A job application form is not mandatory, but extremely useful. After all, hiring a new employee can be compared to a lottery. After all, the employer often knows practically nothing about the applicant. That is why most enterprises practice the use of questionnaires. With their help, the employer will be able to get some idea of ​​the professional and personal qualities of the future employee. In the material on the site we will figure out what questions can be asked in the questionnaire and how to compose it correctly so as not to violate legal norms.

Sample of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

Existing legislation does not provide for a unified sample application form for a job interview. Consequently, employers can compile it independently, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise. However, there is an approximate list of information developed in practice that can be included in the document:

  • personal information of the candidate - full name, date and place of birth, place of residence, citizenship;
  • information about education;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • presence of military duty;
  • professional skills;
  • information about work activity;
  • employment goals;
  • presence or absence of a criminal record;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • hobbies, favorite activities
  • personal qualities.

In addition to the information listed, the job application form, a sample of which can be downloaded below, may contain other questions. For example, regarding lifestyle, habits, and so on. But pay attention to the material presented to the right of the text: be careful with copies of documents.

The presented list can be used as the names of logical blocks that will contain relevant questions. A sample application form for a job seeker is presented below.

A sample form for filling out a job application is a template. Employers can take it as a basis when drawing up their own document.

Information about education and knowledge of foreign languages

In this block, you can ask the candidate to indicate the names of the educational institutions in which he received his education. These can be not only higher and professional educational institutions, but also various courses and master classes. Foreign languages ​​spoken by the applicant may be listed nearby. In addition, it is imperative to provide a column in which the degree of language proficiency will be indicated.

Professional skills and work history

Professional skills may include proficiency in any programs, ability to operate instruments, as well as a driver’s category. Next, enter information about your work activity. That is, periods of employment at other enterprises, their name and job title. Quite often they include a clause requiring a description of the functional responsibilities at the previous place of work. In addition, company managers often want to know why an employee left his previous job.

Employment goals

This paragraph includes questions that help determine the candidate's interest in productive work. Here you can ask about the desired salary level, attitude towards business trips and overtime workload. It is also advisable to find out what the candidate's priorities are. For this, separate columns can be highlighted with a ranking from 1 to 5. Using this scale, the candidate will have to determine what is most important to him in a new place - a friendly team, high salary, career growth, fulfillment of plans, and so on.

Having a criminal record

The presence or absence of a criminal record is a fairly important factor when searching for candidates for positions with financial responsibility, as well as those with access to classified information. Some enterprises even provide for a special check of applicants on this issue.

Family, hobbies and personal qualities

Despite the seeming insignificance of this information, information about family, favorite activities and personal qualities can help to understand the character of the applicant and the scope of his life interests. The most important point is “personal qualities”, because it is here that a person tries to characterize himself. And this will help to understand the level of self-esteem and ambition of the candidate.

What questions should not be asked in the application form?

An application form for a job applicant is a document that contains personal and sometimes confidential information about a person. Therefore, the person must provide permission to process this information, in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “ About personal data" At the same time, there are questions that are not recommended to be asked in the questionnaire, since this may be regarded as an invasion of privacy. They may concern:

  • religion and belief;
  • political and philosophical views;
  • health status, except for those issues related to professional suitability;
  • details of personal life;
  • information about leisure, friends, relatives, acquaintances.

If such questions are present in the document, the candidate has the right not to fill out these columns, as well as any others that, in his opinion, violate the concept of personal privacy. From the point of view of existing legislation, an employer cannot refuse employment to an applicant because he left some cells of the application form blank.

How to correctly fill out a sample job application form?

The main rule when filling out the questionnaire is to provide truthful information. When applying for a job, the candidate submits various documents, which in the future can serve as a tool for the employer to verify the accuracy of the information from the questionnaire. Moreover, at the end of the application form, the applicant must put a signature confirming the veracity of the data. And for providing knowingly false information, Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is punishable by dismissal.

Questionnaire is a document that collects information about an applicant for a specific vacant position. According to the questionnaire, HR department employees fill out a personal file. There is no standard form for the form, since it is not possible to completely create an informative questionnaire. Therefore, each organization has its own questionnaire form, which collects all the data about the employee necessary for this enterprise, taking into account the characteristics of functional responsibilities.

The questionnaire always displays the following questions: place of residence, citizenship, biographical information, criminal record. Since the questionnaire is filled out at the interview stage, it is necessary to limit the number of questions.
At the moment, when applying for a job, applicants bring their resume, so the use of questionnaires is not common everywhere, since the data available in the resume, as a rule, should be sufficient. Some organizations, offering to write a questionnaire, evaluate the applicant to understand what qualities he has.

Subtleties of filling out the form

Typically, questionnaires are used in large enterprises. As a rule, applicants are not informed in advance about the need to fill out a questionnaire, therefore, along with a resume, it is advisable to take with you other documents that can positively affect successful employment.

The form is filled out by hand, therefore, before filling it out, you must read all the questions and think about how to answer them in order to avoid corrections and errors on the form. It is advisable to fill out all the questions on the questionnaire (if any question is not relevant to the applicant, then you must write “not available”) so that the inspector can figure out whether the applicant missed a question intentionally or not.

Legal aspects of the survey

The employer needs to remember that he does not have the right to collect information about the applicant that affects his religious and political beliefs, and information about his personal life only with written permission. At any stage of work with personnel, the employer is obliged to maintain confidentiality. Otherwise, this may result in criminal liability.

Many employers ask candidates for their existing positions to fill out an application form when applying for a job. Such a document is not included in the list of mandatory requirements for employment (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but allows the employer to form a general opinion about the future employee.

Management does not have the right, without the consent of the applicant, to request information that may contain information about special personal data: nationality, religion (Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), etc. If obtaining such information is necessary due to the nature of the work (for example, for access to state secrets), All submitted data is confidential and not subject to disclosure.

More details about personnel documents, including those in demand when employing employees, can be found in the material “HR administration from scratch - step-by-step instructions” .

Contents of the application form when applying for a job

There is no single sample application form for employment. Managers themselves decide which aspects of applicants’ lives interest them. An approximate list of requested information may be as follows:

  • personal data of the candidate (full name, place of residence, citizenship);
  • availability of education;
  • existing professional skills, work experience;
  • information about previous work activities;
  • sources of income, desired salary level;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • marital status, family composition;
  • having a criminal record;
  • hobbies, hobbies;
  • other questions.

Most of the information in the job application form duplicates the resume of a potential employee, but it also contains information about the employee’s personal preferences, habits and lifestyle. All this helps to create a more complete portrait of the future employee as a specialist and as an individual.

Find out what data needs to be reflected in the employee’s personal card and what to do if they change, from the material “How to correctly make changes to a personal card?” .

Features of filling out a questionnaire when applying for a job

Future candidates for a position receive an employment questionnaire directly from the employer’s personnel department. As a rule, the document is filled out manually and contains the date and personal signature of the applicant.

The information provided must characterize the employee as a specialist and as an individual, and must also be reliable.

You should approach filling out the form with all responsibility. You need to understand: even if a candidate does not get a job right away, often in search of a suitable candidate for a vacant position, management turns to previously filled out questionnaires, choosing the most suitable one from among the applicants.

For information about what information from the questionnaire will then end up in the employee’s personal card, read the article « Personal employee card form T-2 - download sample » .

Where can I download a sample application form for employment?

The form of this document is not the same for all employers. Our sample will help you get acquainted with one of its options.


Presenting and filling out documents during employment is a crucial moment for the applicant. With the help of information provided to them about their personal and professional qualities, work experience and other skills, the chances of getting the desired position are significantly increased. At the same time, we should not forget that this information must be not only relevant, but also reliable.

A questionnaire is one of the documents through which important information for the employer is collected about applicants for a particular position. In the future, based on the information provided by the applicant in the application form, the organization will select employees.

Any normatively fixed There is currently no application form. It is impossible to develop a completely informative questionnaire. In each specific case, for each enterprise it is different, depending on the information that the employer would like to receive from the employee. The most socially significant issues, such as place of residence, citizenship, right to work, criminal records, biographical and professional data should be reflected in it (the main thing is not to overdo it with the length of the questionnaire). As a rule, an employee fills out a questionnaire at the interview stage when applying for a job.

Currently, most applicants come to interviews with detailed and various additions to them, so filling out questionnaires is not common everywhere. Often the information contained in the resume is quite enough for the employer. But not always.

First of all, a correctly completed questionnaire allows the employer to evaluate the applicant in terms of compliance with personal specifications, that is, to understand what qualities a person has to successfully perform the work assigned to him.

Filling out an application form when applying for a job

Questioning applicants largely depends on internal company rules and is most often common in large organizations. As a rule, applicants are not informed about the upcoming survey, so when going for an interview, in addition to your resume, it is advisable to take with you copies or originals of other documents that in one way or another can contribute to successful employment.

Typically, employers require that the questionnaire be filled out by hand, so the respondent must approach this process with full responsibility and try to avoid mistakes and corrections. To do this, it is best to familiarize yourself with all the questions presented in the questionnaire before starting to fill out, and sketch out a preliminary plan of answers in your mind.

It is highly undesirable to leave blank items in the application form. So, for example, if the requested information has nothing to do with the applicant, you can indicate “not available” as the answer. This will make it clear to people who will read the application that the applicant did not (knowingly OR not) skip any question.

Legal aspects of drawing up questionnaires

For the first time, after the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, our state remembered its obligation to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, including information about the private life of its citizens, declared in the Basic Law.

Thus, at the stage of drawing up (developing) the questionnaire form, one should not forget about Article 86 of the Labor Code, which prohibits the employer from collecting (receiving) and processing the employee’s personal data affecting his political, religious and other beliefs, and data on private life only from written consent of the employee himself.

In exceptional cases directly provided for by federal law, the employer has the right to collect the specified data if it directly relates to employment issues (for example, when accessing information containing state secrets).

Employers do not have the right, when hiring (and not only) to collect and process personal data of an employee related to his membership in public associations or his trade union activities, except in cases provided for by federal law.”

It is not harmful to recall that at any stage of work with personnel, the organization is obliged to maintain confidentiality, and simply standards of decency.

In case of non-compliance with the confidentiality regime of information, the minimally guilty employee will receive a reprimand, or more, may be dismissed under paragraph B of Article 81 of the Labor Code or even charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Violation of privacy”, the maximum punishment for which is arrest for a period of four to six months, which you will agree is also unpleasant.