The term “national security” was first introduced into the political lexicon by American President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. The term “national security” was first introduced into the political lexicon by American President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904. National Security

IN Russian history The term "national security" was first used in 1995 in Federal law“On information, informatization and information protection.” In Russian history, the term “national security” was first used in 1995 in the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection.” National Security

“...national security is understood as a state of protection of national interests from internal and external threats, ensuring the progressive development of the individual, society and state” “... national security is understood as a state of protection of national interests from internal and external threats, ensuring the progressive development of the individual, society and state” Message on national security President Russian Federation Federal Assembly of June 13, 1996

National security (as a system) is a set of connections and relationships that characterize a state of the individual, society and state that ensures a sustainable, stable existence, satisfaction and realization of vital needs, the ability to effectively counter internal and external threats, self-development and progress. National security (as a system) is a set of connections and relationships that characterize a state of the individual, society and state that ensures a sustainable, stable existence, satisfaction and realization of vital needs, the ability to effectively counter internal and external threats, self-development and progress. National Security

The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 concluded that a threat to Russia’s national interests will be posed by: The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 concluded that a threat to Russia’s national interests will be posed by: a unilateral force approach in international relations; unilateral power approach in international relations; contradictions between the main participants in world politics; contradictions between the main participants in world politics; the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists; the threat of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their falling into the hands of terrorists; improvement of forms of illegal activities in the cyber field and in the field high technology. improving forms of illegal activity in the cyber field and in the field of high technology.

Potential threats The second group is potential threats that have a geo-economic dimension and can damage the fundamental economic interests of Russia and weaken its position in international economic relations The first group is potential threats that are of a geopolitical nature and pose a danger to the geopolitical interests of our country, its geopolitical position and status in the world community. The third group is potential threats in the energy and resource spheres, which can create obstacles to the development of the Russian Federation as a global energy power, expressed in the claims of foreign states to the natural resources of our country, to its colossal base of natural resources. The fourth group is potential threats that are directly military in nature. military aggression was committed against the Russian Federation or an attack on its military contingents and citizens located abroad

Actions of states aimed at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation actions of states aimed at violating the integrity of the Russian Federation actions of other countries aimed at undermining and restraining integration processes within the CIS, weakening ties of the Russian Federation with states in areas of traditional cooperation actions of other countries aimed at undermining and containment of integration processes within the CIS, weakening of ties between the Russian Federation and states in areas of traditional cooperation, violations of the rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking population and citizens of the Russian Federation living in neighboring states, violations of the rights and freedoms of the Russian-speaking population and citizens of the Russian Federation living in neighboring states, etc. .d. etc. First group

Attempts to limit Russia’s presence in foreign markets (including the arms market), as well as actions to oust it from them; attempts to limit Russia’s presence in foreign markets (including the arms market), as well as actions to oust it from them; actions of “partners” aimed at maintaining restrictions on the Russian Federation’s access to advanced technologies, creating obstacles to Russia’s full participation in international financial, economic and trade structures and organizations. actions of “partners” aimed at maintaining restrictions on the Russian Federation’s access to advanced technologies, creating obstacles to Russia’s full participation in international financial, economic and trade structures and organizations. etc. etc. Second group

Attempts to ignore (infringe) the interests of the Russian Federation in solving problems of international security, counteracting its strengthening as one of the influential centers of the multipolar world attempts to ignore (infringing) the interests of the Russian Federation in solving problems of international security, countering its strengthening as one of the influential centers of the multipolar world carrying out all kinds all sorts of secret, subversive, reconnaissance and propaganda operations to take control of the production and distribution of fuel and energy resources, carrying out all kinds of secret, subversive, reconnaissance and propaganda operations to take control of the production and distribution of fuel and energy resources, etc., etc. Third group

Deployment of groups of forces and means aimed at a military attack on Russia or its allies; deployment of groups of forces and means aimed at a military attack on Russia or its allies; territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of political or forceful separation of certain territories from it territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of political or forceful separation of certain territories from it demonstration military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative purposes, demonstrating military force near the borders of Russia, conducting exercises with provocative purposes, etc., etc. Fourth group

The acceleration of the pace of globalization is creating a new understanding of the integrity of the world and the interdependence of global, national and military security. Military-political globalization as a factor of influence of scientific and technological progress has a direct impact on the security sphere, and the process of ensuring national and military security acquires a global dimension. The acceleration of the pace of globalization is creating a new understanding of the integrity of the world and the interdependence of global, national and military security. Military-political globalization as a factor of influence of scientific and technological progress has a direct impact on the security sphere, and the process of ensuring national and military security acquires a global dimension.

"National Security" - Technological lead among the world's leading powers in the creation of a new military equipment. Proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Incompleteness of military reform Armed Forces Russia. Informational: Information Technology in all areas of life. The intensity of human impact on the natural environment.

"Conscription" - Educational institutions. Financially secure. Environment. Prosperous. Society. This situation could lead to a crisis in the conscription system. - Ideology and ideological work in society; - Operating conditions; - Social guarantees; - Information. State. Problems of the modern Russian army.

"Military ranks" - Army General. Sergeant. ? Captain 2nd rank. Test work. Chief ship's foreman. Ensign. Major. Colonel. Lieutenant. Vice Admiral. Admiral. Lieutenant colonel. Midshipman. Military ranks of the Russian armed forces. Junior Sergeant. Private. Colonel General. Captain-lieutenant. Lieutenant General.

“Military registration in an organization” - Military registration in organizations is divided into: Special military registration (Reservation of citizens in reserve). Other events. General military registration. Advisory Group "Voenkom" (consulting and audit military registration citizens in organizations). Military registration of citizens in organizations. Military duty.

“Rights and responsibilities of military personnel” - The right to participate in the management of the affairs of society and the state. Right to housing. Service time and the right to rest. The right to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence. Legal status of a military man (status). Protection of honor and dignity. Right to health and medical care. Freedom of speech.

"Military Uniform" - Order of Courage. Order for labors agriculture. Nesterov Medal. Even modern look uniforms bear the imprint of ancient traditions. Pushkin Medal. The concept of insignia of the order was formed, which included a cross and a star. In the Middle Ages there was no form as such. Military uniform and orders of the Russian Federation.

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Presentation "Main threats to the national interests and security of Russia. Formation modern level culture of the population in the field of life safety" will help conduct a lesson with students on this topic, as well as test and consolidate the knowledge gained.



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The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety

Study questions: The main threats to the national interests and security of Russia. Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety.

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Conceptual provisions in the field of ensuring national security are based on the fundamental relationship and interdependence of the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020 and the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Today there are three types of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation: external, internal and cross-border.

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. External threats include: deployment of groups of armed forces and assets near the borders of the Russian Federation and its allies; territorial claims against the Russian Federation, threats of secession of certain territories from the Russian Federation; interference in the internal affairs of the Russian Federation by foreign states;

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. External threats include: a build-up of troop groups, leading to a disruption of the existing balance of power near the borders of the Russian Federation; armed provocations, including attacks on Russian military facilities located on the territory of foreign states, as well as on facilities and structures on the State Border of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies; actions that impede Russia's access to strategically important transport communications; discrimination, non-compliance with the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in some foreign countries.

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Experts include internal threats as follows: attempts to forcibly change the constitutional system and violate the territorial integrity of Russia; planning, preparation and implementation of actions to disrupt and disorganize the functioning of organs state power and control, attacks on government, economic and military facilities, life support facilities and information infrastructure; creation, equipment, training and activities of illegal armed groups;

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Experts include the following internal threats: illegal distribution of weapons, ammunition and explosives on the territory of the Russian Federation; widespread organized crime activity threatening political stability in some regions of the Russian Federation; activities of separatist and radical religious national movements.

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Cross-border threats are manifested in the following: the creation, equipping and training of armed formations and groups on the territory of other states for the purpose of transferring them to operate on Russian territory; activities of subversive separatist, national or religious extremist groups supported from abroad, aimed at undermining the constitutional order of Russia, creating a threat to its territorial integrity and the security of its citizens; cross-border crime, including smuggling and other illegal activities on an alarming scale;

The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Cross-border threats are manifested in the following: conducting information activities hostile to the Russian Federation; drug trafficking activities that create a threat of drug penetration into Russian territory or the use of its territory for the transit of drugs to other countries; activities of international terrorist organizations.

Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety. A person’s general culture in the field of life safety can be characterized as his ability to promptly and adequately respond to various dangerous and emergency situations natural, man-made and social in nature, find the safest way out of the current situation, reduce the risk factor for yourself and for others.

Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety. The general culture in the field of life safety presupposes that a person: ● knows and follows the norms of a healthy lifestyle; ● owns health-saving technologies; ● is responsible for preserving the environment; ● knows the basic laws and regulations well and consciously fulfills their requirements in everyday life

Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety. Every person, in order to ensure personal, social and state security must possess a number of personal qualities and constantly improve them: ● be inquisitive and learn to anticipate dangerous situations; ● be able to objectively assess your capabilities, mentally play out options for your behavior, strive to find the safest way out; ● develop responsibility

Questions and tasks: 1. Why is it necessary to constantly improve the level of training of the country's population in the field of life safety? 2. In what regulatory document Russian Federation outlines the main directions for ensuring the national security of Russia? 3. What personal qualities, beliefs and habits of a person contribute to the formation of a modern level of life safety culture?

Homework: Prepare for independent work: Countries and organizations in modern world, with which Russia successfully cooperates. National interests of Russia in the modern world. The main threats to Russia's national interests and security. Formation of a modern level of population culture in the field of life safety.

Main threats
interests and
security of Russia
Life safety teacher-organizer
Degtyarev A.I.

Threat to national
security – direct or
indirect possibility
causing damage
constitutional rights,
freedoms, standard of living,
sovereignty, integrity,
development of the Russian Federation, defense and
state security.
National security of the Russian Federation - state
personal security,
society and state from internal and
external threats, which allows
ensure decent quality and level
lives of citizens, sovereignty,
territorial integrity and sustainable
development of the Russian Federation, defense and security of the country.

National security is complex
problems of safe existence,
life and development of the people,
decided by the state.


National interests of Russia
National interests
Russia in defense
area are in
personal security,
society and state
from the military
aggression from
other states.

Military security provided
through development and improvement
military organization of the state and
defense potential, as well as
allocation of sufficient volume
financial, material and other

Threats to national
1. Incompleteness of military reform
Armed Forces of Russia.
2. Technological lead
powers of the world in creating a new
military equipment.
3. NATO expansion to the east
1. Incompleteness of the military reform of the Russian Armed Forces.2. Technological lead of the world's leading powers in the creation of new military equipment.3. NATO expansion to the east

National Security Threats
4. Potential outbreaks
local wars and conflicts
near the borders of Russia.
5. Proliferation of nuclear and
other types of weapons of mass
6. Increased activity
international terrorism
4. Potential hotbeds of local wars and conflicts near the borders of Russia.5. Proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.6. Increased activity of international terrorism

Ways to achieve strategic
national defense purposes
4. Development
e systems
5. Development
2. Promotion
military prestige
3. Development
1. Improving the management system of the country's military organization 2. Increasing the prestige of military service4. Development of the national security system.5. Development of a promising military-technical policy.

Main problems
provision of military
security related:

* with incompleteness
military organization
* persisting
the gap between
installations and their
implementation in military and

* insufficient
national defense,
* not quite
developed approaches
to military construction and
use of Armed Forces
Forces, other troops, military
formations and bodies,
regulatory framework.

It is the state
regulatory, protective
independence and
sustainability of society on
level of the people from dangerous
influences from within and
from outside The solution to this
will give a complex of problems
to this people and to everyone
safe and
decent living conditions.

Slide 1

The life activity of people and nations is spontaneous and uncontrollable, which entails the danger of a global catastrophe. The saving path to sustainable development civilization is very difficult: To change the guidelines and values ​​of life of the planet's population To bring to the awareness of the population the scale of the impending catastrophe To unite peoples by the psychology of the unity of a common misfortune To limit the life activity of peoples on a planetary scale

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The state is a form of organization of large communities called ethnic groups. Ethnicity is a community of people connected by a common language, social relations, the result of interaction between people environment, landscape, climatic features, flora and fauna.

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STATE AND ETHNOSIS Each ethnic group, in the course of its life and activity, constantly struggles with numerous dangers from nature and its neighbors. Depending on the success of this struggle, the ethnic group develops or disappears, dissolving into others more adapted to constantly changing conditions external environment. The extinction of an ethnic group is determined by the increase in internal disagreements, apathy, and indifference to the safety of the community and descendants. Ethnic diversity is as necessary as the diversity of species of living organisms. The disappearance of ethnic diversity would mean the decline of humanity. In the modern world the process is underway globalization, which is opposed by numerous organizations.

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It is the state that performs a regulatory, protective function that guarantees the integrity, independence and stability of society at the level of the people from dangerous influences from within and without. The solution to this set of problems will give this people and every person safe and decent living conditions.

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National security is a complex of problems of safe existence, life and development of the people, solved by the state Economic security Information security Military security Demographic security National security security

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Russia's national interests in the defense sector are to ensure the security of individuals, society and the state from military aggression from other states. Military development reform must take into account the changing balance of power on the world stage and effectively use the economic capabilities of the state to ensure an adequate response to military threats to Russia’s national interests. National interests of Russia

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Threats to national security Potential hotbeds of local wars and conflicts near the borders of Russia. Proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction Increased activity of international terrorism

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Threats to national security Incompleteness of military reform of the Russian Armed Forces. Technological lead of the world's leading powers in the creation of new military equipment. NATO expansion to the east

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Aspects of National Security The UN believes that the goal of humanity is the development of the individual, and economic growth is the means. Growth is intended to enrich human life, so the main indicators for the country are: Average life expectancy. Educational opportunity. Intermediate level welfare.

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Global dangers have arisen as a result of the widespread desire of residents of all countries to improve the quality of life. An increase in living standards is achieved through technical and economic growth based on the intensification of “environmental management.” To prevent a global catastrophe, all of humanity will have to return to an acceptable pressure threshold:

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