Large-piece, portioned, small-piece and chopped semi-finished products are produced from beef, lamb, pork and veal at procurement enterprises.

Large-piece semi-finished products are obtained by dividing an animal carcass into parts that have a relatively uniform morphological structure of connective tissue, the features of which determine their culinary use.

Portioned semi-finished products are pieces of a certain shape and weight intended for preparing one serving of food. They can be natural and breaded, that is, covered with breadcrumbs or other types of breading. Some semi-finished meat products from small livestock carcasses are cut with bones.

Small-piece semi-finished products are small pieces muscle tissue various shapes and weights. Some semi-finished products are chopped with bones.

The basis of minced meat semi-finished products is chopped (chopped) muscle tissue. In accordance with the recipe, chopped muscle tissue is mixed with pork lard, wheat flour bread, water or milk and some other products and flavorings. The share of chopped meat accounts for at least 50% of the total mass of semi-finished products. Semi-finished products can be natural and breaded.

Contents of the article:

Semi-finished natural meat products in large pieces

The raw materials for semi-finished products are cooled or chilled beef and lamb of categories I and II, trimmed pork, and dairy veal. In addition, defrosted meat can be used.

The technological process for the production of large-piece semi-finished products includes: 1. Defrosting. 2. Washing and drying. 3. Cutting carcasses: a) dividing into cuts, b) boning cuts, separating large pieces, trimming and trimming them. 4. Packaging, packing, labeling, transportation. 5. Storage and sale.

Frozen meat usually has a temperature of 18 to -8 ° C. At procurement enterprises it is subjected to rapid or slow defrosting. During slow defrosting, the temperature in the chamber is gradually increased from 0 to 6-8 ° C.

Under these conditions, it takes 2-3 days to defrost lamb carcasses and pork half-carcasses, and 3-4 days for beef half-carcasses and pork carcasses. By the end of defrosting, the temperature in the thickness of the muscles reaches 0-1°C. Rapid defrosting is carried out in two stages. First, the meat is defrosted at a temperature of 20-25 ° with heated and humidified air for 12-24 hours .

Then the defrosted meat is kept at a temperature of 0-2° C for at least 24 hours , which is necessary for better restoration of its structure and reduction of juice loss during subsequent cutting. The total defrosting time is approximately 48 hours .

To remove dirt, blood clots, veterinary marks, and also to reduce bacterial contamination, carcasses, sides or quarters are cleaned and then washed. Washing is done with special brushes (shower brush, herbal brush). First, use water with a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C, and before finishing washing (to cool the carcass), lower it to 12-15 ° C.

To prevent the meat from slipping in your hands during subsequent cutting, it is dried with a cotton cloth or air. The disadvantage of the second method is its duration.

The beef carcass is divided into cuts in a certain sequence, taking into account the structure and various culinary uses of individual parts.

Large meat cattle supplied to public catering establishments in the form of carcasses, half-carcases (most often) and quarters.

Carcasses and sides are divided into front and rear halves (or quarters) by cutting the muscle tissue along the last rib and cutting the spine between the 13th and 14th vertebrae (Fig. 10). The following cuts are distinguished from the front half (quarter): shoulder, neck and dorso-thoracic part. From the hind half (quarter) the tenderloin, as well as the lumbar and posterior pelvic parts are isolated.

Rice. 10. Scheme for cutting beef carcass:
I - shoulder blade (a - shoulder part; b - shoulder part); II - neck; III-dorsal part (thick edge); IV - hem; V - brisket; VI-tenderloin; VII - posterior pelvic part (a - internal; b - lateral; c - external; d - upper); VIII - lumbar part (thin edge); IX - flank; X - subscapularis

To obtain large-piece semi-finished products, the cuts are deboned, and the muscle tissue is trimmed and trimmed. Boning - separation of muscle tissue from bones; stripping - removing tendons, coarse surface films, cartilage, excess fat from muscle tissue, leveling the pieces to give them a certain shape; trimming - removal of small bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, films, fat from small pieces of meat, which are obtained by deboning cuts. The yield of semi-finished products and the amount of waste depend on the thoroughness of these operations.

Forequarter. After removing the muscle tissue from the bones, the shoulder blade is divided into two large pieces - the shoulder and shoulder parts. The muscle tissue of the neck is cut off from the vertebrae in a whole layer. The muscle tissue of the dorsal-thoracic part, cut from the vertebrae and ribs, is divided into four large pieces: the thoracic part (breast), the dorsal part (thick edge), the subscapular part and the hem.

Hind quarter. The tenderloin does not contain bones, so it is not deboned, but only trimmed. The lumbar part is cut from the vertebrae and divided into a thin edge (lumbar part), hem and flank. From beef of the II category, the trim is not you ­ divide, and divide the lumbar part into a thin edge and a flank.

After deboning, the muscle tissue of the posterior pelvic part is divided into four large pieces: lateral, external, upper and internal parts. The cutting operations of small livestock carcasses (pork, lamb, veal) are no different from cutting beef carcasses.

Carcasses or half-carcasses are divided into front and rear halves by cutting the muscle tissue along the contour of the hind leg and cutting the spine between the last lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The following cuts are distinguished from the front half (quarter): shoulder, neck, loin and brisket. The back of the carcass is cut into two hams (Fig. 11, 12).

Rice. 12. Pork carcass cutting diagram:
I - scapula (front leg); II - brisket; III - neck; IV - loin; V - ham (hind leg)
Rice. 11. Scheme for cutting lamb carcass:
1-scapula (front leg): II - neck; III - loin; IV - brisket; V - ham (hind leg)

Excess fat is cut off from the pork carcass before deboning, leaving it on the meat in a layer of no more than 1 cm . The shoulder and the ham are completely deboned and after stripping the muscle tissue, two large pieces are obtained: the shoulder and the ham. If the weight of pieces of lamb and veal carcasses exceeds 5 kg, they are additionally divided in the same way as the corresponding parts of beef carcass.

When boning the loin, only the transverse processes of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae are removed, and the ribs are not cut out. The brisket is not deboned. Only the breastbone is removed, if this has not been done previously, and part of the rough flank is cut off. A whole layer of muscle tissue is cut off from the neck.

Semi-finished portioned products (natural, breaded) and small pieces

From large-sized semi-finished products, portioned semi-finished products are first cut, and from the remaining raw materials, small-sized ones are cut. Portioned semi-finished products are cut across the fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. If this condition is met, it is easier to maintain the shape and partly the weight of the semi-finished product.

During heat treatment, a piece of meat is deformed less and, therefore, warms up more evenly, and finished product easier to cut and chew.

Preparation of portioned semi-finished natural products. Beef is cut into: steaks, splints, entrecotes, rump steaks without breading, meat for natural meals, and oven-baked beef. The weight of semi-finished products is 80 and 125 g (rump steak without breading - 70 and 110 g). Before use, natural semi-finished products are beaten (except for fillet, which is made from the most delicate part of muscle tissue).

Beefsteak, fillet and languette cut respectively from the thickened (head), medium and thin parts of the tenderloin into oval-shaped pieces with a thickness of 20-30, 40-50 and 10-12 mm. Use two pieces per serving of langet. Entrecote is cut from a thick and thin edge at an angle of 40-50° into an oval-oblong piece 15-20 mm thick.

For rump steaks without breading, in addition to the thick and thin edges, the top and inner pieces are used. Pieces of meat are cut into thicknesses of 8-10 mm. Natural zrazy is cut from the upper and inner pieces of the posterior pelvic part; cutting thickness - 10-15 mm .

Roast beef is cut from the side or outer pieces of the posterior pelvic part; cutting thickness - 20-25 mm . Lamb, veal and pork are cut into: escalopes, natural cutlets, schnitzels, lamb and oven-baked pork. Escalope is cut from the lumbar part of the loin, 1-2 pieces per serving; cutting thickness - 10-15 mm .

Natural cutlets are cut from the rib portion of the loin. Depending on the size of the loin and the weight of the cutlets, they can be cut with or without the rib bone. Schnitzel is cut from the hams into oval-oblong pieces; cutting thickness -20-50 mm .

Brass lamb is cut from the shoulder, brass pork - from the neck and shoulder. The pieces are cut at an angle and used 1-2 pieces. per serving; cutting thickness - 20-25 mm .

Preparation of portioned breaded semi-finished products. The process of manufacturing these semi-finished products includes additional operations: beating, loosening, breading. The meat is beaten on both sides with a hoe, which is held flat (a hoe is a metal plate with a handle; the thickness of the hoe is about 1 cm, area about 100 cm2 ).

When beating, the connective tissue is loosened, the thickness of the product is leveled, and its surface is smoothed, which ensures uniform heating of the semi-finished product and better retention of the finished product’s shape.

Loosening - cutting pieces of meat on both sides using a special mechanism. When loosening, the unity of the connective tissue is disrupted and the surface of the semi-finished product increases two to three times.

Breading is covering the surface of pieces of meat and other products with a thin layer of flour, ground wheat bread crumbs, crumbs of mashed stale wheat bread (white breading) and other types of breading. Breading reduces the loss of moisture from the product and promotes the formation of a golden brown crust on it, which gives the product a unique smell and color.

In order for the breading to stick better to the surface of the semi-finished product, it is pre-moistened in lezone, which is a whipped mixture of eggs, milk or water, salt and pepper (take 75-100 g of milk or water for 1 egg).

Breaded portioned semi-finished products are produced in the following types: rump steaks, chops, schnitzels. The mass of breaded semi-finished products (80 and 125 g) consists of the mass of unbreaded semi-finished products (70 and 110 g), breading (7 and 10 g) and leison (3 and 5 g), respectively.

Rump steak is cut from large pieces of beef (see rump steak without breading), then loosened or beaten, dipped in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Chops are cut from the rib portion of the loin of small livestock carcasses, beaten, dipped in lezone and breaded.

Schnitzels are cut from the hams of small livestock carcasses, beaten and breaded like chops.

Preparation of small-sized semi-finished products. For small-piece semi-finished products, the muscle tissue of large pieces of meat is cut transversely into pieces.

Semi-finished minced meat products

Semi-finished products are prepared from beef, pork and lamb cutlet meat, which consists of pieces of muscle tissue of unequal mass and shape, remaining when stripping large lumpy and portioned semi-finished products from the flesh of the neck, flank and trim of beef (the latter from category II carcasses), as well as from the neck lamb and veal.

The increased content of connective tissue in cutlet meat and the complexity of its structure necessitate its grinding. When the connective tissue is crushed, its structure is destroyed, and significant compression and the resulting squeezing of moisture out of the muscle tissue are eliminated.

In addition, when grinding muscle tissue, the surface of the protein systems that form it and the water-holding capacity sharply increase, especially when adding table salt, which allows, by adding water or milk to minced meat, to increase the juiciness of the finished products.

Products made from natural minced meat (without the addition of bread) have a porous-spongy structure, are easy to chew, but are characterized by excessive density and “rubbery.” Therefore, to increase the juiciness and tenderness of minced meat products, bread is added to it.

Since fresh bread clumps and is unevenly distributed in the cutlet mass, stale bread is added to it, which has a crumbly consistency, absorbs moisture well and is evenly distributed in the minced meat.

The melange is thawed and filtered, the breading is sifted, the salt is used dry or dissolved and filtered. Lard for beefsteaks is minced using lard cutters or manually.

Minced meat is prepared in batch or continuous minced meat mixers. Stirring the minced meat continues for 4-6 minutes . To reduce the temperature of the finished minced meat, replace part of the water specified in the recipe. edible ice. Automatic machines are used to form cutlets and steaks. Ready semi-finished products- round-flattened shape, without torn or broken edges.

The surface of the steak is smooth, unbreaded, the cutlet is coated with breadcrumbs. The taste and smell are characteristic of benign raw materials.

Packaging, transportation and storage of semi-finished products

Portioned, natural and breaded semi-finished products are packaged in special boxes. Semi-finished products are placed in one row so that one piece lies partially on top of the other. Chopped semi-finished products are placed in boxes with liners.

Large-piece and small-piece semi-finished products are placed in boxes without liners. Semi-finished products of the same name and weight, made from meat of a certain type and at the same time, are placed in each box (gross weight should not exceed 20 kg ).

Large-piece semi-finished products can be of different names, but must have the same price. Tenderloin can also be produced in frozen blocks weighing up to 20 kg . The labels placed in boxes with semi-finished products or pasted on them indicate the name of semi-finished products, the number of pieces and weight, production time, shelf life and sales and some other data that allows you to control their quality.

Packaged semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6 ° C, and then stored and sold in accordance with the data in Table. 24.

Semi-finished products are transported in vehicles with a refrigerated or isothermal body within two hours.

Semi-finished products from chickens and chickens

Procurement enterprises produce chicken - cut carcasses, natural fillets, breaded fillets, legs, offal, soup set, chopped cutlets, bones; from chickens - cut up carcasses.

The raw materials for the production of semi-finished products are chickens and chickens of categories I and II, semi-gutted or gutted, cooled, chilled or frozen. Natural fillet is produced in portions of 90 g , breaded fillet - 110 each, chopped cutlets - 63 and 94 a; the remaining semi-finished products are by weight.

The technological process for manufacturing semi-finished products from chickens and chickens includes: 1. Defrosting. 2. Searing. 3. Removal of heads, necks, legs. 4. Gutting. 5. Washing. 6. Forming of cut carcasses. 7. Processing of offal. 8. Production of semi-finished products. 9. Cooling. 10. Packaging and packing. 11. Marking. 12. Storage. 13. Transportation.

Carcasses are defrosted in a refrigerated room at a temperature of 0 to 8 ° C. To do this, they are laid out on racks so that they do not touch one another. The defrosting process lasts 10-20 hours .

Singeing is carried out to remove hairs and fluff that remain on poultry carcasses after plucking. Before singeing, the carcasses are straightened and dried. The remaining stumps are removed with tweezers. The carcasses are seared on a non-smoking flame. After singeing, the heads and necks of the carcasses are cut off separately, the esophagus, trachea, and crop are removed, the legs are cut off at the heel joint, and in chickens, additional wings are cut off at the elbow joint.

When gutting, carcasses are cut from the anus to the keel of the chest. Through the resulting hole, the omentum, lungs, and kidneys are removed from gutted carcasses; in semi-gutted ones, additionally the liver, stomach, heart, spleen, ovaries and oviduct are removed. The gutted carcass is washed with water at a temperature not exceeding 15°C.

During subsequent processing, the above semi-finished products are obtained. Dressed carcasses of chickens and chickens are made without the head and neck, with legs cut off (at the heel joint) and wings at the elbow joint (chickens), without entrails, tucked into a pocket or stitched with thread (Fig. 13, 14). The place where the neck is cut is covered with skin.

Semi-finished products have a clean surface, soft, dense and elastic consistency of muscle tissue, color and smell characteristic of benign poultry, and a mark on the skin with the numbers “1” or “2”, indicating the fatness category of dressed chickens and chickens.

Natural chicken fillet - breast muscle without skin and surface film with tendons cut in several places. The semi-finished product contains part of the cleaned humerus and the chopped off head of the shoulder joint. Inside the muscle tissue there may be a small fillet or several pieces (2-3) of another fillet. The shape of the semi-finished product is oval, the consistency of the muscle tissue is dense, elastic with the color and smell of fresh chicken meat.

Breaded chicken fillet is a breast muscle (left-sided or right-sided), processed as for natural fillet, and covered with white breading. The breading should not lag behind the fillet and should be moist. Chicken legs - tibia and femur bones with covering muscles and skin.

Chopped chicken cutlets are products made from cutlet mass of an oval-flattened shape without cracks or broken edges, covered with white breading and having the smell of benign chicken meat.

The mass for chopped cutlets is prepared from the pulp of legs, fillet trimmings, skin from legs and fillets, stale wheat bread, milk, and raw chicken fat.

The prepared components are ground in a meat grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2.5-3 mm , mix thoroughly and add butter and salt. Cutlets are formed and breaded using automatic and semi-automatic machines. Giblets are processed chicken food waste without foreign odors or signs of spoilage.

Chicken soup set - processed giblets and meat and bone pieces (50-100 g ), left over after cutting up chicken carcasses. Bones - sternum and ribs, cut from the frame after cutting carcasses.

Storage of semi-finished products

The prepared semi-finished products are cooled to a temperature of 6° C and packaged. Store at temperatures from 0 to 6° C.

In Russian cities, the main segment of consumption of chilled meat products is the production of semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness. This means that when proper organization activity workshop semi-finished meat products will bring a stable income.

Where to start

Work in the real sector of the economy always requires large one-time investments in premises, equipment, permitting documentation. And if the trade knows examples of successful spontaneous startups, then all the nuances of production need to be thought out in advance to the smallest detail. Necessary:

  • explore local markets and identify niches of unmet demand;
  • study the presented assortment of goods, price range, sales volumes of competitors;
  • calculate production parameters, including: productivity, assortment matrix, equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products.

The quality of products is largely determined by technology and the original recipe. Needs to be developed and approved by Rospotrebnadzor technical specifications(TU) for each type of product or decide to work according to GOST. Each specification will cost the entrepreneur about 15 thousand rubles. It is usually more difficult to achieve compliance of the final product with GOST, but this contributes to promotion in the market: the consumer is inclined to trust products marked “GOST”.

A key factor in the success of a manufacturing business is access to high-quality and cheap raw materials.

If cooperation is established with reliable suppliers, the cost of the final product will be consistently low. One of the most advantageous options is to open a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products in tandem with a workshop for slaughtering livestock. This will allow you to get fresh meat in the right quantity.

It is important to achieve a minimum level of waste. Slaughterhouses, as a rule, supply raw materials in half carcasses. Muscle and connective tissue are used to prepare semi-finished products. Bones, cartilage, hooves and trimmings will remain unclaimed. All this should be processed if possible (for example, to make animal feed) and disposed of.

Sales organization

It is necessary to work out the issue of sales. Opening your own retail outlets profitable because it makes it possible to sell final products at high price. But for a novice entrepreneur, simultaneously organizing the production of semi-finished meat products and their trade is difficult and expensive. It is necessary to seek partnership with:

  • markets;
  • supermarkets;
  • catering establishments;
  • wholesale bases.

You should be prepared for the fact that the products will have to be delivered by your own special transport (wholesalers are an exception; they can pick them up themselves). At first, a product of a brand unknown to the consumer will have to be sold on deferred payment terms, that is, given for sale. This may create a shortage of working capital.


At the initial stage, it is worth focusing on traditional dishes for your area, be it cutlets and meatballs or shish kebab and lula kebab. Experimentation is in order. For example, good demand uses the “children’s” assortment - semi-finished products of interesting shapes (bears, stars). To be able to produce something like this, you need high-quality equipment.

Given limited funds, you will most likely have to abandon the idea of ​​starting the production of dumplings. For dough products, specific equipment is required - a dumpling machine, a hard dough mixer and an expensive “shock” ultra-fast freezing refrigerator. Without it, it is almost impossible to provide the dumplings with a marketable appearance: the filling softens, saturates the dough and the entire dumpling looks soggy.

Semi-finished meat products are:

  • large pieces - these are individual muscles, layers of meat or pulp with aligned edges, stripped of tendons and connective films;
  • portioned (natural or breaded), intended for preparing one serving of food;
  • small pieces;
  • chopped - minced meat, chopped products.

It is necessary to strive to ensure two key parameters of the final product:

  • high added value (semi-finished products with a high degree of readiness are sold at the highest premium);
  • long shelf life with minimal use of preservatives (the modern consumer is scrupulous about the shelf life and will definitely find out how it is ensured).

Technological equipment

For a person who came into the semi-finished meat products business from outside, it is very difficult to plan competently production capacity. It is better to entrust the construction of a technological chain and the selection of workshop equipment to a professional.

You can save significantly on equipment by selecting used or domestic equipment. Purchasing new Russian equipment also has a number of organizational advantages:

  • guarantee;
  • effective assistance in selection;
  • often free shipping and commissioning;
  • no complaints about the equipment from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor at the production launch stage.

Equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products:

  • washing bath;
  • cutting press;
  • scales;
  • sets of knives and cutting boards;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • minced meat;
  • meat grinder;
  • band saw;
  • slicer for cutting;
  • molding apparatus;
  • equipment for preparing cutlets;
  • freezers;
  • packaging machines;
  • storage chambers (according to SES requirements, finished products and raw materials must be kept in different chambers);
  • bactericidal lamps.

Organizational issues

Before opening a workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products, you must register your business activity. It is better to open an LLC rather than an individual entrepreneur. Firstly, the owner of an LLC is not liable for business debts with personal property. Secondly, legal entities prefer to cooperate with LLC. An individual entrepreneur will be sufficient if a businessman plans to organize sales independently and sell products directly to the public.

Key OKVED – 10.13.4 “Production of meat (meat-containing) semi-finished products.” When registering, it is enough to indicate the grouping in 4 digits 10.13. This includes, among other things, the production sausages, canned food, smoked meat.

When registering, you need to take care to include in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities information about potential activities: trade, production of animal feed, etc.

Otherwise, changes will have to be made to the registration documentation later.

When choosing a room, you should focus on SanPiN Get conclusion of the SES and it will be easier for firefighters if there was already such production in the premises. This placement option also guarantees the absence of problems with electrical power, water supply and drainage, and ventilation.

Rospotrebnadzor must be notified of the start of activities. The first batch of goods is used to obtain a product certificate. If the meat is supplied in the form of unprocessed carcasses, it is necessary to involve a veterinarian or negotiate with the veterinary service. You will also have to conclude contracts for disinfection and waste removal.

Production of semi-finished meat products: Video

A promising niche for creating a business is the production of semi-finished meat products. It is profitable to invest money in this area, because the demand for meat is constantly growing in Russia and its neighboring countries. In addition, semi-finished meat products are easy to prepare, which increases their popularity among the population.

Semi-finished products are food products made from meat or other minced meat with flavoring and stabilizing additives.

There are several types of semi-finished products:

  • by methods of processing raw materials: natural, chopped, or processed, breaded products and dumplings;
  • depending on the type of raw materials used: beef, pork, lamb, chicken, rabbit products and offal;
  • according to storage method: chilled, frozen.

Semi-finished products include various additives: water, flour and cereals, sugar, salt, spices, eggs and egg products and other ingredients. The quantity and quality of additives often affects the taste of the product.

Technology for the production of semi-finished meat products

To develop a business plan and purchase equipment you need to understand what stages the technological process consists of.

First, frozen meat in the form of large briquettes arrives at the plant, and is first defrosted and crushed.

Defrosting, or defrosting, is very important: improper organization of the process leads to loss of taste and freshness of raw materials. Optimal conditions for defrosting are defrosting for 12-16 hours at a temperature of 20˚C and air humidity of 95%.

The cooled raw materials are ground in a meat grinder, then the minced meat and additional ingredients (flour, spices, water and others) are placed in a minced meat mixer to obtain a homogeneous mass. The device helps to make the mass homogeneous, saturate the minced meat with oxygen, which improves the taste and appearance prepared dishes.

After the mince mixer, the mixture enters the molding machine. The product is given a certain size and shape according to the recipe.

If according to the recipe semi-finished products need to be breaded, then after shaping they go into a icing machine and into a breading machine.

For dumplings, additional dough is prepared using a dough mixer. The minced meat and dough are placed in dumpling machines, and the finished product is sent along a conveyor for freezing. The final stage is freezing and packaging.

In industrial conditions, blast freezing is used, which allows you to freeze products in 20-30 minutes. To implement this stage, a blast freezing chamber or a compact spiral freezer is required.

Products are packaged in plastic bags or cardboard boxes manually or using special machines.

Equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products

A small enterprise does not require the purchase of expensive equipment; to begin rational use of funds, you need to correctly calculate the production capacity.

Main equipment for the production of semi-finished meat products:

  1. Band saw needed for making bars from large pieces of raw materials that are easy to process. The cost of saws varies from 45 to 300 thousand rubles. For a small plant, models from Russian manufacturers RostPischMash and MM Pris are suitable.
  2. Meat grinder- a machine for turning meat into minced meat. The cost of the machine ranges from 40 to several hundred thousand rubles. When choosing a meat grinder, you need to focus on the planned production volume. In small factories, it is enough to use reliable machines from the Belarusian manufacturer Torgmash: MIM-80 meat grinders allow you to produce up to 80 kg of minced meat per hour.
  3. Minced meat mixer gives the minced meat a uniform consistency and airiness. The cost of the machine is 60-300 thousand rubles. For a small plant, it is enough to purchase a 50 liter unit from the RostPishchMash enterprise.
  4. Molding machine necessary to create products of a certain size and shape. Depending on the type of molding machine, several types of semi-finished products can be produced simultaneously, for example, meatballs and cutlets. The cost ranges from 25 to 450 thousand rubles. The machine is ideal for small businesses Russian manufacturer"RostPishchMash", allowing you to produce 2000 units. products per hour.
  5. Tray sealer needed for packaging finished products. The cost of equipment is from 150 thousand to a million rubles. For small enterprise semi-automatic machines from the Russian company CAS are suitable.

Cooking dumplings requires the presence dumpling machines, dough mixer and flour sifter.

Do not forget about the freezer, separate rooms for storing raw materials and finished products, sanitary products and consumables.

Requirements for a production workshop

According to sanitary standards the workshop must meet the following parameters:

  1. Air temperature – 18-20˚С;
  2. Humidity – 40-60%;
  3. Water supply and sewerage must be centralized; the quality of drinking water must comply with GOST R 51232-98;
  4. Rated voltage in the electrical network is 380 V.

There are also regulatory documents(SNiP, SanPiN and others) for different premises of the enterprise and stages of production.


To begin with, it is enough to hire 2-3 workers per shift. In addition to workers, we need a chef, a logistics specialist, an accountant, a housekeeping manager, an IT specialist, a technologist, and a cleaner. As the plant develops, the number of personnel will increase.


Collecting documents when organizing a business is the most important part.

Read also:

  • (184)
  • (102)

In our fast-paced age, the most valuable thing is time. The accelerated pace of life and the great desire to be in time everywhere and do everything have radically changed the food culture. Today it is much less common to meet people who prefer a leisurely lunch or dinner, accompanied by a long friendly conversation.

Most meals take from ten to twenty minutes. In a short time, we strive to be satiated and satisfy the body’s need for energy and vital biologically active substances. It's no surprise that interest in frozen foods increases every year. Many catering establishments, trying to take into account the wishes of customers, introduce heated dishes into their menus that do not require long preparation.

On Russian market works several large enterprises, specializing in the production of deep-frozen semi-finished products.


Miratorg is one of the largest Russian enterprises selling meat and semi-finished meat products.

The brand positions itself as a market leader in pork production. Founded in 1995 by brothers Alexander and Victor Linnik. Entrepreneurs began their activities by importing imported food products.

From 1993 to 1994, powdered milk, beef, poultry and pork were imported into Russia. After founding the brand, the brothers switched to organizing own production. They built twelve pig farms in the Belgorod region. And exactly two years later a branch opened in Kaliningrad. In 1999, the company, which had already gained fame, began to enter into profitable partnership agreements. Its first partner was the domestic “Golden Cockerel”, a brand engaged in the production of poultry meat. In 2000, the company began cooperation with the South American beef producer Minerva. Since 2004, the Miratorg branch in St. Petersburg has been successfully operating. Investments have been made in the agricultural sector. In 2008, the company was recognized as one of the backbone enterprises of the Russian Federation.

The company produces more than 280,000 tons of pork per year. She owns feed mills, elevators, 23 pig farms, breeding herds, warehouses, transport company(about 1,000 units of special equipment), automated warehouses.

IN Kaliningrad region there is a plant producing frozen semi-finished products, with production line capacity is 60 tons per year.

Semi-finished products production department

One of the ways to reduce losses of raw materials and increase food production is to develop the production of semi-finished products. Such products are used at home, in catering, schools, preschool institutions, hospitals, railway transport, civil aviation etc.

Semi-finished meat products are raw meat products that are subjected only to heat treatment (boiling or frying) before consumption.

The range of semi-finished products is varied. They can be divided into the following groups:

1) natural

2) breaded

3) chopped

4) dumplings

5) packaged meat

Natural semi-finished products are divided into large-piece, portioned, small-piece and natural semi-finished products.

Large-piece semi-finished products include: semi-finished beef products - tenderloin, longissimus dorsi, longissimus lumbar, hip part, shoulder part, brisket, trim, cutlet meat; semi-finished pork products - tenderloin, loin, brisket, hip part, shoulder part, neck part, cutlet meat.

Portioned semi-finished products include: beef - tenderloin in film, natural steak, languette, entrecote, oven-baked beef; from pork - natural cutlet, tenderloin, escalope, schnitzel, oven-baked pork.

Small-piece semi-finished products are produced in two types: pulp and meat-and-bone.

Pulpy small-sized semi-finished products include: beef - beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash; pork - roast, goulash, barbecue meat.

Meat-and-bone small-piece semi-finished products include: beef - beef for stewing, brisket for kharcho, soup set; from pork - stew, home-style stew.

Certain types of natural semi-finished products are produced in breaded form. Rump steak is made from beef; from pork - natural cutlet, schnitzel, Ostankino cutlet, selected cutlet.

TO chopped semi-finished products include cutlets.

Technology for the production of natural semi-finished products

Large-piece semi-finished products - meat pulp removed from a certain part of the half-carcass, carcasses in the form of large pieces, stripped of tendons and coarse surface films, leaving intermuscular connective and fatty tissues. The surface of large pieces should be smooth and not weathered. The pieces must have smooth edges, color and smell characteristic of benign meat, without deep cuts in muscle tissue (no more than 10 mm); a thin surface film is left, a layer of subcutaneous fat no more than 10 mm.

Large-piece semi-finished products are isolated from boneless meat.

The tenderloin (iliopsoas muscle) is cleaned of the psoas minor muscle, connective and fatty tissue. The shiny tendon located on the surface of the tenderloin is not removed. The tenderloin should have an oval-oblong shape.

The longissimus dorsi muscle, covered on the outside with shiny tendon and fat (no more than 10 mm), is isolated from the dorsal and lumbar parts, the nuchal ligament is removed, and the edges are smoothed.

When isolating the longissimus muscle from the dorsal part, a layer of meat is cut parallel to the spine, removed from the ribs and spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, starting from the 4th to the last thoracic vertebra, freeing it from the muscles and tendons adjacent to the spine, and from the nuchal ligament.

The longissimus lumbar muscle is isolated in the form of a rectangular-shaped layer of meat, removed from the lumbar vertebrae approximately 1 cm below the transverse processes, without coarse films and tendons adjacent directly to the spine.

The hip part consists of flesh separated from the pelvic, sacral and femur bones in one layer without the muscles adjacent to the tibia containing large number rough connective tissue. The flesh of the hip part is divided into four pieces: upper, inner, side and outer. On the outside they should be covered with a thin surface film (fascia).

The upper piece (gluteus medius muscle) is the pulp separated from the ilium, the rough tendons are removed, the inner tendon layer and the thin surface film are left.

The inner piece (fused adductor and semimembranosus muscles) is pulp removed from the inside of the femur, covered with a thin surface film. The slender muscle located on the surface of the inner piece is removed. Cuts of the pectineus and sartorius muscles are allowed.

Lateral piece (quadriceps muscle) - pulp removed from the front side of the femur, covered with a thin surface film.

The outer piece (fused biceps and semitendinosus muscles) is the pulp removed from the outer side of the femur, covered with a surface film or a layer of subcutaneous fat (no more than 10 mm), the rough tendons located on the biceps muscle are removed.

Pieces of pulp are cleaned of tendons, coarse surface films, fat (over 10 mm), the edges are smoothed, intermuscular connective tissue is not removed.

The scapula is the pulp removed from the scapula and humerus bones, divided into two parts: the brachialis (triceps muscle), wedge-shaped, located between the scapula and humerus bones and covered with a thin surface film; shoulder - two muscles (postspinatus and prespinatus) of an oblong shape, covered with a superficial film.

When separating this semi-finished product from the deboned pulp of the scapula, the pulp with a large content of coarse connective tissue and tendons, removed from the radius, ulna and partly from the humerus, is separated, and the pulp located on the inside of the scapula, the muscle connective tissue is left.

Brisket - muscles (pectoral superficial and deep), separated from the sternum, pectoral cartilage and the lower third of the ribs (1st to 5th rib).

Rimming (latissimus dorsi, deep pectoral, serratus, ventral, etc.) - a layer of flesh removed from the rib part, starting from the 4th to the 13th rib, remaining after the separation of the longissimus dorsi, subscapularis and brisket.

Cutlet meat - pieces of meat pulp of various sizes and weights from the neck part, as well as flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna bones and trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones, trim from beef of category II. The allowed content of fatty and connective tissue is no more than 20%, and muscle tissue is not less than 80%.

Small bones, tendons, cartilage, bruises and rough connective tissue are removed. The surface is not weathered, the color and smell are characteristic of benign meat.

Production of large-sized semi-finished pork products.

Tenderloin is an oval-oblong iliac lumbar muscle, covered with a shiny tendon, stripped of the psoas minor muscle, connective and fatty tissue. The shiny tendon located on the surface of the tenderloin is not removed.

To obtain loin and brisket, the breast bone is separated from the middle part along the cartilaginous joints. Then the flesh is cut along the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae from the side of the spinous processes and the spine is sawed off at the base of the ribs.

The loin is separated from the brisket by sawing along a line running across the ribs parallel to the top edge, at a distance of 80 mm from it.

The loin (muscles longissimus, spinalis, semispinalis, iliocostalis, etc.) is separated from the 5th rib to the 1st sacral vertebra, leaving ribs no more than 80 mm long without the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae with the adjacent meat and fat. The outside of the loin is covered with a layer of bacon no more than 10 mm thick.

The intermammal and inguinal parts are cut off from the brisket in a straight line from the end of the 5th rib towards the inguinal fold.

Brisket is a part of a half carcass with ribs (includes the superficial pectoral, deep pectoral, etc.) muscles remaining after separating the loin, without the breast bone, intermammal and inguinal parts.

The hip part is obtained by separating the muscles (gluteus medius, biceps, semimembranosus, quadriceps, etc.) from the pelvic, sacral and femur bones, removed in one layer, without the muscles and connective tissue adjacent to the tibia. The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer should not be more than 10 mm.

The scapular part (muscles postspinatus, prespinatus, triceps, deltoid) is obtained by separating the muscles removed from the scapula and humerus in one layer. To separate this semi-finished product from the boned pulp of the shoulder blade, the meat adjacent to the radius, ulna and partly the humerus is separated, as well as meat removed from the inside of the shoulder blade, containing a significant amount of connective tissue and fat. The film is not removed from the inside. On the outside, the layer of subcutaneous fat tissue should not be more than 10 mm.

The cervical part (muscles ventral serratus, supraspinal muscles, etc.) is obtained by separating the muscles adjacent to the cervical, first four thoracic vertebrae and the upper half of the ribs, while coarse tendons are removed, and the edges are smoothed.

Cutlet meat consists of pieces of meat pulp of various sizes and weights obtained from trimmings during stripping of large-sized semi-finished products, pulp removed from the tibia, radius and ulna, intermammal, groin parts and the lower half of the ribs (from the 1st to the 4th rib) .

Cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. Rough connective tissue, tendons, small bones, cartilage, and bruises are removed. The surface of the pieces is not weathered. Color and smell characteristic of good quality meat.

Large-piece semi-finished products for catering establishments from meat of all types are packaged in clean, dry polymer boxes and special containers.

Semi-finished products from one type of meat, having the same price, are packaged in each container. By agreement with consumers, it is allowed to place large-piece semi-finished products of different types from the same type of meat, having the same price, in one box.

Packages with semi-finished products are weighed on electronic scales and a label is placed on each package indicating: the name of the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark, the name of the semi-finished product indicating the type of meat and net weight.

A label indicating the manufacturer, its subordination and trademark, name of the semi-finished product, type of meat, net weight (in kg), date and hour of completion is pasted and placed inside each box with cooled large-piece semi-finished products. technological process, shelf life and sale.

Before being sent from the manufacturer, chilled semi-finished products must have a temperature inside the product of no lower than 0 and no higher than 8 0C, frozen semi-finished products must have a temperature no higher than minus 8 0C.

The shelf life and sale of refrigerated semi-finished products from the end of the technological process is 48 hours, including at the manufacturing plant - 12 hours.

Large-piece semi-finished products are transported in refrigerated or isothermal transport, ensuring the preservation of product quality.