You've probably wondered why a wedding bouquet costs more than a simple bouquet?

When preparing for a wedding, many will choose between quality and suitable cost. A competent florist will be happy to explain why the bouquet of your dreams will cost the stated price. If you don’t understand why a wedding bouquet costs much more than gift bouquets, don’t hesitate to ask the florist about it. Perhaps, in your opinion, a gift bouquet is no different from a bride’s wedding bouquet, but there are differences and there are a lot of them.

The first difference is that a wedding bouquet made from rare and boring plant varieties will always win.When else, if not at a wedding, can you pamper yourself and choose the most beautiful flowers for your bridal bouquet? And if you need to save money, ask your florist to replace the expensive flowers in your bouquet with more budget-friendly ones.
The second difference is the shape of the wedding bouquet.Nowadays, dense asymmetrical bouquets are extremely fashionable. Try to count how many flowers are used in a regular bouquet and a wedding bouquet using this technique? In a seemingly small wedding bouquet, many more flowers are used than in a regular gift bouquet.
The third difference is the quality of the floral material.An amateur cannot determine how many days ago a flower was cut and risks getting a bouquet that will crumble at the beginning of registration. There will be no time to replace a crumbling and fading bouquet at your wedding. This is a reason to use the services of only trusted florists. We try to use flowers only from the best wholesale stores. In St. Petersburg, we have our favorite place where you can order high-quality flowers of the rarest varieties and the necessary shades.
The fourth difference is the design of the bouquet.Do you dream that your wedding bouquet will be truly special? The bouquet handle can be decorated according to your wishes. Exquisite fabrics, ribbons, lace are the most classic materials. You can also embroider the handle of the bouquet with pearls, decorate it with a pendant or brooch, which will always remind you of your wedding day.
The cost of a flower is never the same.Want to know what affects the cost?

The first and most important thing isplant variety and its availability in this moment . Most of the world's cut flowers are auctioned in Holland, where real bids are placed on each shipment. Rare flowers and shades are expensive.

Further the price will depend on freshness of the flower . Modern selection has ensured that our favorite plants can last in a bouquet for 2 to 3 weeks, and some types of plants can last longer. The more time has passed since cutting, the cheaper you can buy cut flowers at auction.

You probably noticed thatthe cost of a flower depends on the length of the stem. Florists do not cut the stem to deliberately reduce the price of the flower. Flowers with different stem lengths are ordered at auction. Some plants are only available with short stems, others can exceed one and a half meters in height.

Another important point influencing the cost of a flower — delivery method.Flowers can be delivered dry or in water. Delivery by water guarantees the freshness of your plants, but it is quite expensive.

And now I’ll tell you what the cost of our bouquet consists of using this peach bouquet as an example.

The main flower in this bouquet is the Vuvuzela rose.Ten flowers of this variety cost from 1,200 to 2,000 rubles. The price depends on the day the flower was cut. We used 7 roses in the bouquet.

Ranunculus support the orange tint in a bouquet— the cost of ten of these plants is from 600 to 2000 rubles. The price depends greatly on the season and size. 3 flowers were added to the bouquet.

The orange in the bouquet is softened by carnations with a spicy pink tint. The cost of 20 plants is from 1000 rubles. The bouquet uses 7 flowers.

Next, we added various shades of white to the bouquet: white spray carnations (500 rubles for 20 pieces, we added 2 flowers to the bouquet), white spray roses (from 800 rubles for 10 pieces, 3 branches were used in the bouquet), several large white and peach roses (from 600 rubles for 10 pieces, 5 pieces were used in the bouquet).

To make the bouquet light and airy, we added ozothamnus (from 160 rubles), trachelium (from 160 rubles) and brunia (from 500 rubles), eucalyptus (from 180 rubles), echeveria (120 rubles).

We carefully decorate each bouquet. Here we decorated the bouquet handle with lace and a peach-colored satin ribbon.

To create this bouquet we needed 50 flowers with a total cost of 3110 rubles. Let's also add here our knowledge in floristry, numerous courses and seminars, as well as experience. At the moment, its price on the website is 6,700 rubles.
Now you know how the cost of flowers and services is calculated, and you can make the right choice of a decor and floristry studio.

1. Detailed costing .

Here you need to remember and scrupulously write down everything that was used in production:

  • Eclair milk sweets. Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x 0.78 rubles = 49.14 rubles.
  • Sweets with coffee filling. Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = 131.82 rub.
  • Coffee Can Black Card Gold Arabica - 220 rub.
  • Wicker basket - 360 rub.
  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.
  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds spent 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.
  • Taplenta. Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.
  • Base. Used in this cart polyurethane foam. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.
  • Glue sticks. Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 rub.
  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. x 0.60 rub. = 27.60 rub.

Cost per at this stage is 1136.56 rubles.

Plus not taken into account:
using scissors, stapler, glue gun

For non-accounting, depending on the bouquet, I add from 50 rubles. Here the basket is large, I’ll add a little more and round it up - 1200 rub..
This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But we make every flower by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. Less 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

Total cart cost 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method .

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. A more comprehensive method is needed.
From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:

  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 simple-shaped flower (rosebud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.
  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.

And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:

  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 RUR.
  • Coffee 220 rub..
  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.
  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “non-accounting”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.

Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.
The difference with the previous calculation is insignificant. And I always round the aggregated cost in one direction or another, depending on the bouquet. So here the same 1600 rubles come out.

Experience of experts. Svetlana Artova

Just a few years ago it was difficult to imagine that artificial flowers will occupy a strong niche in event decor, but at the moment this is a fait accompli. While many florists were proving that only fresh flowers can be used at weddings, top decorators have already begun to use artificial ones in their large-scale projects. Of course, we are not talking about plastic roses at three rubles apiece, but about flowers High Quality which are commonly called interior or decorative. What explains their increasing popularity?

Firstly, high quality interior flowers very life-like. Clients often come up close and touch the petals to understand what the composition is made of.

Secondly, interior flowers comparable in cost to live ones, and often even cheaper.

Third, interior flowers can be used repeatedly, which can significantly reduce the cost of flower arrangements for customers.

Fourthly, they are assembled in advance, thanks to which work on site takes much less time.

Fifthly, compositions of interior flowers noticeably lighter than from the living. Thus, installation of hanging compositions requires less labor.

So! You have already become familiar with the advantages of interior colors and are ready to use them in decoration. But the question immediately arises of how many flowers you need to purchase to make a certain composition. It is quite difficult to answer such a question, because you have to take into account the variety of flower arrangements, the sizes of the flowers used, whether you will attach flower to flower or make a choice in favor large quantity greenery

I will try to show how to calculate the required number of colors for some compositions. I hope that using this knowledge and a little imagination, you will no longer be tormented by the question of how many flowers you need to buy.

We will make the calculation using the sizes of the flowers presented on this site. For example, let's take a hydrangea with a diameter of 18 cm, a peony with a diameter of 16 cm and a rose with a diameter of 11 cm. First of all, we need to find out the area of ​​the flower head. Let's use the formula S=πr 2, where:

S is the area of ​​the flower head;

π - Pi number equal to 3.14159...;

r is the radius of the flower head.


S hydrangea = 3.14159*(18/2) 2 = 254

Peony S = 3.14159*(16/2) 2 = 201

S roses = 3.14159*(11/2) 2 = 95

In order to calculate the composition of different colors, we will use the total area of ​​the heads used. For example, we want the composition to contain hydrangeas, peonies and roses in a ratio of 1:1:2 (one hydrangea, one peony, two roses). Let's calculate the total area of ​​hydrangea, peony and roses:

S total = (S hydrangeas + S peonies +S roses +S roses) = (254+201+95+95) = 645

Let's move on to calculating specific flower arrangements. We will calculate each composition:

Separately for hydrangeas;

Separately for peonies;

Separately for roses;

For the option when hydrangeas, peonies and roses are used simultaneously.

1. Calculate the composition in in the form of a sphere, which can be hung above guest tables. Let's assume that we need a composition with a diameter of about 50 cm.

The surface area of ​​a sphere is determined by the formula: S sphere = 4πr 2

Thus, the area of ​​our composition is:

S spheres = 4πr 2 = 4*3.14159*25 2 = 7,854

Hydrangea: 7,854/254 = 31 pcs.

Peonies: 7,854/201 = 40 pcs.

Roses: 7,854/95 = 83 pcs.

Hydrangeas, peonies and roses: 7,854/645 = 13 sets (each set contains 1 hydrangea, 1 peony and 2 roses). That is, for such a composition you need 13 hydrangeas, 13 peonies and 26 roses.

If we need a composition in the form of a hemisphere with a diameter of about 50 cm, then we divide the results obtained in half.

2. Let's calculate the composition in the form of a flower garland, which decorate the podium or arch for exit registration. Let's assume that we need a composition with a length of 150 cm and a diameter of about 30 cm.

In essence, this composition is a cylinder. The area of ​​the lateral surface of the cylinder is determined by the formula: S side = 2πrh (r - radius of the cylinder, h - height of the cylinder)

Thus, the lateral surface area of ​​our composition is:

S side = 2πrh = 2*3.14159*15*150 = 14,138

Therefore, to make such a composition we will need:

Hydrangeas: 14,138/254 = 56 pcs.

Peonies: 14,138/201 = 71 pcs.

Roses: 14 138/95 = 149 pcs.

Hydrangeas, peonies and roses: 14,138/645 = 22 sets (each set contains 1 hydrangea, 1 peony and 2 roses). That is, for such a composition you need 22 hydrangeas, 22 peonies and 44 roses.

As you probably already guessed, this is how you can calculate the number of flowers for a composition in the form of a ring. First of all, we will need to decide what diameter our ring will be. Then determine the circumference using the formula l = 2πr. The circumference will be exactly the length of our cylinder. We set the diameter of the cylinder and, using the above example, calculate required amount flowers for a composition in the form of a ring.

The only thing you need to remember is that we are only calculating the side surface of the flower garland, so do not forget to add a certain amount of flowers to the “ends” of the garland in cases where it is not looped. Or immediately calculate the total area of ​​the cylinder using the formula: 2πr(h+r)


All calculations were made with rounding up. After all, there are never too many interior flowers - if you bought more flowers than you need, you will always find a use for them.

If you need the flowers to be stuck tightly together, then add another ten percent of the total amount. And vice versa, if you want the flowers to be at a distance from each other, then feel free to subtract twenty to thirty percent, and cover the remaining gaps with greenery.

Also note that in the case of the garland, we calculated the entire side surface. But if you mount it, for example, on a table, then flowers are not needed on the side of the table surface, so you can subtract twenty-five percent of the total amount.

I hope you found this article helpful! I wish you all creative success!

Svetlana Artova, decorator-teacher.

How much does wedding floral design cost? Let's discuss the cost and the nuances that make up it.

It is no secret that the cost consists of the price of material (flowers), labor, delivery, installation/dismantling on site. But why do different florists have their own price policy? Because floral design is a service, and craftsmen set the price for the work depending on their own value in the market.

Today we will talk about pricing with florist Galina Guseva. And we will get the explanations that brides need so much to plan their budget.

What does the cost consist of?

On average, a flower costs from 100 rubles. (rose) up to 400 rub. and occupies an area of ​​10 cm. up to 25cm. (hydrangea). Plus Consumables(oasis, pallets, fasteners), decor (vases, candlesticks, fabric, arch).

That is, decorating a wedding with flowers and greenery in the middle price category, without fabric decor and an arch, will cost 30,000-40,000 rubles.

What does this include:

– bridal bouquet – 5000 rub.;

– composition for the podium up to 60cm. length – 7000-8000 rub.;

– 3-4 tables of guests with small compositions of 25-30 cm in diameter – 2500-3000 rubles;

– seating for guests 2000-3000 rub. (print, flowers, easel).

Separately, the rental or purchase of vases, delivery - within Moscow or outside the Moscow Ring Road, installation and dismantling are considered. There may be a large expense item here, because... The flower arch takes about 3 hours to install. As a rule, you assemble all the flowers for the arch on site, plus fabric and glass beads. But prices for flower arches start from 25,000 rubles.
Small decor: candles, candelabra, feathers can be rented from a florist or a third-party service. However, be sure to consult with your florist to maintain a unified wedding concept.

In fact, wedding decoration is a set of options. Bouquet, presidium, guest tables, seating, arch. It is advisable for brides to calculate the budget and distribute it among the desired options.

About the cost of flowers

Usually a bouquet and composition for the presidium are considered mandatory; these elements contain the most photographs; other options are optional.
It is also not economically profitable to arrange a wedding by flowers on the eve of March 4-8, September 28-1, February 13-14.

But on the days following these dates, it is possible to get some flowers at discounts, but only those that will be on free sale, that is, “what remains.” You shouldn’t count on a 50% discount, and the flowers may not be very good good quality. If you are considering modern trend– – the cost will need to be reconsidered.


As for the fabric design, try to choose a restaurant with beautiful chairs, then you won’t have to cover them with covers, this trend is already outdated. Guests can take home the compositions from the tables or receive them as a prize for competitions.

As a rule, guests give a lot of bouquets, and sometimes they are not chosen in the best combination :) Brides can gently hint to guests that they can order flowers from the florist who arranges the wedding. In this case, guests receive good discount for bouquets and free shipping. In addition, bouquets designed in the same style, from the flowers that the bride loves, are not a shame to place at the podium or sofa, where you can make an impromptu photo zone out of them.