The route radar complex (TRLC) "Sopka-2" S-band is designed to be used as a source of radar information for air traffic control systems and airspace control. At the same time, a separate channel was organized in the TRLK for obtaining information about the intensity and boundaries of meteorological formations, similar to the data obtained from specialized S-range weather radars.

TRLK "Sopka-2" provides detection of air objects (AO), measurement of range, azimuth and elevation (altitude) of targets, determination of nationality; receiving additional information through the MVRL/NRZ channel transmitted by on-board transponders, the combination of radar information (RI) received from the RRL, SRRL and NRZ, and also issues the processed information to consumers according to agreed protocols to display facilities.

Primary Radar Antenna- phased antenna array (PAR), with frequency control of the beam position in the vertical plane; MSRL and NRZ antennas are monopulse antenna arrays located on the rear side of the PRL antenna (“back-to-back”). Rotation in azimuth is provided by a gearless rotation drive.

PRL transmitter- solid-state, with in-phase power summation of 64 air-cooled modules, the average radiated power at the transmitter output is not less than 4 kW. The amplitude-phase stability of the transmitter provides a coefficient of suppression of reflections from local objects of at least 50 dB. The transmitter operates in the “soft failure” mode, the replacement of failed modules can be carried out during operation without turning off the radiation.

Receiving device PRL multi-channel, consists of 4 main and 4 backup channels (100% redundancy). Each channel has a single frequency conversion with a noise figure of no more than 3 dB.

Multichannel equipment digital processing signals built on digital signal processors and programmable logic integrated circuits (FPGA). The analog-to-digital conversion of the received signal is performed at an intermediate frequency with the formation of an amplitude-frequency characteristic using digital filters that ensure high identity of the channel characteristics and their phase stability. Intra-period signal processing (compression, suppression of non-synchronous impulse noise) is implemented on the FPGA.

Interperiod processing (selection of moving targets, with adaptation to the parameters of interfering reflections based on lattice filtering algorithms) is carried out on signal processors. The primary processing processor performs the formation of packets and the calculation of the coordinates of air objects, the formation of bearings of active jammers, the formation of passive jamming maps.

The secondary processing processor performs trajectory processing and identification of the PRL information with the MSSR/NRZ data. Tracking the trajectories of air objects is possible according to information received from any channel (PRL or MSSR / NRZ).

The built-in monopulse secondary radar "Lira-VM" complies with the RBS standard with the possibility of implementing the "S" mode and can also operate in all "Password" state identification modes.

The built-in control system allows automatic mode to implement surveillance programs by detecting and tracking AOs equipped with appropriate transponders.

A distinctive feature of the construction of the MSSR equipment is the use of fully digital redundant equipment for processing response signals with coding at an intermediate frequency and digital phase detection.

The control of the inclusion and alternation of the request modes is carried out automatically according to the data of the processor of the secondary information processing.

The automated monitoring and control system provides diagnostics of RLC devices in order to localize faults and failures with an accuracy of a replaceable element (typical replacement element) and automatic or manual reconfiguration of systems based on the results of monitoring the performance of the RLC, remote switching on (off) and control of operating modes.

Equipment of the Sopka-2 complex

High reliability is ensured by full duplication of equipment with automatic redundancy, the availability of control and remote control provides the ability to work without the constant presence of service personnel.

The TRLK equipment is installed in a mobile building of the "Universal" system, which has all the necessary conditions for the operation of equipment and personnel (ventilation, air conditioning, heating, lighting, fire and burglar alarms, automatic fire extinguishing systems, etc.).

Other operators GDR GDR
Poland Poland
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Cuba Cuba
Egypt Egypt
Syria Syria

Development and testing[ | ]

Mobile anti-ship missile system"Sopka" was created by a branch of OKB-155-1 (now MKB "Rainbow") in accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2004-1073 of December 1, 1955.

As part of factory tests at the test site in the Crimea, 4 launches were carried out from November 27 to December 21, 1957, including the last two in salvo. On the whole, they ended successfully, only in the second launch, instead of the target ship, the cruise missile aimed at the mooring barrel.

During state tests from August 19 to October 14, 1958, 11 more launches were carried out at the same range (1 completely successful, 7 partially and 3 unsuccessful), as a result of which, on December 19 of the same year, the complex was put into service by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy Admiral Gorshkov.

Exploitation [ | ]

In 1958-1960, six coastal missile regiments of the Sopka complexes were deployed in the USSR: two in the Baltic Fleet (27th in the Baltiysk region and 10th in Ventspils), two in the Pacific (21st in Kamchatka and 528th in Primorye), one on the Black Sea (51st on Cape Fiolent in the Crimea) and one on the North (501st on the Rybachy Peninsula).

The aviation anti-ship missile KS-1 "Kometa" was used as a rocket, on which a solid-fuel jet booster SPRD-15 was installed.

Tactical and technical characteristics[ | ]

  • Range: 15 km (minimum), 95 km (maximum)
  • Firing sectors of each division: ±85°
  • Number of launchers: 4
  • Missile ammunition: 8
  • Characteristics of the S-2 cruise missile:
    • Starting weight: 3419 kg
    • Warhead weight: 1010 kg (860 kg TGAG-5)
    • Flight speed: 1050 km/h
    • Height of the cruising section of the flight: 400 m
    • Prelaunch preparation time: up to 17 minutes

Operators [ | ]

Modern [ | ]

Former [ | ]

  • the USSR

In 1954, the development of the Strela coastal missile system with the S-2 anti-ship cruise missile began. The result of this project was the construction of four complexes in the Crimea and on about. Kildin, the full operation of which began by 1958. Having a number of characteristic advantages, the Strela stationary complex could not change its position, which is why it risked becoming the target of the first strike. Thus, coastal missile forces and artillery needed a mobile system that was less susceptible to retaliatory or preventive strikes. The solution to this problem was the Sopka project.

The decision to create a mobile missile system based on existing developments was made at the end of 1955 and enshrined in a resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 1. Branch OKB-155, headed by A.Ya. Bereznyak, instructed to create new version missile system with extensive use of existing developments and products. The project received the symbol "Sopka". Interestingly, it was planned to use the S-2 rocket, which was created for the Strela complex. This feature of the two projects often leads to confusion, which is why the stationary complex is often referred to as an early modification of the Hills. However, despite the high degree of unification, these were two different projects that were created in parallel.

The creation of the Sopka complex started almost two years after the start of work on the Strela, which led to some specific results. First of all, this made it possible to speed up the work on the new project through the use of already developed components and assemblies. In addition, more new complex was supposed to receive a number of funds of later models and different from those used in the Strela. It also provided for the use of some systems that should have been developed from scratch. First of all, these were means of ensuring the mobility of the complex.

B-163 launcher with S-2 missile. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

The main element of the Sopka complex was to be the S-2 guided cruise missile, the development of which was nearing completion. It was a slightly modified modification of the KS-1 Kometa aircraft missile and was intended to destroy surface targets. When developing the KS-1, developments on the first domestic jet fighters were widely used, which led to the formation of a characteristic appearance products. "Comet" and missiles based on it outwardly looked like a smaller copy of the MiG-15 or MiG-17 fighter without a cockpit and weapons. External similarity was accompanied by unification in some systems.

The C-2 missile with a total length of less than 8.5 m had a streamlined cylindrical fuselage with a frontal air intake, on the upper surface of which there was a homing head casing. The rocket received a swept wing with a span of 4.7 m with hinges for folding and a keel with a mid-position horizontal tail. The main external difference between the C-2 product and the base KS-1 was in the starting powder engine, which was proposed to be suspended under the tail of the rocket.

For launch, exit from the launch guide and initial acceleration, the S-2 rocket was supposed to use the SPRD-15 solid-fuel booster with a thrust of up to 41 tons. power plant a turbojet engine RD-500K with a thrust of up to 1500 kg was proposed. The latter worked on kerosene and allowed a rocket with a launch weight of up to 3.46 tons (less than 2950 kg after the booster was dropped) to reach speeds of up to 1000-1050 km / h and cover a distance of up to 95 km.

The missile received a semi-active C-3 type radar homing head with the ability to operate in two modes, which are responsible for targeting at different stages of flight. A high-explosive warhead with a charge weighing 860 kg was placed inside the fuselage of the rocket. The rocket also received a barometric altimeter for flying to the target, an autopilot and a set of other equipment borrowed from the base KS-1.

Rocket on launch rail. Photo

Especially for the Sopka missile system, the Bolshevik plant developed the B-163 mobile launcher. This product was a wheeled towed chassis with outriggers and a turntable, on which a 10 m long swinging launch guide was mounted. The guide consisted of two rails on a U-shaped base, along which the rocket mounts were supposed to move. The starting engine at the same time passed between the rails. The guide had two positions: horizontal transport and combat with a fixed elevation angle of 10 °. Horizontal guidance was carried out within 174 ° to the right and left of the longitudinal axis. An electric winch was provided for reloading the rocket from the conveyor to the guide.

The B-163 installation had a total length of 12.235 m, a width of 3.1 m and a height of 2.95 m. missiles). It was proposed to transport the launcher using the AT-C tractor. Towing was allowed at a speed of no more than 35 km / h. After arriving at the position, the calculation of the launcher had to deploy, which took 30 minutes.

For the transportation of missiles, the product PR-15 was proposed. It was a semi-trailer for the ZIL-157V tractor with mounts for the S-2 rocket and devices for reloading the product onto the launcher. To reload the rocket from the conveyor to the rail, it was necessary to submit the conveyor to the installation and dock them. After that, with the help of a winch, it was transferred to the guide. Then it was necessary to perform some other procedures, including the suspension of the starting engine, connecting cables, etc.

The composition of the search and target detection tools remained the same and corresponded to the basic complex. The Sopka complex, as in the case of the Strela, should have included several radar stations for various purposes. In order to ensure the rapid transfer of the complex to the indicated positions, all radars had to be carried out in the form of towed trailers with their own power supply systems and all necessary equipment.

To monitor the covered area and search for targets, the Sopka complex was supposed to use the Mys radar station. This system made it possible to maintain an all-round view or monitor the selected sector at ranges up to 200 km. The task of the Mys station was to search for targets and the subsequent issuance of data about them to other means of the missile system responsible for performing other tasks.

Tractor, transporter PR-15 and rocket S-2. Figure

Data about the found target was transmitted to the Burun tracking radar. The task of this system was to track surface targets with the determination of their coordinates for a subsequent attack. The capabilities of Burun made it possible to track objects at ranges comparable to the maximum detection limit of the Cape, at a target speed of up to 60 knots. Data from the Burun station was used in the operation of the next element of the complex.

The S-1 or S-1M illumination radar in a towed version was to be responsible directly for the attack of the target. Before the launch and until the end of the rocket flight, this station was supposed to follow the target, directing its beam at it. At all stages of the flight, the missile's homing system was supposed to receive a direct or reflected C-1 signal and use it to orient in space or aim at an illuminated target.

The S-3 homing head used on the S-2 rocket was further development devices used in previous projects based on "Kometa". The semi-active seeker was supposed to operate in two modes and, due to this, provide flight to the target area with subsequent guidance to it. Immediately after the launch, the rocket had to enter the beam of the C-1 station and be kept in it until a certain point in the flight - this mode of operation of the seeker was designated by the letter "A". Mode "B" was switched on at a distance of no more than 15-20 km from the target in accordance with a pre-set flight program. In this mode, the rocket was supposed to look for the signal of the illumination station, reflected by the target. The final targeting of the enemy object was carried out precisely according to the reflected signal.

The used set of radar detection and control tools allowed the Sopka complex to detect potentially dangerous surface objects within a radius of up to 200 km. Due to the limitations imposed by the design of the cruise missile, the target engagement range did not exceed 95 km. Taking into account the speeds of potential targets, as well as the difference in the range of detection and destruction, the calculation of the coastal complex had enough time to complete all the necessary work before launching the missile.

The main combat unit of the Sopka complex was to be a missile battalion. This unit included four launchers, one set of radar stations and one command post. In addition, the division received a set of tractors, missile transporters, ammunition (most often 8 missiles) and various aids for maintenance, preparation for work, etc.

Rocket, rear view. A powder starting engine is visible. Photo

The coastal complex, consisting of the S-2 missile and the Mys, Burun and S-1 radar stations, was first tested in early June 1957. Then, as part of the tests of the stationary complex "Strela", a search was made for a training target, followed by the launch of a cruise missile. Due to the high unification of the two complexes during the creation of Sopka, it was possible to significantly reduce and speed up the test program. Most of systems of this complex has already been tested during the previous project, which had corresponding positive consequences.

Nevertheless, the Sopka complex nevertheless passed the necessary checks. Factory tests of this system started on November 27, 1957. Until December 21, four missile launches were carried out for a training target. At the same time, the first two launches were single, and the last two missiles were launched in one gulp at the end of December. All four missiles successfully aimed at the target in the form of a ship standing on barrels, but only three were able to hit it. The rocket of the second launch did not hit the ship, but one of the barrels holding it in place. Nevertheless, the tests were considered successful, which allowed the work to continue.

State tests of the Sopka complex began in mid-August 1958 and continued for the next two months. During these checks, 11 missiles were used. One launch was recognized as completely successful, seven more were partially successful, and the other three did not lead to the defeat of training targets. Such indicators of the complex, as well as the possibility of a quick change of position, became the reason for the appearance of a recommendation for adoption.

On December 19, 1958, the newest Sopka coastal missile system with the S-2 cruise missile was put into service. navy. Shortly thereafter, a plan for the serial construction of new systems was finally adopted, followed by the transfer of the fleet to the coastal troops and deployment in various parts of the coast.

The formation of formations that were to operate the new equipment began a few months before the official adoption of the Sopka into service. Back in June 1958, a separate division was formed as part of the Baltic Fleet, which was armed with the Sopka complex. At the beginning of 1960, this division was reorganized into the 27th Separate Coastal Missile Regiment (OBRP). In May 1960, the 10th Separate Mobile Coastal Artillery Regiment of the Baltic Fleet became a separate coastal missile regiment.

Launch preparation. Photo

In 1959, the Sopka complexes, after being officially put into service, began to supply the Northern and Pacific Fleets. As a result, by the year 1960, the 735th Coastal Artillery Regiment became a missile regiment in the Northern Fleet. Later he received a new number, becoming the 501st OBRP. In the 59th, the 528th Separate Coastal Missile Regiment began serving in Primorye, and a year later, the 21st Regiment began serving in Kamchatka. At the beginning of July 1960, a new 51st OBRP appeared in the Black Sea Fleet, which immediately received the Sopka complexes. Thus, by the end of 1960, as part of all Soviet fleets there was at least one regiment armed with mobile coastal missile systems, each consisting of four divisions. Two regiments were deployed in especially critical areas, in the Pacific Ocean and in the Baltic.

After the formation of new and rearmament of existing units, the Soviet Union began supplying Sopka complexes to friendly states. One of the first foreign customers were the GDR and Poland. For example, in 1964, the 27th OBRP helped Polish and German colleagues in the development and use of new weapons. Thus, the first firing of S-2 missiles by Germany and Poland was carried out under the control of the Soviet military. In addition, Sopka systems were supplied to Bulgaria, Egypt, North Korea, Cuba and Syria.

Of particular interest is the supply of missile systems to Cuba, which actually became the first foreign operator of Sopka. In August 1962, four divisions from the 51st Separate Coastal Missile Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet were delivered to Freedom Island. The divisions had at their disposal up to 35-40 S-2 missiles, as well as eight launchers (two per division) and radar stations of all necessary types. After the well-known events of the autumn of 1962, the servicemen of the 51st OBRP went home. The material part of the regiment was left to the coastal troops of a friendly state. Returning home, the regiment received new missile systems and continued to serve, defending the Black Sea coast.

In 1959, a project was developed to modernize the S-2 rocket using new system homing. The updated rocket differed from the basic version by the presence of the Sputnik-2 equipment instead of the C-3 GOS. Beam flight mode has been saved radar station illumination, and at the final stage it was proposed to direct the missile at the thermal radiation of the target. The use of an infrared homing head made it possible to attack surface targets when electromagnetic interference was set by the enemy, and also to protect Radar complex"Sopka" from enemy anti-radar missiles. It was also planned to implement the "launch-and-forget" principle, in which the rocket had to go to the target area using an autopilot and then turn on the seeker. For a number of reasons, the S-2 missile with the Sputnik-2 system did not go into series, and the troops continued to operate weapons with semi-active radar seekers.

The Sopka missile system was in service with the coastal troops of the USSR Navy until the early 1980s. By this time, newer and more advanced systems of a similar purpose had been created in our country, but the operation of obsolete complexes continued until their resource was completely depleted. Six missile regiments regularly participated in target shooting exercises. From the beginning of the sixties to the beginning of the seventies, more than 210 missiles were used, of which just over a hundred hit their targets. Thus, the 51st OBRP of the Black Sea Fleet in 1962-71 used 93 missiles with 39 successful hits on the target. Two regiments of the Baltic Fleet used up only 34 missiles during the same time and completed 23 successful launches.

Products B-163 and S-2. Photo

Until the very end of the operation of the Sopka complexes with S-2 missiles, the Soviet coastal troops fired only at training targets. Nevertheless, the complex still managed to take part in a real armed conflict. During the Yom Kippur War, on October 9, 1973, Egyptian missilemen stationed in the Alexandria area fired on Israeli gunboats. According to Egypt, the use of five missiles led to the sinking of one enemy boat. Israel, however, did not confirm these losses.

The Soviet Union decommissioned the obsolete complex in the early eighties. The Sopka was replaced by newer developments with guided weapons with improved performance. Subsequently, the majority of foreign operators abandoned the S-2 missiles. According to some sources, the Sopka complex is currently in service only in North Korea. At the same time, there is reason to believe that the North Korean industry has upgraded an outdated Soviet-designed model.

The Sopka coastal missile system became the second and last such system based on the Kometa KS-1 aircraft missile. It was put into service later than all its predecessors, and was also operated much longer than them - until the beginning of the eighties. For their time, all missile systems based on the Kometa were highly effective weapons with great potential, but the development of missiles and means of protection did not stand still. Because of this, over time, the KS-1 and its derivatives lost all their advantages and became obsolete in every sense, after which they were removed from service. Outdated systems have been replaced by new weapons with higher performance, ensuring the preservation and increase striking power fleet and its coastal troops.

According to materials:
Shirokorad A.B. Weapons of the national fleet. 1945-2000. - Minsk: "Harvest", 2001

Engineers and workers of the Black Sea Fleet’s missile and artillery repair plant have restored the coastal missile division of the famous Sopka missile system, which is located near the village of Reserve.

The complex itself, which is lower, was transferred to the Ukrainian Navy in 1996, in 1997 there was a missile launch, a video from which is on After that, in the early 2000s, the division near the village of Obronnoye was looted and all the metal was removed from it. The other division was mothballed and, oddly enough, survived. In 2009, the Ukrainian Navy even made an attempt to restore it. Now this division has been returned to the Coastal Rocket and Artillery Troops of the Russian Navy!

To protect the southern sea frontiers and Sevastopol from the sea in the midst of " cold war"In 1954, high in the mountains near Balaklava, the world's first coastal-based Sopka underground missile system with a range of up to 100 km in the Black Sea began to be created.

The construction of "Object 100" (such a code was given to a secret construction site) was carried out by the 95th Specialized Directorate of Underground Operations of the Black Sea Fleet. The object consisted of two identical underground complexes and launch pads, 6 km apart from each other. Military builders led Chief Engineer building management Black Sea Fleet Colonel A. Gelovani - future Deputy Minister of Defense, Marshal of Engineering Troops. Captain A. Kuznetsov was the head of the construction of site No. 1, and engineer A. Klyuev was the head of site No. 2. Installation operations from the Era enterprise were led by engineer F. Karaka. Up to 1,000 people were employed at each construction site.

At construction sites, starting positions and nuclear-protected underground structures were erected from heat-resistant concrete, which housed command posts, missile storage facilities and workshops for preparing and refueling. The missiles in the facilities were on special technological carts with folded wings and moved to the starting positions by special mechanisms. The underground complex had full engineering support, diesel power plants, filter-ventilation installations, stocks of fuel, water and food, ensuring the life of the object when it is completely sealed after an atomic strike. Protected reinforced concrete bunkers were placed at the heads next to the launch positions to shelter the missiles removed from the launch.

The guidance and fire control system of the Sopka complex included detection radar"Cape", a central post, combined with the S-1M guidance radar and the Burun tracking radar. Radar stations "Mys" and "Burun" in 1955 passed the state tests. The Mys radar station is designed to detect marine targets and issue target data to the central post and was located at an altitude of more than 550 meters at Cape Aya.

At the end of 1956, the construction of "Object 100" was practically completed, the personnel underwent special training. A separate coastal missile regiment was formed, which on February 23, 1957 was included in the forces of the combat core of the fleet. The first commander of the regiment was Lieutenant Colonel G. Sidorenko (later Major General, Chief of Coastal Troops and Marine Corps of the Black Sea Fleet). According to the test plan, the regiment carried out several missile firings. The very first of them was held on June 5, 1957 in the presence of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral V. A. Kasatonov. The launch was made from the second battery (commander Lieutenant V. Karsakov). The successful result heralded the emergence of a new kind of force in the USSR Navy - coastal missile units.

On July 25, 1957, the state commission accepted "Object 100". And at the beginning of 1959, for the first time, the regiment was awarded the challenge prize of the Civil Code of the Navy for rocket firing. On July 30, 1960, the regiment received its permanent name - the 362nd Separate Coastal Missile Regiment (OBRP). During the operation of the Skala DBK from 1957 to 1965, the regiment carried out more than 25 practical missile launches.

On July 16, 1961, a resolution of the Council of Ministers was issued on the re-equipment of the Utes coastal stationary complexes from Sopka missiles to P-35B missiles. The Utes stationary coastal tactical anti-ship missile system was developed on the basis of the P-35 anti-ship missile and the Redut mobile coastal complex at OKB-52 (TsKBM) under the direction of V.M. Chelomeya. The Utes complex was put into service by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of April 28, 1973. The Utes complex was re-equipped with units previously equipped with the Sopka complex. The complex included: MRSTs-1 ("Success-U"), the Mys radar with the Password identification system, a control system, launchers, P-35 missiles, and a ground equipment complex. The control system "Utes" was created at NII-303, the sustainer turbojet engine of the rocket was developed at OKB-300.

On September 16, 1964, the first batch of military builders of a special detachment of the Black Sea Fleet arrived at the location of the regiment. The underground structures that the regiment had were subject to reconstruction to fit the dimensions of the new coastal missile system. The builders under the leadership of Captain A. Klimov, together with the personnel of the second division, began work. Prior to this, the former complex was completely dismantled. Ten-meter rockets in a horizontal position with folded wings were stored on technological carts with launch units and after pre-launch preparation and refueling liquid fuel were ready to launch. The twin launch containers retracted from the ground made it possible to quickly reload new missiles.

The first rocket launch of the Utes complex took place on May 30, 1971. The launchers of the complex were placed in rocky shelters. Launchers are generally similar to the "half" PU missile cruisers project 56 ("Grozny", "Admiral Golovko") - in the installation there are not 4 containers with anti-ship missiles, but two.

In 1982, the complex was modernized - a new 3M44 Progress missile was introduced into the complex. Due to the long range of fire, the battery of the Utes complex, with external target designation, can cover the coast with a length of several hundred kilometers. A powerful cumulative high-explosive or nuclear warhead (350 kt) can disable a ship of any class with one missile.

The regiment repeatedly bore the title of excellent, was awarded the challenge Red Banners of the Military Councils of the Black Sea Fleet and the Navy for missile firing at a sea target. In 1982, the name of the regiment was entered on the marble Board of Honor at the Central Naval Museum.

In 1996, in connection with the division of the Black Sea Fleet, "Object 100" was transferred Naval Forces Ukraine.

In the photo: Elevating launcher of the Utyos coastal anti-ship missile system of the 2nd division of the 362nd separate coastal missile regiment of the Black Sea Fleet ("Object 100")

In 1954, the development of the Strela coastal missile system with the S-2 anti-ship cruise missile began. The result of this project was the construction of four complexes in the Crimea and on about. Kildin, the full operation of which began by 1958. Having a number of characteristic advantages, the Strela stationary complex could not change its position, which is why it risked becoming the target of the first strike. Thus, coastal missile forces and artillery needed a mobile system that was less susceptible to retaliatory or preventive strikes. The solution to this problem was the Sopka project.

The decision to create a mobile missile system based on existing developments was made at the end of 1955 and enshrined in a resolution of the Council of Ministers of December 1. Branch OKB-155, headed by A.Ya. Bereznyak, instructed to create a new version of the missile system with extensive use of existing developments and products. The project received the symbol "Sopka". Interestingly, it was planned to use the S-2 rocket, which was created for the Strela complex. This feature of the two projects often leads to confusion, which is why the stationary complex is often referred to as an early modification of the Hills. However, despite the high degree of unification, these were two different projects that were created in parallel.

The creation of the Sopka complex started almost two years after the start of work on the Strela, which led to some specific results. First of all, this made it possible to speed up the work on the new project through the use of already developed components and assemblies. In addition, the newer complex was supposed to receive a number of tools of later models and different from those used in Strela. It also provided for the use of some systems that should have been developed from scratch. First of all, these were means of ensuring the mobility of the complex.

B-163 launcher with S-2 missile. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

The main element of the Sopka complex was to be the S-2 guided cruise missile, the development of which was nearing completion. It was a slightly modified modification of the KS-1 Kometa aircraft missile and was intended to destroy surface targets. When developing the KS-1, developments on the first domestic jet fighters were widely used, which led to the formation of a characteristic appearance of the product. "Comet" and missiles based on it outwardly looked like a smaller copy of the MiG-15 or MiG-17 fighter without a cockpit and weapons. External similarity was accompanied by unification in some systems.

The C-2 missile with a total length of less than 8.5 m had a streamlined cylindrical fuselage with a frontal air intake, on the upper surface of which there was a homing head casing. The rocket received a swept wing with a span of 4.7 m with hinges for folding and a keel with a mid-position horizontal tail. The main external difference between the C-2 product and the base KS-1 was in the starting powder engine, which was proposed to be suspended under the tail of the rocket.

For launch, exit from the launch guide and initial acceleration, the S-2 rocket was supposed to use the SPRD-15 solid-fuel booster with a thrust of up to 41 tons. An RD-500K turbojet engine with a thrust of up to 1500 kg was proposed as a marching power plant. The latter worked on kerosene and allowed a rocket with a launch weight of up to 3.46 tons (less than 2950 kg after the booster was dropped) to reach speeds of up to 1000-1050 km / h and cover a distance of up to 95 km.

The missile received a semi-active C-3 type radar homing head with the ability to operate in two modes, which are responsible for targeting at different stages of flight. A high-explosive warhead with a charge weighing 860 kg was placed inside the fuselage of the rocket. The rocket also received a barometric altimeter for flying to the target, an autopilot and a set of other equipment borrowed from the base KS-1.

Rocket on launch rail. Photo

Especially for the Sopka missile system, the Bolshevik plant developed the B-163 mobile launcher. This product was a wheeled towed chassis with outriggers and a turntable, on which a 10 m long swinging launch guide was mounted. The guide consisted of two rails on a U-shaped base, along which the rocket mounts were supposed to move. The starting engine at the same time passed between the rails. The guide had two positions: horizontal transport and combat with a fixed elevation angle of 10 °. Horizontal guidance was carried out within 174 ° to the right and left of the longitudinal axis. An electric winch was provided for reloading the rocket from the conveyor to the guide.

The B-163 installation had a total length of 12.235 m, a width of 3.1 m and a height of 2.95 m. missiles). It was proposed to transport the launcher using the AT-C tractor. Towing was allowed at a speed of no more than 35 km / h. After arriving at the position, the calculation of the launcher had to deploy, which took 30 minutes.

For the transportation of missiles, the product PR-15 was proposed. It was a semi-trailer for the ZIL-157V tractor with mounts for the S-2 rocket and devices for reloading the product onto the launcher. To reload the rocket from the conveyor to the rail, it was necessary to submit the conveyor to the installation and dock them. After that, with the help of a winch, the weapon was transferred to the guide. Then it was necessary to perform some other procedures, including the suspension of the starting engine, connecting cables, etc.

The composition of the search and target detection tools remained the same and corresponded to the basic complex. The Sopka complex, as in the case of the Strela, should have included several radar stations for various purposes. In order to ensure the rapid transfer of the complex to the indicated positions, all radars had to be carried out in the form of towed trailers with their own power supply systems and all necessary equipment.

To monitor the covered area and search for targets, the Sopka complex was supposed to use the Mys radar station. This system made it possible to maintain an all-round view or monitor the selected sector at ranges up to 200 km. The task of the Mys station was to search for targets and the subsequent issuance of data about them to other means of the missile system responsible for performing other tasks.

Tractor, transporter PR-15 and rocket S-2. Figure

Data about the found target was transmitted to the Burun tracking radar. The task of this system was to track surface targets with the determination of their coordinates for a subsequent attack. The capabilities of Burun made it possible to track objects at ranges comparable to the maximum detection limit of the Cape, at a target speed of up to 60 knots. Data from the Burun station was used in the operation of the next element of the complex.

The S-1 or S-1M illumination radar in a towed version was to be responsible directly for the attack of the target. Before the launch and until the end of the rocket flight, this station was supposed to follow the target, directing its beam at it. At all stages of the flight, the missile's homing system was supposed to receive a direct or reflected C-1 signal and use it to orient in space or aim at an illuminated target.

The S-3 homing head used on the S-2 rocket was a further development of the devices used in previous projects based on the Comet. The semi-active seeker was supposed to operate in two modes and, due to this, provide flight to the target area with subsequent guidance to it. Immediately after the launch, the rocket had to enter the beam of the C-1 station and be kept in it until a certain point in the flight - this mode of operation of the seeker was designated by the letter "A". Mode "B" was switched on at a distance of no more than 15-20 km from the target in accordance with a pre-set flight program. In this mode, the rocket was supposed to look for the signal of the illumination station, reflected by the target. The final targeting of the enemy object was carried out precisely according to the reflected signal.

The used set of radar detection and control tools allowed the Sopka complex to detect potentially dangerous surface objects within a radius of up to 200 km. Due to the limitations imposed by the design of the cruise missile, the target engagement range did not exceed 95 km. Taking into account the speeds of potential targets, as well as the difference in the range of detection and destruction, the calculation of the coastal complex had enough time to complete all the necessary work before launching the missile.

The main combat unit of the Sopka complex was to be a missile battalion. This unit included four launchers, one set of radar stations and one command post. In addition, the division received a set of tractors, missile transporters, ammunition (most often 8 missiles) and various auxiliary equipment for maintenance, preparation for work, etc.

Rocket, rear view. A powder starting engine is visible. Photo

The coastal complex, consisting of the S-2 missile and the Mys, Burun and S-1 radar stations, was first tested in early June 1957. Then, as part of the tests of the stationary complex "Strela", a search was made for a training target, followed by the launch of a cruise missile. Due to the high unification of the two complexes during the creation of Sopka, it was possible to significantly reduce and speed up the test program. Most of the systems of this complex have already been tested during the previous project, which had corresponding positive consequences.

Nevertheless, the Sopka complex nevertheless passed the necessary checks. Factory tests of this system started on November 27, 1957. Until December 21, four missile launches were carried out for a training target. At the same time, the first two launches were single, and the last two missiles were launched in one gulp at the end of December. All four missiles successfully aimed at the target in the form of a ship standing on barrels, but only three were able to hit it. The rocket of the second launch did not hit the ship, but one of the barrels holding it in place. Nevertheless, the tests were considered successful, which allowed the work to continue.

State tests of the Sopka complex began in mid-August 1958 and continued for the next two months. During these checks, 11 missiles were used. One launch was recognized as completely successful, seven more were partially successful, and the other three did not lead to the defeat of training targets. Such indicators of the complex, as well as the possibility of a quick change of position, became the reason for the appearance of a recommendation for adoption.

On December 19, 1958, the newest Sopka coastal missile system with the S-2 cruise missile was adopted by the Navy. Shortly thereafter, a plan for the serial construction of new systems was finally adopted, followed by the transfer of the fleet to the coastal troops and deployment in various parts of the coast.

The formation of formations that were to operate the new equipment began a few months before the official adoption of the Sopka into service. Back in June 1958, a separate division was formed as part of the Baltic Fleet, which was armed with the Sopka complex. At the beginning of 1960, this division was reorganized into the 27th Separate Coastal Missile Regiment (OBRP). In May 1960, the 10th Separate Mobile Coastal Artillery Regiment of the Baltic Fleet became a separate coastal missile regiment.

Launch preparation. Photo

In 1959, the Sopka complexes, after being officially put into service, began to be supplied to the Northern and Pacific fleets. As a result, by the year 1960, the 735th Coastal Artillery Regiment became a missile regiment in the Northern Fleet. Later he received a new number, becoming the 501st OBRP. In the 59th, the 528th Separate Coastal Missile Regiment began serving in Primorye, and a year later, the 21st Regiment began serving in Kamchatka. At the beginning of July 1960, a new 51st OBRP appeared in the Black Sea Fleet, which immediately received the Sopka complexes. Thus, by the end of 1960, all Soviet fleets had at least one regiment armed with mobile coastal missile systems, each consisting of four divisions. Two regiments were deployed in especially critical areas, in the Pacific Ocean and in the Baltic.

After the formation of new and rearmament of existing units, the Soviet Union began supplying Sopka complexes to friendly states. One of the first foreign customers were the GDR and Poland. For example, in 1964, the 27th OBRP helped Polish and German colleagues in the development and use of new weapons. Thus, the first firing of S-2 missiles by Germany and Poland was carried out under the control of the Soviet military. In addition, Sopka systems were supplied to Bulgaria, Egypt, North Korea, Cuba and Syria.

Of particular interest is the supply of missile systems to Cuba, which actually became the first foreign operator of Sopka. In August 1962, four divisions from the 51st Separate Coastal Missile Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet were delivered to Freedom Island. The divisions had at their disposal up to 35-40 S-2 missiles, as well as eight launchers (two per division) and radar stations of all necessary types. After the well-known events of the autumn of 1962, the servicemen of the 51st OBRP went home. The material part of the regiment was left to the coastal troops of a friendly state. Returning home, the regiment received new missile systems and continued to serve, defending the Black Sea coast.

In 1959, a project was developed to modernize the S-2 rocket using a new homing system. The updated rocket differed from the basic version by the presence of the Sputnik-2 equipment instead of the C-3 GOS. The flight mode was retained in the beam of the radar station of illumination, and at the final stage it was proposed to direct the missile at the thermal radiation of the target. The use of an infrared homing head made it possible to attack surface targets when electromagnetic interference was set by the enemy, and also to protect the Sopka complex radar from enemy anti-radar missiles. It was also planned to implement the "launch-and-forget" principle, in which the rocket had to go to the target area using an autopilot and then turn on the seeker. For a number of reasons, the S-2 missile with the Sputnik-2 system did not go into series, and the troops continued to operate weapons with semi-active radar seekers.

The Sopka missile system was in service with the coastal troops of the USSR Navy until the early 1980s. By this time, newer and more advanced systems of a similar purpose had been created in our country, but the operation of obsolete complexes continued until their resource was completely depleted. Six missile regiments regularly participated in target shooting exercises. From the beginning of the sixties to the beginning of the seventies, more than 210 missiles were used, of which just over a hundred hit their targets. Thus, the 51st OBRP of the Black Sea Fleet in 1962-71 used 93 missiles with 39 successful hits on the target. Two regiments of the Baltic Fleet used up only 34 missiles during the same time and completed 23 successful launches.

Products B-163 and S-2. Photo

Until the very end of the operation of the Sopka complexes with S-2 missiles, the Soviet coastal troops fired only at training targets. Nevertheless, the complex still managed to take part in a real armed conflict. During the Yom Kippur War, on October 9, 1973, Egyptian missilemen stationed in the Alexandria area fired on Israeli gunboats. According to Egypt, the use of five missiles led to the sinking of one enemy boat. Israel, however, did not confirm these losses.

The Soviet Union decommissioned the obsolete complex in the early eighties. The Sopka was replaced by newer developments with guided weapons with improved performance. Subsequently, the majority of foreign operators abandoned the S-2 missiles. According to some sources, the Sopka complex is currently in service only in North Korea. At the same time, there is reason to believe that the North Korean industry has upgraded an outdated Soviet-designed model.

The Sopka coastal missile system became the second and last such system based on the Kometa KS-1 aircraft missile. It was put into service later than all its predecessors, and was also operated much longer than them - until the beginning of the eighties. For their time, all missile systems based on the Kometa were highly effective weapons with great potential, but the development of missiles and means of protection did not stand still. Because of this, over time, the KS-1 and its derivatives lost all their advantages and became obsolete in every sense, after which they were removed from service. Outdated systems were replaced by new weapons with higher performance, which ensured the preservation and increase in the striking power of the fleet and its coastal troops.

According to materials:
Shirokorad A.B. Weapons of the national fleet. 1945-2000. - Minsk: "Harvest", 2001