Today, the Internet is the most popular tool for finding a job. The most basic way is to leave a response to a vacancy on a personnel website with just one click. But when it comes to sending resumes by email, job seekers often make mistakes. We will tell you how to correctly send your resume to an employer so that it does not go unnoticed.

Subject line when sending your resume

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule- correctly format the subject line when sending your resume by email. Do not leave this field empty under any circumstances: without a subject, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply will not notice it.

The topic should be short, but contain necessary information. Examples of successful topics: “Response to the vacancy of an assistant designer”, “Resume of the chief accountant”, “Resume of A. N. Ivanova for the position of translator”.

Sometimes the employer asks you to indicate something specific in the subject line of the letter (for example, a vacancy code). Be sure to pay attention to this so that you are not considered absent-minded.

What to write to an employer when sending a resume

You should not send the employer a blank letter with a resume file attached. Having a cover letter is not only considered a sign of good manners, but also shows your sincere interest in the proposed position.

Covering letter is an official document that complements and comments on the resume. Many people downplay the importance of a cover letter, when in fact, a well-written document increases the chances that your resume will be noticed in the first place. A cover letter shows the seriousness of your intentions regarding this company, and, as a rule, makes a good impression on the employer.

If you send your resume to e-mail, then the accompanying document is located directly in the body of the letter, while the resume itself is attached as a separate file.

In the event that your resume is intended to be a solid foreign company, then the cover letter usually requires more high requirements. This covering letter is drawn up on a separate sheet of paper and contains all the basic details business document: title, seal, signature, date of compilation and address of recipient

Below are some short cover letter samples:

Sample 1.
Hello, Angelina Sergeevna, I am applying for the vacancy of a secretary-assistant, which was indicated by you on the website of the Recruitment Agency. The attached file contains my resume, but if my candidacy is considered, I am ready to provide any Additional information

Sample 2.
Dear Alexander Andreevich,
I ask you to consider my candidacy for the vacancy of a tourism manager posted in the “Work” magazine.
Sincerely, Olga Stepanova, tel. 341-006-429

Sample 3.
Dear Sirs,
I am sending you my resume, applying for the vacancy of a sales agent presented by you on the website of the Recruitment Agency
Sincerely, Olga Stepanova, tel. 341-006-429

If you are applying for a vacancy in a large and reputable company representing Western traditions, you will be required to provide a complete cover letter. It should contain the following information:

1. The proposed position, the source from which you learned about it, please consider your candidacy.

Sample 4.
Hello, on your company’s website you announce that you have opened an additional vacancy for a technical translator. In this regard, I would like to invite you to consider my candidacy for the proposed position. My experience as a translator in foreign companies may be useful for drawing up and maintaining business documentation and negotiations with foreign partners.

2. Below, after the introductory part, there should be information that duplicates the main points of your resume and is intended to prove your suitability for the proposed position. Here you should note your willingness to work in this particular company, increasing your professional level.

Sample 5.
Over the past 10 years, he has successfully worked as a civilian translator in a trading company. During this time, I gained significant experience in translating technical documentation, drafting business letters, accompanying official meetings. Repeatedly participated in international conferences and company meetings. Attached to this letter The resume will give a more detailed idea of ​​my professional and personal qualities.

Sample 6.
I have significant experience in this field; over the past five years I have been the chief translator of the company, whose responsibilities included maintaining all business documentation with foreign partners, accompanying official meetings, and drawing up technical instructions.

3. Willingness to provide additional information about yourself during a personal interview.

4. Contact information.

Sample 7.
If you are interested in my candidacy, I am ready to tell you more about my professional skills and work experience during a personal meeting. You can contact me by phone at 444-321-765.

Sample 8.
I am ready to accept the offer of a personal interview and answer all questions regarding my qualifications and work experience. Thank you in advance for your attention.
Sincerely, Andrey Sologubov

It should be noted once again that there is no clear sample for writing a cover letter, therefore, when drawing it up, each time it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the addressee and the nature of the company’s activities.

Do you want to convincingly increase the authority of your resume in the eyes of the employer and get high paying job? The right cover letter will greatly increase your chances of landing the position you want. The document will become serious competitive advantage in the fight for a current vacancy, because not all applicants know how to fill it out correctly.

What is a cover letter to an employer?

A cover letter for a job is an official business message to the employer. It focuses attention on your resume and encourages the recruiter to take your candidacy carefully and seriously. For example, in Western countries, where the labor market is already fully formed, applying for a vacancy without personally contacting the employer is considered a sign of disrespect for the employer.

Unfortunately, according to social surveys, our compatriots often neglect to draw up such an appeal to their leader. For various reasons, 54% of applicants consider this activity inappropriate. Often they simply don't understand real strength this document or do not know how to write a cover letter. As a result, their chances of getting the desired position decrease in geometric regression. But this is not a death sentence, because it is never too late to learn how to correctly propose your candidacy in writing, and a sample cover letter can be easily found on the Internet.

Before you begin compiling such important document, a motivated applicant for a vacancy needs to master the basics business correspondence.

As a rule, humor and creativity are not acceptable, but every rule has exceptions. It is permissible to delicately deviate from the business style if you want to get a job in a creative team.

With a non-standard, but competent, interesting, concise and unique message to a potential employer, you can attract his attention to your resume.

What business memos are not read?

HR managers mostly ignore business correspondence if they find numerous grammatical, spelling and stylistic errors in the body of the document. If they exist, they will not recommend the author for a vacancy, even if the applicant’s resume is impeccably written. That is why, before writing a business message, the applicant should improve his literacy, and after drawing up the document, after some time, carefully re-read it several times. At the same time, you need to read out loud, because this way you can identify errors not only with your eyes, but also with your ears.

Rating of the TOP 7 best online schools

Online school for preparing for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

If necessary, have a colleague, relative or loved one check your message. They will certainly point out the most striking errors, which will help eliminate them when minimum costs strength, nerves and time. If this is not possible, use automatic text diagnostics on one of the specialized web resources, or entrust the checking and editing of the document to an experienced, qualified proofreader. Believe me, the money spent on the services of a philologist will pay off with interest.

When writing a cover letter for a resume without experience, avoid using the pronoun “I” multiple times. Remember, such straightforwardness and demonstration professional achievements speaks of the applicant's star fever.

In the process of business correspondence, the candidate should avoid established patterns, formalities and standard figures of speech. For example, you should not write: “In response to your vacancy, I am attaching my resume and would be very grateful if you consider it.” Such a message does not convey any useful information for the employer and will most likely be ignored. But sincere interest in the goals and concepts of the company will be a significant plus in favor of your candidacy and will certainly bring the expected dividends.

Employment market experts strongly recommend avoiding the following mistakes in official business correspondence:

  • duplicate information from your resume;
  • ignore the axioms of business etiquette;
  • neglect the terms of cooperation specified in the body of the vacancy;
  • address the employer only by name, but without patronymic;
  • mention any negative information about the company even if the applicant completely trusts the source;
  • demand any guarantees of employment;
  • persistently inquire about the conditions of compensation measures upon dismissal from work.

Respect for the employer, sincere interest in successful development company, as well as the informativeness and brevity of the text will help win the favor of the manager. Don't focus on what the company can give you. Try to specify as clearly and truthfully as possible what you are guaranteed to be ready to do for a successful commercial activities companies.

What to write in a cover letter for a vacancy

The business note that you attach to your resume should have a clear logical structure. Operate with facts, not abstract concepts and personal desires.

Laconic introduction

In a friendly, confidential style, tell us why you are interested in specific position. Reasonably explain your motives and demonstrate sincere interest in mutually beneficial cooperation. The introductory part should encourage the potential employer to read the document to the end and certainly study your resume now, without delay.

Competence, experience and qualifications

The purpose of this information block is to draw the employer's attention to specific aspects of your professional experience that can be successfully used for the benefit of the company without the need to attend retraining courses.

Try to describe the conditions of the current and previous professional activity. Remember, you don’t need to get too carried away and tell in great detail what and how you do.

Excess information will force the employer to analyze a large volume of facts, which may cause reluctance to read your message further and force the addressee to refuse to study the resume. The result is obvious: the vacant position in the company will be offered to another applicant.

Try to formulate your professional skills and skills so that they meet the requirements for this vacancy. Without unnecessary pathos, give a few real facts that helped you become a highly qualified and competent specialist in specific niche professional activity.

Why you

Show interest and enthusiasm in the following aspects of the firm:

  • success of the organization's commercial activities;
  • knowledge and understanding of the needs of representatives of the target audience;
  • mission and development concepts of the company;
  • staff participation in public life society;
  • the benefits brought by the competence and professionalism of employees.

You can get detailed information about the work of the organization on the official website and public events, in retail outlets, as well as when visiting the main office or regional branch of the company. In addition, word of mouth will definitely help you with this. Friends, relatives, colleagues, as well as ordinary consumers of services and goods will certainly share their opinions about the work of a particular organization. At the same time, you can easily get information about your employer on one of thematic forums on the Internet.


To summarize the above, demonstrate your willingness to meet with the employer personally and answer all his questions in an informative manner. Write that you will be waiting for his response to your proposal, and also inform him that you can call him back at any convenient time.

Be sure to check whether you have indicated the correct name and position of the addressee. If such information in this moment If you don’t own it, contact the manager of the organization and find out which employee specifically is involved in personnel selection.

Such an initiative will allow you to directly contact a competent specialist and find out all the details, as well as the algorithm for further negotiations.

Analyze how your business message meets key expert recommendations modern market labor.

  1. Brevity, information content, unobtrusiveness and conciseness.
  2. Absence of plagiarism, as well as stylistic and grammatical errors.
  3. Availability of information that certifies your knowledge of the structure of the organization and the features of the company’s commercial activities.
  4. The presence of a USP that demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.
  5. The text takes no more than 1–1.5 A4 pages.
  6. The document contains truthful information about what you are willing to do for the company.

Example of a cover letter for a resume

Consider a cover letter template:

Dear, (I.O.)
Please consider my resume for the vacancy "Customer Service Manager"

Introduction. Try to explain in a few sentences why you are interested in the vacancy in this particular company.

Main part:

  1. Experience.
  2. Education (describe if it meets the requirements of the position. Otherwise, it is better to focus on work experience).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Technical skills.

Completion: Re-emphasize that your candidacy is ideal for vacant position and you would be happy to come for an in-person interview.

Best regards, F.I.

The concept of “cover letter” has recently entered into daily life in connection with the development of Internet technologies. These are usually short letters that accompany the main document and contain additional information for the recipient. Under the guidance of an experienced HR manager, we figured out what rules exist for such letters in the business environment.

Cover letters are read before analyzing the resume itself, so they play a major role in the interpretation and perception of subsequent information. The letter must certainly be composed competently, then it will win over the reader and distract him from critical perception. A bad letter is a reason to throw even a perfect resume into the trash: 36% of HR managers admitted that they rejected candidates because of incorrect cover letters.

The practice of writing cover letters is more common among senior and middle managers. In these positions, writing requires a fundamentally different quality of execution. Let's look at the main features of successful cover letters.

Strict structure

The cover letter contains:

  1. Greetings(“Dear [name/position]”, “[Name], good afternoon”, “Dear”)

    The greeting should either be personalized or addressed to specialists in a specific department if the recipient's name is not known.

  2. Main part

    2.1. tell us what position you are applying for if you send your resume to the employer’s work email. There is no need to do this on the site;
    2.2. explain why you were attracted to this vacancy: an interesting product, new features or complex tasks;
    2.3. From motivation, smoothly move on to experience and a list of projects that are not described in the resume, but are useful for this vacancy;
    2.4. Remind again of your motivation for the position. The further the content of paragraph 2.3 is from the required experience, the more necessary item 2.4.

  3. Parting(“Best regards”, “With respect”) and duplicated contact information

It is important to remember that all points except 2.3 are well-established clichés created by successful candidates over many years of practice. They are standard, obvious, are already etiquette when communicating through cover letters, should not exceed one or two sentences and are written strictly from a new paragraph with an indentation.

Let's give an example from a letter from the head of the sales department of a large Western FMCG company. It's quite long, but for leadership position this is completely acceptable.

“Irina, good afternoon,

I am writing to you regarding the vacancy “Head of Sales Department of the Modern Trade Channel”.

I find the described responsibilities and objectives of this position extremely interesting. I have always been attracted to complex and ambitious projects.

I would like to immediately note that the experience of working with household appliances I don’t, but unlike most candidates I have the following strengths:

  • Work experience with federal networks at the level of top officials for more than 5 years;
  • successful launch and online introduction of new products in highly competitive categories (dairy products).

My professional experience also includes:

  • team management sales representatives and supervisors from 30 people;
  • closing accounts receivable for key customers.

If there is mutual interest, I suggest you call us at any time convenient for you.

Alexey H,

Although in most cases the recipient's name is unknown, it is important to ensure that the message is personalized and thoughtful. Remember that a copied, boilerplate cover letter will likely leave your resume unread. Possible requests to the site could be: “Dear HR department of company X”, “Dear employees of the recruitment department of company X”, “Dear recruiting manager of company X”, “I have carefully studied the position of Head of Sales Department of the Modern Trade Channel, etc. ."

Small but capacious

Remember that a cover letter should be read in 10 seconds. Unfortunately, a common practice in Russian culture is to include in a cover letter absolutely all projects and life experiences that are completely unrelated to the vacancy. Such letters reveal a total misunderstanding of both the position and its role in the company.

Try to write a short but informative useful letter only with quality information.

Business style

The style of the cover letter should be consistent with the company's industry and corporate culture.

For most engineering, medical, banking, consulting and other employers, the consistent business style described above is suitable. It is a win-win for 95% of vacancies posted on the Internet. It is distinguished by the easiest and most informative form of writing: simple structure, terminology, absence of cumbersome subordinate and complex sentences.

The remaining 5% are in the areas of Hi-tech, creative, IT start-up, private and small companies with niche products - they allow more free and emotional treatment.


A common mistake that instantly kills the reader’s interest is template letters. If this application for a position is so typical for you that you copy your letter, then you become just as typical for the recipient.

Do not duplicate your experience in other words in your cover letter.. No one wants to waste extra time reading the same information twice.

Creative writing and humor are appropriate if only the company in question is one of the small percentage of employers for whom originality and humor are part of their professional activities and correspond to the internal corporate culture.

So, what is the secret to successful cover letters? They are structured, small in volume, but extremely comprehensive, stylized according to the company’s culture and do not contain errors. And most importantly, such cover letters focus on the interests of the company, and not on the personal interest of the candidate. Show that you know what the company needs and how to help it.

Recruiting portals allow job seekers to write a few words in addition to their resume. By sending it directly to the HR department’s email, the candidate is also faced with the need to write something to a potential employer. It is not always clear what this letter should be: a brief retelling a resume, a declaration of love to the company or an informal story about yourself. The Village asked an HR consultant to give some advice on writing such messages and give some successful and unsuccessful examples.

Veronica Nikitina

Leading consultant of a headhunting company
"Agency Contact"

Why write a letter to your employer?

It is definitely worth writing a cover letter to respond to a vacancy. Recruiters receive hundreds of similar resumes, with slightly varying degrees of education and employment, but on average candidates with similar experience and skills apply. The presence of a cover letter and its quality becomes another plus in your favor - and why not increase their number?

Additional information that, if you successfully write a cover letter, you will be able to provide about yourself:

The ability to express yourself beautifully and construct sentences (a resume with its bullet points and bullet points does not allow us to evaluate this skill).

Your motivation - why you are interested in this particular position in this company (this is especially important if you, having worked in marketing all your life, are applying for sales).

What experience of yours can be most useful to the company (there may be a lot of projects on your resume - isolate from them those that especially characterize you as strong analyst, development manager, negotiator or foreign trade specialist, it may not be so simple).

What do you know about the company: a cover letter is the only way to show potential employers that you do not send your resume to everyone, but are especially interested in this position.

In addition, in your cover letter you can refer to specific employees of the company through whom you learned about it - this will help create the impression that you are not just “a person on the street.”

But you may be wondering: why do you need to write a letter if you already have an excellent resume? Because every company is looking for loyal and motivated employees who don’t just spend time in the office from nine to six, but are interested in business development and want to work here.

What to write in a letter

The volume of such a letter should be approximately half of an A4 sheet. The ability to fit within these limits also allows the employer to evaluate your ability to clearly and concisely express your thoughts without unnecessary fluff.

Let's look at examples of successful and unsuccessful letters that will help you understand what is worth writing.

Example 1

Good afternoon.

I would like to join your company as a Business Analyst.

In my opinion, consulting is the best field to start my career because it offers a unique professional experience for several reasons. The opportunity to work on projects in different industries and countries suits my career interests and will also develop my skills. Of course, this will require me to be willing to work overtime, but it is acceptable and interesting for me, since I would like to have a non-standard office job.

I chose your company because of its dynamic growth and team of young and ambitious employees. Your company hires talented graduates from diverse backgrounds, so I will have the opportunity to learn from the best.

I think that my skills and experience will also be useful to your company. The desire to understand how various processes work, according to logic and facts, has always been a motivation for me. My experience in the company... taught me a structured approach based on the evaluation of facts and hypotheses and innovative thinking to find the ideal solution. I developed my leadership skills through organizing five international events within... the company. I was able to develop my presentation skills through participation in...

I thank you for considering my resume and look forward to speaking with you during an interview.

Yours sincerely,….