1. Averin, A.V. Personnel management, personnel and social politics in the organization [Text]: textbook / A.V. Averin. – M.: Publishing house. RAGS, 2013. – 224 p. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  2. Adamchuk, V.V. Economics and sociology of labor (Text (: textbook / V.V. Adamchuk, O.V. Romanov, etc. - M.: UNITI, 2012. - 407 pp. - ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  3. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events: Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2015. - 687 p.
  4. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events: Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M.: UNITY, 2016. - 687 p.
  5. Alekseev, S.V. Sports management. Regulation of the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events. Textbook. / S.V. Alekseev. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2015. - 687 p.
  6. Labor Efficiency Analysis / Analysis economic activity enterprises [Text]: textbook / Under the general. Ed. L.L. Ermolovich Mn. – 2014. – 465 p. – ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  7. Ansoff, I. Strategic management [Text]: textbook Abbr. translated from English / I. Ansoff – M.: Economics, 2013. – 519 p. – ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  8. Antsupov, A.Ya. Social and psychological assessment of personnel: Tutorial for university students studying in the specialties “Human Resources Management”, “Organization Management”, “Psychology” / A.Ya. Antsupov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 391 p.
  9. Arutyunov, Yu.A. Crisis management: Textbook for students studying in the specialty “Organization Management” / Yu.A. Arutyunov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 416 p.
  10. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel Management. Workshop: Textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Human Resources Management”, “Organization Management” / T.Yu. Bazarov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 239 p.
  11. Bakirova, G.Kh. Psychology of personnel development and motivation: A textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Psychology”, “Organization Management”, “Personnel Management” / G.Kh. Bakirova. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 439 p.
  12. Basovsky, L. E. Complex economic analysis of economic activity [Text]: textbook / L. E. Basovsky, E. N. Basovskaya. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 366 p. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  13. Belozerova, S. Social aspects of the transformation of labor relations in industry [Text] / S. Belozerova // Man and Labor, 2012.- No. 9.- P.65-68. – ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  14. Belyaev, A.A. Anti-crisis management.: A textbook for university students studying in the specialty “Organization Management” / A.A. Belyaev, E.M. Korotkov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 319 p.
  15. Blank, I.A. Management [Text]: training course/ I.A. Form. Kyiv: Nika-Center Elga, 2013. - 680 p. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  16. Bogatko, A.N. Enterprise development management system (Text (: study guide / A.N. Bogatko. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2013. -240 pp. - ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  17. Borisova, E. Personnel planning is easy in theory, difficult in practice [Text] / E. Borisova // Personnel Service, 2014 - No. 5.- P.21-25 - ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  18. Vdovin, S.M. Organizational quality management system: Textbook / S.M. Vdovin, T.A. Salimova, L.I. Biryukova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2012. - 299 p.
  19. Vesnin V.R. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Prospekt, 2016. - 320 p.
  20. Vinogradova, M.V. Fundamentals of diploma design: Educational and methodological manual for students of the specialty “Organization Management” / M.V. Vinogradova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2013. - 272 p.
  21. Volgin, A.P. Personnel management in conditions market economy(Text (: textbook / A.P. Volgin, V.I. Matirko and others - M.: Delo, 2013. -356 pp. - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  22. Volgin, N.A. Stimulating production labor [Text]: textbook / N.A. Volgin. - Bryansk, 2013. - 264 p. – ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  23. Volovskaya, N.M. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: textbook / N.M. Volovskaya. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014.- 204 p. – ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  24. Genkin, B.M. Economics and sociology of labor [Text]: textbook for universities / B.M. Genkin. – 3rd ed., add. – M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2014. – 448 p. — ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  25. Gluboky, S.V. Distribution network of the enterprise: effective solutions on organization, marketing and management / S.V. Deep. - Minsk: Grevtsov Publishing House, 2008. - 376 p.
  26. Gordeeva, E.S. Personnel reserve as efficient system[Text] / E.S. Gordeeva // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 11. - 2014. - P. 55-56. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  27. Daft, R.L. Organization theory: A textbook for university students studying in the specialty “Organization Management” / R.L. Daft; Per. from English EM. Korotkov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 736 p.
  28. Dessler, Gary. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / ed. R.I. Shlenova. - M.: Publishing house "BINOM", 2014. - 432 p.
  29. Dubova, E.A. Personnel management in fast-growing companies [Text]: textbook. - E.A. Dubova, S.P. Khamaganova // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 2. - 2015. - P. 15. - ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  30. Dyakova O.V. Development of a system of indicators for assessing management effectiveness // Scientific review. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 284 - 291.
  31. Evgrafova L.E. Factors influencing the efficiency of company management // Current issues economic sciences. - 2013. - No. 35. - P. 153 - 158.
  32. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / A.P. Egorshin. – N.Novgorod: NIMB, 2014. – 720 p. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  33. Ermasova, N.B. Risk management of an organization: Educational and practical guide / N.B. Ermasova. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2013. - 380 p.
  34. Ermasova, N.B. Risk management of an organization: Educational and practical guide / N.B. Ermasova. - M.: ITK Dashkov and K, 2014. - 380 p.
  35. Zaitsev, N. L. Economics of Organization [Text]: textbook for universities. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional / N. L. Zaitsev. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2014. – 624 p. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  36. Ibragimova, N.A. Organization of the process of preparing and making personnel decisions [Text] / N.A. Ibragimova // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 10. - 2013. - P.21-30. – ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  37. Kandash, M.N. The number of employees must be calculated in a new way [Text] / M.N. Kandash // Glavbukh. 2014.- No. 18.- P. 23-24– ISBN 5-188-04022-2.
  38. Kolosova, R.P., Roshchin S.Yu. Labor economics: from NOT to the theory of social and labor relations [Text] / R.P. Kolosova, S.Yu. Roshchin // VMU: series 6. economics. – 2014.- No. 6.- P. 12-14 – ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  39. Komlev M.Kh. System of key performance indicators as a tool for improving organization management // Theory and practice of social development. - 2015. - No. 20. - P. 107 - 109.
  40. Korobko, V.I. Occupational safety: A textbook for university students studying in the specialties “Economics and Enterprise Management”, “Organization Management”, “Public and municipal government" / IN AND. Box... - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 239 p.
  41. Korobko, V.I. Management Theory: Textbook for university students studying in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration”, “Organization Management” / V.I. Box... - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 383 p.
  42. Kosolapov, A.B. Workshop on organization and management of tourism and hotel management: Textbook / A.B. Kosolapov, T.I. Eliseeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 200 p.
  43. Kosmin A.D., Svintitsky N.V., Kosmina E.A. Management. - M.: Academy, 2014. - 208 p.
  44. Latfullin G.A., Nikitin A.S., Serebryannikov S.S. Management theory. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2016. - 464 p.
  45. Lipatov, V.S. Personnel management of an organization [Text]: textbook / V.S. Lipatov. - M.: Lux-art, 2014. - 356 p. – ISBN 950-4-450-00157-2.
  46. Lukicheva, L.I. Organization management: theory and practice: Textbook for bachelors / L.I. Lukicheva, E.V. Egorycheva; Ed. Yu.P. Aniskin. - M.: Omega-L, 2012. - 488 p.
  47. Lukicheva, L.I. Management decisions: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / L.I. Lukicheva, D.N. Egorychev; Ed. Yu.P. Aniskin. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 384 p.
  48. Mamaeva, L.N. Organisation management. Introduction to the specialty / L.N. Mamaeva. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 232 p.
  49. Martynenko, D.S. Changes in the personnel assessment procedure due to changes in client strategy [Text] / D.S. Martynenko // Handbook of personnel management. - No. 10. - 2013. - P.90-93. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  50. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: textbook / ed. P.V. Shemetova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2014. - 312 p. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  51. Makhmutova, A. Continuing education and the quality of working life of young people [Text] / A. Makhmutova // Man and labor. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 53-55 - ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  52. Organizational management: textbook / Ed. Z.M. Rumyantseva. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 432 p.
  53. Mordovin, S.K. Control by human resourses: modular program for managers “Management of Organizational Development”. Module 16 [Text]: study guide / S.K. Mordovin. - M.: INFRA-M, 2013. - 360 p. – ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.
  54. Moskovskaya, P.M. Take personnel management into your own hands [Text] / P.M. Moscow // Personnel management. - No. 3. - 2014.- P.42-43. — ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  55. Nazarova V.V., Biryukova D.S. Cost methods for assessing the effectiveness of company management // Scientific journal of NRU ITMO. Series: Economics and environmental management. - 2014. - No. 3. - P. 393 - 414.
  56. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management organizations. Theory and practice: Textbook / N.N. Nikulina, D.V. Sukhodoev, Eriashvili. - M.: UNITY, 2013. - 511 p.
  57. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of the organization. Theory and practice. Textbook allowance. UMC stamp “Professional textbook”. / N.N. Nikulina, D.V. Sukhodoev, Eriashvili. - M.: UNITY, 2013. - 511 p.
  58. Nikulina, N.N. Financial management of an insurance organization: A textbook for university students studying in the specialties (080105) “Finance and Credit”, (080109) “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” / N.N. Nikulina, S.V. Berezina. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. - 431 p.
  59. Pereverzin, I.I. Management of a sports organization. Tutorial. Vulture UMO. / I.I. Pereverzin. - M.: Soviet sport, 2006. - 464 p.
  60. Pilcher, T. Benchmarking as a means of increasing the competitiveness of a company [Text] / T. Pilcher // European quality. Digest. – 2015. – No. 1. – P.41-45. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  61. Piradova, N. Assessing the competitiveness of products [Text] / N. Piradova, E. Tabachny // Marketing. – 2014. – No. 1. – P.133-141. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  62. Salimova, T.A. Quality management: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / T.A. Salimova. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 376 p.
  63. Samygin, S.I. Personnel management [Text]: textbook / S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix Publishing House, 2014. - 480 p. – ISBN 955-5-230-00677-5.
  64. Sergeev, I.V. Enterprise economics [Text]: textbook / I.V. Sergeev. – 2nd ed. Reworked and additional M.: Finance and Statistics, 2012. – 304 p. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  65. Spivak, V.A. Organizational behavior and personnel management [Text]: textbook / V.A. Spivak. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. – 416 p. – ISBN 978-5-390-00143-3.
  66. Tarasenko, V.I. Methodological guidance on the implementation of a quality management system in a gas distribution organization in accordance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008: Textbook / V.I. Tarasenko. - M.: ASV, 2012. - 90 p.
  67. Tebekin, A.V. Organization management: Textbook / A.V. Tebekin, B.S. Kasaev. - M.: KnoRus, 2011. - 424 p.
  68. Tikhomirova, O.G. Organization management: theory, history, practice: Textbook / O.G. Tikhomirova, B.A. Varlamov. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 256 p.
  69. Travin, V.V. Enterprise personnel management [Text]: textbook / V.V. Travin, V.A. Dyatlov. – M.: Delo, 2013. – 272 p. — ISBN 455-5-480-01323-3.
  70. Travin, V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management [Text]: textbook / V.V. Travin, V.A. Dyatlov-M.: 2013. - 288 p. — ISBN 462-5-480-01112-2.
  71. Ugryumova N.V., Blinov A.O. Organization theory and organizational behavior. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2015. - 288 p.
  72. Personnel management [Text]: textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina. – M.: UNITY, 2013. – 423 p. – ISBN 978-5-9273-1527-7
  73. Freidina, E.V. Research of management systems: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / E.V. Freidina; Ed. Yu.V. Gusev. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 368 p.
  74. Shapiro, V.D. Project management: A textbook for students studying in the specialty “Organization Management” / I.I. Mazur, V.D. Shapiro, N.G. Olderogge; Under general ed. I.I. Mazur. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 960 p.
  75. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization [Text]: textbook / S.V. Shekshnya. - M.: UNITY, 2013. - 560 p. – ISBN 5-9487-00899-2.
  76. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 398 p.
  77. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M.: Omega-L, 2011. - 398 p.
  78. Shemetov, P.V. Management decisions: technology, methods and tools: Textbook for the specialty “Organization Management” / P.V. Shemetov, V.V. Radionov, L.E. Cherednikova, S.V. Petukhova. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 398 p.
  79. Shiryaeva, L. Focus on in-house training [Text] / L. Shiryaev // Man and Labor No. 5, 2014. - pp. 22 - 23. - ISBN 978-5-238-02321-5.


1. Avdeev, V.V. Personnel Management. Optimization of teamwork: Reengineering technology: Workshop / V.V. Avdeev. - M.: FiS, 2008. - 256 p.
2. Avdeev, V.V. Personnel Management. Optimization of teamwork: Reengineering technology: Textbook / V.V. Avdeev. - M.: FiS, 2006. - 960 p.
3. Alaverdov, A.R. Personnel management: Textbook / A.R. Alaverdov, E.O. Kuroedova, O.V. Nesterova. - M.: MFPU Synergy, 2013. - 192 p.
4. Bazarov, T.Yu. Personnel Management. Workshop: Textbook for university students / T.Yu. Bazarov. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. - 239 p.
5. Bedyayeva, T.V. Personnel management at a tourism enterprise: Textbook / T.V. Bedyaeva, A.S. Zakharov; Ed. prof. E.I. Bogdanov. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 180 p.
6. Bugakov, V.M. Personnel management: Textbook / V.P. Bychkov, V.M. Bugakov, V.N. Goncharov; Ed. V.P. Bychkova. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 237 p.
7. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management: development of labor potential: Textbook / M.I. Bukhalkov. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 192 p.
8. Bukhalkov, M.I. Personnel management: Textbook / M.I. Bukhalkov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2012. - 400 p.
9. Valieva, O.V. Personnel Management. Lecture notes: A guide for preparing for exams / O.V. Valieva. - M.: A-Prior, 2012. - 176 p.
10. Vesnin, V.R. Personnel management in schemes: Textbook / V.R. Vesnin. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 96 p.
11. Gerchikov, V.I. Personnel management: the employee is the most effective resource of the company: Textbook / V.I. Gerchikov. - M.: INFRA-M, 2012. - 282 p.
12. Dementieva, A.G. Personnel management: Textbook / A.G. Dementieva, M.I. Sokolova. - M.: Master, 2011. - 287 p.
13. Zaitseva, N.A. Personnel management in hotels: Textbook / N.A. Zaitseva. - M.: Forum, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 416 p.
14. Zaitseva, T.V. Personnel management: Textbook / T.V. Zaitseva, A.T. Tooth. - M.: ID FORUM, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 336 p.
15. Ivanovskaya, L.V. Organizational personnel management: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, I.A. Batkaeva, L.V. Ivanovskaya. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 695 p.
16. Ivanovskaya, L.V. Personnel management: theory and practice. Personnel policy and personnel management strategy: Educational and practical manual / L.V. Ivanovskaya. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 64 p.
17. Ivanovskaya, L.V. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Organization, standardization and regulation of personnel labor: Educational and practical guide / L.V. Ivanovskaya. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 64 p.
18. Ivanovskaya, L.V. Personnel management: theory and practice. Social and labor relations, labor market and personnel employment: Educational and practical guide / L.V. Ivanovskaya. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 64 p.
19. Kashtanova, E.V. Personnel management: theory and practice. Managing a business career, professional promotion and personnel reserve: Educational and practical guide / E.V. Kashtanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 64 p.
20. Kibanov, A.Ya. Organizational personnel management: current technologies of recruitment, adaptation and certification: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, I.B. Durakova. - M.: KnoRus, 2012. - 368 p.
21. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management of an organization: strategy, marketing, internationalization: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, I.B. Durakova. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 301 p.
22. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: competitiveness of university graduates in the labor market: Monograph / A.Ya. Kibanov, Yu.A. Dmitrieva. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 229 p.
23. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Organization of career guidance and personnel adaptation: Educational and practical guide / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 56 p.
24. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Assessment and selection of personnel during recruitment and certification, release of personnel: Educational and practical manual / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 80 p.
25. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Assessing the economic and social efficiency of personnel management in an organization: Educational and practical guide / A.Ya. Kibanov. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 48 p.
26. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, L.V. Ivanovskaya, E.A. Mitrofanova. - M.: IC RIOR, 2010. - 288 p.
27. Kibanov, A.Ya. Personnel management: Textbook / A.Ya. Kibanov, G.P. Gagarinskaya, O.Yu. Kalmykova, E.V. Muller. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 238 p.
28. Kolesnikova, M.N. Library personnel management: Educational and practical guide / M.N. Kolesnikova. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2011. - 192 p.
29. Kupriyanchuk, E.V. Personnel management: assessment, recruitment, adaptation, development: Textbook / E.V. Kupriyanchuk, Yu.V. Shcherbakova. - M.: IC RIOR, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 255 p.
30. Litvintseva, E.A. Personnel Management civil service V foreign countries: Textbook / E.A. Litvintseva. - M.: RAGS, 2010. - 124 p.
31. Lovcheva, M.V. Personnel management: theory and practice. Office work in the personnel service: Educational and practical guide / M.V. Lovcheva. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 80 p.
32. Lukicheva, L.I. Personnel management: Textbook / L.I. Lukicheva; Ed. Yu.P. Aniskin. - M.: Omega-L, 2013. - 263 p.
33. Lukyanova, T.V. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Psychophysiology professional activity and labor safety of personnel: Educational and practical guide / T.V. Lukyanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 72 p.
34. Lukyanova, T.V. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Innovation management in personnel work: Educational and practical manual / T.V. Lukyanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 72 p.
35. Makrinova, E.I. Personnel management in hotel management: Textbook / E.I. Makrinova, A.G. Vasiliev, A.S. Vasilyeva. - St. Petersburg: Trinity Bridge, 2013. - 208 p.
36. Maksimova, L.V. Personnel management: basic theory and business practical work: textbook / L.V. Maksimova. - M.: Alfa-M, INFRA-M, 2009. - 256 p.
37. Maslova, V.M. Personnel management: Textbook for bachelors / V.M. Maslova. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 492 p.
38. Mitrofanova, E.A. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Audit, controlling and assessment of personnel costs: Educational and practical guide / E.A. Mitrofanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 80 p.
39. Mitrofanova, E.A. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Competence-based approach to personnel management: Educational and practical guide / E.A. Mitrofanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 72 p.
40. Mitrofanova, E.A. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Organization of training professional education personnel: Educational and practical manual / E.A. Mitrofanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 72 p.
41. Mitrofanova, E.A. Personnel management: Theory and practice. Assessing the results of personnel labor and the results of activities of personnel management service units: Educational and practical guide / E.A. Mitrofanova. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 72 p.
42. Morgunov, E.B. Personnel management: research, assessment, training: Textbook for bachelors / E.B. Morgunov. - M.: Yurayt, 2011. - 561 p.
43. Oxynoid, K.E. Personnel management: theory and practice. Social development management and social work with the personnel of the organization: Educational and practical guide / K.E. Oxynoid. - M.: Prospekt, 2012. - 64 p.
44. Pikhalo, V.T. Organizational personnel management: textbook / V.T. Pikhalo, Yu.N. Tsaregorodtsev, S.A. Petrova, Yu.E. Efremova. - M.: Forum, 2010. - 400 p.
45. Polyakova, O.N. Personnel management: Textbook / I.B. Durakova, L.P. Volkova, E.N. Kobtseva, O.N. Polyakova. - M.: INFRA-M, 2013. - 570 p.
46. ​​Potemkin, V.K. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / V.K. Potemkin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, Leader, 2010. - 432 p.
47. Tebekin, A.V. Personnel management: Textbook / A.V. Tebekin. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 624 p.
48. Fedorova, N.V. Personnel management: Textbook / N.V. Fedorova, O.Yu. Minchenkova. - M.: KnoRus, 2013. - 432 p.
49. Kharitonov, S.A. Handbook on remuneration and its calculation in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8": Practical guide/ S.A. Kharitonov. - M.: 1C-Publishing, 2009. - 613 p.
50. Yakhontova, E.S. Strategic personnel management: Textbook / E.S. Yakhontova. - M.: Publishing House Delo RANEPA, 2013. - 384 p.

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1. Baskakova, O.V. Economics of organizations (enterprises): a textbook for university students / O.V. Baskakova. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Dashkov and K, 2016.- 272 p.
2. Bobreshova, I.P. Application of a competent approach to personnel management / I.P. Bobreshova // University complex as a regional center of education, science and culture, materials of the All-Russian scientific and methodological conference. – 2017. – No. 1. – S. 1993-1996.
3. Verna, V.V. Personnel management of an organization as a fundamental factor of its sustainable development / V.V. Verna // Advances in modern science. – 2017. – T. 3. – No. 1. – P. 171-173.
4. Vikhansky, O. S. Management: people, strategy, organization, process: textbook / O. S. Vikhansky. - M.: MSU, 2013.– 588 p.
5. Gutgarz, R.D. Evolution of approaches to the problem of enterprise personnel management / R.D. Gutharz // Management in Russia and abroad. – 2014. – No. 5. – pp. 23-26.
6. Degtyarenko, E.A. Personnel management as a key role in the development of an enterprise’s business / E.A. Degtyarenko, D.O. Trufanova, V.I. Roy // New science: Strategies and vectors of development. – 2017. – T. 1. – No. 4. – P. 71-74.
7. Deineki A.V. Personnel management: Textbook / A.V. Deineki. – M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. – 292 p.
8. Dergachev V.D. Modern tendencies personnel management / V.D. Dergachev // Contemporary issues and trends in the development of economics and management. – 2017. – No. 2. – pp. 105-107.

9. Dobrolyubov E.A. System of material and non-material incentives (motivation) for personnel / E.A. Dobrolyubov // Banking technologies. – 2014. – No. 3. – pp. 26-29.
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4. Alekhina, O.E. Personnel service / O.E. Alyokhina, A. V. Pavlutsky // Personnel Management. - 2015. - No. 11. - p.56-59.

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Odegov, Yu.G. Labor productivity in the personnel management system / Yu.G. Odegov, G.G. Rudenko // Social and labor relations and processes. - 2011. - p.46-53.

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Samygin, S.I., Stolyarenko L.D. Personnel management / S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko - Rostov n/d: Fenik publishing house, 2012. - 480 p.

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