Friends, need your comments, write if you found what you were looking for, and if you didn’t find it, write what. We want the library to have all possible documents.

Often, when performing work, registration is required different documents. And even more often they are not at hand. Here is a library of documents necessary for preparing and carrying out high-altitude work. You can download them absolutely free. Today, you may encounter a diametrically different attitude towards papers from your customer: they may not ask for anything, they may ask for a work permit, or they may drag you through all the stages in the most difficult way possible. Let's consider the maximum that the customer can require from the work manufacturer.

What does the procedure for obtaining work at height look like?

  1. Certificate of admission issued and signed by the customer. In “severe cases”, the foreman appointed by order signs an approval certificate in all customer services: labor protection, fire protection, environmental protection, etc., indicating the specifics of the work and safety measures (hot work, work at height, used equipment, garbage collection, etc.)
  2. Transfer and Acceptance Certificate work front. Drawed up between the Customer and the Contractor.
  3. (who will instruct and sign all journals, acts and orders). The person in charge must have valid certificates labor protection, if hot work is carried out - crusts according to fire safety . They may ask for crusts organization of high-altitude work.
  4. Work permit drawn up by the person in charge appointed by the order (the permit is signed by the head of the safety department/ chief engineer/gene. director)
  5. All high-altitude workers, welders, electricians should have valid certificates for all types of work performed .
  6. Magazines on T.B.(with signatures for the instructions provided). T.B. Instruction Journal It's better to have a new one for each object. All magazines must be bound and stamped. A variety of magazines may be required - on fire safety, electrical safety, etc.

Let's look at all the papers in detail:

  1. Certificate of admission

    Sample of filling out the admission certificate

  2. Transfer and Acceptance Certificate scope of work -
  3. Order to appoint a person in charge on occupational safety and fire safety at the site -

    Order to appoint a person in charge in shortened form -

  4. Work permit in 2 versions: the text is the same, but in the second version there are more fields to fill out, and therefore it is on 2 pages:

    Work permit increased danger

  5. Pay careful attention to the crusts - the admission of a high-altitude climber with ineffective crusts shifts ALL the responsibility is on you. Fake crusts are the responsibility of the high-altitude climber himself.
  6. TB magazines. On-the-job training log is a journal in the form specified in Appendix 6 to GOST 12-0-004-90 “System of Occupational Safety Standards”. This standard specifies the procedure and forms of training and methods for testing knowledge on occupational safety and other types of activities of employees, managers, employees, students and specialists. It's better to buy them in advance, they are available bookstores. But if you need it tomorrow morning, you can print it and flash it. The main thing is to tie the thread with which you will stitch at the back, seal it with a piece of paper, put the seal and signature of the safety manager/chief engineer/general there. director. Usually they ask for a log of initial (introductory) briefing and at the workplace. You can fill out both briefings in one log, or you can make two separate ones.
  7. Project (plan) of work execution (WPR).

PPR stands for Work Production Project, although it is often deciphered as PRP Plan, but this is incorrect. By downloading files from our library, you can easily customize the templates to suit your high-altitude work, such as:

  • installation of metal structures
  • facade works
  • lifting loads
  • any other high-altitude work

Usually PPR compiled as follows :

  1. We meet the customer’s safety engineer and politely but persistently ask him for detailed requirements for PPR.
  2. Download the sample file PPR.
  3. Fill out the title page.
  4. Section 1 - General provisions- Suitable for all high-altitude work.
  5. Section 2,3,4 - we briefly describe a specific type of work.
  6. If you need volume, download the instructions, intersectoral or Ministry of Emergency Situations, and add as much as necessary.
  7. We add applications as required by the customer’s safety engineer.
  8. Editing the table of contents.

Sample PPR

Section 3 example. Production order construction and installation work(actual)

Example technological map of work production

For volume - excerpts from inter-industry rules— edited for a specific type of work —

Instructions and rules.

Cross-industry rules on labor protection at height POT R M-012-2000 -

Temporary safety rules V industrial mountaineering Ministry of Emergency Situations 2001 —

Safety rules in industrial mountaineering EMERCOM 2002 —

Labor protection instructions Ministry of Emergency Situations 2005 —

PPR at its best amount if the site will carry out technological processes from non-stationary workplaces and according to work permits. This is a guidance document. It contains requirements to ensure:

  • Installation manufacturability of the mechanisms and structures used at construction sites.
  • Reducing the number and duration of work associated with industrial hazards.
  • Safe placement of the involved mechanization and transport equipment.
  • Creation of work areas equipped with personal protective equipment and protective equipment.

The plan is developed individually for each object, taking into account its characteristics, the technical capabilities of the contractor, and the presence of nearby operating industries.

What documents are needed to develop PPRv

Work plan at height according to the new rules are drawn up on the basis of Order No. 155 of the Ministry of Labor. It lists measures and requirements aimed at ensuring labor safety in areas where there are:

  • The height difference is more than 1.8 m and there is a possibility of performers falling.
  • Ascent and descent of stairs installed at an angle of 75°, 5 m or more.
  • Workplaces located closer than 2 m to height differences, where fences do not exceed 1.1 m or are absent.
  • Possibility of falling from a height of 1.8 m onto vehicles, equipment, protruding objects, loose, liquid surfaces.

For development use:

  • Working documentation.
  • SP, SNiPs, GOSTs and others regulatory documents, containing requirements for equipment, materials, planned technological processes.
  • List of technical means available to the contractor.

When you need to draw up a plan for working at height according to the new rules: non-stationary workplaces

The document is developed if the facility has areas of different heights where the same technological processes take place: that is, there are non-stationary workstations (NWP). IN regulatory documentation There is no list of such zones, so the developer determines them independently. He can be guided by SP 12-133-2000, which lists the features of NRM:

  • The workplace is tied to one object or structure, but is non-stationary in nature: it can be in different places, united the same parameters And standard solutions on TB and OSH.
  • Equipment for performing work is mobile or portable.

Examples of NRM - construction sites, where painters, electricians, plasterers work, areas for assembling reinforcement, knocking down icicles using a hydraulic lift (provided it is moved).

Work according to work permit

Regardless of whether workplace stationary, PPR at its best must be compiled if:

  • Rope access systems are used without installing scaffolding equipment (scaffolding, scaffolding).
  • Technical processes take place in protected zones of structures, objects, communications, the owners of which must obtain written permission to begin work.
  • Scaffolding is being installed and dismantled.
  • Construction and installation work is underway on the roof with or without a fence below 1.1 m.
  • Systems of belaying, holding, positioning, and rope access are used (if there are no fences that perform a protective function).
  • Place of construction and installation works - chimneys.
  • Concreting, glass work, and cleaning of glazing at height are carried out.
  • Construction and installation works are accompanied by descent into chambers, tanks, and wells.

PPRv It is also needed for other technological processes at a height according to the permit.

What information should be in the documentation being developed?

The work plan specifies the features of permanent and temporary protective fences. Describe the scaffolding lifting mechanisms for cargo and workers to be used.

The developer determines what safety systems will be required during construction and installation work. Indicates a list of PPE and SCP equipment that can eliminate the impact of factors that pose a danger to the life and health of the people involved. In the graphic part, it indicates the places and selected methods of attaching security systems.

The plan should contain layout diagrams of signaling, communication and lighting elements in the construction and installation work area, information on the routes and means that personnel must use to get to their workplaces. Be sure to list the requirements for sanitary conditions and equipment with fire extinguishing equipment.

Additional Content Requirements: Cranes

According to Order No. 155 (see Appendix No. 6), the use of lifting mechanisms, associated with the danger of falling transported structures, equipment, building materials, structural elements, requires an expanded composition PPR when working at height. This document lists:

  • Means and containers for moving bulk, piece materials, concrete, cement mortars. The developer must take into account the specifics of the transported goods, as well as convenient methods of delivering containers to the site where construction and installation work is performed.
  • Slinging methods that make it possible to achieve a position of lifted objects that closely or completely corresponds to the design one.
  • Means of storing structural elements in a stable position.
  • Sequence and technology of cargo storage.
  • Methods of final and temporary fixation of structures.
  • Protective canopies and ceilings.

The developer designates methods for waste collection.

Use of machines, mechanisms

The developer’s tasks include choosing methods and means that protect against production factors, which can pose a danger and harm the life and health of workers. He chooses methods of communication between equipment operators and other personnel.

IN PPR at its best indicate the types of machines and equipment, their locations and operating modes. Special requirements are placed on the positioning of wheeled and tracked vehicles in hazardous areas. The document must contain information about the movement restrictions and rotation angles of the machines involved in construction and installation work. When drawing up a work plan, it is necessary to develop additional measures when combined technological processes are carried out or there are functioning communications, installations, structures, or production facilities.

Risk of electric shock, storage of materials, equipment, tools at height

PPR at its best must contain measures to protect personnel from electrical injuries (if they can occur in the construction and installation work area). The developer lists the rules for selecting routes, determining the voltage of electrical networks (power, lighting), fencing control units, connected devices and parts capable of conducting current. It offers measures for organizing the grounding of electrical equipment elements made of metal and general circuits. But if there are areas of construction and installation work of special and increased danger, the developed OTD must contain additional actions aimed at ensuring the protection of workers.

Materials, equipment, and tools at height must be located in strictly designated areas, which are chosen when developing a work plan. During the lunch break they need to be secured or removed.

Do you need technological maps?

According to the requirements of the new labor protection rules, technological maps are developed when carrying out construction and installation works at height for stationary workplaces (see paragraphs No. 17, 19 of Order No. 155 of the Ministry of Labor). They can be standard and individual. This depends on the complexity and novelty of the described technical processes, the need to take into account the features of equipment and materials.

If PPR at its best provides for construction and installation works at stationary workplaces; regulatory documentation allows not to draw up technological maps. The choice remains with the employer. According to Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 155 (see paragraph 17, subparagraph A), he must carry out technical, technological and organizational measures to develop the CTD before starting work. At this stage, the list of documents to be drawn up is approved.

Who can draw up a PPRv

Person responsible for approval PPR when working at height, is chosen by the employer. His responsibilities include selecting the executor (DTD developer). He is responsible for carrying out construction and installation works and issuing work permits.

Compose PPRv can:

  • A contractor who controls all technological processes at the site.
  • Subcontractor who will perform high-altitude work.
  • A third-party organization whose staff includes specialists with appropriate qualifications.

The designer must have a current Group 3 certification for working at height.

If the project is small, the person responsible for approving the CTD can perform all the work independently. But this is rare, since the responsibility of the person chosen by the employer includes the development of documents, evacuation plans, monitoring the use of personal protective equipment and compliance with labor safety rules. The preparation of the work plan is often delegated to a contractor, subcontractor or third party.

Group 3 certification

To obtain the right to develop guidance documents, you must meet certain requirements. For example, every 5 years you must pass certification in group 3 for specific types of work at height. Requirements for the certified person:

  • Age - over 21 years old.
  • More than 2 years of experience working at heights.
  • Technological process management.
  • Providing first aid. Experience in participating in rescue operations involving the transportation of victims.
  • Inspection of construction and installation works sites. Understanding that there is a risk of falling from a height.
  • Knowledge of current labor safety standards.
  • Registration of work permits.
  • Personnel control, conducting labor safety briefings.
  • Training workers to safely perform construction and installation work.
  • Checking personal protective equipment.

Consequences of violations and corrections

If a team works without a technical inspection department and ignores the requirements for organizing construction and installation work and labor safety, the inspector will remove it until the identified violations are corrected.

The person who developed it has the right to make changes to the finished PPR. The corrected document can be used only after approval by the responsible persons.

A work at height plan is a document necessary to ensure the safety of employees. Without it, it is impossible to carry out work according to the work permit, and especially at non-stationary workplaces. In this article we will tell you what an occupational safety specialist should check when developing a PPR, and what points you need to pay special attention to.

From this article you will learn:

What is and why do we need a plan for working at heights?

The work execution plan (WPP) is the main document regulating organizational, technical and technological measures to ensure safety at height. This type of activity poses an extremely high risk of injury.

The PPR should describe exactly how actions should be carried out at height, what safety measures need to be taken, what rescue means to use, where to install prohibitory, warning, directional and mandatory signs, signal and protective fences, how to secure anchor points and other important details .

Requirements for the composition of the PPR are specified in Appendix 6 c. A plan for performing work at height is drawn up for non-stationary workplaces. In turn, at stationary workplaces technological maps (hereinafter referred to as TC) are always drawn up. TC can be part of the PPR.

Who develops PPR at altitude?

There are special requirements for the development of PPR and TC. The employee drawing up these documents must be trained off-the-job in a training organization of the appropriate profile and have Group 3 at the top level.

The work plan at height is not developed in the office. Required information should be obtained from the characteristics of working conditions at the industrial site.

The PPR developer is appointed from among highly qualified managers and specialists who have not only higher technical education, but also experience in this field.

Those responsible for developing the plan are appointed by order of the head of the organization (clause 17 No. 155n). At a licensed training center, such employees are issued a personalized Form 4 photo ID, which is valid only for a specific employer.

Work plan at height - sample according to the new rules

Find the sample labor protection document you need in Help system"Labor safety". Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

Contents of the work plan at height

Rules No. 155n clearly stipulate cases when development of PPR required. But this does not mean that in other situations the employer does not have the right to develop it.

Work at height is considered highly hazardous, but it cannot be avoided, especially in construction industry, where finishing, roofing and thermal insulation operations are still carried out only manually. It is also impossible to do without performing high-altitude work in the electrical power industry. Therefore, PPR developers must take all measures to ensure that the functions of employees under the work permit are scheduled logically and taking into account local conditions to minimize the risk of accidents.

Don't miss it!

In the project for carrying out work at height, a graphical diagram for their safe implementation must be selected, a selection of safety systems, as well as self-rescue means, must be made.

In the security zones of overhead lines or overhead lines, all methods of carrying out work under voltage, in the zone of influence of induced electricity, should be presented, a switching diagram, grounding installations, etc. should be provided.

During construction and installation operations, the PPR must indicate the location of fences, both stationary and temporary portable. In addition, it is necessary to list all the tools and devices used, safety systems - holding or positioning, etc. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the team is important.

The PPR for work from an aerial platform specifies the requirements for the production site and location, safety and labor protection measures for workers, methods of execution, and requirements for loads.

Slinging diagrams and rules for exchanging signals when using lifting mechanisms must be given in the appropriate section of the plan.

The load being lifted to a height should be securely fixed so that sheets of slate or a roll of roofing felt do not fall on employees working below. Only a specialist (a person with a higher or secondary diploma) has the right to develop slinging schemes vocational education corresponding technical profile). If work is carried out at a hazardous production facility, then this specialist must be certified in industrial safety in the area of ​​B.9.31.

As a rule, slinging schemes are drawn up by specialists who develop PPR. If a slinging plan or diagram (without PPR) is created for operations at height, then the specialist approving these documents must also have a 3 group certificate for safety at height.

The plan must include a diagram of places for fastening anchor devices and other methods of fastening security systems in accordance with the selected graphic diagrams in the appendices to rules No. 155n. Employees should be provided with alarm and warning equipment, workplaces should be equipped with lighting, passages and driveways should be equipped in accordance with the standards.

The PPR must indicate the location of sanitary facilities (shower, toilet, place for eating, flushing and neutralizing agents), as well as the location of storage of the first aid kit.

The PPR for welding on a facade lift must contain a clause stating that hot work must be provided with fire extinguishers designed for a given risk class, indicating their type and quantity.

There is another mandatory section - environmental protection, since production process always connected with necessity. Supervisors are prohibited from making changes to the work plan at height or ignoring the instructions listed in it.

The foreman must follow the PPR, and if necessary, strengthen safety measures compared to those proposed, and make a note about this in the work permit in the “Special conditions” section. During the subsequent development of the plan, these proposals must be communicated to the developer and taken into account.

If, for example, the death of two or more workers occurs at a construction site or other production sites, the employer, represented by general director risks ending up behind bars - up to seven years in prison. Therefore, the selection of a PPR developer must be treated with extreme caution. Well-written, without fluff and unnecessary sentences, the plan should look like a guide to action, and not like an excerpt from the rules.

An organizational and technological document defining safety measures, the procedure for performing assigned tasks, qualifications of performers, names of equipment and aids, involved in the process of construction and installation work at stationary workplaces. It is developed before work begins. Performers, management personnel, as well as other persons responsible for industrial safety should be familiar with it.

Source materials (depending on the type of object - construction site or production facility, workshop, etc.):

  • project for organizing the construction of a construction site;
  • Working documentation;
  • MDS 12-29.2006;
  • Construction plan or work site plan;
  • Lists of equipment and auxiliary devices for work at height.

The technological map is excellent according to the new rules instead of PPR

According to the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 155n, instead of a work plan, labor codes can be used only for stationary workplaces. But the NTD does not say which workplace is considered stationary, since there are many types of construction and installation work carried out at heights in different conditions. Therefore, the developer must independently decide what documentation to draw up, based on the location and features of the planned technological processes.

Distinctive characteristics of non-stationary workplaces:

  • There is a territorial change in the construction and installation work area.
  • There is a properly equipped area where one or more people perform similar operations.
  • Technical processes are carried out according to the approval order.

Stationary workplaces include areas that do not meet the listed features. They need it, not a project.

When are TC and TTK required?

To optimize the costs of developing technical specifications, the contractor and the contractor can use existing standard technical maps. They are not tied to a specific object or project. Therefore, they are suitable only for simple construction and installation works, the analysis of the location of which will not lead to increased production efficiency or reduced costs.

The TTK can be used as a sample to create an individual standard technical map at a high level. This is relevant for mass construction with the reusable use of identical technology. In this case, the document is adapted taking into account the features of the entire project.

Individual technological map at its best is developed based on the technical capabilities of the contractor and the specifics of the facility where the described construction and installation works will be carried out. This will allow rational use latest technologies, optimize production costs, get impeccable results.

For what kind of work is a technical specification drawn up?

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor No. 155n, according to the new rules, the technological map is at its best contains requirements for ensuring cleanliness of workplaces. It should indicate storage areas for workpieces, tools, materials, finished products, industrial waste. This information may be duplicated in route maps.

The Labor Code determines additional measures to prevent exposure to dangerous, harmful production factors when performing:

  • Roofing, waterproofing, stone, glass works.
  • Technological processes on chimneys.
  • Concreting.
  • Glazing cleaning.

Technological map at its best contains information about the placement areas and modes of use of lifting mechanisms. If lifting structures are used, plans of dangerous areas are attached, to calculate the boundaries of which the departure range of the largest and heaviest transported loads is used.

TC sections

Technological map at its best may consist of a different number of parts (depending on the complexity of the work performed). The table of contents will help you quickly find the information you need.

The “Scope of Application” section contains data on the construction and installation work being carried out and the structures for which the CTD is being developed. It indicates the purpose of the technical map: construction, repair, reconstruction.

Depending on the nature and conditions of construction and installation work, the section “Scope” lists the requirements:

  • To the temperature.
  • Humidity.
  • Meteorological indicators.
  • Environmental characteristics.

Non-compliance with them excludes the possibility of carrying out work.

The use of materials and parts within technological processes requires the indication of names, manufacturers, and regulatory documents (GOST, TU).

Organization and technology of execution

Most often this section Technical specifications for work at heights consists of several parts devoted to the preparation, implementation and final stage of construction and installation work. At the beginning, the documents, materials, and design elements used are listed. They justify the use of certain special equipment, mechanisms, and devices.

The subsection devoted to the main work names the technological processes that need to be performed. They are divided into separate operations and accompanied by explanations. Strict adherence to instructions will help achieve quality that meets project requirements.

The last subsection is optional. It lists the activities carried out after the main work:

  • Dismantling of equipment and scaffolding.
  • Cleaning.
  • Removal of warning signs and temporary protective structures.

Quality control

This section contains information about the performers, measurement methods, parameters to be studied, the scope and composition of control operations. Here are the rules according to which identified defects are eliminated. Standards for drawing up reporting documentation and entering measurement results have been fixed.

Types of quality control:

  • Input. Documents, building materials, and structural elements are examined for compliance with the requirements of the project and the selected technologies.
  • Operating. The operations performed are monitored.
  • Acceptable. Finished structures, products, completed structures, buildings are examined in order to determine compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications and identify defects.

This part of the Labor Code contains tables reflecting the basic data used to control the implementation of the described work.


The section “Material and technical resources” includes a list of equipment and special equipment selected for carrying out construction and installation works at height. During its preparation, the contractor’s equipment and the possibility of cooperation with third-party landlords are taken into account. When choosing special equipment, machines, mechanisms, they rely on the experience of the contractor, subcontractor, Russian and foreign companies. This makes it easier to search optimal ways mechanization providing design quality, meeting deadlines, reducing costs.

Separately list building materials and structural elements that:

  • Required according to design and working documentation.
  • They will help to carry out construction and installation work to the required extent, taking into account the cost standards established by construction regulations.

Occupational safety and health

In the “TB and OSH” section technological map at its best harmful, dangerous factors that can have an impact are listed negative influence on workers located in the construction and installation zone. Labor protection and safety rules are given.

When developing this section, measures are chosen to ensure the stability of objects and their elements during installation and dismantling work. They draw diagrams that indicate construction and installation work areas, hazardous areas, warning signs, protective structures, lighting and power supply lines.

The “Health and Safety” section contains instructions on safe use SKZ, PPE, special equipment, equipment, load-handling devices. If planned welding work at height and the use of an open flame, it is supplemented with safety rules. If cranes will be used, indicate ways to mark hazardous areas near them.

Section “Occupational Safety and Health”: subsections on the environment and fire safety

The environmental part of the technical map is compiled in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. It affects the rules for operating mechanisms, permissible levels of noise, dust, and harmful emissions. It may contain requirements for processing and removal of construction waste and industrial waste. If you plan to use equipment, the availability of means for washing wheels is indicated.

What should be in the fire safety requirements section:

  • Acceptable sizes and required quantity entrances.
  • Measures for evacuation from places of work at height.
  • Rules for the storage and use of flammable materials.
  • Standards for providing fire extinguishing means
  • Schemes for evacuation, storage of personal protective equipment, protective equipment.
  • Instructions for using heating and fire hazardous equipment.

The final section contains technical and economic calculations. They help determine the material and technical resources and the number of specialists to perform the work.

Who develops and approves the TC

Technical map at its best can be composed:

  • Contractor.
  • The subcontractor who will carry out the construction and installation work described in the document.
  • A design and technological organization that has a certificate from an SRO and engineers with appropriate qualifications.

The developer must pass certification for the 3rd height group and know the standards industrial safety, have experience in the work for which the technological map will be developed.

The document is approved by the chief engineer of the organization responsible for construction and installation work. If he is not on staff, this is done by a manager with similar powers.

If the regulatory authorities find out that there is no technical documentation at the site, they have the right to prohibit access to work. All workers involved in construction and installation work must be familiar with it.

For various manipulations at height, a corresponding work plan at height is a mandatory document for development and approval. We'll talk about it in our consultation.


The need to have a plan for work at height (WWP) is indicated by the current set of labor protection rules for work at height. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 No. 155n (hereinafter also referred to as Order No. 155n).

The plan under consideration for working at height according to the new rules (as amended by the Ministry of Labor in 2015) can only be approved by employees assigned to the 3rd group for safety of work at height. That is, those responsible for this officials appointed by senior management.

In turn, the employer is responsible for organizing the development and implementation of an action plan for work at height (clause 17 of Order No. 155n). Naturally, this should happen before the actual start of high-altitude work.

Typically, the plan for working at height concerns non-stationary workplaces with work activity zones varying in height.


The Order of the Ministry of Labor does not impose strict requirements on the sample work plan at height. Officials also do not provide an approximate example of a plan for carrying out work at heights. Therefore, this document is drawn up in accordance with general rules document flow in the enterprise.

In the end, you can download on the Internet a plan for working at height, according to which a specific enterprise has already worked, and adapt it to the needs of your organization.

Order No. 155n contains quite a lot of requirements for the content of the PPR plan for work at heights. First of all, you need to write in it:

  • priority construction of permanent fences;
  • temporary fencing;
  • scaffolding means that will be used: including stairs, stepladders, floorings, tours, scaffolding;
  • mechanisms for lifting loads, cradles of lifts (towers);
  • safety systems for high-altitude work: what devices, devices and means of individual and collective defense from falling + their necessity;
  • means of protecting workers from dangerous and harmful factors discovered during the assessment of working conditions: noise, vibration, etc., as well as harmful elements in the air of the working area;
  • places and methods of fastening security systems;
  • ways and means of lifting personnel to workplaces;
  • lighting of workplaces, passages and driveways + signaling and communication equipment;
  • requirements for equipping workplaces with technical safety equipment and primary fire extinguishing means;
  • requirements for sanitary services for personnel.

And that's not all. The PPR work plan at height should reflect:

  • installation manufacturability of structures and equipment;
  • reducing the scale and labor intensity of hazardous work;
  • safe placement of machines and mechanisms;
  • organization of workplaces using technical safety equipment.

In addition, the work at height plan must reflect:

  • preventing the possibility of structures, products or materials falling from a height when moving them by crane or losing stability during their installation or storage;
  • use of appropriate machines and mechanisms;
  • providing protection against electric shock;
  • additional measures regarding combined work, work within the framework of operating production, near structures, communications, operating installations.