Rabbit breeding as a business is becoming increasingly popular today among those interested in starting their own business.

However, in order to truly build profitable business, it is necessary to understand the specifics of rabbit breeding. The features of rabbit breeding will be discussed in this article.

The main types of meat that can be found on store and supermarket shelves today are beef, pork and lamb. Thus, assessing all the benefits of rabbit meat both in terms of taste, quality, and usefulness for the human body, we can say with confidence that this market niche is still practically free.

Unlike pig or cow meat, rabbit meat is absorbed by the human body much better. The digestibility rate of rabbit meat is 90%, versus approximately 60% in our usual meat. In addition to this, rabbit meat has excellent dietary qualities due to its low fat content.

So, having a product that is excellent in taste and benefits for humans and a relatively free market niche that can be filled with it, we can confidently say that raising rabbits at home is a potentially highly profitable business.

Raising rabbits as a business - features

When planning to start a rabbit breeding business, you need to understand what features it has.

One of them is actually the high reproductive capacity of rabbits.

Thus, bearing cubs for thirty days, the female rabbit is capable of the next fertilization the very next day after giving birth. In one year, an adult female rabbit can produce about 200 rabbits, which is 500 kilograms of meat.

Depending on the purposes of rabbit breeding, the following types of breeds can be distinguished:

  • meat rabbits: gray and white giants, rams;
  • fur rabbits: rex, butterfly, white downy;
  • decorative breeds.

Some breeds, such as rams, gray giants or Soviet chinchillas, can be used as both meat and fur breeds.

Rex rabbits

Proper nutrition and care are also extremely important processes in rabbit breeding:

  • The quality of mating and the health of the offspring themselves depend on comfortable living conditions.
  • A minimal amount of stress results in a greater number of matings.
  • A balanced diet directly affects the health of animals.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let's look at the pros and cons of the rabbit breeding business.

Compared to other types of livestock farming, rabbit breeding has a number of advantages:

  • short payback period;
  • high profitability;
  • lack of high competition;
  • presence of constant demand.

Thanks to these factors, rabbit farming becomes attractive for starting a business. At the same time, you should remember some of the disadvantages of this enterprise:

  1. High cleanliness of rabbits requires daily cleaning of cages to prevent disease.
  2. Accustoming to the owners and timidity of animals requires the constant creation of a calm atmosphere without the slightest stress.
  3. Rabbits require very close attention. So, there were cases when, due to the lack of water in the rabbit’s bowl, she ate her babies.

Forms of doing business

Opening a rabbit breeding business is possible in two main forms:

  1. Individual entrepreneurship. The most popular solution for starting a business literally from scratch. The advantage is a reduction in the tax base and a simplified accounting scheme.
  2. Peasant farming. In addition to the simplified accounting and taxation system, the advantage of this form is the possibility of receiving government subsidies.

At the same time, no matter what organizational form it was not decided to register, the success of the business being started primarily depends, in fact, on a well-written business plan.

Setting up a rabbit breeding business

The first step that anyone who wants to start should take is own business on rabbits, there should be an analysis of the future market according to the following characteristics:

  • market saturation;
  • proximity of potential buyers;
  • intensity of competition;
  • possibilities for transporting products.

The next step is to select a suitable plot of land. It must have a sufficient area (about fifteen hundred square meters) and be located at a distance from residential buildings.

Once the land has been purchased or rented, you can begin setting up your business. Despite the need for significant initial financial investments, thanks to high profitability business, they all pay off fairly quickly.

An additional advantage of rabbit breeding is the ability to increase business capacity due to the high reproductive capacity of animals.

Business in the field of agricultural farming is now in great demand, because there is no competition in many areas of animal breeding. – business advantages, as well as everything about the features of keeping, breeding and marketing nutria, read on our website.

Read about how you can make money by breeding worms.

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What do you need to have on site?

When developing a development plan for a site for breeding rabbits, it is necessary to plan the buildings that must be on it:

  • Premises for living and reproduction rabbits - shads. They are made of wood, the windows are closed with welded mesh. The quality of breeding of rabbits, as well as their health, will depend on the convenience of the shads. It is advisable to build at least three sheds.
  • Feed shop- a supply of feed for several months can be placed here. Additional benefits will come from equipping the workshop with a grain crusher and granulator.
  • Slaughterhouse- be sure to equip the premises with a spacious refrigerator and a stocked meat shop. To maintain high hygiene of the room, the best materials for it will be tiles, plastic and metal.
  • Saraichik For building materials, equipment or tools.

In addition, it is necessary to plan to place a spacious pit for manure outside the farm territory. As it fills, the manure can be sold to farmers as fertilizer.

Where to start breeding rabbits?

To start breeding rabbits, you must first of all determine for yourself the tasks of raising them, whether it will be meat, skins, or a combination of these two products.

Depending on this, a suitable breed is selected.

The most advisable option for beginners is to purchase purebred local breeds - they have a lower price, are easier to buy, exchange breeding stock and get advice from experienced rabbit breeders.

After defining the breeding objectives, important step It involves drawing up a business plan with planning for future expenses and income, as well as registering your business.

Having drawn up a business plan, you can search for a suitable location for the farm, build all the necessary buildings and purchase equipment.

Rabbit farm location

When choosing a suitable site for placing a rabbit farm on it, it is necessary to analyze it from the point of view of the convenience of transporting the finished product to the nearest markets and the proximity of such markets.

The main requirement for the location of the farm is its distance from residential buildings.

Rabbits in a holding room

An important decision that a future rabbit breeder needs to make is whether to purchase or rent a plot. This, of course, depends on the level of possible initial investment that is available to the aspiring businessman.

If you plan to run a rabbit breeding business for a long time, it is better to buy land for the farm rather than rent it.

If you plan to rent a site, monthly rental expenses should be planned in the business plan.

Sanitary requirements for maintenance

Rabbit breeding is regulated by a number of sanitary requirements. The main purpose of these requirements is to prevent the emergence and spread of diseases.

Thus, the design of premises for keeping rabbits, the slope of their roofs and the construction of floors are regulated.

In addition, there are a number of requirements for the placement of buildings on the site. The point for slaughtering animals should be located no closer than 50-60 meters from the cages.

Isolator and quarantine must not be located closer friend to each other than 100 meters, while being 100 meters away from the cells in the direction of the prevailing winds.

The manure storage facility should be 100 meters from the farm in the direction of the prevailing winds.

Feeding and keeping rabbits

Compared to other farm animals, rabbits can be called one of the most demanding in nutrition. Their diet must necessarily combine the following foods:

  • greens such as herbs, legumes or cereals;
  • juicy, for example, root vegetables or vegetables;
  • silage;
  • rude;
  • concentrated, namely grain, bran or mixed feed.

To calculate the need for feed, you can start from the fact that for a rabbit to gain four kilograms, it needs about ten kilograms of hay and fifteen kilograms of feed. Depending on the time of year, other elements are added to the diet. So, in summer and spring you need to focus on roughage and green forage, and in winter and autumn - on juicy and silage.

When planning the arrangement of premises for keeping rabbits, you should remember that they chew everything they can reach. In this regard, it is important to choose high-quality materials for constructing cells.

Three-tier cages

Rabbits need more comfortable conditions than nutria or bird. For their life, the acceptable temperature range is from +2 to +30 degrees, but for better weight gain and reproduction, the temperature should be maintained in the range from +13 to +26 degrees Celsius.

Equipment and arrangement of cages

A novice rabbit breeder can choose one of the popular methods of equipment and arrangement of places for their breeding.

Breeding method Features of the arrangement
Yamochny Rabbits are kept in one or more dug pits with carefully reinforced walls and floors. The least expensive method, applicable only for meat breeds.
Cellular The cages are constructed from wood planks and metal mesh. Queens and young animals are kept separately from males. The most popular method for home breeding.
Shadovy A system of several batteries of cells, which are arranged in several tiers. The advantage of this method is its compact placement even in a small area.
Mikhailov system Construction of special mini-farms for 3-4 cells, equipped with feeders, ventilation, drinking bowls and a manure collector. The most effective method, but requiring the highest initial costs.

Sales of products

Directions for implementation finished products, naturally, depend on the volumes that the farm is capable of producing.

For small volumes (about 500 rabbits per year), you can either sell the meat for sale or sell it yourself, subject to sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

With an increase in volumes, it will be necessary to obtain additional certificates such as phytosanitary and farm certificates, as well as GOST-R declarations.

With all these documents completed, it will be possible to sell meat through supermarkets and shops with parallel trade in the market.

Rabbit farming business plan

So, rabbit breeding as a business: is it profitable or not? In order to imagine the attractiveness of a future business and plan expenses, it is important to draw up a competent business plan. Here indicative business plan for a small farm of 100 rabbits.

Profitability and payback

Obviously, rabbit breeding is a very profitable and profitable business.

Even based on the results of such an approximate business plan for a small farm, the profit for the first year will be about five hundred thousand.

In subsequent years it will be even greater, since there will no longer be an item on the construction of cells and there will be a gradual reduction in expenses with increasing income. The profitability of such a business can reach from 60% to 80%.

Of course, the business plan drawn up is approximate and may differ depending on the size of the initial investment, the number of rabbits purchased and their breeds, as well as the area in which the business is conducted. In addition, it does not take into account rental costs, which may also vary depending on the region and area of ​​the site, as well as depreciation of equipment. However, it allows you to get general idea about how profitable rabbit breeding is.

So, rabbit breeding as a business confidently proves its profitability and attractiveness. At the same time, it has its own difficulties and peculiarities, so you should only start it if rabbit breeding is truly interesting.

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Video on the topic

Before starting a business, you need to take into account many factors on which the success of the business will depend. Some of the most important points are: determining the type of activity, analyzing the competitiveness of the business being created, calculating expenses and income.

And this is not a complete list of criteria that determine the viability of a business. However, to list various factors It can take a very long time, but you won’t be able to take everything into account. Therefore, it would be optimal to take the above criteria as a basis and, with their help, objectively assess whether it is worth taking up the matter or whether it would be better to come up with a new project.

Overview section

In order to specialize in something, you need to know what the object of specialization is. The purpose of this business plan is to breed rabbits, so it is necessary to understand what the benefits of keeping them are and what the potential of the planned production is. The rabbit can be viewed in several states.

A living eared pet is an object of desire primarily for children, so they can be counted as potential consumers of manufactured products. In order for the product to find the end consumer, it makes sense to establish contact with stores specializing in keeping and selling pets. Such cooperation will be beneficial for at least two reasons:

  • A pet store is a potential consumer who is ready to purchase the products sold;
  • It is possible to purchase food at a discount for regular customers or business partner(depends on your ability to negotiate).

If we take into account children's immaturity and the desire to convey their joy to everyone around them, there is a possibility that word of mouth will be triggered, which will convey information about the product being manufactured to the end consumer at the speed of sound. This will also save money needed for advertising.

Rabbit meat cannot be ignored. After all, as you know, it has a number of beneficial properties that attract many lovers of variety in the diet:

  • Low calorie content;
  • High nutritional value;
  • Excellent taste;
  • Easy to prepare.

If you see all the potential rabbit meat, then you can make it your main source of income. The frequency with which female rabbits bear offspring suggests that the volume of meat produced will be able to satisfy the demand of small and medium-sized food chains, with the possibility of increasing the amount of raw materials supplied in the future.

Fur or fluff depending on the breed, the rabbit can be used for sale or for making wardrobe accessories yourself. The most valuable are hats made of rabbit fur, which retain heat even at low temperatures and keep out the wind. Don't ignore gloves and socks made from down.

After cleaning the cage remains litter, which can not be thrown away, but sold as fertilizer. This is not the most popular type of reagent that accelerates and promotes the best ripening of plants, but it is used.

Therefore, to organize waste-free production, you can search for buyers of quite specific products, which will certainly be found among the owners of farms.

Finally, there is an even more extravagant way to sell the remains of a butchered rabbit carcass - making souvenirs. In many countries around the world, a rabbit's foot amulet is believed to bring good luck. Therefore, the creation of such keychains will be the final step towards maximizing benefits.

Thus, the goal of this business project is to breed rabbits for their further sale.

Individual entrepreneurship will be the most optimal view organizational and legal form of doing business, as it will make it possible to switch to a simplified taxation system and thereby reduce costs.

The level of successful project implementation is high, since with competent management and the ability to negotiate, you can easily enter the sales market.

Market analysis

One of the freest niches in terms of competition is rabbit breeding. Today in Russia there are approximately 7 large farms engaged in breeding rabbits and marketing their products. Moreover, each farm produces a little more than 100 tons of rabbit meat.

By simple calculations, you can understand that the total amount of meat of this animal in the Russian Federation is 700-900 tons per year. For comparison, in Italy, which is inferior to our country in terms of territory and population, approximately 700 thousand tons of rabbit meat are produced.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about a high level of competition. And a chance to collide with interests large farms extremely small, since they are located at large distances from each other.

However, even if you open your production near the area of ​​activity strong competitor, the chances of successfully developing your business remain high, since at the moment all large rabbit farms are looking for partners who are ready to supply them with manufactured products, because their production capacity not enough to meet the needs of the region in which they operate.

Choosing a breeding site

Rabbits, like any other pet, require constant care: feeding, cleaning cages, mating, treatment and much more. To ensure constant supervision of their condition, it would be most preferable to rural or suburban area.

This is dictated by the following: natural feed (silage, bran, root vegetables) is easier to get where there are its direct producers (most often rural residents); It will be easier to house livestock in a specially built building, which can later be expanded to increase production and sales volumes.

Depending on the available funds and the area chosen for breeding, you can equip the place where rabbits are kept with cages or adapt special pits for this. The system of breeding these animals in earthen depressions is not the most popular today, but it has a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to buy and equip cages and special compartments for breeding offspring;
  • The food is used more rationally, because what is not eaten by one rabbit is consumed by another;
  • A simpler system for caring for livestock and removing waste;
  • More productive activity of fertilizing rabbits.

You can learn about all the nuances of raising these animals from the following video:

Financial plan

The very first expenses are associated with the purchase or construction of a shed, which is a rectangular-shaped structure, usually made of wood. Their design is simple, so when placing an order you will have to pay approximately 5 thousand rubles (the price includes materials and work).

Rabbits do not tolerate high humidity, so when installing a shad in a lowland, you will have to fill the soil with crushed stone. Approximately 5000 rubles to cover 4 m2. One rabbit is capable of covering 10-15 female rabbits, but to be sure, you should purchase 10 individuals (1 inseminator and 9 females). The cost for them is approximately 1500 rubles. Consequently, 10 individuals will cost 15,000 rubles.

To place them, you will need 10 cells, the cost of each of which is approximately 2,000 rubles, therefore, their total is 20,000 rubles. To ensure life, you need to buy a ton of food, which will last for about a year. Such a purchase will cost approximately 30 thousand rubles.

For convenience, the spending plan is placed in the table:

Search for suppliers and clients

In the overview part of this project the implementation paths by which rabbits and their derivatives can be sold were named. Based on this, we can outline the circle of potential buyers of manufactured products:

  • You can start with pet stores and nurseries. The former will be an intermediary between the manufacturer and the end consumer. Such mutually beneficial cooperation will bear fruit in the shortest possible time. The second type of organization can serve as free advertising, since a person who has not found the animal he is looking for in a nursery will definitely try to find out where he can get a rabbit. This is where previously established agreements come in handy.
  • To sell rabbit meat, it is necessary to personally meet with the managers catering outlets city ​​or town, so that, if circumstances are successful, secure another source of sales. It would not be superfluous to offer your product on meat stalls of markets and bazaars. It's also worth trying to meet with managers chain stores and supermarkets.
  • Fur will be the most difficult product to sell, since its consumer may be elements light and textile industry, which are not so common. However, there is a way out. It is enough to place an ad in all media in the city to attract the attention of individuals who are engaged in sewing. The same rules apply to the production of souvenirs.
  • The easiest way to sell rabbit waste. Manure used as fertilizer for vegetables, fruits and berries will be purchased as soon as possible after submitting an advertisement in the local newspaper.

Payback and profit

To calculate profits, average annual indicators will be taken:

  • One female rabbit is capable of giving birth six times a year at best. For more realistic forecasts, an indicator of 4 births is taken.
  • One litter of offspring can contain from 4 to 9 heads. Therefore, for calculation, a value of 7 units is taken.

By performing simple arithmetic operations we get the following result:

  • 8 (fertile female rabbits) * 4 (births) * 7 (new heads) = 224 (offspring). Of these, 8 remain on the farm for further reproduction of the livestock. Total 216 rabbits per year.
  • Sales of 216 heads, multiplied by the weight of rabbits 3-4 months old, will bring 216 (rabbits) * 2 (kg) * 250 (rub/kg) = 108,000 (rub).
  • The skins will bring profit, which is calculated by the formula 216 (carcasses) * 40 (rub/piece) = 8,640 rubles.
  • Manure can be sold for 6 (tons) * 500 (rub/kg) = 3000 (rub).

For convenience, all calculations are given in the table:

NameQuantityPrice (RUB)
Total: 119 640
Meat216 pcs.108 000
Skin216 pcs.8640
Manure6 tons3000

Taking into account the costs incurred in preparing the necessary elements of the business, the bottom line remains 49,640 rubles. That is, the project pays for itself in a little more than six months.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 7 minutes


Rabbit farming as a business is both simple and complex at the same time. Its profitability depends on the volume of the sales market in your region. There is no rush demand for rabbit meat in our country, since the population is not sufficiently aware of the valuable qualities of this meat.

The success of this enterprise will depend on how carefully and competently you approach the search for buyers. According to statistics, the payback period for such a business is from two to four years.

The prospects of rabbit farming as a business

Abroad, rabbit meat is a very popular product, which is explained by its nutritional value. For example, in America, large-scale scientific work is underway to breed new rabbit breeds and increase the nutritional value of this type of meat. In the era Soviet Union, especially in the 70s of the last century, there were large fur farms that specialized exclusively in breeding rabbits. New breeds were imported and active breeding work was carried out. However, in the 90s of the twentieth century, all the efforts of domestic rabbit breeders were reduced to nothing.

At the moment, rabbit meat is poorly represented in the meat balance of our country, which is why the demand for it has fallen.

However, given the dietary properties of rabbit meat, this situation tends to improve. Currently, the shortage of domestic rabbit meat is compensated by foreign supplies, which means that, given the policy of import substitution, there is still a prospect.

If you engage in rabbit farming wisely, its profitability can be very decent. The main thing is to take into account the main risks, which include:

  • low level of labor productivity;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations Russian climate;
  • risk of mass mortality of animals from infectious diseases.

The prospects of rabbit breeding as a business are supported by the fact that within one year one individual is capable of reproducing a mass that is 50 times its own weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of rabbit farming as a private business

In this business, as in any other, there are both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Experts include the following advantages:

  • fairly fast payback period;
  • good profitability of rabbit farming;
  • beneficial properties of the resulting products;
  • mating can be carried out all year round;
  • versatility of this business.

The disadvantages include the following:

Useful information
1 The cleanliness of rabbits requires constant and regular cleaning of the places where they are kept, otherwise the risk of animal disease increases
2 these animals quickly get used to their owners, but not to strangers; they are very timid, afraid not only of strangers, but also of unfamiliar smells and sharp sounds, and this negatively affects their physiological state; known cases of rabbits dying from fright
3 caring for rabbits requires constant attention; for example, many novice farmers complain that a mother rabbit eats her babies, but in fact it turns out that immediately after giving birth they forgot to pour water into her drinking bowl

Legal registration of business on rabbits

It’s worth noting right away that this business does not require significant initial investments. For example, a farm for 1000 heads can be organized on a standard dacha of six acres. Additional savings will come from making cages, feeders and drinkers yourself. But before you start work, you need to choose the organizational and legal form of your future enterprise.

Typically, a novice rabbit breeder chooses between the “personal” form subsidiary farming"(abbreviated as LPH) and " individual entrepreneur"(abbreviated as IP).

You need to choose based on who and how you plan to sell future products. If the circle of your potential clients is limited to relatives and friends, as well as buyers of agricultural markets, then best choice will become a form of private household plots, since it is not subject to taxes. However, if you subsequently decide to expand your business and, as a result, enter new markets, you will need the legal status of an individual entrepreneur. This is a more expensive form in terms of organization, taxation and reporting, which requires obtaining appropriate permits to engage in private entrepreneurship in the field of your choice. The regulatory authorities monitoring the work of private household plots are city or rural administrations, and individual entrepreneurs are already controlled by a state body such as Rosselkhoznadzor.

Rabbit breeding for beginners. Where to start?

The answer to this question is quite simple - you should start by obtaining the necessary knowledge.

Before you start breeding these animals, you should learn more about their lifestyle, diet, the conditions they need, how they reproduce, what diseases they suffer from, and so on, and so on... These, albeit purely theoretical, fundamentals of rabbit breeding are very will help you in further practical work.

And remember - breeding and keeping rabbits, like any other pets, is not entertainment, but daily painstaking work.

When starting your farming journey, you should be patient. Beginners tend to make mistakes, but in rabbit farming, as in any other business, experience comes as a result of real work.

You can start breeding rabbits at any time of the year, since these eared fidgets are ready to mate all year round.

It also doesn’t hurt to get acquainted with the main characteristics of the most popular and productive rabbit breeds.

After you decide on the breed, equip places for keeping the animals and purchase the necessary food. It is better to house rabbits in cages specially adapted for this purpose, which can be placed outdoors. It is best to buy young animals from experienced rabbit breeders with a good reputation, who, in addition to selling you high-quality and healthy rabbits, can also help you with advice at first.

Successful rabbit farming business begins with choosing a breed, in which you should pay special attention to:

  • quality characteristics of the resulting meat,
  • growth rate (live weight gain);
  • feed conversion indicator, the essence of which is the following: how much feed an animal eats for one kilogram of weight.

Most often they start with hybrid breeds, which are cheaper than purebred animals. Particular attention is paid to the breeding stock, the main characteristic of which is how many rabbits one rabbit can give birth to and feed.

There are no rabbit breeding centers in Russia, so you should focus on foreign ones breeding farms, which, as a rule, have their distributors in our country. In addition to the animals themselves, such enterprises usually offer high-quality equipment for this business, and also provide training services for novice rabbit breeders.

Equipment for rabbit breeding

Currently, there are the following systems for keeping rabbits:

  • aviary;
  • semi-aviary;
  • cellular.

Reviews from practicing rabbit breeders indicate that the first two systems are quite rare, so attention should be paid to the cage system for keeping these animals. It allows you to organize competent mating and proper feeding of rabbits, and also makes it possible to organize timely matings.

In addition, such a system allows rabbits to be kept outdoors all year round, which can significantly increase the body’s resistance to various diseases and improve the breeding and productive qualities of rabbits. The disadvantages of cellular housing include, perhaps, only the fact that in such conditions it is difficult to obtain offspring winter period problematic.

Single-tier cages should be placed on wooden posts. The height from the floor of the cage to the ground should be 80 centimeters. It is best to use double cages. Hay mangers made of metal mesh usually act as partitions between cages. The floor and walls of the nesting compartment should be made of simple planks, and the aft compartment should be made of metal mesh. The roofs of the cages must be made of well-fitted boards. Which should provide a slope of 15 degrees. It is also necessary to provide 20 cm visors. The top of the roof is covered with roofing felt. When installing floors, you also need to provide a slope of 5 degrees. This will ensure natural drainage of animal urine. Young rabbits can be placed in one cage of three or four individuals. One paddock, which is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh, should accommodate 10 young rabbits.

This system greatly facilitates animal care and makes it possible to mechanize the processes of watering and feed distribution, which allows doubling labor productivity. With this kind of housing, the rabbit breeder is able to simultaneously serve up to 130 females and up to 1,200 rabbits that have not yet been placed.

The size of shads can be up to 120 centimeters and up to 270 cells. The floor in the passages is usually concreted with a slope on both sides. The width of the intercellular passage is 130 centimeters.

The length of the cages in the sheds is 140 centimeters, the depth is 70 centimeters, and the height of the rear wall is 36 centimeters, the front wall is up to 55. The cells are arranged in two rows in two tiers. The bottom row is for animals of the main row, the top row is for separated young animals.

To fatten young animals for meat, double-sided shads are used, with mechanized distribution of feed and water. Feces collection is also being mechanized. Such shads can accommodate up to 600 young individuals. The cage itself is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh. For mechanical watering, automated float-type drinkers are used.
On meat and skin farms, with a minimum number of breeding stock of 1200 individuals, two-tiered one-sided shads are used.

Where to start organizing your mini-farm?

Before starting construction of a rabbitry, you need to coordinate its location with the local administration, since there are standards for its distance from residential sectors. Violation of these norms entails administrative liability.

To begin with, you can take ready plan rabbit farm and adapt it to your needs. It is best to place the rabbitry on a hill so that water does not accumulate around it during rain or when snow melts. The optimal solution is to concrete the ground under these structures. This will prevent water from stagnating.

Feed is stored in a separate room, which should also not be forgotten.

It is better to buy concentrated feed in bulk. This results in significant savings.

In the feed storage itself, it is necessary to provide the possibility of complying with temperature regime and a certain level of humidity, in order to prevent mold from appearing on the feed.

The place for slaughtering animals must be equipped with a blood drain and an oven for the destruction of slaughter waste in it. It is advisable to locate refrigeration chambers near this place for storing the resulting products.

To store rabbit manure, you should equip a cesspool with a depth of at least three meters.

The walls of this pit need to be concreted, and to protect it from snow and rain, a canopy must be built over it.

To avoid gross mistakes when choosing an animal to buy, experienced rabbit breeders give the following advice:

Difficulties encountered when breeding and keeping rabbits

The main problems that beginning rabbit breeders face are:

  1. nutrition problems. Rabbits are extremely sensitive to rotten and moldy food, which often makes them sick. On the other hand, they choke on very dry food. You should also add the necessary vitamins. A well-chosen and balanced diet is the key to health and productivity in rabbit breeding;
  2. vaccination. These animals need to be vaccinated periodically. If the conditions of detention meet all the necessary requirements, then the animals should not get sick. But it’s still better to be safe. The main vaccination is against myxomatosis, pasteurellosis and VGBV;
  3. problems with cellular contents. These animals love to chew on everything, so the material for the cages must be of high quality;
  4. temperature regime. The optimal temperature range is considered to be from +2 to +30 degrees. For reproduction and rapid fattening, the temperature should be between +13 and +26 degrees Celsius.

Where to sell the products?

Typically, the formation of a customer base begins with a close circle of relatives and friends, and then “word of mouth” attracts their acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances, and so on into the circle of your customers.

You shouldn't skimp on advertising. Pay attention especially in promotional materials beneficial properties dietary rabbit meat. It's fashionable now. Don't overprice! In conditions of low purchasing power of the population, the price should be affordable, which will allow you to expand the circle of your customers.

Veterinary documents are not required to sell meat through friends.

They willingly buy rabbit meat in restaurants, but they always require a veterinary certificate for the product (form No. 2).

Selling rabbit meat through stores with small volumes of products is unprofitable. Lots of expenses for annual permits and quality certificates. In addition, large retail chains They usually give a very low purchase price.

In addition to meat, you can also sell rabbit skins. They are purchased by enterprises producing fur products. To be fair, it should be said that their prices are not very attractive.

As organic fertilizer You can also sell rabbit droppings.

The main source of income is the fertility of rabbits. With the proper level of maintenance, feeding and care, one female is capable of bearing offspring up to 10 times a year, which allows you to get up to 60 rabbits from one queen.

For example, let's take a farm with 120 females. We receive 7,200 cubs per year. This is an average of up to 14 tons of 400 kilograms of rabbit meat.

At a selling price of 200 rubles per kilogram, average annual revenue could be 2 million 880 thousand. Costs account for approximately half of total revenue, or 1 million 440 thousand rubles. These funds go to:

  • purchase of feed;
  • transportation costs;
  • payment for electricity;
  • wages for hired workers (if any);
  • purchase and repair of cages;
  • payment for veterinarian services and vaccinations.

Some costly items can be eliminated if, for example, you do not hire outside staff and vaccinate the rabbits yourself.

Based on the above figures, we find that profitability can reach up to 100 percent (but this is ideal).

When starting rabbit farming from scratch, you need to draw up a competent business plan. Rabbit farming, like any other business, requires taking into account expected expenses and income.

This business plan, on the one hand, must include all the initial material investments, one-time and regular expenses. On the other hand, planned income from primary and secondary products is taken into account. In this second part, you should definitely take into account the specifics of your region, since prices in different regions of our country vary significantly.

Initial costs include:

  • purchasing or renting a plot of land for a rabbit farm (you can start with a plot you already have);
  • expenses for legal registration and preparation of necessary documentation;
  • costs for landscaping;
  • expenses for the purchase of materials for the construction of a rabbitry, feed storage and the purchase of cages;
  • purchase of necessary inventory and equipment;
  • costs of purchasing animals (you can start with 50 pieces).

Of course, organizing your own rabbit farm does not require any crazy expenses. You can get by with small investments, gradually increasing the scale of your activities. Plan your work so that you can spend at least three to four hours a day caring for your animals. Over time, this can become the main source of income.

You won’t find so many ideas for starting your own business these days in the press and on the Internet! Those who have even a modest summer cottage plot (not to mention a spacious rural house with a plot of land) are given a ton of ideas in the form of recommendations - from growing oyster mushrooms in the basement to organizing an ostrich farm.

Among those who are thinking about starting their own business, the rabbit breeding business is becoming increasingly popular. But you should know: for your business to be truly profitable, you need a clear understanding of the specifics of such an industry. In this article we will talk about what features are involved in raising these furry animals, whether it is profitable to breed rabbits or not.

What are the benefits of rabbit meat?

On supermarket shelves and grocery stores There are mainly three types of meat. We are talking about pork, beef and lamb. Meanwhile, rabbit meat has a number of advantages regarding quality, taste and benefits for the human body. That is, this market niche can still be considered relatively free.

The absorption of rabbit meat by the human body is better and more productive compared to beef or pork. This indicator - the percentage of digestibility - in this case reaches 90% against the usual 60% in other types of meat. And thanks to its low fat content, rabbit meat is a wonderful dietary product.

Thus, if you have in stock an excellent, tasty and healthy food product combined with low competition in this segment, you can confidently predict the high profitability of the chosen business. That is, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to breed rabbits is definitely positive.

Characteristic signs of business

What features are inherent in domestic rabbit breeding? The main one is high ability these animals for reproduction. The female carries the cubs for 30 days, and re-fertilization is possible almost immediately after birth. The productivity of an adult rabbit during the year is about 200 babies. In terms of a useful product, this amounts to about 500 kilograms of rabbit meat.

They are bred for different purposes. Breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat are gray or white giant, as well as ram. In order to obtain fluffy fur, they choose rex, butterfly, and white downy. In addition, breeding is possible decorative rabbits. There are also universal options. For example, Soviet chinchillas or gray giants are breeds of rabbits for breeding for meat and obtaining skins at the same time.

During the breeding process, good care and proper nutrition are very important. The more comfortable the living conditions are, the higher the quality of mating and, as a result, the health of the little rabbits. The number of matings can be increased by minimizing the number of stress factors. And without high-quality, balanced nutrition, talking about animal health is pointless.

Pros and cons of a rabbit farm

What advantages does this business have over other livestock farming options? Its main advantages are high profitability, short payback period, minimal competition and stable demand. The combination of these factors looks very attractive, but at the same time some negative aspects should be taken into account.

So, for the high-quality maintenance of these clean little animals in cages, regular (that is, daily) cleaning is required. Otherwise, the entire livestock may be susceptible to disease. Shy animals grow and reproduce well only in a calm, favorable atmosphere without even minimal stress.

Rabbits require constant monitoring. In the absence of food and even water, a female rabbit is capable of eating her own offspring. Breeding rabbits at home for beginners may seem like a troublesome and difficult task at first.

Getting down to business

Where to start breeding rabbits? In what form is business possible in this area? There are two such varieties: either in the form of individual entrepreneurship, or with the organization of a farm peasant farm. The first option is especially popular among those who are starting from scratch. Its main advantage is a reduction in the tax base and a simplified accounting scheme. Having decided to organize farm, you can count on receiving a subsidy from the state.

But in any form of activity, success largely depends on a well-thought-out business plan.

Rabbit farming as a business: where to start?

Before you start creating your own rabbit farm, as in any type of business, you should analyze the potential market, paying attention to a number of the most important characteristics. We are talking about market saturation, availability in accessible proximity potential buyer, degrees of intensity competitive activity and solving transport issues.

Having clarified the situation for yourself, you can move on to the next step - choosing a land plot. Its area must be at least 15 acres, and your future rabbit breeding farm must be located away from your home.

Having purchased or rented a plot, you can begin setting up your planned business. Initial financial investments can be quite significant, but due to the short payback period and high profitability of this type of activity, this is not a problem.

Is it profitable to breed rabbits compared to, say, chinchillas or nutrias? The capacity of your business can be increased many times over thanks to the high reproductive qualities of the animals, and this is a significant additional advantage. In general, breeding any domestic animals, like other types of agricultural business, is very, very in demand these days.

What should be on your site

The next step of the rabbit breeder businessman will be to compile a list of buildings whose presence on the site is mandatory. Each of them should be placed on the plan of the site allocated for future company. What applies to such buildings?

  • Sheds. This is the name given to the premises where rabbits will live and breed. Such “industrial” rabbit hutches are made from wood with windows covered with welded mesh. The more comfortable the rabbits are in the sheds, the better the breeding process will be, and the less fear the owner will have for the health of the pets. The minimum number of sheds is from 3 pieces.
  • Feed workshop. This is a kind of warehouse where food for rabbits can be stored for the next few months. If you spare no expense and equip your feed shop with a granulator and a grain crusher, the costs will quickly pay off.

  • The slaughterhouse premises must have a fully equipped meat shop and a spacious refrigerator. Due to high hygiene requirements, the materials for its construction are metal-plastic and tiles.
  • Tools, equipment and necessary building materials should be kept in a separate shed.

A spacious manure pit should be dug not far from the site. With regular replenishment, it is possible to sell manure as fertilizer to surrounding farmers.

What do you need rabbits for?

When starting to breed livestock, decide on the objectives of cultivation, and from here plan methods for breeding rabbits. What is your goal - skins, meat or both? Having figured out this issue, choose the breed you need. Let's say your choice is gray giant rabbits. Breeding, growing and caring for them requires certain knowledge.

For beginners, it would be wisest to get one of the local purebred breeds. They usually have an affordable price, ease of acquisition and the ability to consult with other rabbit breeders.

Then start drawing up a business plan with upcoming expenses and income outlined in it. In addition, you should take care of registering your own business.

What is better for a future rabbit breeder - to purchase a plot or rent it? This depends not only on the size of the initial investment, but also on the long-term goals of the future businessman. If you decide to do this profitable business Seriously, it’s better to own the plot. When rent is due, monthly expenses to cover it must be provided for in the business plan.

About norms and rules

When breeding rabbits, a number of sanitary requirements must be met to prevent diseases in the rabbit environment. In this regard, there are certain rules according to which premises for rabbit livestock are designed, down to the slope of the roof and the installation of floors.

Other requirements relate to the location of buildings within the site. The slaughterhouse must be at a distance of at least 50-60 m from the rabbit cages. Sick rabbits should be quarantined at a distance of 100 meters from the sheds. The manure storage facility also needs to be moved outside the farm - no closer than 100 meters. All distances are in the direction of prevailing winds.

What and how to feed rabbits

In nutrition, these animals are quite whimsical compared to other types of farm animals. Their daily diet requires a mandatory combination of different types of feed - green (herbs, cereals, legumes), juicy, such as vegetables or root vegetables, rough and silage, as well as concentrated, consisting of bran, grain or mixed feed.

To calculate the need for the amount of feed, we proceed from the fact that gaining a weight of 4 kilograms for one animal requires about ten kilos of hay and 15 kg of compound feed. Other elements serve as dietary supplements in different times year. In the warm season (spring and summer), be sure to feed the rabbits green and roughage; in the fall and winter, do not neglect silage and juicy ones.

Breeding rabbits at home for beginners can come with a number of surprises. Monitoring the freshness and balance of the supplied feed is very important. There should not be the slightest trace of rot or mold. Too dry food is also not welcome - animals can choke on it.

About rabbit housing

Do not forget that these animals are rodents, that is, the cages must be constructed of high-quality and durable material.

Compared to poultry or nutria, rabbits are more prone to comfort. The range of temperatures suitable for their normal life is from 2 to 30 degrees, but quality conditions for growth and reproduction require maintaining them in the range from 13 to 26 degrees.

There are several known methods by which the habitats of these animals are developed. Raising rabbits in earthen pits with carefully reinforced floors and walls is the simplest of all. This method is one of the lowest cost, but is used exclusively for meat breeds.

What are cells like?

The most common choice is to raise rabbits in enclosures. To the most popular ways For household refers to the so-called cellular. Material for constructing cells - wooden boards in combination with metal mesh. Female rabbits and offspring are housed separately from male rabbits.

The shed method already mentioned above is a system of several tiers of cells. The main advantage of this option is compact placement, which is important in conditions of a small site area.

It is also possible to keep it according to the so-called Mikhailov system, which is a small farm of three to four cells. Each of the mini-farms is equipped with ventilation, a manure collector, and, of course, drinkers and feeders. This method is most effective for high-quality growth and reproduction. But it also requires the largest financial costs.

Where to sell?

Let's now talk about selling the resulting products. Its directions should be considered based on the volumes of the future economy. If they are small (about 500 rabbits annually), the meat can be sold for sale or sold independently, subjected to a sanitary and epidemiological inspection.

For large farm volumes, you will need to obtain some additional documents. We are talking about a farm certificate, the same phytosanitary one, and a GOST-R declaration. If you complete all of the above, at the same time as trading at the market, you will have the opportunity to sell meat to a network of supermarkets and grocery stores.

Indicative business plan for rabbit breeding

Let's compose and analyze sample business plan for the arrangement of a small farm for one hundred livestock units. What are the costs?

The process of building rabbit cages will cost about 50,000 rubles; to buy one hundred heads of young animals, add another 30,000 rubles. (the exact amount depends on the breed), from 70,000 to 150,000 rubles. will have to be spent on purchasing feed. Add another 20,000 rubles. for veterinarian services, utility costs and other small items. Total: the expenses part of the business plan can contain a figure from 170,000 to 250,000 rubles.

Now about income

100 rabbits will yield about 200 kilograms of meat. At a wholesale price of 200 rubles. per kilo and retail - 400 rubles. It is actually possible to sell all products for an amount of about 400,000 rubles. For the proceeds of the skins - an additional 250 to 300 thousand rubles, let's take an average of 280,000. Total: the level of expected income is about 600-800 thousand rubles.

Even within the framework of the small farm given as an example, during the first year it is possible to receive about half a million rubles as profit. In the future, this figure will increase further, since there will be no more need to spend money on building new cells. As a result, the profitability figure similar business lies between 60% and 80%.

Things to remember

Of course, the above business plan for breeding rabbits is very conditional. The numbers can vary significantly, depending on the breed and number of specimens purchased, as well as the amount of initial investment. Much also depends on the region where the business is planned.

Among other things, this plan does not include rental costs (if any). Such expenses can also vary greatly by region and area. Equipment depreciation should also be taken into account. But in general, the above calculation gives a general idea of ​​the profitability of the business in question.

Conclusion: such an activity is quite profitable and attractive in terms of money. And yet, despite the confident “yes!” in response to the question whether it is profitable to breed rabbits, it should only be done by those who are not afraid of the specifics of this business and the associated difficulties in the form, for example, of the need to slaughter furry pets.

Meat is the most favorite food product for humans, and dietary products from rabbit farms are in particular demand.

And although store shelves are full of a variety of meat products, the creation of animal breeding farms seems a cost-effective idea to start your own business.

Despite the fact that over the past ten years the number of farms has increased significantly, Russia still has significant potential for the development of many livestock sectors.

Among the most promising areas of development in this area are The leading position is occupied by the idea of ​​​​opening a rabbit breeding farm. There are a lot of rabbit meat lovers in our country, but meat from this animal is not so easy to find in the city.

In addition, it is worth mentioning the features of rabbit breeding products:

  • Meat contains a lot of protein and very little cholesterol.
    Thanks to this ratio, it is positioned as dietary. Doctors recommend its use for people with kidney, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. Rabbit meat is also good for children and people who are overweight.
  • Fur The animal is highly valued among clothing manufacturers.
    The low price of skins and the quality of fur, not inferior to mink, make this raw material very popular.
  • Also available ornamental breeds that are bred for resale as pets.
    They have an easy-going nature and are not demanding in care.

Preparatory stage of the project

Rabbits reproduce very well. During the year, one female gives birth 5-6 times, and each litter can have 8-15 cubs, so their breeding, with proper organization of the farm, can be very cost-effective way business.

A budding entrepreneur will be pleased with the fact that in this field they will encounter little competition and great demand for production products.

To effectively implement a project, it is necessary to take the planning process seriously, conduct a market analysis and draw up step-by-step business plan creating a rabbit breeding farm. When making a plan you must pay attention to the following points:

  • Getting basic knowledge on animal breeding.
    You need to read specialized literature. You can also get practical advice from experienced rabbit breeders by contacting them through forums.
  • Farm registration and obtaining permits.
    Usually, beginning entrepreneurs register as individual entrepreneurs and register a personal subsidiary plot. You do not need a license to breed rabbits, but you must obtain permission from the sanitary authorities.
  • Selection of a site with premises and equipment procurement.
    To organize a mini-farm for 1,000 animals, you need a plot of at least 6 acres in size.
  • Breed selection for breeding.
    The potential and possible directions of development of your project depend on this.

Let's look at some of these points in more detail.

Arrangement of the premises

To organize a business, you will need a plot of land that can be either purchased or rented.

The land for the farm should be located away from residential premises. The ideal option would be to rent summer cottage, located in a rural area.

You cannot build farms in swampy areas and places with high humidity. The area around, if possible, should be asphalted.

When organizing a farm, the following types of premises should be provided on the site:

  • Sheds– areas where cages with animals will be located.
    If you arrange the cells in two tiers, then you can place about 60 cells in one shed.
  • Barn where the feed will be stored.
    To reduce costs, it is recommended to purchase feed and grains in bulk. In this case, you will need a place for safe storage.
  • Inventory room.
  • Slaughterhouse for rabbits with refrigerators for storing meat.
  • Pit, in which excrement will be stored. Manure is a very good fertilizer that can be easily sold to agricultural farms.

The rabbits' main habitat will be cages. Depending on your budget, you can buy materials and build the cages yourself according to the drawings, or purchase ready-made ones. For beginners, it is better to invest in industrial structures, the design of which takes into account many factors.

The cages must have a feeder and water bowl.

The room with the cages must be provided with water supply, electricity, heating and climate control.

Also in the process of drawing up a business plan It is worth considering the purchase of special equipment.

Breed selection

Today there are about 200 breeds of rabbits, which are usually divided into 3 groups:

  • meat-skin,
  • meat
  • and down ones.

Among the whole variety, a maximum of 15 breeds are suitable for breeding at home.

You can see it in the next article.

We will tell you how to achieve profitability in breeding crayfish in an aquarium. When can you expect your first profit?

We will talk about the prospects for the development of a dairy farm at. What should be included in a business plan?

It’s better for a novice entrepreneur opt for breeding meat-skin rabbits.

The most famous representatives of this group are:

  • White giant
    Gross – 5-6 kg, net – up to 54% of weight. Average fertility is 8 rabbits per litter.
  • Gray giant
    Gross – 5-5.5 kg, net – up to 58% of the total weight. On average, she breeds 7-8 rabbits per litter.
  • Chinchilla
    Gross – 5 kg, net – up to 63% of the total weight. Average fertility is 7 - 8 rabbits per litter.
  • Black-brown
    Gross – 5 kg, net – up to 58% of the total weight. Average fertility is from 8 or more rabbits per litter.

Process organization

Big The Mikhailov method is popular among rabbit breeders. Based on the physiological nature of animals, a scientist from St. Petersburg has developed a special technique for breeding rabbits in cages.

This breeding system, taking into account everything key features reproduction of animals, allows you to bring the average weight of young animals to 4-5 kg ​​within 4 months.

Thus, the offspring of one female provides 30 kg of meat products within one year. You can get detailed information about the discovery of Academician Mikhailov at the link http://fermerskii-dvorik.ru/25-mini-ferma-mihaylova.html.

For the success of an enterprise, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Comfort.
    In order for rabbits to mate well and reproduce frequently, it is necessary to properly arrange their habitat.
  • Nutrition.
    According to the Mikhailov system, it is necessary to provide animals with free access to food. They must eat often and be able to eat up to 80 times during the day.
  • No stress.
    It is necessary to eliminate all irritants and minimize the risk of stress in rabbits.

What expenses should be included? Minimum profitability of the project.

In the next video we will talk about ways to grow champignon mushrooms at home.

We'll talk about how to organize a pig breeding business here. Example financial plan on the development of subsidiary farming.


Rabbits reach puberty relatively quickly. This takes them a maximum of 4 months. However, experts categorically prohibit allowing young animals to mate during this period. Mating with a male is arranged for a female only after reaching full maturity.

The process should be repeated every 1 week. When fertilization occurs, the female will no longer allow males to approach her, which means it’s time to transplant her into a separate cage, where she will give birth and where she will care for the new offspring.

The young will feed on their mother's milk for 60 days.


In conditions of auxiliary rabbit breeding, They should be fed with special feed. It contains the nutritional components necessary for animals and meets all dietary requirements. In addition to feed V summer time It is advisable to give animals purified green grass from pastures, in winter you can limit yourself to hay.

For pregnant females, the diet should be varied - this will allow you to get strong and healthy offspring. As a supplement to the main feed, it is necessary to use special vitamin and mineral supplements and include succulent feed.

To optimize costs and ensure food security, you need to stock up on feed for 2-3 months in advance.

The female rabbit, during the year, brings forth offspring in the amount of 24 cubs:

  • The female consumes up to 45 kg of feed per year.
  • The feed consumption rate for a calf will be approximately 12-13 kg.

Total 1 female with offspring accounts for about 0.34 tons of feed per year. The maximum price for it is 9 rubles per 1 kg.

Example of an organization rabbit farm look at the video:

Financial calculations

We provide approximate calculations for creating a subsidiary farm.

Expenses– 493,050 rub. (at the start of the business and the first year of activity)

Investment – ​​164,000 rub.

  • Equipment of premises – 50,000 rub.
  • Registration – 10,000 rub.
  • Purchase of cells – 50,000 rub.
  • Purchase of livestock – 54,000 rubles. (60 animals for a maximum of 900 rub.)

Current costs – 329,050 rub. (per year)

  • Rent of a plot - up to 80,000 rubles.
  • Costs for compound feed - 157,050 rubles.
    (50 females with offspring * 340 kg * 9 r. and 10 males * 45 kg * 9 r.)
  • Costs for hay - 7,000 rubles. (2 tons*3500 rub.)
  • Expenses for a veterinarian - 15,000 rubles.
  • Utility costs – 50,000 rub.
  • Other expenses - 20,000 rubles.

Income– 863,400 rub.

On average for breeds, by slaughter age rabbits weigh 5.1 kg.

An average of 2.9 kg of meat (58% of the total weight) will be obtained from one animal.

You can also get up to 0.07 kg of fat from one carcass. Animal fat is actively used in medicine and perfumery.

We do not take into account the sale of manure and internal organs.

Based on this:

  • Income from the sale of meat = 1200 * 2.9 * 210 rubles. per 1 kg at wholesale price = 730,800 rubles.
  • Fur – 1200 * 100 rub. (average price per skin) = 120,000 rubles.
  • Fat – 1200*.07*150 rub. = 12,600 rub.

Profit before taxes will be 863,400 rubles. – 493,050 rub. = 370,350 rub. per year or 30,862.5 rubles per month.