Dear applicant! You've probably wondered more than once: Quit and calmly look for new job, or first find a job and then quit? Is looking for a new job without quitting or notifying your current employer an ethical thing to do? What if the employer finds out about his employee’s hidden job search?

Let's consider what can happen if you post your resume in the public domain as a job seeker, but continue to work. Your risks are that your resume may be seen by:

  • Your immediate supervisor, and then perhaps your virtual dismissal will become an objective reality. Such actions by a company employee may be regarded by management as obvious disloyalty to the company;
  • An employee of the personnel department or personnel department, who in some companies specifically monitor work sites to identify unreliable personnel;
  • Your colleagues who have plans for your place or for other reasons, of which there may be a great many;
  • An outside employer or other interested person who, under the pretext of receiving recommendations, suddenly contacts your manager and thereby informs him of your plans;
  • And finally, for information, probably even many do not know, but there are services for tracking employees who are looking for a new job.

As a result, if one of the scenarios described above suddenly occurs, even if you are not fired, your relationship with your employer will most likely change and not in better side. What to do? On the one hand, it is unlikely that you signed any special agreement that would prohibit you from looking for work while continuing to work in the company. On the other hand, you need to understand that the company needs time to find a new employee to take your place. And the law obliges the employee to warn the employer in writing 2 weeks before dismissal. And yet, as practice shows, the resumes of employees working and simultaneously searching for a new job are not getting smaller.

How to proceed with maximum benefit for yourself and minimum harm to others? The following options exist:

  • If you have a good relationship with your employer, then it is better to discuss with him the prospects for your development in the company, and only then inform him that you will be looking for a job, arguing accordingly;
  • If you have finally and irrevocably decided to change your place of work, it is better to inform your employer about this in advance (a month or two), offering to assist in preparing an employee for your place. In this way, you will preserve your relationship with the employer, which will be useful to you in the future, for example, when receiving recommendations;
  • You can post an anonymous resume in the public domain, without indicating your full name and company name;
  • Or send your resume to vacancies posted by staffing/recruiting agencies, attaching a cover letter with your comments;
  • look for a job through social media, by placing an icon in the appropriate section like “Considering new offers.”

In addition to all of the above, if the employer, after the next interview, finally makes you an offer to work in his company, and you were anxiously awaiting this, the next, or rather the next question arises before you. And it’s not about how to inform your old job that you’re leaving. The main question is whether there will be new employer wait until you have worked the 2 weeks required by law? What if during this time they find another employee?

The most the right decision: when leaving, behave in a civilized and thoughtful manner, strive to maintain good relations.

You can learn how to properly organize your search for a new job, maximizing your chances, in one of our next articles.

Sincerely, ABC staff, Moscow

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Today, work in Novosibirsk ( is popular not even because of the high level of unemployment, but because every person strives for the best, even with at the moment this or that workplace. The reasons for wanting to find a job in Novosibirsk, while leaving your old one, can be very different:

  • Dissatisfaction with the existing salary and desire to increase the salary,

  • Acquiring new professional skills and searching for opportunities for self-realization in a professional direction,

  • Family circumstances and relocations.

All this and much more forces people to look for new places - each time according to their own new criteria. However, before you start finding employment in a new place, and even before you start looking for a job that meets your criteria - with daily payment, from direct employers, in shifts, you should wisely leave your previous place, or at least prepare for this. And the Hotwork portal will be happy to share with you tips on how to do it correctly.

Keep good relationships and don't quarrel!

Before giving advice on finding a job in Novosibirsk and telling you where to find a new dream job, it’s really worth talking about the old one and the dismissal process. Sometimes, upon seeing a new vacancy and preparing to leave, a person cuts off all bridges, expresses to the old bosses and employees everything that has accumulated during the period of cooperation with them, and generally behaves incorrectly. IN modern conditions such behavior can be called very reckless. Are you sure that you will definitely be accepted for a new vacancy, that the new job will completely suit you and you will not have the desire to go back? After all, successful employment today is not always easy, you may not be given the salary that was mentioned, and the situation may turn out to be worse than ever. You may also be asked to do so after the probationary period.

Prepare your papers

And in order to successfully get a job in Novosibirsk for a good position, you may need recommendations from previous employers. This is another reason to simply calmly come to your boss and express your desire to quit, write the appropriate paper and ask him for a recommendation. At the same time, a pleasant surprise may await you - if you are valued as a specialist, your boss may offer you more favorable conditions works to keep you going and are worth considering.

Help the old boss

Find good worker Today it is as difficult as finding a decent job for yourself. So remain a person who understands the problems of others. If you are asked to stay for a little more than two weeks, try not to refuse, if possible. It will also be within your power to recommend another specialist to take your place if you have acquaintances in professional circles. All this will allow you to leave a good memory of yourself.

Begin new stage career can be quite difficult, and why take risks if you can develop within your company? However, not everyone likes this development of events. Getting a higher position is always problematic, especially if the “chair” you have chosen is firmly occupied. If the long-awaited promotion does happen, then there will always be people who remember you in a lower position, and their perception will be difficult to change. As a result, some prefer don't rebuild existing relationships, and create others from scratch. But for this path to lead to success, it is necessary to develop a search strategy.

Analyze the offers

Career experts advise starting your search by setting a goal. If you choose If you find a truly suitable position and find relevant advertisements, then your future job may very well be among them. But in order to correctly carry out the initial selection of companies, you need to look at things realistically.

For example, a person applies for the position of head of a department, although he has never held such a position before. What advertisements should he consider?

If he was a deputy, acting, performed leadership functions when the boss was on vacation, led a group of employees in working on projects, or simply had among job responsibilities several functions characteristic of a manager (planning, goal setting, control, etc.), which means he can consider advertisements that indicate the need for experience in a managerial position. Of course, you should not choose vacancies that require 6 years of experience in a similar position, but where the terms are shorter - 2-3 years, you can try.

If you have never had people under your command, you can act in the following ways:

  • look only at ads without experience, although such rarely appear;
  • ask for the patronage of friends who are confident that you will cope with your leadership function;
  • try to look for some executive functions at your current job;
  • get a job at the company of your dreams one step lower and try to “grow up”.

That is, the optimal solution is to try in any way to gain management experience, since without it, even you yourself will not know whether you can cope with the new position, and in such a situation you can hardly count on getting the job you are looking for.
Head or deputy?

Often in situations where an employee strives for a promotion, the question arises: if he has always been a line specialist, then what position can he apply for - deputy or supervisor? Does it make sense to include an additional career path in the form of a deputy position? In fact, it all depends on the vacancy. When you start choosing from ads, and later - of my favorites proposals, you need to try to understand what is more important to you: the name of the position or the prospects.

Here is the story of Sergei M.:

“I worked as a design engineer in one company for about seven years and during this time I worked my way up from a novice specialist to an assistant department head. I liked everything, but I wanted career growth. Since my boss was not going to leave, and the deputy’s staff was not intended I started thinking about moving to another company. The choice was from two options: look for a similar company with a vacancy for the head of the design department or take a closer look at larger organizations where there is a position for a deputy head.

I decided not to narrow my search and selected both types of vacancies as interesting ones. I sent my resume, listed as management experience replacing a boss during his vacation, received responses and went through several interviews. Of all the offers, two turned out to be the most suitable: the position of head of a department in a developing company (there were no subordinates there yet - it was assumed that I would assemble a team myself and work with it) and the position of deputy head of a department in a large, well-known company on the market. I chose the second proposal: although in the first case the range of tasks was wider and the position was higher, this was not exactly the direction in which I wanted to develop. The second option also provided for a significant expansion of job responsibilities, but the prospects were more certain. After this company, if the manager’s position does not become vacant, I could once again find a job with a promotion.”

Working resume

When writing your resume, you also need to take your experience into account. Do not indicate too high a position or a large salary; There is no need to focus on the earnings of those people who have solid management experience. Balance your needs and capabilities.

Be active, don't wait for employers to come to you. Send your resume to interesting offers, use the “I want to work for you” function, subscribe to company cards (like on), stock up on letters of recommendation. Find something about the company you're interested in that resonates with you and highlight the similarity. Initiative and good knowledge of the market segment will be a big plus.

Even if you haven't found any suitable ads, look interesting companies, in which you think you could be realized. Write to them; they all have personnel reserve, and you can get into it. Consider moving options: in some cases this works.

When sending your resume, do not forget about the accompanying a letter where there is an opportunity to emphasize what makes you similar to this position. You can mention the presence of recommendations, if any.

Try to be visible

Courses, seminars, conferences are good not only because they provide you useful information, but also because they can become a place to meet the right people. Show your business qualities in professional community, and people will talk about you. Communicate more in an informal setting - perhaps these contacts will bear fruit.

To select the desired program, pay attention to the requirements for the vacancies that interest you. If in the majority of which stands as necessary condition availability management education, which means you need to get it.

Personnel experts note that, as a rule, at the first stage of a manager’s career, the main problem becomes difficult delegation. Those who have never managed people before often try to do everything themselves and cannot entrust any functions to subordinates. This skill comes with experience, but if you don’t have time to wait, you can learn this in training or try to start at your job. You may be confident that you will do better, but without trying it personally, the employee will not develop or move on. Don’t forget about the scheme that helps you not only get the job done, but also gain useful experience: task – result – analysis – adjustment.
Remember the Peter Principle

Still, if you have no management experience at all, you should think about whether you can manage the department. The famous "Peter's Principle" states that "in a hierarchical system, any employee rises to the level of his own incompetence,” so it is not always good specialist can become an excellent leader.

An example from her practice is given by the head of the business training department Marina L.: “This incident happened several years ago when I was working a simple employee in a training company. The head of our business training department was a very experienced and wise woman, an excellent trainer and leader. However, according to family circumstances she needed to move to another city. On the vacated a competition was announced for the position, and several applicants responded to the advertisement, including managers and trainers. HR specialists selected several candidates, including one fairly well-known trainer - a very good specialist. He had no management experience, and, in a good way, should not have hired him, but the director really wanted to get a famous name. In addition, he convinced that he could handle it and that he already had some management experience. Our boss brought him up to date and left. During the first month of work, he managed to do such things that the management no longer understood what to grab onto. He was unable to properly distribute the courses among all employees: he chose the most interesting and well-paid ones, and simply distributed the rest at random, and completely forgot some clients; could not keep documentation, although everything was shown and told to him; came into conflict with calving sales; unfairly reprimanded an employee for being late; ruined relations with the entire department, trying to impose strictness, to which we were not accustomed and without which we worked perfectly. When the time came to answer for his actions, he simply did not show up for work, but answered the call and said that he on probation term and has the right to leave without working. On the same day, the head of the HR department called me to his office. He talked to my former boss and she recommended bringing me in to fix the situation. They gave me curators from among the managers of other hotels, and we began to put things in order, the former boss was also in touch. I was lucky to some extent: having proven my worth as an organizer in such extreme circumstances, I was much more firmly entrenched in this position than if all this had happened under normal conditions. But the main lesson I learned from the situation is this: a good specialist is not always a good organizer.”

Getting a job with a promotion does not always end in success, so first try to take on at least some management tasks at work to be confident in your abilities. Learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them; then you can not only move up career ladder, but also be proud of the results of your work and the activities of your subordinates...

New horizons are opening up before you in the form of a promising vacancy in another organization, big earnings, the opportunity to realize your potential... Congratulations! Everything is fine, only you are concerned about one question: how to properly leave your old job in order to do it both legally and in good conscience? Don't worry, now you will learn how to arrange everything.

1. Let your superiors know

No matter how much you put off an unpleasant conversation with your boss, he should be the first to know about upcoming changes in the team. It’s better if the conversation takes place without “extra” ears, in private. Try to talk about the reasons for dismissal as sensitively and truthfully as possible. At the end of a difficult conversation, thank the director for the wonderful time, the experience gained, and express regret for what you have to do. Believe me, a diplomatic approach to dismissal will help maintain friendly relations, which will come in handy more than once in your new career. Agree, burning bridges in such a case, even if you want to express everything, is a very short-sighted activity.

2. We warn you 14 days in advance

By agreement with your superiors, dismissal is possible earlier than the agreed date, but think: is it really necessary for you? Among the advantages of “early” warning is the opportunity to collect recommendations, calmly complete current affairs, and give the employer time to find a suitable person. Do not forget that the days before dismissal are not a reason to relax and do nothing: they are paid in the same way as weekday days. Think: do you need to tarnish your reputation in the final weeks and receive fines and reprimands?

Collecting letters of recommendation from your last job is a very forward-thinking move. They will become part of your professional portfolio and will significantly increase your value in the eyes of your new bosses. Ask your immediate supervisor to draw up important document and secure it with a signature and seal. You can make such a request to partners, suppliers, and colleagues from a related department. In a word, the more varied the performance characteristics, the better: you will get extra points in the eyes of a potential employer.

4. Say goodbye to colleagues

If you leave, do it gracefully, respect both others and yourself. Do not hesitate to sincerely thank those colleagues with whom you have developed warm relationships. Great option final words will become emails, poisoned individually. Say thank you for the experience, best qualities man, wish you luck. If the place of work you are leaving requires a get-together with colleagues, do not neglect traditions. Remember: professional sphere much narrower than you think about it, so proper parting with colleagues is a guarantee that they can help you with difficulties in a new field.

5. Don’t forget about your own rights

Sometimes the procedure turns into moral pressure from superiors with refusal to sign the application, threats to fire under the article, withholding payments and other unpleasant moments. Remember that the law is on your side, you just need to document the date when the application was submitted, even if it was not signed. After 14 days you must receive a completed work book and payments that take place, which includes compensation for money that you did not use. If your boss has created difficult moral working conditions for you, you can try to take sick leave: days spent at home will be included in the work.

6. Maintain friendly relations with the team

Of course, not always, not in every company and not with every team, you want to maintain friendly relations after leaving at will. If this is exactly your situation, then at least maintain neutral behavior towards former colleagues and superiors. Refrain from discussing the disadvantages of past work in a new place: not only that new boss and colleagues may react negatively to such comments, but if you work in the same field as before, this can harm your career advancement - it's a small world, remember that!

And one last thing. Planning a transition to new organization, it is worth adhering to the fundamental rule: the attitude you demonstrate is what you deserve. Therefore, leave with dignity, respect former company, colleagues and superiors. Don’t forget: spoiled relationships at your old job can remind you of yourself at a new, promising one!

Many people prefer to look for a new job even before quitting. It is difficult to go “nowhere”. The job search may take a long time, but you don’t want to lose your financial stability. But how to do it right? How to find a new job and not get into trouble at your previous job?

As you know, looking for a job is a labor-intensive task. Professional recruiters often emphasize that finding a job is also work. This means that you need to spend a lot of time and energy preparing a resume, searching for vacancies, and you need to try not to commit serious mistakes at an interview... Ideally, you need to look for a job as professionally and thoughtfully as a good specialist does his job.

The task itself is not easy, especially if the competition in your specialty is quite high. But the situation becomes even more difficult if you want to find a new job before quitting your old one. This means that you will have to do two jobs at the same time, and one of them (job search) will most likely be a secret. Few people are in a hurry to tell their employer that they have “almost quit”: this is often fraught with problems. The most common of them:

1. The manager’s attitude towards the employee often deteriorates. From now on you will be perceived as a disloyal employee. The rare exception is when you have a truly excellent relationship with management and you can discuss the issue quite frankly without fear of unpleasant consequences.

2. Having learned about your “treachery”, the company will immediately begin to look for a replacement for you, and if an employee is found to take your place faster than you can cope with your task, then you will have to quit earlier than you expected.

3. It may well turn out that you change your mind about leaving or leave this idea “until better times.” For example, it turns out that the labor market does not yet have vacancies that are interesting enough for you, or you will never receive attractive offers from employers. If the company knows that you tried to leave, but for some reason you stayed, your subsequent life in the team will no longer be simple and cloudless, they will treat you with suspicion. Often, managers do not trust such unlucky “defectors” to work on serious projects, because they are afraid that the person will leave at the most crucial moment and let everyone else down.

But the decision to look for a job before being fired is also quite understandable. It is difficult to go “nowhere”, especially if the economic situation is unstable and the labor market high competition between applicants. It is not always clear how long the job search will take, or what your job search should be like. financial reserve, so that you don’t have to accept the first offer that comes your way.

Therefore, a “secret” job search – no matter what employers say about the unethical nature of such behavior – is a very reasonable solution. In this case, the financial stability of the applicant is higher, and he can make a more informed decision, without haste.

So, what should you do if you need to look for a new job even before you quit? How to maintain confidentiality? Here are some important recommendations:

Task No. 1. Office privacy

1. You should not announce that you are looking for a job, not only to management, but also to colleagues. Even if you have an excellent relationship, you should keep this information to yourself, this will avoid unnecessary conversations and gossip.

2. Of course, when you prepare a resume, you want to include more. contact information so that they definitely get through to you, “get through”, etc. But you cannot indicate your work phone number in your resume; limit yourself to your mobile and home numbers.

3. The same applies to email: no corporate mailboxes, only your personal e-mail. It probably goes without saying that you need to check this address regularly. You cannot send out resumes or conduct correspondence about job searches from your corporate mailbox.

4. It is better not to store a file called “resume” on your office computer. It is also better to browse job search sites from home.

5. If you are looking for a job through paper publications, do not scatter employment magazines and newspapers on your desk.

6. Don’t share “abstract” information with your colleagues about what interesting/ridiculous/stupid/highly paid jobs there are in your industry. The same goes for discussions about recruiters, HR managers and interviewing styles. These conversations often arise because everyone has experience searching for a job. But you don’t need to take any special initiative in these conversations now: based on individual phrases, your colleagues will easily “figure out” that you are not talking about distant past experiences.

7. You cannot negotiate about a job (even an interview) in front of your colleagues. A recruiter who calls you during the workday understands that you can't always communicate. Therefore, many people start a conversation with the question: “Are you comfortable talking now?” You will have to apologize, citing your busyness, and ask when you can call back. An experienced recruiter will understand exactly what you mean.

Task No. 2. Internet privacy

1. Your company is most likely constantly or occasionally looking for new employees. This means your recruiters are visiting recruiting sites. There they post vacancies and review the resumes of potential employees. What does this mean to you?

You do not need to post your resume publicly. Understand the features that the recruiting portal offers you. For example, sometimes you can make your resume available only to representatives of those companies for whose vacancies you have applied.

Another option is not to indicate your last name and company name, limiting yourself to a description of the organization’s scope of activity and its functions. Otherwise, there are chances that your secret job search will quickly become apparent.

2. An excellent option is to respond to vacancies of a company you are interested in directly on its website. For many companies, you can fill out a form directly on their website or immediately send your resume to the HR department.

3. Do not write on social networks or blogs that you are looking for a job. This will have the same effect as if you hung a big notice about it right above your workplace. You shouldn't expect privacy on social media, no matter what account settings you use.

Task No. 3. Confidential interview

Perhaps the most difficult task. Think in advance about how you will go to interviews working hours. If your job involves at least some travel, you will have an easier time solving this problem. If you have a stable office work, then the situation is more complicated: you will easily arouse suspicion. However, there are several options:

1. You can “collect” several interviews in one day and agree in advance with management that you will not be in the office that day. Exactly what reasons you present depends on how life works in your company and on your manager. Somewhere it will be enough to refer to family problems, sick relatives, second cousins, etc. In other companies, you will have to write a statement and ask for this day at the expense of your vacation or simply at your own expense. But all people have situations from time to time when they need to miss a day of work, so the situation itself should not arouse suspicion.

2. If your company does not require an official sick leave “for every sneeze” and you may well miss a couple of days under the pretext of illness, this may be an acceptable option. But this means that on these days you need to organize the maximum number of meetings.

3. You can try to arrange a meeting with the recruiter before the start of the working day or after. This option does not always work: the recruiter is also a person and does not want to spend extra time at work. They have to listen to such requests from applicants all the time, so be understanding if you are refused: in the end, these are your problems.

4. Perhaps the most convenient option: look for a job while on vacation. Of course, you won't be able to rest. But you will be able to concentrate properly on finding a job and you won’t have to constantly ask for time off and arouse suspicion. You will be in complete control of your time and may be able to find a new job faster. By the way, if you organize everything correctly, then you will also be able to rest: if your agreements with the new employer are serious enough, you can discuss a date for starting a new job that will allow you to rest for a week or two before that.

Whichever option you choose, it's worth remembering this: most likely, you will have to leave the interview not just once, but several times. Often, even interviews at one company take place in several stages. Therefore, stock up on reasons and explanations for your “disappearances” in advance. Of course, it's not very simple.

Therefore, you should not go to all interviews in a row. Try to get as much information as possible before the interview, and only agree to those that involve vacancies that are truly interesting to you. Your task is to find a new place by going through a minimum number of interviews. By the way, they can help you with this modern technologies: online interview and telephone interview– unless, of course, the recruiter is against such options.

Finally go to face-to-face interview you will still have to (and, most likely, more than once), but you will be able to go through the primary selection in a more economical manner.

Task No. 5. Explain the situation to the recruiter

Typically, recruiters treat this situation with understanding, but a lot depends on the company and the specific specialist. At the interview, it will definitely turn out that you have not yet quit and are not advertising your job search. Therefore, think in advance about how you will explain your position. Here you should adhere to the same rules as usual: do not scold your current employer, do not criticize management. Find the reasons in the “parallel” plane.

It is important to be perceived as a decent and responsible person. For example, you can say that you have outgrown your current position, but further growth in your company is no longer possible. Emphasize that you are not going to keep your job search a secret until the last moment. Say that you plan to notify your manager as soon as you have a promising offer, and that you intend to complete all important matters before leaving.

Another option is to refer to short-term financial difficulties in the family, because of which you, unfortunately, cannot afford to remain without income for some time and look for work after dismissal. And in this case, it also needs to be emphasized that before dismissal, you will definitely complete all your affairs and, if necessary, help bring the new employee up to date.

It is difficult to say how a new employer will perceive these arguments, but you should at least try not to reduce your chances of getting hired.

A separate issue is recommendations. If you are asked to provide references from your last job, explain why this is not possible. Offer recommendations from second to last place. Most likely, your functionality has changed since then, but general idea It is still possible to obtain information about you as an employee. However, many recruiters and managers are skeptical about recommendations and prefer to trust their own opinion. You may not have to face this problem.

Task No. 6. Let's leave with dignity

And now you have received a worthy offer and agreed on a start date for a new job. No, the problem is not solved yet. Much is interconnected in the labor market, and these connections are not always noticeable. If you had to look for a job secretly from management, it is especially important to leave with dignity and decency. You need to maintain your reputation as a decent and responsible employee. How exactly your life and career will turn out in the future is not yet clear, and the more colleagues and managers consider you a reliable and responsible professional, the better.

Talk to your manager. Explain how important it was for you to work in this company and under his leadership, and how much you learned. If you are sure that your job search really remained a secret to everyone, we can say that you had no serious plans to leave, but unexpectedly you received an offer that was very interesting in professional and career terms. Emphasize that you will definitely complete all urgent tasks. Offer to bring the new specialist up to speed and explain that in the future, if necessary, they can contact you for advice. Say that you would like to avoid cutting off contact in the future because you value your professional communication.

Of course, you need to take into account the specifics of your leadership. But some diplomacy will not hurt in any case.

Happy employment!

  • Career and Self-development

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