“Evolution of the Organic World” - ? Embryological Paleontological Biogeographical Comparative anatomical. 3. 5. 6. Blind cave fish. 7. 8. Cassowary - Australian ostrich. Wing? Polymastia accessory pairs of mammary glands. Evolution. 12.

“Development of the plant world” - Plant. Spore plants. Seed plants. Development flora on Earth. Lesson topic. Arrange in in the right order: Mira. Evolution of the plant world. Gymnosperms. Mosses. Stages. Lesson objectives:

"Darwin's Theory of Evolution" - Formation of new species. The process of historical change is carried out from simple to complex in accordance with the principle of gradation. Answer: The driving forces of evolution have been identified. 5. Both favorable and adverse changes. The patterns of transformation of one organic form into another have been revealed.

“Evolution of Species” - Such speciation always proceeds rather slowly. Basic laws of biological evolution. Macroevolution. - formation of large systematic groups: types, classes, orders. Basic rules of evolution: Species criteria: Reproductive – genetic isolation of one species from others, even closely related ones.

"Darwin's Theory" - Forms of variability (according to Darwin). The mechanism of evolution (according to the theory of Charles Darwin). Caused by the influence external environment. Results of evolution. 1859 - “The Origin of Species by natural selection" The only thing that matters for evolution is hereditary(uncertain) variability. Hereditary variability.

Charles Robert Darwin “The more we understand the immutable laws of nature, the more incredible miracles become to us.”

Charles Darwin English scientist naturalist and traveler One of the first to realize and clearly demonstrate that all types of living organisms evolve over time from common ancestors. In his theory, Darwin called natural selection and uncertain variability the main driving force of evolution. Darwin's ideas and discoveries form the foundation modern theory evolution and form the basis of biology

Biography: He studied theology at Cambridge University for three years. Upon graduation, he set off on a round-the-world voyage on the Royal Navy expedition ship Beagle. During his journey, Darwin visited the Cape Verde Islands, the coast of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Tierra del Fuego, Tasmania and the Cocos Islands and made large number observations. The results were presented in the works Diary of Research, Zoology of the Beagle Voyage, Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, etc.

Biography 1838 – was secretary of the Geological Society of London; married; the couple moved from London to Down (Kent), where they began to live permanently

Works of Darwin 1859 – “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” Darwin’s main work. Showed the variability of plant and animal species, their natural origin from earlier species. He argued that development is based on natural selection: the stronger survive and those who adapt to changed living conditions. Darwin's theory also explained the giraffe's spotting: those animals that blended in with the environment survived and gave birth, while the rest simply became prey for lions

The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin: Any species of plants and animals in nature strives to reproduce in geometric progression. In nature, there is a continuous struggle for existence. In the struggle for existence, individuals with such a complex of characteristics and properties that allow them to compete most successfully survive and leave offspring with others Driving force species change is natural selection

Darwin's works 1868 - “Changes in domestic animals and cultivated plants” 1871 - “The origin of man and sexual selection” He put forward the hypothesis of the origin of man from an ape-like ancestor, proved the relationship of man with apes, using data from comparative anatomy, embryology, and paleontology. At the same time, Darwin rightly believed that not a single living ape can be considered a direct ancestor of humans. For the most part, Darwin's theory was understood in a simplified and distorted way, as if man were descended directly from monkeys

Darwin's idea of ​​the origin of man from apes met with fierce rebuff from society. Caricatures appeared. Catholic priests even created a special academy to combat the teaching of evolution, which is called bestial philosophy.

Sources of information: Z_ROBERT.htmlhttp:// Z_ROBERT.html ds_spl.jpghttp://science.compulenta.ru/upload/iblock/9c7/_ _human_ape_han ds_spl.jpg bigreferat.com/rus/bigreferat html jpg %D0%BD,_ %D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B0%D1%80%D0% B2%D0%B8 %D0%BD,_%D0%A7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7 jpg jpg

Presentation " Evolutionary theory Charles Darwin" examines this topic in section" Evolutionary doctrine"in grades 9 and 11. Introduces the driving forces of evolution, characterizes the types of struggle for existence, compares artificial and natural selection.



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Evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin. The struggle for existence is intraspecific; - interspecific; - With unfavorable conditions environment Natural selection Survival of the fittest and death of the least fit Driving forces of evolution Based on hereditary variability

Natural selection Natural selection is understood as the process of preservation and predominant reproduction carried out in nature in a number of generations of individuals who have adaptive characteristics useful for their life and development, resulting from the multidirectionality of individual variability. Charles Darwin gave the definition of natural selection: “The preservation of useful differences or changes and the destruction of the harmful I called natural selection or survival of the fittest.”

“Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory” CAUSES MECHANISMS WITH EFFECTS The desire of organisms for unlimited reproduction Limited habitat resources STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE NATURAL SELECTION HEREDITARY VARIABILITY Relative adaptability of organisms to their environment DIVERSITY OF SPECIES IN NATURE PROGRESSIVE CHARACTER OF EVOLUTION

The main provisions of Darwin's teachings 1. Thanks to hereditary variability, organisms of the same species differ from each other in many hereditary characteristics. 2. Organisms reproduce exponentially. Life resources are limited. This leads to a struggle for existence. 3. The result of the struggle for existence is natural evolution. With natural selection, individuals that are most adapted to changing environmental conditions survive and individuals with inadequate changes are eliminated. 4. Surviving individuals give rise to a new generation, thus “successful” changes are inherited. With the long-term action of natural selection, after many generations, individuals can differ significantly from the original forms, and a new species is formed.

Comparative characteristics of natural and artificial selection Indicators Artificial Natural Source material for selection Individual characteristics of the organism Individual characteristics of the organism Selection factor Human Environmental conditions (living and inanimate nature) Criteria Usefulness of the trait for humans Adaptation of the species to environmental conditions

Indicators Artificial Natural Source of genetic diversity Hereditary variability. Artificial mutations, crossing, etc. Hereditary variability. Natural Mutations Timing Relatively short terms Long period of time Result New varieties of plants, breeds of animals, strains of microorganisms. Often leads to the appearance of species that are not possible in nature (cabbage and radish) New species

Indicators Artificial Natural Forms of selection Mass, individual, unconscious, methodical (conscious) Driving, stabilizing, Disruptive Significance for evolution As a result of the interaction of domestic animals, cultivated plants and wildlife, the emergence of new species based on artificially bred breeds and varieties is possible. It is a guiding factor in evolution and plays a leading role in the emergence of the Diversity of the organic World.

Indicators Artificial Natural Significance of acquired characteristics for organisms May be harmful to the organisms themselves. The main indicator is significance for humans. They increase the adaptability of organisms to environmental conditions.

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Evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin Biology lesson in 11th grade Teacher: Ivanova O. V.

Prerequisites for the emergence of the teachings of Charles Darwin Socio-economic Natural science Expedition material of Charles Darwin

Socio-economic prerequisites: Development of capitalism Demand of industry for raw materials and population for food Development agriculture Breeding development

Adam Smith and his theory of free competition under capitalism (the unadapted perish). Thomas Malthus and his article “On Population,” which asserts the necessity of a “struggle for existence” between rapidly multiplying people due to slow growth production of goods.

Natural science background: Comparative anatomy and morphology: a unified structural plan of vertebrates (Goethe, Bronn, Saint-Hilaire) Embryology: the law of embryonic similarity (K. Baer) Cell theory: the unity of origin of plants and animals Paleontology: foundations of geochronology, theory of catastrophes (J. Cuvier ) I. Kant laid the foundations for ideas about the possibility of evolution of cosmic bodies Geologist Charles Lyell developed the theory of the evolution of the Earth

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, creator of the doctrine of evolution. Darwin studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1825-1827), theology at Cambridge (1827-1831), where he received a bachelor's degree. In 1831-1836. makes a trip around the world on the Beagle ship as a naturalist, from which he returns as a man of science. 1859 "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". 1866 "Change in Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants." 1871 "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection"

Charles Darwin's expedition material: Paleontological finds: fossils of giant sloths and armadillos Comparison of the fauna of South and North America Analysis of island flora and fauna (Galapagos archipelago): animals came to the islands from the mainland and changed as a result of adaptation to new living conditions

The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin The diversity of animal and plant species is the result of the historical development of the organic world. The main driving forces of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection. The material for selection is provided by hereditary variability. The stability of the species is ensured by heredity.

The evolution of the organic world predominantly followed the path of increasing complexity in the organization of living beings. The adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions is the result of the action of natural selection. Both favorable and unfavorable changes can be inherited. But the “owners” of the latter, as a rule, are destroyed in the struggle for existence.

The diversity of modern breeds of domestic animals and varieties of agricultural plants is the result of artificial selection. Human evolution is associated with historical development ancient apes.

The significance of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin. The patterns of transformation of one organic form into another have been revealed. The reasons for the expediency of organic forms are explained. The law of natural selection was discovered. The essence of artificial selection has been clarified. The driving forces of evolution have been identified.

Properties of the external environment Properties of organisms Heterogeneity Limited and uneven distribution of resources Heredity Variability Intensity of reproduction Struggle for existence Natural selection Diversity of the organic world Different directions of evolution Simultaneous existence of primitive and highly organ forms Adaptation to the environment

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Evolutionary doctrine of Charles Darwin Biology lesson in 11th grade Teacher: Ivanova O. V.

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Prerequisites for the emergence of the teachings of Charles Darwin Socio-economic Natural science Expedition material of Charles Darwin

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Socio-economic prerequisites: Development of capitalism Industry demand for raw materials and population for food Development of agriculture Development of breeding

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Adam Smith and his theory of free competition under capitalism (the unadapted perish). Thomas Malthus and his article “On Population,” which asserts the necessity of a “struggle for existence” between rapidly multiplying people due to the slow growth of production of goods.

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Natural science background: Comparative anatomy and morphology: a unified structural plan of vertebrates (Goethe, Bronn, Saint-Hilaire) Embryology: the law of embryonic similarity (K. Baer) Cell theory: the unity of origin of plants and animals Paleontology: foundations of geochronology, theory of catastrophes (J. Cuvier ) I. Kant laid the foundations for ideas about the possibility of evolution of cosmic bodies Geologist Charles Lyell developed the theory of the evolution of the Earth

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Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) English naturalist, creator of the doctrine of evolution. Darwin studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh (1825-1827), theology at Cambridge (1827-1831), where he received a bachelor's degree. In 1831-1836. makes a trip around the world on the Beagle ship as a naturalist, from which he returns as a man of science. 1859 "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". 1866 "Change in Domestic Animals and Cultivated Plants." 1871 "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection"

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Charles Darwin's expedition material: Paleontological finds: fossils of giant sloths and armadillos Comparison of the fauna of South and North America Analysis of island flora and fauna (Galapagos archipelago): animals came to the islands from the mainland and changed as a result of adaptation to new living conditions

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The main provisions of the evolutionary teachings of Charles Darwin The diversity of animal and plant species is the result of the historical development of the organic world. The main driving forces of evolution are the struggle for existence and natural selection. The material for selection is provided by hereditary variability. The stability of the species is ensured by heredity.

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The evolution of the organic world predominantly followed the path of increasing complexity in the organization of living beings. The adaptation of organisms to environmental conditions is the result of the action of natural selection. Both favorable and unfavorable changes can be inherited. But the “owners” of the latter, as a rule, are destroyed in the struggle for existence.

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The diversity of modern breeds of domestic animals and varieties of agricultural plants is the result of artificial selection. Human evolution is related to the historical development of ancient apes.