The USSR military doctrine adopted under Brezhnev was again based on the classics of military science, returning the main role to the ground forces in achieving victory. Their main quality was considered to be the ability to attack, interacting with other branches of the military, and above all with aviation. The first-born of the Brezhnev era, the Su-24 was supposed to become an air ram that would pave the way for tank wedges to the shores of the English Channel. For cover, he needed a fighter with the appropriate range. The requirements for such a machine - a promising front-line fighter (PFI) - were first formed at the 30th Central Research Institute of Aerospace Technology of the Ministry of Defense.

By that time, the United States was already developing the F-15, a powerful fighter with a long range and powerful weapons. MAP was tasked with creating an aircraft capable of surpassing its overseas competitor by 10%. The task was brought to the attention of all fighter design bureaus, but they were in no hurry to allocate funding. Meanwhile, the technical risk of the project was very high. As a result, P.O. Sukhoi was in no hurry to authorize large-scale work on PFI, but his subordinates began pre-design work on the topic without his visa. The initiator was the head of the projects department O.S. Samoilovich. At the first stage, only the designer V.I. Antonov was involved in the PFI. In the fall of 1969, Antonov completed the first sketches of its general appearance, using an integral interface between the wing and the fuselage, made up of deformed wing profiles. The layout of the fighter, which received the corporate code T-10, turned out to be unusually beautiful. However, at TsAGI, which promoted the concept based on the MiG-25, the project did not meet with support. Therefore, such a variant was developed, called T10-2. In 1971, after agreeing on all the requirements, the ministry officially announced a competition to create a new fighter, which in mid-1972 won the T10-1 project.

The preliminary design of the PFI was entrusted to the team of L.I. Bondarenko, but other units gradually became involved in the subject. N.S. Chernyakov became the chief designer for the aircraft, and at the management level the topic was supervised by Sukhoi’s first deputy E.A. Ivanov. After hard work in the spring of 1977 (M.P. Simonov had become the chief designer of the Su-27 by that time), the T-10 entered flight tests. This work had its successes and failures, but the main conclusion of the tests of the T-10 with AL-31F engines turned out to be so depressing that it sounded like a death sentence for the entire Su-27 program: it was not possible to achieve the target superiority of 10% over the F-15. However, these results were not unexpected - due to a decrease in the performance of engines, equipment and aircraft systems compared to the calculated ones. At this time, a group of specialists from the Design Bureau and SibNIA under the leadership of M.P. Simonov developed an alternative layout for the Su-27, which was distinguished by a smooth coupling of the wing with an extremely compressed fuselage, a reduced curvature of the wing profile and an extended vertical tail. This was a return to the original layout, modified under pressure from TsAGI. Thanks to Simonov's persistence and energy, the ministry agreed to a radical modification of the aircraft. The new version received the T-10S index.

By 1985, the main components of the Su-27's weapons, equipment and power plant had already been put into service, but the GSI of the aircraft as a whole had not been completed. However, the gap with the United States was becoming serious, and the data obtained clearly showed that a truly outstanding aircraft had been created, which had no equal in the world. Therefore, from the end of 1984, mass production of the Su-27 and its delivery to the troops began. At the same time, work on fine-tuning the car continued. Only after the entire complex of equipment was debugged by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated August 23, 1990, the Su-27 was officially accepted into service with the Air Force and Air Defense Aviation Soviet Union.

The Su-27 is a single-seat monoplane, made according to an integrated aerodynamic design, in which the wing with a root flap and the fuselage form a single load-bearing body made up of wing profiles. The design uses aluminum and titanium alloys, steel and composite materials. Power point consists of two double-circuit twin-shaft turbojet engines with afterburners AL-31F, air intakes and systems for starting, control, cooling and lubrication, fuel, mounting, etc. Depending on the conditions of use, the AL-31F can operate in combat, combat training or special modes . The operating mode is adjusted on the ground.

The aircraft control system includes longitudinal, lateral and directional control systems, as well as wing tip control. The longitudinal channel uses a fly-by-wire control system SDU-10S. The SDU provides the required stability and controllability characteristics in all aircraft control channels. Aerobatic navigation complex The PNK is designed for aircraft navigation at all stages of flight, day and night, in PMU and SMU. The complex includes the following subsystems: navigation complex, information complex altitude-speed parameters and control, indication and monitoring devices. The SAU-10 automatic control system is designed for automatic and director control of the fighter. On-board communication equipment with ground-based automated control systems contains “Lazur”, “Turquoise” and “Rainbow” channels, which ensure the transmission of sets of commands specific to these NASUs. A total of 21 different sets of commands can be transmitted. The information received from the NASU is sent for processing to the automatic aircraft control system, to the weapons control system and is displayed on the sighting and flight indicator of the unified display system.

The Su-27 weapons control system includes the SUO-27M, RLPK N001, OEPS-27 and the Narciss-M unified display system. It is designed to solve combat missions of destroying air targets during group, autonomous and semi-autonomous combat operations, as well as the use of aircraft weapons against ground targets. To protect against damage from missiles with semi-active seekers, the Su-27 is equipped with an on-board system of electronic mutual protection "Yatagan" as part of removable stations "Sorptsiya-S" installed on each aircraft, and "Smalta-SK" on the support aircraft. The artillery armament consists of a built-in 9A4071K cannon mount with a GSh-301 cannon and two SPPU-30s suspended under the wing with similar guns. The guided missile armament includes medium-range air-to-air missiles R-27 or R-27E with RLGSN (up to 6) or TGSN (up to 2) and close-in missiles R-73 with TGSN (up to 6). Unguided weapons include NAR S-25 (up to 6), S-13 (up to 6 B-13L), S-8 (up to 6 B-8M1), aerial bombs and RBC with a caliber of up to 500 kg, ZAB and KMGU.

In terms of duration and cost, the program to create the Su-27 turned out to be unprecedented - 14 years passed from the start of work until the first vehicles entered service with the troops. During this complex and difficult period, three General designer, the plane completely changed its appearance, several aircraft died during testing. But the result was outstanding: with the traditional high flight characteristics of the Soviet design school, the Su-27 for the first time surpassed a similar American aircraft in terms of armament power and flight range. At the same time, it remained easy to operate and accessible to combat pilots. The most important role in achieving the fighter’s high combat effectiveness was played by its onboard systems, primarily radar. For the first time in world practice, the sighting equipment of the Su-27, like the MiG-29, includes two complementary channels - radar and optical-electronic. And the widespread use of digital computer technology for controlling the aircraft and its weapon systems can be considered no less a “horse” of the Su-27 than vortex aerodynamics. In terms of combat capabilities, the Su-27 can conduct both all-weather missile air combat at long distances and a maneuverable duel at “dagger” distances, and in addition, it has a range and flight duration unprecedented for a Soviet fighter.

Today, the Su-27 (and its modifications) is the most advanced fighter in the CIS armed forces, and in Russia it is also the most popular. The aircraft won a high reputation among the flight personnel and the nickname “an airplane for a pilot”, and in many it awakened the highest feelings that only aviators are capable of. In terms of its combat capabilities, it is far ahead of its foreign opponents, and no one else can fly the way the Su-27 can fly.

The Su-27SM fighter model is a qualitatively new and deeply modernized version of the Su-27 type aircraft. The most significant differences in these vehicles affected the steering system and the combat equipment system. The armament of the new vehicle included qualitatively new weapons that can hit targets both on land and over the sea. The new aircraft is also equipped radar system latest generation, which allows you to track objects.

In addition, pilots have a helmet-mounted system that allows them to indicate targets. This aircraft is a fairly new and progressive machine, especially since it can perform very complex flight maneuvers that no one can do. foreign analogue. The Su-27SM type aircraft entered service in the Russian Federation only in 2009.

Brief chronology of the development of the Su-27SM aircraft

Initially, this machine was developed under the working name Su-27 from the early 60s of the last century. This fighter belonged to the fourth generation of aircraft of this type. Full-scale development of the device began only in 1969. But active support of this project began only in 1972, when the USSR Ministry ordered the active development of a new front-line fighter, which should be on par with foreign aircraft of the same type. During design, this vehicle was called the T-10 model in all documents, and the name Su-27SM was classified and given to the device when it was ready.

The first sketches of the external appearance of the aircraft were made back in 1969 by the chief designer of the design department of the Sukhoi Bureau V.I. Antonov. The first version of the T-10 product was completed in the same department.

A special feature of the Su-27SM aircraft is that the body of the aircraft is made in a single load-bearing structure, which makes it possible to improve flight characteristics and avoid deformations of the aircraft during flight. The transitions from the body to the wing are smooth, which increases the streamlining of the car. This multi-mode device is equipped with an integrated system that has not previously been used on Sukhoi Design Bureau aircraft.

Features of the Su-27SM aircraft

The front part of the vehicle had a built-on part, which housed a compartment for the radar, a section for the chassis and a crew cabin. On-board equipment was also located here. Two turbojet engines, which are equipped with controlled air intakes, were attached to the cockpit compartment of the aircraft. The fuselage tail and special ventral ridges are attached to the vehicle's nacelles. The increase in the aerodynamic properties of the aircraft was achieved through an integral body system. In addition, it made it possible to increase the space for fuel tanks and additional equipment. The wing design was also new. It was made in an ogival design and equipped with a reinforced root overlay.

The Su-27SM aircraft was the first to implement a new concept of longitudinal instability in subsonic flight conditions. This system provides balancing due to automation, which is built on the principle of quadruple redundancy of systems. As for the landing system, a standard three-legged scheme was initially used. But it did not provide the required load distribution, after which the designers used a simplified so-called bicycle scheme, which was equipped with a weight distribution system.

Main design characteristics of the Su-27SM aircraft

The fuselage of the vehicle consists of three main parts, namely: the nose with the cockpit, the middle, in which the fuel tanks are located, and the tail, which includes the tail booms and the central beam of the vehicle's body. The designers made extensive use of titanium, which significantly reduced the weight of the device's structure without reducing the rigidity and strength of the structure. In the manufacture of this machine, oddly enough, virtually no composite materials were used. The Su-27SM type vehicle also has a horizontal type nose tail.

The Su-27SM aircraft is the first aircraft of this type in our country, which is equipped with a remote control system. Thanks to new on-board systems, the vehicle can process information much faster and, as a result, react and execute commands much faster.

The power plant of the vehicle consists of two AL-type turbojet engines, which are equipped with afterburners. They are located in gondolas under the tail section of the vehicle. This type engines are characterized by low fuel consumption and have excellent power characteristics in various operating modes.

The Su-27SM type device is equipped with four fuel tanks with a total capacity of more than 11 thousand liters. The tanks are located at the base of the vehicle's fuselage and in the wings. For flights, the aircraft uses aviation kerosene, which is filled through a special niche in the front leg.

To ensure all hydraulic systems of the machine, a constant oil pressure of 280 kg/cm 2 is required. Both engines of the machine have independent oil pumps. In addition to engines, hydraulics are used in the chassis, braking system and steering system. In order to perform an emergency landing gear release, the Su-27SM model aircraft has an additional pneumatic system that runs on compressed nitrogen.

The chassis of the device is represented by three supports, which are made according to a telescopic design. Each support is equipped with one wheel with a brake system and gas-oil shock absorbers.

As for the power supply, the aircraft is powered by a current of 200 volts and a frequency of 400 hertz. To produce electricity, the engines are equipped with generators of the GP-21 type. The secondary power supply system operates at a voltage of 27 Volts. In the event of a generator failure, the aircraft is equipped with cadmium batteries, which are located in the nose landing gear well.

Su-27SM characteristics:

    Aircraft length, m 21.9

    Wingspan, m 14.7

    Aircraft height, m ​​5.9

    Wing area 62.04

    Normal take-off weight with two R-27R1 missiles, two R-73E missiles and normal fuel loading (5270 kg), kg 23,740

    Maximum take-off weight, kg 33,000

    Fuel capacity, kg:

    Normal 5270

    Maximum 9400

    Maximum flight speed near the ground, km/h 1400

    Maximum flight speed at high altitude, km/h 2300

    Maximum M number 2.15

    Maximum rate of climb, m/s 270

    Practical ceiling, m 17,750

    Maximum operational overload 9

    Flight range with maximum fuel load with four missiles (2xR-27R1, 2xR-73E) launched midway, km:

    Near the ground 1340

    At high altitude 3530

    At high altitude with one in-flight refueling 5400

    Time to complete combat missions (without refueling), h 4.5

    Take-off run length (at normal take-off weight), m 450 Run length (with braking parachute), m 700

    Engine type AL-31F Thrust in "full afterburner" mode, kgf 2x12500

1. Photos

2. Video

3. History of creation

3.1 Start of development

In the late 60s, several countries began developing fourth-generation fighters. The pioneers in this were the United States of America, which in 1974 produced the F-15B and 15A “Eagle” fighters.

The Soviet Union responded to this by opening a competition for the development of a promising front-line fighter, in which three design bureaus took part. At first, Sukhoi's experimental design bureau did not participate in the project, as it was busy with other developments. But in 1969, the Sukhoi Design Bureau completed initial studies on promising front-line fighters, and two years later work began on the T-10 product. Since not everyone liked the idea of ​​an integral layout of a glider with a delta wing, approximately 15 models, differing from each other in layout, were tested in a wind tunnel at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute. After this there was a return to the first project, but at the same time the development of the aircraft began with the usual scheme, a two-fin high-wing aircraft with air intakes on the sides. This option began to be considered due to the airframe layout of the F-15, USA.

After all, the fighter being created was mainly required to ensure supremacy in the sky, and in this it will be competed with by this glider, which will also become its probable adversary.

The battle tactics in the sky also included close maneuver combat, which was the main element combat use airplane.

In 1972, the Yak-45 and Yak-47 projects dropped out of the competition. The MiG design bureau proposed to produce a section of the program for a promising front-line fighter and simultaneously work on light and heavy aircraft with the greatest unification of equipment, which would make the production process less expensive and faster. Also, light and heavy fighters will be given their own range of tasks.

3.2 Adoption

The T-10S fighter began serial production in 1981 at plant 126 (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). The Su-27 began to enter service unofficially in 1982, and officially eight years later, after the deficiencies discovered during testing were corrected. By this time, the fighters had already been in use for over five years. In air defense aviation, the Su-27 was designated Su-27P, interceptor, and in the air force - Su-27S, serial. The interceptor could not shoot at targets on the ground due to the fact that it had simpler equipment.

4. Weapons and equipment

Pulse-Doppler on-board radar station N001 has a quantum optical-location station equipped with a 36Sh laser rangefinder, capable of tracking targets in simple weather conditions with high accuracy. The radar also has a Cassegrain antenna with a diameter of 1076 mm, which can find targets on the ground and in the air during active interference. The optical location station has the ability to track a target while not far from it, without violating the fighter’s camouflage and not emit radio emissions. Data from the optical-location and airborne radar stations goes to the display frame on the windshield and the line-of-sight indicator.

4.1 Air-to-air mode

For air targets, with a minimum speed of 210 km/h, with a probability of 0.5, the minimum difference between the carrier and the target is 150 km/h.

  • Target detection range: fighter class (effective scattering area - 3 m² at average altitude, over 1000 m), ZPS - 25 - 35 km, PPS - 80 - 100 km, 150 km when operating in long-range detection mode
  • Finding up to ten targets
  • Hit one target
  • Guiding up to two missiles at one target

4.2 Air-to-ground mode (only for Su-30, Su-27SM)

  • Surface mapping is possible: detection of targets over water and on the ground in mapping mode with synthetic antenna aperture with high and medium resolution, real beam mapping mode, moving targets in their selection mode. Measurement and tracking of coordinates on the ground.
  • Detection in selection mode of moving targets of a tank with an effective dispersion area of ​​10 m² or more, moving at 15-90 km/h
  • Detection range, km: aircraft carrier - 350, effective dispersion area (RCS) - 50,000 m²; missile boat– 50-70, EPR – 500 m²; destroyer - 250, ESR - 10,000 m²; boats – 30, EPR – 50 m²; railway bridge– 100, EPR – 2000 m².
  • MTBF 200 hours.

5. Modifications

  • Su-27S (Su-27) (Flanker-B) is the main production modification, a single-seat fighter-interceptor of the Air Force.
  • Su-27SK (1991) – export version of the single-seat Su-27 (Su-27S).
  • Su-27SM (2002) - modernization. It mainly affected the fighter's weapons control system.
  • Su-27SM3 - based on the backlog of export Su-27K, 12 aircraft were produced. The main changes are as follows: the airframe has been strengthened, AL-31F-M1 engines with a thrust of 13,500 kgf have appeared, and there are additional suspension points.
  • Su-27SKM (2002) - a variant of the Su-27SM for sale to foreign countries. Its characteristics are similar to the Su-30MK2, Su-30MKK.
  • The Su-27P is a single-seat interceptor fighter designed for air defense forces. It only shoots down air targets.
  • Su-27UB (T-10U) (Flanker-S) is a two-seat combat training fighter. Necessary for training to fly the Su-27; in its nose there is a radar station N001 radar. Produced since 1986.
  • Su-30 (Su-27PU) is a two-seat target acquisition and guidance aircraft. Based on the Su-27UB. Four Su-27 interceptors can be targeted simultaneously.
  • Su-27UBK is a variant of the Su-27UB for sale to foreign countries.
  • (T-12, Su-27K) (Flanker-D) - carrier-based single-seat fighter with folding wing consoles. Produced since 1992.
  • Su-33UB (T-12UB, Su-27KUB) is a carrier-based combat training fighter. Features a side-by-side seat arrangement.
  • Su-34 (Su-32FN, Su-27IB) (Fullback) is a two-seat fighter-bomber in which the seats are in a shoulder-to-shoulder position. Necessary for firing at surface or ground targets with a high degree of security at any time of the day. All-weather. The functionality is the same as that of the US-made F-15E fighter. The first flight was carried out in the spring of 1990.
  • Su-35S (Su-35BM) (Flanker-E+) is a multi-role fighter. Unlike the Su-27M, it has thrust vectoring engines and no horizontal tail surface.

5.1 Ukrainian modifications

  • Su-27UB1M - modernization of the Su-27UB.
  • Su-27UP1M - modernization of the Su-27UP.
  • Su-27S1M - modernization of the Su-27S.
  • Su-27P1M - modernization of the Su-27P.

6. Experimental aircraft

  • T-10 - prototype.
  • T-10S is an improved prototype.
  • Su-27 is a pre-production version equipped with AL-31 engines.
  • The Su-27IB is a prototype of the two-seat fighter-bombers Su-34 and Su-32FN, in which the seats are side by side. Necessary for firing at surface or ground targets with a high degree of security at any time of the day. All-weather. The first flight was carried out in the spring of 1990.
  • P-42 (T-10-15) - converted from Su-27. In the second half of the 80s, they set 41 world records for flight altitude and rate of climb, registered by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. The weight has been reduced quite significantly (the maximum take-off weight is 14.1 tons), and uprated engines have also appeared.
  • Su-27M (T-10M) (Flanker-E) is a multi-role fighter. The power of the PGO and radar has been increased. It was exported under the designation Su-35. The Su-35 has slightly changed equipment and design depending on the specific customer.
  • Su-35UB (T-10UBM) is a combat training aircraft based on the Su-27M, Su-30 and Su-37. Produced in one copy.
  • Su-37 (T-10M-11) (Flanker-F) is a multi-role fighter with engines equipped with a thrust vector control system or, in short, UVT b/n 711. Based on the Su-27M with PGO. One aircraft produced.

7. Combat use

  • Abkhazian war. On the side of Russia.
  • First Chechen war. On the side of Russia.
  • The defeat of an automatic balloon over the White Sea in the fall of 1998.
  • Ethiopian - Eritrean war. On the side of Ethiopia.
  • Control of the skies during the conflict in South Ossetia.
  • Conflict in eastern Ukraine. On the side of the Donetsk People's Republic.

8. Locations of the Su-27 on the territory of the Russian Federation (including former ones)

Airfields: “10th section” (Kalinka); Besovets, in Karelia; Dzyomgi, in the Khabarovsk Territory; Dorokhovo, in the Tver region; Golden Valley (Unashi), in the Primorsky Territory; Kilpyavr, in the Murmansk region; Krymsk, in Krasnodar region; Kubinka, in the Moscow region; Kushchevskaya-2; Lipetsk; Lodeynoye Pole, in Leningrad region; Savasleika, in Nizhny Novgorod region; Khotilovo, in the Tver region; Central Corner, in the Primorsky Territory and Chkalovsk.

9. Comparative performance characteristics

9.1 Technical specifications

  • Crew, people: project (T10-1), Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM – 1; Su-27UB - 2
  • Length, m: project (T10-1) - 18.5; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 21,935
  • Wing span, m: project (T10-1) - 12.7; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 14,698
  • Height, m: project (T10-1) - 5.2; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM - 5,932; Su-27UB - 6,537
  • Wing area, m²: project (T10-1) – 48; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 62.04
  • Wing aspect ratio: project (T10-1) - 3.38; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 3.5
  • Wing taper coefficient: project (T10-1) - 6.57; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 3.4
  • Sweep angle: project (T10-1) - 45°; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 42°
  • Chassis base, m: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 5.8
  • Chassis track, m: project (T10-1) - 1.8; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 4.34
  • Empty weight, t: project (T10-1), Su-27SM - no data; Su-27P(S) – 16.3; Su-27SK – 16.87; Su-27UB – 17.5
  • Normal take-off weight, t: project (T10-1) – 18; Su-27P(S) - 22.5; Su-27SK - 23.4; Su-27SM - 23.7; Su-27UB - 24
  • Maximum take-off weight, t: project (T10-1) – 21; Su-27P(S) – 30; Su-27SK, Su-27SM – 33; Su-27UB - 30.5
  • Fuel mass, kg: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK - 9,400/5,240; Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 9,400/6,120
  • Fuel volume, l: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK - 11,975/6,680; Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 11,975/7,800
  • Powerplant: two AL-31F turbofan engines
  • Non-afterburning thrust, kgf (*10 N): project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB – two for 7,600
  • Afterburner thrust, kgf (*10 N): project (T10-1) – two per 10,300; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - two for 12,500

9.2 Flight characteristics

  • Maximum speed at an altitude of 11000 m, km/h: project (T10-1), Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM - 2,500 (M=2.35); Su-27UB - 2,125 (M=2.0)
  • Maximum ground speed, km/h: project (T10-1) - 1,400; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 1,380
  • Landing speed, km/h: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM – 225 – 240; Su-27UB – 235 – 250
  • Stall speed, km/h: project (T10-1), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data; Su-27P(S) - 200
  • Range, km (near the ground/at altitude): project (T10-1), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data; Su-27P(S) - 440/1 680
  • Practical range, km (near the ground/at altitude): project (T10-1) - 800/2,400; Su-27P(S) - 1,400/3,900; Su-27SK - 1,370/3,680; Su-27SM - no data/3,790; Su-27UB - 1,300/3,000
  • Practical ceiling, m: project (T10-1) - 22,500; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK - 18,500; Su-27SM - 18,000; Su-27UB - 17,250
  • Rate of climb, m/s: project (T10-1) – 345; Su-27P(S) – 285 – 300; Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data
  • Take-off run length, m: project (T10-1) – 300; Su-27P(S) – 650 – 700; Su-27SK – 700 – 800; Su-27SM – 650; Su-27UB – 750 – 800
  • Run length, m: project (T10-1) – 600; Su-27P(S) – 620 – 700; Su-27SK, Su-27SM – 620; Su-27UB – 650 – 700
  • Wing load, kg/m²: project (T10-1) – 375; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: project (T10-1) - 1.12; Su-27P(S) - 1.2; Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data
  • Minimum turn radius, m: project (T10-1), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - no data; Su-27P(S) - 450
  • Maximum operational overload: + 9 g

9.3 Armament

  • Small arms and cannon: project (T10-1) - 30 mm AO-17A gun; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 30 mm GSh-30-1 gun
  • Ammunition, sn.: project (T10-1) – 250; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 150
  • Weapon suspension units: project (T10-1) – 8; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK – 10; Su-27SM – 12; Su-27UB - 10
  • Combat load, kg: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S) - 6,000; Su-27SK, Su-27SM - 8,000; Su-27UB - 4,000
  • Air-to-air missiles: project (T10-1) - two K-25 and six K-60; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK - six R-27 and four R-73; Su-27SM - eight R-27 or four to six R-73 and eight R-77; Su-27UB - six R-27 and four R-73
  • Air-to-surface missiles: Su-27SM - six Kh-29 or six Kh-31 or two Kh-59
  • Unguided aircraft missiles: project (T10-1) - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - eighty S-8 or twenty S-13 or four S-25
  • Air bombs: project (T10-1) - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK - eight per 500 kg or thirty-one per 250 kg or thirty-eight per 100 kg; Su-27SM - eight at 500 kg or thirty-one at 250 kg or thirty-eight at 100 kg or six KAB-500 or three KAB-1500; Su-27UB - 10 at 500 kg or thirty-one at 250 kg or fifty 100 kg

9.4 Avionics

  • Radar station: project (T10-1) - Sapphire-23MR; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - RLPK-27
  • Antenna diameter, mm: project (T10-1), Su-27SM - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27UB - 975
  • Air target detection range, km: project (T10-1) – 40 – 70/20 – 40; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK – 80 – 100/30 – 40; Su-27SM - no data; Su-27UB – 80 – 100/30 – 40
  • Number of simultaneously tracked targets: project (T10-1), Su-27SM - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27UB - 10
  • Number of simultaneously attacked targets: project (T10-1), Su-27SM - no data; Su-27P(S); Su-27UB – 1; Su-27SK - 2
  • UES: project (T10-1) – yes; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - OEPS-27
  • Air target detection range, km: project (T10-1) - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - 15/50
  • Height viewing area: project (T10-1) – no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - −15°/+60°
  • Azimuth viewing area: project (T10-1) - no data; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB — ±60°
  • Helmet-mounted target designation system: project (T10-1) – yes; Su-27P(S), Su-27SK, Su-27SM, Su-27UB - “Schel-3UM”

10. Records

In the fall of 1986, test pilot Viktor Pugachev climbed 3000 m in 25.4 seconds at the wheel of a modification of the P-42 prepared for this purpose, thereby setting a world record for the time to reach this height.

At the same time, the fighter climbed in 37.1 seconds at 6000 m, in 47 seconds at 9000 m and in 58.1 at 12,000 m.

In the spring of the following year, test pilot Nikolai Sadovnikov climbed to 15,000 m in 76 seconds.

Comparing this or that domestic combat aircraft with its foreign analogue, numerous aviation enthusiasts turn to the officially published performance characteristics tables of competitors. However, only a few of them know that such “comparison tables” are in fact of little use for making a correct comparative assessment.

After all, a modern combat aircraft is a complex means of armed warfare and is characterized by hundreds of different parameters. These include not only performance characteristics, but also indicators of onboard radio-electronic complexes and weapons systems, information about visibility and survivability, various operational and technological characteristics, data on the cost of production, operation and combat use. The effectiveness of the aircraft depends on how well the combination of these parameters meets the specific conditions of production and use of the aircraft. aviation complex generally. Therefore, the fastest, highest altitude or any other “best” aircraft very rarely turn out to be successful, because in order to improve a single indicator, the designers inevitably had to worsen many others. And the title of the best, as a rule, is won by cars with performance characteristics that are not the most outstanding for their time.

When studying tables, you should always remember that in modern world an airplane is a commodity; and the numbers in the tables are his advertisement, so they always give a slightly more optimistic picture. Of course, there should be no doubt about the integrity of respected aircraft manufacturing companies. You can trust these numbers one hundred percent. You just need to know what they mean. For example, it is indicated maximum speed fighter. But at the same time it is silent that this speed was achieved by a specially manufactured specimen, piloted by a test pilot of the highest qualifications, during a specially organized flight. And what speed will a combat vehicle of this type develop after 10 years of operation, with a tank on an external sling, under the control of a young lieutenant, if the engines have already undergone two repairs, and the tanks are filled with low-grade kerosene? There is no such figure in such tables. But they are real performance characteristics should interest us first of all if we want to correctly compare two aircraft.

All these general remarks are intended only to give an idea of ​​how difficult the task of comparing aircraft according to their official characteristics and how little you can trust the result. Another thing is to analyze real air battles involving competing aircraft during military conflicts. In this case, the picture turns out to be close to reality. But even here, an important role is played by factors not directly related to the aircraft, such as the qualifications of the pilots, the degree of their determination to fight, the quality of the work of the supporting services, etc.

Fortunately, in lately it became possible to compare various competing fighters in the air during friendly mutual visits of pilots from Russia, Ukraine, the USA, France and Canada. Thus, in August 1992, Langley Air Force Base (Virginia), where the 1st Tactical Fighter Wing of the US Air Force, armed with F-15C/D, is based, was visited by pilots from the Lipetsk Center for Combat Use and Retraining of Flight Personnel of the Russian Air Force: Major General N. Chaga, Colonel A. Kharchevsky and Major E. Karabasov. They arrived on two combat Su-27UBs, the escort group arrived on an Il-76. After a friendly meeting and a short rest, E. Karabasov proposed holding a demonstration air battle between the Su-27 and F-15 directly above Langley airfield in the presence of spectators. However, the Americans did not agree to this show, which was too militaristic, in their opinion. In return, they proposed to conduct “joint maneuvering” in the flight zone over the ocean (200 km from the coast). According to the scenario, first the F-15D- had to escape the pursuit of the Su-27UB, then the planes should have swapped places, and the Sukhoi should have “thrown the Eagle off its tail.” E Karabasov was in the front cockpit of the Su-27UB, and an American pilot was in the rear cockpit. An F-15C flew out to observe the battle.


On the command to begin joint maneuvering, the Eagle, turning on full afterburner, immediately tried to break away from the Su-27UB, but this turned out to be impossible: using only the minimum afterburner mode and maximum non-afterburner thrust, E. Karabasov easily “hung on the tail” of the American. At the same time, the angle of attack of the Su-27UB never exceeded 18 degrees (When operating the Su-27 in combat units of the Air Force, the angle of attack is limited to 26 degrees. Although the aircraft allows maneuvering at significantly higher angles of attack (up to 120 degrees, when performing “Pugachev’s Cobra” )).

After the planes swapped places, E. Karabasov switched the throttle to full afterburner and began to move away from the F-15D with an energetic turn and climb. "Eagle" followed, but immediately fell behind. After one and a half full turns, the Su-27UB came into the tail of the F-15, but the Russian pilot made a mistake and “shot down” not the F-15D, but the F-15C observer flying behind. Realizing the mistake, he soon caught the two-seater Eagle in his sights. All further attempts by the American pilot to get rid of the persecution led nowhere. At this point the “air battle” ended.

So, in close maneuver combat, the Su-27 convincingly demonstrated complete superiority over the F-15 thanks to smaller turning radii, higher roll and climb rates, and better acceleration characteristics. Please note: it was not the maximum speed and other similar parameters that provided these advantages, but other indicators that more deeply characterize the aircraft.


It is known that the degree of maneuverability of an aircraft is numerically expressed by the amount of available overload, i.e. the ratio of the maximum lift force developed by an aircraft to its weight in at the moment. Consequently, the greater the area involved in creating the lift force, the greater the specific lift force of each square meter of this area, and the less the weight of the aircraft, the higher the maneuverability. The characteristics of the aircraft's power plant and control system have a significant impact on maneuverability.

First of all, let's estimate the weight of the fighters on that flight. For F-15D: 13240 kgf - empty weight; plus 290 kgf - the weight of the equipment, including two pilots; plus 6600 kgf - the weight of the fuel consumed (for a flight to the flight zone and back with a range reserve of 25%, maneuvering for half an hour, of which 5 minutes in full afterburner mode); plus 150 kgf - the weight of the external fuel tank (PTB) structure, because the required amount of fuel exceeds the capacity of the internal tanks; in total, without combat load (cannon shells and missiles), the takeoff weight of the F-15D was approximately 20,330 kgf. At the time of the start of “joint maneuvering”, due to fuel consumption, the flight weight decreased to 19,400 kgf. Determining the appropriate values ​​for the Su-27UB is somewhat complicated by the fact that the empty weight of the aircraft, 17,500 kgf, given in KR No. 3 "93, seems to be overestimated. The most general analysis shows that if the training F-15D exceeds the weight of an empty F-15C by 360 kgf, then the Su-27UB, which has retained almost all the combat capabilities of a single-seat interceptor, can differ from it in this indicator by no more than 900 kgf. Therefore, the probable weight of the empty Su-27UB seems to be 16650 kgf. Having calculated the weight of the fuel in a similar way, we get the take-off weight of the Sukhoi 24,200 kgf, and the weight at the beginning of the “battle” is about 23,100 kgf.

Comparison table of performance characteristics of Su-27 and F-15

*According to the author's assessment

Due to the fact that for both aircraft under consideration the fuselage and tail play a significant role in creating lift, the resulting weights will be attributed to the entire area of ​​their plan projections. Areas can be determined from published fighter designs. We find that at the beginning of the fight, the load on the planned projection of the Su-27UB was 220 kgf/m2. and the F-15D is 205 kgf/m2, that is, almost the same (a difference of the order of the calculation error).

Thus, the better maneuverability characteristics of the Su-27 compared to the F-15 were achieved not by increasing the load-bearing area, but by using it more efficiently, i.e. better aerodynamic configuration of the aircraft. Unlike its competitor, the Su-27 is made according to the so-called integrated design, in which the fuselage and wing of the aircraft form a single load-bearing body, which ensures high lift coefficient values ​​during maneuvers and a low level of drag, especially at trans- and supersonic speeds. In addition, the integral layout, characterized by smooth transition fuselage into the wing, compared to the traditional layout with a separate fuselage, provides a significantly larger volume of internal fuel tanks and eliminates the use of PTB. This also has a positive effect on the weight and aerodynamic quality of the Su-27.

The positive aspects of the Sukhoi integrated layout are significantly enhanced by its careful development. Thus, the pointed root swells of the Su-27, in contrast to the blunted swells of the F-15, not only create a positive increase in load-bearing properties at angles of attack greater than 10°, but “also provide a reduction in pressure pulsations on the upper surface of the wing, which cause shaking of the aircraft and limit its maneuverability.

An important feature of the Su-27 is the wing. with a deformed middle surface, giving it a characteristic “snake-like” appearance. This wing is "tuned" to provide maximum lift-to-drag performance in the middle of the close combat maneuvering area. In these modes, the quality of a deformed wing is 1.5 times higher than the quality of a flat wing, and the gain occurs in a fairly wide range of angles of attack. Thus, the aerodynamic configuration of the Su-27 provides not only an increase in lift, but also a decrease in drag, which has a positive effect on the acceleration characteristics of the aircraft.

After the “battle,” E. Karabasov, noting the superiority of the Sukhoi in this regard, explained it by the greater thrust-to-weight ratio of his fighter. However, this version does not stand up to criticism: it is not difficult to calculate that at the beginning of the fight the thrust-to-weight ratio of the Su-27UB at the ground in full afterburner mode was 1.08, and the F-15D was 1.11. The point is different - the thrust per 1 m2 of the aircraft's midsection is almost 20% greater for the Su-27 than for the Igla (6330 kgf/m and 5300 kgf/m, respectively). In combination with the better throttle response of the AL-31F engine, this ensures minimal acceleration time for the aircraft. According to David North, deputy editor-in-chief of Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine, who made a familiarization flight on the Su-27UB at the Farnborough-90 exhibition, the acceleration of the Russian fighter from 600 km/h to 1000 km/h at full afterburner takes only 10 seconds. D. North especially notes the good throttle response of the engines.

One more the most important characteristic, on which the horizontal maneuverability of a fighter depends, is the speed at which the aircraft enters a roll and the speed of its rotation around the longitudinal axis. The higher these speeds, determined by the efficiency of the lateral controls and the mass-inertial characteristics of the machine, the faster the aircraft turns into a turn and goes into a counter-rotating turn. The ability to quickly change the direction of a turn is the most important tactical advantage, because allows you to effectively escape from the enemy’s attack and launch an attack yourself. D. North, citing Viktor Pugachev, claims that the angular roll rate of the Su-27 is close to 270 degrees / s. This value is higher than the F-15 and is approximately equal to the F/A-18.

The positive aspects of the aerodynamic configuration and power plant of the Su-27 are fully manifested due to its static instability.

Unlike the stable F-15, the Sukhoi seems to independently strive to change the direction of flight, and only permanent job The fly-by-wire control system keeps it in a balanced position. The essence of controlling a statically unstable fighter is that the pilot does not “force” him to perform this or that maneuver, but “allows” the aircraft to perform it. Therefore, the time required to exit any steady flight mode and begin maneuvering is significantly less for the Su-27 than for the F-15, which was also one of the components of the Sukhoi’s success in the duel with the Eagle.

Thus, the outstanding maneuverability characteristics of the Su-27, so convincingly demonstrated in the skies of Virginia, are a completely logical result of a set of design solutions that distinguish this fourth-generation fighter from the F-15. Discussing the merits of the Sukhoi, along with its maneuverability, the Western press notes the unprecedentedly long range and duration of flight without PTB, a wide range of weapons, and the ability to operate from poorly equipped airfields without numerous ground checks.

However, when it comes to Su-27 equipment, there is bound to be a lack of implementation computer equipment and low level of system integration. This puts the Sukhoi pilot in a worse position than their Western counterparts, particularly in so-called "situational confidence" - an accurate understanding of what is happening in and around the aircraft at any given moment. This is perhaps the most serious drawback of the Su-27, since in a difficult tactical situation it will inevitably lead to the loss of valuable time and can negate the numerous advantages of this fighter.


1. V.E. Ilyin. "Needles" and "Flaikers". TsAGI, No. 18, 1992
2. M. Levin. "The Magnificent Seven" "Wings of the Motherland", No. 3, 1993
3. McDonell-Douglas F-15 Eagle fighter. Technical information TsAGI, No. 13, 1986
4. D.M. North. Aviation Week editor's flight on the best Soviet fighter-interceptor. Aviation Week & Space Technology, Russian edition, spring 1991.
5. M.P. Simonov et al. Some features of the aerodynamic configuration of the Su-27 aircraft. Air fleet equipment, No. 2, 1990
6. Jane's 1991/92.

The fourth generation multi-role highly maneuverable all-weather fighter Su-27 (NATO designation: Flanker, “Flanker”) was originally created as an interceptor for the USSR air defense forces as a response to the US development of the new F-15 Eagle fighter. The main “specialization” of the Su-27 fighter is gaining air superiority.

HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF THE SU-27 FIGHTER First developments promising fighter fourth generation began at P.O. Sukhoi on the initiative of the head of the department common types O.S. Samoilovich in the late 1960s almost underground. The first version of the aircraft layout, which received the “branded” designation T-10, was developed by V.I. Antonov. At the origins of the creation of the famous aircraft were O.S. Samoilovich, V.I. Antonov, V.A. Nikolaenko and P.O. himself. Dry. The requirements for the new fighter were high maneuverability, long flight range, powerful weapons and a modern avionics system necessary to effectively counter the American F-15 fighter. The first version of the “Soviet answer” to the F-15 was prepared in February 1970. It received the designation T-10. The preliminary design turned out to be somewhat unusual for that time - an integral layout combined with a moderately swept wing with developed root overhangs. On aircraft of this type, there is no fuselage as such. Lift force creates not only the wing, but also the body. Due to this, it was possible to increase the internal volumes of the airframe by placing high-capacity fuel tanks and electronic equipment in them. The T-10 was initially designed as a statically unstable aircraft in the pitch channel. Stability was ensured by a fly-by-wire control system. For the first time in the world, the Sukhoi Design Bureau installed the EDSU on the long-range missile carrier T-4; this system, in a modified form, was transferred to the future Su-27. Officially, the USSR Air Force formulated the requirements for a promising front-line fighter (PFI) in 1971; They took the characteristics of the American F-15 as a basis, increasing them by 10%. During this period, the US Air Force adopted the concept of a fighter fleet consisting of two types of vehicles: light - F-16 and heavy - F-15. The Soviet Union did exactly the same. Calculations have shown that the optimal composition of the fighter fleet of the USSR Air Force should include one third of heavy and two thirds of light fighters (in the modern Russian Air Force, Su-27 fighters are considered heavy, and MiG-29 fighters are considered light). In the summer of 1972, the country's leadership decided on the full-scale development of promising front-line fighters. The first chief designer on the T-10 topic was N.S. Chernyakov, the design was carried out by the team of L.I. Bondarenko

During the design process, the designers encountered an unusual problem: in the USSR, the calculated flight weight was considered to be the weight of an aircraft with 80% fuel, but in terms of tank capacity, the T-10 turned out to be much closer to a front-line bomber than to a fighter. Refusal of “excess” fuel made it possible to reduce weight and satisfy customer requirements at the expense of the effectiveness of combat use. The developers and customers managed to find a compromise solution - they divided the requirements for the T-10 into two parts: with the main refueling option (approximately 5.5 tons of kerosene) and with full refueling (about 9 tons) while reducing the requirements for maximum operational overload. As a result, the Su-27 fighter's range when fully fueled exceeds that of most fighters with external fuel tanks. The preliminary design was completed in 1975, and in 1976 the USSR Council of Ministers issued a decree on the development of the Su-27 aircraft. Since February 1976, M.P. became the chief designer of the Su-27. Simonov. The first flight of the T-10-1 was performed on May 20, 1977 by B.C. Ilyushin, In 1978, the assembly of pilot batch aircraft began in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. It turned out that although the aircraft could be put into mass production, it did not satisfy a number of parameters. technical specifications, moreover, it was losing to the F-15. Therefore, at the insistence of M.P. Simonov, this version of the fighter was never put into mass production. De facto, the fighter had to be redesigned. Without the strong support of the Minister of Aviation Industry I.S. Silaev's Su-27 (T-10S) fighter in its world-famous guise would hardly have come to fruition - too much time and money was spent on the design and construction of the first T-10. The first T-10S (T10-7) took off from the LII airfield in Zhukovsky on April 20, 1981 B.C. Ilyushin. State tests of the Su-27 were completed in 1985, while serial production began earlier - in 1982. Serial Su-27s began to enter service with the troops in 1984, but were officially accepted into service only in 1990, after the shortcomings identified during operation were eliminated. The fighters entering service with the Air Force were designated Su-27S (serial), and the Air Defense Forces - Su-27P (interceptor).

DESIGN OF THE SU-27 FIGHTER The Su-27 fighter is a twin-engine monoplane with a two-fin tail and a trapezoidal wing with moderate sweep along the leading edge, with developed root swells. The fighter body is all metal. Titanium alloys are widely used. Composite materials are used to a limited extent. The aircraft has an integral layout, the wing smoothly mates with the fuselage. The fuselage of the Su-27 fighter consists of a head, middle and tail sections. The head section houses the radar and other systems of the sighting and navigation complex, the pilot's cockpit, and the nose landing gear niche. The pressurized cabin contains a K-36 DM zero-zero ejection seat; the cabin is closed by a drop-shaped canopy with a movable segment that opens upwards and backwards; on two-seat aircraft, the crew members are positioned in tandem. The middle part of the fuselage includes the wing center section, fuel tanks are located in it, and a large-area air brake deflected upward is installed on the upper surface. The tail section includes two engine nacelles spaced apart from the longitudinal axis of the airframe and a central boom with a fuel tank, equipment compartment and brake parachute compartment.

The wing is of a three-spar caisson structure, the sweep angle along the leading edge is 42 degrees, the negative transverse angle V is 2.5 degrees. The wing mechanization consists of flaperons that perform the functions of flaps and ailerons, and adaptive deflectable two-section wing tips. The tail of the Su-27 fighter includes a differentially deflectable stabilizer and two fins with rudders. The landing gear is retractable, tricycle with single-wheel struts. All supports are retracted by turning forward in flight, the nose one - into the fuselage, the main ones - into the center section. The Su-27 power plant consists of two turbojet engines with an AL-31F afterburner with a maximum thrust of 7770 kgf, and in the afterburner mode - 12500 kgf. The total capacity of the five fuel tanks is 12,000 liters (fuel weight is 9,400 kg). Thanks to its large fuel reserve, the Su-27 has a solid combat radius for a fighter: 1,400 km, with a flight range of 3,900 km. The possibility of suspending external tanks is not provided, but with such a fuel supply it is not really needed. The Su-27 fighter is equipped with a fly-by-wire control system with four-fold redundancy in the pitch channel and three-fold redundancy in the roll and heading channels, which ensures normal piloting in case of static instability in the longitudinal channel of up to 5% and automatic deflection of the wing tips depending on the flight mode. The instrumentation of the Su-27 cockpit is made on the basis of analog instruments, taking into account ergonomic requirements. The instrumentation of the Su-27 of the latest modifications is made according to the “glass cockpit” principle using color displays. Traditional controls: RUS and RUDs. The target equipment includes the RLPK-27 “Sword” radar sighting system based on the N-007 radar with a detection range of 80-100 km for a fighter-type target in the front hemisphere; The radar is capable of tracking up to 10 targets simultaneously, including in the background earth's surface, and ensure the defeat of one of them. The RLPK-27 is supplemented with an optical-electronic sighting system OEPS-27 based on the OLS-2 optical-location station, including a heat direction finder and a laser rangefinder; OLS-27 sensors are placed under a transparent spherical fairing installed in front of the canopy canopy. The PNK-10 flight and navigation system ensures aircraft piloting day and night in normal and adverse weather conditions. The main elements of the complex are the inertial heading and short-range navigation radio system. The Su-27 fighter is equipped with all the necessary general aircraft systems and equipment electronic warfare. The Su-27 fighter is armed with a built-in 30-mm GSh-301 cannon with 150 rounds of ammunition. The guided weapons of the original Su-27 version are limited to the R-27 R/T/ER/ET air-to-air missiles and the highly maneuverable R-73 close-in missiles. The fighter is equipped with ten hardpoints - two under the center section between the engine nacelles (UR R-27), one under the air intakes (R-27), three under each wing console (internal - R-27, two external - R-73). Initially, the Su-27 was intended to be armed with conventional bombs and unguided missiles, but the equipment allowing the use of such weapons was dismantled under the terms of the Treaty on Offensive Arms Reductions in Europe. The range of weapons for export modifications of the Su-27 and the Su-27SM variant has been expanded to include air-to-surface guided weapons. The maximum combat load of the Su-27 is 6000 kg.

OPERATION AND COMBAT USE OF THE SU-27 The first in the USSR Air Force to receive Su-27 fighters in 1984 was the 60th Air Defense Fighter Regiment, stationed at the Dzemgi airfield (Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Pilots were trained on the new one at the Air Force Combat Use Centers in Lipetsk and Air Defense Fighter Aviation Centers in Savaslake. In the West, the Su-27 fighter became widely known after the collision on September 13, 1987 of a Su-27 with a patrol P-3S of the Norwegian Air Force. "Orion" was flying over the Northern Fleet exercise area. The Soviet fighter was supposed to push him out of the exercise area. As a result of the collision, both aircraft were slightly damaged. After this event, photographs of the Su-27 with full missile armament circulated throughout the Western press.
The Su-27, in fact, in its basic configuration, was in service with both the Air Force and fighter aircraft (IA) of the USSR air defense. Before the collapse of the Soviet Union most The Su-27s stationed on the European territory of the Union belonged to the air defense forces. In 1991, the USSR Air Force and Air Defense Agency had about 500 Su-27 fighters in service. The Su-27 has been successfully demonstrated at air shows around the world. Its maneuverability allows it to perform a number of unique aerobatic maneuvers (“Pugachev’s Cobra”, “Bell”). True, only pilots cleared to fly at extreme conditions can perform them. However, even without the implementation of these figures, not a single fighter in the world could compare with the Su-27 in terms of maneuverability in the 1990s. By the way, the well-known Russian Knights aerobatics team is equipped with Su-27 fighters. Now the Su-27, along with the MiG-29, remains the main fighter of the Russian Air Force and Air Defense, and perhaps one of the most effective in the world. Currently, Russia has approximately 350 Su-27 fighters. In general, only large states can afford to have heavy fighters in their air forces en masse. Other countries, if they have similar aircraft, do so only in very modest quantities. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the unspoken confrontation between the MiG and Su in the 90s, due to the fact that the Sukhoi management strongly lobbied for the replacement of the MiG-29 fighters with the Su-27. If these plans were implemented, the fighter fleet of the Russian Air Force would consist of 100% heavy fighters, which would place too high a burden on the budget. Ultimately, about 300 twenty-niners remained in the Russian Air Force. After the collapse of the USSR, regiments armed with Su-27 remained in Ukraine (831st IAP, Mirgorod; 136th IAP Air Defense, Kirov, Crimea; now Ukraine has 70 Su-27s, of which only 16 are operational) and Uzbekistan (9th Guards .IAP Air Defense, Andijan). Belarus “inherited” from the USSR more than 20 Su-27s that were being repaired in Baranovichi. Kazakhstan received the Su-27 in the 1990s from Russia in exchange for strategic missile carriers Tu-95MS. The first four Su-27s arrived in Kazakhstan in 1996. Su-27s are in service with the Air Forces of Angola (14 units) and Eritrea (10 units). The planes were presumably supplied to Angola by Belarus. In 1998-1999, the Ethiopian Air Force was supplied with eight Su-27/Su-27UB, previously in service with the Russian Air Force. Unlike the MiG-29, until now there have not been many cases of the Su-27 being used in real combat. During the 1999 Ethiopian-Eritrean armed conflict, Ethiopian Su-27s clashed three times in air battles with Eritrean MiG-29s, in each of which they shot down one MiG without suffering losses. The advantage of the Su-27 in speed and maneuverability was felt. According to some reports, former Soviet pilots fought in the air on both sides (Russians on Ethiopian planes, and Ukrainians on Eritrean planes). In 2000, the Eritrean Ambassador to the Russian Federation even directly stated that a number of former Soviet officers participated in the conflict on the Ethiopian side, indicating their names and military ranks. In 2000, the Angolan Air Force lost a Su-27 fighter to ground fire. In 1992, Georgian air defense shot down a Russian Su-27 while patrolling in the area of ​​the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. During the “five-day war” of 2008, Russian Su-27s, together with Mig-29s, controlled the airspace over South Ossetia. The Su-27 fighter has never operated in real combat against its main competitor, the F-15. But the Su-27 had to face it in simulated battles at various air shows and joint exercises. In close combat Su-27 versus F-15 Russian fighter has an unconditional advantage, easily “getting on the tail” of the American. The maneuverability and thrust-to-weight ratio of the Su-27 are significantly higher. But the F-15 avionics are considered more advanced, which could give the American fighter an advantage in long-range missile combat. However, in the Cope India 2004 exercise, where the Indian Air Force Su-27 and the US Air Force F-15C fought, the Americans looked pale, losing 2/3 of the total number of air battles. Indian pilots used unconventional tactics: they turned off the radar and approached the enemy within range of targeted cannon fire, using the optical-electronic systems of their Su-27s. True, according to the conditions of the exercise, the Americans did not use their AIM-120 missiles, but it was with the help of these missiles that American fighters effectively shot down MiG-29s in Yugoslavia.

MODIFICATIONS OF THE SU-27 The Su-27 family includes many modifications. Within this family of aircraft, four “lines” can be traced: the single-seat Su-27 fighter, the two-seat Su-27UB (combat trainer) and the Su-30 (designed to control the actions of groups of fighters); carrier-based fighter Su-33 (for the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR air group, 26 units produced); front-line bomber Su-32FN/Su-34. Modifications of the single-seat Su-27 fighter will be considered here. T-10 The first prototypes that never went into production. Su-27 (T-10S) A radically modernized T-10, actually a new aircraft, the letter “S” stands for “Serial”. The shape of the airframe was almost completely changed; a wing with straight tips was installed. The keel tips of the first production Su-27s were made straight, later they began to be beveled, the shape of the central tail boom changed, and anti-flutter weights disappeared from the keels. The maximum take-off weight of late-built aircraft increased to 33,000 kg, and the flight range to 4,000 km. On some aircraft, instead of external pylons, containers with electronic warfare equipment are installed (at the ends of the wing). Su-27P Single-seat fighter-interceptor for air defense forces. The possibility of working on the ground is excluded from the weapons control system; The composition of the avionics has been slightly changed. Su-27SK Serial commercial version of the Su-27 fighter. Produced since 1991 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Often designated simply as Su-27K (previously the designation Su-27K was adopted for carrier-based fighters, but then they were renamed Su-33). Su-27SKM Export version The Su-27SKM was developed in the mid-1990s; it differs from the Su-27SK in its updated avionics, and the number of missile hardpoints has been increased to 12. Missile weapons The aircraft is supplemented with RVV-AE air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface guided weapons, including the Kh-29T missiles, Kh-31 anti-ship missiles and KAB-500 laser-guided bombs. Combat load increased to 8000 kg. The ability to attach two fuel tanks with a capacity of 2000 liters to the underwing units has been added. Su-27M (Su-35) The Su-27M has been developed since 1988 as a multi-role air superiority fighter with even greater maneuverability than the Su-27. At the same time, its strike capabilities have become wider than those of the Su-27. In 1993, this fighter received the designation Su-35.

The aircraft is designed according to the “integral triplane” design with a front horizontal tail. Composite materials are used more widely in the airframe design than in previous modifications. Additional fuel tanks are located in the larger keels; the capacity of the internal tanks has increased by 1,500 kg. The fighter was able to refuel in the air. The retractable fuel receiver is mounted on the left side in front of the cabin. Onboard electronic warfare equipment is capable of providing both individual and group protection. To a limited extent, the aircraft is capable of conducting electronic reconnaissance. It is equipped with a new optical location station and N-011 radar with a target detection range of up to 400 km, capable of simultaneously tracking up to 15 targets and launching missiles at six of them. The aircraft is capable of using air-to-surface guided weapons. The instrumentation is made according to the “glass cockpit” principle. The super-maneuverable multifunctional fighter Su-35 is a deep modernization of the Su-27 and belongs to the “4++” generation. Its design began in 2002. The Su-35 uses 5th generation fighter technology and radically improved avionics. The power plant consists of two AL-41 turbofans of increased thrust with nozzles rotating in two planes. The fighter is equipped with a H035 Irbis passive phased array radar. A total of 12 Su-27M/Su-35 were built, some of them were transferred to the Russian Knights aerobatic team. However, the Su-35 fighter construction program is currently closed. Su-27SM In 2004-2009, 48 Su-27 fighters were repaired and modernized into the Su-27SM variant for the Russian Air Force. Under the so-called “small modernization” program, cockpit instrumentation and part of the avionics were replaced (there is the ability to detect ground and surface targets), the airframe was modified; the aircraft gained the ability to use air-to-surface guided weapons. P-42 One of the first production Su-27 (T-10-15), maximally lightweight for setting a world rate of climb record; in order to reduce weight, the paint was even washed off from the aircraft. The take-off weight was reduced to 14,100 kg, the afterburner thrust of each engine was increased to 29,955 kN. In 1986-1988, the P-42 set 27 world speed and climb records. T-10-20 The serial T-10-20 was modified into a version for breaking the speed record on a closed 500-km route; no world record was set. The aircraft was lightened, ogive-shaped tips were installed on the wing (similar to the first T10), the fuel supply was increased to 12900 kg T-10-24 The serial T-10-24 was converted into a flying laboratory to evaluate the influence of the front horizontal tail (FH) on stability and controllability. T-10-26 (LL-UV (KS)) Another flying laboratory for testing the AL-31F engine with an experimental rotary nozzle. The T-10-24 was converted into it. Su-37 In 1995, the Su-27M No. 711 was equipped with AL-31 FP engines with a thrust of 14510 kgf in afterburner and thrust vector control. This fighter was named Su-37.

The avionics and control system of the fighter were significantly modernized. The instrumentation is made according to the “glass cockpit” principle, equipped with four large-format color displays and a wide-angle indicator on the windshield. The aircraft is equipped with a quad-duplex digital fly-by-wire control system. Instead of the usual control stick, a side joystick was installed in the cockpit, and the engine controls were changed. The Su-37 fighter was equipped with two radars: an upgraded pulse-Doppler N011M with phased array, located in the forward part of the fuselage, and a rear hemisphere viewing station, which provides control of missiles launched into the rear hemisphere. The optical-electronic systems of the fighter included a thermal imager combined with a laser rangefinder-target designator. The aircraft was able to refuel in the air by being equipped with a retractable fuel receiver boom. The controlled thrust vector allowed this fighter to perform effective combat maneuvers at near-zero speeds, which are simply impossible to perform on the Su-27 with conventional engines. Among them are the well-known maneuver “Frolov’s Chakra” (“dead loop”, only with a very small radius, actually turning the aircraft around its tail), a forced combat turn (in less than 10 seconds) and others. Unfortunately, fighter No. 711 crashed during a test flight in 2002. Currently, the Su-37 program has been discontinued. Chinese Su-27 In 1991, a contract was signed to supply China with 20 Su-27SKs, and in 1996 - for another 16 Su-27SKs. In China, the aircraft was designated J-11. Deliveries began in 1992. The aircraft of the second batch were distinguished by the ability to install Sorption electronic warfare containers, a reinforced landing gear and the ability to use unguided air-to-surface weapons. In 1996, China acquired a license to produce 200 Su-27SK aircraft without the right to re-export to third countries. China has repeatedly insisted on modernizing the J-11 by replacing the H001 radar with a more advanced one, expanding the range of air-to-air missiles and installing multifunctional indicators in the cockpit. By 2006, about 60 J-11s had been modified into the J-11A variant. The country was also developing its own version of the Su-27 with WS-10A engines, a new Chinese-designed radar and the ability to use Chinese-designed guided weapons. China officially confirmed the existence of the J-11B in May 2007. In 2010, it was officially announced that the J-11B fighters were entering service with the Chinese Air Force, which supposedly have nothing in common with the Su-27. In total, the Chinese Air Force currently operates a total of 276 Su-27, Su-30 and J-11 aircraft.