Ready business plan with calculations and examples for launching a project related to soap making. Find out where to start and where to look for potential clients.

In dreams everything is simple: you just need to devote more time to your hobby and you will become successful businessman. In reality, everything is not so rosy. In soap production, an increase in the volume of goods produced entails not only an increase in purchases of raw materials. This leads to a radical change in production technology, product range and sales market.

How not to make mistakes in calculations and make your dreams come true profitably? Which form of organization should I choose? How long will it take to get approval from regulatory authorities? How to scale your business correctly? We will talk about all this today.

Why soap making is a good business idea

Convert favorite hobby Many people dream of becoming a source of income. It’s great to go to work as if it were a holiday and earn decent money at the same time.

This is exactly what my neighbor Alena thought, who first made soap for fun, and then decided to organize own production. I turned to her as an expert and now I am sharing with you the recommendations I received.

When opening a business, the girl already had experience in home soap making. She's already bought a few silicone molds, dyes, fragrances and was eager not only to give, but also to sell her products.

After a preliminary study of the issue, Alena came to the conclusion that this direction has good prospects:

  • soap is a necessary hygiene item and the need for it is high;
  • production technology does not require special knowledge and experience;
  • You can start a business at home - most equipment is already in every kitchen;
  • large investments at the launch stage are not required;
  • raw materials are available even in small populated areas;
  • there is no waste during the production of goods (you can always digest a failed piece or even a whole batch);
  • the assortment can be easily changed to suit any market needs;
  • both raw materials and the final product are not perishable.

Market and competitor analysis

Taking a step from a hobby to a business project, aspiring entrepreneurs get important information from future competitors.

Soap making begins with market research

Soap is a unique product presented in several market segments:

  1. Hygiene product. For sanitary purposes, solid and liquid bases are used in large packages. Main market players – large manufacturers with a small assortment. Sales occur through chain or specialized stores.
  2. Synthetic detergent. This includes soap with stain-removing properties and laundry soap. It differs from the previous segment in composition and modest packaging or its complete absence.
  3. Related medical products. This group includes products containing medicinal substances (antibiotics, essential oils medical purposes) or lightweight (hypoallergenic, without fragrances or dyes). They are sold through store and pharmacy chains and the Internet.
  4. Present. This segment includes beautifully packaged, decorative specimens. These products are sold in online and offline stores. Here you have to compete with flowers, sweets and even socks on the eve of February 23rd.
  5. Creative items. This group echoes the previous one, complementing it.

Read more about laundry soap production read in a separate article on our portal.

Step-by-step production plan

Let's get to practice!

To avoid mistakes, follow expert advice step by step plan.

Step 1. Selecting a room

To launch a full-fledged soap production self made you will need a suitable room.

Basic requirements for the production hall:

  • ceiling height 3 meters or more;
  • the presence of a floor slope to drain condensate into the sewer system;
  • interior decoration washable materials, such as tiles;
  • compliance of internal lighting with production standards;
  • availability of central heating;
  • electrical network with a capacity of more than 60 kWh;
  • mains voltage – 380 V;
  • the presence of a water supply with additional filters (for softening);
  • ventilation system.

Please note that if the premises do not meet the stated requirements, additional equipment and repairs will increase the amount of investment in the business.

The area directly depends on the soap production option:

  1. Industrial production with installation of a production line. For starting equipment producing no more than 80 kg/h. finished products, a room of at least 60 sq.m. (up to 85 – 90 sq.m.) is selected. The specific size of the workshop is indicated in the accompanying documentation industrial equipment (technical passport etc.) and depends on its brand.
  2. Manual cooking. Minimum size premises for work without the use of automated equipment - 30 sq.m.
  3. Homemade soap making. If the production volume is small, renting additional premises is unprofitable. Most craftswomen make exclusive products in their own kitchen.

Please note: a separate room is allocated for packaging (except for the use of special automatic equipment) and storage of finished products. Its area is calculated depending on the daily volume of cooking.

Step 2. Business registration

If a hobby has grown into its own business, it needs to be formalized. For entrepreneurial activity of this scale, they choose between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur.

The table will clearly show the difference:

Comparison criteria IP OOO
Status individual legal entity
Package of documents minimum full
Registration fee 800 4000
Authorized capital absent from 10 000
Number of owners 1 from 1 to 50 people
Sale or re-registration not provided possible
Liability amount with all my property within the authorized capital
Penalties cannot exceed 50,000 up to 1 million
Bank account optional required
Disposal of funds free from a current account for the needs of the enterprise, dividends are issued with the payment of additional tax
Business solutions free are logged
Scope of activity limited without restrictions
Cooperation with large companies difficult preferably
Deadlines for liquidation 5 working days from 2.5 months

Please note: the individual entrepreneur is liable with all his property, even after termination production activities and business liquidation.

Step 3. Purchase of raw materials and equipment

The choice of ingredients and equipment is influenced by the production method. Let's consider equipment for soap making.

Automatic and semi-automatic production lines are suitable for industrial production. The market offers domestic and imported equipment options that can satisfy any need.

Prices vary depending on the power and completeness of the lines. On Chinese sites, the minimum cost of a complete set starts from 1 million rubles (excluding transportation costs).

For manual cooking you will need:

  1. Plate. Opt for the gas option.
  2. Containers for cooking the base (vats). Cost 3-4 vats different sizes, with non-oxidizing surface, 3,000 – 5,000 rubles.
  3. Professional choppers (electric and mechanical) and mixers are useful in the manufacture of small decorative items. On professional equipment websites, the cost starts from 15,000 rubles.
  4. Molds, auxiliary containers, graters, etc. about 30,000.

With such expenses, the cost of solid soap from a ready-made soap base is about 65 rubles. When moving to a full production cycle from scratch (from fat and alkali), it will decrease by 25-40%.

When making soap at home, the utensils available in the kitchen are suitable.

Advice from Alena: Only non-oxidizing utensils that do not interact with ingredients are suitable. For example, glass and enamel pans will good choice, but a wooden spoon does not.

The choice of raw materials depends on the manufacturing method:

  • at full cycle production uses alkalis (sodium and/or potassium) and fats of animal and vegetable origin;
  • for production from a ready-made substrate, purchase matte or transparent soap base.

Additional oils (superfat), dyes, fragrances, decorative elements are used for the production of any hygienic detergent. The exception is laundry soap.

You can learn more about the hot process soap making technology here:

Step 4. Recruitment

The selection of soap makers, technologists, storekeepers and packagers is carried out on a competitive basis. Preference is given to employees with similar experience.

Look for candidates on specialized sites. Review resumes from the labor exchanges in your city.

Step 5. Coordination with SES and fire services

Soap is not included in the list of goods that are subject to mandatory certification. However, to sell it, you must contact the SES. There you will receive a certificate of conformity for the product.

The complete package for registration of permits at the SES includes:

  • registration certificate legal entity;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • confirmation of the legality of renting the premises;
  • technical specifications(in the absence of production compliance with GOST);
  • technological instructions (regulations);
  • samples of each type of product (5 pieces of all types, 100 g each);
  • packaging material and name labels;
  • description of the recipe with the percentage of ingredients included;
  • certificates for the raw materials used.

A hygienic certificate based on tests carried out on samples is issued after 3-5 weeks.

The soap making room must pass an SES inspection

Room for soap production equipped with a fire alarm. Security company specialists design, install, and subsequently maintain installed devices.

Step 6. Starting a business and finding clients

From this moment, begin to organize the supply of raw materials, production and sales. To line up stable business, choose reliable suppliers, work through technological processes and delivery methods.

Look for customers according to the market segment that the product is aimed at. You need to position (target towards a specific group) your product correctly.

For example, at the very beginning of the production of gift soap, Alena thought of it as hygienic. Obviously, she failed to sell it to cosmetic stores and salons, and she found her main clients in groups of young mothers.

How and where to look for clients - marketing plan

The success of a business is assessed by the level of product sales and profitability.

Let's compare several sales channels:

Sales channel Characteristic Peculiarities
Organizing your own point of sale Small department in shopping center, kiosk or store on the first line with a large flow of people, close to other points of sale to your target audience. Requires constant additional costs for rent, repairs, seller, etc.
Stores Network or profile. Long term implementation.
Pharmacies Private pharmacies (preferably chain pharmacies). Limited assortment for sale.
Beauty salons Beauty salons, hairdressers selling care products. Good option to disseminate information to clients.
Exhibitions and fairs Events for local producers or thematic (for September 1, City Day, etc.). Rare, but good opportunity study all competitors in one place.
Internet Website, landing page, contextual advertising etc. Will require additional investment.
Social media VK, Instagram, Odnoklassniki. Running a specialized group is profitable, but requires investment.

Income and expenses - financial plan

Drawing up a financial plan will help you make the decision to switch from a hobby to a business:

Monthly expenses:

The average price of 1 finished copy is 100 rubles.

The output of finished products is 6,000 pieces.

The amount for all goods is 600,000 rubles.

Starting capital 505,000 rubles.

Profit per month is 210,000 rubles.

Please note that to obtain such a profit, you need to sell 200 bars of soap daily.

Review of possible risks

Despite the relative simplicity of production, this business is not without risks.

Let us highlight the following difficulties in making handmade solid soap:

  1. Finding clients and developing a sales channel. The client base is being formed gradually. Often the influx of people wanting to buy soap does not keep up with its release. In this case, overstocking occurs and there begins to be a shortage of not only money for wages, but also for the purchase of raw materials for the next batch. This is especially true for the sale of gift and decorative items. Little is known about them. And having bought handmade soap several times, customers exhaust their friends and acquaintances who have not yet received such gifts.
  2. Compliance with technology. Soap making - simple production process, but has its own characteristics. If you add more dye or fragrance, violate the proportions of adding oils, or do not allow the finished product to settle or “mature” before packaging, the finished product will lose its presentation. It will be required for remelting extra time.
  3. Obtaining a certificate of conformity. Even with strict implementation of manufacturing technology, SES will issue permits no earlier than 3 weeks. It happens that the period for obtaining a certificate extends for several months.
  4. Low quality raw materials.

Ways to minimize risks:

Risk A way to overcome difficulties
Slow growth client base Start advertising before large quantities are released. Promote finished products in mass social networking groups. Carry out promotions, encouraging customers to bring their friends.
Loss of presentation Maintain the ratio of ingredients, maintain the manufacturing technology (temperature, humidity and speed).
Delay in receiving certificate Provide to SES complete package documents. Personally supervise the transfer of prototypes for testing. Start certification with time to spare before the start of main production.
Receiving low quality raw materials Conduct a trial production of a small piece of soap from each new batch of raw materials. Purchase raw materials from trusted manufacturers.

Download business plan

For more detailed consideration features of the production of handmade soap, I suggest downloading one of the business plan options for free.

It is easy to change and transform to suit local features. For example, Alena installed a security alarm, which reduced the cost of a night security guard.


  1. Don't confuse hobbies with permanent job: What is fun once a quarter will be a daily burden, and it needs to be chosen wisely.
  2. Sell ​​the product for its intended purpose: children's assortment in groups for mothers, decorative items in gift departments. Don't sell everything to everyone.
  3. Hire a technologist to create a recipe. In the future, all you have to do is implement his recommendations.
  4. Find clients first, and only then start large-scale soap production.
  5. (3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Soap making at home is a very profitable and uncomplicated type of business.

Buyers enjoy handmade soap in great demand, because it has a beneficial effect on human skin and has a wonderful aroma. This soap, wrapped in original packaging, has become widespread. It can be a great gift for any occasion.

Business plan for handmade soap production

The advantages and disadvantages of this business, as well as step by step instructions with calculations and comments are presented in a business plan that is suitable for a small Russian city.

List of initial costs:

  • costs to register a company in tax office(this can be an individual entrepreneur or LLC);
  • money for renting or purchasing premises (it is necessary to have a warehouse and office);
  • funds for cosmetic repairs. When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to its condition and choose a less neglected one;
  • purchasing equipment and tools necessary for soap production;
  • purchase of raw materials and ingredients necessary for production;
  • money for packaging;
  • funds for employee salaries. At the first stage of opening your own business related to soap making, the costs of this item can be avoided if you involve family members in the production process.

When limited to cash at the initial stage, you can save on space by conducting soap production in your own apartment and converting one of the rooms into a warehouse, and the kitchen into production premises. In addition, you can not register as an enterprise, but start distributing handmade soap to friends and acquaintances until you accumulate the necessary starting capital.

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Soap making costs

Here is a plan for an enterprise that has a start-up capital of 700,000 rubles, and the formation of a business begins from scratch. At one time you will have to spend:

  1. 800 rubles for registration of individual entrepreneurs with the tax service.
  2. 400,000 - purchase of a premises of 40 square meters. m.
  3. 35,000 for cosmetic repairs.
  4. 15000 - cost of commercial equipment.
  5. 30,000 - equipment necessary for production. Including:
  • 1500 rubles - scales;
  • 500 rubles - oilcloth;
  • 10000 - stainless steel pans;
  • 2000 - steamer;
  • 300 - a bowl in which the soap will be mixed;
  • 1000 - heat-resistant container with scale and spout;
  • 100 - skimmer;
  • 100 - measuring spoons;
  • 150 - plastic containers;
  • 200 - thermometer;
  • 150 rubles - pestle and mortar;
  • 10 rubles - pipette;
  • 50 - knife;
  • 50 rubles - oil sprayer;
  • 250 - graters;
  • 150 rubles - spatulas;
  • 100 - corollas;
  • 100 rubles - clamps;
  • 300 rubles - forms;
  • 100 rubles - a sieve;
  • 50 rubles - funnel;
  • 300 rubles - towels;
  • 1500 rubles - safety glasses, respirator and gloves.

Thus, at the first stage you will need to spend 455,800 rubles.

In addition, the business plan also includes monthly expenses, which include:

  1. 60,000 rubles per package (based on the production of 6,000 bars of soap per month, with the cost of 1 package being 10 rubles).
  2. Salary to employees. If at the initial stage you plan to make do on your own, then 0 rubles, and later everything will depend on the quantity busy man in production, average salary in the city and the profit that the business will bring.
  3. Raw materials. If it is expected to produce 6000 pieces per month, then:
  • 100,000 rubles for soap base (if the cost of a ton is 150,000);
  • 12,000 for ingredients;
  • fee for public utilities(electricity, water, gas, etc.).

On average, you will have to spend about 200,000 rubles every month.

When selling the first batch of 6,000 pieces of soap (if 1 copy weighing 100 grams is sold for 100 rubles), the total price will be 600,000 rubles.

Thus, for the business to break even, it will take a little more than a month. And then the monthly profit will be 350,000-400,000 rubles.

Having studied the business plan, it becomes clear that home soap making is a fairly simple and profitable activity.

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Homemade method of making handmade soap

For a budding entrepreneur, one of the promising directions activity is homemade handmade soap making. A soap making business plan can be a good help in this endeavor.

A small business at home, as a supplement to your main job, is always very profitable investment time and money. does not require large financial investments, takes little time and is highly valued due to the uniqueness of the manufactured product or product. These “hobby businesses” include the business of producing handmade soap, and much more.

Why is this business very good for a small home plant?

The business idea of ​​soap production is new for our country and has not yet had time to take off in the market. Beautiful, original, and most importantly, useful, soap has turned from a hygiene item into the best gift for loved ones and an opportunity to express your creative self.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Why should you start selling handmade soap as a business?

Soap making has many advantages:

  • Inexpensive equipment;
  • The technology for creating soap is available to everyone;
  • Your customers can be men and women of any age, social status, professions;
  • Making handmade soap is pure creativity, an opportunity to experiment;
  • Even if your city has several dozen soap makers, the products of each of them will be unique. This means that there will be no problems with the clientele.

Of course, working with soap has its downsides:

  • You will still have to invest some resources into this matter;
  • Sales of finished products are not established immediately;
  • Soap production is not suitable for allergy sufferers. Working with essential oils or chemicals, if you have sensitive skin or mucous membranes, can turn from a pleasant pastime into a living hell.

Manufacturing technology

Soap manufacturing technology includes two global stages:

  • Boiling soap base with additives;
  • Formation of a product ready for sale from this mixture.

Soap making process

The soap base with which our process begins is sold in stores. You need it in large quantities, so negotiate with suppliers. So, you can buy raw materials for future use (if you’re lucky, at a discount), so that you don’t have to look for the base you need after each new batch of the finished product.

The soap base is poured into a pan, where it is then boiled, and the master simultaneously adds essential oils, dyes, and aromatic substances. Soap making has a lot of recipes, so every master should know at least a couple of dozen.

A more labor-intensive process is full-scale soap making. This production uses natural fats, alkali and other components. This method requires more careful preparation. You must be familiar with technology industrial production, know the principle of the saponification reaction, be able to measure the pH of the resulting product. It takes a long time for the finished product to mature. It takes about 30 days for the pH of the soap to reach neutral.

Appearance soap is critical to the successful progress of business. Most often, people buy soap as a gift for loved ones during the holidays. Beautiful packaging, bright color, admixture of shades, enchanting aroma - something that will catch and attract attention. The more little things are successfully combined in the finished product, the greater the chances of selling it profitably.

Business plan

We will consider a business plan for soap production for two cases: selling products at home (via the Internet, for example) and opening a store.

The first case allows you to safely omit three whole points of the plan:

  • Registration;
  • Premises;
  • Repair.

You won’t need to fill out anything or search for anything: you can immediately proceed to the stage of purchasing equipment.

The second situation is much more interesting. The first step is to register an individual entrepreneur (private entrepreneur), register with the tax authority and local administration, obtain permits from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire stations, and then search for a location.

Renting premises

Let's talk about the premises. The small room chosen for the future store should be located where future customers will see it. The ideal option would be a street, avenue, areas close to the metro or center, large shops. The premises will require appropriate repair work. Think over a concept that will make it unique and attract attention to it. Glue up beautiful wallpaper, hang draperies on the walls, arrange shelves on which beautifully packaged sets of soap will be located, install a counter, a chair for the seller, purchase cash register and a computer. If your outlet has a specific theme, for example, “soap prepared according to ancient Indian recipes,” then it will be even more interesting. This way, the store will have a chance to become a tourist attraction.


To make handmade soap at home, you need one or more stoves (gas or electric), huge saucepans (at least 15 liters), molds into which the final solution will be poured, scales, laboratory glassware, and a thermometer. The stove will cost a future businessman from 100 to 300 dollars. For pots it will cost from 60 USD. That is, and 20 forms will cost you about $200.

The forms can be very different. The simplest option is ordinary rectangular shapes. But it is much more interesting if the soap takes on the appearance of some flower, bird or geometric figure. You can use children's molds for sandboxes, baking, or special ones (they are sold in soap stores).


A big expense item will be the purchase of materials: soap base, oils, perfume compositions, vitamins.

For example, 1 ton of base will cost about 6 thousand USD. e. A ton is too much; for starters, 100–200 kilograms will be enough. To give products a beautiful appearance, a variety of dyes are used. Making handmade soap as a business is attractive because each piece of the finished product will be different from its counterpart. To achieve this, the manufacturer needs to purchase large assortment aromatic and vitamin supplements, herbs, honey - in general, give free rein to your imagination.


Soap production does not require a lot of staff. While the master works at home and does not plan to open a store, the only employee in this company will be himself. Unless his loved ones want to help. When will the time come to open outlet, it will require salespeople (2 people in shifts), an accountant, a security guard and a cleaner. The salary for each of them will cost from 20 thousand rubles per month. Selling products via the Internet is clearly more profitable from this point of view.


Soap making is a process that produces a very beautiful product. Advertising should start from this. Make a website with artistic photos, come up with an original presentation, create communities in social networks.

Many soap makers held pre-holiday themed promotions at the initial stages. When making a batch of New Year or Christmas themed soap, they offered it in offices and stores, took orders, and distributed business cards. Booklets, leaflets, business cards- generally a universal way to talk about yourself. They can be left everywhere and given to anyone.

In addition, soap making is very creative profession, you will be welcome at festivals and craft fairs.

Actually, that's all you need to make soap. You see, this matter is not at all complicated and has almost no contraindications. Such production requires creativity, so we recommend to creative people: try it. Read about others on our website.

Soap making has become a very popular hobby for many women today. Such an exciting hobby can easily turn into a means of generating income. The costs of creating a business will be small, and the profit will be high, which will allow you to quickly recoup the costs. For a business to be successful, you should have a good knowledge of the soap-making schemes and technologies, as well as develop a plan for the quantity and quality of soap produced. It is important to understand that there will be many competitors. Therefore, soap must have characteristic and original properties, and also meet the needs of consumers.

The features of building a soap making business can be found on the Internet. Specialized sites contain the maximum large number information about soap making, master classes introducing soap production technologies, video lessons on how to get started own business and earn money from the first days. The first action should be to become familiar with the technology of soap production, its types and properties.

Research has shown that bar soap is the best selling soap. high quality. It is by selling it that you can make money further development business.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that after use the soap should dry quickly. The appearance of the soap should be attractive, “tasty”, and the smell should be pleasant. You should also study the market and become familiar with competitors' products.

What to invest in:

  • Buying soap base. Purchases can be made wholesale and retail. If you don’t have money for wholesale yet, you can buy the base by weight.
  • Purchasing forms. Forms must be current and original. The most common are plastic forms - they are high quality and durable. To diversify the assortment and to increase sales, you can purchase 3-D molds - they are often bought for yourself and as a gift.
  • Stock of fragrances and dyes. At the very beginning, it is better to buy dyes with standard and common colors, and fragrances with familiar and popular aromas: berries, flowers.
  • Preparation of a set of base oils. They can be solid or liquid. To begin with, you can choose not too expensive oils.
  • Come up with a type of packaging. The idea for packaging design should be fresh and original. And take care of purchasing materials for it.

You will need no more than $100 to purchase all ingredients and materials. However, many of the tools for making soap are already at home. It is also important to decide on the workplace and its arrangement. It is also important to follow safety precautions.

Where to start your soap making business: where to sell products

An important issue in setting up a business for beginners is to sell finished products, as well as to develop a base of regular customers. Here it is very important to start acting actively, in some cases even assertively. Many people start their business by giving products to relatives and friends. It’s better to immediately move on to sales and conquering the market.

The finished soap can be sold through free online sales platforms. You can post your work on them. It is important to post only high quality photos With interesting description goods. Popularity depends on the quality of the product and how much soap is offered for sale.

Where to make sales:

  • Social media. They provide the ability to create pages and groups. This will help you find friends who are interested in soap making and its end product. Groups should be filled with photographs of products, descriptions of them; it is desirable that the group is updated every day and contains thematic information.
  • Conducting master classes. First, you can start with free master classes - this will attract new clients. Rave reviews will help attract new customers.
  • Implementation. Find stores and shops that will be willing to take the goods for sale. It is important to consider that they will do this if they like the product and they can sell it profitably.
  • Opening your own point of sale. To begin with, these could be fairs, kiosks or small points in shopping centers.

The soap making business involves creativity, originality and constant development and growth. A well-promoted business can provide a stable and high income. It is important that the process of creating soap itself takes place in an atmosphere of interest in this matter - you need to make soap with love.

Business plan: soap making

Starting your own business is always difficult, because there are many questions and fears that something will go wrong. To do this, first of all, you need to draw up a business plan that will allow you to do the calculations, calculate the pros and cons, calculate the costs and expected income. It is important to know what problems may arise and how they can be solved.

To save money, it is best to start working from home and distribute the product among friends and acquaintances.

When the business expands, a new customer base is formed, only then funds can be allocated for business expansion. You can think about registering an enterprise and renting a special premises for the production and sale of products. Costs can also be reduced on the purchase of tools, but you should not skimp on the quality of the ingredients.

Business plan:

  • Calculate the costs associated with registering a business.
  • Consider the money that will be needed to rent or purchase the premises.
  • Take into account the fact that you will need money to renovate the premises.
  • Calculate the level of costs for purchasing ingredients and tools.
  • Allocate money to purchase wrapping materials.

If a limited amount of funds is allocated to start a business, you can initially save on employee salaries by selling products yourself. You can also not rent a room, but run a business on social networks. Product preparation can be done in the kitchen of an apartment or a specially designated room.

Soap making as a business

In order to open a business, you need to study the market and understand whether it will be profitable and whether it will have to be closed soon. Today, handmade products are very popular. This also applies to soap.

Soap making is a business that does not require large initial investments, but it is very profitable if built correctly.

For a business to be successful, handmade soap must not be simple, but original, different from competitors’ products. Interesting business ideas can be found on the Internet, but it is better to use them as a sample, creating masterpieces yourself. During production, it is important to strictly follow the preparation technology.

Advantages of soap making business:

  • Does not require large expenses;
  • The production of goods can be done at home;
  • You can promote and sell products on social networks.

Soap making is an interesting and exciting job that can bring stable income, if the product is interesting, original and of high quality. It is better to make soap for sale from scratch. Examples of work and recipes can be found on the Internet. You can use various fairs to expand your business. And to attract clients, organize master classes and lectures.

How and where to start a soap making business (video)

Making soap for sale is a fairly common business in our country. But this will not be an obstacle to starting your own business if the master is passionate and in love with his work. Starting a business doesn't require a lot of money. But experience in soap making is desirable. It is better for novice craftsmen to familiarize themselves with detailed information about soap making and technologies for making soap at home. It is important to take care of the quality of ingredients and beautiful packaging for finished products, Then good earnings won't keep you waiting long.

For many, a hobby is a way to calm frayed nerves and get into a positive mood. But a hobby can be not only enjoyable, but also useful, for example, soap making.

The process of mixing ingredients, selecting aromas, shades and patterns is truly creative. But to start this most enjoyable activity, you need to stock up on a small amount of knowledge on this topic.

What you need to make soap from scratch at home

You can start making soap right at home. But this requires certain supplies and ingredients. The minimum set of accessories is as follows:

It must be taken into account that all dishes should be made of plastic and not enamel; metals harm essential oils. And this dish cannot be used for anything else.

If everything goes well with the hobby, then over time you will buy more and more molds and other things, but having all the above and the ingredients, you can already get started.

Minimum set of ingredients:

  1. Soap base. It is sold in chips, lumps and granules. You can prepare the base yourself from alkali and oils, so you can be 100% sure of the composition of the soap, but for a beginner it is difficult;
  2. Base oils. These are jojoba, almond, olive, coconut, apricot, peach, avocado, Monoi de Tahiti and others oils. Each oil has a certain property; this question is truly mandatory for the soap maker to study.

To make soap without color and a pleasant aroma, just this is enough. But soap makers also use food flavorings, dyes, and auxiliary substances.

Additional ingredients may be:

  1. Abrasive particles. Ground coffee, ground fruit seeds, oatmeal, sea salt, poppy seeds and others;
  2. Vitamins in capsules;
  3. Honey and other bee products;
  4. Spices. They can act as natural dyes and flavors, having additional effects;
  5. Silk. It gives the soap excellent care properties, but you need to work with it carefully, as it affects the thickness of the soap varnish;
  6. Cornstarch. Makes the texture of soap softer and more pleasant when lathering;
  7. Sugar. Soap with added sugar foams much better;
  8. Yogurt. Gives soap a moisturizing effect. But you need to buy yogurt for soap without additives or make it yourself;
  9. Tar. Gives soap an anti-inflammatory effect;
  10. Alcoholic drinks. When mixed with other components, they produce a chemical reaction that releases alcoholates, which have a positive effect on the skin;
  11. Clay. There are several types of it, each of which has its own set of properties;
  12. Vegetable and fruit juice;
  13. Dried herbs and flowers. Besides beneficial properties, they are a decoration, especially dried flower buds. Once you get the hang of it, you can place the dried flower in the center of the transparent soap.

Any of the ingredients can affect texture, density and soapiness, all of which can be determined through experimentation. All this can be bought in a specialized store, if there is no such thing in the city, then you can use the online store; for large orders, delivery there is free.

The more knowledge there is about the original properties of the product, the greater the desire to buy more and more ingredients. If you want to put soap making on stream, you will have to buy a variety of flavorings and nutrients.

Choosing a base for home soap making

First you need to decide whether it is important for the soap to be made from natural ingredients. If yes, then you need to avoid laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl in the composition.

Soap without them will foam much worse, but will become less aggressive towards the skin.

They are the most popular and cheapest chemical surfactants. They are replaced with the following natural ingredients:

  • laureth sulfosuccinate;
  • lauryl glucoside;
  • cocamidopropyl betaine;
  • cocoglucoside.

Next, you need to decide how transparent the soap should be. The transparent parameter is responsible for this; it is abbreviated as T in the description of the base. If the letter W is indicated in the description, this means that the soap from such a base will be opaque white.

Ready-made soap bases are produced in China, England, Latvia, Germany and Russia. Chinese ones are the most popular, they have a large selection and are less likely to be counterfeited, unlike English and German ones, and it will be difficult for a beginner to distinguish a fake.

Within one manufacturer they are divided into regular and premium. For beginners, it is better to purchase a regular foundation, as it is more affordable and suitable for testing. Premium bases fill the mold better and do not bubble, which is important for those who use molds with small details.

Starter Kit

To prevent a novice soap maker from getting bogged down in the difficulties of choosing, stores sell ready-made kits for beginners. The kit usually includes the following:

  • warp;
  • plastic bowl with spoon;
  • a pair of plastic molds;
  • universal base oils;
  • natural dyes;
  • flavorings;
  • universal essential oil.

Another option is a capsule set, that is, everything you need to make themed soap. For example, everything you might need to make duck soap or macaroon soap. The kit will also come with instructions and a recipe.

Do not confuse the set of dyes, bases or fragrances that are sold in the soap maker's store with a beginner's set. Such sets will most likely appeal to a professional who is already short on basic ingredients and is ready to experiment.

Homemade soap making recipes for beginners

You can start with the simplest, most proven and popular recipes. And only then start experimenting.

Soap "Rose"

  • bowl and spatula;
  • transparent soap base - 150 g;
  • red or pink food coloring;
  • jojoba oil - 15 ml;
  • molds in the shape of a rose;
  • rose essential oil - 2 drops;
  • rose petals

Manufacturing process:

  1. Melt the soap in a water bath or 30 seconds in the microwave;
  2. Mix oils and dye;
  3. Place rose petals on the bottom of the molds and pour soap on top;
  4. Spread the petals evenly with a spatula and leave to harden.


What you need to make 2 bars of soap:

  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • bowl and spatula;
  • a pinch of saffron as a dye;
  • vanilla essential oil - 2 drops;
  • honey - 2 spoons;
  • Monoi de Tahiti oil;
  • silicone molds in a honey theme.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Grind and heat the base to 70 degrees;
  2. Add honey, saffron, oils and stir;
  3. Let stand until the saffron gives color, stir again;
  4. Pour the mixture into the molds and leave to cool.


What you need to make 2 bars of soap:

  • melting bowl;
  • spatula;
  • tropical-themed or oval mold;
  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • coconut oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • coconut shavings - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • food flavoring "coconut".

Manufacturing process:

  1. Heat coconut oil at room temperature until liquid;
  2. Grate the base and melt in the microwave for 30 seconds;
  3. Pour in the oil, flavoring and mix with a spatula;
  4. Sprinkle the molds with coconut flakes and pour the soap mixture on top;
  5. Leave to cool.


What you need to make 2 bars of soap:

  • cocoa butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • Belgian chocolate food flavoring - 5 drops;
  • molds for soap, there are special ones in the shape of a chocolate bar;
  • melting utensils;
  • spatula for mixing.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Grind the base on a grater or chop finely with a knife;
  2. Microwave in a melting dish for 30 seconds;
  3. Pour in oils, mix flavoring;
  4. Pour into the mold.

Ice soap

What you need to make 2 bars of soap:

  • transparent soap base - 150 g;
  • melting bowl and spatula;
  • 2 drops blue or turquoise food coloring;
  • 3 drops of mint essential oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of almond oil.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Add almond and mint oil, dye, stir until the color is uniform;
  2. Pour into molds and cool.

Coffee soap-scrub

Necessary for making 2 bars:

  • white soap base - 150 g;
  • ground coffee - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • brown food coloring;
  • macadamia oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • melting cup;
  • spatula;
  • soap molds.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Grind and melt the base;
  2. Pour in oils and dye, stir with a spatula;
  3. Add coffee and stir;
  4. Pour into molds

As you can see, the process of making soap is not at all complicated and therefore it is quite possible to put it on stream and earn a living from it.

Gift handmade soap for the New Year

Soap is an excellent souvenir, but provided that it is not an ordinary bar in a plastic bag, but a fancy soap with a pleasant aroma and original packaging. On New Year Soap in the shape of a Christmas tree is suitable. To make 1 large bar you will need the following:

  • bowl and spoon;
  • spruce flavoring;
  • 100 g transparent base;
  • 5 ml avocado oil;
  • 3 drops dark green food coloring;
  • 2 drops of spruce or fir essential oil;
  • silicone mold in the shape of a Christmas tree;
  • coconut flakes.

Step-by-step master class with photos on making Christmas tree soap:

  1. Grind the base if it is lumpy;
  2. Place in a water bath over low heat, stirring until it melts evenly;
  3. Add oils and dye to the melted mass;
  4. Stir and pour into mold;
  5. Sprinkle with coconut;
  6. Let the soap harden.

Alternatively, the shape can be in the form of a snowflake, and the dye can be blue.

  1. You need to pour the melted soap slowly in a thin stream in a spiral so that no voids form;
  2. The soap base must be heated to exactly 70 degrees so as not to destroy the beneficial substances of the ingredients;
  3. All adjustments must be made after 3-5 minutes, when the soap has cooled down but is still plastic;
  4. To make it easier to separate the soap from the mold, spray it with alcohol first;
  5. You need to get the soap out like this: first pry it off and let air in between the mold and the soap, and then it will easily come off on its own;
  6. If you plan to store for a long time, then this is done in cling film in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

We wish you the realization of your brightest soap-making ideas! Good luck!

Another small master class on soap making is in the next video.