Main components of a screw-cutting lathe Purpose: 1. Didactic - consolidation of previously covered material; -formation of new knowledge about the main nodes 2. Developmental -development analytical thinking; -development of interest in the discipline being studied; 3. Educational - nurturing interest in the chosen profession; 4. Methodological - implementation of interdisciplinary connections; -application of acquired knowledge in practice. Objectives: 1. Study of the structure of the main components; 2.Studying the functions of the main components.

TASK Decipher the following brands of machines: 1) 1532T ANSWER: 1-group turning 5 - type rotary 320 mm - the main parameter of the machine T - modified 2) 16K20T ANSWER: 1-group turning 6 - type turning and frontal 200 mm - the main parameter of the machine T - modified 3) 1112 ANSWER: 1-group turning 1-type automatic and semi-automatic 120 mm - the main parameter of the machine

The headstock is a cast-iron box inside, which houses the main working parts of the machine - the spindle and gearbox. At the right end of the spindle, a device is attached that clamps the workpiece, which receives rotation from the electric motor located in the left cabinet through a V-belt drive and a system of gear wheels and couplings located inside headstock. This mechanism is called a gearbox and allows you to change the speed.

Homework 1. Study notes 2. B.I. Cherpakov “Book for the machine operator” pp. A.G. Skhirtladze “ “ Machine operator generalist» page V.N. Feshchenko “Turning” p.58-60

“Making products from wire” - Basic rules. Bending of workpieces. Examples of wire products. Safety precautions. Products made flexible. Bending in a bending die. Tools and equipment for manual bending. Techniques for manual wire bending. Bending of thin sheet metal. Manufacturing of products. Manufacturing of wire products.

“Metal cutting” - Straightening of strip metal. Flexible. Ironing irons. Types of felling. Installation of the canvas. Chisel dimensions. Preparing a hacksaw. TB during felling. Bending allowance. Hacksaw blade. Mechanization of cutting. Cutting with a hacksaw. Editing technique. Chopping is cutting. The result of the edit. The hacksaw is kept away from the face. Chisel - wedge.

“Electrical installation work” - Dependence on conditions: Steel anchor corner supports are also used as end supports. Intermediate straight supports are installed on straight sections of the line. The specifics of the premises (bathroom, workshop, garage) must be taken into account. Wires can be bare or insulated. Aluminum wire can be connected to copper via a terminal.

"Chasing" - Auxiliary materials. Sheet metal. Varieties of embossed works. Making a photo frame from foil. Smooth out a sheet of foil with cotton wool. Embosser's tools. Foil stamping. Connect the cardboard frame and the foil frame. Artistic embossing. Novgorod minters. Materials for embossing works. Coinage.

“Electrical engineering at school” - Schematic and wiring diagrams. Heating elements. Thematic planning. Safety rules. Engine switching diagrams. Thermal relay. EMF of the source. DC motors. Electrical energy. Variants of labor objects. Workplace. Electrical installation tools. Electrical measuring instruments.

“Technology at school” - We must learn to understand work as creativity. Mechanical Engineering. Professional self-determination. Sandwich fantasies. Needlework. Materials Science. Material technology. Technology modules. Modeling, designing and manufacturing of clothing. All that is in the oven is on the table - swords. Cooking.

There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

The educational material presented in the poster is designed for teaching technology lessons in grade 7 using a textbook edited by V. D. Simonenko. The specific use during the lesson depends on the readiness of the class, the competence of the teacher, and the readiness of multimedia. Therefore, each teacher is free to determine his own methodology for working with this poster.

The structure of the poster consists of five main slides, navigation between which is carried out through control buttons, allowing you to accompany the study of new material in accordance with the principles of multimedia and interactivity. And also a hidden slide with information about the resources used when creating the poster.



Methodological description for the interactive poster

“Device and main components lathe»

Subject, class Technology, 7th grade

V.D. Simonenko


Purpose of the interactive poster“Design and main components of a lathe” -Creation effective conditions to develop the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren, their intellectual and creative activity, through ensuring maximum interaction with the visual content of educational material.

The educational material presented in the poster is designed for teaching technology lessons in grade 7 using a textbook edited by V. D. Simonenko. The specific use during the lesson depends on the readiness of the class, the competence of the teacher, and the readiness of multimedia. Therefore, each teacher is free to determine his own methodology for working with this poster.

The structure of the poster consists of five main slides, navigation between which is carried out through control buttons, allowing you to accompany the study of new material in accordance with the principles of multimedia and interactivity.

And also a hidden slide with information


(See 1 slide)

As a result of this click, a window with instructions for the user will appear. As we can see from this image, the instructions are simple and clear, like all work with the poster, which has an intuitive logical sense of navigation.

There are 9 information buttons on the first slide.

Clicking on these buttons opens windows with information on the history of the development of lathes.

Accordingly, before moving to a new window, the active window must be closed by clicking on it.

There is also a link to information on the first slideabout the resources used when creating the poster.

This is what the information slide looks likeabout the resources used when creating the poster.

Click on the red button in the upper right corner of the slide – closes the presentation.

On the slides - click on any green flashing button - displays a window on the right with information about this part of the machine. Clicking on this information window closes it.

The red inscription on the control button shows which slide is on at the moment, you are.

Resources used.

1. General view of the lathe -

2. Headstock -

3. Tailstock -

4. Caliper -

5. Portrait of Nartov -

6. CNC machine -

7.Peter the Great's machine -

Large selection

If you haven't found the poster you're interested in, just contact us -
we will help you find it or make a poster of any complexity to order

Besides own production, we cooperate
with leading Russian poster publishers,
which significantly expands our range

with posters

Posters on occupational safety when working on machines and with hand tools

In the Safety Posters section of our store you will find safety posters on metalworking machines - general safety precautions poster - protective equipment and safety rules, lighting and workplace equipment, lathe group poster - workplace turner and safety precautions, poster of drilling group machines - driller's workplace and safety precautions when performing work, poster of milling group machines - milling group's workplace and safety when performing work, poster of grinding and sharpening group machines - grinder's workplace, safety measures when working on sharpening machines. We also offer a set of posters on safety on woodworking machines - a poster for sawing wood - an electric saw, cutting machines, a band saw, hand sawing techniques; poster planing wood - safety of working with an electric planer, jointer, thickness planer, planing with hand tools; poster chiselling and drilling - safety when working with an electric mortiser, electric drill, chain mortising machine, drilling machine, slotted drilling machine, safety precautions when working with hand tools; poster milling and grinding - safety when working on milling and grinding machines; poster fire safety- defects in machines, use of fire extinguishers, rules for storing materials, requirements for equipment, storage of timber. From us you can order and buy a set of safety posters when working with hand tools: safety poster when working with hammers and sledgehammers - organizing the workplace, marking, cutting, straightening and straightening; poster: safe work with files, hacksaws and pipe cutters - filing and cutting; poster working with rotating equipment - screwdrivers, wrenches, wrenches, sharpening machines - safety when drilling, tapping, bending, assembling and sharpening tools

Battery Safety, Chemical Safety and Electric Forklift Safety Posters

In this section you can select the necessary safety poster in battery rooms: explosion and fire safety poster - ventilation and lighting, entrance to the battery room, actions in emergency situation, chemical safety poster - electrolyte preparation, acid storage, safety precautions when working with alkali and acid, electrical safety poster - electrical safety precautions when working with batteries. You can study everything using our posters necessary rules on safety precautions when working with forklifts - what must be done and what is forbidden to do on a forklift, rules for operating a forklift, stacking cargo, using replaceable load-handling devices, servicing batteries, actions in case of fire. A chemical safety poster will explain safety precautions when working with chlorine: poster containers, cylinders and chlorine lines, transporting chlorine, sampling chlorine, leak detection and repair and product poster personal protection and the first medical care for chlorine poisoning

Posters on safety of work in the gas industry and with gas

Posters with safety precautions for working in the gas industry are necessary knowledge in colorful and clear illustrations: Safety precautions during operation and maintenance gas cylinders- poster coloring, inscriptions, markings - designations on cylinders and device defects; transportation poster - safety when transporting gas cylinders - storage, loading and unloading; operation poster - safety precautions when using gas cylinders - working with valves, reducers and pressure gauges. Safety posters in the gas industry are a poster for connecting gas pipelines and inlets to existing gas networks, fastening trenches and pits, welding work in the pit; poster gas hazardous work in wells - air sampling, equipment and protective equipment; poster: release of gas into gas pipelines and gas appliances, removal of blockages; poster lubrication of valves on a gas pipeline, customized gas cylinder installations. And, of course, we did not ignore safety precautions when operating gas distribution points: a poster on the main equipment of the hydraulic fracturing unit - design and safety precautions, a poster on the preparation and commissioning of the hydraulic fracturing unit - preparation of equipment and the procedure for launching the hydraulic fracturing unit, a poster on the maintenance of the hydraulic fracturing unit during operation - control devices and work safety, poster transition to and from bypass - procedure for safe transition

Safety posters when working with vessels and steam boilers

Our Labor Safety Store is pleased to offer you posters on safety precautions when working with vessels and steam boilers: a set of posters - preparing and putting the boiler into operation - checking the serviceability, purging, checking the path, igniting the igniter, lighting the boiler, adjusting the combustion, shut-off and control and safety equipment, posters on boiler maintenance during operation - instrumentation, positions of the three-way valve when checking the pressure gauge, checking the serviceability and purging of the boiler, poster emergency shutdown of the boiler - shutdown procedure and cases of gas supply interruption. On the shelves of our store you will find safety posters when working with vessels under pressure: poster warning of receiver accidents - device, emergency stop of equipment, safety precautions when working with receivers, actions in case of an accident; poster vessel fittings - shut-off and control valves, instrumentation, safety devices, pressure gauges; technical inspection poster - external and internal inspections, preparation for inspection, hydraulic tests. For those whose work is related to water supply and sewerage, we recommend purchasing posters on safety precautions at these sites - a poster preparing for descent into a well - the composition of the team, fencing means, dangerous and harmful factors, protective equipment, gas analyzer; poster preparation and descent into the well - portable ladders, hose gas mask, battery flashlight, removing gas from the well, descent into a gas-filled well, work in the collector, winch; poster work inside the well - cleaning the pipeline, rules for lowering loads into the well; poster earthwork - permission to work, installation of fasteners, safety precautions when working inside a trench

Safety posters for logging sites, agricultural work and catering establishments

We present good choice posters and on agricultural topics: poster plowing and sowing - safety rules, poster transport work- safety of work, posters on harvesting work - safety requirements, poster on the technical condition of tractors - serviceability of mechanisms and condition monitoring. We didn’t ignore the posters safe work at the cutting site: poster - the structure of a chainsaw and safety precautions when felling trees, a poster - kickback and retraction when working with a chainsaw, safety when pruning and trimming branches; poster - threading the saw and bucking trunks. And for dessert, the most important thing - posters on work safety at the enterprise catering: poster general requirements safety - the main types of equipment are listed, safety precautions are described before starting work and during work, dangerous production factors, as well as safety precautions when working with chef's knives, poster electromechanical equipment - this is safety precautions when working on kitchen electrical equipment - hazardous areas and work rules, poster thermal equipment - the main causes of accidents that occur on thermal equipment, safety precautions and operation

Posters on safety precautions when working with tools and the safety of waterproofing work

It is always very important to remember about safety precautions when working with tools, especially such as a micrometer and calipers, and also to thoroughly study safety precautions during waterproofing work: poster, possible dangers during insulation work, special clothing and personal protective equipment, requirements for a bitumen boiler, safe distances when performing work; poster of a machine for laying insulation, equipment of a hothouse and preparation of the work site, requirements for the storage of insulation and gas cylinders; poster on the safety of working at height on an inclined surface, identifying the danger zone when working at height, working on a vertical surface. The range of safety posters is constantly growing and changing - stay tuned