grossfather” (Matyushina A.)

Well, it’s late and Mrs. Stahlbaum reminds the guests that it’s time for the children to go to bed. Marie wants to take the Nutcracker with her, but her father does not allow her to do this. The guests leave, the children are taken to bed and the hall remains empty for some time... (phonogram...)

As soon as everything calmed down, Marie, worried about the sick Nutcracker, decided to visit him and slowly entered the dark hall.

“Nutcracker, dear,” says Marie, picking up the toy, “forgive Franz, he did it by accident. I will take care of you and treat you...”

Before Marie had time to finish speaking, she suddenly felt that the doll in her hands had become warmer and was moving. In fear, Marie put it on the shelf. And the Nutcracker spoke!!!

Oh dear Marie! If only you knew how much you have done for me! I wasn't always an ugly Nutcracker! This is all the charm of the sorceress Myshilda, the queen of the Mouse Kingdom. Now only true love can free me from them. But who would love such an ugly freak? – the Nutcracker added sadly.

Marie wanted to shout that she was ready to help him, but fear constrained her, and she silently sank to the floor. The clock on the wall struck 12 times dully and hoarsely.

7. phonogram - “Battle of the mice”

And then a squeak, a squeal, a hiss was heard from everywhere, hundreds of claws scratched: mice! Mice! Their eyes shone more and more brightly, their hordes became more and more countless! Lots of mice were crawling out of all the cracks!

Like a menacing gray avalanche, the mouse army, led by the Mouse King, moved straight to the closet with toys, and there everything was already in motion: the toys came to life, the bunnies were sounding the alarm, the dolls were running around in fear. A detachment of gingerbread soldiers appears, which, under the leadership of the Nutcracker, forms into brilliant ranks and bravely goes on the offensive.

8.March" (Krainova A. - Gasanova I.)

But the forces were clearly not equal . The enemy mouse army begins an offensive and defeats the army of gingerbread soldiers. Now the mouse king with a victorious squeak is approaching the throat of the wounded Nutcracker. Another moment and...

And then Marie seemed to wake up and, without realizing what she was doing, she took off the wooden shoe from her left foot and, with all her strength, launched it into the thick of the mice, right into the Mouse King’s head.

At that same moment, everything disappeared at once: the mice disappeared, the room was empty. And only the Nutcracker lay motionless on the floor. Marie rushed to him crying:

Dear Nutcracker! Wake up, wake up! You couldn't die! I love you so much!


And then a miracle happened... The Nutcracker opened his eyes. But now he was no longer an ugly prince. The handsome prince stood in front of Marie and extended his hands to her. The magical power also touched Marie: she grew up, she is no longer a child.

The walls of the living room moved apart and disappeared. Marie and the Prince go on a fabulous journey. They found themselves in a magical Christmas forest. Everything here shone and sparkled, especially remarkable were the rare gold and silver fruits hanging on multi-colored stems, and the bows and bouquets of flowers that adorned the trunks and stems of the trees. With every breath of wind, a rustle arose in the branches and foliage, and the golden tinsel crunched and crackled, like jubilant music that carried away the sparkling lights, and they danced and jumped...

10. “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(Sapozhnikova N. – Orlova P.)

The Nutcracker led Marie further and further. Soon she was filled with sweet aromas that flowed from the wonderful grove. The Nutcracker clapped his hands, and immediately little shepherds and shepherdesses appeared, so tender and white that one might think they were made of pure sugar.

11. “Dance of the Shepherds” (choreography)

Finally, Marie and the Nutcracker found themselves at a stream running with a gentle murmuring and babbling: from which a wonderful aroma emanated.

This is the Orange Creek, said the Nutcracker, and except for its wonderful aroma, it cannot compare in beauty with the Lemonade River, which, like it, flows into the Lake of Almond Milk. Marie and the Prince boarded a boat, which turned out to be a golden nutshell, and sailed to the fabulous sweet city of Confiturenburg, which spread widely across a luxurious meadow strewn with flowers. The city shone not only with the rainbow colors of the walls and towers, but also with the bizarre shape of the buildings, completely different from ordinary houses. Instead of roofs, they were covered with skillfully woven wreaths, and the towers were entwined with lovely colorful garlands.

The large, amazingly beautiful square was already crowded with residents of the fairy-tale kingdom. There were smartly dressed gentlemen and ladies, officers and soldiers, shepherds, and clowns - in a word, every kind of people you can meet in this world. They had fun, laughed, joked and sang.

12.Trepak (choreographers)

When Marie and the Nutcracker passed through the gate, which seemed to be made of macaroons and candied fruits, silver soldiers stood guard, and a little man in a brocade dressing gown hugged the Nutcracker and said:

Welcome, dear prince! Welcome to Confiturenburg! Finally you're back!

“Here is my savior,” said the Nutcracker, pointing to Marie, “and if it weren’t for her, the nasty mouse king would have killed me!” And her devotion and love returned me to my former appearance!

Everyone thanked Marie; they didn’t know where to seat her or what to feed her tastier: wonderful fruits and sweets appeared, the likes of which Marie had never seen.

And then a cheerful celebration began in the palace: songs, jokes, dancing.

13. “Spanish dance” (choreographers)

Marie experienced delight and surprise when she found herself in front of a castle with a hundred aerial towers, glowing with a pink-scarlet glow. Suddenly very pleasant, gentle music began to sound quietly. The castle gates swung open, and 12 little pages came out with lit torches made from clove stems in their hands. Their heads were made of pearls, their bodies were made of rubies and emeralds, and they walked on skillfully made golden legs. She appeared behind them - the mistress of the sugar castle, the Sugar Plum Fairy, with her prince Whooping Cough.

14. “The Sugar Plum Fairy” (Nazarycheva S. – Kiryashina E. – Orlova V.)

And then the whole hall was filled with revived flowers - roses, tulips, gillyflowers, daffodils, carnations. They surrounded Marie and the Prince and began their picturesque dance to the sounds of a charming waltz.

15. “Waltz” (choreographers)

Somewhere something rustled, gurgled and sang; strange sounds dissolved in the distance. The rising waves carried Marie higher and higher... higher and higher... higher and higher...

But all this is just a magical dream. The night has passed, and with it the dreams of the night go away. A new day is coming. Marie is at home, near the Christmas tree, and on her lap is a Nutcracker doll...

16.Final waltz (S. G. Sorotskaya - L. F. Bychkova)

17. Phonogram - concert participants go on stage

So, friends, you have become acquainted with the wise, poetic fairy tale and wonderful music of “The Nutcracker”. This reflection on love and life with its joys and sorrows continues to delight and delight children and adults to this day. Today the students of the Children's Art School helped tell you this story: Yana Polyakova, Sofia Nazarycheva, Ekaterina Kiryashina, Veronika Orlova, Alena Maltseva, Anastasia Krainova, Daria Khoreva, Nadezhda Sapozhnikova, Polina Orlova, Ilkane Gasanova, Victoria Matyushina; choreographic ensemble "Caramels", choreographic ensemble "Hummingbird".

And also teachers: Bychkova L. F., Polesova Yu. N., Sorotskaya S. G., Kutaladze G. N., Loginova L. A., Shigaeva Yu. A., Loginova V. N., Timirzina M. Yu ., Tretyachenko S.V.

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