Absolutely every enterprise requires timely cleaning of premises. It must be carried out by a certain employee, for whom the authorities have developed a standard for cleaning premises per one cleaner.

A person who is ignorant or has little understanding of the cleaning procedure will decide that there is nothing difficult in hiring and assigning work to a cleaner. However, in fact, there are special standards for cleaning and selection of equipment, which every employer must adhere to. Each point of these rules is supported by its own legislative document.

List of premises required for cleaning

Cleaning is a professional cleaning service. Each person organizes cleanliness in his home based on his ideas. But there is a category of people who don’t want to do this at all, find it difficult or simply don’t have the time.

For such people, it is much easier to pay for a perfect cleaning than to do it yourself, armed with rags and a vacuum cleaner. But there are also office buildings, huge shopping centers, extensive production workshops, schools, kindergartens and much more - who cleans these premises? Of course, these are professional cleaners.

Cleaning of premises at manufacturing plant should be performed in areas such as:

  1. Places for employees to work and relax.
  2. Toilets and shower rooms.
  3. Places for eating or preparing food.
  4. Warehouses.

Each production facility described above must be sanitized and washed with floors and walls. And areas such as the hall and steps, elevator cabins, basements and attics must be specially treated with antiseptic substances.

Who should do the cleaning?

In some companies or in production, cleaning of premises is entrusted to the employees themselves. However, as shown sad experience, they couldn't cope with their additional responsibilities quality, and therefore were forced to work in unsanitary conditions.

This is why every organization definitely needs a cleaner. office premises. Only he knows all the intricacies of cleaning and is able to achieve complete cleanliness in all rooms. The main thing for management is to provide the cleaner with everything necessary.

How much should you pay a cleaning lady?

Every work should be well paid. Thus, the work of a cleaner should also have decent pay.

In Art. 133 Labor Code Russian Federation it is said that the salary of each employee who has not missed a single day of work and has completed all the work assigned to him in full should not be less than the lowest wage rate. Thus, the office cleaner must receive a salary in excess of the minimum wage. In case the salary should also be increased. However, this additional payment does not have to be higher than the minimum wage. In this case, it does not matter at all how much additional space the cleaner takes on.

How much equipment and cleaning supplies should be spent?

To prevent theft, as well as the correct distribution of cleaning costs, a certain amount of materials and detergents.

There are both standard and custom ones. The latter are applied depending on indicators such as the cleaning area and the total number of employees. For typical ones, our own data has been developed. The following types of equipment fall under:

  1. Toilet and laundry soap.
  2. Laundry powder.
  3. Polishing agents.
  4. Buckets.
  5. Different types of brushes.
  6. Brushes for cleaning toilet bowls.
  7. Rags for wiping dust, furniture and other things.

According to typical calculations, detergents are used in full compliance with quantity working hours. Inventory, in turn, is counted in pieces per person for a certain time. Thus, following the initial data, cleaning of industrial premises with an area of ​​400 square meters will be carried out with next amount detergents and equipment:

  1. Washing powder - 1 kilogram.
  2. Toilet soap - 200 grams.
  3. Laundry soap - 400 grams.
  4. Broom - 2 units for 30 days.
  5. Brushes - 1 unit for 60 days.
  6. Scoops - 1 unit for six months.
  7. Rubber gloves - 1 unit for 30 days.

All this data should be reflected not only in standard contract, which is included when a cleaner gets a job in an office or production facility, but also in a memo for this employee.

What factors can change cleaning standards?

Despite general provisions and the Labor Code, there are factors that change the standard of cleaning premises per cleaner. These include:

  1. For production: total cleaning area, mass of waste and litter, type of production.
  2. For office and household premises: type of premises, number of employees involved.

Thus, along with changes in cleaning standards, employee salaries also change.

How are cleaning standards calculated?

Space standards for cleaners in educational institutions and in production are determined by the total cleaning area and are set in minutes per 1 square of cleaned space. However, they may change in the presence of different types of litter and waste, as well as the use of modern means, equipment and the latest tools on labor organization.

For the best understanding, as well as the most correct calculation of working time and accrual wages You should know that absolutely all enterprises are divided into the following groups:

  1. Zero waste. The cleanest production facility, where cleaning is carried out according to regulations.
  2. Production producing wood waste. This and all subsequent types of premises are cleaned at increased rates.
  3. Production that produces liquid, light and bulk types of litter.
  4. An enterprise that produces metal residues.
  5. An enterprise producing fireproof waste, peat and coal residues.

Based on this list, the norm for cleaning a room per minute will be the following indicators:

  1. For industries that do not produce waste. The rate of room cleaning per one cleaner per 1 square of work space should be about 0.3 minutes - when organizing dry floor cleaning - and 0.7 minutes - when performing wet cleaning using cleaning solutions.
  2. For productions with different types waste. For them, the standards will directly depend on the weight of waste placed on 100 square meters of working space. In general, these indicators will have the following meaning: with 50 kilograms of waste, dry cleaning is carried out within 0.16 minutes, and with 168 kilograms - 0.30 minutes.

How often are the premises cleaned?

When a cleaner gets a job in an office or other office space, an agreement is concluded between her and the director. Along with listing the main responsibilities and official time, it also states how often the cleaner needs to perform each type of cleaning. However, there are some exceptions. So, for example, when wet cleaning the floor more often than required by the contract, other types of cleaning may be performed partially.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides standard cleaning standards that should be adhered to when concluding a typical contract for cleaning educational and office premises. According to them, various types cleaning should be carried out at the following frequency:

  1. Cleaning the floor with a vacuum cleaner or broom. Should be done every day for several times or as needed.
  2. Wiping floors, shelves, walls. This is carried out once every 7 days, provided that the room is not very dirty.
  3. Wet floor cleaning. Must be done once a month. However, this obligation applies only to office premises. In all others, washing should be done once every two days.
  4. Furniture cleaning. Carried out once every day.
  5. Washing furniture. Cleaning standards in this case should not exceed once a week.
  6. Wet cleaning of heating systems. Conducted 4 times in 1 year.
  7. Cleaning window openings and window sills. Carried out once every 7 days.
  8. Dry cleaning of the ceiling. Cleaning is carried out twice a year.
  9. Washing windows. Carried out twice a year.

The cleaning organization uses a special approach: the order is fixed by regulations, everyone knows their job responsibilities and your own area where the work will be carried out. As a result, the work is completed very quickly, all surfaces shine with amazing cleanliness, and there is an aroma of freshness in the air that cannot be expressed in words.

Professional cleaning is especially important for cleaning large premises: complexes, industrial or office buildings. Here, the cleaning service staff expects not only large volumes of work, but also specific contamination, high ceiling heights, huge windows and other difficulties.

Without professional skills and special equipment, it is almost impossible to cope with the cleaning of such premises at the proper level.

What job duties are included in the calculation standards?

All space standards for a cleaner are calculated taking into account the time it takes to clean a particular room. In general, all work functions are divided into two parts: main types of cleaning and secondary ones. The main ones include:

  1. Dry and floors.
  2. Removing debris from the work area.
  3. Cleaning boxes, bags and other types of containers.
  4. Replacing detergent.
  5. Wet and dry cleaning of panels, window sills, heating radiators and walls.
  6. Distribution of litter and removal of it to a specially designated place.
  7. Cleaning sinks, taps and toilets with showers.

The following types of work are considered secondary:

  1. Selection and processing of cleaning materials and transferring them to the cleaning site.
  2. Cleaning the workplace.
  3. Receiving and handing over shifts.
  4. Carrying out easy installation of materials.

The main functions are included in the salary account and must be carried out strictly on time. Secondary types are not included in the calculation of working hours, and therefore are not taken into account in wages.

Rules for calculating the number of cleaners

Quite often, employers are faced with a situation such as overworking of cleaners in one place and a shortage of them in another. In order not to encounter such a situation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the number of people per room and distribute workers in connection with these calculations.

The standard for cleaning premises per cleaner is the basis with which an employer can easily calculate required quantity workers. However, since they are not mandatory, they can range from 400 square meters to 1000 per person. The exact amount directly depends on the workload of the work premises and how the cleaner will work, whose rate is calculated individually. Based on this, the following indicators can be applied:

  1. In lightly loaded areas. If the cleaning lady has a salary, then the standard is considered to be 559 square meters per person.
  2. In heavily loaded. The standard is 319 square meters.
  3. In unoccupied areas. The cleaning rate is about 1000 square meters.
  4. In sanitary facilities. Allowed one cleaner for every 200 square meters per shift or 310 square meters.

Thus, based on the given data, you can easily calculate the number of people per production facility.

List of rules for cleaning premises

Along with the responsibilities of management for the distribution of personnel, as well as providing them with everything necessary for work in production, the work described above (cleaning lady) also requires the implementation of certain rules and official duties. These include:

  1. For each room or place of work, a special memo must be drawn up, which must indicate the following data: movement schedule, total area of ​​the serviced space, frequency of cleaning activities, types of work and means used, number of hours for carrying out the activity.
  2. All equipment must be placed in a special room and carried only by the cleaner. Upon completion of work duties, all of them must be returned to their place.
  3. The entire working area that the cleaner processes must be divided into separate sections - up to 11 square meters.
  4. All litter and waste must be collected in a container specially designed for this purpose, which is moved from one area to another until the cleaning is completed. Then it is taken to a specially designated place.
  5. At the time of washing floors, walls and furniture dirty water should be replaced with a clean one as needed.

Compliance with these rules is mandatory for absolutely every cleaner - regardless of the place of cleaning and the type of office space.

"I affirm"

Head teacher

Pichugina O. P.


Order No. 58 of 01.10.2007



1.1 A cleaner of office premises is hired and dismissed by the school director without presenting requirements for education and work experience.

1.2. The office cleaner reports directly to the school superintendent.

1.3. In his work, the office cleaner is guided by the rules of sanitation and hygiene for the maintenance of school premises, the design and purpose of the equipment and fixtures being serviced; cleaning rules, rules for the safe use of detergents and disinfectants; rules for operating sanitary equipment; general rules and standards of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as the Charter and Internal Rules labor regulations school and this Instruction.

The main purpose of an office cleaner is maintaining proper sanitary condition and order in the assigned area.

The office cleaner performs the following duties:

  • cleans the school's official and educational premises assigned to him (classrooms, offices, corridors, staircases, bathrooms, toilets, etc.);

  • removes dust, sweeps and washes by hand and with the help of equipment walls, floors, window frames and glass, furniture and carpets;

  • clears trash cans of paper and washes them with a disinfectant solution, collects garbage and takes it to the designated place;

  • cleans and disinfects toilets, sinks and other sanitary equipment;

  • complies with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned premises, ventilates them; turns the lighting on and off in accordance with the set mode;

  • prepares the necessary cleaning and disinfection solutions in compliance with safety rules;

  • complies with safety rules and regulations fire safety;

  • monitors order in the assigned area, tactfully suppresses obvious violations of order on the part of students and, if they disobey a legal requirement, reports this to the teacher on duty;

  • at the beginning and end of each working day, he walks around the assigned area in order to check the serviceability of equipment, furniture, locks and other locking devices, window glass, taps, sinks, bathrooms, electrical appliances (switches, sockets, light bulbs, etc.) and heating devices.


The office cleaner has the right:

  • to receive detergents, equipment and cleaning materials, and allocate premises for their storage;

  • to receive special clothing according to established standards.


5.1. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons Rules of internal labor regulations of the school, legal orders and regulations of the school administration and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these Instructions, the cleaner of office premises bears disciplinary liability in the manner determined labor legislation.

5.2. For causing harm to the school or participants educational process the office cleaner bears the damage financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

Office cleaner:

  • works in a normal working day according to a schedule drawn up based on a 40-hour working week and approved by the director,

  • undergoes instruction on sanitation and hygiene rules, cleaning rules, safe use of detergents and disinfectants, operation of sanitary equipment, as well as safety and fire safety regulations under the guidance of the school director;

  • immediately informs the caretaker about malfunctions of electrical and sanitary equipment, breakdowns of doors, locks, windows, glass, locks, etc. in the area being cleaned.

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description for a cleaner of office premises in a preschool educational institution was developed on the basis of the Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry professions workers approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 10, 1992 No. 31 (as amended on November 24, 2008), in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation, employment contract with the employee and other regulations governing labor relations between the employee and the employer.

1.2. TO independent work As a cleaner of office premises, persons who have reached the age of 18 and have read the job description of a cleaner of office premises are allowed kindergarten and passed the mandatory medical examination, labor safety briefing.

1.3. A cleaner of office premises of a preschool educational institution is hired and dismissed from his position by the head of the preschool educational institution.

1.4. The cleaner of office premises in a preschool educational institution reports to the deputy director for administrative and economic affairs (household manager).

1.5. In his activities, the office cleaner is guided by:

  • SanPiN " Sanitary - epidemiological requirements to the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations» as amended as of August 27, 2015;
  • the charter and other local acts of the preschool educational institution;
  • internal labor regulations of preschool educational institutions;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection and fire protection;
  • this job description for a premises cleaner at a preschool educational institution and an employment contract;
  • orders and instructions of the head of the kindergarten;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child.

1.6. A kindergarten office cleaner should know:

  • basic hygiene, rules of personal hygiene;
  • sanitary and hygienic rules in cleaned premises;
  • concentration of detergents and disinfectants;
  • rules for the safe use of disinfectants;
  • rules for operating sanitary equipment, cleaning rules;
  • carry out all sanitary and fire regulations, labor protection requirements;
  • internal labor regulations of a preschool educational institution;
  • job description for the cleaner of office premises of the preschool educational institution;
  • labor safety instructions for kindergarten office cleaners;
  • telephone numbers of the fire department, the head of the kindergarten, the nearest medical institutions for emergency assistance.

1.7. During the absence of the office cleaner, her duties are performed by an employee appointed as the deputy manager for administrative and economic affairs (the caretaker).

2. Job responsibilities

The kindergarten office cleaner performs the following duties:

2.1. Ensures the implementation of instructions for protecting the life and health of children, the job description of the cleaner of office premises in a preschool educational institution, complies with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as sanitary and hygienic requirements.

2.2. Carries out high-quality cleaning of the assigned premises of the preschool educational institution, is responsible for the cleanliness and order of the corridors, stairs, and bathrooms of the kindergarten.

2.3. Removes dust, sweeps, washes floors twice a day, stairs in assigned area.

2.4. Once a week he cleans the carpets in the office premises of the kindergarten.

2.5. Wipes dust from furniture and window sills every day.

2.6. Cleans the steps in front of the front door.

2.7. Empties trash cans in the office premises of the kindergarten from paper, washes them, and disinfects them with solutions.

2.8. Collects garbage and takes it to the designated place.

2.9. Cleans and disinfects toilets and sinks in the office premises of the preschool educational institution, checks the availability toilet paper and toilet soap.

2.10. Once a month he washes walls, doors, window frames, glass, door blocks, removes garbage behind radiators, and insulates windows for the winter.

2.11. She cares for the plants in her assigned area and helps the gardener in landscaping the territory of the preschool educational institution.

2.12. Monitors the operation of lamps in the sanitary units assigned to her and turns them off as necessary.

2.13. Complies with the rules of sanitation and hygiene in cleaned areas.

2.14. Systematically monitors the availability of cleaning supplies and equipment necessary for work.

2.15. Before starting work, he walks around the assigned area to check the condition of window glass, electrical appliances (switches, sockets, light bulbs, etc.), batteries, and equipment.

2.16. At the end of his work, he turns off the lights in the rooms being cleaned, checks that all taps, windows, doors are closed, hands over the keys to the watch and signs in the log.

2.17. IN summer time is involved in redecorating the kindergarten and working on the site of the preschool educational institution.

2.18. Keeps his work equipment clean and tidy.

3. Rights

A cleaner of office premises of a preschool educational institution has the right:

3.1. For the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal law « About education in the Russian Federation», « Standard provision about preschool educational organization ", the Charter, the Collective Agreement, internal labor regulations and other local acts of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. To undergo a free periodic medical examination.

3.3. To be rewarded for conscientious work.

3.4. To receive the necessary detergents, work equipment and cleaning materials.

3.5. To receive special clothing in accordance with established standards.

3.6. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out its activities.

3.7. Make proposals for improving the organization of cleaning and maintenance of equipment in a preschool educational organization.

3.8. Require the administration of the organization to create the conditions necessary for the performance of their professional duties.

4. Responsibility

The cleaner of the office premises of the preschool educational institution is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their job duties as provided for in this job description for a cleaner of office premises of a preschool educational institution (kindergarten).

4.2. For the sanitary condition of the kindergarten premises entrusted to him, for untimely completion of a medical examination.

4.3. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without good reason of the Charter, Internal Labor Regulations and the collective agreement of a preschool educational institution, other local regulations of the preschool educational institution, legal orders of the head of the preschool educational institution, he bears disciplinary liability in the manner established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules, the cleaner of the office premises of the preschool educational institution bears administrative responsibility in the manner and cases determined by the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.5. For causing material damage he is liable within the limits established by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Relationships and connections by position

Office cleaner:

5.1. Works in a normal working day based on a 40-hour work week according to a schedule drawn up by the head of the farm (supervisor) and approved by the head of the kindergarten.

5.2. Interacts with kindergarten teacher assistants to implement sanitary and hygiene rules.

5.3. Interacts with the head of the farm (supervisor) of the preschool educational institution.

5.4. Receives information of a regulatory and legal organizational nature from the head of the preschool educational institution, the head of the household, and familiarizes himself with the relevant documentation against signature.

5.5. Informs the manager of the household (supervisor) about malfunctions of electrical equipment and plumbing, about breakdowns of doors, locks, windows, glass, etc. in a designated area.

6. Procedure for approving and changing job descriptions

6.1. Changes and additions to the current job description are made in the same order in which the job description is adopted.

6.2. Job description comes into force from the moment of its approval and is valid until it is replaced by a new job description.

6.3. The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by a signature in a copy of the job description kept by the employer, as well as in the log of familiarization with the job descriptions.

Hello Alikhan.

Currently, according to current legislation, production standards are established by local regulations of the employer (regulations on wages, job responsibilities, orders).

Are there any standard labor standards for a cleaner of office premises in an educational organization, that is, how many square meters should a cleaner of office premises clean?

Any single standard standards labor for the work performed by a cleaner of office premises in an educational organization, which in this case could be used to guide the employer, does not exist. Labor standards, including production standards (area harvested), are established by local regulations of the employer, adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

The norms for the area to be harvested represent the labor norms.
According to part one of Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor standards are established in accordance with achieved level equipment, technology, organization of production and labor.
From Art. 159 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the labor standardization system is determined by the employer taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers or is established by a collective agreement.
The state should provide assistance in the systematic organization of labor regulation.
For this purpose, Art. 161 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of developing and approving standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional) labor standards for homogeneous work that is advisory in nature.
However, at present, there are no uniform standard labor standards for work performed by a cleaner of office premises in an educational organization, which in this case could guide the employer.
To determine labor standards for cleaning office premises, time standards for cleaning office and cultural and amenity premises, approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated December 29, 1990 N 469 (hereinafter referred to as the Standards), can be applied.
As stated in the preamble of this document, the standards are recommended (and not mandatory) for use in institutions, organizations and enterprises, regardless of departmental subordination.
Therefore, the Standards can be applied with amendments to modern level equipment, technology, organization of production and labor.
Thus, in this case, the employer has the right to independently develop a system for rationing the work of office cleaners
When adopting a local regulatory act that introduces, replaces or revises labor standards, it is necessary to take into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.
Employees must be notified of the introduction of labor standards no later than two months in advance (Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).