Rendering household services is one of the types entrepreneurial activity, subject to tax on imputed income. In 2017, the composition of household services was changed by the Government of the Russian Federation, and new codes were introduced.

The article will examine in detail what is meant by the term household services and what features characterize the industry.

General principles

Household services are paid assistance to individuals and legal entities for cash or non-cash payment. The list of services is regulated by a special Classifier. It determines whether household services offered by a particular company are covered by UTII. The Classifier specifies all existing service types of assistance to the population, indicating codes.

Household services are activities that help restore the functionality of products or produce new items. These include the transportation of passengers and cargo, as well as ensuring demand conditions. Housing and communal services, transport assistance and catering.

Household services for people are included in the sphere of production and non-production services, are performed using socially supported methods and have forms for the implementation of the material and moral needs of consumers.

Previously, household services existed in the form of handicraft workshops. They then merged into a separate industry national economy and now have their own industrial and technical base with industrial enterprises and various household plants. Character consumer services becomes more and more universal, types and types of services are specialized.

The role of the industry and its features

Nowadays, household services are a market that people often cannot do without. All more people and organizations do not want to independently solve certain problems that arise in everyday life, and turn to trained specialists for help. Gone are the days when unqualified employees worked; they are being replaced by professionals in their fields.

The total size of the Russian service market is $400-500 million.

Russian household services are a unique market compared to the European one. If in the West small businesses and family forms of organization are popular, then in Russia cooperative methods of organization are gaining momentum.

Other feature Russian market consumer services is that enterprises are actively developing non-core activities in order to survive in market conditions, which leads to the repurposing of organizations.

The top positions in the service assistance market belong to Moscow and the Moscow region.

Directions of development

The improvement of the activities of service enterprises is facilitated by the increasing demand for social services. Moreover, both organizations and individuals use service assistance. The increase in demand is due to people’s desire to improve their quality of life and save their time. Service is requested by the wealthiest citizens.

Demand for service assistance is uneven. To maintain market levels, organizations develop new business solutions and introduce different ways of doing business. This type of business is considered one of the most difficult because it has low profitability. In order to increase it, companies are diversifying their business and expanding into regions.

Diversification consists of expanding the range of services provided. For example, cleaning companies offer additional assistance to clients:

  • delivery of clean water;
  • organized at remote locations.

Experts believe that the most successful forms of management of this business are accompanying and network. In the accompanying form, service is an additional form of company activity. In network forms, organizations create a network of their firms to provide personal services. In this case, branches are opened or franchising is used.

Industry problems

The main difficulty of the Russian market for household services is the low profitability of this type of business. It is no more than 10%.

Low profitability is explained by long payback periods for projects. For example, when organizing a laundry, the cost of its technical equipment is at least $3 million, and the payback period is up to 70 years.

The problem can be solved by accompanying and network forms of business organization. They are the most effective management models household business nowadays.

In addition to profitability, the industry's problems are:

  • poor quality of social services provided due to outdated equipment, insufficient qualifications of workers, low wages;
  • checks from government agencies, interfering with the activities of enterprises;
  • tough competition.

Ways to solve problems

To solve problems, experts advise:

  1. Improve the lending system for enterprises providing social services.
  2. Provide organizations with tax and rental benefits.
  3. Improve regulatory regulation industry.

For the full development of the industry it is important government support social sphere.

Multi-service enterprises

To work effectively in the service sector and solve many problems in this area, enterprises organize their activities as a multiservice. This form of organization provides the opportunity to request a service in one place and popularizes it among the population.

For the operation of such enterprises, it is important to find suitable premises in the places where people live. large number people. Some organizations continue to operate in small basements, which, of course, does not increase the demand for their help. It is important for government agencies and authorities to provide multiservice companies with access to the main pedestrian streets, as well as provide a simplified procedure for advertising their activities.


Household services to the population are qualified according to the following criteria:

  1. By type of work performed (laundries, hairdressing salons, funerals).
  2. Based on the presence of business entities (on their own or with the involvement of employees).
  3. According to the degree of importance of the technologies involved (direct services of enterprises or additionally offered ones).
  4. By socio-economic content (services that save time and labor costs, as well as consumer funds).
  5. By material content (material and intangible).
  6. By labor intensity (service that requires or does not require the involvement of highly qualified workers).
  7. According to the location provided (assistance is provided in consumer service centers or outside them).
  8. By execution time (urgent, non-urgent).
  9. By regularity (systematic, periodic, episodic).

Nuances of organizing the activities of enterprises

To ensure the effective operation of consumer service centers, it is very important to have competent personnel policy. The main issues to be resolved in this direction:

  • selection and training of qualified employees at various levels;
  • employee certifications;
  • promotion qualification level specialists;
  • guiding employees towards responsible performance of their work;
  • providing technical assistance to enterprises.

Thus, the current stage of development of the consumer services market requires the development of methods for regulating this industry.

Modern houses and apartments are fully equipped with all kinds of utilities, literally crammed with appliances and electrical appliances. This allows you to make a person’s life easier and more comfortable, but any equipment and system tends to break down, but not everyone can fix it. When there is no skilled owner in the house or a constant lack of time does not allow for minor repairs, qualified craftsmen come to the rescue. “Husband for an hour” is a profitable business for those who know how to work with their hands and are ready to provide their services to a wide range of consumers.

The provision of comprehensive household services to the population appeared in the early 2000s. in the form of cleaning and repair organizations and has been actively developing since then. In the modern pace of life, time for household chores is becoming less and less, and the amount of equipment and intelligent systems in the house is increasing, so the help of a home repairman is often invaluable. With the right level of organization, such a service company can become very profitable in today's highly segmented market.

As an example, consider a common form of implementation of such an enterprise - “Husband for an Hour”, which provides effective assistance around the home, which implies a wide target audience and demand for services.

Product Description

The main idea of ​​this type of business is that not everyone has the opportunity, time or skills to engage in homework. Numerous families are busy earning money, and free time prefer to spend time on vacation rather than household chores. Therefore, fixing a faucet, repairing an outlet or replacing an electrical cable can be endlessly postponed “for later”, and ultimately become a stumbling block and the cause of accidents.

Single women and elderly people are also unable to carry out even minor housework on their own, not to mention taking out bulky trash, dismantling old furniture or replacing a bathroom. Service companies exist to solve these ordinary problems of the population.

The product of this type of business is services for household repairs:

  • Electrical installation work: replacement of wiring, installation of sockets and switches, installation of chandeliers, light bulbs, lamps, etc.;
  • Electrical and communications work: installation and commissioning of household appliances, their repair and maintenance, connection of cable television and the Internet;
  • Plumbing work and repairs: replacement of taps and pipes, repair of the plumbing system, installation and sealing of plumbing, etc.;
  • Repair and restoration work: wallpapering, linoleum flooring, whitewashing, installation of cornices, baseboards, parquet sanding, replacement of furniture upholstery, etc.;
  • External and internal cleaning: household cleaning, garbage removal and disposal, facade window washing, dry cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture;
  • Carpentry work: assembly, disassembly and repair of cabinet furniture, fitting, hanging cabinets, tightening fasteners;
  • Dismantling.

At successful development business, the range of services offered can be expanded by “female” specialized work: nurses, housekeepers, cooks, governesses.

Target Audience

An invited home craftsman allows you to put your home in order without a significant investment of time and money, which can be in demand among the following groups population:

  • single women and elderly people;
  • young families who have no experience in repair matters (especially when it comes to plumbing and electrical installation work);
  • women who will not constantly ask their husband to fix the taps or change the light bulb;
  • men who are busy at work and do not have the time, desire or ability to make home repairs;
  • children and grandchildren of lonely or elderly people who call a repairman when they themselves do not have the time, desire or ability to fulfill their grandmother’s insistent request to replace the outlet.

Among the wide mass of potential clients, a key purchasing core can be identified: single women, elderly people and busy men.

Marketing advice: you need to use the consumer preferences of different customer groups

Taking into account the segmentation of the audience, it is worth dividing all your potential clients into groups and determining what exactly is the key point for each group in choosing a master: his decency and punctuality, his efficiency, the cost of work or the availability of his own material. Include all received options in the price list

When developing an assortment and price portfolio, you can take into account the service of “turnkey” work with a higher cost. This will be in demand among busy men who will be interested in the maximum independence of the performer and minimal contact. Elderly single people value attention and cheapness.

Actual implementation of the idea and its form

So that the organization “Husband for an Hour” has maximum efficiency, it is necessary to provide for all forms of consumer contact: telephone, Internet, personal contact. We also need to use the potential of repairmen.

The main business formats for a service company are:

  • a single call center where you can get professional advice and leave a request to call a worker;
  • a website that invites consumers to familiarize themselves with the terms of cooperation, the list of services and their cost;
  • a repair box where repairs and adjustments will be made to those devices and structures that are difficult to restore at the client’s home - the client can come here himself and bring a faulty device (similar to RemBytTekhnika).

Marketing advice: if you wish, you can open a repair and technical tool store.

Consumables for repair calls may be registered here. It is better to replenish the assortment with a variety of components, fasteners and insulating materials. In fact, the store may be located in the same place as the repair bay.

Important business features

Since the basis of business is the provision of services, the main feature of this idea is the absolute dependence on the professionalism and personal qualities of the executive staff. If the master turns out to be insufficiently polite or knowledgeable in the process of fulfilling the order, then the company risks losing the client.

Thus, when forming a state special attention should pay attention to the following:

  • the level of competence of each employee, the availability of experience and positive recommendations;
  • personal human qualities, punctuality, accuracy, attentiveness;
  • lack of dependence on bad habits.

Marketing advice: it is imperative to monitor the level of service

When working with staff, it is very important to carry out explanatory work, introduce service quality standards, a service management system simultaneously with financial motivation and control of service quality:

When providing electrical installation work, electricians must have the appropriate level of clearance and permitting documentation(certificate of passing the certification commission).

The second point to remember is strict control of orders. This will eliminate requests “bypass the cash register” and increase the overall efficiency of work. This is carried out by organizing a dispatch service (call center), through which orders are called and distributed between foremen.

Another key feature is competition in services. We must prepare for the fact that we will have to conquer the market and do this not with the help of dumping, but also with high-quality service and long term strategy.

Marketing advice: how to determine the degree of competition

Before entering the market with an offer, you need to carefully look around and analyze the competitive environment and determine which of the existing players you can follow (this could be foreign enterprises acting as the headliner), with whom you will have to fight for the consumer, and who you can not consider as a threat.

It’s nice to be a monopolist in the sphere or to share a client with 1-2 enterprises, building up with simple marketing tools(segmentation, branding, PR, etc.). But to become a pioneer in service sector It’s quite difficult, so you should prepare for the fact that there will be competition. To understand the degree of market saturation in the pensioner segment, you can make simple calculations using statistics on the number of disabled citizens:

For example, city N has a population of 300,000 residents, respectively, there are 100,000 pensioners in the city, about a third of whom live independently (with an average family size of 2.83 people). Those. about 35,000 people potentially require outside assistance every 3-5 months. That is, the monthly market capacity in the segment of disabled single citizens of city N is 7 thousand requests. This number is divided by all market operators, and we get the likely share and degree of competition.

Promotion channels

Given the scale and wide demand for services, promotion and sales channels should also be massive. This is, first of all, advertising campaign on external media (billboards and city lights).


Thanks to the popularization similar business, in many regions of the country, major pioneers of the idea are already offering franchises:

  • “Husband for an hour” from the Nizhny Novgorod Household Service, Nizhny Novgorod
  • Franchise “HUSBAND FOR AN HOUR” with training from scratch for 49,900 rubles. from the Ediks company, Voronezh
  • Franchise “Home Master” with training from scratch for 165,000 rubles, Sochi

Nevertheless, this type business is so simple to organize that with the proper level of planning, it is quite possible to organize it yourself. It is important to consider key features, pros and cons indicated in the description of the idea.


Let’s take a small price breakdown of similar services in megalopolises and regional cities, as well as, for comparison, in Crimea:



Crimea, Simferopol:

Pricing Summary Table

On average, metropolitan prices are much higher than regional ones, which are comparable to each other. Installing a toilet, for example, in Moscow will cost the consumer 6 times more than in Simferopol. This gap is justified by large distances and transport costs, as well as the price level for all services in major cities.

Moscow and Crimea are the leaders in the list of assorted services - all types of work are described in detail here, which should be taken into account, since for most clients it is important to see the specific cost of each work. On the website of the Tula company we see only a generalized price list, which implies detailed contact with a consultant before placing a call, which is not convenient for the consumer.

For a detailed regional comparison of prices, you can use the following resources, where you can clearly see the real price range, which may have a “fork” of 500%. For example, in Moscow the price for painting services ranges from 550 rubles/hour to 3500 rubles/hour.

Project Summary

This type of business can be interesting and profitable only if three important components are observed:

  1. The highest level of service.
  2. Competent pricing and differentiation from competitors.
  3. Wide and quality promotion(advertising) services.

The prospects of this type of service for the segment of Internet users can easily be justified by looking at the statistics of key queries in Yandex.

Every person may be faced with solving everyday issues at any time. The list of these problems is extremely long. Someone needs to make new keys, someone needs to repair a watch, paint the walls, sharpen knives, make cosmetic repairs in the apartment and much more. Not everyone is able to cope with everyday issues on their own. Household appliances after many years of operation, furniture are damaged as a result of an accident, and it is not possible to transport heavy loads on your own. And there are always a lot of reasons that prevent you from finishing what you started: no time, no experience in the required field, or simply no desire. That is why it is best to entrust the solution to such problems to a household services organization. These and other tasks are performed by the PANDA HOUSE company, which specializes in providing household services to the population.

Previously, it was necessary to search for a long time for highly qualified craftsmen who could help quickly and efficiently solve the problem. Now this will take a minimum of time, because the house of household services “THE PANDA’S HOUSE” works in a variety of directions.

On the company's official website you can view the full list of services and also ask questions to our consultants. The company provides its customers in Moscow and the Moscow region with high-quality household services.

We will find a solution to any problem

Providing household services is an extremely responsible process. He demands high professional level from each employee. That's why you should contact us.

The PANDA HOUSE chain of household services offers its customers:

  • High quality;
  • Warranty;
  • Individual approach to each client;
  • Wide range of services;
  • Affordable prices;


We perform a variety of tasks, striving to make people's lives more enjoyable and comfortable. Providing household services to the population requires serious responsibility and attention to detail; we carry out all work as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our centers house well-equipped workshops, and in certain cases, a home master travels to the client himself.

We provide the following types of household services to the population:

  • Repair and finishing. Our designers can develop a unique project for you and help you choose an interesting, effective and impressive solution. Work is carried out quickly and with a guarantee of quality;
  • Painting leather goods. We will restore appearance clothing and accessories made from leather;
  • Upholstery of upholstered furniture. If for some reason an armchair, chair or bed is damaged, we will fix the problem;
  • Repair of household appliances. Since most household electrical appliances are too massive for easy transportation, our technician can repair it at home;
  • Transportation. We will transport various cargoes on gazelles within the Moscow region.

The company values ​​​​its reputation, so our employees perform all household services with high quality. We are responsible for the work done. Our company will help you quickly and efficiently resolve all your accumulated domestic issues.

Household services and services "Panda's House"

We created our company to make life easier ordinary people. The craftsmen working with us will help restore the original appearance of any product. They do their work efficiently and accurately. Every day our company receives positive feedback from satisfied customers. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with them. The consumer services service will help you solve problems of any complexity. Here you can fix an umbrella, bag or briefcase, repair a laptop, phone and much more.

We also offer our clients the “Home Master” service. Our experienced workers will help you make repairs of any complexity, repair household appliances, and also reupholster furniture. And all this at the most affordable prices. We try to make your life as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The company’s specialists will help you cope with any everyday problem that threatens a calm and measured life.

Currently, a service business is rightfully considered a type of entrepreneurial activity that does not require significant start-up investments. To get started, just use your home PC and mobile phone(better with two SIM cards). If we evaluate the matter relative to these insignificant costs, then mathematically we obtain a significant profitability. With all this, please note, you do not need to rent an office or pay for advertising.

The main mission of such a business is to effectively connect the seller with the buyer, the customer with a specialist who performs repair, construction, plumbing, etc. work that is in demand in everyday life. Thus, the basis for its creation is professional services to the population provided by specialists. The accumulated percentage of the intermediary constitutes income for such a business.

However, on the other hand, if we take into account absolute figures, that is, counting in rubles, then the start of such a business is not associated with high revenue; it grows gradually, not as quickly as in the investment business.

It is based on a business idea, the relevance of which is proven by the entrepreneur if his work produces results: the business sprout he planted gains strength and becomes a dynamic enterprise that has its own market and creates jobs.

Top 10 ideas

Which service business should an entrepreneur choose? The question is clearly rhetorical, since it does not imply a universal answer. All around us, there is an invisible market for in-demand household services, where we can and should make money.

How to define it? Take a look at the advertisements - offers of household services. Among the most in demand are the following: plumbing repair and installation, electrician services, tutoring, courier services, professional cleaning of premises, tailoring, gardening services, nanny services, pet care, installation of windows and doors.

What should a future entrepreneur do with this list next? You should choose just one, but quite often in demand service, and concentrate on it as much as possible. The market for this service will become your service area, on its basis you will have to create your own business. In it you have to become a professional.

How to develop a business in electrician services

Let's give one of thousands of possible examples. In a city, for example, there is a consistently high demand for the services of private electricians. However, many of them, in addition to have a nice day There are periods of downtime when their professional skills remain unclaimed. It is under such circumstances, when information from customers does not reach the performers, that a service business shows its potential.

The business idea is universal: first you form a base of specialists, and then carry out an operational search and provide them with orders.

In order for a pure intermediary to become successful, he should become a recognized expert in studying demand, finding clients an order of magnitude more efficiently than a specialist himself can do. This is the know-how of a service business.

Service entrepreneurship as information service

As mentioned above, it is possible to make money on the services of specialists if they are of high quality information support. To do this with them on at this stage a gentleman's agreement is concluded to transfer a percentage of the intermediary. At the same time, you must evaluate the qualifications of the specialists, as well as stipulate the terms of cooperation. For each of them you should:

  • individually determine the percentage of profit that they will agree to pay you (preferably 30%, but 20% is possible to start with);
  • create a range of services and prices;
  • stipulate methods of operational communication.

At the first stage (we will describe it later), after publishing several advertisements in the press, you yourself accept customer orders on your mobile phone and transfer them to professionals. For the same purpose, it is recommended to periodically post advertisements such as “electrician services” in the city.

Professional tariffs - a handbook for entrepreneurs

By collaborating with specialists (in our case, electricians), the entrepreneur sets average market rates for services. With the help of such a pricing mechanism, one of the levels of organization of the future business is built: tariffs for servicing the population.

Here is a working example of such pricing:

  1. Grooving in concrete for electrical wiring - 300 rub./m.p.
  2. Grooving in brick for electrical wiring - 250 rub./m.p.
  3. Installation of cable with a cross-section of up to 3.0 mm 2 – 50 RUR/m.p.
  4. Installation of cable with a cross-section of 3.0–10.0 mm 2 – 100 RUR/m.p.
  5. Installation of the box - 100 rub./m.p.
  6. Installation of corrugation – 50 rub./m.p.
  7. External el. point – 230 rub.
  8. Internal el. point in concrete – 600 rub.
  9. Internal el. point in a brick – 500 rub.
  10. Replacement of sockets and switches – 350 rubles.
  11. Installation of a chandelier - from 500 rubles.
  12. Installation of household electrical appliances – from 500 rubles.
  13. Installation (assembly) el. shield - from 3500 rub.
  14. Change of circuit breaker – from 350 rubles.
  15. Installation of a meter - from 760 rubles.

It is advisable when talking with the client to clarify the approximate cost of the order and, when transferring it to an electrician for execution, indicate the customer’s contact phone number, a list of works to be performed and a list consumables to purchase.

Stages of business development

The one we are considering business activity has two clearly defined stages of development: amateur and professional. The first should be taken as a test of the maturity of the future business. The criterion is profit made up of the subscription fee.

At the amateur stage, you register completed orders in a convenient universal program, such as Excel. There should be enough orders to provide specialists with a full day of work. To the best, you give more profitable tasks.

If suddenly there are extra orders, i.e. that your electricians are physically unable to service, try rescheduling them to another day. If this is not possible, look for outside electricians in the directory yourself, offer them a job, and at the same time recruit specialists under your flag.

If you have seriously decided to get into entrepreneurship and have even saved up some money to open your own business, but don’t yet know which sector to focus your attention on, choose service business.

This industry has many undeniable advantages and is accessible even to entrepreneurs with little capital.

The only thing you need to decide is which industry to choose so that it is in demand among the population and brings good profits in the first year after the opening of a private enterprise.

Why should you start a service business?

Modern entrepreneurs have an almost unlimited field of activity.

And at the same time, many experience difficulties with launching.

Some are limited in funds, others are constrained by limits small town, someone lacks the knowledge to implement the idea.

Service business – good decision, if you don’t know what to choose, don’t have too much money and are afraid that you won’t be able to cope with launching an overly complex project.

There are enough reasons to open a service business:

  1. Most often, this type of activity does not require huge capital investments.
  2. The service sector will always be in demand among the population, therefore, if you form competitive advantages and think about it, you will become a successful entrepreneur.
  3. It is easy to build a profitable business from scratch.
  4. Typically, service startups are not too difficult to implement and can be easily handled even by non-professionals.
  5. The choice of industries for activity is simply huge, and almost every day new ideas appear that can be implemented at minimal cost.
  6. It’s not difficult to create competitive advantages, because you will be dealing with people, which means it’s not so difficult to calculate what your potential clients need to.
  7. You won't have to spend a lot of money on advertising because best advertising in the service sector - word of mouth.
  8. This type of activity is available to representatives of large, medium and small businesses.
  9. Availability of a sufficient number of infrastructure facilities for various industries.
  10. There is potential to shape your strategy so that you can build a thriving enterprise with the potential to expand.

Of course, business in the service sector is not without some disadvantages.

First of all, it is worth mentioning the high level of competition in the most popular industries.

But you can easily implement an original project without racking your brains over competitive advantages.

Service business: 6 step-by-step steps to open

If you think that opening a business in the service sector is as easy as shelling pears and you don’t need any special preparation for this, you are mistaken.

There are mandatory stages that you need to go through if you want to open a promising enterprise that will make you a wealthy person, and not lose all your money in a few months of work.

Stage 1: idea

In fact, any business begins with the emergence of an idea that can be turned into a project that promises good profits.

It is very important that a business idea in the service sector is:

  • not too difficult to implement;
  • competitive;
  • promising;
  • in demand among the population.

Both business ideas have the right to life and are quite profitable, choose the one you like best.

Bath, sauna, hammam.

This idea will definitely work if in your locality There are not enough such establishments.

Training center.

These could be courses to prepare children for school, school foreign languages, training center, computer courses, dance school, lessons for expectant mothers and much more.

Bookmaker's office.

Easy money has always attracted people.

A few win, many lose, but you make money.

Especially profitable idea in times of crisis.

To stay afloat, people are ready to bring their valuables to the pawnshop and enrich the pawnshop owner.

Fitness center or sports club.

Implementing this idea in the service sector requires a lot of money, but if the level of competition is not too high, you will return it in a year of successful work.

Water well drilling company.

Well, a very popular type of business in the service sector today.

The only problem is the expensive equipment that you will have to buy to launch a startup.

Cesspool cleaning company.

If you live in a small town where the private sector predominates and where there are problems with the central sewerage system, buy a sewer truck and hire a driver.

You can launch such a startup for a maximum of 8–10,000 dollars.

Driving school.

This is not an easy idea to implement, because you will have to tinker with paperwork, and the competition in this area is serious, but you can consider it as an option.

Computer club.

This is a general name for a business related to computers, and what exactly will you do: fix them, clean them, install them software, write programs, do something else – it’s up to you.

Travel agency.

The main problem of this type of activity is the high level of competition, but if you create competent competitive advantages, you can safely.

Service station or car wash.

Look how many cars are running on the roads of your city, and they all need service.

Courier service.

The costs are minimal, such an idea will bring good profit.

It is especially beneficial to hire couriers with their own transport.

Dry cleaning or laundry.

Both ideas in the service sector can only be realized if there is a decent amount of start-up capital.

Photo studio.

The most profitable area is photographing weddings and working in the fashion industry, but other areas can also find a way to make money.

Funeral home.

Business on death is a very profitable business, which is why there is a fairly high level of competition in this sector.

The video contains tips for starting a small business in the service sector:

Original business ideas in the service sector

10 original business ideas in the service sector:

    Abroad, for example, in the USA, this business idea has long been successfully implemented.

    Gradually, our people understand that renting is much more profitable than buying.

    You can rent out almost everything: furniture, dishes, household and computer equipment, power tools, cars and much more.

    Hotel for animals.

    The eternal problem of owners of cats, dogs and other animals, where to take their friend during a business trip or vacation, can be solved with your help.

    Detective agency.

    This business idea in the service sector is still considered very exotic in our country, but this does not mean that it cannot be turned into a profitable business.

    Traffic jam maintenance.

    You need a scooter, a thermos and a portable refrigerator.

    Food, cold or hot drinks, sweets, magazines, wet wipes and other pleasant little things that you will sell to motorists stuck in traffic jams (much more expensive than in stores, of course) will brighten up their wait.

    Landscape design.

    You can plant landscaping not only in gardens, personal plots, city flower beds, but also, for example, balconies.

    Your audience is people with money who appreciate beauty and non-standard approach, so you have to try to surprise them. Be sure to take care of your portfolio - this will help you win more clients.

    Mobile planetarium.

    This is something like a tent that can be transported from place to place.

    Using a video player and speakers with a sound effect, you show viewers exciting videos, and they pay you money.

    By the way, not only a planetarium can be mobile, but also, for example, a bathhouse, fast food and more.

    Refueling for electric vehicles.

    Cars that are powered not by gasoline, diesel fuel or gas, but by electricity, have long been popular in Europe.

    Gradually the fashion for them comes to us.

    Master this innovative business idea before someone else does it for you.


    They have been used for commercial purposes for a long time.

    You can sell, rent, or service this equipment.

    Tattoo parlor.

    To expand your customer base, offer not only permanent but also temporary tattoos, as well as henna painting, body art and other services.

    3D printer.

    A simple 3D printer can be purchased for $1,000–$1,500.

    You can print a lot on it, from souvenirs to medical prostheses.

    And of course, you can sell all this.

Opportunities to build a profitable service business, there are plenty.

Look for your option, start implementing it and you will be happy.

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