
Animal: Leader (4 book of 4) (Evgeny Shchepetnov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps

Year of release: 2018
Genre: , heroic fantasy
Publisher: 1C Publishing
Duration: 12:15:01
Continuation of the adventures of Adrus the Beast, the Master of Death! By the will of fate, he becomes an army dragoneer - an imperial rider who controls a giant dragon. Will Adrus be able to stay in the elite division, because he has many envious people? He considers himself a sword in the hand of the Creator, but suddenly a young beauty Delia, nicknamed the Iron Bitch, appears next to him, believing that she is the punishing hand of the Almighty. Delia is in love with Adrus and is trying to push his current lover, Zerga the Merciless, away from him...


Norman Legend - 4. Duchess of the Forest (book 4 of 4) (Simone Vilar)

Year of manufacture: 2012
Duration: 19:34:02
Description: Passionate love that knows no boundaries, forbidden dreams and their daring implementation, blood and violence - all this is masterfully intertwined on the pages of exciting novels, the action of which takes place in the amazing and mysterious era of the Middle Ages. The red-haired beauty Emma, ​​a princess from the Robertin family, becomes the wife of the Duke of Lorraine against her will. The vicissitudes of fate and the machinations of enemies doom...


Matthew Corbett-04. Rider of the Vanguard (Book 4 of 4) (Robert McCammon)

Year of release: 2018
Genre: , thriller
Duration: 17:53:42
Description: Rider of the Vanguard is the fourth book in a stunning series of historical thrillers starring Matthew Corbett, a human problem solver. The novel opens in the winter of 1703, with Matthew still shaken from his encounter with notorious serial killer Tyranus Slaughter. When a series of explosions occur in his Manhattan neighborhood, Matthew faces a new, unexpected problem. Someone is trying to attract...


The path to the origins: A different essence (4 book of 4) (Alexander Khinevich)

Year of release: 2018
Duration: 14:14:47
Description: The fantastic cycle “The Path to Origins” tells about the incredible events and adventures that happened to our contemporaries in the vast expanses of the universe. They affect the distant and near past, present and future of our earthly world. The fourth book, “Another Essence,” continues the story of the fascinating events that happened to military pensioner Stanislav Ivanovich, the description of which began...


Lords of the elements. The Coming of the Storm (Book 4 of 4) (Rachel Kane)

Year of manufacture: 2012
Duration: 14:21:19
Description: Joanne Baldwin, a former Guardian and now an assistant weather forecaster, finds herself in trouble again. It seems that in sunny Florida everyone cares about her: former fellow guardians suspect that Joanne is sending hurricanes, a policeman accuses his partner of murder, the genies even want to destroy her. And then, out of the blue, my sister arrives from California... All that remains is, gritting his teeth,...


The Last Temple: By Dark Paths (4 book of 4) (Art Bogdanov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 192kbps
Year of release: 2017
Duration: 09:22:55
Description: When “Good and Light” is on its tail, with the desire to enlighten how to be kind, it makes sense to hide in the Shadow. And other options are unacceptable. Moreover, the team chosen did not at all correspond to the bright lifestyle. Death Knight with the Truth of Hate Aura. A rabid lycan girl and a slightly insane vampire exile. It's time to check out how the dark side of the game is doing! Artorius is no good to anyone...


White Dragon: Awakened Gods (4 book of 4) (Alexander Logachev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Year of manufacture: 2015
Duration: 09:07:44
Description: Our compatriot, a former trapeze artist, won a high position in ancient Japan with his mind and sword. But, like Icarus once, he flew too high, and there were people who wanted to shorten his wings. Artem lost the main fight. Saving himself and the people loyal to him, he agreed to an honorable exile. He had to go to Russian lands at the head of the imperial embassy. The path is long, it lies...


Jackson Brody: Early Light, Together with a Dog (Book 4 of 4) (Kate Atkinson)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Year of manufacture: 2014
Duration: 15:06:58
Description: she already made a splash with her debut novel, which received the prestigious Whitbread Prize, beating out many eminent candidates - for example, Salman Rushdie with his “The Moor's Farewell Sigh.” However, real fame came to her with the publication of Crimes of the Past, the first book in the series about the Cambridge private detective Jackson Brody. The novel caused a storm of delight among critics, colleagues, and the general public...


All-Good Electricity: The Sleeper (Book 4 of 4) (Pavel Kornev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Year of manufacture: 2016
Duration: 14:58:42
Description: “The Sleeper” is a fantasy novel by Pavel Kornev, the fourth book in the “All-Good Electricity” series. New Babylon is the capital of the powerful Second Empire. Airships hover over the city, railways Steam locomotives are rushing, and factory chimneys do not stop smoking for a moment, and yet the primacy of science is not unconditional. Magic has not disappeared from the world; it is still dissolved in the blood of those who are called the shining ones. Convinced mechanists should not...


Rely on Psmith (Book 4 of 4) (Palham Granville Wodehouse)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Year of manufacture: 2014
Duration: 11:14:21
Description: “Lean on Psmith” is one of the most famous novels by a remarkable master of elegant prose. The hero of the novel investigates the theft of a diamond necklace in the ancient castle of an English aristocrat.
Add. information: Read from the publication: M. Text, 1994
Translation: from English Gurova
Cleared by: sky4all
Processed by: knigofil


Norman: Black Prince (4 book of 4) (Dmitry Svetlov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Year of manufacture: 2016
Duration: 12:47:12
Description: The Russians have many enemies - the descendants of the ancient glories. Lithuania and Persia, the Hanseatic League and the Great Steppe threaten life Ancient Rus'. The eternal battle for the Russian land is being waged by a man from the future, Prince of the Karelian lands Norman.
Add. information:
Cleared by: knigofil
Processed by: knigofil


Fang. Exodus (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) (4 book of 4) (Jerzy Tumanowski, Alexander Dyadishchev)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 320kbps
Author: ,
Year of manufacture: 2013
Duration: 02:21:09
Description: All of a sudden hell broke loose. At the beginning of the 21st century, after a new powerful explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, the surrounding territory became a Zone hostile to humans, filled with predatory mutants and deadly traps. However, local physical anomalies give rise to artifacts - incredibly valuable items for which the world scientific centers willing to pay a fortune. The most risky and fearless cars...

Evgeny Shchepetnov

© Shchepetnov E.V., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House "E", 2017

Evgeny Vladimirovich Shchepetnov is a modern Russian writer, author of books in the genre of science fiction and fantasy. Born in 1961. He worked as a geologist and oil worker, served in the police, and was an entrepreneur.

I started writing in 2011, just for the soul. He took up writing professionally in January 2012, publishing the chapters of his first fantasy book on Samizdat.

At the end of 2015, 39 books had been written, of which 30 had been published.

The rest are waiting in line for printing.

Hobbies: treasure hunting, hunting, diving.

- Where did you get that from?! They killed him! Or rather, he died himself! He was under the blue potion! She said it herself: no one in the whole world could move at such speed without the blue potion! And I’ll remind you, in case I forgot: after you drink this drug, there is no turning back. This is death!

– I feel it! It's him! That's right - him! And these Night Demons that killed people in Angir - they are connected with him, for sure! I was investigating! I asked everyone I could find, everyone I could find! And they told me: shortly before the events with us, he did not allow the puppy of these animals to be killed! Got it from the guys! And I feel that the attack on the capital of Angir is connected with him! And the way he dealt with the garmas killing the townspeople, his inhuman - according to witnesses - dexterity, ability to wield weapons! And even his appearance... He was nicknamed the Demon for the numerous scars on his face - perhaps he received them when he broke through to our emperor! And what did you survive after the blue potion? You never know what anyone says about the potion! Previously, they thought that it was impossible to bypass the fidelity spell, but he was able to bypass it! Why shouldn't he survive the blue potion?! Listen, Mr. Neder, why are you arguing? Don't you know me? Have I ever been wrong? They said it themselves – I have an instinct! Weren't you the one who called me the Iron Bitch?! Bitch has a flair! The bitch is ready to follow the trail!

The ruler of Zanuss looked carefully into the girl’s face and grinned internally - show this girl to someone ignorant of secret operations, ask: “What can you tell about this girl?” And he would definitely answer: “Good! Flower from the flowerbed! Mama and Papa's joy! From a good family, educated, well-mannered, still not married and shy of men! Shy, innocent - just the dream of any groom, even if she has no dowry! She herself is like a dowry - such a beauty is worth a lot of money!”

And he will be wrong. Iron Bitch. There is no other way to say it. Neder Norans had never seen a tougher, more deadly creature hiding under the mask of innocence in his life! And he has lived for many, many years. There is too much to stop being surprised by anything long ago. But here is a special case.

The best agent of the Secret Service, possessing not only impressive fighting qualities, also an analytical mind, but most importantly, instinct, without which an agent will never rise above the rank of “good agent.” It was not for nothing that he, the ruler of Zanus, gave a lot of money for her treatment - when the Beast rushed to kill the emperor and his family, he broke Delia’s skull, and Norans for some time feared that this would affect Delia’s abilities as an agent. But that didn't happen. She remained the same and, perhaps, even became even better - tougher, more active, although it would seem - where else is she better?

When the emperor was killed by the crazy Master of Death and power passed into the hands of Norans, who fussed with people loyal to him, Delia remained to serve, although the loyalty spell, which forced her to serve the emperor, forgetting about her health and life itself, immediately stopped working with the death of the emperor.

Neder Norans was not an emperor and could not become one, at least not yet. Without a crown, decorated with a magical gem, on which everything was tied. Put on the crown, perform the ritual - then you are the emperor. And the Dogs obey you, ready for the sake of the Master to kill everyone whom he points at, or to rip open their bellies and hang their intestines in the bushes - if such a stupid whim arises.

Evgeny Shchepetnov

© Shchepetnov E.V., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House "E", 2017

Evgeny Vladimirovich Shchepetnov is a modern Russian writer, author of books in the genre of science fiction and fantasy. Born in 1961. He worked as a geologist and oil worker, served in the police, and was an entrepreneur.

I started writing in 2011, just for the soul. He took up writing professionally in January 2012, publishing the chapters of his first fantasy book on Samizdat.

At the end of 2015, 39 books had been written, of which 30 had been published.

The rest are waiting in line for printing.

Hobbies: treasure hunting, hunting, diving.

- Where did you get that from?! They killed him! Or rather, he died himself! He was under the blue potion! She said it herself: no one in the whole world could move at such speed without the blue potion! And I’ll remind you, in case I forgot: after you drink this drug, there is no turning back. This is death!

– I feel it! It's him! That's right - him! And these Night Demons that killed people in Angir - they are connected with him, for sure! I was investigating! I asked everyone I could find, everyone I could find! And they told me: shortly before the events with us, he did not allow the puppy of these animals to be killed! Got it from the guys! And I feel that the attack on the capital of Angir is connected with him! And the way he dealt with the garmas killing the townspeople, his inhuman - according to witnesses - dexterity, ability to wield weapons! And even his appearance... He was nicknamed the Demon for the numerous scars on his face - perhaps he received them when he broke through to our emperor! And what did you survive after the blue potion? You never know what anyone says about the potion! Previously, they thought that it was impossible to bypass the fidelity spell, but he was able to bypass it! Why shouldn't he survive the blue potion?! Listen, Mr. Neder, why are you arguing? Don't you know me? Have I ever been wrong? They said it themselves – I have an instinct! Weren't you the one who called me the Iron Bitch?! Bitch has a flair! The bitch is ready to follow the trail!

The ruler of Zanuss looked carefully into the girl’s face and grinned internally - show this girl to someone ignorant of secret operations, ask: “What can you tell about this girl?” And he would definitely answer: “Good! Flower from the flowerbed! Mama and Papa's joy! From a good family, educated, well-mannered, still not married and shy of men! Shy, innocent - just the dream of any groom, even if she has no dowry! She herself is like a dowry - such a beauty is worth a lot of money!”

And he will be wrong. Iron Bitch. There is no other way to say it. Neder Norans had never seen a tougher, more deadly creature hiding under the mask of innocence in his life! And he has lived for many, many years. There is too much to stop being surprised by anything long ago. But here is a special case.

The best agent of the Secret Service, possessing not only impressive fighting qualities, also an analytical mind, but most importantly, instinct, without which an agent will never rise above the rank of “good agent.” It was not for nothing that he, the ruler of Zanus, gave a lot of money for her treatment - when the Beast rushed to kill the emperor and his family, he broke Delia’s skull, and Norans for some time feared that this would affect Delia’s abilities as an agent. But that didn't happen. She remained the same and, perhaps, even became even better - tougher, more active, although it would seem - where else is she better?

When the emperor was killed by the crazy Master of Death and power passed into the hands of Norans, who fussed with people loyal to him, Delia remained to serve, although the loyalty spell, which forced her to serve the emperor, forgetting about her health and life itself, immediately stopped working with the death of the emperor.

Neder Norans was not an emperor and could not become one, at least not yet. Without a crown, decorated with a magical gem, on which everything was tied. Put on the crown, perform the ritual - then you are the emperor. And the Dogs obey you, ready for the sake of the Master to kill everyone whom he points at, or to rip open their bellies and hang their intestines in the bushes - if such a stupid whim arises.

But where can I get this crown? The one that was on the emperor's head? Make a new one? As it turned out, this is very, very difficult. And very expensive. Not a single magician took on this task.

It’s good that the Dogs didn’t run away from duty, otherwise it would have been a total disaster! However, where would they go? What can they do other than protect, fight and... kill? Well, yes - the spell is gone, now there are contracts. And what? Yes, nothing has changed. The concepts of honor and loyalty to the master that have been hammered into our heads have not gone away! They are absorbed into the brain so that now they cannot be erased even with a hot iron!

By the way, most of them, the Dogs - if not all at once - are eager to take revenge on the traitor who destroyed the Crowned One.

To those who destroyed what they lived for, they died! Destroyed the very meaning of their existence - to serve and protect! Lowering them to the level of ordinary paid warriors who regularly receive a weekly salary and drink it away in the first tavern they come across! Now – not the elite, now – just warriors!

– Have you taken up nightlife again?

The ruler folded his hands on his flat stomach and once again felt with displeasure that there was no weapon on his belt. There wasn't even a dagger!

For former Dog Having served for forty years in a combat post, this feeling is not only unusual and strange... the lack of weapons is akin to... madness! That's the right word!

Only a crazy Dog could leave the house without a weapon. After all, his services may be needed at any moment, and he will have to rush at the first call! Even if he retired a long time ago.

A dagger, two short swords, a belt with throwing knives and throwing stars - here standard set an ordinary Dog.

It is not according to rank for a ruler, in fact an emperor without a crown, to carry a weapon on his belt. Does not correspond to palace decorum. His peace is guarded by the army, the faithful Guard, the Dogs, after all, so why does he need a dagger or sword? If he cannot choose loyal people to defend the throne, if he needs personal weapons, what kind of Ruler is he then?

I wonder if a sword would have helped the late emperor when a killer under a blue potion burst in? A killer, carefully nurtured by harsh mentors, trained and trained at the School of Dogs? The best of the Masters of Death, and perhaps the best of the Dogs in general! For the entire existence of the School!

A rhetorical question, of course. The answer suggests itself.

And it doesn't matter. A habit ingrained in the blood forced one to grope for the place where the usual narrow dagger with a blade sharpened to a needle sharpness once hung. This dagger once saved Norance's life three times.

This dagger pierced chain mail, entering it like butter, and it could be thrown as confidently as any of the throwing knives - pinning a fly on the wall from three steps is just ugh!

No, we need to make new rules. New etiquette! What, he’s not a ruler, or what?! Why is he afraid to break the old, boring order? The beginning has already been made! The country is not ruled by an emperor, as it has been for thousands of years, but by a military man! Not only that, the military man is not a nobleman at all, but a former slave, brought up in a school for young slaves, from whom they are trained to be murderers!

Yes, the old order is coming apart at the seams, the world is changing! And why? Because once upon a time a slaver ship brought a boy from the Northern Continent, who was named the Beast. So he gnawed at the foundations of the Empire. He brought an avalanche down on her, becoming the pebble that started the avalanche. It turned out that the current System is so fragile that a small push is enough, and... off we go! Catastrophe! Apocalypse!

The ruler shook himself, suddenly remembering that the interlocutor had fallen silent and was waiting for his answer. He hardly heard what she said. I turned a deaf ear to the usual nonsense about how “it’s all slander”, how “she really only thinks about work” and all that jazz. He had heard all this for several years, from the very day when the girl first appeared, completely accidentally falling under the gaze of an outside observer (no one is immune from accidents!), who was able to clearly describe the girl’s behavior and her appearance and even draw a portrait. Not everyone who drinks five beers loses the ability to remember. And if this is a former intelligence officer of the imperial border detachments, then there is nothing to hope for his forgetfulness.

Is a person capable of change? Perhaps fate itself will give him a second chance, and he will see his life in a different light. Reading a series of books about Adrus the Animal, written by Evgeny Shchepetnov, you hope that this is possible, and that the hero will show himself on the other side. The novel “The Leader” became the fourth in the cycle, and you can see how the situation has changed, and the hero himself has changed. However, the description of the setting, the fantasy world, and the characters’ personalities are drawn just as clearly and efficiently.

Adrus the Beast, known as the Master of Death, showing not only courage and willpower, but also cruelty, now lives a completely different life. He is an imperial rider who controls a huge dragon. Being a dragoneer is a great honor; many can only dream about it. Will Adrus be able to maintain his position in the elite division? Many would like to take his place.

Adrus is sure that the Creator has entrusted him with a certain mission. It's like a sword in his hands. But there is also a young beauty, Delia, who thinks about herself in exactly the same way. And it’s not for nothing that they call her the Iron Bitch. If they were enemies, everything would be too simple. Delia is in love with the dragonir and wants to win his heart by getting rid of his mistress Zergi...

The work was published in 2017 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "New Sci-Fi Action (Eksmo)" series. On our website you can download the book "The Leader" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 2.7 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

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