"Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University"

Khakass branch

Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products

Railway transport" href="/text/category/zheleznodorozhnij_transport/" rel="bookmark">railway transport, civil aviation etc.

Semi-finished meat products are raw meat products that are subjected only to heat treatment (boiling or frying) before consumption.

The range of semi-finished products is varied. They can be divided into the following groups:





Packaged meat;

Quick frozen ready meals.

Natural semi-finished products are divided into large-piece, portioned, small-piece and natural semi-finished poultry products.

pulp and meat and bone.

From pork -

; from pork - stew, homemade stew.

From chicken meat produce: chicken fillet with bone; chicken leg; chicken broth set; chicken carcass prepared for cooking.

From broiler chicken meat produce breast, quarter (hind), leg, soup set and fillet.

Breaded semi-finished meat products. rump steak; pork

For chopped semi-finished products include cutlets - homemade, Moscow, Kyiv, peasant, Krasnodar, meat and cabbage, meat and potato in Belarusian, meat and vegetable, Nyurba, Yakut, Transbaikal, Buryat, spicy, low-calorie children's, chicken children's, chicken school; meatballs - low-calorie children's, chicken children's; schnitzel - Moscow, special; beefsteak - city, beef, youth; rump steak; minced meat - beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special, offal, for steaks; meatballs - Kyiv, Ostankino, meat-and-vegetable, Leningrad, children's; meat croquettes; Diet dumplings.

The regulatory and technical documentation of the Russian Federation provides for the production dumplings in the following assortment: Russian, Siberian, Irkutsk, special, snack bars, canteens, capital, Ostankino, peasant, meat and potato, hunting, Kuban, school, amateur, Donetsk, Ulan-Ude, Selenga.

To produce packaged meat use the varietal parts of carcasses indicated in the table:

Cut name

Beef of the first and second categories

Hip, lumbar, dorsal, scapular, shoulder, thoracic

Neck, flank

Overcut, front shank, back shank

Veal of the first and second categories

Hip, lumbar, dorsal, scapular, shoulder edge

Chest with flank, neck

Forearm, lower leg

Lamb and goat meat of the first and second categories

Hip, lumbar, scapular-dorsal (including sternum and neck)

Incision, forearm, hind shank

Pork of the first and second categories, including trimmings

Shoulder, back, lumbar and flank, brisket, ham

Forearm, hind shank

Fast-frozen ready-made meat dishes are produced in the following types: beef stew with sauce and side dish; beef goulash with sauce and side dish, home-style meat with and without side dish, meatballs with sauce, spicy cutlets with white sauce, fried chicken with rice, croquettes with broth, “Health” meatballs, etc.

Module 2.



Lumpy semi-finished meat products

Large-piece semi-finished products include: semi-finished beef products - tenderloin, longissimus dorsi, longissimus lumbar muscle, hip part, shoulder part, brisket, trim, cutlet meat; semi-finished pork products – tenderloin, loin, brisket, hip part, shoulder part, neck part, cutlet meat.

Lump semi-finished products- meat pulp, removed from a certain part of the half-carcass, carcass in the form of large pieces, stripped of tendons and coarse surface films, leaving intermuscular connective and fatty tissues. The surface of large pieces should be smooth and not weathered. The pieces must have smooth edges, color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat, without deep cuts muscle tissue(no more than 10 mm); a thin surface film is left, a layer of subcutaneous fat no more than 10 mm.

Process The production of large-piece semi-finished products is carried out in accordance with Scheme 1.

Scheme 1. Production flow diagram

large-piece semi-finished products

Manufacturing large pieces semi-finished products from beef.

Large-piece semi-finished products are isolated from boneless meat.

Tenderloin (iliopsoas muscle) is cleared of the psoas minor muscle, connective and adipose tissue. The shiny tendon located on the surface of the tenderloin is not removed. The tenderloin should have an oval-oblong shape.

Longissimus dorsi muscle covered on the outside with shiny tendon and fat (no more than 10 mm), isolated from the dorsal and lumbar parts, the nuchal ligament is removed, the edges are smoothed.

When isolating the longissimus muscle from the dorsal part, a layer of meat is cut parallel to the spine, removed from the ribs and spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, starting from the 4th to the last thoracic vertebra, freeing it from the muscles and tendons adjacent to the spine, and from the nuchal ligament.

Longissimus lumbar muscle isolated in the form of a rectangular layer of meat, removed from the lumbar vertebrae below the transverse processes by about 1 cm, without coarse films and tendons adjacent directly to the spine.

Hip part consists of pulp separated from the pelvic, sacral and femur bones in one layer without muscles adjacent to the tibia, containing a large amount of coarse connective tissue. The flesh of the hip part is divided into four pieces: upper, inner, side and outer. On the outside they should be covered with a thin surface film (fascia).

The upper piece (gluteus medius muscle) is the pulp separated from the ilium, the rough tendons are removed, the inner tendon layer and the thin surface film are left.

The inner piece (fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles) is pulp removed from the inside of the femur, covered with a thin surface film. The slender muscle located on the surface of the inner piece is removed. Cuts of the pectinate and sartorius muscles are allowed.

Lateral piece (quadriceps muscle) - pulp removed from the front side of the femur, covered with a thin surface film.

The outer piece (fused biceps and semitendinosus muscles) is the pulp removed from the outer side of the femur, covered with a surface film or a layer of subcutaneous fat (no more than 10 mm), the rough tendons located on the biceps muscle are removed.

Pieces of pulp are cleaned of tendons, coarse surface films, fat (over 10 mm), the edges are smoothed, intermuscular connective tissue is not removed.

Blade part - pulp removed from the scapula and humerus bones, divided into two parts: the brachialis (triceps muscle) wedge-shaped, located between the scapula and humerus bones and covered with a thin surface film; shoulder - two muscles (postspinatus and prespinatus) of an oblong shape, covered with a superficial film.

When separating this semi-finished product from the boned pulp of the scapula, the pulp with a large content of coarse connective tissue and tendons, removed from the radius, ulna and partly from the humerus, is separated, and the pulp located on the inside of the scapula, the muscle connective tissue is left.

Brisket - muscles (pectoral superficial and deep), separated from the sternum, pectoral cartilage and the lower third of the ribs (1st to 5th rib).

Edge (latissimus dorsi, deep pectoralis, serratus, ventral, etc.) - a layer of flesh removed from the costal part, starting from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after separating the longissimus dorsi muscle, subscapularis and brisket.

Cutlet meat - pieces of meat pulp of various sizes and weights from the neck part, as well as flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna bones and trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones, trim from beef of category II. The allowed content of fatty and connective tissue is no more than 20%, and muscle tissue is not less than 80%.

Small bones, tendons, cartilage, bruises and rough connective tissue are removed. The surface is not weathered, the color and smell are characteristic of benign meat.

Manufacturing large pieces semi-finished products from pork.

Tenderloin - iliopsoas muscle, oval-oblong in shape, covered with a shiny tendon, cleared of the psoas minor muscle, connective and adipose tissue. The shiny tendon located on the surface of the tenderloin is not removed.

To obtain loin and brisket, the breast bone is separated from the middle part along the cartilaginous joints. Then the flesh is cut along the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae from the side of the spinous processes and the spine is sawed off at the base of the ribs.

The loin is separated from the brisket by sawing along a line running across the ribs parallel to the top edge, at a distance of 80 mm from it.

The intermammal and inguinal parts are cut off from the breast in a straight line from the end of the 5th rib towards the inguinal fold.

Korean at(muscles longissimus, spinalis, semispinalis, iliocostalis, etc.) are isolated from the 5th rib to the 1st sacral vertebra, leaving ribs no more than 80 mm long without the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae with adjacent meat and fat. The outside of the loin is covered with a layer of bacon no more than 10 mm thick.

Brisket - part of a half carcass with ribs (includes the superficial pectoral, deep pectoral muscles, etc.), remaining after separation of the loin, without the breast bone, intermammal and inguinal parts.

Hip part is obtained by separating the muscles (medius gluteus, biceps, semimembranosus, quadriceps, etc.) from the pelvic, sacral and femur bones, removed in one layer, without the muscles and connective tissue adjacent to the tibia. The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer should not be more than 10 mm.

Blade part (muscles postspinatus, prespinatus, triceps, deltoid, etc.) are obtained by separating muscles removed from the scapula and humerus in one layer. To separate this semi-finished product from the boned pulp of the shoulder blade, the meat adjacent to the radius, ulna and partly the humerus is separated, as well as meat removed from the inside of the shoulder blade, containing a significant amount of connective tissue and fat. The film is not removed from the inside. On the outside, the layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue should not be more than 10 mm.

Neck part (ventral serratus, supraspinal muscles, etc.) are obtained by separating the muscles adjacent to the cervical, first four thoracic vertebrae and the upper half of the ribs, while coarse tendons are removed, and the edges are smoothed.

Cutlet meat consists of pieces of meat pulp of various sizes and weights obtained from trimmings during stripping of large-piece semi-finished products, pulp removed from the tibia, radius and ulna, intermammal, groin parts and the lower half of the ribs (from the 1st to the 4th rib).

Cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. Rough connective tissue, tendons, small bones, cartilage, and bruises are removed. The surface of the pieces is not weathered. Color and smell characteristic of good quality meat.

Packaging, storage And transportation large-piece semi-finished products. Large-piece semi-finished products for public catering establishments from meat of all types are packaged in clean, dry polymer, wooden or stainless metal boxes and special containers. Cardboard boxes can be used, but in this case the semi-finished products must be wrapped in parchment, parchment paper or transparent films.

Semi-finished products from one type of meat, having the same price, are packaged in each container. By agreement with consumers, it is allowed to place large-piece semi-finished products of different types from the same type of meat, having the same price, in one box.

Boxes with large-piece semi-finished products are closed with lids or covered with plastic film, parchment, sub-parchment, cellophane or other films approved for use by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Cooled large-piece semi-finished products can be packaged in bags made of polyvinylidene chloride film, followed by vacuum sealing on a vacuum packaging machine. A piece weighing 1-6 kg is placed in a bag.

Packages with semi-finished products are weighed on electronic scales and a label (receipt) is affixed to each package indicating: the name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark, the name of the semi-finished product indicating the type of meat and net weight.

Each box with cooled large-piece semi-finished products is labeled and placed inside with a label indicating the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark, name of the semi-finished product, type of meat, net weight (in kg), date and hour of completion of the technological process, shelf life and sale.

Before leaving the manufacturer, chilled semi-finished products must have a temperature inside the product of no lower than 0 and no higher than 8 °C, frozen semi-finished products must have a temperature no higher than -8 °C.

The shelf life and sale of refrigerated semi-finished products from the end of the technological process is 48 hours, including at the manufacturing plant.

The shelf life of large-piece semi-finished products vacuum-packed in film at a temperature of 0-4 °C is: for beef and lamb no more than 5 days, for pork no more than 3; at a temperature of 0-2°C, for beef and lamb no more than 10 days, for pork no more than 8 days.

Large-piece semi-finished products are transported in refrigerated or isothermal transport, ensuring the preservation of product quality.

Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products

Portioned semi-finished products include: beef - tenderloin in film, natural steak, languette, entrecote, oven-baked beef; from pork – natural cutlet, tenderloin, escalope, schnitzel, oven-baked pork.

Small-piece semi-finished products are produced in two types: pulp and meat and bone.

Pulpy small-piece semi-finished products include: beef - beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash; from pork - roasting, goulash, barbecue meat.

Meat and bone small-piece semi-finished products include: beef - beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho, soup set; from pork - stew, homemade stew.

Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products are made from certain pieces of meat pulp and large-piece semi-finished products. Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products are produced in a chilled state.

Portioned semi-finished products. Portioned semi-finished products are one or two pieces of meat approximately equal in weight. They are intended for frying in whole pieces. For their production, only the most tender parts of the carcass are used - tenderloin, pulp of the back, lumbar and hip parts, which make up% of the weight of the beef carcass,% of the pork carcass.

The meat of other parts of the carcass (the flesh of the hind leg, shoulder, brisket), although full in protein composition, is characterized by increased rigidity, therefore it is used for stewing or preparing minced meat. It can be used for portioned semi-finished products only after softening, which is possible with prolonged ripening of meat under the influence of enzyme preparations. Under the influence of enzyme preparations, the processes that determine the tenderness, juiciness, taste and aroma of meat are accelerated 2-3 times.

Small-piece semi-finished products. Small-piece semi-finished products are produced of all types: pulp and meat-and-bone. Small-piece semi-finished products are pieces of meat pulp of a certain weight and size or meat-and-bone pieces with a given content of meat tissue.

Small-piece semi-finished products are cut from the raw materials remaining after cutting portioned semi-finished products, as well as from large-piece semi-finished products of increased rigidity that are not used for the production of portioned semi-finished products (shoulder and subscapular parts and trim from category I beef).

Meat-and-bone small-piece semi-finished products are produced from neck, chest, rib, lumbar, pelvic, sacrum, tail bones, brisket (including ribs) with a certain pulp content, obtained from the combined deboning of beef, pork and meat of other animals. In addition, small-piece meat-and-bone semi-finished products are produced from the meat of piglets weighing from 6 to 12 kg, dairy piglets and gilts.

Small-piece semi-finished products must have a non-weathered surface, color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat, elastic muscle tissue, without tendons and coarse connective tissue, cartilage and crushed bones. A surface film and fatty tissue may be left on semi-finished hip products. In terms of weight and shape, deviations of no more than 10% of the pieces from the weight of the portion are allowed.

Technology of portioned and small-piece semi-finished products. When producing portioned and small-piece semi-finished products, raw materials must be cut rationally to obtain the maximum number of portioned semi-finished products.

From the raw materials remaining after cutting portioned semi-finished products, small-piece pulpy semi-finished products are cut. The surface film and intermuscular connective tissue are not removed. Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products are cut manually or using special machines across the muscle fibers obliquely (at an angle of 45°) or perpendicularly. Each portion of semi-finished products is weighed on scales with a load capacity of no more than 2 kg with a permissible error of ± 2 g.

The technological process for the production of portioned and small-piece semi-finished products is regulated by Scheme 2.

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Scheme 3. Production flow diagram

semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat

Sets of poultry by-products. From the offal of chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys, a set for jelly, a set for stew, and a soup set are produced.

Each set is produced from the offal of only one type of poultry.

To produce the set, chilled offal is used: heads, legs, necks with and without skin, wings, gizzards, heart.

The set for jelly includes: heads - 40%, legs - 20, stomachs - 17, heart - 30, necks and wings - 20%.

The stew set includes: stomachs - 42%, hearts - 8, necks and wings - 50%.

The soup set is made up of heads - 60%, legs - 40%.

For retail sales, the sets are packaged in weights of 500 and 1000 g or non-standard weights from 500 to 1000 g with a mandatory indication of the price per 1 kg and are released refrigerated.

For catering sets of poultry by-products are produced frozen in the form of blocks measuring 370 x 370 x 150 mm.

The quality of sets of poultry by-products is regulated by organoleptic indicators.

Appearance: heads without feather residues, fluff and blood clots, legs without keratinized layer and feather residues. Heart without pericardial sac and blood clots: The neck with or without skin is washed from dirt and blood, the skin is free of feathers, fluff, and stumps. The wings are free of feathers and down, washed. Stomachs without contents, washed. The cuticle has been removed from the stomachs of land birds. Unremoved cuticle up to 1 cm2 in size is allowed.

Color and smell characteristic of fresh, benign poultry offal.



Certain types of natural semi-finished products are produced in breaded form. Made from beef rump steak; pork - natural cutlet, schnitzel, Ostankino cutlet, selected cutlet.

To produce breaded semi-finished products, along with raw meat, lezon (a mixture of the contents of eggs or melange with table salt and water) and breading flour (crumbs) are used.

As a result of processing semi-finished products with leison and breadcrumbs, a film is formed on their surface, which prevents meat juice from leaking out of them during heat treatment. Breaded semi-finished products in ready-to-eat form are more juicy and tender (soft).

For breaded semi-finished products, moistened and loose breading is not allowed.

The technological process for the production of breaded semi-finished products is regulated by Scheme 4.

Preparation of natural portioned semi-finished products. Rump steak is made from beef. Before cutting the rump steak from the longissimus dorsi muscle, the shiny tendon is removed from its surface. When using the hip part, large pieces of pulp are first cut along the muscle fibers into two or three pieces. After this, cut a rump steak weighing 70 or 110 g.

For the Ostankino cutlet, meat is used from the neck part of the pork carcass, freed from large tendons and bruises, with a layer of bacon no more than 10 mm. The trimmed meat is cut across the grain into portions weighing 115 g, 15-20 mm thick, giving the cutlet a rounded shape.

To make a select cutlet, use the thigh meat together with the tibia bone from a chilled or thawed pork carcass of any fatness. The pulp is given an oblong oval shape, leaving the end of the fibula 15-20 mm long free.

Natural cutlet is made from pork loin. Natural cutlets are cut with a rib bone. Natural cutlets are cut into weights of 70 or 110 g.

Schnitzel is made from the pulp of the pork thigh. The hip part is first divided along the muscle fibers into two or three pieces, from which a schnitzel weighing 70 or 110 g is then cut.

Beating and loosening of natural semi-finished products. After weighing, natural semi-finished products are beaten with metal choppers or processed in meat rippers. Semi-finished products with a stone are beaten only with a metal hoe.

Scheme 4. Production flow diagram

breaded semi-finished products

Preparation of leison, wetting with leison. Liezon is made from melange, table salt and water, mixing them in the following ratio: 40 g of melange, 10 g of water, 1 g of table salt. This mixture is whipped until a homogeneous, liquid, slightly viscous mass is formed. The resulting lezon cannot be stored and must be sent for the production of semi-finished products no later than 30 minutes later. The prepared semi-finished products are moistened in a lezone and sent for breading.

Breading. When breading, portioned semi-finished products are rolled in breadcrumbs. To remove large lumps formed from drops of leison and grains of breadcrumbs, the latter are periodically sifted. Various breading machines are used for breading semi-finished products.

Laying down semi-finished products into inserts and packaging in boxes. For retail trade and mass catering establishments, breaded semi-finished products without wrapping in cellophane are placed on liners semi-obliquely so that one semi-finished product is partially above the other. Liners can be plank, aluminum or polymer materials. Inserts with semi-finished products are placed in reusable boxes.

Cooling, storage, transportation and sales. Packaged semi-finished products are cooled in chambers no later than 1 hour after production to a core temperature of not lower than 0°C and not higher than 8°C. Breaded semi-finished products are transported by specialized transport with refrigerated or isothermal bodies.

The shelf life and sale of breaded semi-finished products at temperatures from 0 to 8°C should not exceed 24 hours, including at the manufacturing plant.



Chopped semi-finished products include cutlets - homemade, Moscow, Kyiv, peasant, Krasnodar, meat and cabbage, meat and potato in Belarusian, meat and vegetable, Nyurba, Yakut, Transbaikal, Buryat, spicy, low-calorie children's, chicken children's, chicken school; meatballs - low-calorie children's, chicken children's; schnitzel - Moscow, special; beefsteak - city, beef, youth; rump steak; minced meat - beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special, offal, for steaks; meatballs - Kyiv, Ostankino, meat-and-vegetable, Leningrad, children's; meat croquettes; Diet dumplings.

Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled and frozen.

Chopped semi-finished products are made from beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison, meat poultry and offal.

For the production of all types of chopped semi-finished products, meat is used in a cooled, chilled and defrosted state, the quality of which must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. Depending on the type of minced semi-finished products, they use cutlet meat (beef, pork, lamb, horse), trimmed beef of grades I and II, semi-fat, fat, single-grade pork, raw beef and pork fat, unsalted sausage lard, boned chicken meat with skin, mechanically separated meat. By-products include trimmed beef and pork heads, light pork and beef, and trimmed meat.

In addition to meat and animal fats, they use soy and milk protein preparations, blood plasma, wheat bread, chicken eggs and melange, rice and semolina cereals, bread flour, onions and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots), as well as milk, butter, drinking water and spices.

Each type of chopped semi-finished products must meet the appropriate organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. Cutlets, rump steaks and meatballs are characterized by a rounded-flattened shape, for schnitzels - oblong, for minced meat and steaks - rectangular (in the form of briquettes), for meatballs - spherical or elongated-spherical.

When cut, chopped semi-finished products should look like well-mixed minced meat.

Scheme 5. Production flow diagram

chopped semi-finished products (cutlets, schnitzels,

meatballs, rump steak, beefsteak, minced meat)

Minced meat is a homogeneous mass without bones, cartilage, tendons, coarse connective tissue, blood clots and films.

The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products in their raw form should be characteristic of good-quality raw materials, and when fried - characteristic of a fried product. The surface of breaded semi-finished products should be evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

In chopped semi-finished products, the mass fraction of moisture, fat, table salt, bread (if provided for in the recipe), as well as the weight of one serving are regulated.

The technological process for the production of chopped semi-finished products and minced meat is carried out in accordance with schemes 5.6.

Scheme 6. Production flow diagram

meatballs, croquettes, dietary quenelles

Grinding of raw materials. Raw meat after trimming is ground on grinders various systems with grid hole diameters of 2-3mm.

The quality of meat grinding can be judged by the nature of its flow from the neck of the grinder. At good quality When grinding, the minced meat comes out of all the holes in the grate and flows in even streams, and if it is not properly chopped, it flows out in zigzag streams and mainly along the edge of the grate. At malfunction The top's neck heats up. In this case, the top must be disassembled and troubleshooted.

For the production of chopped semi-finished products, it is allowed to use frozen meat blocks without prior defrosting and chopping on a block cutter. When chopping meat blocks on a block cutter in the form of shavings and to prevent them from freezing, the chopped block meat is mixed in mixers with chilled or defrosted meat - beef in a ratio of 40 and 60%, pork in a ratio of 50 and 50%. Mixtures of frozen and chilled (or defrosted) raw materials are ground on grinders with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

After grinding meat blocks in the form of meal on a block cutter with a grid hole diameter of 20-25 mm or pieces measuring 10 x 3 x 3 mm, they are sent directly to a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

When making beefsteak, bacon is added to the minced meat in the form of cubes with a side size of no more than 4 mm. First, the skin is removed from the fat by hand or using special machines.

Preparation of minced meat. When preparing minced semi-finished products, chopped raw meats, protein preparations, vegetable or cereal components, bread, water, salt and all spices are weighed or dosed using dispensers. Weighed raw materials and spices are loaded into batch mixers or continuous meat preparation units and mixed for cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels and rump steak for 4-6 minutes, for steak 2-4 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Forming chopped semi-finished products. The prepared minced meat is formed on automatic machines AK2M-40, K6-FAK-50/75, FFL and flow-mechanized lines K6-FLK-200, K6-FL1K-200, V2-FPA. Chopped beefsteaks weighing 250 g and minced meat are packaged using AR-1M automatic machines.

If enterprises do not have automatic machines or special equipment, it is allowed to form cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, meatballs, rump steaks and beefsteaks manually. Cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, meatballs and rump steaks are placed on trays, evenly sprinkled with a thin layer of breading flour, followed by breading their surface. The steaks are placed on trays without breading. For control, 10 pieces are selected periodically during the shift. semi-finished products taken from each row on the tray. Allowed deviation from weight is 1 piece. semi-finished product ±5%, and by weight 10 pcs. ±4%.

Chopped semi-finished products with manufacturing defects (deformed, with deviations in weight) with no expired sales dates without signs of spoilage are used in the manufacture of semi-finished products of the corresponding assortment in an amount of no more than 3% of the mass of the prepared minced meat with the permission of the veterinary and sanitary supervision. In this case, when producing minced semi-finished products, one should take into account the amount of bread and breading contained in the semi-finished products sent for processing.

Cooling or freezing semi-finished products. Chopped semi-finished products intended for sale in chilled form, after molding and placing on trays-liners and packaging in boxes or packaging equipment, are sent to the cooling chamber.

Cooling is carried out at a temperature from 0 to 4 ° C until the temperature inside the semi-finished product reaches no higher than 4 ± 4 0 C, inside the minced meat briquette - 2 ± 2 ° C.

Chopped semi-finished products such as cutlets (cutlets, meatballs, rump steak, beefsteak), intended for sale in frozen form, after molding are placed in one row on frames, shelves or mesh containers and sent to the freezer or quick-freezer.

In the chambers, semi-finished products are frozen at an air temperature no higher than -18 °C. In quick freezers at a temperature of -30...-35 °C.

Meatballs are frozen on trays installed on the shelves of trolleys or frames, which are placed in freezers with natural or forced air movement, in special quick-freezers or directly on a steel belt in a quick-freezer.

Packaging and storage of chopped semi-finished products. Chilled semi-finished products on liner trays are placed in wooden, metal or polymer boxes or in packaging equipment (containers).

Frozen chopped semi-finished products are packaged in two pieces in bags made of polymer materials approved by Russian health authorities for contact with food products. Packages with frozen semi-finished products are placed in corrugated cardboard boxes.

Meatballs are packaged in cardboard packs with a net weight of 300, 350, 450 and 500g. For catering establishments, meatballs are packaged in bulk with a net weight of up to 15 kg in boxes made of corrugated cardboard or in bags made of paper or polymer materials.

The period of storage, transportation and sale of chilled chopped semi-finished products at a temperature of 2 to 6 ° C is no more than 12 hours from the end of the technological process, including at the manufacturer - no more than 6 hours.

Frozen chopped semi-finished products are stored at a temperature not exceeding -10 ° C, depending on the type, from 10 to 20 days, meatballs and minced meat - up to 30 days.

Module 5.


Dumplings are semi-finished products made from minced meat with salt and spices, dough and frozen. They are among the most common types of semi-finished products.

To produce dumplings, trimmed meat (beef, pork, lamb, horse, deer), mechanically separated poultry, raw fat, offal, eggs and vegetable raw materials (flour, soy protein concentrate, potatoes, cabbage, onions) are used.

Deboning and trimming of raw meat for the production of dumplings is carried out according to the instructions used in sausage production.

By-products (meat trimmings, heart, head meat, lungs, tripe, pork stomach, gullet and kaltyk meat) used for making dumplings are disassembled and trimmed. During trimming, bruises, glands, remnants of skin cuts, coarse connective tissue, blood vessels, lymph nodes, small bones and cartilage are removed from offal.

Trimmed meat and offal are used to make dumplings without prior salting or aging.

The regulatory and technical documentation of the Russian Federation provides for the production of dumplings in the following assortment: Russian, Siberian, Irkutsk, special, snack bars, canteens, capital, Ostankino, peasant, meat and potato, hunting, Kuban, school, amateur, Donetsk, Ulan-Ude, Selenga .

Each type of dumplings must meet the appropriate organoleptic and physicochemical parameters.

The dumplings must be non-sticky, not deformed, have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle or square, the edges must be well sealed, the minced meat must not protrude, the surface must be dry. When shaking the packs of dumplings, they should make a clear, distinct sound. Boiled dumplings are characterized by the pleasant taste and aroma characteristic of frozen raw materials. The minced meat should be juicy, moderately salty, without any foreign taste or smell.

In dumplings, the mass proportions of table salt, minced meat and fat are regulated. The thickness of the dough shell of dumplings should be no more than 2.0 mm, and in places of sealing - no less than 2.5 mm.

The technological process for the production of dumplings is carried out in accordance with Scheme 7.

The yield of dumplings to the mass of the original raw material is: Russian, Siberian, Irkutsk, school, Ostankino, canteen, capital, peasant, meat and potato, Donetsk, snack bars, amateur, Ulan-Ude, Selenga 120% , hunting, Kuban 118, special 122%.

Test preparation. Before preparing the dough, prepare the starting components. The flour obtained directly after grinding is kept for maturation at a temperature of 20-25°C and a relative air humidity of 75-85% for at least one week. Mixtures of bread and pasta flour are pre-prepared in accordance with the dumpling recipes. In order to prevent the ingress of metallic impurities, the flour is sifted and passed through magnetic traps.

Dough for dumplings can be used in continuous operation. The flour supplied for preparing the dough should have a temperature of 19 ± 10C. When preparing the dough, instead of part of the melange, you can use sodium caseinate or dry caseinate of natural casein, which are added in powder form along with flour. In this case, instead of the replaced melange, 25% caseinate and 75% water are introduced. When using a 5% aqueous solution of sodium caseinate, dry sodium caseinate is poured into water at a temperature of 35 ± 5 ° C and heated in a VDP 300-600 bath or other similar container. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 60 ± 10 °C, stirred until the sodium caseinate is completely dissolved.

Scheme 7. Production flow diagram


To prepare 100 kg of 15% sodium caseinate solution, 15 kg of dry sodium caseinate and 85 kg of water are required. The resulting solution can be used directly or within 1 day after preparation. The caseinate solution is stored at 8 ± 2 °C. To obtain a 5% aqueous solution of sodium caseinate, a 15% solution is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. The prepared 5% aqueous solution of sodium caseinate should have a temperature of 27 ± 2 °C.

The dough for dumplings should be homogeneous, elastic, stick well at the seams when stamping, and not boil soggy in water (the broth from cooking dumplings should be transparent); when boiled, do not stick to teeth and gums. The moisture content in the dough should be 39-40%, the temperature of the finished dough should be 27 ± 10C.

Before stamping, the dough is kept in a room with an air temperature of 12°C for 20-40 minutes, using sodium caseinate - 30-40 minutes.

Preparation of minced meat. Prepared raw meat (trimmed meat, boiled tripe and pork stomachs) and potatoes are crushed on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

Minced meat is prepared using batch or continuous minced meat preparation units in accordance with the recipes. Water with a temperature not exceeding 100C is added in an amount of 18-20 % mass of raw meat.

When preparing minced meat on continuous minced meat preparation units, the mass and volume doses of components are preliminarily adjusted (chopped beef, pork, lamb or horse meat, meat of beef and pork heads, esophagus, kaltyk, lungs, mechanically separated poultry, boiled tripes, stomachs, onions, spices, salt, water) in accordance with the recipe for the dumplings being produced. Dose distribution is checked 2-3 times per shift. The minced meat is mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

When preparing minced meat on batch machines, the crushed raw meat is mixed, adding successively water, onion, salt and spices until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Forming dumplings. For dispensing and forming dumplings, dumpling machines of various capacities are used (SUB-2N - 260-400 kg/h; SUB-2; V2-APL/13 -500; SUB-ZM and P6-FPV - 400-600; SUB-kg/ h).

The dough and minced meat are dosed after expiration.

The designs of the machines differ only in the number of stamping disks. The main components of the machines: a frame, a filling hopper with a screw dough displacer, a loading hopper with a paddle mixer and an eccentric-blade minced meat feeder, minced and dough collectors with a forming device, stamping discs with a lifting device, a flour bin with a turner, a belt conveyor, and a drive.

Freezing dumplings. Dumplings are frozen on trays installed on trolley shelves or on frames, which are placed in freezers with natural or artificial air movement, as well as in special tunnel-type freezers. When stamping dumplings on a steel belt, they are frozen in quick-freezers in a stream of cold air to a temperature in the center of the minced meat of -10 ° C and below. To preserve taste and reduce natural weight loss during freezing, dumplings should be frozen quickly.

The duration of freezing dumplings depends on the temperature, air speed, and the technical means used. The parameters for freezing dumplings are given in Table 5.

Table 5 Parameters for freezing dumplings


Air parameters

Freezing duration, h

temperature, 0С

air speed, m/s

On trays in freezers with natural air movement

On trays in chambers or tunnel-type freezers

On a steel belt in a tunnel type freezer

Packing dumplings. Frozen dumplings are packaged in cardboard packs with a net weight of 350, 500 and 1000 g or plastic film bags with a net weight of 1000 g.

Storage, transportation, sale of dumplings. Dumplings are stored at manufacturing plants in packaged form at a temperature not exceeding -10 0C for no more than 1 month from the date of manufacture. In case of longer storage, dumplings can be sold with the permission of the veterinary and sanitary service. Dumplings released from the enterprise must have a temperature no higher than -10 °C.

Frozen dumplings are transported by vehicles with an isothermal or refrigerated body, as well as in isothermal or refrigerated railway cars.

Storage and sale of dumplings in trading network and on before
In public catering establishments, dumplings are carried out at a temperature no higher than -5°C for no more than 48 hours. In the absence of cold, dumplings cannot be stored or sold.

Module 6.


Packaged meat and offal are intended for sale in retail trade. Packaged meat is made from certain parts of beef, veal, pork, deer, lamb and goat carcasses, as well as poultry carcasses: chickens, ducks, ducklings, geese and turkeys of categories I and II in a chilled state.

For packaging, livestock meat is divided into cuts and then into portions. Portions maintain the natural ratio of flesh to bone characteristic of the cut from which the portion was obtained.

Poultry carcasses are divided into parts (portions) without division into varieties.

Chilled by-products are used for packaging. However, if there is a lack of chilled offal, it is allowed to pack frozen offal, and the pieces must have an even cut.

Meat is packaged in portions with a net weight of 500, 1000 g with the presence in a portion of no more than two makeweights from meat of the same variety and fatness category, amounting to no more than 20 % portion weight.

Packaged meat is produced in portions of non-standard weight from 400 to 1500 g in one or two pieces of the same variety and category. In addition, it is allowed, in agreement with trading organizations, to produce packaged meat in portions with a net weight of 2000. In this case, the portion should not contain more than two pieces and two appendages in the amount of 10% of the total weight. The presence of crushed bones and whole vertebral bodies is not allowed in portions of packaged meat of all types.

Meat portions must be packaged in polymer film materials approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, manually or mechanically.

The temperature of the pulpy part of packaged meat when released at the manufacturing plant should be 2±20C.

The technological process for the production of packaged meat is regulated by Scheme 8.

Scheme 8. Production flow diagram

packaged meat

By-products intended for sale in retail chains are produced prepackaged and packaged in portions of 500, 1000 g or any weight not exceeding 2 kg. For packaging, chilled by-products are used whole or in the form of pieces. By-products are also packaged frozen, with the exception of meat trimmings. Each portion of packaged meat and offal is packaged in bags made of polyethylene or other transparent materials. A label is attached or attached to each portion indicating the company, product name, weight, nutritional and energy value.

Module 7.



Ready-made frozen meat dishes are produced in the following types: beef stew with sauce and side dish; beef goulash with sauce and side dish, home-style meat with and without side dish, meatballs with sauce, spicy cutlets with white sauce, fried chicken with rice, croquettes with broth, “Health” meatballs, etc.

Ready-made dishes are produced with the following side dishes: crumbly buckwheat porridge, rice poached with butter, fresh stewed cabbage, green peas, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, etc. The temperature of frozen products in the thickness should not be higher than -18ºС.

Quick-frozen ready-to-eat meat dishes- these are the second courses that have passed heat treatment, which are deep frozen (-18ºС) and ready to eat after heating without additional cooking.

A feature of their technology is the maximum preservation of nutritional value and mass of raw materials used, obtaining products high quality, minimal losses of raw materials and finished products.

In quick-frozen meat ready meals organoleptic (appearance, color of the meat part, color of the sauce, taste and smell, consistency of the meat and sauce), physico-chemical(total acidity, mass fraction of table salt, fat), microbiological(total number of bacteria in 1 g of product, titer of coliform bacteria, absence of pathogenic microorganisms) indicators.

The temperature of frozen products in the thickness should not be higher than -18ºС.

Operations for preparing meat raw materials, cutting half-carcasses, deboning, separating large-piece semi-finished products, cutting portioned and small-piece semi-finished products are carried out in accordance with the technological scheme for the production of natural semi-finished products.

Grinding meat and preparing minced meat for ready-made minced meat dishes are carried out similarly to the corresponding operations in the production of minced semi-finished products.

Cooking the meat portion of dishes. Portioned and small-sized semi-finished products (stewed beef, goulash, beef stroganoff) are sprinkled with salt and pepper, mixed, sprayed with vegetable oil and fried until golden brown. Fried meat is stewed with broth, sautéed tomato paste and bay leaf at a low simmer. Goulash is stewed for 25-35 minutes, beef stroganoff and portioned meat - 30-40 minutes.

To produce home-style meat, large pieces of semi-finished beef are used - trim and brisket, which are cut into pieces weighing 20-30 g. The cut pieces are stewed with the addition of water, onion, salt, pepper and bay leaf for 1-1.5 hours.

After stewing, the meat is separated from the broth, cooled to 50ºC and transferred for packaging.

Shaped cutlets are deep fried or not large quantities fat in frying pans at a temperature of 130-140ºС. Steaks are fried without fat or in a small amount of fat.

Molded meatballs weighing 18±2 g are deep-fried at a temperature of 110-120ºС or in a small amount of fat (in frying pans) or steamed at a temperature of 100±5ºС for 8-10 minutes. The croquettes are fried in a little fat or steamed for 12 minutes.

Minced meat for “Zdorovye” meatballs is prepared according to two schemes. According to the first scheme, minced meat is prepared in the same way as in the production of chopped semi-finished products. According to the second scheme, trimmed beef is cut into pieces weighing no more than 0.1 kg, blanched in boiling water in a ratio of 1:1 for 5-7 minutes and ground on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of no more than 10 mm. Shredded beef and bread soaked in cold water (temperature no higher than 8ºC) are crushed on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of no more than 3 mm. The crushed raw materials and spices are mixed in a mixer for 6-8 minutes. Semi-finished products weighing 103±2 g are formed from minced meat.

The molded meatballs are steamed at a temperature of 100±5ºС from minced meat prepared according to the first scheme for 15 minutes, according to the second scheme - 20 minutes.

Heat treatment of steaks, meatballs, croquettes and meatballs is carried out to a temperature in the thickness of the product of 75ºС, cutlets of all types - to a temperature of 78±2ºС. Finished goods from minced meat is cooled to a temperature of 50ºC and transferred for packaging.

Prepared chicken carcasses are placed in rows vertically, tail down, in stainless steel baskets. The baskets are covered with a grid to prevent the carcasses from floating, and placed in vats for salting. The vats are filled with brine in the amount of 100% of the mass of the carcasses. The duration of salting is 12-15 hours at a temperature of 2-4ºС.

Depending on the method of heat treatment of chickens, the brine may have a different composition.

Brine recipe for salting chicken carcasses, %


C y p l i t a

Table salt

Granulated sugar

Fresh garlic

At the end of salting, the baskets are removed from the vats, placed on racks and left for 40-60 minutes for the brine to drain. Salted carcasses are cut into pieces using a circular saw or manually.

When preparing steam chickens, pieces of meat are placed in nets and sent to an autoclave, where they are treated with steam at a temperature of 120±5ºC ​​and a pressure of 0.12 MPa for 15-20 minutes. When preparing fried chicken, pieces of meat are placed on trays made of aluminum foil and brush the surface of the poultry pieces with melted butter. Trays with poultry are placed in a frying machine, where they are fried at a temperature of 250-270ºC for 20-25 minutes.

The temperature in the thickness of pieces of poultry meat after heat treatment should be 80 ± 2ºС. Then the chicken meat is served for packaging.

Sausage and frankfurters are removed from the casing. The sausage is cut into pieces 5-6 mm thick. Sausage, frankfurters and sausages are hung into portions weighing 100±2 g. In this case, there should be no more than one additional weight.

Making sauces. Broths and sautéed vegetables are used to prepare sauces.

The raw material for the broth is beef bones. After washing and crushing in a bone crusher, they are fed in mesh baskets into digesters. The ratio of bone and water is 1: 1. Cooking duration is 5-6 hours at a temperature of 100ºC. Vegetables are added 1 hour before the end of cooking the broth. After cooking, the broth is cleaned using a brush screen and separator. The purified broth is served in cauldrons to make the sauce.

After pre-processing the vegetables, onions, carrots, tomato paste and flour are separately sautéed in fat in special frying pots at a temperature of 135±5ºС for 15-20 minutes with continuous stirring. Before sautéing, tomato paste is diluted with broth in a 1:1 ratio.

Sauces are prepared in special Teflon-coated cooking pots. Hot broth is gradually added to the browned flour at a temperature of 70-80ºC (temperature no higher than 50ºC), stirring continuously until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then, in accordance with the recipe, add sauteed vegetables, tomato paste, sour cream and cook at low boil for 40 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, pepper, sugar, and bay leaf to the cauldron. The prepared sauce is pureed (in rubbing kettles with a stirrer), homogenized and fed through a pipeline to the packaging line. The temperature of the sauce when serving for stuffing should be no lower than 80ºС.

Preparation of side dishes. Chopped fresh cabbage, sauteed carrots and onions, fat, sugar, salt, tomato paste are placed in a cauldron, mixed and simmered until tender for 30 minutes.

10-15 minutes before the end of stewing, add sautéed flour, pepper, bay leaf and other ingredients. Stewed cabbage is cooled to a temperature not exceeding 50ºС and served in transport carts for packaging.

Carrots, cut into cubes, are boiled in a blancher in boiling water until tender for 15-20 minutes. It is cooled in a drum-type cooler and sent along a wire conveyor belt to drain water into an oscillating screen. The temperature of carrots supplied for packaging should be no higher than 50ºС.

Cook diced potatoes in a blancher or tilting kettle in boiling salted water until half cooked, 25 minutes. Then they are cooled in a drum-type cooler and after the water has completely drained off in a touching screen, they are sent for packaging at a temperature not exceeding 50ºC.

Washed buckwheat and rice cereals are poured into tilting cauldrons and cooked, stirring occasionally, in boiling salted water until half cooked. The ratio of buckwheat and water is 1:1.65, rice and water is 1:1.9. The porridges are unloaded into transport carts, cooled to a temperature of 50ºC and served for packaging.

Packaging of dishes. Ready-to-pack side dishes are served in transport carts. Dishes are packaged in aluminum foil molds on a specialized in-line mechanized line. Cutlets and meatballs are packed by hand. The packaging of croquettes, meatballs and other products, as well as the introduction of sauces and side dishes, is carried out using dispensers. After dosing all the components, the molds are sealed using automatic machines, labeled using a special device and transferred along a conveyor belt to a freezer.

Freezing food. Freezing of food is carried out in quick-freezers of the “Girofreeze” type at an air temperature of -30ºС and a speed of movement of 3-5 m/s to a temperature in the thickness of the product of –17…-19ºС.

The duration of freezing ready-made meat dishes is up to 2 hours.

Packaging. Frozen ready-made meals are packaged in corrugated cardboard boxes and stored at a temperature of –11 ± 1ºС for no more than 14 days; at -5ºС up to 3 days, at 0ºС no more than 1 day.



Packaging chilled meat in film materials with low gas permeability reduces oxidative changes in pigments and lipids, shrinkage of meat and to some extent inhibits the growth of microorganisms. In this case, the technology of packaging chilled meat under vacuum and in a modified environment, in particular in an environment of carbon dioxide or nitrogen, is of particular interest. As practice shows, the quality of chilled meat (bone-in and boneless cuts of beef and pork), packaged in oxygen-permeable films, remains quite high during 3-4 days of storage at a temperature of 0-2 °C. With further storage, the color of the meat changes noticeably and microorganisms actively develop on its surface.

Experimental transportation of beef cuts carried out at VNIIMP showed that when they are packaged under vacuum in saran shrink wrap, the storage duration at a temperature of 1-3 ° C increases to 9-13 days with a decrease in shrinkage by 2.25 times compared to the current standards for shrinkage of chilled meat during storage and transportation without packaging.

When packaging chilled cuts of beef and pork under vacuum in polyethylene cellophane film or saran, the duration of their storage at a temperature of 0-4 °C is 2-3 weeks. In this case, the degree of vacuumization of the packaging and the storage temperature play a significant role: the higher the degree of vacuumization and the lower the storage temperature, the lower the rate of oxidative changes in muscle tissue pigments. At a vacuum degree of 95-98% and a storage temperature of 1-3 °C, the color of packaged meat is preserved for 28-35 days. In the color of chilled meat packaged under vacuum at a partial pressure of oxygen in the package of 0.8-1.0 mm Hg. Art. (1.0-1.33 GPa), the purple-red color of reduced myoglobin predominates.

In connection with the expansion of refrigerated storage of chilled meat, as well as its transportation over long distances, experts are paying increasing attention to packaging technology in a modified environment, which makes it possible to increase the stability of meat at low positive temperatures and reduce its shrinkage during storage. This technology is of particular interest for packaging boneless cuts weighing 2-3.5 kg. The release of meat juice from boneless beef cuts stored for 15-20 days in packages with carbon dioxide or nitrogen is 1-2.2%, which is 1.5 times lower than from cuts packed under vacuum.

Two technologies for packaging meat in a modified environment have been developed: one involves the use of gas mixtures (70% 02 + 30% C02; air + 30% C02; 70% C02 + 25% N2 + 5% 02, etc.); the other is the replacement of the usual inert medium, consisting of pure carbon dioxide or nitrogen. Packaging chilled meat in an environment of carbon dioxide or nitrogen extends its shelf life by 2.5-3 times at a temperature of 0-4 °C. Packaging portioned meat in a gas environment with a high oxygen content (70-80%) and a relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide (30-20%) increases its shelf life at a temperature of 2 °C to 8 days.

Daypac (UK) and David A Hall Ltd. (Scotland) produce meat products in packages with different gas environments, the composition of which varies depending on the type of product. For packaging portioned beef, a gas mixture consisting of 70% 02, 20% CO2 and 10% N2 is used; for packaging pork with a high fat content - a mixture of 10% 02, 80% CO2 and 10% N2, for packaging boneless cuts of beef in chilled or in pair form - a mixture of 98-99% CO2 (or N2) and air.

In Denmark, the Atmas-pak method has been introduced for packaging portioned meat, which involves the use of a gas mixture consisting of 75-80% O2, 20-25% CO2. When introducing this method, the multilayer films used were improved by applying a special outer coating that adsorbs condensate formed during meat storage, which improves the presentation of the product.

The introduction of carbon monoxide into the gas mixture is positively assessed. The formation of carboxymyoglobin ensures color stability of meat. The presence of carbon monoxide (2-10%) has not only an inhibitory, but also a destructive effect on microorganisms. The use of ethylene oxide in a modified atmosphere, which provides a bactericidal effect, is also considered promising.

Thus, the currently existing types of packaging of meat and meat products in polymer materials can be divided into two types: packaging from gas-permeable films - for short-term storage and packaging from gas-tight films under vacuum and a modified gas environment - for longer long term storage

The technology of vacuum packaging of meat products in combined film materials (polyethylene cellophane, polyethylene-polyamide, polyethylene terephthalate-polyethylene) was mastered by meat processing enterprises in the 1970s. At the beginning, only portioned meat (0.5-1.0 kg) was packaged on semi-automatic vacuum packaging machines operating on a chamber principle, such as “Negro”, “Darvac” (Italy); "Eurovac TV", "Spla-ril" (France); "Multivac B-6" (Austria); "Supervac" (Germany). The mass of the product to be packaged was limited by the dimensions of the vacuum chamber, the height (depth) of which was 100-150 mm. In the following years, these machines were replaced by two-chamber vacuum packaging machines of the “Autovac variant” type from Kramer+Grebe GmbH & Co. (Germany), “Supervac GK” and “Multivac” (Austria), etc., and then vacuum packaging machines “Autovac X4” and “Compack” from Kramer+Grebe, “Multivac B-7” (Austria) and others , equipped with conveyors for automated feeding of packages with product into the vacuum chamber and removal of finished packages. The large depth of the vacuum chamber of such machines (about 150-280 mm) allows it to pack products weighing 3.5 - 5.0 kg.

One of the most modern methods packaging of meat products under vacuum - packaging in thermoformable combined materials, the widespread use of which in the USA, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Sweden and other countries is due, first of all, to the fact that it is carried out on high-performance equipment in a molded package made directly on packaging machine. This allows you to combine the entire complex of filling and packaging operations into a common flow: making a bag, filling it with a product, vacuuming, weighing, labeling. Packaging of products is carried out by feeding film from two rolls: from the first for the upper cover film (package lid), from the second - for the lower thermoformable film (bottom of the package). Polyethylene cellophane, polyethylene-rephthalate-polyethylene, polyamide (oriented) - polyethylene, etc. are used as the top film; as the bottom - thermoformable films of the polyamide-polyethylene type, as well as multilayer films based on them - polyethylene-polyamide-polyethylene, polyamide-saran-polyethylene, etc.

Based on the available information materials on the technology and technology of packaging meat and meat products, we can conclude that packaging under vacuum and in a gas environment ensures the preservation of high quality meat during long-term storage. Each package must be marked in the form of a colorful print or a pasted paper label indicating the name of the manufacturer (association, indicating the number of the manufacturer) or trademark, product name and number normative document, storage conditions and periods. In addition, a receipt from a receipt tape with a heat-sensitive or adhesive layer is affixed to each package, indicating the net weight and the date of production of the cuts; categories and varieties of meat, net weight and container weight (kg), date of manufacture, number of regulatory document.

The shelf life at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C of products packaged in gas-permeable polymer materials (premium quality natural boneless semi-finished products, natural semi-finished pork products, packaged meat) is no more than 48 hours from the end of the technological process, including at the manufacturing plant - no more than 12 hours; portioned semi-finished meat products - no more than 36 hours, including at the manufacturing plant - no more than 12 hours; semi-finished small-piece meat products - no more than 18 hours, including at the manufacturer - no more than 6 hours.

Duration of storage and transportation of premium natural boneless semi-finished product, vacuum-packed in “Poviden” film bags, at a temperature of -1...-1.5 °C - no more than 15 days from the end of the technological process, at 0-4 °C C - no more than 7 days. The shelf life in the retail chain is no more than 48 hours at a temperature of 4 to 8 °C.

The shelf life, transportation and sale of packaged meat, vacuum-packed in bags made of Poviden film, at a temperature of 0...-1.5 °C is 15 days, at 0-4 °C - 7 days.

The shelf life and transportation of semi-finished natural pork products, vacuum-packed in bags made of Poviden film at a temperature of (-1 ± 0.5 °C) is no more than 10 days, at (0 ± -0.5) °C - not more than 7 days.

Shelf life in retail stores at a temperature not exceeding 8 °C is no more than 48 hours.

The shelf life and transportation of beef in cuts, vacuum-packed in bags made of Poviden film, at a temperature of (-0.5...-1.5 ° C) is no more than 15 days, in the retail chain at a temperature of 0-6 °C - no more than 48 hours.

The shelf life of premium natural boneless semi-finished products, large-piece semi-finished products packaged under vacuum and in gas atmospheres in packages made of combined materials at a temperature of -1...2 °C is no more than 16 days, at 0-4 °C - no more than 12 days days, in a retail chain at a temperature of 4-8 °C - no more than 48 hours.

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1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS and RANGE of chopped semi-finished products





1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS and RANGE of chopped semi-finished products

Chopped semi-finished products are portioned products made from minced meat, prepared in accordance with a recipe, the basis of which is chopped (chopped) meat.

The trade includes mainly semi-finished products from slaughtered cattle: chopped steak, cutlets and meatballs.

Chopped semi-finished products are characterized by high nutritional value (Table 1.1), digestibility and taste.

Table 1.1

The main raw material for minced semi-finished products is cutlet meat, which can be replaced with trimmed meat. Lard is used as additional raw material for steaks; raw fat, onions, wheat bread soaked in water, etc. are used for cutlets. Auxiliary materials for all products are salt (1.2% of the mass of minced meat), black pepper (0.04-0 .00%) and water (6.7-20.8%), added to minced cutlets to increase its juiciness. The introduction of sodium caseppate, isolated soy protein, coprecipate (high-protein milk concentrate) into minced minced semi-finished products in an amount of 10-20% allows you to replace up to 10% of meat, improve their organoleptic quality, increase nutritional and biological value, increase water-binding capacity, and reduce losses during frying .

When producing chopped semi-finished products, meat and additional raw materials are ground on a grinder, sequentially loaded into a mixer, where salt is added in the form of a solution, pepper, and, if provided for in the recipe, eggs and other raw materials. The minced meat is mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. To lower the temperature of the mass when stirring, add ice to the mixer instead of 20% of the water specified in the recipe. Minced meat is formed in high-performance machines. The shape of the products is round, the meatballs are cylindrical (with a diameter of 28 mm and a height of no more than 15 mm). The products are placed on trays, and the cutlets are breaded with breading flour made from wheat crackers. The meatballs are then frozen to a temperature not exceeding -10°C and packaged in boxes of 350 g.

Chopped beefsteak is prepared from beef cutlet meat or trimmed meat of the 2nd grade (80%), unsalted bacon (12%), cut into pieces 3x3 mm, auxiliary materials. Portion weight - 50, 75 and 100 g.

Moscow cutlets are made from beef meat (50%), wheat bread (14%), raw beef or pork fat (9%), onions, breading flour and auxiliary materials.

Kyiv cutlets are made, like Moscow cutlets, but from pork, with a fat content of about 30%

Homemade cutlets are prepared from beef and pork meat, taken in quantities of 30.5% (recipe No. 1) or 42 and 10%, respectively (recipe No. 2), with the addition of eggs, melange or blood serum (2%) to the minced meat.

Special cutlets are made from the pulp of chicken or turkey legs ((>2%), wheat bread (14%), water (21.4%), salt (0.5%), breadcrumbs (4%).

Cutlets are produced in portions of 50 and 100 g.

School cutlets, which have high biological value due to the combination of meat and dairy raw materials and are intended for school-age children, are prepared from beef and pork cutlet meat, skim milk powder, wheat bread, breadcrumbs and auxiliary materials.

O s t a i k i n s k e f r i c a d e l s are made from beef trimmed meat of the 1st grade (78%), onions (16%), raw beef fat, bacon trimmings or fatty pork.

Kiev f ricades are prepared from 1st grade trimmed beef (38%), lean pork and pork jowl or trimmings (42%), onions (0%), powdered milk and eggs. The average weight of one meatball is 10 g.

Meatballs are intended for preparing both first courses (cook until tender in 1.5-2 liters of water) and second courses (breaded in flour, fried in oil, add tomato puree, spices, broth and simmer until tender).

For the nutrition of preschool and school-age children, recipes for children's meatballs have been developed - from beef and pork cutlets, semolina, whole milk powder, onions and auxiliary materials and Leningrad, the raw material for which is also melange, and instead of semolina, boiled rice is used. The weight of one meatball is 7-9 g.

Procurement catering establishments produce special cutlets for sale - from chicken or turkey meat (02%), bread (14%), water (22%), salt and breadcrumbs, in portions of 50 and 100 g.

Abroad (USA, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries) they produce chopped pressed frozen semi-finished products such as natural portioned ones (steaks, splints, entrecotes, etc.). These semi-finished products are prepared from meat with a high content of connective tissue (cutlet meat, meat trimmings, etc.). They are produced from block frozen boneless meat, which is cut into flakes, mixed, pressed into bars, the latter are cut into slices, which are packed on vacuum packaging machines and frozen. Semi-finished products retain the structure, water-binding capacity, juiciness and taste of natural meat.


The degree of meat grinding affects great influence They taste like chopped semi-finished products. When finely chopped, for example when cutting, the aroma and taste of the semi-finished product will be noticeably worse than those prepared from meat chopped on a shelf. This is due to the strong binding of aromatic and flavoring substances by the finely ground structure of meat, and due to the significant binding of water during chewing, less meat juice is released and the taste of the product is felt weaker. In semi-finished products made from hand-boned meat, the organoleptic properties are more pronounced.

However, semi-finished products are often supplied to the retail chain, especially dumplings made from finely ground meat. Of course, when finely chopped, the meat retains water better, which is what some manufacturers take advantage of by adding water to the minced meat in order to obtain additional product yield, without taking into account the noticeable deterioration in taste.

When making chopped semi-finished products, meat is ground on grinders. Industrial grinders differ little in design from household meat grinders; they are simple in design, simple in design and reliable in operation. In Fig. Figure 2.1 shows diagrams of typical grinders with conventional and forced supply of raw materials to the cutting mechanism. The top consists of a frame 1, a drive 8, a loading neck 6, a receiving cylinder 5 and a working cylinder 3, a cutting (knife) mechanism 4 and devices for supplying raw materials to it - a worm 2 in grinders with a conventional supply of raw materials, as well as a worm 2 and a screw 7 in forced-feed grinders. Meat through the boot

Rice. 2.1. Schemes of grinders with conventional (a) and forced supply of raw materials into the working cylinder (b):

/ - bed; 2-auger working (chernyak); 3 - working cylinder; 4 - cutting mechanism; .5 - receiving cylinder; 6 - loading neck; 7- feed auger; 8-drive

the neck enters the receiving cylinder, from where it is fed by a worm (or auger and worm) into the working cylinder. Under the influence of pressure caused by a decrease in the pitch of the worm turns, the meat is pushed through successively assembled knives and grates, and comes out of the grinder in a crushed form. There are ribs inside the working chamber that guide the movement of the meat, preventing it from being crushed.

The forced supply of raw materials into the working part of the machine ensures constant loading of the cutting mechanism (at the level of the specified productivity) and high specific productivity. The specific energy consumption for grinding is reduced compared to manual feeding or gravity feeding. However, the design of a forced-feed grinder is more complex, therefore, its cost increases, so forced feeding of meat has a positive effect only with high productivity of the grinders. The longer the working auger (worm), the less meat is forced back into the loading part and the higher the productivity of the grinder: with a large number of turns, a kind of labyrinth is formed, which reduces the possibility of pressing the minced meat from the pressure zone into the loading zone.

The most important part of the top is the cutting mechanism. It can be flat or conical. The most common grinders are those with a flat cutting mechanism, which is assembled from knives and grates (as for meat grinders). Usually the grill is stationary and the knife rotates. Flat cutting mechanisms are simpler in design and more convenient to use - it is easier to regulate the degree of pressure of the grates and knives, on which the efficiency of chopping meat depends. Conical cutting mechanisms are more difficult to implement, but can reduce energy consumption for chopping meat.

Rice. 2.2. Assembly diagrams for the top cutting mechanism:

a - for fine grinding; b - for coarse grinding: / - receiving grid; 2- double-sided knife; 3 - large grille; 4- fine grate; 5-receiver ring is narrow; 6 - wide receiving ring; 7- clamping nut

The performance of the grinder and the specific energy consumption can be adjusted by completing the cutting mechanism, which can be assembled from 1-6 cutting planes. For fine and medium grinding of meat, more cutting planes are installed. Typical options for the set and assembly of knives and grids of the cutting mechanism of the top are shown in Fig. 2.2.

When coarsely grinding raw materials, the cutting mechanism is assembled in the following sequence: a one-sided receiving knife is put on the finger of the working auger, then a grid, which is fixedly secured with a key in the working cylinder. The knife rotates along with the working speck, the sharpened blades of the knife are adjacent to the grate. The surfaces of the grid and knife are ground for a tighter fit, which improves cutting conditions.

The cutting mechanism must be assembled so that the grinding is first coarser, then finer. This ensures lower energy consumption and, accordingly, the crushed product heats up less. In a knife mechanism with four cutting planes, a receiving grid, a double-sided knife, a large grid with holes of a larger diameter, for example 16 or 25 mm, a second double-sided knife, a fine grid and a pressure ring are put on the working auger finger. The knives and grates are moderately tightened with a clamping nut.

The performance of the top is determined throughput cutting mechanism, which, in turn, depends on the diameters of the grate and the holes in it. The diameter of the grating is a characteristic by which tops are distinguished (for example, a top with a grate with a diameter of 120 mm, or a 120 mm top). In tops domestic production Grilles with diameters of 82, 120, 160, 220 mm are accepted, foreign ones - 100, 130, 160, 200 and 300 mm. The gratings are made with holes with diameters of 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25 mm (sometimes 5, 9 and 13 mm).

The performance of the cutting mechanism depends on the number of feathers on the knives. The most common are cross-shaped knives, i.e. with four feathers. With an increase in the number of feathers on the knife, the performance of the top increases, unless the degree of use of the grid decreases (the feathers of the knives do not cover too much of the grid area).

The performance of the top is adjusted by changing the rotation speed of the knives. The higher the cutting speed, the lower the cutting force and the better the quality of the cut, but at the same time the temperature in the contact zone of the cutting part of the tool with the product increases significantly. In addition, as the cutting speed increases, the specific pressure on the contact surface between the knife and the grid increases sharply, which provides more favorable conditions cutting tough connective tissue.

If the cutting mechanism of the top is incorrectly assembled, the surface of the grates is uneven, or the knives and grates are poorly sharpened, gaps are formed in the cutting plane. When the grinder operates, pieces of meat, or more precisely connective tissue, get clogged into them, which leads to “scrolling” of the knife without cutting and heating of the minced meat due to friction.

Correct operation of the cutting mechanism is ensured by tightly tightening the knives and grates. To do this, tighten the flywheel nut with a wrench until it stops, and then release it by about a third of a turn. The flywheel nut should not be over-tightened, since cutting meat on a grinder should not be accompanied by large compression forces, which can lead to the release of the liquid fraction from the minced meat.

Fatty meat on a grinder is poorly crushed, ground, and passes slowly, especially if its temperature is high. In this case, it is better to use a cutter.

When the grinder operates, meat and fat serve as a lubricant for the cutting mechanism, screw and cylinder. In this regard, it is not recommended to turn on the top before loading.

Malfunction of the grinder is determined by the degree of grinding of the meat. With proper assembly of the cutting mechanism and good sharpening of the knives and grates, the minced meat fills all the holes in the grate, flows out smoothly, in an even stream and does not heat up noticeably. If the grinder malfunctions, or if the knives and grates are dull, some of the holes remain unfilled, and the stream of minced meat may be intermittent and zigzag.

The resulting minced meat is sent for the production of semi-finished products or cooling. It would not be amiss to recall that when grinding meat, it is usually significantly contaminated with microorganisms and spoils noticeably faster during storage. Therefore, it is impossible to keep chopped meat in the semi-finished products workshop - it must be immediately placed in the refrigerator.


From chopped meat, you can form natural chopped semi-finished products, which include products made from meat alone, i.e. without the addition of non-meat components, and chopped semi-finished products, the recipe of which includes, in addition to meat, other products - breadcrumbs, bread, vegetables, eggs, vegetable and milk proteins, etc.

Natural semi-finished products from minced meat are produced relatively rarely for technological reasons, in particular, due to the poor cohesiveness of minced meat and the possible collapse of the product during cooking, as well as for economic reasons. Other components used in the production of chopped semi-finished products are usually cheaper than meat, and due to this, the cost of the final product and its wholesale price are reduced, or the manufacturer’s profit significantly increases if the price is left unchanged (which, unfortunately, is more often practiced).

To obtain a well-knit minced meat structure, white bread, potatoes, soy or milk protein, and rice are added to the meat. breadcrumbs.

When adding wheat bread soaked in milk or water to the minced meat, the chopped semi-finished products retain their shape well. When they are cooked, the bread not only binds the released meat juice, but also increases in volume, so that the product turns out juicy and fluffy. However, at the same time, the taste of bread is noticeably manifested in the prepared semi-finished product, which is not always liked by the consumer, especially if he has not forgotten the taste of “public catering” cutlets.

Potatoes, especially raw ones, also stabilize the structure of minced meat well and, unlike bread, do not interrupt the taste of meat. But due to the rapid darkening of the potatoes semi-finished meat product it is necessary to immediately cook or freeze (the potatoes do not darken when frozen) or use sulfated potatoes. Semi-finished products with boiled potatoes do not darken, but their taste is somewhat worse.

Relatively recently, soy and milk proteins began to be used in the production of chopped semi-finished products. Due to their neutral taste, good binding ability and relatively low cost, their use can only be welcomed, unless, of course, the amount of hydrated protein is excessive (no more than 10-15% of the mass of the semi-finished product).

When breadcrumbs are added, the structure of the minced meat is noticeably thickened, and it remains the same even after cooking. Therefore, the stuffing of dumplings, prepared with the addition of breadcrumbs, retains its shape even if the dough shell is broken during cooking of the dumplings.

Frequently used rice does not significantly affect the structure of raw minced meat, but it does a good job of retaining the meat juice released when heated, significantly improving the taste of the finished product. This is especially obvious when making cabbage rolls: without rice, the minced meat will be dry and tough.

Rice. 3.1. Diagram of a mince mixer with spiral blades:

1 - bed; 2 - electric motor; 3-wheel drive; 4 - capacity; 5-kneading spirals; 6 - lattice cover; 7 - covers for unloading minced meat

The minced meat is finally prepared in mixers, into which the raw materials are added according to the recipe. Typically, open batch mixers with mechanized unloading or manual bowl overturning are used. The main working mechanisms of a mixer are blades, spirals or augers. Meat mixers with spiral-shaped augers and product unloading through a special side hatch with a lock are easy to use (Fig. 3.1). The mixer consists of a container 4, inside which two kneading spirals 5 rotate counter-rotating. The rotation of the spirals is carried out from the electric motor 2 through the drive 3. The minced meat is unloaded when the kneading spirals rotate through the lid 7.

The raw materials are loaded into the minced meat mixer in the following sequence: meat, hydrated protein or bread soaked in milk, onions, eggs or melange, spices. Stir the minced meat until a homogeneous mass is formed, usually within 4-6 minutes. The prepared minced meat is immediately sent to form the semi-finished product. Even short-term aging of minced meat is undesirable due to a possible increase in bacterial contamination.


The prepared minced meat is used to form: cutlets in the form of an oval flat cake 2-2.5 cm thick; meatballs in the form of flat cakes of a rounded-flattened shape, 1.5-2 cm thick; schnitzels in the form of flat-oval flat cakes 1-1.5 cm thick; other products, the shape of which is specified in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Forming cutlets, even with small production volumes, can be carried out on a machine that is simple in design and therefore reliable in operation. The machine consists of a body on which a hopper for minced meat, a rotating table and a dump disk are located. The ejection disk rotates 5.3 times faster than the table. The minced meat is loaded into the hopper. With blades placed obliquely on a vertical shaft, the minced meat is fed to the hopper channel. Through the channel, the minced meat fills the next of the five nests of the continuously rotating table. The channel volume is controlled by a piston. The piston rod ends with a roller sliding along a fixed guide. The volume of minced meat in the nest is regulated by the stroke of the piston using a double-armed lever through a limiting disc. As the table moves, the piston rod roller slides along the guide, lifting the piston to the table surface. In the upper position of the piston, the dosed portion of minced meat is released by the disk.

Table pistons consist of a piston with a rod, a glass and a cover. Between the lid and the glass, a spring is placed on the piston rod, returning the piston to its original position.


Chopped semi-finished products are packaged manually in bags made of polymer film or on trays made of polymer materials. The package usually contains semi-finished products, the appearance of which is not decisive for the consumer - sets for broth, soup, jelly, etc. With the advent on the market of electronic scales with receipt printing devices for portions of a given weight, for example 500 ± 5, 1000 + 15 g, semi-finished products are not packaged, since in order to achieve the exact mass, small pieces - makeweights - must be added to almost every package. This is both labor-intensive and degrades the appearance of the product. Electronic scales automatically accurately determine the weight of the product and stick a label on the package (or issue it) indicating the weight, price per 1 kg (100 g) and the cost of the semi-finished product.

Chopped semi-finished products packaged in trays retain their shape well, and externally such packaging looks modern and attractive. It is better to place semi-finished products tightly on the tray, one next to the other - then the packaging retains its shape well. Trays of semi-finished products are then placed in a plastic film bag or wrapped in plastic film. Color printing can be applied to bags and film.

Often chopped semi-finished products, packaged in film or trays, are placed in rectangular cardboard boxes, which are more convenient to put in boxes, i.e., transport containers. Due to their denser packing, they take up less space per unit volume of the refrigerator. In addition, during transportation and loading works In retail chains, packaging film is often damaged, and the buyer refuses to take such a product. IN cardboard box The polymer packaging is not damaged, but the consumer does not see the product and therefore is more willing to buy semi-finished products in transparent packaging. Although products from well-known manufacturers are better purchased if they are packaged in cardboard boxes.

As already noted, the packaging of chopped semi-finished products into trays and bags is done manually. Some solutions and techniques can increase labor productivity in packaging operations. In particular, with a large production volume, it is advisable to install a system of conveyors through which semi-finished products are delivered from the cutting and forming area to the packaging area. In case of large quantities, semi-finished products of the same type can be delivered by a separate conveyor to the packaging site. In this case, the number of conveyor lines is equal to the number of assortment items of semi-finished products, not counting the general and connecting conveyors.

A simple option for organizing the packaging of chopped semi-finished products is shown in Fig. 12. Poultry carcasses arriving via conveyor / are dumped onto distribution conveyor 2, from where they are transferred to conveyor 3. Workers take the carcasses from it, cut them up, place them on substrates and transfer them to conveyor 4. Thanks to the organization of the flow diagram, labor productivity increases noticeably.

With small volumes of production of chopped semi-finished products, flow in the organization of cutting, filling and packaging workplaces is also of significant importance.

When choosing equipment for packaging semi-finished products, you should proceed from the required productivity and packaging method (under vacuum, thermal packaging, in bags and then sealing them with heat sealing or adhesive tape).

It is not recommended to seal bags with metal clips due to the frequent rupture of the film during application of the clip or during subsequent transportation of semi-finished products.

For large production volumes, continuous machines using a non-contact packaging method are usually chosen (Fig. 5.1). In a machine for packaging semi-finished products in shrink films, the vacuum chamber is replaced by a shrink tunnel. The substrate with semi-finished products is placed on the lower film between the limiters of the conveyor, which moves synchronously with the lower film. The distance between the two delimiters determines the length of the packet. The product is covered with another film on top. Longitudinal seams are formed continuously with the help of heating elements, to which the films are pressed with fluoroplastic rollers.

Cooling Shrinkage Transverse, longitudinal Feeding of packaging Welding and cutting of packaging material

Rice. 5.1. Diagram of a machine for packaging products in a non-contact way

The films are drawn through a transverse welding mechanism consisting of two conveyors: upper and lower. On the top there are cushions made of silicone rubber, on the bottom there are two heating elements, between which there is a knife for cutting bags. Films with embedded product and welded longitudinal seams are clamped between the upper cushions and lower heaters and are moved by a transverse welding mechanism. At the same time, a transverse seam of the packaging is formed by thermal pulse welding. The package is then cut with a knife, which moves out of the groove as it moves along a stationary copier. The welding modes of longitudinal seam and thermal pulse welding of transverse seam can be changed using voltage regulators and electronic time relays. The welding voltage of both types of seam is controlled by a voltmeter.

Packaging using non-package machines is characterized by high labor productivity. All operations, from laying substrates on the conveyor to releasing the packaged product, are performed automatically. Separate machines perform automatic weighing, printing a receipt and sticking it on the packaging. The machine's productivity is from 1000 packages per hour, and accordingly the cost of such equipment is high.

On the domestic market, you can purchase continuous machines with a bagless packaging method only from foreign manufacturers. Batch equipment with a capacity of up to 300 packages per hour with non-package and package packaging methods of domestic and foreign production can be freely purchased. For semi-finished products, you can use, for example, lines with thermal tunnels for block packaging in shrink film, semi-automatic packaging machines and thermal tunnels, and vacuum packaging machines.

Of course, the operation of packaging semi-finished products under vacuum or in shrink film, even in small production, requires significant investments. You can produce semi-finished products on substrates, sealed in film bags by heat sealing or adhesive tape (this is done, by the way, in most small enterprises) and do without investment. However, in conditions modern market the appearance of the packaging is great value, and this should not be neglected. The costs of more advanced packaging are well worth it, although such packaging requires special shrink or self-adhesive shrink film. Small businesses successfully use machines for wrapping products in shrink film on a heated plane (the so-called “hot table”).

Of the vacuum packaging machines, two-chamber ones are most often used: while vacuuming is taking place in one chamber, the other is being prepared for work.


1. Gushchin V.V., Technology of semi-finished meat products, Moscow, 2002.

2. Gabrielians N.A., Kozlov A.P., Commodity research of meat and fish products, Moscow 1986.

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Chopped semi-finished products include cutlets - homemade, Moscow, Kyiv, peasant, Krasnodar, meat and cabbage, meat and potato in Belarusian, meat and vegetable, Nyurba, Yakut, Transbaikal, Buryat, spicy, low-calorie children's, chicken children's, chicken school; meatballs - low-calorie children's, chicken children's; schnitzel - Moscow, special; beefsteak - city, beef, youth; rump steak; minced meat - beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special^ offal, for steaks; meatballs - Kyiv, Ostankino, meat and vegetable, Leningrad, children's; meat croquettes; dietary dumplings; Kuftya in Moscow style.

Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled and frozen.

Chopped semi-finished products are made from beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, venison, poultry and offal.

For the production of all types of chopped semi-finished products, meat is used in a cooled, chilled and defrosted state, the quality of which must meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation. Depending on the type of chopped semi-finished products, cutlet meat (beef, pork, lamb, horse), trimmed beef of grades I and II, semi-fat, fat, single-grade pork, raw beef and pork fat, unsalted sausage lard, boned chicken meat with skin, mechanically separated meat. By-products include trimmed beef and pork heads, light pork and beef, and trimmed meat.

In addition to meat and animal fats, soy and milk protein preparations, blood plasma, wheat bread, chicken eggs and melange, rice and semolina cereals, bread flour, onions and vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, carrots), as well as milk, butter, drinking water and spices.

Each type of chopped semi-finished products must meet the appropriate organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. Cutlets, rump steaks and meatballs are characterized by a rounded-flattened shape, for schnitzels - oblong, for minced meat and steaks - rectangular (in the form of briquettes), for meatballs - spherical or elongated-spherical.

When cut, chopped semi-finished products should look like well-mixed minced meat.

Scheme 5.1. Technological scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products (cutlets, schnitzels, meatballs, rump steak, beefsteak, minced meat)

Minced meat is a homogeneous mass without bones, cartilage, tendons, coarse connective tissue, blood clots and films.

The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products in their raw form should be characteristic of good-quality raw materials, and when fried - characteristic of a fried product. The surface of breaded semi-finished products should be evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

In chopped semi-finished products, the mass fraction of moisture, fat, table salt, bread (if provided for in the recipe), as well as the weight of one serving are regulated.

The technological process for the production of chopped semi-finished products and minced meat is carried out in accordance with schemes 5.1, 5.2.

Scheme 5.2. Technological scheme for the production of meatballs, croquettes, dietary quenelles, Moscow-style kyufta

CatLety domestic

Recipe 1 Recipe 2
Beef cutlet meat 28,0 21,00 36,0 27,00
Fatty trimmed pork 29,7 22,28 20,7 15,53
Raw beef or pork fat or - - 2,00 1,50
unsalted bacon cuts
Wheat flour bread 13,0 9,75 13,0 9,75
Breadcrumbs 4,0 3,00 4,00 3,00
2,0 1,50 2,0 1,50
OD 0,07 OD 0,07
Melange 2,0 1,50 1,0 " 0,75.
Table salt 1,2 0,90 1,2 0,90
Drinking water 20,0 15,00 20,0 15,00
Total 100th 75,00 100,0 75,00

Moscow cutlets

Below are the recipes for chopped semi-finished products: cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, rump steak (in g per 1 serving); beefsteaks, minced meat, meatballs, croquettes, dietary quenelles, Moscow-style kofta (in kg per 100 kg of raw materials).

Kyiv cutlets

Peasant cutlets
Recipe Recipe 2
Trimmed pork with skin 53,7 55,2
Wheat bread 11,2 13,0
Egg melange 5,5 5,5
Fresh peeled onions 11,3 6,0
Table salt 1,2 1,2
Ground black or white pepper od 0,1
Drinking water 13,0 15,0
Breadcrumbs 4,0 4,0
Total 100,00 100,0
Krasnodar cutlets
Recipe Recipe 2
Pork or beef head meat 47,00 23,50
Trimmed pork or beef lungs 21,00 10,50
Bread made from wheat flour not lower than grade I 12,00 6,00
Breadcrumbs 4,00 2,00
Fresh peeled onions 2,90 1,45
Ground black pepper 0,10 0,05
Melange or chicken eggs 2,00 1,00
Table salt 1,00 0,50
Drinking water 10,0 5,00
Total 100,00 50,00
Meat and cabbage cutlets
Beef cutlet meat 26,90
Fatty trimmed pork 12,85
Fresh peeled cabbage 20,00
Fresh peeled onions 5,00
Wheat flour, grade I 5,00
Breadcrumbs 4,00
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00
Ground black or white pepper 0,05
Table salt 1,20
Drinking water 8,00
Total 100,00

Belarusian meat and potato cutlets
Recipe 1 Recipe 2
Beef cutlet meat 34,75 36,75
Boiled potatoes, chopped or 30,00 25,00
dry potato raw materials (flakes, granules)
ly, grains or dry milk-car puree
potato) hydrated
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 18,00 14,00
Fresh peeled onions 1,00 6,00
Ground black or white pepper 0,05 0.05Q G\(\
Wheat flour, grade I 6,00 o,UU
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00 1.00 1 TG\
Table salt 1,20 A PG\
Breadcrumbs Drinking water 4,00 4,00 4,00
Total 100,00 100,00
Meat and vegetable cutlets
Beef cutlet meat 35,75
Boiled rice or pearl barley 25,00
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 18,00
Fresh peeled onions 5,00
Ground black or white pepper 0,05
Melange or chicken eggs 1,00
Table salt 1,20
Breadcrumbs / 4,00
Drinking water 9,00
Total 100,00
Nyurba cutlets
Trimmed horse meat, II grade 50,00
Raw horse abdominal or subcutaneous fat 10,00
Wheat flour bread 14,00
Breadcrumbs 2,5
Fresh onions 1,6
Ground black pepper OD 1^
Table salt 1,2
Drinking water L),o
Total 100,00
Yakut cutlets
Trimmed foal meat, grade II 42,0
Pork cutlet meat 10,0
Raw horse belly fat or under-fat 10,0
Wheat flour bread 12 0
Breadcrumbs 1 5
Fresh peeled onions 7 1
Ground black pepper A 1 P 1
Melange or chicken eggs 2,0
Table salt \1
Drinking water 10 1
Total 18,1 100,00
Transbaikal cutlets
Pork cutlet meat 30^00 12,0 2 5
Wheat flour bread
Fresh peeled onions
Ground black pepper 0 i
Melange or chicken eggs i.,2
Table salt 1.2
Drinking water on n
Total Buryat cutlets /and, and 100.0
Single-grade trimmed horse meat 45,0
Raw pork or beef fat
Wheat flour bread 12"o
Breadcrumbs 2 5
Fresh peeled onions 2,0
Ground black pepper
Melange or chicken eggs V/, 1 2.2
Table salt i",2
Drinking water 20,0 100,0
Spicy cutlets
Beef cutlet meat 23,70
Pork cutlet meat
Frozen white cabbage 36,50
Melange or chicken eggs 2,40
Wheat flour 10,80
Breadcrumbs 3,26
Fresh peeled onions 5 40
Ground black pepper o"o4
Table salt 1D0
Total 100,0
Low-calorie cutlets for children
Beef cutlet meat 18,50
Pork cutlet meat 5,00
Sodium caseinate 0"55

Methylcellulose MC-100 (2.5% solution) 12,00
Wheat bread 4,00
Soy protein isolated 0,25
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Fresh peeled onions 1,25
Allspice extract 0,001
Table salt 0,30
Drinking water 4,90
Total 50,0
School chicken cutlets
Heart of chickens, chicks 8,0
Wheat bread 7,0
Table salt 0,4
Drinking water 8,0
Breadcrumbs 2,0
And wow 50,00
Low-calorie baby meatballs
Beef cutlet meat 18,00
Pork cutlet meat 5,00
Skimmed cow's milk powder 1,60
Sodium caseinate 0,30
Frozen carrots or pumpkin 10,00
Wheat bread 4,00
Soy protein isolated 0,25
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Fresh peeled onions 1,25
Allspice extract l 0,001
Table salt 0,30
Drinking water 7,30
Total 50,00
Children's chicken balls
Meat of chickens, chickens (boneless with skin) 14,5
Muscular stomachs of chickens 8,5
Heart of chickens, chicks 8,0
Boiled rice cereal 14,5
Melange or chicken eggs 1,0
Fresh peeled onions 1,0
Table salt 0,5
Breadcrumbs 2,0
Total 50.00
Schnitzel chopped Moscow
Beef cutlet meat 71,00
Fatty trimmed pork 16,00
Table salt 1,20
Drinking water 9,75
Breadcrumbs 2,00
Ground black or white pepper 0,05
Total 100,00
Special chopped schnitzel
Beef cutlet meat 35,0
Fatty trimmed pork 14,5
Structured protein product (SBP) 45,0
Fresh peeled onions 2 $
Table salt 1>
Ground black or white pepper od
Breadcrumbs 2,0
Total 100,0
A structured protein product (SBP) is prepared
according to the following recipe (in kg per 100 kg of raw materials) i;
Blood plasma 68,0
Beef cutlet meat 22,0
Soy protein isolated 8,0
Calcium chloride solution 25% 2,0
Total 100,0
City beefsteak*
Raw materials: Trimmed beef, grade II 80,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Table salt 1,0
Ground black pepper OD
Drinking water 12,0
Breadcrumbs 2,4
"Control yield of frozen semi-finished product, % by weight of raw materials
(without breading) - 106.

Beef steak*
Raw materials
Trimmed beef, grade II 100,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Table salt 1,0
Ground black pepper 0,1
Drinking water 12,0
Breadcrumbs 2,4
mass of feedstock
(without breading) - 106.
Youth steak *
Raw materials
Beef trimmings, disassembled 80,0
Pork trimmings, disassembled 20,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Table salt 1,0
Ground black pepper od
Drinking water 10,0
Breadcrumbs 3,0
♦Control yield of frozen semi-finished product, % mass of feedstock
(without breading) - 106. Steak
Beef cutlet meat 200,0
Unsalted sausage lard 30,0
Ground black or white pepper OD
Table salt 1,5
Drinking water 18,4
Total 250,0
Minced offal
Trimmed beef and pork head meat 70,0
Light beef or pork trimmed 27,9
Ground black pepper OD t n
Table salt 2,0
Total 100,0
Kyiv meatballs*
Raw materials
Trimmed beef, grade I 38,0
Pork, trimmed, semi-fat 15,0
Pork cheek 27,0
Fresh peeled onions 6,0
Whole milk powder 2,0
Egg melange 3,0
Breadcrumbs Total 9,0 100,0

Spices and materials
Ground black or white pepper 0,1
Table salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
i mass of raw materials.
Ostankino meatballs*
Raw materials
Trimmed beef, grade I 76,0
Raw fat 5,0
Sausage bacon 3,0
Fresh peeled onions 16,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Ground black or white pepper 0,05
Table salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
"" Control yield of frozen products, PO% > mass of raw materials.
Meat-vegetable meatballs *
Raw materials
Trimmed beef, grade I 59,0
Fatty trimmed pork 10,0
Soy protein, hydrated concentrate 12,0
Shredded boiled potatoes 10,0
Fresh peeled onions 6,0
Egg melange 3,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Ground black or white pepper 0,05
Table salt 2,0
Drinking water, dm 3 15,0
"Control output of frozen products, POY "■> mass of raw materials.
Leningrad meatballs*
Raw materials
Fresh peeled onions 8,0
Whole milk powder 2,0
Egg melange 3,0
Total 100,0
Spices and materials
Ground allspice OD
Table salt 1,2
Drinking water, dm 15,0
♦Control output of frozen products, 114Ya b mass of raw materials.

Meatballs for children*
Raw materials 54 0
Beef trimmed cutlet meat zo"o
Pork trimmed cutlet meat 10,0
Semolina, fresh peeled onions 2,0 4,0
Whole milk powder 100,0
Total Spices and materials 0 08
Ground allspice V,v/O 1.20
Table salt 15,0
Drinking water, dm 100,0
"■Control yield of frozen products, 114% " JYldH^Dl UblJJD>l.
Meat croquettes*
Raw materials 73,0
Beef cutlet meat 16,0
Fatty trimmed pork 2,0
Melange or chicken eggs
Fresh peeled onions 7,0
Semolina 100,0
And that Spices and materials 2,00
Table salt 0,05
Ground black pepper 22,00
Drinking water, dm
"" Control yield of frozen products, 107! /O mass of raw materials.
Diet quenelles*
Raw materials Premium quality trimmed beef 89,0 2,0
Cow butter 2,0
Melange or chicken eggs 7,0
Semolina 100,0
Total Spices and materials 1,5
Table salt 22,0
Pasteurized cow's milk 9th myagsy skptmg
"" Control output of frozen products, 108
Kufta in Moscow style *
Raw materials 55 0
Premium trimmed beef JJ,U 34.0
Fatty trimmed pork 1,0
Melange or chicken eggs 5,0
Fresh peeled onions 5,0
Rice groats 100,0

"Control yield of frozen products, 105% of the mass of raw materials.

Minced meat is produced according to the recipes given in table. 5.1.

Minced meat recipes

Raw materials Beef Pork Home Mutton Special For beef
Beef, trimmed 100 - 50 - 20
II grade or beef meat
jelly cutlet
Pork, trimmed - 100 50 - 50 _
semi-fat or meat
pork cutlet
Trimmed lamb - __ - 100 - _
single-grade or meat
lamb cutlet
Side fat and trimming _ __ __ _ _
unsalted bacon
Soy protein hydration _ __ __ - 30

" Grinding of raw materials. Raw meat after trimming is ground on grinders of various systems with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 muJ

All tops have a fundamentally identical actuator design. In the body of the top there is a working chamber for processing the product, which is a stationary hollow cylinder, inside of which there are ribs that prevent the product (meat) from rotating relative to the screw. The arrangement of the ribs can be helical (spiral-shaped) or longitudinal (parallel to the axis of the working cylinder). The direction of the screw ribs is opposite to the direction of the screw turns. The braking effect of the ribs depends on their number, height, shape and distance between them.

To advance the product in the working chamber, feed it to the knives and push it through the knife grids, a rotating auger is used with a pitch of turns that decreases towards unloading.

A special feature of the screw operation is that it creates pressure sufficient to move the meat through the cutting mechanism without squeezing out the liquid phase contained in the product. 232

The cutting tool of the grinder consists of a stationary scoring grid, rotating cross-shaped knives and stationary knife grids with different hole diameters and a clamping nut. The main production parameter of the top is the diameter of the output grid. The most common are gratings with a diameter of 160 and 200 mm.

(/The degree of grinding of meat on a grinder and its productivity depend on the size of the holes in the output grid and the number of cutting planes. For a small degree of grinding (16-25 mm), one cutting plane is sufficient; the grinder is assembled with one knife and one grid (Fig. 5.1, a, d); with finer grinding (2-3 mm), the number of cutting planes should be increased / Therefore, the cutting mechanism is assembled according to two schemes: (Fig. 5.1, b, c).

1When grinding raw materials for chopped semi-finished products, it is recommended to assemble the cutting grinder set in the following order: receiving knife, double-sided knife, large mesh with outlet holes 15-20 mm in diameter, second double-sided knife, mesh with holes 2-3 mm in diameter.

The top consists of a loading bowl into which the raw material arrives, a feeding device (spiral and worm), an electric motor, a metal casing, a cutting mechanism and a clamping nut (Fig. 5.2).

The top works as follows: from the loading bowl, the raw material is fed to the cutting mechanism using a spiral and a worm. The feed spiral rotates from its own motor through a gear drive. From the feeding spiral, the meat flows to the worm, then it is pushed to the cutting mechanism (grids and knives), secured with a clamping nut^ /" Currently, meat processing plants use MP-160 and K6-FVZP-200 grinders.

The MP-160 top (Fig. 5.3) consists of a frame on which a feeder is mounted, including a loading bowl and a receiving auger; a feed mechanism consisting of a cylinder with spiral ribs and a working screw; a grinding mechanism containing double-sided four-tooth knives and a set of gratings with a diameter of 1 (50 mm); a flywheel nut and a drive with an electric motor, a spur gearbox, a V-belt drive and electrical starting equipment.

The quality of meat grinding can be judged by the nature of its flow from the neck of the grinder. With good grinding quality, minced meat; comes out of all the holes in the grate and flows in even streams, and if it’s bad, it flows out in zigzag streams and mainly along the edge of the grate. If the top is not working properly, its neck

Rice. 5.2. Top diagram:

"1 - loading bowl; 2 - feed spiral; 3 - Electric motor; 4 - metal casing; 5 - cutting mechanism; 6 - clamping nut; 7 - worm

warms up. In this case, the top must be disassembled and troubleshooted.

(^The efficiency of the grinders depends on the degree of meat supply into the loading necks. It is necessary to ensure a continuous supply of meat and not allow the grinders to run idle. Before starting work, check the sanitary condition of the grinders and the correct assembly of the cutting mechanism. At the end of the work, turn off the power supply to the grinders and disassemble the cutting mechanism and meat feeding mechanism and washed hot water. The chopped meat is used to prepare minced meat.

For the production of chopped semi-finished products, it is allowed to use frozen meat blocks without prior defrosting and chopping on a block cutter. When chopping meat blocks on a block cutter in the form of chips and to prevent them from freezing, the chopped block meat is mixed in mixers with chilled or defrosted meat - beef in a ratio of 40 and 60%, pork in a ratio of 50 and 50%. Frozen mixtures

and cooled (or defrosted) raw materials are crushed on grinders with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

After grinding meat blocks in the form of meal on a block cutter with a grid hole diameter of 20-25 mm or pieces measuring 10 x 3 x 3 mm, they are sent directly to a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm.

When making beefsteak, bacon is added to the minced meat in the form of cubes with a side size of no more than 4 mm. First, the skin is removed from the fat by hand or using special machines^

Using the Zvezda-2 machine, the skin is removed and the fat is layered (Fig. 5.4). Flattening of fat is necessary for ease of loading into fat cutting machines. The machine contains two pulleys with an endless band knife. Between the front and rear tables there is a toothed feed roller, an upper roller with guide parts, a comb-scraper for cleaning the feed roller, and a sharpener for cleaning the knife. During operation, the lard is placed skin side down on the front table and manually pushed along the guide parts onto a toothed feed roller, which guides the lard onto the knife. The cut skin falls down, and the bacon moves to the back table. The improvement of existing machines for skinning and layering of lard involves the creation of automated units for feeding, cutting and discharging products.

(For preventing overheating of the fat during subsequent processing of individual pieces of overheated fat on the fat cutter

Rice. 5.4. Scheme of operation of the Zvezda-2 machine:

a - skinning; 6 - fat layering; 1,3 - tables; 2 - upper roller with guide part; 4 - feed roller; 5 - comb-scraper

are easily crushed and deformed by the working parts of the steak cutter, which leads to a decrease in the quality of steaks.

After skinning and layering, the pieces of bacon are cooled to a temperature close to O "C.

Depending on the location of the feeder, hair cutters can be vertical or horizontal with a hydraulic or mechanical drive, and according to the design of the knives - with plate or disk knives^

The lard is squeezed out of the feeder by a piston towards the cutting mechanism. The cutting mechanism consists of two mutually perpendicular sets of circular knives and a cutting crescent knife or two knife frames with flat knives and a cutting crescent knife (Fig. 5.5). When moving, the knife frames cut the lard into strips. A crescent knife then cuts the strips into cubes. The cutting plane of the sickle knife is perpendicular to the direction of the lard block. To grind the bacon well, you need to ensure that the knives are in good working order and well sharpened.

/T1cooking minced meat. When preparing minced semi-finished products, chopped raw meats, protein preparations, vegetable or cereal components, bread, water, salt and all spices are weighed or dosed using dispensers. Weighed raw materials and spices are loaded into batch mixers or continuous meat preparation units and mixed for cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels and rump steak for 4-6 minutes, for steak 2-4 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed^/ 1

The L5-FMB batch mince mixer (Fig. 5.6) consists of a frame, a lattice lid, a bowl (reservoir) in which two kneading spirals rotate towards each other, and a drive with an electric motor. The bed is a welded frame, covered on all sides with quick-release facing sheets. The container and drive cabinet for the kneading spirals are mounted on the frame. The drive of the kneading spirals is provided by V-belt and gear drives. The hatches of the container are designed for unloading minced meat; they are tightly closed with lids. Lattice