This is a small owl that is unpretentious to keep at home. Body size: 15-20cm, weight reaches 50-120g, wingspan up to 50cm. The color can be very different, even orange (the rarest color). The cry of the Scops Owl is the whistle “I’ll spit,” which is why the owl got its nickname. Pygmy scops owls began to gain popularity among people and they began to be kept more and more often.

If you want to buy yourself such a pet, be sure to do it at a nursery, since in the poultry market in most cases they sell captured chicks, which are wild and often with many diseases. In nurseries they sell already domesticated chicks.

The Scops Owl, due to its size and unpretentiousness, lives excellently at home. It is very easy to keep in an apartment without special equipment. However, it is necessary to know and remember a number of rules so that everyone is happy and lives together.

  • A separate room must be allocated for keeping the scops owl. Under no circumstances should you put it in a cage, as this will affect the pet’s well-being and even death.
  • It is necessary to install crossbars and perches in a designated room. Be sure to remove all potentially dangerous objects, including glass, curtains, and so on.
  • Pay special attention to the windows; they should be covered with a special mesh for enclosures.

Owls love to swim and it would be a good idea to bring any container or container with clean water. I will use it to bathe Scops Owls and drink whenever I want. In addition, it is necessary to allocate a corner in the room for playing. All Scops Owls love to play and misbehave, so it is necessary to prepare the place - it is best to cover part of the floor with artificial grass, which will give a feeling of nature, and therefore the comfort of your pet’s stay indoors. Ideally, it is better to mount any tree for your pet - it can be a branch or part of a tree. If you live in a private house, then an open-air enclosure will be a real paradise for your pet. In this case, the structure must be closed on three sides, a completely covered roof. This is done to ensure that the scops owl is protected from drafts and bad weather. The area should be as large as possible.


When it comes to food, the Scops Owl has its own preferences. Since it is a predator, it must receive animal food in its diet every day. When free, they catch small rodents, but at home they eat meat well. But remember, this should not be store-bought meat, since digestion can overcook this meat. It is best to give preference to domestic chickens. An additional treat can be earthworms and insects. In addition, they need vitamins. For example, berries, vegetables, fruits and so on. These products are really necessary for the scops owl's health and immunity. It is necessary to introduce ingredients into the diet gradually and carefully, since Scops Owl is a very picky eater.

Give any food at room temperature and no more than twice a day. The diet should be varied and healthy. Pets need to do fasting days so that they do not gain weight and do not develop health problems. Water should always be available and change it as often as possible.


If you decide to increase your offspring, you will need to work hard. To do this you need to create natural conditions habitat, build a nest, keep the room clean and monitor optimal level humidity and temperature. Also, avoid loud noises and sounds. Since this is a nocturnal animal, it will do all its business at night. The hoard usually contains from 2 to 6 eggs. Eggs are laid at intervals of 1-3 days. The incubation period lasts 25 days. At this time, the female sits very tightly on the eggs, but the male can be aggressive and attack a person in order to protect his offspring from the enemy. The eyes open 6-8 days after hatching. Feeding lasts up to 4 weeks. Scops owls become sexually mature at ten months.

Finally, I would like to warn you! If you don’t have the conditions for a pet and don’t have time to care for it, then it’s better not to get an animal.

IN Lately a person is actively trying to get either some unusual exotic animal or tame wild birds. Therefore, Scops Owls, of all wild birds, can be bred in captivity, and, interestingly, not only in private houses, but also in apartments.

Scops owl is valued for its small size, as well as for its ease of care. This breed gets along well in a small room and is quite calm towards people. But all the same, the owner of a scops owl needs to adhere to some recommendations regarding housing and feeding.

In order for the Scops Owl owl to feel comfortable at home, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for it; under no circumstances should you build a spacious cage for it; it will feel confined and behave restlessly.

In a separate room, it is necessary to install perches and exclude those objects that may pose a danger to the bird. These could be mirrors, glass, sharp objects, curtains and other similar items. Windows need attention Special attention, since the windows need to be covered with animal netting and the curtains removed so that the owl does not get entangled in them and die. It is worth noting that the owl loves to play with paper or pieces of matter, so they must be left.

You can also build an aviary in the room. There is no need to be afraid that the Scops Owl will freeze, since all owls spend the winter in our area. The aviary should consist of vertical slats; you can build them parallel to the floor, then the bird will feather the feather in a hanging position.

Enclosures should include perks in the form of sticks and stumps covered with ribbed material. They can be artificial grass purchased in a store. You also need to make some kind of bath, since owls love to swim and drink water. The bath can be a regular cat tray.

The enclosure, built on the site of a private house, should be the same as in the apartment, only closed on three sides, they will not let in a draft.

The roof should also be solid so that precipitation does not disturb the owl. As for the size of the enclosure, the wider it is, the better.

It should be noted that the Scops Owl by nature is bird of prey, therefore, her daily menu should include animal food in the form of frogs, mouse carcasses, day-old chicks, and so on. You can prepare food in advance, but it must be at room temperature before use.

In addition, the owl can be fed with a variety of large insects - beetles, cockroaches and earthworms. Birds also vitally need food of plant origin in the form of dandelions, berries and fruits; you can give mixed food in the form of buckwheat porridge, chicken eggs, cottage cheese and so on. You need to build a special drinking bowl and make sure that the water in it is always fresh.

Under no circumstances should you feed an owl with store-bought meat, since the owl has specific digestion. In addition, various surrogates will not be suitable, as this will lead to diseases internal organs. It is recommended to feed the Scops Owl 1-2 times a day, and the diet should be different each time.

Those owls that are kept in captivity must have a sort of "fasting day" where she must only receive clean water because she moves little and can become obese. If an owl is kept in order to get offspring, then you need to imitate a real nest in the form of a nest box or nest box.

If an owl is tamed in childhood, it grows up with special character traits and has its own manner of behavior and communication. She will behave differently with each family member, but in order to achieve this, you need to give her a lot of attention.

In order for embryos to develop normally, it is necessary to control the air humidity in the room. Caring for cutworms does not require much trouble, you just need to keep their home clean and feed the little chicks.

It is also necessary to note a rather important fact that after feeding an owl, it undergoes the process of pooping. It is the regurgitation of lumps of hair and bones. If this happens, then you need to know that the bird feels great.

Everyone knows that the owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. Therefore, you must first take this fact into account. Owls like twilight and silence. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to stop watching TV or listening to music.

But this fact must be taken into account, so you should refrain from sharp and loud screaming and laughter. The owl may become frightened and start darting around the room, which can lead to injury. Electric light damages owl vision. There is no need to worry that the owl is dark, as it sees perfectly in the dark.

One of the main moments in the life of an owl is that it undergoes the process of molting. In captivity it lasts quite a long time, so you need to be prepared for it. The first molt begins in January and continues until mid-March. Then the period of mating, mating and incubation begins, so molting stops.

It will begin only after the incubation process is completed. If the chicks do not hatch, then molting continues in a particularly active form. If the owl feeds the chicks, then it happens unnoticed.

It is necessary to ensure that the owl completes the molting process while having a large supply of subcutaneous fat. After all, sitting on eggs, the owl becomes too exhausted, so its diet should be varied.

As a result, we can add that keeping a Scops Owl at home requires time, money, patience and daily cleaning. Therefore, before getting such a bird, you need to think through everything first so that the owl feels comfortable without experiencing discomfort.

There are quite a lot of interesting and unusual animals in nature. Many species have not yet been studied by humans. On this moment It has become very popular to bring a variety of exotic animals into your home.

True, neighbors are not happy that some wild animal lives next to them. After all, he can get out at any moment and cause harm to others and the owner himself. But there are also pets that do not pose a danger to humans. And even vice versa - they bring positivity. One of them is the owl Splyushka.

The extraordinary owl Splyushka

  • Bird class.
  • Family: owls.
  • Rod: Scoops.


At first sight it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this wonderful creature. The big yellow eyes of the bird tell the future owner not to even think about it and to quickly take a new tenant home. The owl's body size ranges from fifteen to twenty centimeters. The bird weighs approximately 60–130 grams. The regular gray-brown color goes well with streaky patterns.

It is quite easy to distinguish a female from a male. Females are always bigger. The wingspan in flight of this individual is fifty centimeters. Owners should pay attention to the fact that when an owl behaves calmly, the feathers on its ears are almost invisible and only in a state of heightened excitement do her so-called ear tufts rise.

Bird Scops Owl in nature

An owl is a bird that stays awake at night and is almost impossible to see in the morning. IN wildlife everyone lives by their own laws. There are no caring and loving owners who bring food on a plate every day, and if an animal gets sick, they immediately call a qualified specialist.

Every living creature survives as best it can. It seems sad, but some individuals die from other stronger representatives of the animal world. Here's Splyushka too is a predator. There's nothing you can do about it. The bird tracks its prey very carefully, as if it were a soldier and was on a very important mission in ambush.

The owl is hiding and waiting for an unexpected attack. Although sometimes Splyushka, having found some flying beetles, can turn the hunt into a fun game.

As for its diet in captivity, the owl usually feeds on some kind of beetles or moths And. Very interesting fact Ornithologists noticed. In the wild, the Scops Owl is active only at night. As for home conditions, birds in captivity can rest at night. Scops Owl never builds nests. Usually it lives in old and abandoned nests of other predatory relatives or in some hollows. But, if there is a human building nearby, then an owl can settle there too.


Splyushka is free lays three to six eggs. As mentioned above, a bird of this genus does not build its own nest, so it lays eggs somewhere on the ground between stones or in a hollow. During incubation it is male getting food for female.

When the chicks are born, their mother immediately invites them to try the prey. Only before this, the male tears it into very small pieces, so that it is easier to eat it. As for the newborns themselves, when they are born, they already have very good hearing, but are completely deprived of vision.

Having reached eleven days, children, without the help of their parents, begin to eat food in large pieces. Having reached their twenty-first day, the chicks try to fly out of the nest. Some of them are afraid to take the first responsible step in their life. Then parents try to somehow push their children. They circle over the kids and encourage the birds in every possible way, and they, in turn, stop being afraid and set off on their first flight.

Care and feeding at home

If a person decides to diversify his ordinary day and the same unremarkable night, then Splyushka will become a wonderful new hero in the life of his owner. But before the bird appears in the house, you need to make sure that it is comfortable. If a person has a small apartment with only one room, then you need to forget about buying a bird. An owl is a bird that simply cannot live in a cage. If you put her in a confined space, she will begin to worry very much.

Need to identify the bird to a separate large and quite spacious room. The most suitable atmosphere should be created in the future habitat of the bird. The owner must remember that now this is no longer a simple bedroom or guest room. Its alteration must be taken quite seriously. It is necessary to remove those items that could cause harm in some way, for example:

  • Various sports equipment;
  • Cabinets;
  • A large chandelier.

An ordinary mirrored cabinet can become a great danger for a future pet. All mirrors, as well as all kinds of sharp objects, should be removed. But the main thing is take down the curtains! Your pet can become entangled in them and die. In addition, you shouldn’t forget about windows either. The windows need to be clogged with a special mesh.

Features of poultry keeping

Bird loves to tinker with paper and pieces of fabric. In order for a pet to feel truly at home, the person who decides to have one must perches should be installed.

When the room is ready, you can go to the store for one of the most attractive creatures on earth. You really only need to go to places where they know a lot about birds, and sellers are ready to provide the relevant documents. Buying on the market can result in not very pleasant consequences. The future pet may already be infected with worms, and in general it is unlikely to get used to people.

Now that the cherished purchase has already been made and the pet decorates the apartment, it’s time to think about it diet. This bird is a predator. His daily menu simply must include mice and frogs. You can feed large insects, such as cockroaches or beetles. It is also worth making sure that there is food of plant origin such as porridge, dandelions, fruits, etc. Well, as for water, it must certainly be clean. And it is quite possible to build a drinking bath with your own hands.

Under no circumstances should you serve meat that was purchased in a store as food.. These representatives of birds have a special digestion. And meals should be once or twice a day. But sometimes it won’t hurt your pet to fast. To do this, you need to choose one suitable day and instead of food, give only clean water. The main thing is not to overdo it! Just one day!

It’s better to consult with an experienced ornithologist before starting a hunger strike. Each bird and animal is individual! But we can say with confidence that a hunger strike is necessary for birds kept at home (only representatives of this type). They, unlike their relatives, prone to obesity. The owner needs to monitor this as carefully as possible. There are many more conditions in nature. Life in an apartment, of course, can in no way compare with the real open spaces in which all animals are accustomed to living.


Once again touching on the topic of comfort, we can say that many people, when getting this or that animal, have no idea what conditions it requires. Neglecting the above, they can ruin the life of a bird in captivity.

Even starting ordinary hedgehog, it is worth considering the fact that riding curtains is his favorite pastime. Unknowing owners, of course, will scold the new pet. In the same way, any exotic animals may well not live up to expectations. Before you start them, you need to find out as much information as possible about the correct content, talk with knowledgeable people, weigh the pros and cons and only then make the right decision.


To summarize, I would like to say that this species of birds brings a lot of positive things. If you take good care of this amazing creature, it can grow up with its own character and treat each family member in a special way. The main thing is not to forget that attention is the most important part in the education process person or animal. If the owner tries to spend enough time with his pet, then he will definitely be able to answer him in kind.

And also responsibility- the most important word for everyone who has decided to let a new friend into their life. There are people who, after a few days after acquiring it, return to their previous life, forgetting about everything in the world. Having made a spacious enclosure, they simply abandon their pet. Of course, this is not possible! Life, even in a whole room, looks like a large single cell without communication and attention from a person. It is in it that the bird will have to live for about six or seven years.

In nature, all animals and mammals communicate with each other. Loneliness is dangerous for everyone. The worst punishment for a person is lifelong solitary confinement. Communication, care and attention are very much required by any living creature. Living under the same roof with such a cute representative of birds, you can be charged with positivity every day. They say that animal lovers live much longer than those who don't like them or simply avoid them.

The Scops Owl (lat. Otus scops) received its nickname for its soft, pleasant and slightly melancholy whistle, most reminiscent of a drawn-out “spitting”. People call the miniature owl a tyukalka for the sounds “tyyuyuyuyuyu” and dawn made by the males. The latter name is explained by the fact that the scoop can be heard both at dawn and after sunrise, when warm rays dry the grass, wet with dew.

It is extremely rare to see Scops Owls. Nature has endowed these scoops with the ability to camouflage, the effectiveness of which was reinforced by an excellent camouflage suit. The bird, hiding during the daytime, managed to deceive not only people, but also representatives of the feathered brethren. There is a known case when a pair of orioles fed their fledgling, which was “giggling” on a branch not far from a scops owl clinging to the trunk. The distance to the scoop did not exceed the length of the deployed wing. Neither the parents nor the chick paid the slightest attention to their neighbor. The steeply curved beak was hidden in the feathers, the eyes were narrowed to narrow slits, and the motionless figure of the Scops Owl was lost against the background of the bark. The orioles saw in front of them a dry fragment covered with spots and specks of lichen.

photo: Somchai Kanchanasut

It is also quite difficult to see the cutworm perched on a birch tree. The sun's glare moving along the birch bark plays into the bird's favor. Legs covered with feathers and a two-horned, slightly angular head complement the appearance of a unique noctuid owl, capable of exhibiting unprecedented endurance. Unlike other owls, Scops Owls do not open their eyes wide when exposed to light. A female sitting on eggs or preoccupied with the care of chicks is guarded by a male located nearby, skillfully hiding in places where even a sparrow cannot hide.


Scops owls are classified as late arriving birds. Pairs that hatch chicks in hollows are the last to emerge. The birds do not put forward any special requirements for the nesting site. Belonging to the owl family, the bird is part of a group of rare species. The greatest likelihood of encountering a scops owl is in the southern forests. Habitat includes North Africa, Middle East, Asia Minor and Central Asian foothills, southern regions of Siberia (up to Lake Baikal) and part of Europe. Flights to the tropics or savannas save the scoop from the winter cold. Scops owls inhabit deciduous forests, coniferous woodlands, parks and gardens. These birds can be seen in the mountains (they do not rise above 3000 m above sea level). Cutworms are attached to nesting sites. They return to the corners they like most year after year. On mountain slopes, scops owls can nest in cracks formed between rocks. They also do not refuse to occupy other people’s burrows. Within the city limits, scoops inhabit the attics of old houses and birdhouses built by people.

Photo: NatureWorks Photography

For the charm inherent in the Scops Owl in the evening hours, the French dubbed it the little duke (he was awarded the title of the great duke). It is in the evening that amazing metamorphoses occur with the cutworm: individuals, fit and slender in the daytime, straighten their feathers, the “horns” on the head disappear, as a result of which the facial disc takes on a round shape. Scops owls have a questioning and kind look, their round eyes radiate intelligence.

Despite their pretty appearance and miniature size (the bird's body is 2 times larger than a passerine's, weight ranges from 55-120 g), cutworms have the skills to scare off enemies. Individuals nesting in magpie buildings repel the attacks of an intruder approaching from below by quickly slipping between the roof bars. Holding onto the nest with one paw, the hen takes the shape of a butterfly: the back of her head is pressed to her back, her wings are spread out. The unblinking eyes of a bright yellow color, standing out against a dark background, make a terrifying impression. The bird hides its second leg, ready to strike with lightning speed if necessary, under its wing.

photo: Barry Turner

The Scops Owl hunts after dusk. During June-August, large butterflies, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, locusts, earwigs, dragonflies, spiders and mantises fall into the clutches of night hunters. Catching prey occurs on the ground and in the air, on branches and in the grass.

The wingspan of representatives of the owl order is quite large (0.5 m). The body length does not exceed 20 cm. The modest coloration is dominated by gray-brown shades. Reddish individuals are also not uncommon. The pattern of alternating dark streaks and stripes formed on the plumage is similar to tree bark.

photo: Tatyana Zherebtsova

Until the birth of their first child, males work for two. For three and a half weeks, they obtain food not only for themselves, but also for the female. From the outside, handing over a butterfly or grasshopper looks like a timid kiss torn from the lips of a loved one on a secret date. Hatched babies need food. Males do not bother searching for small prey. Moreover, their victims during this period can be fat voles or hamsters, twice the size of tiny owlets. The number of the latter varies from 2 to 5. Division of prey and feeding are placed on the shoulders of the female. Feeding fledglings is much more difficult. At this time, both parents go hunting. Broods that have left the nest can be seen near “prey” places (lanterns, lamps, spotlights), around which clusters of midges are observed.

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More and more often, not the usual cats, parrots and hamsters, but exotic animals are being adopted as pets. Owls have become especially popular. There are thousands of videos online of people showing off, holding and petting their apartment predators. But an owl is a wild bird, accustomed to living and hunting in the wild. Is it worth getting this feathered friend for your pet?

Why experts advise against owl establishments

It seems that these graceful and at the same time cute birds are not at all problematic creatures, keeping them is not much more difficult than the parrots we are used to. This is a deep misconception and here's why.

An owl is a predator, but it is absolutely forbidden to feed this bird beef and chicken, much less sausage. In order for the bird not to have health problems, its diet should consist of mice, hamsters, rats, quails, insects and even rabbits. You will have to kill this “food” yourself, since birds raised for keeping at home have poorly developed skills in killing prey - a rodent intended to be dinner can easily bite an owl on the paw, which will lead to the development of an infection. To feed poultry, you will need to ensure a stable supply of such food, which costs a lot of money, as well as a separate freezer for storing food.

Owls shit a lot. They shit a lot. Birds have a very good metabolism, which leads to rapid excretion of feces. Small birds defecate more often than large birds, but large birds leave larger piles. Also, the frequency of bowel movements depends on the activity of the bird. For example, a lively little owl can shit fifteen times a day. By the way, owls shit not only with droppings, but also with so-called pellets. The fact is that in the wild, owls swallow the victim’s carcass whole, along with fur, claws and bones. All these indigestible residues are compressed into a lump, which the bird then regurgitates. Don't think that by clearing the mice of everything unnecessary, you will thereby help the owl. For normal digestion, this predator simply needs “material” for pellets, otherwise the owl will feel unwell.

Owls screech. In fact, not every species of owl has a cute hoot. The characteristic sounds of this bird are screams, which are quite loud and sharp. This way the bird will communicate at night, in the spring and at any other time when it seems necessary to it.

To keep an owl you will have to allocate a very spacious enclosure or an entire room. It is strictly forbidden to keep this bird in a cage, as it will break its feathers, wax, and develop sores on its paws. The designated room will have to be arranged - curtain mirror and glass surfaces, remove all objects that the owl can tear or get entangled in. From the moment you place an owl in your home, it will perceive the premises issued for use exclusively as its territory. However, the bird can treat your entire home this way.

And finally, the owl is far from the friendliest creature. All Internet users were amazed by the video where a little owl closes his eyes with pleasure from being petted. Such glimpses of tenderness are rare among owls. These birds do not really like to be touched, and can also be very aggressive, especially in the spring, when their mating season begins in nature. An owl will also fiercely defend its territory, so think in advance about who will meet your bird face to face. If the owl treats you calmly enough, the bird may persistently chase away your family members and friends. The owl may kick or even claw at the face. Some species of owls love to bite. For example, the owl, popular among owl lovers, bites no worse than a healthy eagle owl. Not only people and pets, but also any interior items can suffer from the talons and beak of an owl. The hook-shaped talons will easily tear upholstery and all the pillows, even if the owl just lands on this place without the intention of damaging anything.

Where to buy an owl

The owl is an exotic animal, the breeding and maintenance of which requires special permits from Rosprirodnadzor. Avoid dubious advertisements for the sale of owls and bird markets. Birds that are sold this way are taken from the wild illegally and should not be purchased under any circumstances. If you purchase a bird without documents for it, you will face heavy fines.

You can only buy owls in nurseries. Each bird there has a ring on its paw with a personal number and the name of the nursery stamped on it. This data will be indicated in the documents that will be given to you in addition to the owl completely free of charge. Please remember that requiring an additional fee for paperwork is not legal. It is better to buy a small owlet so that the chick gets used to your hands and the conditions in which it will be kept from an early age.

Which owl to choose

The most important recommendation is to choose an owl based on the conditions in which it will live. Experts recommend dedicating an entire room to even a small owl, let alone a great gray owl, and even more so an eagle owl. If you are going to keep an owl in an apartment, even in a separate room, then take a closer look at the marsh and long-eared owls, owls and scops owls. For suburban keeping, you can take a closer look at larger species, for example, the great owl or the eagle owl. By the way, the common division of these birds into owls and eagle owls is erroneous. These predators are divided into true owls (which also includes eagle owls) and barn owls, which are distinguished by their heart-shaped faces.

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A domestic owl needs regular veterinary examination, once a year is the minimum. Finding a qualified doctor to take care of your pet is quite difficult. For example, many owners of owls fly to Moscow to visit a specialist. Do not forget that birds have a very fast metabolism, which is why all diseases in owls progress very rapidly.

Every day you need to spend two hours walking with the owl, teaching it to fly by hand. Without movement, these birds' lungs suffer greatly, so if you do not have so much free time to work with the bird, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​purchasing it.

Also remember that traveling abroad with an owl is an almost impossible task, and leaving it alone is impossible because of the perishable food. Consider who will be available to feed your pet if you are away.

What are the advantages of keeping owls?

Each bird is unique, so it is impossible to predict its character. There are very playful specimens that amuse everyone around with their mischief. Also, not every owl will aggressively dig its claws into everyone it doesn’t like. Undoubtedly, the owl is a very difficult pet to keep, but people still keep these beautiful creatures, because just admiring the bird gives real aesthetic pleasure. If you are a true owl fan and are ready to cope with any problems, then go to the nursery and return home in the company of an adorable chick. You can always find the answer to any questions on the Internet or ask experts - their contacts are freely available and they will always tell you how to deal with the owl problem.