Characteristics of work. Assembly of units according to drawings and disassembly of units and assemblies aircraft medium difficulty. Performing simple plumbing operations for removing and installing individual components and assemblies of aircraft using simple assembly tools. Installation of bolts in prepared holes, fastening of aircraft parts with screws. Disassembly and assembly of simple hinge joints. Performing basic metalworking operations: cutting with a hacksaw, filing, sanding, removing burrs and gouges. Unpacking and depreservation of aircraft parts and components. Reactivation of engines under the guidance of a more highly qualified aircraft assembler. Moving aircraft components and assemblies using simple lifting mechanisms.

Must know: technological processes of assembly and disassembly of simple components and assemblies of aircraft; basic information on the design of assembled components and assemblies, technical drawings, tolerances, fits, surface treatment parameters; types and reasons for marriage metalwork and assembly works; purpose and rules of use of the simple mechanized equipment, equipment, fixtures, plumbing and measuring instruments, lifting mechanisms used.

Examples of work

1. Air cylinders, return drainage, emergency safety valves of all aircraft systems (except for the cockpit) - dismantling.

2. Gas tanks light aircraft- dismantling.

3. Passenger and pilot cabins - dismantling the seats.

4. Engine hoods - dismantling.

5. Gussets, brackets, corners, brackets, fittings, levers - installation and fastening.

6. Hatch covers - assembly, adjustment in place, stop.

7. Ribs - off-site assembly.

8. Glazing - dismantling windows.

9. Bearings - pressing out.

10. Elevators, steering wheels, ailerons, flaps, rocking mechanisms, flaps, rods, etc. - removal and disassembly from light-type devices.

11. Light aircraft - dismantling pipelines, pneumatic hydraulic systems, control system components, flap control cylinders.

12. Stringers - drilling according to a template, drilling holes into the casing, removing burrs.

13. Fuselage frames (simple) - off-site assembly.

§ 221. Aircraft assembler, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Assembly of components and assemblies of aircraft of medium complexity according to drawings and technologies. Performing plumbing work (drilling according to markings, reaming holes, fitting simple parts and scraping). Pre-assembly of individual aircraft components using technological bolts. Installation of aircraft components on an aircraft product that do not require adjustment and leveling. Making bolted connections (including bolted connections with tension). Controlling complex connections. Assembly and riveting in and outside the stocks of nodal connections in easily accessible places.

Must know: process ongoing assembly and disassembly of aircraft components and assemblies; design of assembled units, their purpose and interaction; arrangement of slipways, types of used slipways according to the method of fixation; pneumatic drill device various types; name of lubricants and working fluids; sealing schemes; system of tolerances, fits; basic information about surface treatment parameters.

Examples of work

1. Fuel and oil tanks - dismantling from heavy aircraft, installation on aircraft lung devices type.

2. Hydraulic systems - marking, installation and fastening of brackets for components and assemblies.

3. Engines, motor mounts, helicopter gearboxes - dismantling, preservation.

4. Aircraft engines - internal preservation.

5. Hoods - assembly, installation with local adjustment and fastening.

6. Valves of all systems, chokes, filters - installation.

7. Control system brackets - assembly on a workbench, flaring of bearings, pressing of bushings, deployment.

8. Wings, center wings, rudders, fins, nose and tail parts of the fuselage - preliminary joining with fastening on technological bolts.

9. Docking tapes - preparation and installation when assembling units.

10. Spars, ribs - assembly and installation during assembly of units.

11. Wing and fuselage skin - preparation and installation in easily accessible places.

12. Wing and fuselage panels - installation and fastening.

§ 222. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Assembly and adjustment of aircraft components and assemblies with fine-tuning of external contours and mating surfaces according to 6 - 10 qualifications. Checking the interaction of installed components, assemblies and systems, checking their functionality and eliminating identified defects. Calibrated tightening of critical connections with bolts and nuts. Installation of cable wiring. Installation and replacement of sealing rings in aircraft assemblies. Installation of frame parts with sealant or adhesive, participation in leak testing of aircraft products. Dismantling of rotor housing units with bearings of axial, horizontal and vertical hinges. Installation of pipelines with curves lying in different planes in conditions convenient for assembly, using calibrated tools. Air and oil pressure testing of pipelines. Flushing the fuel system pipelines. Assembly and riveting in and outside the stocks of joint joints in hard-to-reach places. Management of stands and devices of subassemblies and their configuration.

Must know: technical specifications for installation, testing, regulation of units and systems; the principle of interaction and operation of installed units and systems; basic information on the technology of repairing parts and components of the aircraft; rules for reading complex general assembly drawings; methods and methods of sealing; technology for testing aircraft components for leaks using test equipment and leak detectors; device and principle of operation of torque wrenches; rules for using the precision measuring instruments and instruments used; design and configuration of the instrumentation used; rules for using ground-based test benches and installations; technical specifications for testing various aviation systems.

Examples of work

1. Fuel tanks - installation on light aircraft.

2. Engines - installation on light aircraft.

3. Fins, rudders, ailerons - docking with adjustment at the installation site.

4. Wings, stabilizers, fins of heavy aircraft - undocking and filming.

5. High-altitude equipment - installation of cabin pressurization, heating systems and anti-icing.

6. Wing end fairings, frames - installation by adjustment in place.

7. Glazing of sealed cabins - replacement of semi-finished glass with adjustment in accordance with technical conditions.

8. Frames of the side and tail sections of the fuselage - assembly.

9. Power frames, assemblies - docking with adjustment in place.

10. Aircraft and hydraulic systems - checking for leaks, testing from ground installation.

11. Oil system - installation of oil tanks and oil coolers.

12. Shock-absorbing struts and landing gear of light aircraft - disassembly.

13. Pipelines - installation and adjustment in easily accessible places.

14. Joint assemblies of the wing and fuselage - cutting at the cutting stand.

§ 223. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, regulation and finishing of ultra-light aircraft, unit and unit assembly of light aircraft. Final assembly and modification of individual components of medium-sized aircraft and helicopters. Performing bolted and riveted connections of parts according to 7-10 qualifications with cutting holes and using adhesives, sealants, paints when assembling the center section, wing, caisson tanks. Checking and adjusting clearances, backlash, loading forces and friction in control wiring. Leveling aircraft components using precision instruments. Manufacturing, repair and installation of complex sections of pipelines with leak testing. Installation of aircraft units and components with adjustment of installation dimensions. Assembly of interiors of light aircraft and helicopters with adjustment of ventilation systems, etc.

Must know: design of complex aircraft systems; technical regulation conditions and rules for delivery to the customer of an aircraft, helicopter, engine control system with all mechanisms and instruments; design and purpose of booster systems; rules for using a level, theodolite, quadrant, optical inclinometer; leveling schemes and rules for working on them; rules for regulating aircraft control systems on stands with simulating units; design and principle of operation of stand installations for complex tests various systems; methodology and testing program for various systems; types and purpose of aviation materials, their composition, mechanical, physical and chemical properties; types of heat treatment and welding; methods for quality control of heat treatment; technology for repairing the main assembled units and parts; design and operation of lifting vehicles and stands, rules for their calibration and testing.

Examples of work

1. Helicopters - leveling of individual components, preliminary adjustment of helicopter and engine control systems, testing of the hydraulic system.

2. Helicopter rotor hubs - general assembly.

3. Vortex generators - finishing, assembly.

4. Engines - installation on light aircraft by leveling.

5. Engine channels - docking.

6. Wings - milling technological allowances for the connectors of the units on the stand, scraping the connectors, joining and leveling by installing butt bolts.

7. Helicopter tail rotor blades - installation on bushings and balancing on a stand.

8. Fairings made of fiberglass - removal of technological allowances, installation on fastening points with adjustment at the installation site.

9. Chassis struts - installation.

10. Helicopter gearboxes: main, tail, intermediate - assembly, bulkhead.

11. Ejection seats - installation, adjustment.

12. Booster systems - installation.

13. Aircraft refueling systems in the air, as well as single-point refueling on the ground - assembly, regulation and participation in leak testing.

14. Control systems for engines, rudders, ailerons, shields - installation.

15. Aircraft and engine control systems - dismantling and pre-assembly.

16. Stabilizers - joint cutting of holes in butt joints of the stabilizer with the fuselage, docking and leveling.

17. Fuselages - milling technological allowances for connectors (fuselages on a special stand, scraping connectors, joining with butt bolts, finishing along contours).

18. Chassis - assembly and fastening, checking kinematics, offset and rotation angles.

§ 224. Fitter-assembler of aircraft, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and finishing of light aircraft, modular assembly of medium aircraft. Assembly of individual components of heavy aircraft. Final completion of complex parts and components of aircraft made of composite materials and honeycomb structures. Cutting holes for bolts to grade 7 and installing bolts with sealant when assembling the center section and wing. Performing technical measurements of linear dimensions, pressures, moments. Leveling aircraft at reference points, eliminating identified deviations from technical specifications. Balancing on test benches of rudders, elevators, ailerons. Management of test benches and devices, their settings and testing. Monitoring the operation of automatic machines and control and recording equipment. Installation, testing and fine-tuning of pipelines of all light aircraft systems.

Must know: design features and design of complex aircraft products, schematic diagrams of their systems; technology for assembling basic systems; methods of installation, docking, finishing and fastening of complex assemblies of aircraft products; purpose, principle of operation and interaction of individual units of aircraft and aircraft product systems; the procedure for using during assembly the necessary mechanical, leveling, pneumatic, electrical and other devices and tools, as well as established equipment and special equipment; methods for identifying and eliminating defects in products; rules for technical and laboratory measurements; paint coating technology; instructions and technical conditions for delivery of products to the customer; types and purpose of aviation materials; rules of heat treatment, fundamentals of the theory of interchangeability; system of tolerances and landings; design of mounted engines (piston and gas turbine); fundamentals of pneumatics, hydraulics, aerodynamics; requirements for certified products; rules for reading complex installation and assembly drawings.

Examples of work

1. Helicopter rotor swashplates - assembly, leveling.

2. Beams (pavement and keel) - joining.

3. Helicopter engines - installation on the product by leveling.

4. Ejection seats of aircraft - installation, adjustment, leveling.

5. Keels, rudders, ailerons - docking with adjustment in place.

6. Wings, stabilizers, fins of heavy aircraft - undocking and filming.

7. High-altitude equipment - installation of cabin pressurization, heating systems and anti-icing.

8. Wing end fairings, frames - installation by adjustment in place.

9. Sub-motor frames, power units - docking with on-site adjustment.

10. Shock-absorbing struts and landing gear of heavy aircraft - disassembly.

11. Power units - joining the wing to the fuselage with cutting holes in the cutting stand.

§ 225. Fitter-assembler of aircraft, 7th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and finishing of medium-type aircraft, as well as modular assembly of heavy aircraft. Checking the interaction of mounted units and systems, testing them for operability and eliminating identified defects. Docking and leveling complex aircraft units (center section, wings, fuselage, fin, stabilizer, engine) with precision plumbing work on fitting, installing and fine-tuning connectors, butt holes and assemblies . Installation of aircraft and engine control system units; mounting of lifts, flaps; processing of units. Regulation of aircraft control systems on test benches with simulating units. Installation of high-pressure hydraulic fuel system pipes in out-of-convenience locations. Installation of relays for ejection seats, covers, hatches. Complex markings from center lines and chords of an aircraft product. Checking and leveling the symmetry of the keel relative to the axis of the aircraft product using a theodolite and laser systems. Determination of the order of work and required equipment based on the drawings.

Must know: design of complex aircraft systems; technical conditions for regulation and fine-tuning of aircraft systems; rules for using a level, theodolite, quadrant, optical inclinometer; design, principle of operation and methods of setting up installations and stands for complex testing of various systems; design features of aircraft systems according to their modifications; features of the technology of installation, adjustment and finishing work on systems, including control systems for power plants, booster systems; interaction of units and systems of assembled products; technology of welding and thermal works; basic information on cryogenic technology; certification requirements for products; technology for routine maintenance; procedure for preparing complex accompanying documents.

Examples of work

1. Engines - installation on heavy aircraft, leveling.

2. Lifters, cylinders and others complex mechanisms- assembly room heavy aircraft and experimental designs.

§ 226. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and finishing of heavy aircraft, as well as experimental, experimental, unique aircraft such as flying laboratories and aerospace objects. Assembly and mating of complex, experimental, experimental aircraft products with finishing of mating surfaces to the 6th grade. Debugging, comprehensive development and testing with performing the necessary calculations of the interaction of systems of an assembled complex aircraft product. Improvement of aviation systems by eliminating deviations from technical specifications.

Must know: design features of assembled aircraft, schematic diagrams of their systems; technological features of finishing, regulation of systems and units made of new structural materials; methods for testing and fine-tuning new assembly and installation equipment and control and measuring equipment; technical specifications for final assembly and testing of the most complex systems of an aircraft product.

Secondary vocational education required.

Examples of work

1. Hydraulic system and fuel system of a heavy aircraft - testing and fine-tuning.

2. Engines of experimental designs - installation, leveling.

3. Gliders of experimental aircraft - assembly, docking, leveling.

4. High-altitude equipment systems for experimental products - fine-tuning, regulation.

5. Control systems for heavy aircraft - regulation.

6. Power installations for heavy aircraft - regulation, leveling.

7. Chassis of heavy aircraft and experimental structures - assembly and fastening, checking kinematics, offset and rotation angles.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 22 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2001 N 24

Aircraft assembler

§ 220. Fitter-assembler of aircraft, 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Assembly of components according to drawings and disassembly of components and assemblies of aircraft of medium complexity. Performing simple plumbing operations for removing and installing individual components and assemblies of aircraft using simple assembly tools. Installing bolts in prepared holes, fastening aircraft parts with screws. Disassembly and assembly of simple hinge joints. Performing basic metalworking operations: cutting with a hacksaw, filing, sanding, removing burrs and gouges. Unpacking and depreservation of aircraft parts and components. Reactivation of engines under the guidance of a more highly qualified aircraft assembler. Moving components and assemblies of aircraft using simple lifting mechanisms.

Must know: technological processes of assembly and disassembly of simple components and assemblies of aircraft; basic information about the design of assembled components and assemblies, technical drawings, tolerances, fits, surface treatment parameters; types and causes of defects when performing metalwork and assembly work; purpose and rules of use of the simple mechanized equipment, equipment, fixtures, plumbing and measuring tools, lifting mechanisms used.

Examples of work

1. Air cylinders, return drainage, emergency safety valves of all aircraft systems (except for the cockpit) - dismantling.

2. Gas tanks of a light aircraft - dismantling.

3. Passenger and pilot cabins - dismantling the seats.

4. Engine hoods - dismantling.

5. Gussets, brackets, corners, brackets, fittings, levers - installation and fastening.

6. Hatch covers - assembly, adjustment in place, stop.

7. Ribs - off-site assembly.

8. Glazing - dismantling windows.

9. Bearings - pressing out.

10. Elevators, steering wheels, ailerons, flaps, rocking mechanisms, flaps, rods, etc. - removal and disassembly from light-type devices.

11. Light aircraft - dismantling pipelines, pneumatic hydraulic systems, control system components, flap control cylinders.

12. Stringers - drilling according to a template, making holes on the casing, removing burrs.

13. Fuselage frames (simple) - off-site assembly.

§ 221. Aircraft assembler, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Assembly of components and assemblies of aircraft of medium complexity according to drawings and technologies. Performing plumbing work (drilling according to markings, reaming holes, fitting simple parts and scraping). Pre-assembly of individual aircraft components with fastening to technological bolts. Installation of aircraft components on an aircraft product that do not require adjustment and leveling. Making bolted connections (including bolted connections with tension). Locking complex connections. Assembly and riveting in and outside the stocks of nodal connections in easily accessible places.

Must know: technological process of assembly and disassembly of aircraft components and assemblies; design of assembled units, their purpose and interaction; arrangement of slipways, types of used slipways according to the method of fixation; arrangement of pneumatic drills of various types; name of lubricants and working fluids; sealing schemes; system of admissions and landings; basic information about surface processing parameters.

Examples of work

1. Fuel and oil tanks - dismantling from heavy aircraft, installation on light aircraft.

2. Hydraulic systems - marking, installation and fastening of brackets for components and assemblies.

3. Engines, motor mounts, helicopter gearboxes - dismantling, preservation.

4. Aircraft engines - internal preservation.

5. Hoods - assembly, installation with adjustment to location and fastening.

6. Valves of all systems, chokes, filters - installation.

7. Control system brackets - assembly on a workbench, flaring of bearings, pressing of bushings, deployment.

8. Wings, center wings, rudders, fins, nose and tail parts of the fuselage - preliminary joining with fastening to technological bolts.

9. Docking tapes - preparation and installation when assembling units.

10. Spars, ribs - assembly and installation during assembly of units.

11. Wing and fuselage skin - preparation and installation in easily accessible places.

12. Wing and fuselage panels - installation and fastening.

§ 222. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Assembly and adjustment of components and assemblies of aircraft with fine-tuning of external contours and mating surfaces according to 6 - 10 qualifications. Checking the interaction of mounted components, assemblies and systems, checking their functionality and eliminating identified defects. Tared tightening of critical connections with bolts and nuts. Installation of cable wiring. Installation and replacement of sealing rings in aircraft assemblies. Installation of frame parts with sealant or glue, participation in leak testing of aircraft products. Dismantling of rotor housing components with bearings of axial, horizontal and vertical hinges. Installation of pipelines with curves lying in different planes in conditions convenient for assembly, using calibrated tools. Air and oil pressure testing of pipelines. Flushing the fuel system pipelines. Assembly and riveting in the stocks and outside the stocks of nodal connections in hard-to-reach places. Management of stands and devices of unit assembly and their configuration.

Must know: technical specifications for installation, testing, regulation of units and systems; the principle of interaction and operation of installed units and systems; basic information on the technology of repairing aircraft parts and components; rules for reading complex general assembly drawings; methods and methods of sealing; technology for testing aircraft components for leaks using testing equipment and leak detectors; device and principle of operation of torque wrenches; rules for using the precision measuring instruments and devices used; design and configuration of the instrumentation used; rules for using ground-based test benches and installations; technical specifications for testing various aircraft systems.

Examples of work

1. Fuel tanks - installation on light aircraft.

2. Engines - installation on light aircraft.

3. Fins, rudders, ailerons - docking with adjustment at the installation site.

4. Wings, stabilizers, fins of heavy aircraft - undocking and filming.

5. High-altitude equipment - installation of cabin pressurization, heating and anti-icing systems.

6. Wing end fairings, frames - installation with local adjustment.

7. Glazing of sealed cabins - replacement of semi-finished glass with adjustment in accordance with technical conditions.

8. Frames of the side and tail sections of the fuselage - assembly.

9. Power frames, assemblies - docking with adjustment in place.

10. Aircraft and hydraulic systems - checking for leaks, testing from ground installation.

11. Oil system - installation of oil tanks and oil coolers.

12. Shock-absorbing struts and landing gear of light aircraft - disassembly.

13. Pipelines - installation and adjustment in easily accessible places.

14. Joint assemblies of wings and fuselage - cutting in a cutting stand.

§ 223. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, adjustment and fine-tuning of ultra-light aircraft, unit and unit assembly of light aircraft. Final assembly and modification of individual components of medium aircraft and helicopters. Performing bolted and riveted connections of parts according to 7 - 10 qualifications with cutting holes and using adhesives, sealants, paints when assembling the center section, wing, caisson tanks. Checking and adjusting clearances, play, loading forces and friction in control wiring. Leveling aircraft components using precision instruments. Manufacturing, repair and installation of complex pipeline sections with leak testing. Installation of aircraft units and components with adjustment of installation dimensions. Assembly of interiors of light aircraft and helicopters with adjustment of ventilation systems, etc.

Must know: design of complex aircraft systems; technical regulation conditions and rules for delivery to the customer of aircraft, helicopter, engine control systems with all mechanisms and instruments; design and purpose of booster systems; rules for using a level, theodolite, quadrant, optical inclinometer; leveling schemes and rules for working on them; rules for regulating aircraft control systems on stands with simulating units; design and principle of operation of installations and stands for complex testing of various systems; methodology and test program for various systems; types and purpose of aviation materials, their composition, mechanical, physical and chemical properties; types of heat treatment and welding; methods for quality control of heat treatment; technology for repairing main assembled units and parts; design and operation of lifting vehicles and stands, rules for their calibration and testing.

Examples of work

1. Helicopters - leveling of individual components, preliminary adjustment of helicopter and engine control systems, testing of the hydraulic system.

2. Helicopter rotor hubs - general assembly.

3. Vortex generators - finishing, assembly.

4. Engines - installation on light aircraft with leveling.

5. Engine channels - docking.

6. Wings - milling technological allowances along the connectors of the units on the stand, scraping the connectors, joining and leveling with the installation of butt bolts.

7. Helicopter tail rotor blades - installation on bushings and balancing on a stand.

8. Fairings made of fiberglass - removal of technological allowances, installation on fastening points with adjustment at the installation site.

9. Chassis struts - installation.

10. Helicopter gearboxes: main, tail, intermediate - assembly, bulkhead.

11. Ejection seats - installation, adjustment.

12. Booster systems - installation.

13. Aircraft refueling systems in the air, as well as single-point refueling on the ground - assembly, regulation and participation in leak testing.

14. Control systems for engines, rudders, ailerons, flaps - installation.

15. Aircraft and engine control systems - dismantling and preliminary assembly.

16. Stabilizers - joint cutting of holes in the joint joints of the stabilizer with the fuselage, docking and leveling.

17. Fuselages - milling technological allowances on connectors (fuselages on a special stand, scraping connectors, joining with installation of butt bolts, finishing along contours).

18. Chassis - assembly and fastening, checking kinematics, offset and rotation angles.

§ 224. Fitter-assembler of aircraft, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and fine-tuning of light aircraft, modular assembly of medium aircraft. Assembly of individual components of heavy aircraft. Final development of complex parts and components of aircraft made of composite materials and honeycomb structures. Cutting holes for bolts to grade 7 and installing bolts with sealant when assembling the center section and wing. Performing technical measurements of linear dimensions, pressures, moments. Leveling aircraft at reference points, eliminating identified deviations from technical specifications. Balancing on test benches of rudders, elevators, ailerons. Management of test benches and instruments, their configuration and testing. Monitoring the operation of machines and control and recording equipment. Installation, testing and finishing of pipelines of all light aircraft systems.

Must know: design features and design of complex aircraft products, schematic diagrams of their systems; technology for assembling basic systems; methods of installation, docking, finishing and fastening of complex components and assemblies of an aircraft product; purpose, operating principle and interaction of individual aircraft units and aircraft product systems; the procedure for using the necessary mechanical, leveling, pneumatic, electrical and other devices and tools during assembly, as well as established equipment and special equipment; methods for identifying and eliminating defects in products; rules for technical and laboratory measurements; paint coating technology; instructions and technical conditions for delivery of products to the customer; types and purpose of aviation materials; rules of heat treatment, basics of the theory of interchangeability; system of admissions and landings; design of mounted engines (piston and gas turbine); fundamentals of pneumatics, hydraulics, aerodynamics; requirements for certified products; rules for reading complex installation and assembly drawings.

Examples of work

1. Helicopter rotor swashplates - assembly, leveling.

2. Beams (pavement and keel) - joining.

3. Helicopter engines - installation on the product with leveling.

4. Ejection seats of aircraft - installation, adjustment, leveling.

5. Keels, rudders, ailerons - docking with adjustment in place.

6. Wings, stabilizers, fins of heavy aircraft - undocking and filming.

7. High-altitude equipment - installation of cabin pressurization, heating and anti-icing systems.

8. Wing end fairings, frames - installation with local adjustment.

9. Sub-motor frames, power units - docking with adjustment in place.

10. Shock-absorbing struts and landing gear of heavy aircraft - disassembly.

11. Power units - joining the wing to the fuselage with cutting holes in the cutting stand.

§ 225. Fitter-assembler of aircraft, 7th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and fine-tuning of medium-type aircraft, as well as modular assembly of heavy aircraft. Checking the interaction of installed units and systems, checking their functionality and eliminating identified defects. Docking and leveling of complex aircraft components (center section, wings, fuselage, fin, stabilizer, engine) with precision plumbing work on fitting, installing and fine-tuning connectors, joint holes and assemblies. Installation of aircraft and engine control system units; mounting of lifts, flaps; processing of units. Regulation of aircraft control systems on test benches with simulating units. Installation of high pressure hydraulic fuel system pipes in inconvenient locations. Installation of relays for ejection seats, covers, hatches. Complex markings from center lines and chords of an aircraft product. Checking and leveling the symmetry of the fin in relation to the axis of the aircraft product using a theodolite and laser systems. Determination of the order of work and required equipment from the drawings.

Must know: design of complex aircraft systems; technical specifications for regulation and fine-tuning of aircraft systems; rules for using a level, theodolite, quadrant, optical inclinometer; design, principle of operation and methods of setting up installations and stands for complex testing of various systems; design features of aircraft systems according to their modifications; features of the technology of installation, adjustment and finishing work on systems, including control systems for power plants, booster systems; interaction of units and systems of assembled products; technology of welding and thermal works; basic information on cryogenic technology; certification requirements for products; technology of routine maintenance; procedure for preparing complex accompanying documents.

Examples of work

1. Engines - installation on heavy aircraft, leveling.

2. Lifts, cylinders and other complex mechanisms - installation on heavy aircraft and experimental structures.

§ 226. Fitter-assembler of aircraft of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Final assembly, leveling and fine-tuning of heavy aircraft, as well as experimental, experimental, unique aircraft such as flying laboratories and aerospace objects. Assembly and mating of complex, experimental, experimental aircraft products with finishing of mating surfaces to the 6th grade. Debugging, comprehensive testing and testing with performing the necessary calculations of the interaction of systems of an assembled complex aircraft product. Refinement of aviation systems with elimination of deviations from technical specifications.

Must know: design features of assembled aircraft, schematic diagrams of their systems; technological features of fine-tuning, regulation of systems and units made of new structural materials; methods for testing and fine-tuning new assembly and installation equipment and control and measuring equipment; technical specifications for final assembly and testing of the most complex systems of an aircraft product.

Secondary vocational education required.

Examples of work

1. Hydraulic system and fuel system of a heavy aircraft - testing and development.

2. Engines of experimental designs - installation, leveling.

3. Gliders of experimental aircraft - assembly, docking, leveling.

4. High-altitude equipment systems for experimental products - fine-tuning, regulation.

5. Control systems for heavy aircraft - regulation.

6. Power installations for heavy aircraft - regulation, leveling.

7. Chassis of heavy aircraft and experimental structures - assembly and fastening, checking kinematics, offset and rotation angles.

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