The profession of a forensic expert implies that its owner has a medical education. She is part of a group of positions that carry out forensic examinations. When deciding where to study to become a forensic scientist, you need to understand the differences between all the workers in this broad field. This will allow you to clearly define your activity profile and select best option receiving necessary knowledge and skills.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Kolokolova

Career guidance. Certified specialist in the problems of children's involvement in learning. She has more than 10 years of experience in conducting seminars, trainings and lectures with audiences of all ages.

A forensic expert collects evidence and conducts research that allows us to understand the specifics of crimes committed and find the perpetrators. Based on their results, the employee makes conclusions that are taken into account when considering the case in court.

What is the job of a forensic expert:

  • autopsy and examination of the bodies of dead people in order to establish the cause of their death;
  • carrying out exhumation of bodies in order to identify errors during their initial examination or identify new circumstances of the death of victims;
  • examination of living people in order to assess their condition and determine the severity of the injuries inflicted on them;
  • conducting examinations to identify the circumstances of the crime, for example, establishing the type of weapon used or confirming the fact of rape;
  • carrying out complex laboratory research necessary to clarify details of the crime in question. Often, experienced employees who have the highest medical category and a candidate or doctorate degree are taken on such actions.

The specialist bears a great responsibility for the correctness of the final conclusions, which can significantly affect the fate of those suspected of crimes.

A specialist such as a forensic expert may undergo additional training and gain skills in conducting additional forensic examinations. Today their number has already exceeded a dozen. His salary and career opportunities depend on where a professional works and what knowledge he has.

Categories of forensic experts

The list of skills available to a forensic expert directly depends on his place of work and area of ​​activity. When deciding which area to give preference to, you need to understand the specifics of each of them. This will allow you to immediately identify a suitable field and choose the right educational institution.

A forensic expert is a representative of forensic medicine who answers specific questions from investigative authorities. He is closely involved in the study of such areas as biochemistry, hygiene and bacteriology. Most often, the officer determines the cause of death of a person and the murder weapon. To do this, he has to examine the victim’s body and conduct additional research. The result of the work is official conclusion in the form of a death certificate with an answer to all questions posed by the investigation.

Psychologist – examines the mental activity of a person involved in a criminal case. He studies the state, properties, processes and mechanisms that can help establish the truth in the question posed. A specialist can work with a suspect, witness, or victim. The forensic expert must find out whether a particular person is able to adequately respond to the situation, correctly assess what is happening, and whether the suspect was in a state of passion at the time of the crime. The employee must exclude the presence of mental illness in the individual. To occupy such a position, you must have a higher medical education in the field of psychiatry or a diploma in psychology.

A polygraph examiner is a forensic expert who works with defendants in cases using a polygraph. This type of examination is appointed when it is not possible to establish the truth in other ways or to find out the reasons for the conflicting testimony of the participants in the process. It is noteworthy that a representative of the profession must not only be able to work with a lie detector, but also have the skills to apply in practice knowledge about human psychophysiological reactions. He pays attention to the subject's visual and verbal cues.

Forensic construction expert is a new and controversial field that is just beginning to gain popularity. The representative of the region organizes the processes by which control is carried out construction work. Such an employee verifies the authenticity of the information provided in permitting documents. It establishes the causes of work failures and damage to facilities. Cooperation with law enforcement agencies can be carried out at the stage of investigation or trial.

Where to study to become a forensic scientist

To become a forensic expert, you need to obtain a higher medical education. When applying for admission, most educational institutions pay attention to Unified State Exam scores in the Russian language, biology, and chemistry. Already in the senior years of university, you need to choose the appropriate direction, and then undergo an internship and residency in your specialty. The entire training cycle lasts 7-8 years. Only after this can you begin to directly perform your direct responsibilities and improve your qualifications. Forensic medicine is a profession that is constantly evolving. Its successful representatives never stop learning. They constantly attend additional courses, study specialized literature, and master new research methods.

When deciding where to go to study to become a forensic scientist, it is important to understand that the field is extremely specific. It is better to find out in advance whether a particular university offers in-depth training in a given specialization. You can first get any medical education, and then take additional specialized courses, but the approach has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the knowledge will not be deep enough; you will have to complete your studies for several months or years. Secondly, employers pay attention to where their employees study. You may have to prove your level of qualifications for a long time and gain practical experience in order to get a good position.

Forensic expert is a profession that differs from traditional medical specialties. With the help of knowledge about the mechanism of death and the characteristics of pathophysiological reactions in the human body, a specialist helps law enforcement agencies understand crimes.

How much does a forensic scientist earn?

Representatives of the field of forensic science are in great demand in Russia. The demand for qualified employees is only growing every year. The level of an employee’s salary depends on his education, amount of knowledge and list of skills, practical experience, position held, availability scientific degree.

At the initial stage, a specialist’s salary is 25-30 thousand rubles. As they grow professionally, forensic experts begin to earn an average of 50 thousand rubles.

Salary as of 02/29/2020

34075-63270 RUR

43500-63270 ₽

Experienced laboratory employees with academic degrees and an impressive amount of knowledge can count on a salary of 60-70 thousand rubles. Representatives of the forensic medical profession leadership positions, receive 80-100 thousand. Workers representing the Ministry of Internal Affairs additionally receive significant benefits and an increase depending on their rank.

Decent salaries, career opportunities and convenient work schedules attract many people. But it is important to remember that a forensic scientist is not just a doctor. Representatives of the direction have to deal with corpses, regularly experience stress and take responsibility for making important decisions.

And experts on private issues are special. For example, a forensic expert has a higher medical education. Forensics. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

Forensic science is a science that studies the patterns and features of the mechanism of a crime, its occurrence and ways for participants in a crime to hide its traces. In addition, forensic science develops and uses special tools and special methods for collecting, researching, and, finally, analyzing the collected material evidence.

Specifics of the profession

An important part work of a forensic expert- this is a joint visit to the scene of the crime with the investigator , participation in the inspection, seizure of evidence: traces of blood, gloves, shoes, fingerprints, objects that, as suspected forensic expert, may turn out to be important material evidence, and inspection of damage to the bodies of the victims and dead.

However, in place mostly, only a preliminary analysis is carried out, and a full and thorough examination of the evidence is carried out in the laboratory.

Eat different types examinations - traceological, ballistic, fingerprint, phonoscopic, graphological, auto-editing, examination of explosives, explosive devices, technical examination of documents, etc. They help to recreate the picture of the crime, identify the criminal and his victim, identify the crime weapon.

Thus, trace examination is the study of any traces remaining at the scene of a crime (for example, clothing, shoes, teeth, vehicle, crime weapon), analysis of burglary traces and features of the trace formation mechanism.

Using special techniques, a forensic traceologist establishes the specific characteristics of the existing traces, determines the object that left them, the uniqueness of the blow inflicted and the object with which it was made, and describes the person based on the traces he left.

Forensic science is constantly evolving and expanding using the latest methods and technologies to assist in investigations. One of these methods is DNA research, which makes it possible to determine the identity of a person based on the organic traces left (for example, hair, sweat, saliva).

Place of work and career

Forensic experts, especially beginners, work in government law enforcement agencies ( investigative committee, prosecutor's office) and in examination centers. The most professional and experienced specialists can easily get jobs in various private forensic laboratories in the future.

Higher education:

  • Industrial and civil construction, land management;
  • Automotive equipment, in terms of road construction, technology for the manufacture and repair of vehicles, engines and spare parts;
  • Finance, economics, accounting, auditing, appraisal activity, merchandising of all groups of goods;
  • Physics, only in terms of radiophysics, radio engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, design and repair of equipment cellular communication And computer technology, optics and spectroscopy, materials science and physical research methods, physics of combustion and explosion;
  • Chemistry, physical chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical technology, explosives, chemistry of combustion and explosion;
  • Genetics, biology, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical manufacturing technology, soil science, plant and animal biology, botany;
  • Ecology;
  • Geology, geochemistry, mineralogy, jewelry;
  • Mathematics, only in part information technology, programming, pattern recognition, image processing;
  • Philology, Russian language and literature, linguistics;
  • Psychology, psychophysiology;
  • Fire engineering, explosion engineering;
  • Military affairs, only in terms of engineering, technical, construction specialties;
  • Jurisprudence, only in terms of criminology, forensic examination or experience as an investigator (at least 5 years);
  • Printing only in terms of printing technology and properties of printing materials;
  • Art history;
  • Graphics, in terms of animation and computer graphics;
  • Metallurgy, metallurgy and metalworking;
  • Technology of manufacturing textile materials and semi-finished products, technology of clothing production.

makes it possible to get a job as a forensic expert in the Russian Federation federal center Forensic Expertise (RFTSSE) of the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, where candidates are constantly being recruited.

Salary as of March 24, 2020

Moscow 30000—100000 ₽

Required personal qualities

Like any other work of a forensic expert requires the candidate to have certain qualities. A successful forensic specialist must certainly be inquisitive, highly intelligent, erudite and, at the same time, self-confident, methodical and rational. He must have a good memory, be prone to analysis and be able to concentrate on the object under study for a long time.

Knowledge and skills

Forensic expert knowledge of the theory of criminology and mastery of its methods and technologies is required.

Training to become a forensic expert

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A forensic expert is a doctor who examines injuries, beatings, and mutilations obtained by criminal means, gives opinions on the severity of the injuries and the method of their infliction, participates in DNA tests, and also examines corpses that raise doubts law enforcement agencies regarding causes of death. The forensic expert signs criminal liability for the results of his work.

The forensic expert provides explanations to assist the investigation, participates in investigative actions, and goes to the scene of the incident. He is in close contact with ships and medical workers related to judicial practice. His work is most closely connected with the pathology service, histological laboratory and geneticists.

A forensic expert is an extremely popular profession due to the fact that the number of such specialists is limited; not every doctor, due to the specifics of the work and psycho-emotional overload, can engage in forensic medical practice.

Places of work

A forensic expert works in an independent forensic medical examination center or bureau of various subordination levels (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB).

History of the profession

The history of forensic medicine is closely connected with the history of justice and statehood. She traces her ancestry back to the tablets of medical reports in court cases, found during archaeological excavations in Rome 448 BC.

The founder of forensic medicine is considered to be the French surgeon Ambroise Pare, who was the first to try to systematize the knowledge accumulated in this area and performed the first forensic autopsy (1562). By the 19th century, in enlightened Europe there were more than 2980 sources on forensic medicine.

In Russia, forensic medical examination is the same age as the judicial reform of Peter I. Since the end of the 17th century. Forensic medicine began to be taught at universities. Today, not a single criminal trial can proceed without a forensic expert’s opinion, and DNA testing has become a routine procedure to confirm kinship.

Responsibilities of a forensic expert

The main responsibilities of a forensic expert are:

  • Conducting forensic autopsies.
  • Collection of material for genetic and other examinations.
  • Ability to work with equipment, instruments and reagents.
  • Compliance with safety precautions and sanitary and epidemiological regulations.
  • Participation in court hearings if there is a subpoena.
  • Filling out primary medical documentation.

Requirements for a forensic expert

The basic requirements for a forensic expert are as follows:

  • Higher medical education, valid certificate in forensic medicine.
  • Knowledge of the legal aspects of conducting forensic medical examinations.
  • Work experience in the specialty is preferred.

How to become a forensic scientist

To become a forensic scientist, you need:

  • Graduate from a university with a degree in General Medicine or Pediatrics.
  • Receive an accreditation sheet along with your diploma by passing test tasks, exam and having passed an interview with special commission, consisting of doctors of science and professors. This will give the right to work independently on an outpatient or outpatient basis.
  • It is compulsory to work for a year in a clinic or outpatient clinic, and then enter residency (2 years) in the specialty “forensic medicine”.

In the process of work, doctors are awarded qualification points confirming accreditation: for performing complex manipulations, participating in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, for publishing scientific articles, books, and defending a dissertation. Every 5 years these points are summed up and assessed by the accreditation commission. If you score a sufficient number of points, you can continue working in your specialty for the next five years. If there are not enough points, the doctor is deprived of the right to treat. .

The growth of professionalism, level of knowledge and experience of the doctor is usually reflected qualification category . All categories are assigned by a qualification commission in the presence of the doctor himself, based on his written research work containing a description of skills and knowledge. Assignment deadlines:

  • more than 3 years of experience - second category;
  • more than 7 years - first;
  • more than 10 years - highest.

A doctor has the right not to qualify, but this will be a disadvantage for career growth.

Scientific activity also contributes to career and professional growth - writing master's and doctoral dissertations, publications in medical journals, presentations at conferences and congresses.

Forensic pathologist salary

The range of incomes is wide: forensic experts earn from 9,500 to 72,000 rubles per month. Forensic experts are most in demand in Volgograd, Sverdlovsk region, Republic of Khakassia and in major cities Russia. We found the highest salary for doctors in the regional center of forensic medical examination in the city of Kurilsk, Sakhalin region, and the smallest in the regional bureau of forensic medical examination in Pskov.

The average salary of a forensic expert is 41,000 rubles per month.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses retraining or advanced training in the direction of "" with obtaining a diploma or certificate state standard. Training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of training.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) trains in the “” specialization and issues diplomas and certificates.

The entrance exam program is provided by the university.

To solve a crime involving the death of a person, law enforcement agencies cannot do without a forensic medical expert. Its competence includes determining the time, causes, circumstances of death, and the weapon of the crime. If the deceased person cannot be identified, then this problem is also solved by a forensic expert using special research methods.

A forensic medical examiner is contacted to determine the severity of injuries sustained as a result of violent acts by one person or a group of people. Based on the expert’s conclusion, an article of the criminal code is determined, and the culprit is brought to justice.

Admission conditions

To become a forensic medical expert, you must first enroll in a medical school and complete your studies after 6 years by successfully passing the state certification.

After this, you can enter residency. The question “which subjects to take” is not relevant in this case - the entrance exam program is provided by the university.

Future profession

A forensic expert conducts a forensic medical examination of living people who have been subjected to unlawful acts that resulted in injuries; people who died as a result of an accident, violent acts, unclear and dubious cases of death. Identification of the identity of a deceased person is entirely the prerogative of the forensic expert. Such work is especially necessary during disasters with a large number human casualties. The expert's opinion is very important document- the life of the suspect and the outcome of the trial may depend on its contents.

Where to apply

If you have already decided who you will work with, then the specialty of a forensic medical expert can be obtained at universities in Moscow and other cities of Russia:

Duration of training

Residency training in the specialty 08/31/10 “Forensic Medical Examination” takes place only full-time and lasts 2 years. It ends with a state final certification in the form of an exam.

Disciplines studied

Main subjects studied in the specialty:

  • forensic medical examination of victims, accused and other persons;
  • types of injuries and their characteristics (automobile, motorcycle and bicycle, aviation, sports, injury from rail transport);
  • health disorder and death from the effects of electricity, from changes atmospheric pressure, from the action of radiant energy, from poisoning;
  • health disorder and death from respiratory failure caused by mechanical obstacles, drowning and sudden death;
  • forensic medical examination of a corpse (incidents, sudden death);
  • forensic medical issues of neonatology;
  • microscopic examinations of forensic medical examination objects;
  • medical and forensic methods for studying objects of examination;
  • forensic medical examination based on materials from investigative and judicial cases;
  • forensic histology;
  • emergency medicine.

The training program includes a simulation course, during which residents acquire the skills necessary to conduct forensic examinations and physical evidence. Practice in forensic medical examination institutions is mandatory.

Acquired competencies

The main skills and abilities acquired during the training process are:

  • establishing the fact, time, cause of death;
  • assistance to the investigator in examining the corpse at the scene of the incident;
  • conducting research using special methods;
  • analysis of the circumstances of the incident, necessary documentation;
  • conducting expert work during extreme situations;
  • diagnosis of injuries, severity of injuries;
  • methodology for examining adverse treatment outcomes in civil and criminal cases;
  • preparation of expert opinions.

Job prospects by profession

Specialists who have completed residency in the specialty 08/31/10 “Forensic Medical Examination” receive the profession of a doctor, but work in a bureau or forensic medical examination centers. These are independent government agencies in the healthcare system, but who conduct forensic medical examinations by order of law enforcement agencies. Wages like all employees budgetary organizations, low from 25,000 to 40,000 rubles. But there are bonuses in the form of additional pay for harmful activities and an additional 2 weeks of vacation.

Benefits of Professional Development

You can continue your studies in the specialty “Forensic Medical Examination” in graduate school (full-time or part-time). The result of training should be protection scientific work. Assignment of an academic degree to a candidate medical sciences opens the way for further research activities in a research institution or its combination with teaching work in universities.