Accounting and taxes The use of modern materials and technologies allows us to create comfortable, functional and, at the same time, beautiful and elegant housing for modern man

. And, importantly, at a very reasonable price. High-tech house projects are the best option, taking into account modern advances in construction and design and the needs of the developer.

Attractiveness of a modern house project High-tech houses are distinguished by their somewhat unusual, unique architecture and unusual technical specifications

. These can range from small houses to impressively sized luxury mansions. The unique style of modern houses is created through the use of modern materials: plastic, glass, profiles for facades, etc. Even at the design stage, architects pay great attention to working with space and maximizing the use of natural light. As a rule, in such houses the heating system is supplemented with " warm floors

"In addition, experts note that clients are increasingly interested in the smart home system. In houses built in high-tech style, it is appropriate to install autonomous power supply systems. Such systems include wind generators and solar panels

. Systems are installed on the roofs to collect, purify and heat rain and melt water. The use of energy-saving technologies is not just a tribute to environmental fashion, it is an opportunity to fully realize the main idea inherent in the design of a modern house - the idea of ​​complete autonomy, independence from the environment. But use and materials is still based on the traditional principles of approach to the construction of a private house.

When choosing high-tech house projects, you need to consider:

  • Zoning for day, night and utility parts will ensure future comfortable living in an already built house.
  • The master plan of the site will allow you to determine the best location and orientation of the premises in the house, and harmoniously arrange the buildings on the site.
  • A carefully worked out estimate will help the customer control quality and deadlines construction work.
  • The use of materials that take into account the peculiarities of weather conditions will save you money during construction and reduce the cost of maintaining the finished building.

All these features will be taken into account in architectural project, prepared by highly professional specialists from Dom4m. Also in our company you can order

Projects of modern houses → Project Wright 180 m Some of the most modern houses are projects of 180 and 220 sq.m. Despite the small area, the house has everything necessary premises. Illustration for the topic projects of modern houses - 3d visualization of Rimini 180 The dimensions of the house project are 10 by 14 m. The total area is just over 180 m. On the visualization […]

Modern cottage project - 2018!

Cottage projects → Modern → 2018 In the design of modern country cottages in 2018, two main trends emerged. We believe that in 2018 there will be more demand for cottages in the so-called modern style - HiTech, Minimalism. Photo 3D visualization of the project of a modern cottage in 2018 ArchSolution Project of a modern cottage → Millennium Park 2018 Also in 2018 […]

Projects of modern cottages - photo gallery

Projects of modern cottages 2018 → House "Valencia" Project of a modern cottage Valencia - 3D visualization House project program: 3 bedrooms, kitchen 30 sq.m, living room 35m, heat generator room 3x4m, two bedrooms have their own bathroom, wardrobe,

Projects of modern cottages - 2017

Cottage projects → Modern → 2017 Of course, in the catalog of modern cottages by the architects ArchResolution there are many houses in the so-called modern style. Such projects are sometimes called modern cottages in the Hi-Tech style. Illustration on the topic: projects of modern cottages Projects of modern cottages → Millennium Park


Features of a modern house project in the High-Tech style - “Torus” The most modern and fashionable trends in design are reflected in the project of a house in the High-Tech style “Torus” country houses.

Modern house project in the Wright style - project "Rimini"

House projects → House projects in the Wright style → Modern house project in the Wright style with a garage Features of a modern house project in the Wright style - “Rimini”

Modern cottage project (photo) in the High Tech style - Montreux project

Projects of cottages and houses → Projects of cottages → Modern project of a cottage in the High-Tech style with a garage Photo: project of a cottage in the High-Tech style - project “Montreux” (le Montreux). In the collection of projects from the ArchResolution bureau great popularity won a modern cottage project in the High Tech style - the Montreux project (le Montreux).

Under the pressure of technological progress in recent decades, innovative methods of constructing structures have become widespread in the construction industry. They made it possible to create a modern house that differs from the buildings of previous eras in its convenient layout, recognizable appearance and absolute functionality. Its impressive combination of comfort and reliability has made it a popular choice among fans. modern technologies and eco-design.

The embodiment of comfort and reliability

Modern houses are attractive

The modern style originated more than a century ago, when critical changes in the world order required the abandonment of the forms and designs of the classics. The movement of modernism that arose in architecture at that time proposed new ideas:

    clear geometric shapes;

    flat, exploitable roofs if possible;

    avoiding decoration;

    use of advanced building materials and structures.

Modern houses attract the eye with their unique style. He retained the basic techniques of modernism, replacing their severity with the relaxed atmosphere of an elegantly designed space and complementing them with modern qualities:

    reliability and safety;


    environmental friendliness.

Modern style houses are becoming increasingly popular. Two directions - minimalism and hi-tech are used both in their pure form and in original combinations, complementing the modern interior with industrial elements.

Roof of the future – solar battery

The architectural ensemble can be anything. Business card a modern house is considered to have a flat roof (which is not always justified in regions with difficult weather conditions and snowy winters). Often a recreation area is organized on such a roof and solar panels are installed. Another recognizable technique is the use of industrial accents, which is especially evident in high-tech houses. Large terraces and balconies attract attention. Laconic floor-to-ceiling windows allow sunlight to easily enter the room and make the rooms visually larger and more spacious.

What influences the designs of modern houses

Projects of modern houses and cottages imply a carefully thought-out layout and the use of modern building materials. Future owners must decide on the following minimum questions:

View of the land

Before starting design (or redevelopment, if a standard project is taken as a basis), the specialist must familiarize himself with the general plan of the site and inspect it.

A visual inspection with the study of the results of engineering, geodetic and geological surveys will determine the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, and the angle of inclination of the landscape. Also on the plan it is necessary to note the location of the nearest communications and trees. The information received will help:

    arrange house in the existing landscape;

    optimal post interior spaces;

    arrange local area.

Complex landscape - an elegant solution to a modern house project

Site characteristics may influence the choice of project. A private house with a flat roof is harmonious in an open space with a spacious courtyard. For a small plot, the design of a modern house with an attic is suitable.

ABC of design

Having studied the possibilities of the site, you can begin to draw up a project. Big influence will have a destination at home; it must correspond to the lifestyle of the owners. If periodic use is planned (weekends, family holidays, vacations), this will inevitably affect the layout and functionality, and will help save on materials during construction.

Housing for permanent residence needs zoning. Projects of cottages in a modern style should include:

    recreation area, utility part, perhaps a place for a home office;

    full-fledged heating, sewerage system;

    garage and cellar.

Such housing must withstand unexpected weather vagaries all year round (climatic conditions often determine the choice of materials). The thoughtful design of a modern house contains all sorts of stylish solutions - panoramic windows on the ground floor, an asymmetrical facade, a terrace with lightweight glass sides, steel structural elements. An experienced architect will be able, taking into account the customer’s wishes, to create a spectacular exterior in a modern style.

Garage in a modern project


The cost of construction in a first approximation becomes clear after choosing a project and preliminary calculating the consumption of building materials. This information is shown in the estimate. It is necessary to control costs, timing and quality of construction work; is a convenient financial instrument that describes:

    Price main construction and installation stages: excavation work, zero cycle, masonry, roofing work, utility networks.

    In addition to the costs of materials, the estimate includes invoices and transport, as well as unforeseen expenses.

    May be specified separately Preparation construction (geodetic and geological work, dismantling of existing structures).

On a note! Modern cottages are built using innovative developments, which saves time and resources. But at the same time, we must always remember that the cost of a house and the price of its operation are often directly dependent. If you now use higher quality materials, you will only overpay once, but you will save on the same heating throughout the entire life of the house.


A modern house is not only a large square footage, good location and spectacular appearance; It is not enough to design and build it. It is much more important to equip it correctly.

Behind the façade of such a dwelling lies modern infrastructure– innovative engineering systems and communications, the basis for a comfortable and safe life. For a house in a modern style, the work of an engineer is no less important than the work of an architect.

Photo of a house project with evening lighting

Environmentally friendly and economical energy supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can improve and simplify life. Operation of complex engineering systems and a large number of household appliances require control in automatic mode. This set of problems is effectively solved using the “smart home” system. Multitasking of the system allows you to:

    Set up the lighting mode (on time) and the watering system for the area.

    Run on schedule household appliances(air conditioning, home cinema, washing machine).

    Manage motion sensors and CCTV cameras.

    In case of an emergency, turn off the water supply.

What is included in the project

Projects of modern houses and cottages contain sections:

    Architectural. Building plan with exact dimensions, layout, internal zoning. The plan is provided with a description.

    Constructive. A diagram of the house, on which the foundation, floors, stairs, and doors are marked in detail.

    Engineering. Communication diagrams, including the power grid, with calculations and explanations.

    Design project. Contains information about design and materials used.

Fragment of the project of a two-story house with an attic

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Popular materials for construction

Stylish houses and their layouts are characterized by openness and simplicity of design, which is emphasized by classic materials. Concrete, glass, brick, metal, plastic, stone and, to a lesser extent, wood enjoy continued success in construction.

When drawing up an estimate, close attention should be paid to the material for building walls, on which a fourth to fifth of all costs for building a house are spent. You can optimize costs by considering:

    Price drop. When using lightweight material, the cost of the foundation will be reduced (it can be made less powerful and expensive). Less resources, time and effort will be spent on walls made of large blocks.

    Thermal insulation. A material with good heat-insulating properties (aerated concrete or ceramic block) and modern insulation will help you avoid unnecessary energy costs in winter.

    Finishing. Modern smooth and aesthetic materials make it possible to do without additional wall decoration.

New building materials give the opportunity to choose non-standard architectural solutions. The use of SIP panels makes the walls light, durable and resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

The following are widely used in facade finishing:

    composite panels;

    facing stone and brick, facade tiles and boards;

    textured decorative plaster;

    decorative elements frompolyurethane;

    wood panels, siding.

Swedish version of a house project in a modern style

High-tech style as a bright representative of modern trends

The fashionable brutal high-tech style is evidenced by geometric shapes (straight lines, wide square openings) and modern materials (metal, foam concrete, gas or foam blocks). Following the style requires a laconic finish with an emphasis on natural materials.

The overall appearance of the house benefits from the use of a flat roof, a profile for the facade, panoramic windows, terraces and balconies. The effect can be enhanced with the help of metal railings and lamps, natural, unpainted wooden panels.

Video description

“Live” house in high-tech style on video:

Features of the style include:

    Pragmatism and simplification in space planning.

    Moderate/restrained color palette, use of lacquer and chrome surfaces.

    Abundance advanced technologies in design, construction and engineering.

    Functional elements: they are not hidden, but taken outside (ventilation systems and other communications, stairs).

Modern style house project - high-tech life

    Often installed autonomous systems energy supply (solar panels, wind generators, water collection systems).

    LED backlight facade and landscape.

    The design element becomes wiring, brickwork, pipes, sometimes painted in bright colors.

Projects of modern houses

Unique and time-tested, they all feature a convenient layout and the use of modern technologies.

Video description

Some examples of modern houses in the video:


Focus on modern materials

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

I just want to be alone in comfort too

Project success - garage and attic


Classic modern

Balance between Alpine tradition and modern design

Openness is the highlight of the project

Result of redevelopment of an old building, Melbourne


House with outdoor seating area

Small house in high-tech style


Photo of a house project with unlimited landscape design possibilities

A swimming pool in the recreation area is a win-win option

Japanese motifs in modern design

Technology surrounded by nature


For the first time in the long history of building construction, a style aimed at the future appeared. He managed to combine comfort with functionality based on advanced technical equipment. The elegance, practicality and economy of the modern home is attracting increasing attention from those who are ready to move away from traditional architectural designs.

In our company’s catalog, a significant place is occupied by projects of modern houses and cottages made of wood, brick and more modern materials: aerated concrete, foam blocks. Despite the fact that they are based on functionality and practicality, they have an interesting design. A person who builds a home for himself subconsciously strives to ensure that it is not only comfortable, but also beautiful - “the best,” because not only the body, but also the soul requires comfort.

Modern architectural styles

Country cottages and houses in a modern style, shown in the photo in the catalog, were built according to our designs. These include buildings whose architecture lacks a pronounced historical stylization. They are characterized by the following common features.

    Simple layout, clear geometric shapes. Usually it is a square or rectangle in plan. Extensions that extend beyond the general contour are most often absent. Sometimes there may be a garage carport attached to the wall.

    A gable or hipped roof, with a slight slope of up to 20⁰, covered with tiles of soft colors. More often it is attic, but sometimes two floors are built with a ceiling and an attic.

    Large glazed areas: “French” windows, second light. An example of a project by a modern architect is a house with panoramic glazing No. 48-21G. Its facade has a rounded shape due to bay windows.

Project No. 48-21G

The exterior and interior design of the cottages meets the trends of minimalism, hi-tech, and constructivism. This does not mean that the building will be boring - the use of contrasting materials of different textures in the decoration, and original lamps make its appearance interesting and expressive.

Finishing materials are chosen in light colors. White, sand, and cream shades predominate; clinker tiles and plaster are used. Dark colors highlight the individual structural elements, giving the geometric shape a final integrity.

Modern house: turnkey project

The most popular designs of modern houses are two-story brick cottages with a terrace or balcony. The ground floor is being arranged common area, kitchen and utility rooms. On the second floor there are private rooms: bedrooms, study. Example: project No. 57-07 - a small cozy house of 115 sq. m. m.

Project No. 57-07

The design of modern houses from the catalog provides for the newest, unusual engineering solutions. They provide economical heating, rational water supply, sewerage, air conditioning, and are developed using the latest achievements of science and technology.

Projects of townhouses - large wooden or stone houses in a modern style, include a sauna, swimming pool, guest bedrooms, billiard room, bathrooms on each floor and other attributes of a comfortable life. An enclosed barbecue area is often set up in the yard. The technology usually does not provide for a ground floor or basement - this significantly increases the cost of construction. Practicality is a characteristic feature of such cottages.

Project No. 40-32G

Our ready-made solutions accompanied by complete documentation necessary for construction. It includes floor plans, roof section, foundation diagram. Attached is a specification of recommended materials that are optimal for a specific design.

In the article you can find dozens of photographs depicting beautiful houses: building designs in modern, classical and other styles. Unusual design solutions are considered and interesting ideas for the construction of country houses with one or several floors. Here are collected popular options for buildings using different materials, buildings with open layouts, attic floors and other architectural features.

Vacation home - best option for those who dream of living away from noisy neighbors and city bustle

Planning is the most important stage of construction country house. Before you begin purchasing materials and constructing a building, you should have a clear idea of ​​the future construction. Moreover, this applies to the layout of premises and each stage of construction.

In addition to external beauty, the building must meet the design characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • reliable and durable design;
  • comfortable living conditions for all residents, taking into account their number and needs;

  • safe operation;
  • the ability to make adjustments to the design of the façade and interior.

A correctly drawn up project for a private house makes it possible to correctly distribute buildings on the site, as well as successfully organize the layout of the premises, eliminating conflict situations with neighbors and regulatory authorities due to violations of regulations.

Helpful advice! The construction of a country house according to the project will reduce costs, shorten and optimize the building construction process, rationally approach the consumption of materials, eliminate emergency situations and improve safety.

Where does the implementation of a beautiful country house and cottage project begin?

Freedom of action when creating a beautiful structure depends on the correct choice of a building site.

The selection of a land plot is carried out according to several criteria:

  • direction;
  • distance from a city or town

If possible, you should select flat areas, preferably free from green spaces, since clearing the site for construction will entail additional costs and delay the work. It is preferable to build a house on a hill. Moisture will constantly accumulate in the lowlands, negatively affecting the building.

A house located on a hill has the best performance indicators:

  • there is no need to take into account the height of groundwater;
  • improved air exchange;
  • high level of insolation;
  • beautiful view of the surrounding area from the windows.

A cottage located on a hill, provided the rooms are properly laid out, will allow you to achieve significant savings on heating and electrical energy. Sufficient penetration level sun rays the premises will provide constant comfort. By installing solar panels, you can collect natural energy and use it to heat your building.

Creating a beautiful house project: the most practical layout taking into account the cardinal directions

The layout of a practical and beautiful house largely depends on the location of the site in relation to the cardinal points and the orientation of the building itself on it. The type of roof and the shape of the structure are also important.

If you plan to build a cottage with a pitched roof, you should turn the open part of the facade to the south and turn the slope to the north.

Helpful advice! It is better to direct the central façade to the south side. This nuance will allow you to add a terrace, veranda or massive porch to the project. Located on the south side, these architectural elements can be used by residents as a place to relax in the fresh air.

It is recommended to locate the house in the north-eastern zone of the site. Due to this, the necessary level of illumination of the rooms is ensured, minimizing the presence of shadows in the garden area, which often acts as a deterrent when arranging a recreation area near the building.

Related article:

Description of the advantages and disadvantages of each project. The most common layout options. Features of buildings with two floors.

When the site and place for construction have been selected, as well as the nature of the placement of the box in relation to the cardinal points, the layout of the house is drawn up:

  1. East and southeast direction - suitable for placing guest rooms and parent bedrooms.
  2. Western and southwestern direction - used for arrangement family room, living room and dining room.
  3. South and southeast direction - most often the living room, bedrooms and children's rooms are located here.
  4. Northern direction - suitable for arranging non-residential utility rooms, halls, kitchens and areas intended for storage.

It is better to place rooms intended for leisure and recreation so that their windows are turned towards beautiful landscape, For example, natural landscape, decorative patio or garden. Installation of solid fences in front of these premises should be avoided.

  • passage areas and rooms intended for common use - hall and corridor, hallway, bathrooms and staircase space;
  • utility block - an area for arranging a garage, boiler room, and storage rooms;
  • additional premises - sauna, swimming pool, gym, music room, cinema, their presence is optional.

The layout of premises can be based on the principle of horizontal or vertical zoning. The choice of principle depends on the number of storeys of the building. If you plan to build a large house, the layout of the rooms may include both of these options.

How to design a beautiful one-story house

It is advisable to build one-story cottages in cases where a large plot with a flat surface is selected for development. Due to this, the costs of building construction and land work will be minimal. Such houses are suitable for families with elderly people, small children and people with disabilities. Due to the absence of a second floor and stairs, such residents will be comfortable, convenient and safe.

In the photo, beautiful projects one-story houses may look like old manors or ultra-modern cottages. The design of a building depends on several factors:

  • box shapes;
  • exterior;
  • roof type and design;
  • materials and technologies used in the construction process.

The layout of the premises in one-story cottages has a horizontal orientation and is practically no different from city apartments. One part of the house is allocated for residential rooms. The eastern and southern zones are used for this. The western and northern parts of the building are occupied by utility rooms.

Helpful advice! If the house is small in size, some rooms can be combined. For example, a layout combining the living room, dining room and kitchen space. Zoning rooms according to their purpose in this case can be symbolic - small nepartitions,special arrangement of furniture, or visual (separation due to different finishes, differing in color or material).

How to design a beautiful house: photos of two-story buildings

Projects of two-story houses are used to create large cottages, country houses and buildings on a small plot.

The layouts of two-story buildings allow the use of architectural decorations with functional meaning in the project:

  • garages;
  • balconies;
  • verandas;
  • bay windows;
  • terraces.

At the same time, the layout can be modest and look like a regular box with a simple division of rooms, or it can have a complex design with many facade details and a roof with broken lines.

Most often, public spaces are located on the ground floor, for example, a kitchen, dining room and living room, as well as a recreation room. Service areas can also be located here:

  • laundry;
  • furnace;
  • panel room;
  • boiler room;
  • pantry.

To prevent the front door from becoming a source of heat loss, it is recommended to build a vestibule in front of it.

The proximity of the hallway and dressing room would be rational. A bathroom is also needed on the ground floor. Additional rooms on the ground floor include a guest room and a bedroom for elderly family members, as well as an office.

The second floor is most often used to equip children's rooms, bedrooms, and in rare cases, offices. Taking into account the living rooms, it is organized required amount bathrooms and toilets. Often among two-story beautiful houses there are projects with an attic.

Projects of beautiful houses with an attic: photosand riversRecommendations for arrangement of premises

When designing country houses, they strive to make maximum use of the living space of the attic under the roof. The height of such rooms can sometimes reach five m, and at the ridge seven m or more.

Two-story cottages with an attic floor are in high demand, although there are also beautiful designs of one-story buildings.

Helpful advice! Construction of a one-story house with an attic will cost much less than the construction of a two-story cottage.

The attic floor is a single space under the roof, most often used for recreation rooms.

Often in the photo, the beautiful design of bedrooms in private houses and other combined rooms is supplemented with zoning and transformation elements that allow you to save space and avoid building walls:

  • curtains - thick or translucent curtains perfectly delimit space. They bring coziness to the interior and are used for quick zoning (most often in bedrooms);
  • sliding partitions - installed in special openings inside the walls. The structures move on rails and are mainly used to separate the kitchen with its specific odors from other rooms. Use on the attic floor is allowed.

  • Modern partitions can be made from different materials. Particularly popular is electrochromic smart glass (laminated translucent material), which can turn matte white by pressing a control button;
  • lighting – lighting fixtures can become not only part of the interior and set its mood, but also visually divide the space of the room;
  • podium – used in children's rooms as a place to store things.

In the interior of bedrooms, screens can be used as partitions separating the bed area from the desk or changing area.

Functional design of beautiful houses: photos of buildings with a bay window

In accordance with the designer's idea, the bay window can have a semicircular, rectangular or trapezoidal shape. The area of ​​this element, within acceptable limits, can be minimal or relatively large. The upper part of the bay window is brought under the general roof of the building. In this case, the number of storeys of this element is designed taking into account the number of storeys of the cottage or may be different from it.

Note! The bay window design is used as the basis for a balcony. If the number of floors differs from the number of floors of the building according to the project, this nuance is solved in the architecture of the house by forming a bay window tower.

Advantages of cottages with a bay window:

  • unique design - this architectural element is used as an exterior decoration, bringing elegance to the facade of the house;

  • actual and visual expansion of the space of the room - a well-lit bay window is suitable for placing a dining table or a relaxation area - looks advantageous in combined living and dining rooms or an internal staircase (saving living space by moving the structure to the bay window area);
  • level increase natural light– thanks to the panoramic glazing of the bay windows, an increased amount of sunlight enters the room;

The bay windows look quite impressive outside and inside the building. However, the construction of such cottages is not cheap.

Country house projects: beautiful pictures of buildings with a garage

The presence of a vehicle must also be taken into account in the building design. If you plan to build a country house for seasonal living, it is enough to build a parking lot or a carport in the yard.

In cottages intended for permanent residence, a permanent garage should be provided. Moreover, in the building design it can be built-in or presented as an extension.

A garage with a built-in room can be unheated or heated. The basement or first floor is most often used for its placement. The design of the cottage may provide for different access routes to the garage, for example, through a gate, entrance gate (from the street) or from the house (through the hallway, hall).

Helpful advice! If there is an entrance to the garage from the house, the driver will not have to go out into the rain, snow, hail, or endure other manifestations of bad weather.

The price of a house project with a garage built into the building is significantly higher than the cost of constructing a separate building. Here we mean a room installed on the same foundation as the cottage, placed under its roof and having adjacent walls. But high price justified by reliability, functionality and additional features services that a detached garage cannot offer.

It is imperative to provide for the presence of a small parking lot, which can be used for temporary placement of cars and reception of guests arriving by personal transport.

Projects of the most beautiful houses: photos of cottages with second light

Second light is often used as an effective architectural addition. Moreover, the presence of this element is reflected not only in the architecture of the house, but also in the interior layout. The second light is formed if the building plan lacks part of the floors between floors. In this case, a volumetric space is formed inside, and on the outside there is a space on the facade. For this purpose, windows measuring about 6-8 m are used.

Most often, second light is found in beautiful projects wooden houses However, it is possible to use it in cottages and from other materials. In breading the organization of this element, as a rule, the living room is used. The recommended room area is at least 120 m2. In small houses, the use of panoramic glazing is allowed, but combining floors is not encouraged.

Such a living room usually has two entrances: on the first and second floor. A ladder is used to go upstairs. The design can be marching, screw or decorative.

Note! Such projects require careful design of the heating system, since conventional batteries will not be enough, and heat loss through the second light will be large. In addition, in layouts of this type, the principles of heat movement differ from standard projects.

Beautiful building designs made from popular building materials

The building material also influences the architectural features of the building and the internal layout. On the Internet you can find many projects of beautiful houses made of timber. They are environmentally friendly and easy to use, but require shrinkage throughout the year.

Buildings made of foam block or aerated concrete do not require such breaks during the construction process. The construction of frame cottages can take no more than 3 months. These features are determined by the technical parameters of the materials.

Not every soil type allows the use of a certain building material. Plus, restrictions may be imposed on the construction of certain types of foundations, etc. For this reason, building designs made from different building materials have their own characteristics.

Project of a modern two-story

Features of beautiful wooden house projects: photos of interesting buildings

Nuances of wood house projects:

  • a log or beam has standard sizes(length - 6 m), so the construction of large houses becomes more complicated. The layout may consist of small rooms, otherwise you will have to join the logs at the cutting points. The consumption of insulation will increase;
  • In order for the frame of the house to be rigid and have the correct shrinkage, the joints of the logs should be placed in a checkerboard pattern, which cannot but affect the layout. Additional distribution between adjacent cuts will be required;

  • construction technology requires an even number of corners;
  • the distribution of loads must be approached with special care;

projects are limited in design. Otherwise, during construction, a large number of waste, costs increase.

Note! You cannot build a staircase to the attic floor near the wall, wheredisp.dueroof slope support.

Features of developing projects of beautiful frame houses

Frame technology gives a certain freedom regarding the size of the house, its number of floors and design. Among finished projects You can find one-story summer cottage buildings intended for seasonal stay, and full-fledged residential cottages with 2-3 floors for permanent residence. Frame technology for the construction of residential buildings differs significantly from construction work using wood, concrete or brick.

Such buildings have many advantages:

  • easy to redevelop premises;
  • the layout can be any, since there are no restrictions regarding the placement of rooms or their sizes;
  • building box due technical properties The material turns out to be light, so the development of the project is not complicated by the distribution of loads.

Combining space “second light” will look best in a large house with an area of ​​200 square meters or more

The material is malleable enough to realize even the most daring country house projects, however, all frame construction standards must be taken into account.

Features of developing beautiful brick house designs

Projects of brick buildings, despite their high cost, provide significant freedom in relation to the exterior of the house and the organization of its internal space.

Living room with fireplace in modern style

Due to the increased fire resistance of the material, you can build a stove or fireplace near a brick wall. In this case, the façade of the cottage will not require additional finishing.

Possible combination with other materials:

  • natural stone;
  • wood covered with stain;
  • brick having a different texture or color.

Using brick as building material makes it possible to include in the project. On its basis, a boiler room or an outbuilding, a garage, etc. can be built. Brick projects are distinguished by the comfort of the premises and support the most high requirements regarding design.

Modern projects country houses and cottages may include other architectural additions, for example, a flat roof, terrace, veranda, large porch, balconies, basements, rotundas. The presence of a real fireplace is also reflected in the architecture, ventilation system and requires special planning.