New Year's scenario for adults

A lyrical melody sounds and the presenter reads.

Ved: The snow is swirling outside the window,
And the frost gets stronger,
New Year knocking on the house
The holiday is coming.

Or vice versa:
Rain, a sea of ​​mud,
Anyway, we are waiting for a miracle
On New Year's holiday.

From childhood we remember the covenant,
What's under the tree needles
We will receive as a gift,
Not pine cones or needles.

Someone asks for a Mercedes
Someone's getting promoted
Everyone believes that Frost
It will help without a doubt.

Someone is waiting for a lot of money,
Someone just health,
Well, our heroine
She's waiting... I won't get ahead of myself!

So, let's begin. Not in the distant kingdom,
And in our Russian state
Once upon a time there lived a girl
According to passport data, she’s still a young girl,
But in life the beauty is far from the data,
So they called her Baba Yaga.
However, what am I saying all this?
Yagusya, tell us your story!

(Baba Yaga comes out and sings a song to the melody of “Enchanted, Bewitched”)

B.-Ya.: Enchanted, bewitched,
Disfigured by evil spells.
I'm fatally unlucky in my personal life
Apparently I will be lonely all my life.

Ved.: Don’t be sad, don’t be sad,
Sweet girl
Believe, today is New Year
A miracle will happen!

B.-Y.: Miracles will not help,
I haven’t believed in them for a long time!
I decided that I would go
To the clinic to Kashchei!

I'll go under the knife for him,
Let them cut me:
Botox under the skin, and acrylic on the nails.

Ved.: Oh, my poor one.
Victim of television!
The result of the Kashchei procedures
We've seen everything more than once!

Better take my advice:
Don't isolate yourself
Believe in miracles, look for friends,
Join the fun!

And then the first miracle happened!
The Snow Maidens are coming to us! Where are the girls from?
They gathered to deliver greetings
From all corners of the populated planet.

Well, let's meet them in Russian,
We will greet you with a kind word and a look.

(Song “Four Courtyards”)

So who gets out here first?
We are waiting, meet her, gentlemen!
Here she is, our first guest -
Snow Maiden from the country Rising Sun!

(music sounds, a Japanese woman comes out with a saucer of rice, pours rice, dances, sings with a Japanese accent to the tune of the song “Girls from High Society”)

Japanese woman: I am a sophisticated person,
I came from Japan for the holiday.
Carried away by the New Year,
I wish you wisdom and happiness!

On New Year's Day, may you enjoy your company
Minutes of sadness, confusion, loneliness! - 2 times

(speaking) At your beautiful spreading Christmas tree
Us autumn prickly branches in needles.
In Japan, to avoid bad luck,
Beautiful tree put on a seat.
And so that you can sing like a bird,
Guests are presented with a rice dish.
Friends, I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart,
You sent all the dresses in kimonos,

There was enough sun and rice for you,
And there are now more good friends!

And I will advise you, oh, Yaga-San:
There are mysterious ladies here from all countries!

Forget about boring faceless models
And these surgical undertakings!
You, Yaga - San, you will soon fall in love,
Find the highlight in the image!

I beg with you, and leaving,
I want to give you a dance, friends!

(Dance with fans, Japanese woman leaves)

Ved.: Yes, the Japanese woman intrigued us.
An Eastern woman knows quite a lot!
Well, what are you going to tell us now, Yagusya?

B.–Y.: I need to think,
I'm afraid to make a mistake!

Ved.: Think! Well, for now, like a bird,
The Snow Maiden is rushing towards us from America!
In America everyone says: “Time from money.”
We paid her for the visit in rubles.
She values ​​money, she values ​​time
Therefore, her congratulations are brief.

(music sounds, American comes out)

(speaks) Hello, hello, my friends!
I'm sending you compliments from Mexico!
You are a strong and brave great people,
Today a whole world is talking about you.
You are often shown on television,
But your face is always offended by something.
So laugh more, joke and sing,
And don’t stand still for more than a second!
Then maybe all of Mexico at once
Will come here to lissen you!

Well, now I’ll leave you, friends,
After all, you can’t leave a business for a long time.
And to increase the emotional background
I give you cowboys for laughs

(Dance of cowboys with horses)

Ved.: Yes, Americans are always ahead,
They firmly believe in themselves.
Don't put your finger in their mouth!
Yaga, dear?
What do you say now?

B.-Y.: I believe that the door will open to happiness!

Ved.: Well then,
If this is how the plot of the fairy tale decided to spin,
I want to be reincarnated too!
New Year's whirlwind, spin us around quickly!
I want to be the Snow Maiden of gypsy blood!

(music sounds, the leader runs behind the screen, comes out in a gypsy costume, sings to the tune of the song “Fashion Changes Every Day”)

(speaks) Romals! I ask for your attention!
Before the song I want to give advice.
Yaga, there is no point in living according to a schedule!
Let the light of freedom and passion illuminate your life!

(to the audience) And I want to wish you good luck,
Let your hand turn golden every day,
Love to you, health and happiness to boot,
Let what you wish come true!

(Song of the camp “Oh little stream”)

To the audience) Well, in the meantime, I predicted your fate,
The Snow Maiden galloped up to us from the tundra
On frisky deer. She's an Eskimo
Sends warm greetings from the kingdom of frost!

(music sounds, Eskimo comes out, sings to the tune
songs "Eskimo and Papuan")

Eskimo: I am a shaman's wife,
Initiated into witchcraft
And I want to wish you well!
And let the soul last a century
It will be as pure as snow
And the blizzard will bring happiness into your life!

Eskimos, Eskimos! Frosts don't scare us!
Eskimos, Eskimos! They grow in winter climates!
With Santa Claus next door,
I've lived nearby since childhood
He told me in confidence
What gifts await you all!

(To Baba Yaga) However, I really sympathize with you.
My advice: don’t isolate yourself.
So that in old age you are not left alone,
Be gentle with people, like spring!

(Dance “I’ll take you to the tundra”)

(to the audience) It's time for me to return to the tundra, however!
Live, work and be richer!
Catch good luck and happiness to boot!

(music sounds, Eskimo, leaves)

(To Baba Yaga) Tell me, finally, what have you decided?
Perhaps we can do without acrylic?

B.-Y.: And you don’t need silicone with Botex!
I believe that a reward awaits me for my suffering!

Ved.: Great! But fortunately you need to prepare,
It is no coincidence that the proverb says:
We are greeted in life by our clothes.
I’ll invite a stylist to help – top class!

(calls cell phone)

Hello, good evening! Please come!
Professional advice give it urgently!
We are waiting for you! Yes! Yes!
Blonde? Brunette?
(whispers) Such “beauties” are rare.
See you! We are waiting!

(To Baba Yaga) She will be there soon.

B.-Y.: Who?

(The “Fashionable Sentence” theme song plays) Me! Vyacheslav Zaitsev.


I will emphasize the nuances, place emphasis,
And your dreams will come true, and you will meet the Prince! (

(takes Baba Yaga’s hand and leaves)

Ved.: It seems that I have no doubts,
Our fairy-tale plot is moving towards a denouement.
I believe the master's work is afraid,
Stylist Vyacheslav Zaitsev
Will help Baba Yaga transform herself!

And we, while the stylist performs manipulations,
Let's support the climax with a funny scene!

(Scene “how my mother wanted me”)

(music sounds, Snow Maiden comes out ( former Baba Yaga) and Stylist
Ved.: But what do I see! Is it already the same Yaga!
Yes, you will defeat anyone here for sure!

Snow Maiden: No, I can’t impress anyone with beauty,
I have already met my destiny!
Everything turned out as you predicted:
He is handsome and slender!
And I match him!
But what will happen next, how will the race last?
I'll tell you, friends,
Next year
(Everyone who spoke comes out and forms a semicircle)

Ved.: Well, now,
Let's remember our childhood -
And let's call Grandfather Frost!

And the words are:
“Santa Claus, come quickly!
To make it more fun!”

(music plays, Santa Claus comes out)

D.M.: Hello, dear guests!
I'm very glad to see you!
Well, let's not waste time,
And let's continue our holiday!

Let the new one give us
Health, joy and happiness!

Everyone who is single should get married.
To everyone who is in a quarrel, make peace,
Forget about grievances.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
For songs, for dancing
They never stopped talking!
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
May trouble pass you by!
(music sounds, all the heroes come out and sing New Year's

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 2969 Human

It sounds like a painfully familiar New Year's melody
Father Frost. Happy New Year's Eve, dear audience!

Snow Maiden. From the entire magical winter kingdom, bright New Year's greetings! (addresses grandfather). Grandfather Frost, something from you...

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year “New Year’s Anniversary of the Year of the Rat”

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4394 person

The first toast from the host.
Pleasant calm music sounds.
Host: Hello, good luck everyone New Year's Eve! These magical days brought us smiles, joy, team unity and love for work!

I hope that all employees who...

Scenario for the Year of the Rat for a corporate party

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4208 Human

Presenter: The year 2020 is knocking on our doors with new opportunities, dreams, new happiness, and with all my heart I wish everyone that what you have planned, on the eve of the most magical holiday, comes true! Traditionally, the New Year in Russia is not complete without Christmas trees...

Scenario for the New Year's concert at the House of Culture "Waiting for a Miracle"

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 1640 Human

The music from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” is played, which is the leitmotif of the concert.
Entertainer. Good evening everyone, dear viewers! The artists of the House of Culture are happy to talk with you on the eve of the most magical holiday! This New Year's Eve...

The best cultural and interesting scenario for a theatrical New Year's corporate party with the participation of the Snow Queen

13.12.2019 | Looked at the script 5778 Human

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost:
-Many days and nights
We followed a difficult, long route.
Our path is like a stream
Winding between the crystal Christmas trees.
(Wiggled between the poplars,
Come on, pour some for grandpa!)
Snegurochka and I together
We hurried to...

Scenario for a good start to the New Year's show program for adults

15.11.2019 | Looked at the script 20680 Human

There is noticeable excitement in the hall.
LEADING; On the road with bells
The threes are flying fast.
In a painted sleigh with carpets
The beautiful girls are sitting.
Come to us for New Year's holiday

An interesting and theatrical scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults with the participation of fairy-tale characters

14.11.2019 | Looked at the script 11294 person

Hare Stepashka:

Oh, piggy, what's wrong with you? Do piglets drink?

What do you think, Stepashechka? Where does the saying come from
"I got drunk like a pig." And you drink, everyone is talking about you too, sideways,
oblique means drunk...

Piggy sings:

An interesting, fun and new New Year's scenario, theatrical: “The Hungry Guest” for adults

09.11.2019 | Looked at the script 13213 Human

Philosophy of the table -
May there be a snack here!
Not even half an hour will pass,
How will... (SAUSAGE) disappear!

People really like it
With red fish... (SANDWICHES)!

Main appetizer view
It's standing in the middle of the table!
We finally remember
About salty...


Scenario of a magical and interesting New Year's fairy tale

21.10.2019 | Looked at the script 13298 Human

It would be great if Grandfather with a gray beard and a red nose suddenly rang our doorbell. He would hug me and quietly whisper in my ear:

Even though you consider yourself smart and wise, believe me, you cannot live without faith in miracles. Beautiful fairy tale, ...

To have a fun holiday event, you need to think in advance, which will help ensure fun and good mood.

Funny and funny scenes, which do not take much time, so they can be staged several in a row, involving as many people as possible.

New Year's skits that are funny and cool for high school students can include both famous and fictional characters, as long as it is fun and interesting.

New Year's skit about grandmas Yozhek

Characters: 5 grandmas hedgehogs

Grandma 1: Hedgehogs, have you noticed that we haven’t hung out for a long time! Oh look, what's here
Is everyone here?
Grandmother 2: Yes, they’re probably celebrating something again! send it! We have to go to bro Kascheich's party! By the way, I need to call him, has he changed his mind about hanging out? So, let's dial the number! Hello, Kashcheich! Hey, how's everything ready? oh, well then we’ll be there! Well, the kashcheich said, everything is ready! Send it?!
Grandma 3: Wait, we still don’t know what’s going on here? Let's ask the guys?
Grandma 4: Yes, no problem! Guys, tell me, what's going on here?
Guys: We are celebrating the New Year!
Grandma 5: Wow, does that mean there’s going to be a party here too? Cool, let's stay here, otherwise I won't get to the kashcheyushka! My back hurts terribly!
All grandmothers except 2 grandmothers: We agree! Eh, hedgehog, how are you?
Grandmother 2: what?
1st grandmother: Well, you're damn deaf, you need to go to the ENT!
Grandma 2: Alas, my electric broom is broken!
Grandma 1: I’ve been driving a Merc for a long time! Well, why do you want to stay here for the party?
Grandma 2: Of course! Well, grannies, let's have a blast!?

The phone is ringing at the 4th grandma

Grandma 4: Hello, hello! Oh, well, I already signed up for tomorrow! Okay, I don’t have time now! Dosvidos!
Grandma 5: Where did you sign up?
Grandma 4: Hey, go to the makeup artist! I decided to preen myself before my date with the merman!
Grandma 3: Okay, that's enough, let's finally hang out!
Grandma 1: Well, DJ, play us a song! Yes, better!

include for example: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

3 Grandma: Hey, you’re a DJ, what did you play for us? Give us ours, my beloved!

The song of hedgehog grandmothers is playing

Cool New Year's scene about blondes

Participants should speak with expression and intonation, parodying modern fashionistas

1 Blonde: Hello girlfriend, Why are you standing here?
2 Blonde: Waiting for Leshy
1 Blonde: Why wait for him?
2 Blonde: Yes, I met him, I couldn’t leave everything as it was - he looks like a loser... no one walks like that now...
1 Blonde: And where is he?
2 Blonde: At the hairdresser... at Zverev’s
1 Blonde: Is this the famous hairdresser?
2 Blonde: No, namesake... he’s also a stylist, he’ll do a little image work...
1 Blonde: Oh
2 Blonde: What?
1 Blonde: Your hair is black!
2 Blonde: Pull it out faster!
1 Blonde: Yes, I was joking..
2 Blonde: Fuck you... By the way, here’s Leshy.

Leshy comes out in super new clothes, to the music

1 Blonde: Listen to the latest fashion...
2 Blonde: Yes, now with him both to the feast and to the world..
Leshy: Well, I changed my image a little... how did it happen?
1 Blonde: Great...
2 Blonde: Now I’d like to teach you how to dance...
Leshy: I can do tectonics...
1 Blonde: Something already, show me...

You can end the performance with the dance of Leshy and the blondes.

The blondes and Leshy leave on stage, Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson appear, holding Leshy's sock in their hands, approach the microphone and twirl it in their hands

Holmes: Watson, I think this is a man's sock...
Watson: How did you guess?
Holmes: Elementary! The size is too big.
Watson: Do you think it can't belong to a woman?
Holmes: To be honest, I saw a gentleman who was walking in the second sock.
Watson: Holmes, you are simply a genius. Where was this gentleman going?
Holmes: Elementary, my dear friend, accompanied by two ladies, he was probably in a hurry to the disco…. Oh, it seems to me that someone else is going there...
Watson: Let's go too?
Holmes: For those over a hundred years old? Although, let's go... It doesn't hurt us to have fun.

New Year's skit about the Snow Queen

Snow Queen: Call Zlyuchka and Thorn to me...

Zlyuchka and Thorn come running

Snow Queen: My faithful maids, how long have we done nasty things?
Zlyuchka: A long time ago...
Thorn: A long time ago...
Snow Queen: Do you want to ruin people's holiday?
Zlyuchka: I want...
Thorn: It’s already pricking...
Snow Queen: Here, keep a catalog of cosmetics, whoever rubs it and smells it will get sick, get sick
Sneaky: Will he get sick?
Thorn: Will he get sick?
Zlyuchka: And he’ll miss the holiday?
Thorn: And a holiday!!! Will he miss...?
Snow Queen: And she’ll get sick and miss it. You need to offer this catalog to everyone and make people sneeze.
Zlyuchka: What if people take vitamins?
Thorn: What if you were involved in sports?
Snow Queen: And they will celebrate alone without friends... Go quickly, fulfill my will.

They leave. Ivanushka comes on stage

Ivanushka: Alyonushka? Has anyone seen my sister?
Zlyuchka: Is this Ivanushka?
Thorn: Open the page with goat flu quickly?
Zlyuchka: Young man, look at some cosmetics, just for your sister.
Thorn: Here, take a sniff.
Ivanushka: Oh, but you really need to buy a gift for your sister! (sniffs)
Zlyuchka: Well, how?
Thorn: Good cosmetics?
Ivanushka: Oh, I have a fever, probably an acute respiratory infection.

Alyonushka comes

Alyonushka: Ivanushka, what’s wrong with you? Oh... temperature!
Zlyuchka: They got infected, will your brother get sick now?
Thorn: And your holiday is ruined?

Ivanushka coughs

Alyonushka: We'll see about that. (Takes the phone) Urgent orderlies.

Orderlies run in in the form of snowmen

Orderlies: What happened, where is the infection?
Alyonushka: Yes, there are two people here who are tearing apart.
Ivanushka: I was infected with goat flu.
Orderlies: I see, disinfect the infection!

Zlyuchka and Thorn run away screaming, followed by orderlies with large syringes.

Alyonushka: I told you, Ivanushka, go in for sports, and take your vitamins - you didn’t listen to me, but nothing...

Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden: I’ll help your problem, but just don’t get sick anymore... I’ll wave my magic wand, and the illness will go away by the evening, but for now the milk is warm, and the stove...
Who arranged all this... Surely either Baba Yaga or the Snow Queen, you will need to tell Santa Claus...

In our country there are a lot of good proverbs, for example, prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter. After all, it is natural that it is best to prepare for what will happen next in advance. For this reason, we have already come up with for you new script New Year 2017 rooster for holding in the club, so that you have the opportunity to change it for yourself, make changes and adapt it to the New Year's party. See new cool script with competitions, games and let your guests rejoice in the new year.

And so, the beginning of the New Year holiday.

The host comes on stage and reads out the New Year's greeting to the guests:

After the greeting, the main celebration begins.

Friends! There is very little time left until the new year, and it’s time to say goodbye to the old year. let's do it?! Then let's remember what good events occurred in 2016. Speak up, and I will invite the authors of the best events to the stage.

Guests offer their options, and the host calls 4 guests onto the stage.

And so, you remembered the best and most positive events of the past year. Tell me, did 2016 leave imprints on your life? Yes?! Then let's play with you.

Competition 1.
The guests who come on stage turn their backs to the guests, and signs with the inscriptions are hung on their backs:
- bathhouse
- striptease
- sobering-up station
- bushes

An important point: the participants on stage do not see the signs, but the guests do! When the signs are on the backs, the host asks the guests questions. And they answer them.
For example:
- do you go there often?
- who do you go there with?
- how many times were you there in 2016?
- Would you go there on New Year’s Eve?
- Which friend would you take with you?
- how you described this place to your friends. What catches you?

After the contestants have answered the questions and the other guests have laughed, you can show the signs to all the contestants and give them gifts.

And so, we spent the past year having fun. And now it’s time to welcome the new 2017!
Are you ready for it yet?! Have you written a letter to Santa Claus? Let's write a collective letter!

The game is a letter to Santa Claus.
Everything is simple here. You have this letter in your hands:

As you can see, adjectives are missing in it. You invite guests to name adjectives one by one and write them in the letter. When the letter is completely written, you read it to all the guests and send it to Santa Claus.

Wow, what a fun letter we wrote. Now Santa Claus will definitely come to us for the holiday! And to speed up his arrival, let's play.
I invite brave and passionate people to the stage who are not shy and not afraid to play.

To play, you will need empty Kinder Surprise barrels. You write tasks on papers and put the papers in barrels. Each barrel contains one task. You put all the barrels in a bag, and the guests who come out take turns taking out one barrel at a time, opening it and completing the task.
Examples for tasks in forfeits:
- sing a song in the forest, a Christmas tree was born in the power of opera (rock, jazz, and so on)
- crow loudly the phrase - Happy New Year 2017!
- show how a rooster crows in Germany, China and France.
- show a rooster that is scared.
- show how the ice melts.
- use gestures to show some New Year's rhyme.

Great! And now meet Santa Claus!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:
Hello, my dear! Are you having fun?! Then let's continue. While I was on my way to see you, I received new telegrams. But my eyesight is rather weak, so I can’t understand who they are from. Can you help me guess?

Game - New Year's telegrams.
The presenter or Santa Claus himself reads out the telegram, and the guests guess who the telegram is from. Whoever guessed correctly receives a prize from Santa Claus.
Here is a list of telegrams:

Father Frost:
Do you already know that 2017 will be the year of the rooster? Then let's celebrate the symbol of the New Year!

The rooster comes out.

Crow!!! Finally, I became the symbol of the year! And I just great mood, which I will gladly pass on to you. I will also give you gifts.

Game - gifts from the rooster.
To play the game you need to buy Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs. You can also download and print these templates:

Each kinder surprise is wrapped in one template. Then you put all the chocolate eggs in a bag, and the rooster approaches the guests, who take one egg out of the bag. When the first guest takes out one chocolate egg, the rooster reads a poem about it.
Examples of verses:

Now we have both Santa Claus and the symbol of the New Year. What's missing? That's right - prizes and gifts!
Now we will hold a lottery. And everyone will receive their own gift.

Lottery for guests.
For the lottery you need kegs from the Russian Lotto game. You put them in a bag numbered from 1 to 16. And write poems about gifts on pieces of paper. Guests take turns taking out one barrel at a time and showing the number. The presenter or rooster reads a verse for this number, and Santa Claus gives a gift.

And now it's time to dance! Dance with Santa Claus and the cockerel!