Natalia Prosvetova Category: 2 comments

Own business VS Employment: what should you choose?

How to understand who you are: a performer or an entrepreneur, a freelancer or an investor? What type of vocation is inherent in you by nature? Is business really yours or just another illusion inspired by fashion?

We continue to develop the topic raised in

And I want to start with the comment that I left on Instagram to that very article. Dear Mila under the nickname @sweet_barbariska_bel:

“I believe that without trying, you will never know what is “yours” and what is not! Personally, working in an office has given me amazing friends and loyal customers who will honestly tell you where it’s tasty and where it’s sad. Working in a place strictly controlled by instructions gave me the skill to act systematically and proactively. But this stage is over, let’s move on!”

Why did this phrase catch my attention? The point is not only that I was lucky enough to take part in the unpacking of Mila’s delicious talents, but also that her words very accurately reflected the essence of my worldview.

Indeed, until you try, you won't know for sure. But in reality, not everyone is ready to go through trial and error. The modern world opens up before us too many opportunities, too many paths for professional fulfillment. And human life is too short to blindly try everything...

Just imagine: OKPDTR (All-Russian Classifier of Professions and Positions) alone contains more than 2500 titles! But there are other reference books. And how many appear every day! My eyes are wide open!

You feel as if you are standing in a hypermarket with dresses covering an area of ​​10 hectares, and you only have to choose one! Yes, so that both in the feast and in the world, and so that the style is forever in trend, and the size somehow adapts to your shape changing over the years, and, most importantly, so that you always, always like yourself in this dress , and to people, and so that you don’t get sick from wearing it every day for at least the next 5 years.

Either way, a store 5x5 sq.m., 2 cabinets, 3 shelves. It’s much easier to choose from such an assortment, right? But it’s not a fact that it will turn out to be the dress of your dreams...

So what should we do?

I vote for the golden mean! And then the following algorithm emerges.

1) First, get rid of the idea of ​​“one dress (case) for a lifetime” from your head. I think the hypermarket example clearly showed the inconsistency of this approach.

Yes, there are exceptions. For example, when a woman devotes her entire life to medicine. But if you look closely, then in this case there is room for improvisation. Today he is an ordinary doctor, tomorrow he is a manager. department, and the day after tomorrow she opens her own private clinic. And at each of these stages, a person reveals completely different competencies, abilities and talents. If at the first stage it is important to be able to feel people, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe optimal treatment, then at the last stage you need to learn how to run a business, engage in management and marketing.

2) Secondly, narrow the number of “stores” (areas of activity) where you will go to choose your “dress” (business) to 3-5 and start with them.

Fortunately, humanity has developed a fantastic number of methods that perfectly solve this problem:

  • numerology,
  • socionics, etc.

At the time of writing this article, my collection has accumulated 133 ways to know yourself and your path. In fact, there are even more of them, and with the curiosity of a child I continue to collect them. 🙂 But in fact, 20-30 exercises are quite enough for most people. For “special cases” (like “I tried everything, nothing helps me”) there is heavier artillery. 😉 But more about this some other time.

So why this artificial narrowing of choice?

This helps to determine the vector of movement, focus on the essence and reduce the number of unsuccessful “tryings”. Thanks to this, a person stops marking time and begins to act. And that's all we need! After all, it is actions that give rise to results!

This is where I might disappoint. My experience suggests that There is no one best method. Each method has its own advantages and limitations. And if someone promises a “magic pill” for all ills and insists on its universality, then I personally am wary of such specialists.

But the good news is that some methods do provide fairly specific and consistent results. And if they are also correctly combined into a system, then a positive result is inevitable. By result, I mean not only a list of professions that are hypothetically suitable for you, but, for example, your first money in your favorite business. 🙂

What system are you talking about?

Therefore, to the question “ Who am I destined to be? Should you start your own business or stay employed? I have no other answer than: “Come to me and we’ll figure it out.” 🙂 Or you can contact another specialist whom you trust. Alternatively, you can search for all these 133 methods yourself and try it on yourself.

By the way, it took me more than 15 years... But I won’t write that it was a mistake. This is my path that has turned me into an expert in matters of purpose. Whether you need to follow a similar path and spend years of your life looking for something you like is up to you to decide. Who knows, maybe in 15 years we will become colleagues and write a book about this together. 😉

Just in case: the program is also not a panacea, it is not suitable for everyone and will not be able to produce results. That's why before the start of the program, I personally talk for 10-15 minutes with each participant to feel whether we will be able to reach the goal together or not.

My intuition has never failed me yet. All the girls with whom we resonated sooner or later decide to make changes: change jobs, start businesses, social or creative projects. And someone, having curbed their fear of being left out of work on the labor market, without money and prospects, begins to actively create... new people. 🙂

In general, no one really stands still. 😉 Everyone moves at their own pace, learns to hear and realize the true desires of their soul. Some do it quickly, some do it slowly, some do it in spurts and with revolution, some do it smoothly through progressive reforms.

By the way, accepting your unique speed and style of transformation is, in my opinion, extremely important. This helps to enjoy not only the results, but also the process of self-realization itself. After all, what is purpose? It is a journey, not a final destination. Or not? Write your thoughts on this matter in the comments. Let's philosophize together. 😉

So, your own business or employment: what should you choose?

These 5 steps will help you answer this question.

STEP 1. Self-analysis, creating an image of your favorite activity

In order not to feel like a blind kitten in a world of endless possibilities and to minimize the risks of failure, you should first understand yourself: your true desires and dreams, strengths and weaknesses, abilities and talents. There are different methods for this. It's good when you use several methods in the system under the guidance of an experienced mentor. And based on this, you can already make assumptions: what kind of business will captivate you seriously and for a long time, and will allow you to reach your maximum potential.

For example, it could be a list like this:

  • dancing,
  • psychology,
  • teaching.

Plus, you paint in large strokes the general vision of your favorite business.

For example: the leader of a friendly team of 3-5 people, I do something on the computer, a flexible schedule, about 3-5 hours a day, Sat., Sun. - weekends, vacations - 2 times a year. Communication with people, interesting trips and physical activity are a must.

STEP 2. Trying on ideas

After this comes the stage stage of “trying on” these activities obtained in step 2. You test your hypotheses in real life in many different ways. In the program I show the 3 safest and most affordable “trying on” options: zero risks, zero investments. No sudden movements: layoffs, loans, public promises, etc.

As a result of such a test drive, something disappears by itself, and something, on the contrary, begins to captivate you with renewed vigor. Often at this stage new hypotheses are born, which also require testing in practice. For example, you understand that neither dancing, nor psychology, nor teaching - nothing lights you up like writing texts. And you go and start writing lyrics. 🙂


In the process of searching for and implementing a business to your liking (both in hiring and in your business), it is extremely important to learn how to delicately navigate everything external and internal STOPs, which grow like mushrooms after rain, almost at every step:

  • fears,
  • self-doubt,
  • lack of support from loved ones,
  • sabotage,
  • procrastination,
  • perfectionism...

Otherwise, there is a risk of turning into Oblomov, hugging castles in the air on the sofa...

STEP 4. Money doing what you love

At this stage, the best ideas begin to generate income for you. Sometimes this happens already during the “trying on” at step 2. So, for example, one of the participants, using my test drive technology for her favorite thing, unexpectedly for herself I received my first order for RUR 7,000.!

Another girl quit her position as a salaried manager, where she had worked for more than 10 years, and found a new employer. The first salary at the new place arrived on her card even before the end of coaching. After some time, she realized that the new “dress” (place of work) was also not very suitable for her. Therefore, I quit my job again (this time without unnecessary worries) and started working for myself and running a private consulting practice.

STEP 5. Balancing areas of life

While carrying out all the previous steps, it is important to learn keep the balance “I – ​​my business – my family”. Because there is a danger of diving headlong into what you love. 😉 To prevent your husband from becoming jealous of work, and your children from running around the apartment hungry with snot up to their knees, it makes sense to do everything gently, like a woman, without compromising your health and personal life.

I will tell you about two ways to achieve success in the financial sector that all people follow. This is hired work and your own business. 95% of people follow the first path, 5% follow the second. The first one takes you away from financial success, the second one leads you to it. Let's compare the prospects of working for hire and owning your own business.

Wage work or slavery to the current system

First, let's talk about hired work. I will omit all the snot like evil bosses, early rises five days a week and unnecessary tasks that you are sometimes assigned. Here I will speak in hard numbers.

So, what can you achieve in hired work? Let's imagine a pretty good situation: you worked for 40 years, earned an apartment, a car and a pension. Now you can live for yourself, the grateful state supports you, provides you and regularly pays you the $200 you are entitled to. Let's calculate whether it pays you all of what you deserve.

Let's imagine that you received a net $500 per month. What taxes are paid on wages in Russia? Firstly, your employer gives 30% of your payroll to the state in the form of various funds. Secondly, 13% is income tax. That is, your personal payroll is approximately $877, of which 43% ($377) goes to taxes, and you receive only 57% - your $500.

Let's imagine that the $377 you pay in taxes is deposited into your bank account every month. You can deposit $4,524 into your account per year. We will take the interest rate on the deposit as 10% per annum. Yes, such interest exists - this is a long-term deposit without the possibility of withdrawal. If you don't believe me, just search for yourself. We also take into account that every year 10% will be charged on a larger amount. That is, in the first year – by $4524, in the second – by $4976. And so on.

We will assume that interest is accrued once a year, although in many banks they are accrued quarterly or even monthly, due to which the total amount is higher. In the case of short-term deposits, this is not so noticeable, but when we are talking about several decades (as in our case), the amount turns out to be much larger.

Read also: Transfer of residential premises to non-residential premises in 2019

Want to know what your actual pension amount should be? If you are standing now, it is better to sit down on something stable. I admit, I was shocked when I calculated this figure. This is approximately $2.1 million. You can verify this by plugging the stated numbers into a compound interest calculator. Yes, $2,100,000.

What does this mean? This means that if you turn out to be a centenarian and live another thirty years after retirement, your monthly pension should be $5,830. Do you feel the difference between $5830 and $200? And this is under the condition that the government “set” the survival period at nineteen years, although in reality it is about half as long. At the same time, we have practically no free medicine and education left. So who supports whom?

So, all our lives we are taught that we need to finish school and university as best we can, and definitely get a good job - and for what? To work hard for someone all your life, and in the end receive a slave handout? But on the day of your retirement, you could receive more than two million “evergreens” as a bonus. I also do not take into account the fact that the employer does not pay you all of what you actually deserve. But let's not go deeper into this topic.

Remember your relatives, friends, acquaintances. How many of them are employed? What about entrepreneurs? Yes, almost everyone around is wage slaves. Believe me, your parents did not mean harm to you when they said: “Study, son (daughter), you will get a good job.” They themselves spin in the same wheel. And their parents too.

I don’t know who benefits from this and who supports this order, but let’s talk about the second path to financial well-being. More precisely, this is the only way. Because hired work (with rare exceptions, of course) cannot lead to financial success in principle.

Hello businessmen! How's life? How are you? For me it’s spring) Today I decided to raise such a serious and pressing topic as “opening my own business.” Naturally, it’s impossible to describe everything in one article! Here I would like to consider the main pros and cons of “owning my own business” and try to answer the question - Should I open my own business or continue to be hired?

Let me make a reservation right away that this material is more suitable for beginners in the topic of business - those who are tired or for other reasons do not want to work for hire and have decided to open their own business.

The advantages of your business

These are the advantages. Moreover, I put money in last place for a reason. The initial stage of doing business is not the most profitable, plus it takes some time to recoup the investment, and even if this is your first business, the payback period will clearly extend.

As a result, if the business is not big (for example, a small car wash, a mini-cafe, a business in a garage, etc.), then to break even it will take at least six months to a year. If we talk about large businesses, then the payback period can be 5 years or more...

Therefore, I would not recommend counting on wealth at first))

Disadvantages of your business

As you can see, there are plenty of pros and cons. Therefore, before throwing myself into the pool headlong, I would carefully analyze and weigh all the pros and cons.

Among my friends there are those who neglected all these factors and hastened to implement their not-so-new and promising idea. The results were mediocre. One comrade simply could not establish at least some processes, everything stopped at the stage of searching for clients, while another completely went bankrupt!

Of course, there are also “crazy” adventurers who will not only dive into the pool, but also boil it thoroughly)) And many of these launch innovative and successful startups. But, it seems to me, the percentage of such geniuses is extremely small, and I am clearly not like that: I more often analyze and carefully weigh. That’s why I give advice from my bell tower.

  • The best option is to start your own business in parallel with your main job. Market analysis, searching for potential clients, developing a business plan, an experimental sample of a product or service, even first sales - all this can be done while combining your main place of work. After all, they pay a salary there, and a regular income at the start of a business will not be superfluous at all!
  • It’s very good if you start organizing your business while in a leadership position. Even if there is an option to work as a boss, but for the “same” money and with a larger range of tasks - agree! You will gain experience that will be very useful!
  • If the planned business does not require significant investments, it is better to try to set aside the Nth amount in advance. A little at a time, but put it aside. This money will always come in handy)) As an example, if you put aside 10,000 rubles from your salary every month, then in half a year you will get 60,000. This is quite enough for many home or garage ideas.
  • In continuation of the previous point, try not to take loans. Of course, if a large-scale project is planned, then it is rarely possible without investments and loans. But if you want to start producing custom-carved furniture in your garage, then 60 thousand of your set aside funds is just enough for a minimum set of tools.
  • Be sure to plan, write down and count everything! If you don’t have such skills and habits, then start developing them. You can't keep everything in your head. This is a fact. There is a lot of good literature on the topic of planning; you can buy a good book at any bookstore.

    Well planned is half done

  • Try to find companions. It’s still difficult for one person, especially if you’ve never had such experience and haven’t worked as a top manager. Perhaps someone you know would like to do the same thing, or there is a specialist who can be brought in on a partnership basis.
  • Start to form yourself. Perhaps many will neglect this advice, but many have never read business literature, have not thought about planning personal time, calculating personal finances, or attended seminars or trainings. Without all this, even if you manage to start car repairs in the garage, you won’t get further than an inspection hole and a set of keys!

So should I open it or not?

I think so. If you are an initiative person, purposeful, with your own specific opinion, who has not 1-2, but many ideas, and the thought of your business comes to your head more and more often, then it’s definitely worth a try. But! Be sure to take into account the above: having thought it through well, planned it, saved some money, and combined it with your main job.

But once you start, just move forward! Believe, live your business to the last!

And for starters, although not entirely on the topic of starting a business, an interesting conversation.

With respect and faith in a bright future, Alexey Zaitsev.

The only driving force that forces a person to work is the need to earn money. The purposes for spending them can be very different - accommodation, treatment, thirst for travel, wedding, etc. But they choose one of two methods - get a well-paid position or engage in entrepreneurial activity.

The second, at first glance, sounds more attractive, although it requires start-up capital. “Working for an uncle” is unofficially considered a job for losers who could not achieve anything on their own, although such activity, upon closer examination, has a number of its advantages.

So, business or work?

Features of the work of private entrepreneurs

1. Unlimited income is what attracts potential entrepreneurs in the first place. By developing a business, it is quite possible to endlessly increase your income level. Systematic work and complete dedication to business guarantee business development in the right direction.

Argument against:

A businessman’s income depends on his ability to present himself and sell the services and products of his company.

2. The possibility of self-realization, which is especially important for men. Working for an employer, an employee's functional responsibilities are limited to a specific set of skills. The factor of harmonious overall personal development is lost; over time, the employee becomes fixated on his functions, gradually beginning to hate his same type of work, and with it his superiors and the company as a whole. In addition, it is very difficult to find a job you like, where you can fully realize your skills and abilities, and also develop in the desired direction. Owning your own business gives you the absolute opportunity to do what you love, bring to life your own vision of the business and its strategy, and even get paid for it.

Argument against:

Every unsuccessful decision is fraught with a decrease in profits.

3. Time and schedule. Businessmen do not have bosses, so it seems that they go to work only when they want to, have the opportunity to sleep in the morning and leave early in the evening, devote any working day to their family or themselves without having to ask their bosses for leave and explain anything. And during working hours, you can simply leave the office and take a walk.

Argument against:

Owning your own business requires enormous self-discipline, dedication and time investment. In reality, to get everything done, you have to come to work early and often stay late to get things in order. In addition, it is impossible to simply leave the office and forget about business; thinking and planning occurs in your head almost around the clock.

4. Stress. Stress in your own business is kept to a minimum, there are no urgent reports, no unexpected need to go to work on a day off or urgently go on a business trip.

Argument against:

As income grows, so do problems; they become larger in scale and wider in their consequences. It is not possible to plan personal matters (vacation, trip) even for the coming months, since a situation requiring the presence of the director can arise at any moment.

3. Lack of control, freedom of action. Many employees, deep down, do not accept control over their actions and find it difficult to fit into the company’s rules and work schedule in general. The desire of some people who want to find themselves in their own business is connected precisely with the opportunity to work without control and independently set priorities in their work.

Argument against:

The absence of a strict need to go to work by 9 o'clock in the morning, lack of control over actions and the inability to set priorities and self-organize most often leads to an unsuccessful business.

4. Prosperous old age. Owning your own business is one of the most popular tools to save money for your old age and collect a good inheritance for your children. Considering that our state does not particularly care about the welfare of its pensioners, there is no need to expect a secure old age in retirement without taking care of it yourself.

Argument against:

The state pays retired entrepreneurs a minimum pension. And if the money set aside for old age is not enough or something happens to the capital, then the former businessman will have a hard time. And there are two options: continue to work in retirement to support yourself, or look for the most reliable financial instruments.

5. Lack of intrigue and bullying from colleagues. All these are mandatory components of a more or less large company. There are employees who live by these two processes and immerse themselves in them without harming themselves. But such an atmosphere cannot be called healthy, and it always negatively affects the work process.

Argument against:

In his office, the director will be above intrigues and conspiracies between employees, but he still will not be able to ignore them.

6. Quality vacation. A good income from business guarantees a quality vacation, and a more or less flexible schedule, if you have money, makes it possible to take advantage of last-minute offers from travel companies.

Argument against:

Such income is expected after the business gains momentum and becomes completely stable and income is predictable. In addition, the business at the initial stage may not survive the absence of the owner during the vacation period.

7. The probability of being fired at any time is reduced to zero. The likelihood of being fired by an employer for shortcomings in work is not so great, but it does exist. In your own business, dismissal is impossible.

Argument against:

For every mistake in work and shortcomings you will have to pay with your income.

8. The ability to communicate only with those people who are attractive. Owning your own business gives you the opportunity to choose a team to suit your own tastes.

Argument against:

The circle of business contacts will go far beyond the office - this is communication with clients, partners, government officials, which will require much greater tolerance than in a team, where you can always tell a boring colleague to his face about a painful issue.

Features of the work of hired workers

1. Stable income. The salary level is clearly stated in the contract, bonuses and bonuses are a pleasant addition to it. Knowing how much you will earn, you can easily plan a vacation, save money for large purchases and clearly understand how much you can spend on food and entertainment every month.

Argument against:

Income level is limited by salary. Even if wages are reviewed and indexed annually, they will not go beyond the established limits and cannot always satisfy urgent needs.

2. Career growth. Large companies offer ample opportunities for the implementation of their skills and abilities, motivating employees with the possibility of career growth and, accordingly, income level. Large companies care about the growth of the professionalism of their team, constantly providing free training, organizing specialized training, taking care of the growth of professionalism - a well-trained and competent team is the basis for the success of the company as a whole. In addition, large companies are constantly expanding, opening new branches and offices, which gives ordinary employees enormous prospects for career growth.

Argument against:

Any career growth is limited to the position of deputy. No director will appoint you to his place or offer you a salary higher than his own.

3.Stable work schedule. Employees are paid according to the number of hours worked. Their time is clearly planned within the working day and not a single employer will detain an employee after the end of the working day without critical reasons - the employee’s work outside working hours will cost him twice as much. Thus, having worked “from call to call”, each employee has the opportunity to leave at a clearly agreed time and forget about work until the next working day.

4. Vacation. Every self-respecting company tries to draw up a vacation schedule for its employees almost a year in advance in order to avoid critical overlaps when specialists of the same profile go on vacation at the same time, and to keep the maximum number of employees in the office during seasonal loads. Knowing in advance when your long-awaited vacation falls, you have the opportunity to plan your vacation without fuss, calculate your finances and save on tickets.

Argument against:

It's not always possible to take a vacation exactly when you want. You have to negotiate with colleagues about a replacement, and during seasonal workloads the company will most likely deny key specialists the pleasure of lying in the sun.

5. Favorite job. Finding a job that everyone wants to go to and work with passion for is the dream of everyone, this is especially important for creative individuals. Having got such a job, you want to move mountains and burn at work.

Argument against:

Passion sooner or later passes, since any hired work involves certain responsibilities for which she pays money, and does not welcome activities that are unnecessary to her.

6. Social benefits are assigned to each employee who pays taxes. Therefore, when you go on sick leave or maternity leave, you can be sure that the country will not forget us.

Argument against:

Social benefits are lower than the salary received, so during absence for some reason it is difficult to maintain the same standard of living, you have to deny yourself something. In addition, additional expenses are added (medicines, rehabilitation, children), which take up a large part of the income.

Which is better?

So, let’s summarize the information above in a visual table:

Arguments in favor of business

Arguments in favor of working for hire


Possibility of unlimited income. Most people start their own business precisely out of the need to earn more money.

A salary paid on time guarantees that a person will be able to provide himself and his family with everything necessary for a certain period of time; usually there is enough money until the next salary.


Owning your own business requires enormous self-discipline, dedication and time investment. To keep things in order, you need to come to work early and often stay late. In addition, meetings with partners and clients may take place at odd hours.

A fixed working day allows you to freely plan your free time without worrying too much about force majeure at work.

Social payments, benefits

There are no sick pay, the pension is minimal. Accordingly, you have to rely only on your own strength.

Availability of social benefits that allow you to get sick once or twice a year without much damage to the budget (within reasonable limits, otherwise the social benefit will decrease in proportion to the number of days missed due to illness!), go on maternity leave or retire.

Pension according to length of service and taxes paid.


A good income from business guarantees a quality vacation, and a more or less flexible schedule, if you have money, makes it possible to take advantage of last-minute offers from travel companies. However, due to an unstable schedule, it is not always possible to plan a vacation properly.

A stable vacation that gives you the opportunity to save up the necessary amount for your vacation without stress and plan your trip.

Starting capital

Beginning entrepreneurs have no profit at first, and it’s good if there was some movement within a month and the enterprise broke even. Well, if not, you will have to pay rent, operating expenses and employee salaries, if you already have them, from your own pocket.

Start-up capital is required.

Lack of start-up capital, which is a huge advantage compared to building your own business, which at the initial stage requires constant capital investment.

Self-realization ­

The opportunity to realize your ambitions, your business vision. A young entrepreneur’s self-esteem increases, he feels more confident and significant in society.

Career growth, which is also self-realization and a direct path to increased income. This income is limited by the solvency of the employer's company and the salary level of higher management - the salary of subordinates cannot be higher than the salary of management. Likewise, the company will never appoint you to a position above your immediate superior.

As you can see, running your own business is painstaking daily work; a businessman has no more free time than an ordinary hired worker, rather, on the contrary, less. In their quest for a calm, secure, measured life, most not-so-successful businessmen would like to work in a company with a more or less decent salary. And almost every employee from time to time thinks about starting a business on their own. The driving force in both cases is the desire to regularly earn decent money and live a measured life.

But not every person is psychologically ready to run their own business. In most cases, novice businessmen do not realize the scale of responsibility and risk that their own business poses for them. This is probably why most newly minted entrepreneurs close their businesses in the first year of operation.

Most people adapt to the slow life of an employee without any problems. In this case, if they wish, they should consider entrepreneurial activity as additional income, and not as their main employment (trading via the Internet, sewing clothes at home, baking to order, etc.). This way they will get more pleasure from the work process.

Individuals who are truly ready to devote themselves to entrepreneurial activity should, before starting to organize their own business, become as familiar as possible with the risks, nuances and state requirements for conducting business, since some enterprises are closed precisely because of the inability to adapt to the state control system.

Business - activities for ambitious and strong individuals, who are willing to take risks and win. The belief of some that before creating your own business, you should work “for someone else”, learn how to run a business and look at the principle of the system from the inside is wrong, because in order to understand how a business system works, you need to be at the top of it for the assessment to be objective . And while performing a set of narrow duties, the employee sees the functioning of the system one-sidedly. Subsequently, his entire business will turn out to be one-sided, which will not allow him to become competitive. Therefore, when you are planning to organize your own business and feel enough strength to do this, you should not wait for favorable circumstances, but start right today; precious experience will come in the process of work.

Complete a full entrepreneurship course

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

The age-old question: is it better to work for yourself or for an “uncle”? On the one hand, there is more freedom, but at the same time, with your own business, there are several orders of magnitude more responsibility and risks.

Many of my friends said that I wouldn’t bother, since there were a lot of advertisements for plumbing in the newspapers, about 40 pieces. I printed out the advertisements and went out in the evening after 10:00 p.m. to put up the advertisements; it was a bit dreary at the beginning of the day.

I never rode the car. After 3 months, I paid off the debt, sold the car, and bought another one.

Income was slowly growing. Along with services, he began selling materials and turned a garage into a warehouse. I haven’t advertised for about 5 years now, it’s been word of mouth. Now there is a team working, but not at such crazy percentages. Sometimes I get more from the material than from the percentage of the work.

Therefore, you should always look for the reason not to do this within yourself. Being an entrepreneur is not difficult, what is difficult is not to be lazy, but to develop. Working for your uncle has its advantages; you don’t go to work by your own will. And when he allows himself to relax, attributing his laziness either to the weather, or to his health, or to the customer. Sometimes there is no one to give you the kick to go to work.

Maybe someone will find this comment useful. Thank you.