People live more by feelings, and for feelings it’s like a drum about who is right about what. 11

When an acorn is ripe, it falls on its own. Everything happens as it should be and at the moment when it is needed. 6

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. (Roosevelt) 10

When you die, you don’t know about it, it’s just hard for others. It's the same when you're stupid. 22

Anyone can be close, but only a few can be far away and at the same time constantly be mentally nearby. 16

A real girl never works on relationships - on how to attract, retain and defend; she works hard on herself to be the kind that you always want to return to and that is never enough.. 19

A person himself does not change much, but our attitude towards him can change greatly. 13

Good Road - To Those Coming! Strength and Patience - To those waiting! Warmth and Sincerity - To those who greet you! and Magic Kick - Indecisive! 19

To avoid mistakes, you need a lot of experience, and in order to gain experience, you need to make mistakes. 19

Apply a thin layer of warmth and sympathy to your face... Turn on a sincere smile... Make eye contact... Ignite a sense of inner dignity... Turn on optimism... And you will have no equal! 25

The best rescuers are girls! They will always get you everywhere. 18

Try it, give the impossible at least one chance. Have you ever wondered how tired it is, this impossible thing, how it needs us... 16

When Butterflies appear in your stomach... you forget about the Cockroaches in your head... and in vain... Until you remember about them... these vile creatures are quietly eating your Butterflies))... 14

​I cure all ailments with humor... I won’t rub salt in the wound... What was previously too much for me, suddenly became too much for me. 15

It hurts, said the heart... You’ll forget, time calmed down... We’ll see again, memory smiled. 34

They love contrary to common sense, and not for qualities of character or appearance, not out of gratitude, but because of an inexplicable inner craving for this particular person. 12

​Times change, people change. Someone will come, we will forget someone. We'll hook up with someone, we'll leave someone. As usual, let's ask fate for happiness... Time is cruel, but endless. And all these problems will go away into eternity... 22

You should always smile. Some sincerely, and some out of spite. 54

Our happiness depends much more on how we meet the events of our lives than on these events themselves. 22

There is a lot of crap in life: bummers, glitches, mirages. Even if your knees give out, but still hold your back! 17

Learn to love like in childhood - just like that... And without expecting anything. 32

Love and life - they are inseparable... If you know happiness, your soul will sing... Putting it all together, you will understand that life is damn good! 15

When the rain hits the roofs...When the sky crumbles with hail...When you won't hear anyone else...Don't be afraid! I'll be there! When the wind wakes you up... When autumn comes with leaf fall... When no one will remember... Don't be afraid! I'll be there! 18

Even if the whole world doubts you, even then you must continue to stubbornly believe in yourself. 20

You cannot work without drive and pleasure. But most people are forced to work this way... That’s why we live this way. 12

Everyone has desires that he does not talk about, and desires that he does not even admit to himself. 20

Every girl wants a beautiful rose, a beautiful night, a good guy. But it is very important to be able to love a rose with its thorns... The night with its mystery... A guy with all his problems...​ 15

Some growl, some bark, and some just silently bite. 12

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, give yourself the attitude in the morning: I am happy, successful and beautiful. 16

There are many topics for statuses, and one of the main ones is the meaning in life. On the Tvoi-Status website we have collected the most best selections statuses about life with meaning. Each of us has a varied, eventful life. Some are good, others not so good, often you want to tell your friends about them. Different situations, related to everyday life with work, studying at school or college. Life situations The challenges that we have to overcome every day make us wiser, giving us experience in the pursuit of happiness. A full life is not possible without communication with people, and the Internet plays a major role in communication in today’s world. If a situation arises in life in which you need advice or help, first of all, we read the experiences of other people and write, then we write about our own. To make it easier to express thoughts, we have created a website where you will find the best collections of statuses, both new from 2018 and old from 2017. The collections include smart quotes about the meaning of life, sad phrases about breaking up, cool expressions about beautiful love, good statuses about changes in life, interesting things about life with clean slate and "boomerang". The statuses are suitable for VK (Contact) and Odnoklassniki.

The best collections of statuses about life with meaning

If an interesting, or perhaps spicy, situation has developed in your life, tell your friends about it using an intriguing status. You can find with us the desired status that will reflect your thoughts. Philosophical, beautiful and wise statuses about life experience will definitely appeal to your friends and will help you think about something really important. Positive and cheerful statuses will tell about happiness, love and new life. Short and beautiful sayings for women will make others envy about a good, happy family life and children. Cool and funny will make others smile.

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✔ Our life would be meaningless without love, happiness and joy... Our life would be meaningless without family, peace and friends...

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✔ The greatest hatred arises for those who managed to touch the heart and then spat in the soul.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ Know how to survive that moment when everything seems lost

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ The main thing is to leave and not look back. Look back and remember. If you remember, you will regret it. You'll regret it, you'll come back. When you return, everything will start all over again.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ Every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ Appreciate what you have now before you lose it, otherwise it will be too late...

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✔ Vanity... - the days fly by in a string... Emptiness... - I don’t dream about you anymore... Maeta... - I don’t know what to do... Blindness... - and a pack of wolves is circling... And only melancholy... From edge to edge... Ruins the days, sweeping everything away...

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

✔ The death of one person is a tragedy, but the death of millions is a statistic

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✔ Goodbye and this is forever... we will not see each other forever. What a pity that there is a vile soul in such a beautiful person....

How imperceptibly our life rushes by... In the kaleidoscope of days - losses and successes, Thorns and roses, clover and wormwood... And every moment is paid for in its own way.

Hey Life! Are you tired of inventing things for me yet... Something new and more nasty? So here it is. KNOW - I still won’t give up!

If you don’t build your life yourself, then someone will definitely build it for you.

You never know how the next story in your life will end, but while it lasts, appreciate every moment, every second, every moment.

Life is a performance. It doesn't matter how long it lasts. The main thing is that there should be applause at the end.

A dog is the only living creature that values ​​your life more than its own...

One of the most important tasks in life is to find someone who looks at this world the same way as you do.

You shouldn’t beat your head against the wall, suffering, humiliating yourself and loving... don’t waste your life on those who don’t value you - spend it better on yourself!!!

And the meaning of life, girls, is this:
It’s not a paradise at all, where there are a lot of men...
Heaven will be where there is only one...
But he loves us deeply and we love you!

Don't be shy about your feelings and desires. There will be no other life for them...

The life allotted to a person is too short to repeat the same thing twice.

Learn to find joy in life - here you go best way attract happiness.

Get rid of it bad life... Get attached, good one... I wish you all good luck... And all the best!

If there is a desire, there will be opportunities.
There will be actions - the result will appear...

Life distracts our attention all the time; and we don’t even have time to notice why exactly.

The biggest drug in life is attachment to people... When they disappear, withdrawal begins.

Life is a chess game, at the end of which both kings and pawns go into the same box!

If life hands you a lemon, think about where you can get salt and tequila.

If in the morning you hug something other than your pillow.
And everyone can wish for pleasant dreams at night.
And coffee - you brew two mugs in the morning -
You have found everything in life, all you have to do is not lose it!

No matter what happens, believe in yourself, believe in life, believe in tomorrow, believe in everything you do, always. Bill Kaulitz

I hate it when people teach me about life who haven’t really lived it themselves.

Life is a funny thing... Either it gives you small amounts of luck, or it hits you so hard that you can’t catch your breath... And the latter is more common...

In life you need to get rid of unnecessary garbage. Until the trash gets rid of you.

Tired cockroaches repeated:
- Calm down, remember how old you are...
And the awl answered them:
- No f*ck! Life is just beginning!

There is never a single chance in life. There is only one life.

Life is not always white, like an albino, sometimes it is blacker than a crow and croaks so that the heart clench with melancholy...

Life is suffocating without purpose.

I am grateful to every person life has brought me into contact with. Some - for help and support, others - for an example, others - for a lesson. And to several - simply because they exist!

Life doesn’t teach you anything, all it does is take exams with passion.

When you were born, you cried, but the world smiled. So live your life so that when you die you smile and the world cries...

You can't regret anything in this life. It happened - draw a conclusion and move on with your life.

cool statuses about life with meaning new 2017:

To find a new path, you need to get off the old road.

That evening I invented a new cocktail, the composition: “Everything from scratch.” One third vodka, two thirds tears.

If you want everyone to leave you alone, do what they ask.

All the best things in our lives happen unexpectedly and suddenly.

Know how to survive that moment when it seems that everything is lost.

All life is a struggle: before lunch with hunger, after lunch with sleep.

Everyone's life is like a zebra, but mine is a rainbow!

Even if you have nothing, you have a life that has everything...

Either life is wonderful, or I’m a masochist...

If life is a zebra, then try to ride it.

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life.

If you don't look ahead, you might end up behind.

A dog is the only living creature that values ​​your life more than its own...

Life is the biggest freebie we'll ever get.

The worst thing in life... Not being on time...

Life is looking into different mirrors in search of your own face.

It's amazing how much some people enjoy romantic walks along the rake

Life is what happens to you just when you have completely different plans.

The lost are not welcome, the sad are not wanted, such people do not live, they are drowned like kittens...

Life is incredibly beautiful when you start to notice it...

Let go of idiots and clowns from your life.

Life is given once. I couldn't stand it again.

You never know how the next story in your life will end, but while it lasts, appreciate every moment and every second, every moment...

Life can be wonderful if you know what to do with it. Greta Garbo

You can't always get everything you want, but if you try, you'll find that sometimes you can.

Life is beautiful if you don’t remember the past and don’t think about the future...

My mother-in-law didn’t like me - I got stuck in for the rest of my life.

Life with its phenomena can be likened to a dream, a phantom, a bubble, a shadow, a glint of dew or a flash of lightning, and it should be imagined just like that

Our life has meaning only as much as we sincerely want to live.

It’s not enough to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Life is a book... Some have a detective story, some have a novel, some have complete fantasy. I look around me... I think I have a comic book...

When we break the law, we are fined; when we do the right thing, we are charged taxes.

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun...

To live and not love is impossible! We must live and love! Just be careful!

It's better to do it once on time than twice right.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love

The only difference between a good dinner and life is that the dessert is served at the end.

Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods.

Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.

Life is beautiful, even though it begins with the letter “w”...

He is not wise who knows a lot, but he who knows what is necessary.

Life must be lived in such a way that even Yandex knows about it!

Am I really so beautiful that life always hassle with me?

Life is like a cactus – incomprehensible and prickly.

One day such happiness will come into your life that you will understand that it is worth all your past losses.

Life always happens Now.

I thought about life - flies swarmed...

Life is a textbook that closes only with your last breath

Before you start speaking, make sure someone is listening.

Life is a performance. It doesn't matter how long it lasts. The main thing is that there should be applause at the end.

The greatest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do.

Life is a theater. Only the actors are on earth, and the audience is in heaven.

The most difficult things in life are two things: to recognize a good watermelon and a decent woman.

A calm, rewarding and purposeful life is exactly what you should strive for.

If you don’t build your life yourself, then someone will definitely build it for you.

Phones are becoming thinner and smarter, but people are doing the opposite

Two mysteries of life: where does dust come from and where does the money go?

Anyone who wants is looking for opportunities. Those who don’t want to look for reasons...

Drive away your friends who betrayed you once, who betrayed you once will betray you twice!

Everyone has someone in their life who will never let you go, and someone who you will never let go of.

All life is nothing, all women are ladies, and the sun is a ball that gives light!

Do you want to radically change your life? Just don't pay for the Internet!

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

The circus must tour!

At the end of life, only those who suffered from inferiority at the beginning feel superior.

Theme of the collection: statuses about life with meaning, new for 2017

The word "status" comes from the Latin language and literally means "state" when applied to an object or subject.

The word receives a narrower meaning thanks to the accompanying words: legal - the position of a citizen in the state, enshrined and guaranteed legally, social - the position of an individual in society, immune - a characteristic of the state of functioning of the human immune system, in a social network - the state of a person positioned in the virtual world to other Internet users . Let’s dwell on Internet statuses, as the most creative and modern phenomenon, in a little more detail, and in order to fill our narrative with depth, we will choose as an example: statuses about life with meaning, new in 2016 – 2017.

The essence of status in a social network

Status on a social network is short statement in writing, which, in some cases, can be supplemented with graphic elements, expressing the emotional or other state of the user who posted it. The basic principles of Internet status are the following: the recommended volume is up to 160 characters with spaces, the intended purpose is to position one’s status to a wide or limited circle of Internet users, the semantic load is the quintessence of the individual’s state in relation to himself, the people around him, the world, and so on.

Philosophical statuses about life 2016-2017

The finitude of having is not the finitude of being.

How often in a hurry we do not have time and how many things are resolved by simply waiting.

Life is a game process where we roll the dice ourselves or transfer the rights to ourselves to third parties.

We have the power to control our destiny, but the destiny of Nature can control us.

By focusing our attention on small and insignificant things, how often we miss opportunities for great achievements.

Everything is possible in life, but not all goals are adequate to the means spent to achieve them.

Pleasure from the process is the main rule of a harmonious life.

The eternal search for the meaning of life leaves no time for life itself.

Life-affirming statuses

>My life is my rules.

I am the master of my life.

The main thing is to correctly distribute roles and give instructions.

My goals, your means are the key to achieving success in life.

I have one rule - to live.

Happiness and suffering are two sides of the same moment. Anyone has the strength to turn the moment the right way.

The meaning of life is in the search for meaning.

Live today, remember yesterday, plan for tomorrow.

Statuses about life in poetic form

I made a lot of mistakes - life experience became my reward.

I don’t try to find out the meaning of life - I want to love, worry, suffer.

Whatever you wish for me, may it be returned to you threefold.

There is nothing better in life than simply living to spite your enemies.

How often do we play with fate, forgetting about our loved ones.

The more you want to have, the more often you cry and suffer.

He who recognizes the essence of his life is in no hurry and does not suffer.

I give you the key to happiness: I am simply loved and I love.

Everything will happen in life if you are not lazy.

Humorous statuses about life 2016-2017

There is no way out except from the coffin.

I found the meaning of life: to sleep, eat and reproduce.

Never do what others can do for you.

He who knows a lot tosses and turns at night.

I'm too smart and think a lot - that's why I drink to kill extra brain cells.

If you hurry, you will lie in the grave before others.

He who gets up early tramples the path for me.

You can always justify idleness by searching for the meaning of life.

PR statuses about life

PR statuses are a special type of status in social networks, which, in addition to standard positioning, have a practical purpose, that is, they allow you to obtain spiritual or material benefits.

Girls, stop sending me your nude photos and asking me for sex. Purpose given status: female psychology works as follows - they are attracted to a man who is interesting to other women. Status works in reverse, that is, it allows you to attract the attention of girls.

Guys, stop asking me to get married, I'm waiting for just one thing. The intended purpose of this status: a man prefers to be chosen from a set, that is, the principle of competition operates.

Above are new statuses about life that are relevant in 2016 - 2017. However, the most interesting and sincere status is born based on a string of life events that happen to an individual in at the moment or a certain period of time. It’s enough just to write down your thoughts to get a high-quality status that is understandable to you and your friends, that is, the main audience of your page on the social network.