On the Interdepartmental Commission for the coordination of the border of the Moscow region with neighboring entities Russian Federation

1. Form an Interdepartmental Commission to coordinate the border of the Moscow Region with adjacent constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Approve the attached:

3. To recognize as invalid:

Order of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated April 27, 2011 N 149-RG “On education working group by agreeing on the border between the Tver region and the Moscow region";

Order of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated April 29, 2015 N 113-RG “On approval of the composition of the working group to coordinate the border between the Tver Region and the Moscow Region.”

4. The Main Directorate for Information Policy of the Moscow Region shall ensure the official publication of this order by posting (publishing) on ​​the Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Head of the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region A.K. Kostomarov.


Moscow region


Regulations on the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of the Border of the Moscow Region with Adjacent Subjects of the Russian Federation


by order of the Governor

Moscow region

Regulations on the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of the Border of the Moscow Region with Adjacent Subjects of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. The Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of the Border of the Moscow Region with Adjacent Subjects of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) is a collegial coordinating body formed to ensure interaction between central executive bodies state power Moscow region, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow region for the preparation of agreed decisions in order to implement measures to establish the border of the Moscow region.

2. The Commission in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Moscow Region, the laws of the Moscow Region and other regulatory legal acts of the Moscow Region, as well as these Regulations.

II. Tasks of the Commission

3. The main tasks of the Commission are:

1) ensuring interaction between the central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, territorial bodies of federal executive bodies of the Moscow region in order to prepare agreed decisions for the implementation of measures to establish or change the border of the Moscow region;

2) preparation of proposals on the issue of establishing or changing the border of the Moscow region with adjacent constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Moscow region.

III. Composition of the Commission

4. The Commission consists of the Chairman of the Commission, the Deputy Chairman of the Commission, the Secretary of the Commission, and members of the Commission.

5. The Chairman of the Commission is the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - the head of the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region.

6. If necessary, expert organizations, specialized organizations and (or) experts (specialists) may be involved in the work of the Commission.

IV. Functions of the Chairman of the Commission, Deputy Chairman of the Commission, Secretary of the Commission, Members of the Commission

7. The work of the Commission is led by the Chairman of the Commission. In the absence of the Chairman of the Commission, his duties are performed by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

8. Chairman of the Commission:

1) manages the activities of the Commission;

2) approves the agenda of the Commission meeting;

3) determines the place, date and time of meetings of the Commission;

4) chairs meetings of the Commission;

5) distributes responsibilities between members of the Commission;

6) organizes control over the implementation of decisions taken by the Commission;

7) signs the minutes of meetings of the Commission;

9. Deputy Chairman of the Commission:

1) participates in meetings of the Commission;

2) makes proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission;

3) coordinates the agenda of the Commission meetings;

4) chairs meetings of the Commission in the absence of the Chairman of the Commission.

10. Secretary of the Commission:

1) notifies the members of the Commission about the agenda, place, date, time of the next meeting of the Commission and invites them to its meeting;

2) prepares and sends to the Chairman of the Commission, Deputy Chairman of the Commission, members of the Commission and other persons, as directed by the Chairman of the Commission, documents necessary for the work of the Commission;

3) draws up minutes of meetings of the Commission;

4) organizes preparations for meetings of the Commission;

5) has the right to receive from the chairman of the Commission, deputy chairman of the Commission, members of the Commission, central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region, government agencies Moscow region, authorities local government municipalities Moscow region, public and other organizations documents necessary for the work of the Commission;

6) ensures the Commission’s record keeping;

7) performs other informational actions to ensure the activities of the Commission in accordance with these Regulations.

11. Members of the Commission:

1) participate in meetings of the Commission;

2) carry out decisions of the Commission and instructions of the Chairman of the Commission;

3) report at meetings of the Commission on issues within their competence;

4) make proposals on issues within the competence of the Commission;

5) get acquainted with materials on issues considered by the Commission;

6) submit documents to meetings of the Commission, make proposals to make changes and additions to draft documents of the Commission.

V. Rights of the Commission

12. The commission, within its competence, has the right:

1) request from the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities in the Moscow region, the central executive authorities of the Moscow region, within the limits of the powers granted to them, publicly available information and reference materials related to the coordination of the border of the Moscow region with adjacent constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) hear at meetings information from territorial bodies of federal executive authorities in the Moscow Region, central executive bodies of state power in the Moscow Region, organizations on issues within the competence of the Commission;

3) form working groups to prepare draft decisions and other materials submitted for consideration by the Commission.

VI. Procedure of the Commission

13. The form of work of the Commission is its meeting.

14. Representatives of other central executive bodies of state power of the Moscow Region, local government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow Region may be invited to the meetings of the Commissions by decision of the Chairman of the Commission.

15. The Commission considers submitted materials on issues related to the activities of the Commission.

16. Meetings of the Commission are held in accordance with the agenda approved by the Chairman of the Commission, but at least once a year.

Members of the Commission must be informed about the date, time, venue and agenda of the next meeting of the Commission no later than three days before the expected date of its holding.

17. The meeting of the Commission is chaired by its chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the Commission.

18. A meeting of the Commission is valid if at least half of the total number of members of the Commission are present.

19. The commission makes a decision on the issue under consideration by open voting by a simple majority of votes. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Commission is decisive.

20. The decision of the Commission is documented in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the Commission.

Documents are signed on behalf of the Commission by the Chairman of the Commission, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Commission.

21. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Commission is provided by the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region.

Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of the Border of the Moscow Region with Adjacent Subjects of the Russian Federation


by order of the Governor

Moscow region

Composition of the Interdepartmental Commission for Coordination of the Border of the Moscow Region with Adjacent Subjects of the Russian Federation

Kostomarov A.K.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Head of the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region (Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission)

Nagornaya M.N.

Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region (Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission)

Alexandrikova O.V.

Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative-Territorial Management of the Organization of Local Self-Government of the Moscow Region of the Main Directorate of Territorial Policy of the Moscow Region (Secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission)

Danelyuk A.M.

Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Moscow Region

Kapitalinin D.Yu.

First Deputy Chairman of the Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region

Utkina A.Yu.

Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Management of the Moscow Region

Leonov V.I.

deputy minister agriculture and food of the Moscow region

Mukhtiyarova E.V.

First Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance of the Moscow Region

Struchev A.S.

Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region

Skvortsov A.A.

acting deputy director of a branch of the federal state budgetary institution"Federal Cadastral Chamber Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography" in the Moscow region (as agreed)

Zhiltsova E.A.

deputy head of the department of infrastructure and spatial data of the branch of the federal state budgetary institution "Federal Cadastral Chamber of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography" in the Moscow region (as agreed)

Electronic document text

I looked at the composition of the commission. It’s strange, by the names everyone seems to understand, people who know the city. I met Glebov and Pavlov on a TV show and talked - great guys! And also tell me, who knows what some members of the commission have in parentheses saying “by agreement.” What does it mean? Do we have regional toponymic commissions, which perhaps do all the main work?

Glebov - Honored Builder of the Russian Federation,
Yuri Yakovlevich Honorary Citizen of the City of Omsk, Chairman
commissions (as agreed)

Pavlov - President of the City Public Fund
Gennady Alexandrovich 300th anniversary of the city of Omsk, executive
director of non-profit partnership
"Chamber of Crafts of the Omsk Region",
deputy chairman of the commission
(by agreement)

Kupriyanov - Deputy Mayor of Omsk,
Vladimir Vasilievich Deputy Chairman of the Commission

Khrennikova - chief specialist department of additional
Irina Nikolaevna education of children, arts and cultural
leisure activities of the Department of Culture
Administration of the city of Omsk, secretary of the commission

Brineva - Head of the Urban Environment Design Department
Lyubov Alekseevna and advertising of the property relations department
Administration of the city of Omsk

Bystrushkin - deputy of the Omsk City Council,
Sergey Vasilievich Chairman of the Omsk City Committee
Council on social issues(by agreement)

Vibe - director government agency culture
Petr Petrovich Omsk region "Omsk State
Museum of History and Local Lore" (by agreement)

Hamburg - First Deputy Mayor of Omsk, Director
Yuri Viktorovich of the Department of Property Relations
Administration of the city of Omsk

Gorst - deputy of the Omsk City Council,
Galina Nikolaevna Chairman of the Omsk City Committee
Council for Local Self-Government,
law and order (as agreed)

Demchenko - Director of the Department of Culture of the Administration
Victor Mikhailovich of the city of Omsk

Kichigin - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation,
Georgy Petrovich member of the Omsk regional organization
All-Russian creative public
organization "Union of Artists of Russia"
(by agreement)

Malinovskaya - head of the architectural and restoration department
Tatyana Pavlovna open workshop joint stock company
"Territorial Design Institute
"Omskgrazhdanproekt" (by agreement)

Ogorodnikova - leading specialist of the state
Lyudmila Ivanovna institutions of the Omsk region "State
archive of the Omsk region"

Sviridovsky - Head of the Department for the Protection of Historical Monuments
Oleg Antonovich and culture of the Ministry of Culture of Omsk
regions (by agreement)

Selyuk - senior researcher at the municipal
Vladimir Ivanovich cultural institution "City Museum"
"Art of Omsk", local historian, chairman
Society of Indigenous Omsk Residents (as agreed)

Tarasov - deputy of the Omsk City Council,
Alexander Nikolaevich Chairman of the Omsk City Committee
Council on Housing and Communal Issues
economy, transport and construction
(by agreement)

Thiel - Director of the Department of Architecture and
Anatoly Genrikhovich of urban planning of the Omsk city administration,
chief architect city ​​of Omsk

The formation of an order to create a commission in an organization occurs in cases where the solution of any tasks requires the participation of several employees at once.

By tradition, standard files of the form and sample of a standard order:


For what purposes are commissions created at enterprises?

The creation of various types of commissions is a fairly common occurrence in organizations. They are formed for a variety of reasons: to evaluate any property, to take inventory of material and technical resources, to write off fixed assets, to expert assessment anything, for certification of employees, etc.

Who can be included

The commission may include any employees of the enterprise who have the necessary education, qualifications, knowledge and skills to resolve certain issues. As a rule, these are specialists of a sufficiently high level, allowing them to solve the tasks assigned to them.

In some cases, third-party experts may also be involved in the commission, for example, if the matter concerns some high-tech equipment, machinery, specific objects, etc.

In order for the commission to work “without a hitch,” a chairman is selected from among its members, who is responsible for carrying out all necessary activities, as well as drawing up accompanying documentation. Sometimes, if there is a special need, a secretary of the commission is also appointed.

In any case, each specialist included in the commission must be mentioned in the relevant order of the head.

Commission term

The period of activity of a particular commission is determined by the tasks that it faces and are regulated at the disposal of the head of the organization. Practice shows that, as a rule, this period does not exceed one month.

After this period, the commission is obliged to provide the director of the company or a person authorized to act on his behalf with the results of its work.

Who writes the document

As a rule, the direct drafting of orders at enterprises is the responsibility of one of the “low-level” employees who has certain skills in creating this type of paperwork. Usually this is:

  • lawyer;
  • personnel officer;
  • secretary of the organization.

But, regardless of who is responsible for this task, the document must be signed by the director of the company, since without his signature it will not acquire legal force.

Is it possible to do without an order?

Some heads of organizations mistakenly believe that drawing up a written order to create a commission is not necessary - an oral order is sufficient.

Neglect of this document risks the fact that actions performed by members of the commission may be considered illegal (for example, in the event of an audit supervisory authorities- tax service or labor inspectorate, depending on what function the commission performed).

Therefore, it is important not only to draw up an order, but also to monitor its implementation at all stages.

Basis and rationale for the order

Without exception, every order must have a basis and justification. In this case, the basis is understood as a reference to the document that served as the impetus for writing the order, and the justification is the reason for its formation.

As a basis for drawing up an order to create a commission, one can name a legal norm regulating the creation of a commission for certain areas of activity of legal entities, and as a justification, one can name any objective circumstances.

Mandatory for use since 2013 unified forms primary accounting and personnel documents canceled, so the order can be written in any form or according to a template that operates within the company.

In particular, the order to create a commission must have:

  • number;
  • place and date of compilation;
  • name of the organization in which it is created;
  • justification (purpose of creating the commission, reasons);
  • reference to the basis;
  • list of persons included in the commission: their positions, last names, first names and patronymics;
  • period of the commission's work,
  • its functions and tasks.
  • If necessary, you can add other information to the order, and also include additional documents attached to it as a separate paragraph.

    Finally, the order establishes those responsible for its implementation (usually personnel workers or lawyers of organizations).

    What to pay attention to when preparing a document

    There are no unambiguous criteria for both the preparation of the form and its design: both printed and handwritten versions of the document are acceptable. The order can be written to letterhead company or on ordinary clean slate any convenient format.

    In this case, the form must be signed by the director of the organization or a deputy authorized to act on his behalf.

    It is not necessary to stamp the document using stamp products, because legal entities since 2016, they have every right not to use various seals and stamps to certify their documentation (only if such a rule is not prescribed in the local regulations of the company).

    The order is usually made in one copy and must be recorded in the journal of internal documents.

    Where, how and for how long to store the order

    For the entire period of validity, this order must be kept in a separate folder along with other administrative papers of the company.

    After its relevance has expired, it can be transferred for storage to the archive of the enterprise, where it must remain for the period established by law or the period prescribed in the internal regulations of the company, then it can be disposed of (also in a strictly defined manner).

    Order on the creation of a commission for testing knowledge on labor protection

    The Occupational Safety and Health Commission (sometimes called a committee), in accordance with the provisions of Art. 218 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is formed from representatives of the employer and the body. Protecting the interests of employees, for example, a trade union. The Commission for Testing Knowledge of Occupational Safety and Health is a slightly different structure, regulated by clause 3.4 of the Appendix to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29. Unlike the first structure, which is created by the will of the employer, the formation of this commission at the enterprise is mandatory.

    The creation of such a commission is initiated by order of the enterprise management. The order is written according to the form accepted in the organization. In addition to standard elements (“header”, order number, date, etc.), it must reflect the following provisions:

    • the title of the document, reflecting its essence;
    • links to regulatory government documents;
    • names and positions of appointed members of the commission;
    • instructions for familiarizing employees with the order;
    • The person exercising control over the execution of the order.

    Tradescantia LLC
    ORDER No. 003/4
    On the creation of a permanent commission for testing knowledge and
    labor protection requirements for the organization's personnel

    05/17/2017, Ekaterinburg

    In order to comply with the regulations, the provisions Labor Code RF, GOST 12.0.004 - “Organization of occupational safety training”, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1/29 of January 13, 2003 “On the procedure for training in occupational safety and testing knowledge of occupational safety requirements for employees of the organization”

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission to test the knowledge of labor protection requirements of the organization’s personnel, consisting of:

    Chairman of the commission: chief technologist Rudakov L. O.;

    Members of the commission:

    • occupational safety engineer Furmanov S.V.;
    • economist Volchenko L.I.

    2. The commission for testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements of the organization’s personnel is guided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, GOST 12.0.004 “Organization of occupational safety training”, resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 1/29 of 01/13/03 “On the procedure for training in labor safety” labor and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for the organization’s employees.”

    3. HR inspector P.I. Berezovsky familiarize the responsible persons with this order under personal signature within 10 days.

    General Director of Tradescantia LLC /Lukomorov/ P.I. Lukomorov

    If the organization is small and does not have a labor protection service, and there is no labor protection engineer on its staff, this does not cancel the requirements of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on responsibility in this area. In this case, management must appoint a person responsible for all labor safety measures, including knowledge testing. A special order is also issued for this purpose.

    Sample order for the appointment of a person responsible for organizing labor protection

    LLC "Servus"
    ORDER No. 11/1
    On the appointment of a responsible person
    for organizing work on labor protection

    05/19/2017, Tula

    In accordance with Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and GOST SSBT 12.0.230-2007 “Occupational safety management systems. General requirements» in order to ensure labor protection requirements and monitor their implementation

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint technologist N.N. Poltavchuk as the person responsible for organizing work on labor protection and monitoring employees’ compliance with the requirements of legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection.

    2. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

    General Director of Servus LLC /Dubovitsky/ A.A. Dubovitsky

    I have read the order /Poltavchuk/ N.N. Poltavchuk

    Order on the creation of a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety

    If the enterprise has electrical equipment, then personnel must be aware of the rules for working with it and safety when using it in order to avoid serious consequences. To test the possession of this knowledge, management appoints a special commission that regularly tests the personnel’s knowledge of the rules and regulations for handling electrical equipment.

    The management's order expresses its demand to create a commission and conduct a test of personnel knowledge in this area. It is compiled according to generally accepted standards of document management and must contain references to regulatory documents.

    Artemis LLC
    ORDER No. 15/2
    On the appointment of a commission to test knowledge of electrical safety

    In accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations of consumers and the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations:

    I ORDER:

    1. Appoint a commission to test knowledge of norms and rules for working with electrical equipment, consisting of:

    Chairman of the commission: chief engineer Dmitrenkov Yu.L., electrical safety group

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: Deputy Chief Engineer Lebutenko G.I., Electrical Safety Group.

    Members of the commission:

    • labor safety engineer Levanevsky K.M.
    • electrical installation engineer Mikhailovsky R.P.;
    • electrical installation engineer Zaturin K.I.

    2. The HR department is ordered to inform the employees of the organization in the part that directly concerns them.

    3. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

    General Director of Artemis LLC /Ladinsky/ K.P. Ladinsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for writing off material assets

    In order to write off material assets from the balance sheet of an organization, you need to regularly record them. Write-off is possible only upon the conclusion of the commission that carried out the accounting inventories, components of the organization’s values, drawing a conclusion regarding their income and expenditure. And for this purpose such a commission must be established by order of the leadership.

    In addition to the purpose, the order must indicate the period of relevance of the commission’s activities if it is not permanent, as well as the names and positions of its chairman and members. It is necessary to mention control over compliance with the order and the responsibility for this of a specific person.

    LLC "Iskrim"
    ORDER No. 11/3
    On the creation of a commission for accounting and write-off material assets for 2017

    In order to account for income, expenses, ensure safety and justified timely write-off of material assets

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a permanent commission during 2017 consisting of:

    chairman of the commission: chief engineer Kolobchuk R.I.;

    members of the commission:

    • process engineer Markiyanov P.I.;
    • caretaker Lestritskaya A.T.;
    • accountant Smirnova E.K.

    2. If necessary, a materially responsible person is additionally included in the commission, to whom the corresponding inventory items are accountable.

    3. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the chief accountant A.I. Fiolentova.

    General Director of Icecream LLC /Trubetskoy/ A. A. Trubetskoy

    Order on the creation of a commission for write-off of fixed assets

    In order to write off certain fixed assets that have fallen into disrepair or for other reasons are being removed from the organization’s balance sheet, it is necessary to assign special commission, which will give an opinion regarding these material assets. The commission can be permanent or appointed to write off, for example, a particular equipment or vehicle. In this case, the order must indicate the specific purpose of creating the commission and its competence.

    LLC "Lukomorye"
    ORDER No. 14/1
    On the creation of a commission for writing off fixed assets

    04/18/2017, St. Petersburg

    To write off equipment (woodworking machine) from the organization’s balance sheet

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a commission consisting of:

    chairman of the commission: head of the woodworking shop R.V. Patrakovsky;

    members of the commission:

    • chief accountant Mikhailishina V.K.;
    • master adjuster Rubakhin O.L.;
    • technologist E.N. Shchusenko

    2. Assign the following competencies to the created commission:

    • inspection of a woodworking machine subject to write-off (using the necessary technical documentation and accounting data);
    • identifying the reasons for the need to write off equipment;
    • identification of persons through whose fault premature wear of the machine occurred;
    • establishing the possibility of using individual parts of the machine capitalized as a result of equipment dismantling, and their assessment in accordance with the current market value;
    • drawing up an act for decommissioning the machine.

    3. The equipment decommissioning act, approved by the head of the organization, is subject to transfer to the accounting department of Lukomorye LLC.

    4. I reserve control over compliance with this order.

    General Director of Lukomorye LLC /Sedykh/ P.I. Sedykh

    Order to create a commission to investigate the accident

    Accidents at work - always emergency, therefore, there cannot be a permanent commission to investigate them at the enterprise. Each emergency that occurs requires a special approach depending on the specifics, and, as a result, the appointment of a separate investigation commission, which will include relevant specialists.

    The manager issues an order, after which the investigation begins. The order must refer to government regulations, briefly outline the characteristics of the accident with the obligatory mention of the victim’s name, and also mention the person responsible for compliance with the order.

    LLC "Irida"
    ORDER No. 4/11
    On the creation of a commission to investigate the accident

    05/29/2017, Moscow

    In order to investigate an accident that occurred on May 28, 2017 in a woodworking shop, when, while working on a woodworking machine at 11:07, master Domenko V.A. suffered an injury to his right hand,

    I ORDER:

    1. Create an accident investigation commission consisting of:
    Chairman of the commission: occupational safety engineer Ravenilov K.E.;
    members of the commission: head of the woodworking shop Osadchiy O.L.;
    engineer Starovoitov P.R.;
    technologist Leshchov A.P.

    2. The commission begins work immediately, in its work guided by Art. 229, 230 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts on labor protection.

    3. Technologist Leshchov A.P. ensure the preparation, maintenance and further storage of accident investigation documents.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    5. All employees of the woodworking shop are required to assist the commission and provide the necessary information.

    General Director of Irida LLC /Zatonsky/ N.I. Zatonsky

    Order on the creation of a commission for object categorization

    The inspection and categorization of objects where there are large numbers of people (mainly objects belonging to the sphere of culture and sports) is carried out in order to counter terrorist actions and assess the level of their security. This kind of action takes place within a broad framework, for example, a region or region, but may also concern individual organizations. They are initiated by an order to create a commission to examine and categorize the corresponding object or group of objects. This order appoints the chairman and composition of the commission, the person responsible for the execution of the order, and the categories of responsibility are listed.

    Ministry of Youth Affairs, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia
    ORDER No. 27/2
    On the examination and categorization of cultural and sports objects

    01/19/2017, Petrozavodsk

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 2 of article 5 Federal Law“On countering terrorism”, Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2015 No. 202 “On approval of requirements for anti-terrorist protection of sports facilities and the form of a safety passport for sports facilities”, and the establishment of differentiated requirements for ensuring anti-terrorist protection of subordinate institutions of the Ministry physical culture and sports of the Republic of Karelia

    I ORDER:

    1. Create a Commission for the inspection and categorization of sports facilities of subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia to assess the state of security of sports facilities in the following composition:

    chairman of the commission: Deputy Minister of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Karelia Zamyatin R.O.;

    Deputy Chairman of the Commission: head of the department of educational and sports work Leontyeva L.V.;

    commission secretary: occupational safety specialist of the Department of Culture and Sports Domashkin L.D.;

    commission members:

    • Deputy Head of the Administration of the Republic of Karelia for Social Issues Rusenkov A.A.;
    • Chief of Police of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belomorsky District of the Republic of Karelia Romanov K.R.;
    • senior detective officer of the Petrozavodsk branch of the Russian FSB Directorate for the Republic of Karelia Malovik O.E. (by agreement).

    2. Develop safety data sheets for subordinate facilities of cultural and sports institutions of the Belomorsky district of the Republic of Karelia by 09/01/2017.

    3. Assign responsibility for ensuring anti-terrorism security to the management of subordinate institutions and appoint persons responsible for the relevant activities.

    4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

    Minister of Youth, Culture and Sports
    Republic of Karelia /Voronov/ A.M.Voronov

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    by agreement- 4.26 as agreed: The requirement must be agreed between the manufacturer and the customer and specified in the purchase order. Note For example, the requirements specified in 7.2 a). Source: GOST R ISO 3183 2009: Steel pipes ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    European conference on harmonization of freight train timetables- - [[English-Russian dictionary of abbreviations of freight forwarding and commercial terms and expressions of FIATA]] Topics of freight forwarding services EN CEMEuropean Conference on goods train timetables ...

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The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word agreement

agreement in the crossword dictionary


Economic dictionary of terms


reaching a preliminary agreement, general agreement between a group of interested and responsible persons regarding the release of a document of a certain content, protocol, agreement, adoption of a common decision, implementation of a common transaction, and joint actions.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


approvals, plural no, cf.

    Action and state according to verb. agree and agree. Design approval.

    One of the expressions of the grammatical dependence of words in speech, consisting in the fact that the dependent word is placed in the same case, number, gender or person in which the word on which it depends (gram.), e.g. my son, my son, my daughter, things are going, things are going.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    He. agree, -sya.

    In grammar: subordinating connection, in which a grammatically dependent word is likened to the grammatically dominant word in gender, number and case. Full p. Incomplete p.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Wed The process of action by value. verb: agree (1*), agree (1*).

    Wed A type of syntactic connection in which the dependent word is placed in the same gender, number, case or person as the word on which it depends (in linguistics).

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


a type of subordinating syntactic connection in which the dependent word is likened to the subordinating word in the expression of grammatical meanings.


Agreement- one of the three main types of subordinating syntactic connection (along with control and adjacency). It consists in assimilating the dependent component to the dominant one in the grammatical categories of the same name (in gender, number, case), in which a change in the dominant word entails a corresponding change in the dependent (, "green" (singular, genitive) tree"", ""green (plural, genitive case) trees"").

The number of grammes repeated in the components of a phrase depends both on the number of inflectional categories of the dominant word and on the set of categories of the dependent word. So, in Russian the adjective in full form, acting as a definition, agrees with the noun in number, gender and case, the noun-appendix - only in number and case (cf. male astronaut, female astronaut), and in French both the adjective and the article agree with the noun in number and gender.

Examples of the use of the word agreement in literature.

The commander of the partisan brigade Semyon Sergeevich Kunevich and Commissioner Grigory Makarovich Babenko were preparing for agreement further actions of the partisans in connection with the upcoming blockade.

The high speed of the machine is ensured by the rational construction of the arithmetic device, the combination of the work of individual devices of the machine, agreement operating time of the memory and arithmetic device due to the division of RAM into a number of blocks and the use of self-organizing ultra-high-speed buffer memory on fast registers.

Uploading other people's texts to the server for free requires exactly the same procedure coordination, which is paid.

Bryukhanov sent a test program for coordination to the general designer at Gidroproekt and Gosatomenergonadzor.

OKB and included modernization of the control system, installation of dampers and more powerful hydraulic boosters, got bogged down in checks and approvals, without waiting for implementation.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors is obliged to ensure coordination candidates for the Liquidation Commission with the body that carried out state registration Society.

In order for the example of the rule of Latin grammar to come into contact with the fact of naming an animal a lion, an analogy is necessary: coordination predicative with subject.

Having come to power, he proclaimed the independence of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, wresting the Ingush from the Vainakh brothers without any conflict with them. coordination Shelkovsky, Naursky and Kargaly districts.

Planning, placed aside from industry, will inevitably degenerate into petty struggles, into the introduction of certain amendments, into attempts coordination from case to case.

The remaining deployment points for Soviet units are established according to agreement Army General Meretskov from the Soviet side and General Laidoner from the Estonian side.

One of the articles revokes VOOPIK’s right to coordination work in the territories and zones for the protection of monuments, which led to a decrease in legislative requirements in matters of protection of monuments and a derogation of the importance of society.

The torture stopped, the fattening of the 13 accused began, attentive doctors took care of the exhausted, friendly investigators promised their victims lenient sentences and worked together to achieve the best coordination protocols of questions and answers, which were then translated into Russian and approved by Stalin and had to be learned by heart.

The party that has received a signed draft contract for the supply of goods for government needs with a protocol of disagreements must, within thirty days, consider the disagreements and take measures to agreement terms of the agreement with the other party and notify the other party of acceptance of the agreement as amended or of rejection of the protocol of disagreements.

The stylistic experiments of Ulysses, striking in scale, are not formal searches, but coordination forms of life and writing, acquiring literary techniques adequate to life.

NOTE: Since in its inspection work of this type the Central Control Commission overlaps with the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate, it is necessary coordination their work.