Corporate parties and other events are held on many occasions - a company’s birthday, the opening of a branch, the celebration of general holidays, and so on.

For employees to enjoy the event and benefit the team, it must be interesting and fun, and also have a well-thought-out script. Holding various competitions will help with this.

Advantages of the chosen location

Holding a corporate event away from the city noise, in nature, is an ideal choice for any companies and organizations. If we list the advantages of such an event as briefly as possible, we get the following list:

  • economical holiday– organizing a picnic, even a very large and long one, will cost the company less than a grand feast in a restaurant;
  • freedom of action– no room or venue will ever have so many opportunities to spend time pleasantly and usefully;
  • team building by jointly solving the most complex problems.

Entertainment options depending on the time of year

A corporate holiday in nature can be held at any time of the year. The main thing is to choose so-called seasonal games, competitions and entertainment that will bring the team many pleasant moments.


Kissing marathon

A competitive game for a company with a young, cheerful team.

Each girl is assigned a certain number, and each boy is assigned a letter. They stand in groups on two sides of the clearing, in the center of which is the driver. He loudly calls the code - a combination of letters and numbers.

The girl whose number is called must run up and kiss the presenter, and the young man does his best to interfere with this. If he was unable to intercept the girl, then he himself takes the place of the leader.

Engine Chukh-chukh

A team, sports competition for the title of the most dexterous and fastest team, of which there may be several.

Teams form trains in a certain way: the leg is bent at the knee and directed back, one hand is on the shoulder of the person in front, and the other needs to support his leg bent at the knee.

Thus, At the signal from the leader, the participants must reach the finish line first without breaking the train.

Forced dive

An individual, active competition for agility, speed and skill in the water.

All participants stand in a small semicircle in the water of the river, and the leader stands on the bank in front of them. He horizontally unwinds a rope to which a small ball is tied, gradually lowering the height of the ball.

The participants' task is to dodge the ball as long as possible while falling into the water.. The one who was hit is eliminated.

Friendly bonfires

It is carried out if at least two colleagues play the guitar. One fire is lit for each team, the participants of which sit around.

The task of the teams is to remember as many songs as possible - pioneer, lyrical, tourist, bard.

For the point to be counted, You need to sing one verse and chorus to guitar accompaniment. The counting is carried out jointly.

Grape harvest

The team is divided into several teams with an equal number of participants.

Each group is given a bunch of grapes (must be the same). One of the participants will hold the branch with their teeth, and the rest will carefully tear off the berries with their teeth and put them in a separate basket for each team.

Competition time is 2 minutes. The group that collects the most grapes wins.

Delicious drinks

You will need to stock up on several (up to 10) types of compote in advance - apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, currant, etc., as well as many disposable cups.

Participants are blindfolded and asked to taste what each compote is made from. The winner is the one who never made a mistake in the definition.. 500 ml of each drink is enough for 10 participants.


Everyone interested is divided into two teams. Two routes are designated - pins are placed (can be replaced with twigs or sticks), which the “caterpillar” will go around like a “snake”.

In this case, all participants hold onto the previous player with both hands, and everyone except the first one is blindfolded.

The team that reaches the finish line first and knocks down the fewest pins wins.

Loading relay race

We need two teams with an even number of players, for the convenience of splitting into pairs. The “loading” distance is determined, for example, 10 meters.

In a pair, one participant is the “wheelbarrow”, and the second is the “loader”. The first one stands on his hands, and the second one holds him by the legs so that the body is in a horizontal plane.

It is in this position that the pairs will need to go the distance as quickly as possible and return back, passing the baton to the next in the team.

Unicycle racing

Participants are divided into teams with a number of players that is a multiple of three. Each trio will need to cover the entire distance in a certain way and, returning back, pass the baton to the next trio.

Additional attributes: two durable volleyballs. One of the players stands on the ball and rolls it with his feet, the other two must support it on both sides under the elbows. Back you need to carry the ball while running.



It is carried out in those places where you can collect enough cones.

To conduct the competition, you will need two basins and two buckets of cones pre-collected by employees (one per team).

The entire team is divided into two equal teams. After the leader’s signal, the participants throw the cones into their basin, taking one at a time. The team that collects the largest harvest wins.

Leaf creativity

Best suited for small creative companies who decide to spend a holiday in a deciduous forest.

There can be several teams, and they will complete the task of creating the best composition of colorful leaves.

Teams are given a certain time (about 30–40 minutes), during which they must independently collect the material and make ikebana.

Avid tourists

Two or three teams will work together to prepare any dish without prepared ingredients. You can only use what you find in the surrounding area.

Additionally, participants are given equipment - knives, dishes, seasonings, and water is obtained independently.

It is advisable to spend at least an hour for the competition. The taste of the dish, its presentation and, of course, the ingenuity of the participants, as well as the speed of teamwork, are assessed.


Two or more teams can participate in this competition. The task for the players is this: in a short time (no more than 20 minutes) to find and collect as many different plants and mushrooms that grow nearby as possible.

They receive one point for each name. It is necessary to know the name of the plant and provide the judges with a part of it (leaf, flower, mushroom), otherwise the points will not be counted.

Modern Tarzan

This is a team game that will allow participants to compete in accuracy. Everyone is divided into paired teams of five players each.

First you need to build two pairs of swings - “bungee”. All players receive 25 cones (5 attempts each).

While swinging on a swing, you need to throw as many cones as possible into a target (pan, basin), using your attempts and passing the baton to the next one.

Fruit Gatherers

The fruits will be the cones found by the players. For the competition, you need several medium-sized boxes (40 ´ 60 ´ 60 cm) - one per team.

The team that can do it the fastest wins.


Snow shooting

You can play in teams or arrange individual competitions. Several trees of approximately the same diameter are selected - separately for the team.

At the leader’s signal, the participants begin to make snowballs and throw them at the tree. The team (or player) that manages to hit the tree the most times wins.

The shooting time is 1 minute in the team version, 3 minutes in the individual version.

Ski racing

Individual competition for the title of the fastest and most agile skier.

The race track is prepared in advance - they are marked with flags, targets are arranged that need to be knocked out, a prize is hidden in a place indicated by a riddle, etc.

Skis must be prepared for each participant, so the competition is announced in advance.

Hey cab driver

It will take snowy weather and quite a few sleds large size. Each team has six players. One strongman is selected who will lead the remaining five on the same sleigh along a given route.

From time to time the “strongman” can be changed. The team that loses the fewest players in the fall wins.(the one who falls is eliminated from the competition), and at the same time came to the finish line first.


Teams of 4 people. A sled is provided for each. When sliding down a slide prepared and decorated in advance, the first one must hit the gate (two sticks at a distance of 2 m) and, upon returning, pass the sled to the next one.

The second player, moving down, collects the flags placed along the way. The third must hit the target with a snowball, and the fourth must throw the rings onto a stick in the middle of the track.

Artistic modeling

Several teams of 3-5 people compete in their ability to sculpt a Snow Woman. Each chooses a section of the clearing/forest where they will take snow and other components for sculpting.

Since this competition evaluates not so much the speed as the aesthetics of the snow creation, you need to decorate Baba carefully, using twigs, cones, bark, etc. An hour of time is allotted for completion.

Men's fun

Used in men's groups. A circle with a diameter of 5 m is drawn in the snow with coals. All participants (6–10 people) enter the circle.

The task of each is to push everyone else abroad, remaining the winner. In this case, you need to stand on one leg, holding the other with your hand, and the second hand is hidden behind your back.

The participant who fell, pushed another with his hand, or stood on both legs is eliminated.



This is not full-fledged badminton, but its team spring version for speed. Two teams of 4–6 participants line up in a column before the start.

The first players receive a racket and a balloon and, at the leader’s signal, walk with it, holding it in the air with the help of a racket, to the designated finish line. Back - just run.

The second, taking the baton, is already rolling the ball on the ground, the third - similarly to the first, and so on.


It is better to spend it in the forest, where there is dense undergrowth and many flowers. Participants will have to be the fastest to weave the most beautiful wreath from available materials.

Each team has a man and a woman. He collects flowers, and she does the actual weaving. You can make the task more difficult by instructing everyone to weave a wreath for their partner.

For this competition, a wreath weaving pattern will be useful:

Search for a prize

There are many (at least 50) hanging in a limited area in the forest. balloons, with a note inside.

One note says “Grand Prize,” another “Consolation Prize,” and all the others say “Good luck searching!”

The main prize is the first portion of kebab in sole ownership, and comforting - ice cream or pie.

Hat to the king!

Two teams simultaneously begin to fight for the title of best hat team. To do this, they need to build a semblance of a human figure from what was found in the forest - these will be the “kings”.

The main condition for teams is every king must have a headdress- hat or crown. The fastest and most creative team, whose hat is the most interesting, wins.

Give freedom to parrots!

You need to choose four to five trees standing in a circle not far from each other. They will symbolize the bars of the cage in which 4 “parrots” sit - a team of participants.

A rope is pulled horizontally at a level of a meter above the ground around the trees, above which the players must leave the “cage”.

The winner is the team that was able to leave the circle just above the rope without hitting it.


For the competition, you will need a wide, stable log and several narrow and long balloons. You can play out the whole action like a fairy tale.

Anyone can apply and participate in the tournament. They will need to fight with balls on a log, trying to make their opponent fall off it.

The winners fight among themselves until the main Knight of the Log is determined.

And in conclusion, we offer you to watch a video of a grand corporate party in nature:

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A corporate outdoor event in the summer and competitions are practically everything you need for a successful and memorable event. Summer and fun will be the main companions of guests in maintaining good mood throughout the celebration, and even after it, in the memories of employees in the midst of everyday work.

Competition "Rope"

Have you already tried barbecue and are you ready for serious physical challenges? Then this is the competition for you! The leader must prepare a ball (or something that can replace it) and a rope. Two players stand opposite each other and pull the rope at shoulder level. The remaining players line up in single file. The essence of the game is to walk under a tight rope, holding a ball between your knees. Leaning forward is not allowed (only backward). The one who does not keep his ball is eliminated from the game. Naturally, with each new circle the rope is lowered lower: you’re not looking for easy ways, are you? Believe me, the winner who doesn’t drop the ball until the last minute really deserves a prize as the most dexterous and flexible member of your team!

Competition "Cross the swamp"

The guests are divided into two teams. For the game, a special playing field is cleared: a platform 2-3 meters wide and 3-4 meters long. This will be our “swamp”. Each team receives two “bumps” (small cardboard circles that can fit one person’s legs). While moving the “bumps”, you need to cross the swamp and not lose your way. The team that crosses the swamp faster than their opponents will receive a prize!

Competition "Collect the Rain"

Have you ever taken part in catching raindrops? If not, then with this competition you will have such an opportunity. The presenter stands in the center of an impromptu circle and sprays water from a bottle around him - “rain”. The players' task is to catch as many raindrops as possible with plastic cups. And try not to get wet: rain is very tricky!

Competition "Potato"

Divide the participants into teams of 4-6 people and offer them a simple but fun competition: collect a bucket of potatoes. Naturally, approach this important matter you need to be creative, namely, put an empty bucket, move away a few meters and try to fill it by throwing potatoes from this distance. So which team will be the most accurate?

Competition "Three Legs"

The guests are divided into pairs, and then in each pair the left leg of one player is tied to the right leg of the other. Voila! Now we have strange three-legged creatures whose task is to cover a given distance faster than their opponents. Be careful: for some reason, walking on three legs is much more difficult than walking on the usual two!

A corporate outing is an excellent occasion for team games and competitions. Such events allow colleagues to take a break from routine work, have fun and build friendships with each other.

Walking, jumping or running with fins

You will need fins for this fun competition. It is better if there are more than two sets of them, so that several teams can participate in the competition at the same time. Rules of the competition: participants must walk with fins from the start point to the finish. The winner is the team that reaches the finish line faster, and its members never fall while moving. The task can be complicated by the fact that participants are only allowed to jump, but cannot walk or run.

Covering the distance on three legs

For this competition you need to prepare several ropes or long laces. Participants are divided into pairs and stand side by side. In each pair, the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other participant. And the pair with their legs tied must cover a certain distance as quickly as possible. The fastest ones win. And those who love a challenge can make this competition even more fun by wearing fins on their untied legs.


This competition involves participants having to look for some thing hidden in the forest. To make the search more exciting, it is better to hide the “treasure” in such a way that it is not easy to find. It is advisable for participants to give hints in the form of notes or some kind of signs. Clues can also be arrows from twigs or scattered cones. Moreover, you can make letters or whole words out of cones. And a box of champagne or a delicious cake in a beautiful box can be used as a “treasure”.

I don't hear anything

If the head of a company has an excellent sense of humor and is on friendly terms with his subordinates, then this competition will perfectly lift the mood of the whole team. For the competition you will need a player and headphones.

The boss needs to be made comfortable and put on headphones with loud music. A subordinate sits opposite the boss and begins to ask him questions like: “will you give me a day off tomorrow?”, “when will I get a salary increase?”, “why do you send me on business trips so often?” etc. The boss's job is to read lips and answer questions.

Then the players can switch roles. And the boss will ask questions to his subordinates who are wearing headphones. Questions could be: “why are you late for work?”, “do you want to work overtime tomorrow?”, “maybe you

Quite often, the organization of a corporate event in nature is entrusted to professionals, but it is quite possible to do it on your own. To implement the idea, you will need to solve many issues: choose a place where the corporate event will take place, find necessary equipment, purchase drinks and food, organize musical accompaniment. But perhaps the most important thing is to come up with and carry out fun competitions, games, competitions and quizzes. We offer some competition options for outdoor corporate events.

Competition for a corporate event in nature

"Water Sprint"

This competition is perfect for an away corporate event if it takes place on the shore of an open body of water.

The competition consists of several stages. Three participants are selected and run, competing with each other, in ankle-deep water. At the second stage, these same people are already running knee-deep in water. Then waist-deep, and finally the sprint is chest-deep in water (you can’t swim in this case - only run). The winner is determined by the least amount of time spent in all stages.

Game "Edible-Inedible"
This game from our childhood is quite suitable for a corporate party.

The leader stands in front of the players lined up in a row or in a circle. He throws the ball to the players one by one and at the same time shouts out the names of the objects; if it is an edible product, then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, if not edible, then return it. If the player makes a mistake, he must perform some pre-announced action (sing, dance). The winner is the one who makes the fewest mistakes.

Competition "Cross the swamp"
For this competition, participants must split into two teams. An area approximately 3-4 meters long and 2-3 meters wide is cleared in front of them - this is a “swamp”. Each team is given two small cardboard circles (so that both legs fit within its boundaries). Participants, one by one, must cross the “swamp” with the help of these circles, moving them from place to place and using them as “bumps”. After the first participant crosses the entire field, the leader passes the “bumps” to the next player on the team. The first team to cross the swamp in its entirety wins.

Competition "Collect the rain"
Two or three people take part in the competition. The presenter stands in the center and sprays water from a bottle in different directions around him - “rain”. The players hold plastic glasses in their hands and try to catch droplets of “rain” with them. The participant with the most water in the glass wins.

Competition "Potato"
To conduct this competition, participants are divided into teams of 5-6 people each. Teams line up in front of the outlined line. At a distance of several meters from this line, an empty bucket is placed in front of each team. And near the line there are containers with potatoes. Members of each team take turns throwing potatoes into a bucket. The winner is the team that scores more"shells" at the target.

Relay races
For a corporate holiday, various relay races are perfect as competitions, where team members must run (jump, crawl) a certain distance at speed and come back.

Relay options:

  1. "Jumpers". Competitors must jump on one leg to the post and return back in the same way. To make the task a little more difficult, you can hold the competition on a gentle slope, in which case the participants will jump there - up the hill, and back - down the hill.
  2. "Skiers" ("Scuba Divers"). Participants put on skis and pick up poles (or put on fins and swimming masks) and run to the control mark. There, a slingshot and “cannonballs” await them, with the help of which they must burst a balloon hanging at some distance. If the player misses, he must run to the ball and burst it with his teeth.
  3. "Candle". Each team is given a candle, which is lit before the start of the race. Participants must run with a lit candle to the post, run around it and return to the team, passing the candle to the next participant. If during the relay race someone's candle goes out, he must return to the team, light it and run the distance again. The team that finishes the relay first will win.
Three Legs Competition
The players are divided into pairs. Participants from each pair have the right leg of one tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, the pair on “three legs” must cover a certain distance. The fastest hobbled pair wins.

Back to Back Competition
Several pairs of participants are also selected, who stand with their backs to each other and join hands. On command, players must reach the mark and return back. In this case, you cannot tear yourself away from your partner’s back. Not everyone manages to immediately cope with this task, despite its apparent ease. One player has to pull the other towards him, and the second has to back away, while synchronizing his steps.

Competitions for corporate events outdoors in summer Contest " Skillful hands"
It is held among the male half of the team. Participants are given wooden sticks, the ends of which are pre-painted with red paint. Each man is also given a piece of sandpaper. With its help, participants must wipe the paint off the stick. The first person to completely complete the task is declared the winner.

Competition "Own Burden"
Participants are divided into pairs: guy + girl. The man puts the girl on his back, in the girl’s hand is a glass filled to the brim with water. The players' task is to run with the "burden" to the control mark and return back, splashing as little water as possible.

"Guessing" competition
The presenter calls a famous character (actor, singer, politician, athlete, movie/book hero) into the participant’s ear, and he must imitate him using gestures. Everyone else is guessing. The one who guessed correctly takes the place of the one showing.

Competition "Battle for the Balls"
Each participant is given an inflated balloon, a push pin and a plastic plate. The ball is tied to the belt of each player. After which everyone runs out onto a limited area (the size of the area depends on the number of people participating in the game). The task of each player is to pierce the balls of other participants with a button, while trying to protect his ball by protecting it with a plate. Players whose balloons burst are eliminated. The winner is the one who kept his ball intact.

Competition "Water jump ropes"
Two people hold the ends of a rope (2-3 meters long) in their hands. Participants in the competition take turns approaching the rope, which they begin to unwind in the air, and make several jumps over it. At the same time, the participant holds a glass of water in his hand. The one with the most water left in the glass wins.

Outdoor competitions for corporate events. Corporate event in nature.

1. Game “Unusual badminton”

Presenter: Dear friends, you and I all associate the holding of the spring May Day with one old and good game– badminton. Therefore, now you will have the opportunity to move a little and pick up the racket. So, we select two teams.

Depending on the number of participants in the holiday, everyone can participate, the main thing is the same number in each team, the teams are lined up in two columns

Host: Since our holiday today is an unusual one, in the spring, badminton will also not be the same as always.

The first person on the team is given an inflated balloon.

Presenter: Assignment to the participants: use a racket to hit the ball to the symbol and back, pass the racket and ball to the next team member.
The second participant must guide the ball with a racket along the grass to the conventional sign, and pass the equipment to the next participant. The third team member again hits the ball with the racket, etc.
The members of the team that completes the task first become the winners.

2. Game "Throwing at a distance"

The game can be played by both men and women. It is important to prepare the props for the game: 3 small children’s gymnastic hoops, two wooden pegs.
Presenter: So, dear participants, you are given the opportunity to win the title “The Most Accurate Camper.” At my sign, the participants take turns throwing hoops onto pegs that are driven into the ground three meters from you. You have three attempts each. The three participants whose success in throwing will be the most significant advance to the finals of the game, then we hold a final battle for the title “Most Accurate.”

3. Game "Cockfighting"

The presenter selects a pair of participants to participate in the competition - men, for example, eight.

Host: Dear friends! You all know the saying: the third is superfluous. But in our game, it’s not the third one that will be superfluous, but the second one. So, the task: we divide into four pairs, we give each pair a gymnastic hoop, which must be placed on the grass. And now each couple must take a space inside their circle, while they need to stand on one leg, and lift the other, and hold it with their hand. As soon as the music starts playing, you must push your opponent out of the circle in every possible way.

4. Best artist competition

Even children can participate in the game. Props: you will need one large hat, sheets of paper, markers, felt-tip pens and pencils.

Presenter: The next competition should determine one very important talent of the participants - artistic talent. And it's quite easy to check. I will give you small pieces of paper, markers and pencils. You must write your names on pieces of paper and hand them over to me.

Participants write their names, the presenter collects them in a large hat and mixes them.

Host: And now I will give you pieces of paper with names. You do not have to show anyone what name is written on it - you just have to draw a portrait of this person. Is the task clear? Then you are given 10 minutes to complete it.
Participants complete the task. The presenter asks to write down the name of the person you drew on the reverse side. All robots are mixed and placed in a hat.

Host: And now is the most difficult part of this competition. We have to guess whose portraits are depicted in your works. Let's start with the first one.

One by one, the presenter shows the works, and the participants must guess who is depicted on them. The one who draws the most similar portrait wins.

Game for girls “The most skillful…”
Game props: pump for inflating swimming mattresses (the so-called “accordion”), balloons low density.

Presenter: We invite our girls to participate; they will compete for the title “Most Skilled.” We give the girls one balloon each. They need to be inflated using this wonderful pump, but not as usual, with your foot, but by sitting on top of it. Whichever participant manages to burst the balloon faster will become the owner of the title “Most Skillful”! And I saved a stopwatch for this case.

For this competition you will need: a lot of acorns, various cones, spruce needles and small twigs, chestnut skins, in other words, everything that can be found in great abundance on the street in the fall. Also don't forget about glue and plasticine. Explain the task to each player: with the help of everyone above transferred funds“blind” any animal. At the end of the competition, all works are evaluated by an experienced jury represented by the children’s parents. The winner receives a prize.

“Hit the balls!”

One team is given red balloons, the other - blue.
The balls are tied to the legs with threads - one ball per participant.
On command, you should burst as many enemy balloons as possible. But without using your hands.
The team that keeps at least one ball intact wins.


A rope is tied to the waist of each participant (there are two in total).
An apple is attached to the end of the rope so that it dangles at knee level.
A glass is placed on the ground.
On command, the participant must sit down and hit the glass with the apple.
The one who does it faster wins.


Participants are divided into pairs. Preferably a boy or a girl.
Each pair receives two rolls of thick, high-quality toilet paper.
On command, participants begin wrapping paper around their partners.
Only the eyes, mouth and nose should remain open.
The winner is the couple who managed it faster and, most importantly, with the best quality.

Volleyball kicks

Participants are divided into two teams.
In the middle of the clearing, a rope is stretched at a level of a meter from the ground.
The rules of the game are like volleyball. The only difference is that the participants play while sitting on the ground, and the ball is replaced with a balloon.