Ekaterina Abramova


« Goldfish on new way »

Made up: Musical director Abramova Ekaterina Sergeevna


Creation favorable conditions for the fullest realization of the potential for personal development through the means of art (artistic expression).


1. Ensuring variation and variety organizational forms training and education and correctional and developmental technologies;

2. Continue to introduce fairy tales;

3. Develop artistic abilities;

4. To develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and creative abilities in children;

5. Develop cooperation skills.

The Storyteller comes out to the music

STORYTELLER: An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was spinning her yarn.

Once the old man went to the blue sea

And he threw his nets into it.

Once he threw a net into the sea, -

A net arrived with nothing but mud. Another time he cast a net, -

The seine came from.

No, not at all fish, and with. bug-eyed dragon!

(dragon appears)

How the bug-eyed dragon prays,

DRAGON (these words of the dragon are spoken by the man behind the screen):

Please, let me go to sea,

To my little dragonets.

Dear, I'll give it to you for myself farm-out:

I'll buy you anything you want.

STORYTELLER: The old man was surprised, scared,

Wow, that's how it is!

He fished for 30 years and 3 years

I haven’t seen a sea dragon in real life,

Only fairy tales about him circulated among the people.

OLD MAN: And what should I do with you, dragon?

If you don't fry you, you can't cook your fish soup.

I don't need your ransom

Go to the blue sea,

Walk there in the open space.

STORYTELLER: The old man returned to the old woman

He told her a great miracle.

(At this moment Klepa goes behind the screen)

OLD MAN: Hey, listen to me, old woman!

I caught a sea dragon today

I asked to go home to the blue sea,

He promised to do whatever I wanted.

OLD WOMAN: What about you?

OLD MAN: I did not take a ransom from him,

He just let me go into the blue sea.

OLD WOMAN: You are a fool, you simpleton,

You failed to ask for tribute from the dragon.

It probably won't hurt him!

Well, go back to the sea

Yes, ask me for a new fur coat.

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy and to the floor!


(Sea, the old man throws a net.)

My old lady will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha! (pulls out the dragon)

DRAGON: What do you want, elder?

OLD MAN: Have mercy, miracle of the sea.

My old woman scolded me,

The old man gives me no rest,

She needs a new fur coat

Not simple, but like foxes:

Golden, fluffy, up to the floor!

DRAGON: Don't be sad, go with God,

She will have a new fur coat.

OLD MAN: Oh, I’ll go home quickly,

Here is the house. Open up, old woman,

Yes, show me the update.

Is the new fur coat good?

Golden, fluffy and floor-length?

(Lisa comes out.)

FOX: Oh, you old stump with a beard!

What did you ask the dragon?

I asked for a new fur coat

And she herself turned into a Fox!

OLD MAN: Ha-ah-ha, how hilarious!

Oh, you've become funny, old woman!

Got what I wanted

And now I’m also dissatisfied!

Now you wear a new fur coat,

She definitely won't be demolished!

FOX: That's how I'll give you a frying pan,

You'll know how to laugh at me!

Come back quickly to the dragon

Yes, demand that my appearance be returned to me.

Yes, ask me to make you beautiful,

Better than before and young!

OLD MAN: Well, I’ll go, if that’s what you need.

(Sea, the old man throws a net.)

Eh, if I don’t catch the dragon again,

My old lady will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha!

DRAGON (irritated): What do you want, elder?

You took away from an important matter -

I chased mermaids across the sea.

OLD MAN: Have mercy, miracle of the sea.

The old woman became more foolish than ever,

The old man does not give me peace,

Demands to return her human form,

Yes, he asks to make her young!

DRAGON (irritated): Don’t be sad, go with God, she will have everything she wants.

OLD MAN: Oh, I’ll go home quickly,

But my heart is restless...

Well, show yourself quickly

How beautiful you have become

How you looked younger there!

(A girl comes out of the house.)

GIRL: Oh, you old one! Look, I gave a hundred!

Why did you cry at the dragon?

I haven't gotten much younger

And she became a little girl!

Now I can only needle into dolls.

Cheer up, come on, go to the deacon

And he's got something half-baked.

I want to become a sorceress, yes,

I knew how to cast magic myself.

And then I don’t need a dragon,

I'll do whatever magic you want!

OLD MAN: Are you sane today, old woman!

Oh, I mean, girl!

Where have you seen people

How wizards cast their spells!

GIRL: Kill yourself! Otherwise I’m blaspheming -a-a-a-a-!

OLD MAN: Well, I’ll go, if that’s what you need.

(Sea, the old man throws a net.)

Eh, if I don’t catch the dragon again,

My old lady will be angry!

Oops! Gotcha!

DRAGON (angry): What if it was empty for you, old man!

I just wanted to have lunch,

You're dragging me out of the water again!

What does the old woman dislike now?

OLD MAN: Excuse me, miracle Yudo,

But the old woman now wanted

Become a sorceress, yes,

So that she could do magic herself.

DRAGON: May she get everything she wants

Just leave me alone!

OLD MAN: Well, I’ll go to the beloved old woman.

Why is your heart so restless?

It’s not good to ask a dragon for everything.

Open it quickly, old woman,

Show me you can do magic!

(Baba Yaga comes out of the house.)

BABA YAGA (choking with indignation): Oh you. here I am for you right now.

Yes, right now it’s like...

What have you done, such a villain!

What did you ask the dragon?

Now, look, I’m Grandma Yozhka!

And my leg is bone!

And I'm green, like mold,

And I only have two teeth in my mouth!

Return to the sea dragon

Tell him what I wish.

I wish. fly like a bird!

Yes, see overseas countries!

OLD MAN: Well, how can you not laugh?

But I won’t contradict the old woman.

Oh, I'll go again to the blue sea.

I'll cast my nets again,

Summon the sea dragon again. (throws a net)

So I threw the net once, and then twice.

Where is the dragon? Not in sight.

Oops, gotcha!

DRAGON (in quiet rage): What do you want again, old man!

I just lay down on the stones to sleep,

So you're dragging me out of the water again!

OLD MAN: What should I do with the nasty old woman!

Again she doesn't like magic.

Today he wants to fly like a bird!

DRAGON (gloatingly): Like a bird? We'll arrange it.

OLD MAN: Well, thank you. I'll go to the old woman.

Oh, I'm tired. My legs hurt.

Is it obvious, 10 times a day?

Run to the bluest sea

Yes, pull out the miracle of the sea!

Knock-knock... The old woman does not answer.

Hey, where are you, dear old woman?

(A crow flies out of the house.)

CROW: Kar-kar-kar, what have you done?

Now I'm not an old woman, but a bird!

You can't do anything

You don't know how to talk to a dragon.

Let's go together to the dragon,

I'll ask him myself,

Whatever happens is what I want now.

(Music intro for 15 seconds. At that moment Klepa came out from behind the screen.)

STORYTELLER: So they went to the blue sea.

Just no matter how many times the dragon was called,

No matter how much the elder cast the net,

And the dragon is as if it never happened.

Apparently he hid under a snag,

He doesn't want to get out of there.

(pause, excerpt of music for 15 seconds)

An old man lives with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They live in a dilapidated house.

An old man catches fish with a net,

And the old woman. The crow is flying!

The end of the puppet show.

Old man Oh guys, help me, what should I do, what should I do, what should I do to turn the old woman back.

Klepa Guys, I think I’ve figured out how to help my grandfather. Let's try to throw a net into the sea, maybe we can pull out the dragon?

Once they threw a net into the sea, -

A net arrived with nothing but mud.

Another time they cast a net,

A net came with sea grass.

For the third time they cast a net, -

A net came with one fish,

With a difficult fish, - golden.


"Let me go to sea,

Dear, I'll give it to you for myself farm-out:

I’ll pay you back with whatever you want.”

Presenter Help us fish, tell me how to help us grandfather, return his old woman.


You need to fulfill my three wishes, then the old woman will return to her grandfather

1 In my sea kingdom there are many sea inhabitants, and they all dance for me and they have no equal. Do you know how to dance, so that I like it? Together with my friends, show a sea figure, so that it looks like it.

Dance is a game: The sea is worried once the dance

Well, the presenter fish, did we succeed?

Fish May you fulfill my desire, please me.

Here's mine next wish. In my kingdom, my subjects sing songs, and they sing them so well that no one can sing them better. Will you sing so that you can do better? Not just any song, but my favorite one.

Leading: Guys, what kind of goldfish What do you think is your favorite song?

Song about goldfish


Well, you surprised me and pleased me. Listen to the third wish:

In my kingdom performances are arranged, performances are shown and there are no better actors than my subjects. If you show me a performance, please please me, I will help you, I will perform it. what you asked.

Musical The Wolf and the 7 Little Goats

Fish: Well, you made me happy, you fulfilled all my wishes, and I keep my word. Turn the crow back into an old woman. Well, it's time for me...

The grandfather comes out with the old woman:

Old man: Thank you goldfish

Grandma: Thank you guys, but I don’t need anything else, there would be happiness in the house, and my old man is nearby.

It's time for us, goodbye!

Description: Before the scene there must be a summary preparatory work. There should be two “friends” in the hall, near the stage. There should be another one backstage. The stage is set under the seashore. Grandfather comes out and casts his fishing rod. The tale is universal, suitable for any occasion: anniversary, New Year's corporate party, March 8, February 23, etc.


False spectator
False spectator

Scene 1. Catch.

Grandfather: Ah, nothing is caught. We need to go to the pier.

Goldfish comes out.

Song of the Goldfish, to the music from the song “If I were a Sultan.”


To be a fish, I will say - whatever you say,
There is one desire, but you have one hundred and three!
I go in the morning to catch old people,
To satisfy the dreams of fools.

It's not bad to not be golden,
But unfortunately, I was born this way.

What should we fish do here, we need clarity here!
Or - everything is on the walls, after all, there is only one life!
I’m rushing to the resort, where’s my umbrella?

He sees his grandfather.


Didn't have time. Here's grandfather. Oh, what a bummer!

Suitable for grandfather: Well, did you catch it?

Grandfather: Well, sorry.

Fish: Okay, give me your wishes.

Grandfather: The catch today is bad for some reason.

Fish: Wow. He has a talking fish here, and he is a “bad catch”... Well, okay, let's catch something better.

Grandfather casts a fishing rod. She goes backstage and a scream is heard. Grandfather pulls out a fishing rod, there is a wallet on the hook.

Fish: Oh my goodness, grandfather. You and I hit the millionaire on the head with a hook. Run away, whoever can.

They run away.

A millionaire with a black eye runs after his grandfather across the stage.

Scene 2. House on the shore.

old woman sitting with broken trough. Grandfather comes running with a wallet.

Grandma: Wow! No way, at least once I made a normal wish.

Grandfather: Not. It's me.

Grandma: Well done! Now you know what? Let's get some money for the trough.

Scene 3. Second wish.

Grandfather returns to the shore. Throws out a fishing rod. Gets into the hall. The “false” spectator runs out at the grandfather.

Grandfather: Oh. Missed. Don't you have a new trough?

Spectator says:"No".

Grandfather: Well, then don't come into my grandmother's sight.

The viewer goes into the hall. Fish appears.

Fish: ABOUT! Sniper. Who did you pick up this time?

Grandfather: ABOUT! Fish! Give me a trough?

Fish: OK. Go. I just haven’t had a trough for fifty years. Just washing machines or swimming pools.

Scene 4. Jacuzzi.

Grandfather returns to the house. There's a grandmother sitting by the pool.

Grandfather: Oh, why is that gurgling?

Grandma: What, what... Jacuzzi with menthol aroma. You know what, go to the fish again. Demand her house.

Grandfather: But she won't give it.


This was an introductory fragment of the fairy tale. For purchase full version go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 r ub.

Description: Before the scene, preparatory work must be completed. There should be two “friends” in the hall, near the stage. There should be another one backstage. The stage is set under the seashore. Grandfather comes out and casts his fishing rod. The tale is universal, suitable for any holiday: anniversary, New Year's corporate party, March 8, February 23, etc.


False spectator
False spectator

Scene 1. Catch.

Grandfather: Ah, nothing is caught. We need to go to the pier.

Goldfish comes out.

Song of the Goldfish, to the music from the song “If I were a Sultan.”


To be a fish, I will say - whatever you say,
There is one desire, but you have one hundred and three!
I go in the morning to catch old people,
To satisfy the dreams of fools.

It's not bad to not be golden,
But unfortunately, I was born this way.

What should we fish do here, we need clarity here!
Or - everything is on the walls, after all, there is only one life!
I’m rushing to the resort, where’s my umbrella?

He sees his grandfather.


Didn't have time. Here's grandfather. Oh, what a bummer!

Suitable for grandfather: Well, did you catch it?

Grandfather: Well, sorry.

Fish: Okay, give me your wishes.

Grandfather: The catch today is bad for some reason.

Fish: Wow. He has a talking fish here, and he is a “bad catch”... Well, okay, let's catch something better.

Grandfather casts a fishing rod. She goes backstage and a scream is heard. Grandfather pulls out a fishing rod, there is a wallet on the hook.

Fish: Oh my goodness, grandfather. You and I hit the millionaire on the head with a hook. Run away, whoever can.

They run away.

A millionaire with a black eye runs after his grandfather across the stage.

Scene 2. House on the shore.

An old woman sits with a broken trough. Grandfather comes running with a wallet.

Grandma: Wow! No way, at least once I made a normal wish.

Grandfather: Not. It's me.

Grandma: Well done! Now you know what? Let's get some money for the trough.

Scene 3. Second wish.

Grandfather returns to the shore. Throws out a fishing rod. Gets into the hall. The “false” spectator runs out at the grandfather.

Grandfather: Oh. Missed. Don't you have a new trough?

Spectator says:"No".

Grandfather: Well, then don't come into my grandmother's sight.

The viewer goes into the hall. Fish appears.

Fish: ABOUT! Sniper. Who did you pick up this time?

Grandfather: ABOUT! Fish! Give me a trough?

Fish: OK. Go. I just haven’t had a trough for fifty years. Just washing machines or swimming pools.

Scene 4. Jacuzzi.

Grandfather returns to the house. There's a grandmother sitting by the pool.

Grandfather: Oh, why is that gurgling?

Grandma: What, what... Jacuzzi with menthol aroma. You know what, go to the fish again. Demand her house.

Grandfather: But she won't give it.


This was an introductory fragment of the fairy tale. To purchase the full version, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 99 r ub.

Nomination: Kindergarten, Russian script folk tales, Preparatory group

The tale of the fisherman and the fish in a new way.
(dramatization for children of the preparatory group.)





Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman

By the bluest sea,

They had a villa and a yacht

And they lived without knowing grief.

They didn't like to work

But they ate and drank sweetly.

After all, they have a goldfish

I served rest without knowing.

Once upon a time they lived

They danced "Lambada"!

(To the music, a grandfather and a woman appear in modern outfits and dance “Lambada.” At the end of the dance, they sit down at the table.)


And the old woman says to the old man...

Old woman:

Why are we hungry?!

We ate squid and sushi….

Why are you hanging your ears?

Click on the fish and don't let it sleep

And he will hurry with the food!

And let him deliver lunch

Come to our villa at this moment!

(Grandfather, nodding his head, gets up and walks to the seashore)


The old man went to the blue sea,

He began to click on the goldfish.

Fish! Fish!


Where are you, fish?

Wake up quickly!

(A goldfish appears to the music, stretches, yawns)


Well, why shout so much?

They don't let me sleep in the morning...

Why make noise at dawn?

The crisis is now in the yard.

What? Do you want to have lunch?

So you pay money!

Where can I get them?

No money...


That's it...your lunch is over.

Who will work until they sweat,

He will eat in the hunt!

That's how things are...


The fish swam into the sea...

(Grandfather, lowering his head, returns to grandma)


Grandma and grandfather sat down next to each other,

Not having eaten lunch.

Began to think and guess

Where can they get money?

Maybe we can sell the yacht?

Grandma: (indignantly)

And we'll spend all the money?

Let's think about what we should do...

Should we open a company?

It hasn't gone away for us yet

Is the entire farm under auction?

You say, open a company...?

Well, so be it!

Company "New trough"

From today we are open!


I took a saw and a hammer,

The wooden one took the block,

(Grandfather takes the tools and “makes” a trough)

I planed and sawed all day long,

And he made a trough!

(Grandfather takes the finished trough and brings it to grandma)

Grandma went in the morning

And she sold the trough.

(The grandmother takes the trough, approaches the audience and “sells” it)


Here's some money for once

We've arrived!

While the lazy one warms up,

And don’t sleep, and don’t be lazy!

Labor is a matter of honor!

Be first in your work!

Grandfather and grandmother together:

And then day after day

We will survive the crisis!

Name: Dramatization “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish in a New Way”
Nomination: Kindergarten, old fairy tales with a modern twist, fairy tale scenes

Position: music director of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MDOU kindergarten combined type No. 40 “Droplet”
Location: g.o. Podolsk, Moscow region

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish - 2. My version.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather, and with him an old woman
(in a shack, in the old days),
near the sea (What a waste!),
gray in color, in a veil...
Thirty years and three years already,
(in the clouds, in the sun or in the sky),
grandfather fished like a sieve
(I was still embarrassed by dynamite...).
Grandma was spinning yarn...
Well, she sang songs
(Grandfather was tormented by creativity).
That's how things are!
He went to the sea.-
With a net, in anguish, he was wise...
Once I threw a sieve into the sea
It was a futile attempt...
Tina was hooked on the mountain, -
as an annoyance, without loss...
He threw it once, twice, as usual,
There's sea grass here, personally...
The third, with an angry smile.-
The net appeared with a fish.
With a difficult one, - golden one,
Yes, and she, in prayer, without getting angry
(and without swearing at all...).-
Apparently he knows life, with longing
(well, broad outlook)...
It's important for us to talk...
Fish: “Let me go to sea.
Dear, I will give you a ransom.
With that, you will completely cover your grief.
You will buy everything for your madam.”
The grandfather was surprised, with fear
(he drank vodka yesterday with a friend...).
But for the fish to talk? -
Well, apparently the grave is close!
“To hell with you, you have freedom...” -
He let her go in peace,
so as not to look like a satyr
(Still a joke for the people!).-
Go into the blue sea,
walk in the open space."
Grandfather returned from fishing,
I told my grandmother everything:
“You won’t believe it, Christmas trees,
It’s a miracle, they say, but, after all, I saw it!
This fish is not simple,
absolutely golden.
She began to ask for the sea,
offering to pay off.
I'm in the aspirations of leadership,
I don't need a ransom
(No teeth to marmalade!),
I let him go out of nobility.”
Grandfather, about honor, where the essence is - fishing...
But there was a quarrel...
“You idiotic prosophile! -
Grandma, instantly, download the rights.-
The fool is exemplary.
You can’t take a ransom from a fish!” -
“Grandma, sha! Stay silent!
But in Russian, shut up!” -
Grandfather knew how to parry
but, in fact, he was not brave.
Knowing about such a defect,
Grandma developed the topic:
“I’m already tired of living with you! -
With a conclusion, as if in passion.-
At least take the trough from her.
All done and shuttered!”
Grandfather back. Blue,
the sea is playing out, he sees.
With my head already hurting,
calls the fish... He won't hurt you...
The fish swam and asked:
“Older, has grandma squinted?” -
Grandfather, with a bow: “That’s right, fish.
My life with her is a mistake!
Tired, no peace.
He says - the trough is covered.
Come with him, otherwise the tower!
What will you do with fate...?”
Fish to grandfather: “Calm down,
and go home, don’t be afraid.”
The grandfather returned to the old woman...
He sees a new trough.
The same forest, in bad weather
(The previous request is forgotten...):
“You simpleton, oak!
Exemplary fool!
What use is a trough to us? -
The muzzle, without it, is washed!
In general, go back to the fish,
and beg for Izba
(inserting a phrase like an enema) -
Don’t do nonsense!”
Grandfather headlong, well done,
to the fish, that is, like a neighbor...,
came running, swearing in my heart!
He sees that the sea has become cloudy...
He began to click, as if repenting...
Then the fish showed up...:
“What does the elder need now?”
Grandfather, with a bow, in a sour expression:
“Grandma-woodpecker, hammering deliciously.”
He's asking for a hut, definitely!
Negative influence.
What a grumpy woman
so that the toad knocks her down!”
The fish instantly answers:
“Don’t be sad and go.
You’ll have a hut for tea!”
Grandfather goes to his shack,
but there is no trace of that one;
He opened his mouth as if in a sweat.
There is a question - there is no answer!
Suddenly, a hut with a lighthouse,
in front of him, stands with a tattoo!
With a white pipe, bricks,
from oak wood with cuffs...
Grandma is right there (You won’t fire me!).-
Gives him a reason:
“God gave me a fool!
Just begged for a hut!
I don’t want to be a peasant.-
Stolbova would like to become a noblewoman!”
I trudged towards the blue sea...-
The pond is in trouble...
He calls the fish, he’s already wound up,
and she’s already with him:

To her, with a bow, grandfather: “Cattle,
grandma, that is, she's gone wild! -
Tyranny has manifested itself!
She really doesn't want to be a peasant
(As if we are all not from the people!).-
The whim was revealed in her, the freak! -
Stolbovoy imagines becoming a noblewoman!”
The fish told him: “In a moment!
My present is already waiting for grandma!”
The grandfather returned to the old woman.
Sees the tower as a tower
(Like garbage, all the way down!).
Who in the outfit doesn't suck? -
Grandma, in person,
in a shower jacket, a prima donna! -
Alley in sables and brocade
(the neck sagged in the pearls),
golden rings on the hands,
there are red boots on my feet,
and earrings stick out in my ears
(as if in youth).
And before her, in zeal, servants,
they perform the service without straining.
Grandma beats them, but hard.
Sometimes he drags it by the chuprun.
Grandfather appeared mercifully
as if pushing his speech:
“Hello, noble lady.
You are no longer a peasant now!
My darling is satisfied with the tea.
Is it fun to be a madam?”
(Only the outfit she’s wearing is luxurious),
suddenly, getting angry with my grandfather,
but in context - I don’t care,
broke into a heart-rending cry:
“Run to the barnyard!
That's it, the conversation is over!
Time goes on. Two weeks.
Grandma got even more crazy.
Apparently my thoughts have eaten away... -
With that, nature manifested itself...
To the fish, the old man, by courier:
“Bow to her in this manner.
Not a noblewoman
I wish to be (syllable like this).
I want to be a free queen!”
Grandfather got scared and begged
(But the character showed up!):
“You ate too much bird,
bleached, other poison...
Did you eat the dessert with seasoning?
Neither walk nor talk
(Grandfather, in the ecstasy of eloquence!).
Make the whole world laugh!” -
Got injured (for style)! -
Jaebum - it hit me in the face!
Grandma became even more angry:
“You dare argue with me,
with a noblewoman?
(I must admit here, it’s still awkward.-
Grandma, having lost ground,
pranced at her best!).
Well, here’s the installation for grandpa:
“It will not be according to my will,
They will lead you to her, against your will!”
He went to the sea again.
The blue color in it is black...
The fish calls out as if to grief,
and she’s right at hand:
“What does the elder need now?” -
“The grandmother entered into arrogance, in pride! -
Grandfather, with a bow, answers, -
“Have mercy,” then he says, “
in anger, the old one rebels,
really doesn't want to be a noblewoman
like a free queen, Anka,
He desires everything, but he is fierce with it...”
The fish answered his grandfather:
“She will be a queen, by dinner!”
The grandfather returned to the old woman.
And before him, the king's chamber,
There is an old woman in them (Here he is!).
Here are the glorious penates...-
Either boyars or nobles
(everyone understands - not peasants...),
serve her, they know decency, -
wine is poured into a goblet...
She's a printed gingerbread
gets stuck in the middle of the landscape...-
And there are guards around her!
With a generally neat appearance,
but, however, with axes...
Complete the thought yourself...
The sight embarrassed them - their faces were tinny...
Grandfather bowed at his feet:
“Hello, formidable queen! -
I just said... and immediately lost my mind...
And then. - Now I’m satisfied,
your darling, you are free.”
The old woman did not glance.
I drove him away (bad luck!).
Helped, in that, penates,
and the guards ran up
(I almost chopped it in the heat!),
In general, brave soldiers!
And they pushed me up the neck...
As if, in general, they didn’t even know!
And the people laughed at him:
“Serves it right; ignorant old man!
I ended up in the wrong place anyway.
You are a hussar in your sleigh!”
Here's a week or two passing,
stupidity rises in the grandmother.
Sends courtiers
I want my husband to be found...
They brought me. The old woman says:
“Grandfather, go quickly, with a bow,
but with my already law
(Got it, in abundance of spirit!).
Here the queen, me, longing,
Here is the Lady of the sea,
I wish to be, yes forever.
To live in Okiyan, so that the sea
the fish is a servant, of course,
on errands, out of fun..."
Grandfather could no longer argue
(Or completely cripple yourself?).
Here he goes, in frustration, to the sea.
A black storm (as if to grief),
sees in an instant, in front of him,
the waves are angry, already swollen,
They walk around, start to howl...
He called the fish, by fate,
she, however, as expected,
instantly swam up:
“What does the elder need now?” -
Grandfather, with a bow, answers:
“Fish, to this sadness,
Grandma, stupidly, pushes.
He no longer wants to be a queen,
That's why he mutters nonsense.
Only the mistress of the sea,
wants to become, and with that fate,
to live in the ocean, so that in the sea,
You're in the parcels, out of fun...
What should you and I do?”
The fish wisely remained silent
(sometimes, whole life all over again...).
She splashed her tail on the water,
and disappeared into the blue sea...
The thought involuntarily flashed:
“Is this happiness or sorrow?”
Grandfather waited a long time for an answer,
and quite tired,
kept standing and thinking,
what to do without knowing...
He dropped everything and went to the old woman.-
They have lived their lives, which means they are a couple.
Lo and behold, there’s a shack in front of him again...
There is rubbish everywhere, as if in ruins...
Here is the old trough,
and the old woman is not washed...