Those who at least once encountered the job search process, most likely, paid attention to the item “add transmittal letter". Most often, job seekers ignore this opportunity, not realizing how much the presence of such an add-on can increase the applicant's chances of getting the desired position. But how to write a letter correctly? How to make the employer pay attention to your candidacy?

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To write or not to write

To write or not to write a cover letter is everyone's business. But before making a choice, it is better to find out more about what it is for, and whether employers pay attention to such additions.

Firstly, a cover letter is an addition to a resume that can create your image more correctly, it helps to reveal your abilities and emphasize the fact that this or that company needs an employee like you.

Unfortunately, practice shows that more than half of applicants neglect the opportunity to make a more favorable impression. Sometimes we are simply so unsure of ourselves that we cannot correctly represent our advantages, for fear of coming across as a braggart and a fabricator.

Approximately 30% of Russians actively use this option, believing that some addition to the resume will increase their chances of filling a particular position. And, it should be noted, they are absolutely right. This opinion is absolutely justified, since the data is taken from surveys of both novice recruiters and experienced headhunters.

Hiring professionals look for resumes that provide the most information before meeting the respondent. This helps them to weed out not quite suitable people even before the interview, and, thereby, save time, which, as everyone knows, is priceless.

Personnel officers pay attention to individuals who are able, no matter how rude it may sound, to sell themselves. They believe that a person who is able to declare himself as a professional, able to attract attention, and convince of his innocence, will be able to adequately represent the company on the market.

What’s more, among the several thousand HR officers interviewed, more than 600 responded that they don’t even look at applications without emails attached to them.

It should be noted that this trend appeared several years ago, and earlier it was present only in the Western labor market. Now, our specialists have gained experience and learned how to optimize their time and appreciate their work.

A potential employee also gets rid of the need to attend absolutely all interviews, even in those places in which he obviously does not fit.

Learn to value yourself and your time!

What do employers in Russia think about it?

As mentioned above, modern hr managers positive attitude towards cover letters. This is especially true for those positions that involve sales and direct communication with people.

Of course, there are also “old school” personnel officers who may consider a cover letter to be bragging, but, most likely, such people will not be kept in reputable companies. And why do you exchange for frivolous organizations?

Considering the general fashion for trainings, coaching, and similar types of personal and professional development, it can be assumed that in a year or two, all employers will completely turn their attention to the presence of additional support.

If you plan to build a career and achieve high results, you need to learn how to write letters correctly. We will talk about how to do this next.

Choosing a writing style

The first thing to understand is business style and a sense of proportion when writing a cover letter. Praise yourself, of course, you need. But it must be done in such a way that potential employer made the necessary conclusions about you on your own.

Even if you have a hidden (or even obvious) writing talent, put it off until the end of the application process. You should also not use complex turns, ask rhetorical questions, and create intrigue, such as: “I know how to sell snow ... in winter ... to an Eskimo! Do you want to know my secret? No no and one more time no. No one will appreciate such humor, and it is really very easy to take it for boasting and arrogance.

Of course, having received such a letter, the recruiter may want to see you with his own eyes, but not in order to get a mysterious recipe for selling snow, but in order to put you in your place. Yes, yes, and it happens.

Cover letter structure

We figured out the main purpose of writing a cover letter - it is to attract attention and cause a desire to continue communication.

Let's figure out how to properly structure a letter so that you want to read it to the end, which will significantly increase your chances of success.

What NOT to do:

  • Tell jokes. Do not try to poison jokes or write comments with emoticons. This is terrible and inappropriate.
  • Describe the pages of your life that have nothing to do with the desired position. Even if you carry things to a shelter and take kittens from a tree, do not write this in your cover letter.
  • Use slang expressions and obscene language.
  • Offend the previous boss and the team. Phrases like: “I quit my previous job because I couldn’t work under the supervision of a boor, a tyrant, and a dumbass” will put you in an unfavorable light, but not the ex-boss.
  • Jump from topic to topic, destroying the logic of presentation.

So, we figured out what to avoid. It's time to consider an example of a good cover letter. It should consist of:

  • Greetings, for which it is better to choose the forms “good morning / afternoon / time of day”.
  • An indication of the person who is represented in the vacancy as a manager or person responsible for personnel. For example: "Good afternoon, Sergey Stanislavovich."
  • Link to the place where you found out about the vacancy: “on the site it says that you are looking for the head of the sales department.” If you do not send a request by e-mail, but use the services of official portals, then you do not need to indicate obvious things.
  • Let's get to the heart of the matter. In two or three sentences, we tell why we so want to work for this particular company. Attention! Not in this position, but in this company. In order to formulate everything correctly, find out something about the enterprise that you intend to become a part of. For example: “I would like (a) to become a part of your company / firm / holding, because I like your approach to making sales / attracting customers, etc. I consider it the most effective and actively used it (I want to use it) in my work.”
  • We describe our advantages without copying everything directly from the resume. It is better to write: "I am suitable for this position because I have a successful experience with these systems / I have ideas for business development and improvement of results."
  • Contrary to stereotypes, you should not describe your ambitions and "Napoleonic" plans, unless of course you are asked about it.
  • Eliminate excuses. If you were fired or out of work for some period of time, do not pay attention to this.
  • Forget about templates from the category: “I am easily trained (a), I am plasticine, sculpt anything out of me” or “I am stress-resistant (a) and punctual (a)”. It's trite and just annoying for people who have to read it every day. Have pity on them.
  • In the final part, express your readiness to answer any questions by phone, e-mail, or a personal meeting. After these words, indicate all contacts. But what if they are listed on the resume? It's OK, Business Etiquette requires contact information in the letter.

Design rules

You need to format a cover letter the same way as any business correspondence:

Let's just say that honesty is good. But count on the fact that the headhunter sheds tears from the phrase: "I have no experience, but I will do my best to learn."

Yes, you may not have the right experience, you may have just graduated from high school. This is not a reason to despair, but you should not relax either. You need to be ready for any work, at least theoretically. Research everything you can about the position and be sure to mention sources in your cover letter.

I have no formal experience in this area, but I worked remotely in order to see the scheme of work “from the inside”. Attending trainings, and, moreover, having certificates, will be a plus, so do not forget to mention them.

Compliment the company's approach with justification, such as: “I love the way you use total immersion in language learning. I consider this technique one of the most effective and would be happy to test all my knowledge in practice.

Finishing touches

  1. After the text is typed, be sure to check the spelling, no matter what position you apply for. Being illiterate is not good.
  2. Go through all the required items. Is everything in place?
  3. Check spelling email address and phone number.
  4. Align the margins and choose the appropriate font. It is better to give preference to the classics: Times New Roman, size 12.

Features of a cover letter for a resume

Most recruiters are positive about the cover letter that is attached to the resume. In such a letter, you can contact your potential manager or HR manager and try to interest them. Thus, the letter not only becomes a manifestation of good form, but can also be a significant advantage of your resume and yours personally.

Even a short resume cover letter, an example of which is given below, will help to attract the attention of an HR officer.

Example of a short cover letter for a resume

"Good afternoon! (If the ad contains the full name of the person, it is better to indicate them.) I was interested in a vacancy in your company that I found (indicate the source). I have (briefly list my advantages that are important specifically for this company). Thank you for taking the time to write my letter and resume. My contact details (specify).

If you are writing a cover letter for a teacher's resume, be sure to indicate whether you have already worked with children or if you just graduated from college. If you need to write, for example, a cover letter for an administrator's resume, be sure to indicate your knowledge of programs and computer knowledge. It will be great if the letter will indicate those companies where you have already worked as a system administrator.

Below are some of the most requested resume letters. It is worth noting that the more common profession you have, the more difficult it is to find a job in your specialty: there are too many competitors. Therefore, it becomes a real necessity to accompany your resume with a letter.

Example of a cover letter for a lawyer resume

Your company posted a vacancy for a lawyer position on the website (specify the source). My legal experience is … years, I have serious experience in jurisprudence, and I would like to offer you my professional assistance. I graduated from the institute (specify), I am well versed in all areas of civil law. Worked as a lawyer (specify specific specialization) in companies such as (list at least a few). Drafted lawyer requests and statements of claim to the court, conducted office work, worked with documents (indicate your specific occupations). He also had a successful practice, won several cases in courts.
I speak well office programs and legal systems. I prefer a team method of work, among my qualities are responsibility, the desire to delve into the essence of the next problem.
I hope you are interested in my resume. I would be grateful for an invitation for an interview.

Bank resume cover letter example

Good afternoon! (it is better to indicate the person to whom you are directly addressing)
On the site ….. a vacancy for a loan officer of your bank was published. Perhaps my candidacy will interest you.
I have already worked in the banking sector as an employee of the credit department. I am familiar with the specifics of the work, and I am sure that I will cope with the new responsibilities, and my skills can be useful to your organization. I read a lot about your bank, and all the reviews about it were extremely positive. I am very interested in the banking sector, I would like to continue my development in this particular segment.
I am ready to come for an interview so that you can be convinced of my experience and knowledge. My phone (specify).

Sample cover letter for an accountant resume

Hello, … .
Your company has published on the website ... .. a vacancy for an accountant. I am confident that my knowledge and qualifications will be suitable for your work.
My experience in accounting is … years, so I have professional experience. I have a specialized higher education, I know how to keep accounting, I work with all accounting programs (specify other skills in your specialty). Analytical mindset, able to work in a team. Learn as much as you can about my benefits from my CV (attached).
Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

Manager resume cover letter example

Dear (name of the person you are contacting)!
I was interested in the vacancy of a manager in your company offered by you on the site. I have carefully studied the requirements you specified for the applicant, and I am sure that I fully comply with them.
I have a diploma in higher education according to your company profile. I worked as a manager (specify where exactly) and I want to offer my candidacy for your consideration.
My useful skills include the ability to work with clients and with documentation. Managed the client base, consulted, conducted telephone conversations with clients. I own all packages computer programs. My management experience is … years.
Thank you for considering my CV (attached). I hope for good cooperation, I am ready to come for an interview at the time specified by you.
Sincerely, …

How to write a cover letter for a resume with no experience

It often happens that the applicant saw a vacancy that does not match his experience and skills. However, the person is confident that he will cope with the proposed work. Most often, yesterday's university graduates who have no experience by definition face such a situation. Here's how to write a cover letter for a resume in this case, see an example below.

A cover letter should explain and complement your resume. The purpose of a cover letter is to show your best side and interest the employer, thus increasing the chances of successful employment.

For some vacancies, especially those requiring written communication skills, employers do not consider resumes without cover letters.

It is important to understand that there are no universal guidelines for writing a cover letter, as the nature of a cover letter depends on the position you are applying for and the requirements of the particular employer. Therefore, this article provides general recommendations- vectors that you can focus on when creating a cover letter.

1. Carefully study the text of the vacancy. Before writing a cover letter, be sure to read the text of the vacancy in order to understand the requirements of the employer and the specifics of the job. This way you can back up your cover letter with additional arguments.

2. Try to keep your cover letter as personal as possible. Don't write the same cover letter for all occasions.

3. Say hello, introduce yourself and tell us what position you are applying for. In this way, you will make life easier for the recruiter, since dozens of different vacancies can be opened in large companies.

4. Explain to the employer why you are interested in the position. Tell us how your experience and skills relate to this position, how you can apply this experience and why you consider yourself a suitable candidate.

4. Be sure to include your contact details: mobile phone where you can be contacted. Sometimes it happens that an employer decides to invite a candidate for an interview after reading the cover letter without looking at his resume.

5. The cover letter should be positive and without complaints.

Examples of good cover letters:

By writing such a cover letter, you have a better chance of getting a job.

Cover letter mistakes

1. Copying the same template when applying for different vacancies.

2. Imitation of a cover letter.

3. Chaotic text.

4. Excessive frankness, self-confidence, a story about irrelevant experience.

5. Desire to appear witty.

6. Negligence, spelling and punctuation errors.

7. Demonstration of disrespect for a potential employer. Despite the obviousness of this error, such letters, unfortunately, cannot be called an exception to the rule. Do I need to explain why such a response to a vacancy deprives the applicant of hope for employment?

Good luck with your job search!

A cover letter is an additional document to the submitted resume.
If you send yours to a serious company with a well-known name (brand), then

There are quite high requirements for compiling a cover letter.

The document must be issued on a separate sheet; all details, which include the date of compilation, heading, signature, name and address of the recipient, must be placed in accordance with the rules and requirements for the design of business letters.

If sent to e-mail then the cover letter, respectively, should be attached in Word document format.

A resume sent by e-mail to less eminent and prestigious companies can accompany a well-written text in the body of the letter, without placing it on a separate sheet.

At the same time, it should be visible Contact Information, initials (or given name and surname) and surname.

A short version of the cover letter looks like this (examples 1-3):

Cover letter for resume Example 1.

Dear Valeria,

in response to your "acquisition specialist wholesale clients”, published in the Salary and Job magazine, I am sending my resume. Ready to provide any Additional information to consider my candidacy.

Best wishes,

Petrova Elena, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Example 2

Good afternoon, Anastasia.

In the resume file attached to the letter. I am applying for the position of credit manager. Information about the vacancy is taken from the site I would be extremely grateful if you do not leave your resume without attention.

Example 3

Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I ask you to consider mine for the vacant position of a system administrator, deputy head of the IT department.

I will be glad to receive an invitation for an interview from you.

Sincerely, Petrova Elena, tel. 8-917-121-12-12

Extended cover letter

(which is intended for European and American organizations professing the style of personnel management) is compiled according to a similar scheme. It is necessary to reflect in the body of the cover letter:

1. Title (name) of the position (admissible - two similar or related positions) for which the resume is sent; it is also desirable to mark from which source (website, newspaper) you learned about the vacant position (s); offering oneself as a candidate.

Example 4:

After reading the information on your website, I learned that your company has opened a recruitment for vacant positions in the field of sanitary control of meat and dairy raw materials.

In this regard, I would like to propose for consideration my candidacy for a vacancy related to the implementation of the function of sanitary and veterinary control, quality control finished products and raw materials.

I believe that my knowledge and work experience can be useful both in the position of a specialist in the procurement of meat and dairy raw materials, and in the position of head of the sanitary control service.

2. A very concise, but meaningful and accurate summary of the resume, which aims to confirm the correspondence of your personal and professional qualities the position for which you are applying.

3. Your desire and willingness to give back, work and professional growth in the area indicated in the position of the direction, and better - within the walls of this company.

Example 5:

All my professional skills and knowledge, as well as expectations of further advancement, are in the field of working with clients and active direct sales (both at the administrative and executive levels).

I currently have more than 6 years of experience in direct sales in the B2B market in the manufacturing area, as well as experience in leadership position in this area during the last two years of work.

As head of sales at my last job, I was personally responsible for the results and activities of the sales department in the field of B2B (cosmetology and medical equipment).

Example 6:

I exercise successful activity for several years in this area in the system of state customs and veterinary regulatory authorities, there is experience of cooperation and established relationships with both leading domestic companies in the food industry and with major foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of ​​my potential opportunities, qualifications and professional experience.

4. Your readiness for, during which you will present information about yourself in more detail.

5. Contact details.

Example 7:

I will gladly accept an offer to meet and tell a little more about my potential and work experience. You can contact me by e-mail ... or by phone ...


Example 8:

I will be happy to answer all your questions during the interview if you are interested. You can contact me by e-mail… Thank you in advance for your time.


cover letter sample

A cover letter is not universal for all areas and types of vacancies you are interested in.

In view of the fact that the addressee of the letter are and different people, the text of the letter will also be different, in accordance with each vacancy of interest, it will change slightly.

A cover letter always refers to a specific position in a specific organization.

To find the job of your dreams, every detail matters. The search for a suitable vacancy begins with the preparation and distribution of a resume. But in order for your resume to stand out among others like it, to be bright and noticeable, it is important to properly format a cover letter for it. Consider, using the example of a cover letter for an accountant's resume, how to write it correctly.

Why is it necessary

The cover letter is important element when sending resumes. Such a business message immediately clearly characterizes:

  • your skills business communication and literacy;
  • the ability to present yourself as a professional and convince of your competence.

An illiterately composed accompaniment to a resume immediately spoils the overall impression. Therefore, you need to draw it up, having previously familiarized yourself with the best examples such a letter.

A well-written cover letter positions you as business man and a specialist in the field accounting, reporting and other related areas.

The main purpose of the letter is to present in a concise manner the key information from your resume and draw maximum attention to your candidacy.

Remember: your cover letter should be such that your resume will immediately make you want to open and read it.

To better understand how to properly compose such a document, it is best to find it on the Internet or from colleagues and consider a specific “worked out” sample of a cover letter for a resume. And then - to remake it under your personality.


Typically, a cover letter, like any business correspondence, consists of 3 parts:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Content in the form of a statement of fact.
  3. The conclusion is the operative part.

First part

In the introduction, there must be a greeting and a direct appeal to the employer. Moreover, it is very desirable to address by name and patronymic.

An important point is the target direction of the letter. As a rule, it needs to be compiled for a specific organization. If it's a big one foreign company, then you should be very careful about every detail.

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Be sure to include the job title in the subject line of the email you send. For example, “Resume for the vacancy “Accountant” indicating your last name, first name and patronymic. Thus, looking through the mail and responses, the personnel officer or recruitment specialist will immediately focus on your person.

If, after sending your resume to the employer, you want to know about the results of its consideration by phone, it will be enough just to provide your first and last name.

The second part

Be sure to inform the management of the company that you have the necessary skills and experience. You can directly indicate these words in the text. Better yet, back up your statement with an example. For example, to report that you have experience:

  • work for several years with foreign trade operations;
  • successful completion of tax audits;
  • VAT refunds from the budget;
  • keeping records of several companies at the same time;
  • work with several taxation systems.

You can place a brief summary of the resume right in the text of the letter, and attach the resume itself as an attachment. Another design option is to copy all the text from the resume and place it directly in the letter field.

If you send your resume as an attachment, make sure it is signed with your first and last name. Typically, recruiters save all resumes from their mail and keep them on their desktop. Therefore, it is important that the personnel officer has quick access to your resume in his files, can easily find and open it.