This subsection contains videos with interview examples, as well as video lessons on vocabulary and grammar, the study of which will help you competently build your answers at the interview. All videos are provided with parallel text translation and thematic glossaries. The direct download link for the video is below the text.

  1. Questions and answers about the reason for leaving the previous job
  2. Answering the questions “Who are you responsible to?” and “What are you responsible for?” (grammatical features)
  3. The answer to the question “What is your education?” (grammatical features)

Interview in English: questions and examples of answers with translation.

The materials below are selected from popular English-language, mostly American sites specializing in job counseling. Here you will find dozens of typical questions and examples of answers to them. All questions and answers are provided with parallel translation and glossaries. Reading these materials will allow you to master or remember the vocabulary used in the interview, as well as help you prepare your own answers to typical questions.

  1. Questions about professional experience and qualities, and sample answers
  2. Questions about the relevance of the vacancy and usefulness for this company, and examples of answers
  3. Examples of answers to the questions “Tell me about yourself” and “Describe yourself”

Martin Carole. Perfect phrases for the perfect interview. (Martin Carol. Ideal phrases for a perfect interview).
The book is a practical guide to English language. Written by Martin Carol is an interviewer and trainer. This guide contains hundreds of examples of phrases for all questions that may arise in an interview. The phrases are simple enough to be understood and assimilated by people with "average" English. Unfortunately, the book is without translation, but the accessible style of presentation and PDF format, allowing the use electronic dictionary make reading easy. Familiarization with this manual will be useful for another reason - there is a lot of business office vocabulary, which is very useful for Russian-speaking specialists who want to get comfortable in the office of a Western company. Volume 177 pages. PDF format. [ Link available only to users with paid access / ]

Tests in English with translation.

Here you will find typical tests in English used in interviews and when evaluating candidates. Tests are taken from English-language specialized sites and are provided with parallel translation and answers. It is better to practice passing the tests in advance, so as not to get into a difficult position during the interview.

Interview in English: examples of a story about job responsibilities.

Examples and job titles are taken from American reality. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with several examples, since the vocabulary given in them is universal and complementary.

  1. Responsibilities of a sales representative of a medical company
  2. Responsibilities of an Artistic Director in an Advertising Company

Dear site visitors!
I am sometimes approached with requests to publish an example of an interview for a specialist in a certain profession - an accountant, a sailor, an engineer, etc. Unfortunately, it is impossible to “embrace the immensity”. There are a lot of professions and I cannot master the professional vocabulary of all industries human activity. As far as I know from my interview experience (I had to go through this procedure dozens of times), the interview for all professions is carried out according to the same methodology and differs only in the description of the experience and job responsibilities of a particular specialist. Therefore, I recommend that you use the “Dictionary of Profession Names”, a link to which is given below. I also recommend that you look at the “Summary” section of this site. Perhaps it contains a resume for your profession with a list of job responsibilities and a glossary of professional vocabulary.
Site author.

Online dictionary in English - here you can get official duties for any position and profession for a resume and preparation for an interview. Contains the names of professions that exist in the modern US labor market, and their descriptions with a detailed list of tasks and qualification requirements. The dictionary includes data on professions based on the latest population census. Updated periodically.

You can search the dictionary for the name of the profession and its description in several ways:

    search by profession category - click the "ONET Occupational Information Network" item or the "ONET" menu button - a list of positions (positions) will open - select a position and click - it will open detailed description positions: tasks, qualification requirements, skills, etc.;

    search by profession category - click on the “DOT Contents” item or the “Contents” menu button at the top - a list of profession categories will open - select a category and click - a list of positions (positions) will open - select a position and click - a short (half page) description will open this position;

    alphabetical search (by the name of the profession in English) - click the desired letter in the alphabetical table on the left - an alphabetical list of professions will open;

    site search - click the "Search" item or the "Search" menu button at the top (not to be confused with the "Search" button of the Google search engine), or click the "?" in the table in the alphabetical table on the left (last button).


Hello friends!

Many of us are learning English for work or travel.Interview in English- the main way for employees of the personnel department or consulate to check the language of the interviewee, his personal qualities and life or professional goals. Below I offer some advice from personal experience on how tohow to prepareto the interview.

My history

For many, visiting the United States is the most desired dream, but rose-colored glasses are often broken because of the face-to-face visa interview at the embassy.

After all documents are collected and submitted in person (both originals and copies), a day is assigned on which you must arrive to the consulate for a personal meeting with an employee. He can ask completely different questions, both those that directly relate to your place of work or study, marital status, and completely unexpected ones. Many get lost in such situations and start to get nervous.

I have heard many stories from those who, having correctly completed and collected the package of documents, did not receive a visa due to the personal disapproval of the consular officer. Some of them decided to apply for a visa again, ended up with another employee, and their story ended more successfully the second or third time.

As for me, I was lucky to get approved the first time. I went to the USA on a program Work and Travel. This is a very well known program that mostly students take part in to travel around the USA, improve their English and earn some money. I was then a second-year student at the university at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and as soon as I learned about such a program, I decided to apply. It is not cheap, but everything pays off during the trip, since all participants in the program work, most often, in the service sector and bring home some kind of income.

In general, it was not difficult to become a member of the program. But the approval of my application and the payment of all expenses for the program was followed by a long and rather nervous process of collecting documents and passing an interview. Fortunately, I had many friends who had already traveled to the US and helped me prepare for the interview.

The second time I had an interview in English after graduating from university, when I wanted to get a job as a translator in a very large international company. I had virtually no work experience and no interview experience, so it's no surprise that I made some serious mistakes that time that prevented me from getting a job. However, I was able to understand them and prepare a few recommendations for others, how to get interview in English.

First of all, it is important to remember that any interview, whether in your native language or a foreign one, has its own specifics. You need to show yourself confident, competent (if necessary) and positive person who answers questions clearly and has no problem communicating. Therefore, when passing an interview in English, it is important to remain positive and calm. This is not the time to doubt yourself and your experience. If you are there, then you are already a worthy candidate for a position or for a visa.

You need to try to anticipate possible questions. For example,interview questionsat the embassy they will most likely relate to the purpose of your trip, the route and living conditions, friends or relatives living in the United States, if there is an invitation, etc. You need to carefully work out your story so as not to get confused. Makes sense the day before view your own answers in the questionnaire, especially if it was filled some time ago. Then you won't forget anything. You can ask one of your friends to play the role of an employer or consular officer.

Preparation - this is necessary step during this kind of testing. Especially worth rehearsing a story about yourself if you are not sure about your level of English.

Yours is of great importance appearance. Whether we like it or not, neat clothes, a fresh face, and a neat haircut have a positive effect on how others perceive us. Beautiful appearance is one of the indicators of success, and success is one of the qualities that endears people.

Business style is suitable for an interview for a high-ranking or official position. If the work is creative and involves a creative approach, it is necessary to reflect your individuality in clothes. And for the embassy, ​​neutral casual outfits are suitable.

Many people worry before interviews. This feeling must be overcome, each person has his own ways for this. Someone prefers to just sleep, someone - to take a sedative. It is necessary to get rid of disturbing thoughts so that nothing distracts from the purpose of the meeting itself. Watch a video of how the conversation might go:

Video on how to pass an interview:

Examples of interview answers in English:

Interview at the embassy

So, let's talk more about the visa interview. Most often it is a question of a visa to the United States. The main purpose of your visit to the embassy in most cases is to show yourself as an adequate citizen who really wants to visit the United States and does not plan to stay there. The consular officer will ask questions about your studies or work to make sure there is something in your home country that is keeping you from immigrating to the United States.

In addition, your financial reliability is important to him. Despite the documents provided, the officer may ask questions about the financial situation of a personal or family. You should not be shy and answer as openly as possible, but not to the detriment of yourself.

Questions about family are also common, especially if a person has a family of his own. Many people do not recommend mentioning problems, for example, that you have broken up, as if this could alert the employee.

Undoubtedly, for most interviewees, the most stressful part is the fact that it is in English. Even people with above average English have sweaty palms when they speak to native speakers and know they will be judged.

But the interview at the embassy - this is not a language test. Of course, if a person speaks English fluently and beautifully, this is a plus, but this in itself does not provide you with a visa. It is much more important to show yourself as a balanced confident person who is very interested in his trip.

America wants to see that her guest clearly understands the purpose of his visit and what this trip will give him. In addition, it is important for them that the visitor is interested in and understands the local culture and mentality. Therefore, a lot of questions can follow about various details of the trip, for example, about the city of arrival and / or departure (if these are different cities), what transport is planned to be used, about living conditions.

Many are confused by questions about hobbies or things that, it would seem, do not relate to the purpose of the visit to the consulate at all. This is a kind of psychological test, and you need to go through it calmly and without hesitation.

Job interview

Job interviews are often conducted in English, since knowledge of this foreign language is now mandatory not only for translators and teachers, but in general for everyone. And here the general rules of behavior at the interview work. Well-groomedness, openness and self-confidence are essential if you want to succeed.

Secondly, a lot depends on the professional area. For example, if an English teacher or translator is being interviewed, his speech should not only be grammatically correct, but also lexically rich, and his accent should be minimal. In the same time Technical Specialist should be able to maintain a conversation on everyday topics and regarding his field, that is, know the terminology. At the same time, small grammatical or stylistic errors, as well as an accent, will not turn anyone away if a person knows his business.

For people working with people or in sales, it is important to show that they can communicate effectively with people in both native and foreign language. It is important for them, like no one else, to demonstrate their sociability and charm. The more fluent and natural their speech, the better, but it does not have to be like a fifth-generation Londoner.

Now let's look at the main questions that are asked in interviews.

The first and most beloved is rightfully: "". Those who have no experience are often lost, what is there to talk about here? About personal life? About hobbies?

In general, a potential employer would like to hear a little about everything. Of course, the most important thing is your work experience, knowledge and education. It's in that order. But in recent times in most large companies, the so-called "companies of the future" began to pay great attention to the human side of each employee. Therefore, you can mention about, but briefly. This will beautify your answer, especially if these personal interests somehow intersect with professional ones. For example, a person wants to sell cars and has been interested in or involved in racing for a long time.

It is important to mention your personal qualities. At the same time, it is also worth considering what the employer expects to hear. For example, such qualities as communication skills and leadership potential are not as decisive in the work of a researcher as in the work of a top manager.

Do not be surprised by questions about the previous place of work and the reasons for leaving there. It is worth describing them as objectively as possible, without trying to blame previous colleagues or the employer for this, even if their behavior really caused the termination of cooperation.

It is important for the employer to know what you want to get from cooperation with the company and what you can give it, especially in the long term. Therefore, the answers to the questions Why should we hire you?" and " Why do you want this job?» should bounce off the teeth. You need to think about some quality of yourself that makes you unique as a candidate. A special professional experience, such as an internship abroad, is also suitable. It's worth telling what it taught you. But you don’t need to praise yourself too much, especially if these are just empty epithets that are not supported by facts. In addition, you need to try to tell as convincingly and vividly as possible why the company will benefit if it chooses you.

Common mistakes in an interview

In an interview, they often ask a question about weak and strong personality traits ( What are your weaknesses?/ What are your strengths?). You need to understand that no one really wants to hear anything about your shortcomings. It is not necessary to dwell on all weak points character, it is better to answer with dignity that you are trying to compensate for your shortcomings with other qualities and focus on your strengths.

The employer is very repulsed not only by self-doubt, but also by long pauses. If you cannot answer the question of why you need this job for a long time, then the interview can be considered a failure. It is better to spend time at home and prepare for such questions in advance.

When asked about the desired salary level, you should not name the exact amount or answer a question with a question. It is best to avoid a direct answer to let the employer give the exact amount.

As for interviews at the consulate, the most common mistake is not being prepared for an interview, for example, when answering a question, you name the wrong facts and dates that are indicated in the questionnaire.

Useful phrases for dialogue in English

You can and should use different introductory wordsand interview phrasesexpressing an opinion. This makes the speech much more beautiful and persuasive. For example: first of all, second of all, I think, I suppose, As far as I can see, Furthermore, Moreover, etc.

Some adjectives to describe your personal and professional qualities:

  • I'm efficient and highly organized. I am efficient and highly organized.
  • I'm a creative thinker. I think creatively.
  • I work well under pressure. I can work under pressure.
  • I am an excellent communicator. I communicate well with people.
  • I am a trouble shooter. I can solve problems.
  • My time management skills are excellent. I'm great with time.
  • I am very motivated to do this job. I really want to do this job.

In the video below you can find more useful phrases and expressions on this topic:

That's all! remember, thatQuestions and answersat the interview can be very different, but the main thing is to remain yourself.

Interview with potential employer- already a stressful situation, but if it takes place in a non-native language for you, this doubles the stress. How to successfully pass an interview in English?

Prepare carefully for it and think in advance what exactly you will talk about. Fortunately, the standard questions that employers most often ask during an interview have already made up a kind of checklist for an HR manager. The recruiter has the right to expect clear, unbanal, reasoned and confident answers from you - this is what we will help you with today.

Do not go to extremes and memorize prepared answers - this makes the speech unconvincing and undermines confidence. It is better to study our recommendations for success and use sample answers, modifying them in accordance with your professional experience. You will make a favorable impression if you know what to expect from job interview and what areas to focus on.

  • Tell me about yourself (Tell me about yourself).

Before you crossed the threshold of the HR manager's office, he already knows almost everything about you: he studied your and motivation letter, your profiles on LinkedIn and social networks.

Your task for this stage- tell not about how your professional life, but to explain why your path turned out this way, and to combine disparate dry facts into a coherent picture: why did you choose certain places of work and leave them, why did you enter this particular faculty, why did you decide to go to the magistracy, what internships did you visited master classes, whether they studied at some.

When talking about your interests, say:

Watch a detailed video on how to tell interesting, emotionally and convincingly about yourself:

  • What are your greatest strengths? (What are your strengths?)

This is one of the questions employers always ask. When asked about your strengths, it is important to highlight professional qualities that meet the requirements stated in the job description and set you apart from other candidates. Before the interview, analyze how your skills and practical experience relate to the areas of work that you will have to master in a new place. So you will have ready-made examples that prove your competence and compliance with requests. Be stingy with descriptive phrases and don't use succession positive qualities(responsible, sociable, friendly ...) - back up each of your strengths with an example, be precise and concise:

I have a strong work ethic. When I "m working on a project, I don" t just aspire to meet the deadline, I prefer to complete the project well ahead of the schedule. Last year I even earned a bonus for completing my three most recent reports one week ahead of time.

I am strict work ethic. When I'm working on a project, I don't want to just finish it by due date, I prefer to complete it well ahead of the deadline. Last year, I even received an award for producing three reports in a row a week before the due date.

I pride myself on my customer service skills and my ability to predict and resolve what could be difficult situations. Besides, I also have strong communication skills, which help me establish and maintain stable and productive working relations with customers, team members, and executives. I am known for being a valuable team member with a talent for giving presentations.

I pride myself on my customer service skills and ability to anticipate and resolve potential difficult situations. In addition, I have developed communication skills that help me build good working relationships with clients, colleagues and management. I gained a reputation as a valuable team member with a gift for presentations.

I have extremely strong writing skills. Having worked as a copy editor for five years, I give special attention to detail when it comes to my writing. I have also written for a variety of publications, so I know how to shape my writing style to fit the task and audience. As a marketing assistant, I will be able to effectively write and edit press releases and update web content with accuracy and ease.

I have well developed writing skills. Having worked as a copywriter for five years, I am extremely attentive to detail when it comes to writing copy. I've been a writer for many publications, so I know how to tailor my writing style to the needs and audience. As a Marketing Assistant, I will be able to productively write and edit press releases and update web content with care and ease.

  • What are your greatest weaknesses? (What are your weaknesses?)

It seems that every job seeker knows how to answer this question: you need to take a hypothetical negative trait and magically turn a disadvantage into a hidden advantage. Try to focus your response on the positive aspects of your work skills and abilities and share the story of how you transformed your “weak side” into a strong one. For example, you can say:

I’ve always struggled with perfectionism – I truly want to do the job correctly at the first attempt, but this sometimes means that I devote more time to a project than it is necessary. I've learned, though, to balance this drive with the equally important responsibility of meeting deadlines.

I've always struggled with perfectionism - I genuinely want to get a task right on the first try, but sometimes that can mean I'm devoting more time to a project than I need to. However, I have learned to balance this desire with the equally important responsibility of meeting deadlines.

Being organized wasn't my strongest point, but I implemented a time management system that helped my organization skills.

Being organized was not my forte, but I adopted a time management system that helped me develop self-organization skills.

A more unconventional solution would be to choose a real weakness that you are purposefully working on. Tell us what you are already doing to make steel better. No one is perfect, but if you show that you can adequately assess your shortcomings and find ways to get rid of them on your own, this will be very close to the reference answer to the question. See an example of how to talk about a problem that was difficult for you, but that you managed to solve:

  • Why do you want this job? (Why do you want this job?)

This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate to the interviewer that you have done your "homework" before the interview and have had time to thoroughly research the company, the products or services it offers, its mission, corporate policies, areas of work. In your answer, mention those aspects that are of most interest to you and correspond to your competence:

I understand that this is a company on the rise. As I’ve read on your website and in various press releases, you are planning to launch several new products in the coming months. I want to be a part of this business as it grows, and I know my experience in product development would help your company as you roll out these products.

I understand that this company is now on the rise. As I have read on your website and in various press releases, you are planning to launch several new products in the coming months. I want to be a part of this growing business and I know that my development experience will help your company in bringing these products to market.

This job is a good fit for what I "ve been doing and enjoying throughout my career. It offers a mix of short-term projects and long-term goals. My organizational skills allow me to successfully multitask and complete both kinds of projects.

This job fits perfectly with what I have done and enjoyed throughout my career. It involves a combination of short-term projects and long-term goals. My organizational skills allow me to successfully multitask and complete both types of projects.

I want this job because it emphasizes sales and marketing, two of my greatest skill sets. In my previous job, I increased sales by 15% in what was at the time considered a flat industry. I know I could bring my ten years of sales and marketing experience to this company, and help you continue your years of growth.

I want this position because the focus is on sales and marketing, two areas in which my skills are most developed. In my previous position, I increased sales by 15% in an area that at that time was considered unpromising. I know that I could bring my 10 years of sales and marketing experience to this company and help you continue your years of growth.

  • Why should we hire you? (Why should we hire you?)

Are you the ideal candidate for this position? Be prepared to explain why you should take it. This is not the time for modesty, but it is not worth going deep into self-promotion either. Make your answer a concise, confident, persuasive "sales text" in which you need to demonstrate what you can offer the employer and how it will affect the performance of the entire department or company as a whole:

I think that my experience in the industry and my ability to self-regulate my workflow make me a good match for this position.

I think my experience in the industry and my ability to self-manage the workflow make me the right candidate for this position.

I have the savvy, experience, and superior communication skills to be an asset to your company.

I have a quick wit, understanding, experience and excellent communication skills and therefore I will be able to make a valuable contribution to your company.

Your company provides many services that I have had experience with, in a variety of capacities. I believe that my familiarity with the industry would make me a good fit for this position.

Your company provides many services, which I have already encountered in various positions. I think my knowledge in this area makes me a perfect fit for this position.

You have explained that you are looking for a sales executive who is able to effectively manage over a dozen employees. In my 15 years of experience as a sales manager, I have developed strong motivational and team-building skills. If hired, I will bring my leadership abilities and strategies for achieving profit gains to this position.

As you explained, you are looking for a sales manager who can effectively manage at least a dozen subordinates. In my 15 years as a sales manager, I have developed strong motivational and teamwork skills. If you hire me, I will incorporate my leadership skills and profit-making strategies into my experience in this position.

  • Why are you leaving or have left your job? (Why are you leaving or quit your previous job?)

When asked why you're changing jobs, stick to the facts, be direct, and focus on the future, especially if you're leaving your previous job under less than favorable circumstances. It's important to frame your response in a way that shows you in the best possible light, but never at the expense of being critical of your former employer. Be respectful and correct. It is better to come across as someone who is enthusiastic about a new opportunity than someone who has barely gotten out of a difficult situation.

There isn't room for growth with my current employer, and I'm interested in a job with more responsibility and ready to move on to a new challenge.

With my current employer, I have no career prospects, and I am interested in a job with more responsibilities and ready to meet a new challenge.

I "m looking for a bigger challenge, but I didn't feel like I could give equal attention both to my job search and to my full-time work responsibilities. It didn't seem ethical to slack off from my former job in order to conduct my job search, and so I left the company.

I am looking for more serious tasks, but I realized that I could not pay equal attention to both job search and work responsibilities. It seemed unethical to me to slow down my previous position in order to find a new one, so I left the company.

I "m relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left my previous position in order to make the move.

I'm moving here for family reasons and have stepped down from my previous position to take a step forward.

I "ve decided that my current work role is not the direction I want to go in my career and my current employer has no opportunities in the direction I" d like to head.

I have decided that my current job position is not in the direction I would like my career to go, and there are no career opportunities in my current job in that direction.

  • How do you handle stress and pressure? (How do you deal with stress and pressure?)

This question refers to the so-called behavioral issues - the focus is shifting from your professional qualities to your psychological qualities, temperament, properties of your psyche. How do you react when things don't go your way at work? Be sure to cite a specific time you had to deal with stress and tension at a previous job.

I react to situations rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful. For example, when I deal with an unsatisfied customer, rather than feeling stressed, I focus on the task at hand. I believe my ability to communicate effectively with customers during these moments helps reduce my own stress in these situations and also reduces any stress the customer may feel.

I respond to situations, not stress. Thus, the situation remains under control and does not become tense. For example, when I'm dealing with a disgruntled client, instead of being stressed, I focus on the task at hand. I find that my ability to communicate effectively with clients in these moments helps me reduce my own stress and lessen the stress the client may feel.

Pressure is essential to me. Good pressure, such as having a lot of assignments to work on, or an approaching deadline, helps me to stay focused and productive. I am very skilled at balancing multiple projects and meeting deadlines, which prevents me from feeling stressed too often. For example, I once had three large projects due in the same week, which was a lot of pressure. However, because I created a schedule that detailed how I would break down each project into small assignments, I completed all three projects ahead of time and avoided unnecessary stress.

Pressure is necessary for me. Positive pressure, for example, a large number of tasks to work on or an impending deadline help me stay focused and productive. I manage to multi-project and meet deadlines, which keeps me from feeling stressed too often. For example, once I had three big projects that had to be taken in the same week, and it was a very stressful situation. However, because I created a schedule that detailed how each project was broken down into small tasks, I completed all three projects ahead of schedule and avoided unnecessary stress.

I’ve actually discovered that I work better under pressure and in a challenging environment. I thrive under quick deadlines while handling multiple projects simultaneously. When I "m under the pressure of a deadline, I'm at my most creative.

In fact, I have found that I work better in stressful and challenging environments. I thrive when I have to work to tight deadlines and on multiple projects at the same time. When I'm under pressure from a deadline, my creativity is most evident.

A few more tips from a professional recruiter on how to respond to behavioral questions:

  • Describe a difficult work situation/project and how you overcame it. (Describe a challenging work situation or project and how you handled it.)

It is important for the interviewer who asks this question not only to hear your story of overcoming difficulties, but also to assess what situations you find difficult.

Decisions I have to make within a team are difficult, only because these decisions take more time and require deliberate communication between team members. For example, I was working on a team project, and my colleagues and I had to make a number of choices about how to use our limited budget. Because these decisions involved group conversations, our team learned how to communicate effectively with one another, and I believe we ultimately made the best decisions for the team.

The decisions that I have to make within a work group are difficult, only because such decisions require more time and purposeful communication between team members. For example, I was working on a team project and my colleagues and I had to make several decisions related to how to spend a limited budget. Since these decisions involved the entire group in discussion, our team learned how to communicate effectively with each other, and I believe that in the end we made the most correct decisions.

As a manager, the most difficult decisions I make involve layoffs. Before making those tough decisions, I always think carefully about what is best for the business and my employees. While I do not enjoy making those kinds of choices, I do not shy away from this part of my job. A few years ago, I had to let some employees go due to the economic climate. This was a hard decision that was ultimately necessary for the good of the company and everyone working for the organization.

The hardest decisions I make as a manager are layoffs. Before making such difficult decisions, I always carefully consider what is best for the business and my employees. While I don't like making that choice, I don't shy away from this part of the job. A few years ago, I was forced to lay off several employees due to the economic situation. It was a difficult decision that was ultimately necessary for the good of the company and all employees.

I find that the hardest decision I have to make is when I have to choose between strong team members for a promotion. There have been occasions when, even though I personally liked one person better than another, I nonetheless had to choose the other person based on their potential to assume the responsibilities of their new role.

In my opinion, the most difficult decision I have to make is the choice between strong team members for promotion. There were times when I had more personal liking for one candidate than the other, but I still had to choose the second candidate based on his ability to take on the responsibilities of the new position.

  • What are your goals for the future? (What are your goals for the future?)

This question is asked to “test the waters” and find out if you intend to stay with the company for a long time or move to the next job as soon as a suitable tempting prospect arises.

Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management. I know this is a common path for many people in this position. However, for now, I am excited about focusing on and applying my technical skills in this job.

After I gain more experience, I would like to move from technical position to management. I know this is a common path for many people in this position. However, for now, I will gladly focus my efforts and apply my technical knowledge to this work.

My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much value as I can. I love that your company emphasizes professional development opportunities, I intend to take advantage of all of these.

My long term goals include growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities and invest as much as I can. I love that your company highlights professional development opportunities, I'm going to take advantage of them.

To have a plan of action to conquer the recruiter, download our, from which you can learn useful expressions, logical transitions and practical advice. If you feel that your current level of English is not high enough to communicate fluently during the interview, and may detract from your professional qualities, get interview preparation under the guidance of our experienced. Good luck!

Weakness in the body, cold sweat on the skin, hands trembling, and the tongue is tangled. An interview in English can be quite stressful. You need to arrive on time, be self-confident, well savvy and friendly at the same time, while experiencing unprecedented stress inside. How are you doing? Why would you like to work here? Could you describe your responsibilities?

At the interview, some questions in English are replaced by others, and there is no time to think carefully about the answer. We will help you prepare for this important event.

From this article, you will learn how to pass an interview in English, find recommendations and answers to questions that may be asked during an interview. Let's go!

Preparing for an interview in English

Let's start with useful tips. These four life hacks will help you prepare effectively for an interview in English:

  • First, practice answering potential interview questions in English aloud. To get started, think about the questions the employer might ask, prepare a list, and think about how you would answer. After you have worked on the question-answer formulations, practice them in front of a mirror, determining for yourself an acceptable pace of speech. To work on diverse errors, you can record your speech on a voice recorder. Pay attention not to the pronunciation of words and phrases.
  • Secondly, Special attention pay attention to strengths, do not forget to back up statements with clear arguments. If you claim to have a certain skill or experience, then give a vivid example that reflects or confirms this fact.
  • Third, be honest with yourself and identify the Achilles' heel, the weak point that you have successfully overcome. Perhaps you were careless and lazy about assignments, but later, having set priorities, you nevertheless pulled yourself together and overcame this bad habit. In the eyes of the employer, you will appear as a person who is really interested in working productively in a new position.
  • And finally, fourthly, salary expectations play an important role. Before you go for an interview, make sure you know which wages you would like to receive and the minimum to which you would agree. You should not unconditionally agree to working conditions that do not meet expectations or do not reflect qualifications.

Top 9 English Interview Questions

  • How would you describe yourself?- How would you describe yourself?

To my mind,I'm … / I consider myself ... /I reckon, that I'm ... /I believe, I'm … / I could say that I'm... - I consider myself …

flexible- able to quickly adapt to circumstances
hard working- hardworking
outgoing- sociable
dependable- reliable
honest- fair
organized- organized
ambitious- purposeful
a team-player- I can work in a team
a seasoned specialist- experienced specialist
a dedicated professional- dedicated professional

I always prefer paying attention to details.- I always prefer to pay attention to details.
I "m fond of challenging tasks and getting the work done.- I love challenging tasks and getting things done.

  • What educational background do you have?- What education do you have?

I graduated in(field: IT, Linguistics, Engineering etc.) from(name of educational institution) - I received an education in the specialty ... in ...
To attend(the name of the institution) from(year) to(year) - visit ... from ... to ...
I hold a master's degree / a bachelor's degree in ... from... - I have a master's degree in ... / a bachelor's degree in ...
I took a training program at… - I took a professional program in …
unfortunately, I don't have any formal education for this work, however, I have already worked in a similar position.Furthermore,I have 15 years of experience in this sphere. - Unfortunately, I do not have the formal education for this job, however, I have already held a similar position. Moreover, I have 15 years of experience in this field.

If you suddenly heard the phrase “ scholastic record”, here we mean the attestation sheet of the diploma, which includes marks for subjects.

NOTA BENE: Keep in mind that the formation took place in the past, so use Past Tenses. If you are still studying or getting additional education use Present Continuous.

  • Could you tell us why you left your last position? Tell us why you left your last job?

I was: laid off / fired / dismissed / discharged... - I was fired...
I was made redundant... - I was fired for no good reason...
Because the firm / the company / the enterprise- because the firm / company / enterprise
Had to cut / recolate costs- was forced to cut / revise expenses
Became a bankrupt = was out of business- went bankrupt
I resigned the previous work/post… - I quit my previous job / left my previous post...
I made a firm decision to find a new job... - I made a firm decision to find new job
That is closer to my home- which is closer to home
That will represent new challenging tasks- where I will face new challenges
Where I could evolve my professional skills- Where can I develop my professional skills?
That will help to forge a successful career- to build a successful career

  • Tell us about your negative traits, please. - Please tell us about the negative features.

Apparently, it might be better for me to learn how to be more understanding, especially, when things aren't going according to the plan. That's what I'm currently working on right now. - Apparently, I should learn to be more understanding, especially when things don't go according to plan. This is what I'm currently working on.
I "m used to spending much time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is accurate. - I used to spend a lot of time on projects to be absolutely sure that everything is correct.

to be a perfectionist- be a perfectionist
to be hard on something / someone- to criticize something/someone
  • Tell us about your positive traits, please. - Please tell us about the positive features.

I'm a proactive person, who likes to see results and be responsible for his/her decisions. - I am a person with an active life position, who likes to see the results and be responsible for the decisions made.
I always remain self disciplined and calm in tangled situations. - I always remain collected and calm during difficult situations.

to be broad-minded- have a broad outlook
to be conscientious- be conscientious
to be creative- be creative
to be enthusiastic- be enthusiastic
to be innovative- be an innovator
to be personable- be personable
to be focused on- be focused on
to be a problem solver- easy to solve problems
always take initiative- always take the initiative
to have team building skills- Possess teamwork skills
to have a good work ethics- have an understanding of the work ethic
  • What is the main reason you would like to work here?- Why would you like to work here?

I'm confident that your company will allow me... - I'm sure your company will allow me...

to become a profound specialist- become an outstanding specialist
to put into practice- bring to life
to make use of the knowledge / the experience- use knowledge/experience
to grow both as a professional and as a human- grow as a professional and as a person

I've always taken an interest in IT and the company excels in the current sphere. - I have always been interested in IT, and your company is the best in the current field.
The enterprise is considered one of the best is this field- the company is considered one of the best in this field

  • Where do you see yourself in five years from now?- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

By then, I will have my knowledge enhanced and become more independent in what I do.- By that time I will improve my knowledge and become more free in what I do.
By then, I would have liked to … / I would have preferred to... - By then, I would like to ...

to develop / improve skills- improve skills
to be more productive- be more productive
to create more of a name for the company /myself- work for the benefit of the company / become a famous figure
to achieve a higher position- get a raise
to get more involved… - be more involved in
to take on interesting projects- work on interesting projects
to become an innovative thinker- become a creative thinker
to build a career here- build a career here

NOTA BENE: Don't touch on goals related to personal life, such as starting a family, having a baby, etc. Focus on career aspirations. Be purposeful, but not too ambitious, otherwise your candidacy will be regarded as a threat to the company.

  • What kind of salary do you expect?- What are your salary expectations?

I suppose, $65,000 per year is typical based on requirements and responsibilities.- I believe that, taking into account the requirements and responsibilities, the salary will be $ 65,000 per year.
I'm sure, you'll offer a salary that's considered competitive in the current field.- I am sure that you will offer a salary that is considered competitive in this field.
I need more information, pertaining to the position, before we could start salary discussion.- I need more information regarding the vacancy before we can discuss salary.

Based on the market research / the current salary / past experiences- based on market research / current salary / past experience

to expect something higher- expect higher wages
performance bonuses- performance based bonuses
healthcare- healthcare
future pay raises- future salary increase
free gym membership- free gym membership
extra days off- additional days off
retirement contributions- contribution to the pension fund
flexible working hours- flexible working hours
  • You're welcome to ask any questions, if you have them.- You can ask any questions if you have any.

Who will I be working closely with? Who will I work closely with?
How soon may I hear from you?- When can I expect news?
Does the company offer... - Does the company offer...

any benefits for its workers?- any employee benefits?
in-house training for its employees?- training of specialists?

What will be the next step?- What is the next step?
Could you describe the typical day of the job?- Could you describe a typical working day for this position?

“Winning loves preparation”: Preparing well in advance for a job interview can make a huge difference in job interview results. And it's not just about learning English. For example, many HR managers complain that candidates come to interviews with little or no knowledge of the firm they are going to work for.

Pay due attention to the collection of information about the employing company. Google it, study its website, mission, products, location, leadership team. Check out the latest company news, feedback from its employees, as well as the opinions of applicants who have already visited it for an interview (if you are applying for the position of a super spy, this will be a good test of your qualifications).

Not only will it be easier for you to pass the interview, but it will also be easier to make your choice when several companies are interested in your candidacy at once.

Define the goals of the employing company and be ready to meet them

The secret of a successful interview is to prove to the employer that your knowledge, skills and experience are exactly what he badly needs. To do this, carefully study the description of the vacancy and select from the arsenal of your merits those that will come to the court in this company: during the interview, you will put special emphasis on them.

"Google" yourself, correct your image on the network

To find out what your web employer can find out about you, do your own self-investigation.

If somewhere something does not look perfect, try to either fix it (for example, replace the provocative cover on Facebook with a neutral one), or prepare a decent answer about why this or that information discrediting you appeared on the network.

Try to stand out from the crowd

Before each interview, ask yourself: “Why am I suitable for this job?”. Determine which of your qualities will make you stand out from the crowd of candidates.

Are you incredibly talented? Brilliantly educated? Extraordinarily hardworking? Whatever your superpower is, it's up to you to boldly declare it. But be prepared to show proof!

Be kind and positive

During the interview, try to build your story in such a way as not to drag the interlocutor into the abyss of hopeless pessimism, even if you have an unusually black streak in your life.

Optimism wins hearts! If cats are scratching their hearts, well, a positive attitude will have to be played (at least for those 40 minutes, which, according to statistics, an interview lasts on average).

And never - never! Don't talk bad about previous employers. A story with a hint of resentment and aggression tells the interviewer more about your attitude than about the personality of your former boss.

And then: what if the personnel manager sitting opposite you is the best friend of your former angry and picky boss? The world is small, but " Silence is golden" ("Silence is golden").

Make a list of the most likely questions and prepare answers to them

This is not so difficult: articles on the topic of a dozen, twenty, or even a hundred questions that you most often hear in an interview can easily be found on the net (later in the article we offer a selection of such popular questions - both serious and not very).

At the same time, you do not have to memorize the answer to each question, but you, no doubt, should remember the general meaning and strategy of the answers.

Best Answers to the 7 Most Important Interview Questions

tell me about yourself. - Tell us about yourself.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? - What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Where do you want to be five years from now? Where would you like to be in five years?

In fact, this question replaces several at once: How realistic are your expectations for our vacancy? Have you considered your career in the long term? Or maybe in a year or two you are going to quit?

Show that you have planned a career and look at things realistically. Of course, no one can predict the future, but personnel officers do not need a 100% reliable forecast: it is important for them to understand how much you associate your future with your profession in general and with this company in particular. If you make it clear that the current vacancy is just a temporary solution for you, you are unlikely to get a job.

Please give me an example of a time when you had a problem with a supervisor/co-worker and how you approached the problem. — Please, give an example of how you solved a problem that arose in communication with a boss/employee.

Sad but true: conflicts in the work team are a fairly common thing. And the way a person approaches the resolution of such conflicts characterizes him very accurately.

And if you can describe real example successfully solving a problem that has arisen in a team (between you and your boss, for example), your chances of success will increase significantly.

What are your salary requirements? What are your salary requirements?

The employer wants to know if your requests match their capabilities.

However, at the first interview, it is better to answer this question vaguely. Say that you will only be willing to discuss salary in more detail if the first interview goes well.

Ideally, find out from the employer what level of salary this vacancy provides for, so that later, if the question arises of choosing between several companies, you could agree to a better offer.

Why are you leaving your current job? Why are you leaving your current job?

Maybe you are an uncomfortable and quarrelsome type (civilian appearance)? Or chased a long ruble? Or are you really “following your dream”, intending to dedicate your life to your chosen profession?

Whatever trouble makes you “look for where it’s better,” at the interview, the wording of the reason for your departure should be softened as much as possible.

For example, if you are bored at your current job, say that you are looking for a more challenging position ("I am looking for a more challenging position").

Describe the advantages of the current job, but emphasize that the proposed vacancy is more interesting to you (state why). And do not forget to mention that your candidacy, in turn, will bring considerable benefits to the employing company.

And if some time has already passed since your dismissal, proceed as follows:

If you got fired (If you got fired):

No need to burn bridges behind you and curse the previous boss and colleagues (at least not at the interview). Say that, unfortunately, you were forced to leave, but you understand that there were reasons for this. If you have something to blame yourself for, then assure the employer that you have drawn the conclusions and that you will not repeat the same mistakes at your future job.

If you left yourself (If you quit):

Don't go into details. Instead, say that you appreciate the experience gained at your previous job, but it's time to look for new opportunities and grow as a specialist in a company that provides such growth.

Why should we hire you? Why should we hire you?

You may not be asked this question directly, but indirectly it runs like a red thread through the entire interview.

You must prove your worth to the company: show all the enthusiasm you can to convince the employer that you are ready to make every effort, apply all your experience and knowledge, give your all to the good of the company. And the sooner you get that opportunity, the better.

But behave naturally: the hero of the next video was so full of feigned enthusiasm for the vacancy of a septic tank cleaner that the employer did not believe him and refused him (a fragment from the series "The Middle", "It Happens Worse"):

Useful technique: write down 3-4 basic requirements for the vacancy and answer, point by point comparing these requirements with your professional qualities.​

The 50 Most Common Interview Questions

We offer you a selection of the 50 most asked job interview questions according to Forbes magazine. This list will help you thoroughly prepare for your upcoming interview by giving you time to think about your answers ahead of time.

What are your strengths?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

What are your weaknesses?

Why are you interested in working for?

Why are you interested in working for [name]?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Why do you want to leave your current company?

Why do you want to leave the company you currently work for?

Why was there a gap in your employment between and ?

What accounts for the gap in your career between [date] and [date]?

What can you offer us that someone else can't?

What can you offer us that is unique, unlike other candidates?

What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on?

Name three qualities that your previous manager would have advised you to improve.

Are you willing to relocate?

Are you ready to move in?

Are you willing to travel?

Are you ready for business trips?

Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

Tell us about the accomplishments you are most proud of.

Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

Tell me about a time in your life when you made a mistake.

What is your dream job?

What is your dream job?

How did you hear about this position?

How did you hear about this vacancy?

What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job?

What would you like to accomplish in your first 30 days/60 days/90 days at work?

Discuss your resume.

Let's discuss your resume.

Discuss your educational background.

Tell us about your education.

Describe yourself.

Describe yourself.

Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.

Describe a time when you successfully coped with a challenge.

Why should we hire you?

Why should we hire you?

Why are you looking for a new job?

Why are you looking for a new job?

Would you work holidays/weekends?

Are you willing to work holidays/weekends?

How would you deal with an angry or irate customer?

How would you deal with an annoyed client?

What are your salary requirements?

What are your salary requirements?

Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.

Give an example of a time when you did more than what was required for a project.

Who are our competitors?

Name our competitors.

What was your biggest failure?

Name your biggest mistake.

What motivates you?

What motivates/inspires you?

What's your availability?

When can you start your duties?

Who's your mentor?

Who is your teacher? (mentor, role model)

Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.

Describe a time when you disagreed with your boss.

How do you handle pressure?

How do you handle stress?

What is the name of our CEO?

What is the name of our CEO (Chief Executive Officer)?

What are your career goals?

What are your career goals?

What gets you up in the morning?

What wakes you up in the morning?

What would your direct reports say about you?

What would your direct reports say about you?

What were your bosses' strengths/weaknesses?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your boss?

If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say?

If I called your boss right now and asked him what area you still need to develop in, what would he say?

Are you a leader or a follower?

Are you a leader or a follower?

What was the last book you've read for fun?

Name the last book you read outside of work.

What are your co-worker pet peeves?

What annoys you the most about your employees?

What are your hobbies?

Tell me about your hobby.

  • How to talk about hobbies.

What is your favorite website?

Name your favorite website.

What makes you uncomfortable?

What causes you anxiety, anxiety?

What are some of your leadership experiences?

Have you had leadership experience?

How would you fire someone?

How would you approach the issue of firing a subordinate?

What do you like the most and least about working in this industry?

When it comes to working in this industry, what do you like most and least of all?

Would you work 40+ hours a week?

Are you willing to work more than 40 hours a week?

What questions haven't I asked you?

What questions did I not ask you?

What questions do you have for me?

What questions would you like to ask me?

Indeed, you can also ask your interviewer a few questions, such as:

If you were to offer me the job, how soon would you want me to start?

If you were going to offer me a job, how soon would I have to start?

When could I expect to hear from you?

When can we expect your response?

practice makes perfect

“It is hard to learn - easy to fight” - this is how one of the most famous English proverbs can be translated into Russian.

In other words, do not be lazy to practice answers to the main interview questions (which will be discussed below) with friends, colleagues, relatives, ... In the meantime, you can do it with a fun "Interview Simulator".

Interview Simulator

We offer you a kind of interview simulator that will help you tune in to the atmosphere of a work interview and formulate answers to the most common questions when applying for a job.

The "employer" asks you a question and gives you time to answer - you try to prepare yourself psychologically for a similar situation and practice answering the interviewer's tricky questions.

frivolous question

Do not be surprised if, along with the usual logical questions, there are not quite ordinary ones in the interview. For example:

What do you think of garden gnomes?

What do you think of garden gnomes?

How would you get an elephant into a refrigerator?

How would you put an elephant in a refrigerator?

Name five uses of a stapler without staples.

Name 5 ways to use a stapler without staples.

What's your favorite song? Perform it for us now.

Name your favorite song. Sing it for us.

What would be written on your tombstone?

What would be written on your tombstone?

If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?

If a movie were made about your life, who would play your role and why?

If you were a Microsoft Office program, which one would you be?

If you were one of the Microsoft Office programs, which one would it be?

How do I rate as an interviewer?

How many points do I deserve as an interviewer?

Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?

Why does a tennis ball have a fuzzy surface?

Why is a manhole cover round?

Why are manhole covers round?

  • The last question is the undoubted favorite of the interview.

In fact, the interviewer is not so much interested in the correct answer as your willingness to solve the task, no matter how absurd it may sound. Your peace of mind unusual situation and a sober logical approach to solving the issue will be appreciated.

In addition, if you manage to find an original answer, you can successfully stand out from the crowd of candidates, and this alone sometimes decides the case in your favor.

And finally - a minute of English humor performed by the famous Monty Python team. A sketch about what interviews are:

In this sketch, much is clear without words. But for those who could not make out the last phrase - a hint: "I'm afraid all the vacancies were filled several weeks ago" ("I'm afraid all the vacancies were filled a few weeks ago").

Well, we hope that if you are scheduled for an interview in English, you will feel confident! Learn English - and good luck in your career!

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