Double-glazed windows have been around for quite some time the best option filling all types of profiles for glazing windows, balconies, doors: aluminum, plastic, wood. The quality of the finished windows or doors directly depends on the quality of the double-glazed window, so the manufacturing technology of the double-glazed window plays a significant role in its production. Any deviation from the accepted technology may entail consequences such as complete disruption of the finished window or glass door structure.

The 21st century is the century of production automation. Like many others, the production of double-glazed windows today is also almost completely automated. Dozens of workers who previously participated in the process of manufacturing double-glazed windows can be replaced by one or two workers who supply specially prepared glass for the subsequent operation of the machines, and unload the finished double-glazed windows. The production line of double-glazed windows, which produces finished products, is divided into several departments where certain stages take place. Prepared glass goes through 5 stages to become a double glazing unit. The quality of glass processing at each stage is the key to the quality of the finished double-glazed window.

The first stage of manufacturing a double-glazed window is glass cutting.

At this stage, a single sheet of prepared glass is cut. For this purpose, special cutting tables and tools are used, which vary depending on the size of the preliminary blank for the double-glazed window. Depending on the desired result, the type of cutting tool is selected, as well as the liquid with which it will be produced. If previously these processes were performed by workers, then modern equipment for cutting is completely mechanized, the process control system is embedded in a computer. Thanks to the latest technologies manufacturing equipment for cutting glass, it becomes possible to produce the most profitable cutting, while saving a significant amount of material. The glass prepared for cutting moves along the table on an air cushion, which ensures its complete safety during the production process. After making the cut, the glass is broken using metal rods that are located in the surface of the table. However, with any cut followed by a break, microcracks invisible to the eye are formed in the glass. Along the line that is made by the cutting equipment, a break is made and the glass splits. Smooth edges of the break are an indispensable condition of the technology, for which the break must be made almost simultaneously with the cut of the prepared glass. This condition is a consequence of the ability of glass to “self-heal”. Self-healing of glass occurs in this way: after microcracks form, they stick together, making it almost impossible to break the glass evenly. It is in order to prevent this phenomenon that the tool introduces a special liquid onto the surface of the glass being cut, which prevents the glass from “self-healing.” The liquid for cutting glass should have low viscosity and good wetting properties.

Along with cutting the glass, another process occurs that prepares the glass for subsequent stages. This is cutting spacers (distance frames) in accordance with the standard size of a given type of double-glazed window, as well as connecting them using special corners and inserts. On the inside of the glass in the double-glazed window, spacers must have holes punched with a puncher. The space of the spacer frame must be filled with an air dehumidifier, which will prevent the formation of moisture inside the glass unit. According to standards, the absorbent in this case is a molecular sieve (zeolite in the form of granules) or silicate gel. All empty spaces in the spacers must be filled with such desiccants, and the size of the moisture absorber granules must be larger than the size of the holes for dehydration of the internal space of the glass unit. The absorber must have properties that allow it to selectively absorb gases. It is necessary that only water molecules are absorbed, and not molecules of other gases that are components of air. In high-quality double-glazed windows, it is the moisture absorber that prevents the formation of condensation in the double-glazed window chamber. If a finished double-glazed window allows moisture to form on the glass, this means a violation of the manufacturing technology and the presence of defects.

However, if the temperature regime in which the glass unit is to be operated is violated, condensation may form on the glass when the so-called “dew point” is reached. “Spots” are the moment when the moisture absorber of a double-glazed window can no longer cope with the amount of moist air inside the double-glazed window, which occurs as a result of a violation of the temperature balance, and condensation forms. The air temperature that causes condensation to appear for most double-glazed windows is –45C. For regions where temperatures often fall below this level, there are special frost-resistant double-glazed windows that can withstand temperatures down to –55C.

The type of glass unit also plays a decisive role in the volume of filling of the spacer frame or spacer. As a rule, the accompanying documentation on the technology indicates more precise figures, but at a minimum this is 50% of the total volume of the spacer. A spacer frame is made from a metal profile or tape: aluminum, steel. When manufacturing a steel profile for spacer frames, additional processing profile or tape with an anti-corrosion coating. However, the manufacture of spacers from other materials is also possible, provided that general requirements and the standards will be met.

In order to increase the thermal insulation characteristics of a double-glazed window, spacers with thermal breaks are often used. The technology for installing TPS spacer frames is one of the latest developments and can significantly increase the level of thermal insulation of a double-glazed window. In this case, spacers are made not from a metal profile, but from butyl rubber. A tape made of this material significantly reduces the penetration of cold air. The disadvantages of butyl rubber are its appearance and the need to control moisture absorption. A double-glazed window, the spacers of which are made using TPS technology, has some delays in the absorption of moisture penetrating into the double-glazed window, however, over a long period of use of the window structure, this does not play such a significant role.

The second stage of double-glazed window manufacturing is glass washing. A

At this stage, the cut and prepared glass is washed using special brushes located inside the washing machine. Demineralized water is used to wash glass. To ensure that washing does not cause any damage to the glass surface, it is necessary to use bristles of a strictly defined stiffness. Many characteristics of the future double-glazed window depend on the correct stage of washing the prepared glass. Previously, washing was done by hand, which significantly deteriorated its quality. It is not recommended to use it when cleaning glass. detergents.One of the main conditions for a high-quality double-glazed window is the tight adherence of the sealant to the surface of the glass, and manual washing breaks the tightness of the coating and, accordingly, deprives the double-glazed window of its high characteristics.

The third stage of manufacturing a double-glazed window is applying sealant

After washing the glass, a primary layer of sealant is applied to the spacer blanks. The spacer frames are connected to each other using corners made of metal or plastic, and a special coating of sealant is applied to their transverse sides in a layer of several mm (minimum 3 mm). Butyls are currently used as sealants. There are certain standards, if violated, premature failure of the double-glazed window occurs or its characteristics do not correspond to the declared ones. The sealed layer must be strictly uniform, have no empty spaces and a width of at least 3 mm. If the production of double-glazed windows has limited dimensions, manual application of sealant is allowed (as in the case of repairing a double-glazed window, which may be caused by violations in the technology during its production).

The fourth stage of double-glazed window manufacturing is primary assembly.

After a sealed butyl coating is applied to the spacers, the glass unit is pre-assembled, which includes attaching prepared and cleaned glasses with spacer frames on which a sealed layer is applied. The color of the butyl coating at this stage should be perfectly black. If white marks are found on the coating, this means that the coating was touched by hand (when covering manually with butyl tape, the work must be carried out using gloves specially designed for this purpose) or the glass was not washed sufficiently. The technology provides a so-called “soft” coating of the glass surface, which is unstable to influences external environment. The surface of the glass with a “soft” coating is the side that is inside the glass unit chamber. It is necessary that even at the stage of glass cutting, the surface on which the butyl coating will be applied should be ideally cleared of the “soft” coating so that the butyl adheres tightly to the glass, which will ensure complete sealing and will not damage the glass surface. At the same time, on the outside of the glass unit the cleaned surface must be invisible so that the appearance of the glass unit does not deteriorate.

After preliminary assembly has been completed, the glass unit is sent under a press, which compresses it for final fixation. The glass unit must remain under the press for some time so that the butyl coating penetrates the top layer of the glass surface to ensure reliable sealing.

As a rule, to ensure that the glass unit does not collapse during the assembly and installation process, the edges of the glass are ground before the initial assembly stage.

The fifth stage of double-glazed window manufacturing is the final stage

After processing the glass unit with a press, the side parts of the glass unit are coated with a second layer of sealant, which is designed to accurately preserve the primary geometry of the glass unit during its subsequent operation. For this, polyurethane, silicone or thiokol sealants are used. At the same time, the temperature in production premises, where double-glazed windows are manufactured, should not be lower than +16C and not higher than +25C; air humidity is not higher than 50%.

Thanks to the high-quality production of double-glazed windows, without violating technology and standards, we get a truly excellent product that complements and improves the characteristics of the window profile. When installing high-quality double-glazed windows, your plastic windows will perfectly protect the room from cold and noise, and also serve as a wonderful decoration for your home. After all, glass is a reflection of the outside world, and what it looks like is how you will see the world that surrounds you.

Double-glazed windows have long entered our lives as more advanced, versatile and reliable fillings for windows and doors. The quality of a double-glazed window, first of all, depends on compliance with the technology and requirements for the double-glazed window production process.

Failure to comply with the requirements during the production of double-glazed windows entails a violation of the characteristics of the finished product, and, as a consequence, the lack of possibility of an engineering design solution for the entire project.

Over the past decades, the technology for the production of double-glazed windows has advanced significantly in the direction of automation, when on a line producing up to several thousand square meters finished products per shift, only two people work - a loader supplying prepared glass, and a loader unloading the finished double-glazed window (there are production facilities without human presence).

On all modern automated lines for the production of double-glazed windows, several sections can be allocated, corresponding to different stages of the technological process.

The production of double-glazed windows is a multifaceted and complex matter, like any production process; it can be divided into several stages:

At the first stage, after processing and preparing the order for production, glass is cut to the specified types and sizes at the appropriate site.

Glass cutting occurs using modern tables and cutting lines. These are high-tech devices in which the movement of the cutter is controlled by a computer according to a program specified by the operator from the keyboard. All tables are equipped special program optimization of cutting, allowing to reduce waste to 5% and below. The glass moves across the table surface on an air cushion created by a large number of holes along the table surface. Breaking of glass after a cut is carried out by special pneumatic breaking bars rising from the surface of the table.

In parallel with this, the spacer frame is being prepared for cutting the spacer frame into appropriate sizes, and the following equipment is used:

A molecular sieve is poured inside the frame, which is necessary to absorb moisture from the inter-glass space of the double-glazed window; for this operation, the following filling equipment is used:

This eliminates the possibility of condensation between the glass panes during further use of the product. The appearance of condensation on the surface of the glass inside the glass unit indicates gross violations committed during its production - incomplete sealing or the absence of a desiccant. According to clause 4.2.3. GOST 24866-99, in the manufacture of double-glazed windows, synthetic granular zeolite (molecular sieve) or technical silica gel is used as a desiccant, which is used to fill the cavities of the spacer frames. In a properly manufactured double-glazed window, condensation in the interstitial space occurs at a certain critical temperature, called the “dew point”. According to the definitions of GOST 30779-2001 “Glass units for construction purposes. Method for determining resistance to atmospheric influences and assessing durability”, the dew point of a double-glazed window is “the temperature of the air (or gas) in a double-glazed window at which the water vapor contained in it reaches a state of saturation and falls on the inner surface of the glass in the form of condensation.”

In reality, the GOST definition reflects the temperature of the outside air at which condensation occurs in the inter-glass space without depressurization of the glass unit. For most double-glazed windows this temperature is -45 °C, for frost-resistant double-glazed windows -55 °C. The appearance of condensation on the surface of the glass inside the glass unit during operation at more high temperatures indicates gross violations committed during its production - incomplete sealing or absence of a desiccant.

The filling volume of the spacer and the procedure for their control are established in the technical documentation depending on the size of the glass unit and the sealants used, but not less than 50% of the volume of the frame.

According to section 4.2.2 of GOST 24866-99, tape or ready-made profiles made of aluminum or stainless steel alloys are used for the manufacture of spacer frames. To improve the thermal properties of a double-glazed window, it is recommended to use frames with a thermal break.

Also, manufacturers of double-glazed windows often use various types frames, in addition to standard production, using aluminum, steel or plastic spacer frames, manufacturers also use spacer-sealing tape, Super spacer and TPS method.

Spacer and sealing tape is designed for sealing glass. The technology of its action is multilayer. First of all, the system includes 6 components that form complex structure. The multilayer system includes: an adhesive layer that allows glass to be held together, and a coating with absorbent properties that absorbs moisture. This is one of the cheapest and most unreliable methods of producing double-glazed windows.

Super Spacer is a desiccant-filled tape of compressed, thermosetting polymer structured silicone foam. Taking into account possible heat loss, condensation and freezing, the edge of the glass unit is the most vulnerable part of the glass. Super Spacer is metal-free and has the highest thermal efficiency of any spacer available today. This type frames are rarely used due to the fact that they have special storage conditions and require special equipment.

The TPS method is a more flexible, fully automated and highly efficient technological system. The design of the new double-glazed window eliminates metal spacers. Instead, a butyl polymer matrix with low thermal conductivity is used. The use of TPS (thermoplastic frame) reduces heat loss along the edge of the glass unit and prevents the formation of condensation in the edge area of ​​the window. This type of frame is used on automated lines using CNC robots working using a special computer program.

At the second stage, the first sealing layer (butyl) is applied to the end surface of the spacer frame, after connecting it, this operation is performed on machines designed for primary sealing with a width of approximately 3-4 mm using the extrusion method at a temperature of 120-140 ° C.

A non-curing elasto-plastic sealant of the first sealing layer is applied. According to clause 4.2.4 of GOST 24866-99, polyisobutylene sealants (butyls) are used as sealants for the first layer. There are increased demands on the quality of this layer. It should be uniform, without breaks, at least 3 mm wide, especially in corners and joints. Additionally, in the corners, sealant is applied along the connecting gap.

At the third stage, automatic washing glass Washing is a responsible operation that largely determines the durability of a double-glazed window, the good sealing of which is based on the ideal adhesion of the sealant to the glass. Hand washing (wiping) glass is not recommended, especially with the use of detergents. After manual washing, a film of grease or other substances remains on the surface of the glass, invisible to the eye, but leading to peeling of the sealant and, accordingly, depressurization of the glass unit.

After these operations, preliminary assembly of the double-glazed window is carried out: connecting the glass and the spacer frame. In the manufacture of energy-saving double-glazed windows with a so-called “soft” coating, which significantly increases the energy-saving characteristics of the product and increases its light transmission, due to the applied layer of silver. Processing i-glass requires special equipment and technology, since the low-emissivity coating is very unstable to external influences. Therefore, during assembly, the “soft” coating must face the inside of the inter-glass space, and immediately before connecting to the spacer frame, the glass edge must be cleaned around the entire perimeter. It is for this purpose that special devices are used on glass cutting tables to grind the low-emission layer.

At the final stage in the manufacture of a double-glazed window, sealant is applied to the end part of the product to give greater tightness and rigidity; for this operation, equipment is used for secondary sealing of the double-glazed window:

According to clause 4.2.4 of GOST 24866-99, polysulfide (thiokol), polyurethane or silicone sealants are used for the second sealing layer. The main purpose of the second sealing layer is to maintain the geometry of the glass unit. According to clause 8.3 of GOST 24866-99, when manufacturing double-glazed windows, the air temperature in the room should be 16-24 ° C, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 50%.

As a result of the glass production process, we are able to limit the noise level in our apartments, reduce the penetration of heat into the room or, conversely, its evaporation, and add sophistication, sophistication and exclusivity to the interior. For all this, there is a huge variety of double-glazed windows, differing in both technical specifications, and in design execution.

In this article we will talk about all stages of production. plastic windows.

It's no secret that any production begins with the purchase of materials and components. In addition, semi-finished products are needed. Therefore, the manufacturing technology of plastic windows, like any other, begins with input control.

For all components there are corresponding . Thus, seals must comply with GOST 30778-2001, fittings must comply, and profiles used for assembling windows.

As for storing the material, it must be stored indoors under normal conditions. Direct contact must be avoided sun rays and do not store near heating devices. The temperature in production workshops should not be lower than +18 degrees, otherwise at low temperatures the processing of PVC profiles may not provide the required quality.

Stages of production of plastic windows

The entire process of manufacturing plastic windows can be divided into 11 stages.

Stage 1. At this stage, the reinforcing profile is cut. To do this, use saws for cutting steel reinforcement with abrasive cutting wheels installed on them. Alternatively, metal cutting discs can be installed. The reinforcing profile is cut at a right angle. After cutting, burrs are removed using an emery wheel.

Stage 2. At the second stage, the PVC profile is cut. It is cut with double-head or single-head miter saws. Imposts are cut at an angle of 90 degrees, taking into account a margin of up to 6 mm on each side, depending on the profile system. The profiles of the doors and frames themselves are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, taking into account an allowance of up to 3 mm on the side for welding.

During the cutting process, the base surfaces of the profile are pressed against the vertical stop and the table surface. Clamps are used for this. However, care must be taken to avoid deformation of the profile.

Stage 3. After the PVC profile is cut, the drainage windows are milled into the lower profile of the window block box onto milling machine with end mill. The diameter of the cutter should be no more than 5 mm. This can also be done manually using an electric drill with a specially sharpened drill with a diameter of 5 mm. For drainage windows it usually does not exceed 25 mm.

Stage 4. At this stage, the PVC profiles are reinforced. Reinforcing profiles are cut to length and inserted into them using a special machine or manually using a hand drill.

Stage 5. After reinforcement, holes are drilled and grooves for fittings are milled on a copy-milling machine. Also, if you have a power tool and special attachments and devices, this can be done manually.

Stage 6. The process of milling the ends of imposts using shaped cutters with their further assembly and installation of fittings. Before installation, silicone sealant is applied to the ends of the impost.

Stage 7. The profiles are welded on a special welding machine. The temperature of the welding knife is about 250 degrees.

Stage 8. At the eighth stage, the impost and are installed. All this is done by hand on an assembly table using a screwdriver or electric drill.

Stage 9. After the impost and support profile, sealing profiles are installed. Installation into the groove begins from the middle of the grooves of the upper horizontal profiles of the sashes and frames. The seal is installed as a single continuous contour without stretching. The ends of the seal are glued end to end with cyano-acrylate second glue.

Stage 10. Hanging of accessories. For a swing sash, a main lock, hinges, corner switches, middle locks and an additional middle hinge clamp are installed. Matching parts of the locking mechanism and hinges are installed for the frame. For a tilt-and-turn sash, a lower hinge on the sash, a main lock and corner switches are installed. If the sash is narrow, then a middle lock on the sash and scissors are placed on it. If the sash is wide, then the lower middle lock, the middle lock on the sash and scissors. Upper and lower hinges, a tilt-and-turn mechanism striker and locking mechanism strikers around the perimeter are installed on the response frame.

Stage 11. The final stage includes cutting the bead and installing the double-glazed window into the profile system (as tight as possible!). Attention! Cutting beads must have guides. To avoid sagging, the sash with double-glazed windows must form a rigid structure. After the beads are installed with a plastic mallet, part of the sash is settled. Preliminary adjustment of the fittings is carried out on the stand, and then on site after the window has been installed.

A double-glazed window is a product consisting of several (two or more) sheets of glass, hermetically connected to each other by a frame. Today, as a rule, double-glazed windows are manufactured on fully automated lines, strictly adhering to production technology. However, small batches of double-glazed windows can also be produced manually.

Glass and Glass Products Company - .

The production of double-glazed windows includes five stages, at each of which the glass undergoes special processing, the quality of which determines the quality of the finished product. Let's take a closer look at the stages that glass goes through before becoming a double-glazed window.

  • Stage No. 1. Glass cutting.

In large enterprises where the production of double-glazed windows is automated, it is carried out on special tables designed specifically for “cutting” sheets of glass. Most often, glass cutting is done in automatic mode, the cutting process is controlled by a special computer program. The use of automated glass cutting machines not only makes the work of enterprise workers easier, but also allows cutting sheets of glass to be extremely economical, minimizing the amount of waste.

It is also possible to cut glass manually: the worker takes measurements independently and cuts the glass with a special tool.

At the same stage of production, such important elements double-glazed windows as spacers (spacers). Spacers are made of aluminum or plastic profiles and assembled using special plastic corners. In the same case, when the production of double-glazed windows is carried out in large quantities, spacer frames are made on special equipment without the use of corners. The spacer must be filled with technical silica gel (molecular sieve). Silica gel is needed so that the moisture that remains in the double-glazed window does not condense on the glass when the temperature drops. Silica gel is poured into spacers either manually or using special equipment.

  • Stage No. 2. Glass washing.

On at this stage The prepared glasses are washed. If we are talking about small production double-glazed windows, then glass washing in such mini-enterprises is usually done manually. In large enterprises, special glass washing equipment is used to wash cut glass. Washing glass in a car occurs as follows: the prepared glass passes between two rows of brushes, the brushes rotate and easily wash the glass from various types of contaminants. Only demineralized water is used to wash glass.

  • Stage No.3 . Primary sealing.

At the stage of primary sealing, a layer of sealant is applied to the side surfaces of the spacers. Today, butyl sealants are typically used for primary sealing. If double-glazed windows are made manually, then “butyl cord” is used as a sealant. When producing large quantities of double-glazed windows, to minimize costs and speed up production process, primary sealing is carried out using special equipment - a butyl extruder, which allows you to quickly apply butyl strips of the required width to the surface of the spacer. According to the technology, the width of the butyl strip should not be less than 3 mm, the sealant layer should be uniform, without empty spaces.

  • Stage No.4 . Assembling a glass unit.

In the case of manual assembly of double-glazed windows, the prepared spacer, with a previously applied sealant, is placed on the glass, while adjusting the indentation, which should be the same on all sides. Then the second glass is laid and the finished glass unit is crimped with a hand press or processed on a pressing table. If we are talking about assembling a double-chamber double-glazed window, then before crimping, another spacer frame and a third glass are placed on the second glass.

On large enterprises, where large batches of double-glazed windows are manufactured, the latter are assembled and crimped using automated production lines.

  • Stage No.5 . Secondary sealing of double-glazed windows.

After the double-glazed window has been processed by the press, it is secondary sealed: the side parts of the double-glazed window are covered with a layer of sealant. This is done to ensure that moisture does not get inside the glass unit. For secondary sealing, thiokol, polyurethane and silicone sealants are used, which are applied to finished products with a spatula during manual production of double-glazed windows, and using extruders on automated production lines.

In this article:

To open a glass business, you need impressive investments and massive volumes of orders (it’s not for nothing that in Russia there are no more than 2 dozen factories producing flat glass). But there is an alternative option with a very obvious and popular sales area - the production of double-glazed windows for wooden and metal-plastic windows.

Choosing a business direction

Most window manufacturing companies are small businesses, limited to assembly and installation. finished products. And although logic dictates that having your own glass line will significantly reduce the cost of windows, manufacturers, in most cases, still prefer to buy ready-made double-glazed windows. Why? It all depends on production volumes.

Options for organizing the production of double-glazed windows:

  1. Manual assembly (up to 50 double-glazed windows/day)
  2. Automated or semi-automated production line (100-1500 double-glazed windows/day).

The cost of hand-made and purchased double-glazed windows is almost the same, because when hand technology expensive raw materials have to be used. And when an automated line operates, “manual” materials are replaced with professional, cheaper analogues for mass production - for example, liquid butyl is used instead of butyl cord.

Therefore, manual assembly of double-glazed windows most often becomes a “backup” option to prevent the failure of large orders due to the high (usually seasonal) workload of the supplier and frequent violations of delivery deadlines. Or when orders are not regular and large in volume, and the supplier of double-glazed windows is located geographically far away.

Automated line (fully or partially), as confirmed by practical experience, will be appropriate for established sales of products of at least 1000 m 2 /month.

Legal registration

The organizational form of the future business should be chosen with an eye on purchasing partners. The main sales market for double-glazed windows– companies for the production and installation of windows, which can be both legal and individuals. From the point of view of cost optimization, it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneur - both taxation is lower and accounting is simpler.

For the production of double-glazed windows, the following OKVED is indicated:

  • 26.12 Forming and processing of sheet glass.
  • If you plan not only production for your own needs, but also sale to third parties, you need to add: 51.53.23 Wholesale glazing materials;
  • 52.46.3 Retail glazing materials.

Double-glazed windows are subject to mandatory certification; finished products must comply with:

  • GOST R 54175-2010 (replaces GOST 24866-99) - Glued glass units for construction purposes. Technical specifications;
  • GOST R 54174-2010 - Glued double-glazed windows. Rules and methods for ensuring product quality;
  • GOST R 54173-2010 - Glued double-glazed windows. Determination methods physical characteristics sealing layers;
  • GOST R 54172-2010 - Glued double-glazed windows. Durability assessment method.

Please note that certification takes about 3 months (that’s how long durability tests take). To undergo the “procedure” you need to provide sanitary and epidemiological certificates for sealants and absorbent, technical regulations production, certificates of personnel completion of training, certificates for equipment, samples of marking.

Raw materials and materials used in the production of double-glazed windows

The standard raw material for the manufacture of double-glazed windows is sheets of glass up to 3 m long and weighing about 90 kg. In addition to sheet glass, patterned, reinforced, impact-resistant, fire-resistant, painted and other types of glass are used in the production of double-glazed windows.

  • GOST 111-2001 Sheet glass. Technical conditions.
  • GOST R 54171-2010 Multilayer glass. Technical conditions.
  • GOST R 54169-2010 Sheet glass, dyed in the mass. General technical conditions.
  • GOST R 54170-2010 Colorless sheet glass. Technical conditions.
  • GOST R 54162-2010 Tempered glass. Technical conditions.

"Fillers" of a double-glazed window:

1) Distance frame - a hollow aluminum, metal-plastic, fiberglass or galvanized steel strip, which is designed to maintain the same distance between the glasses. The distance between the glasses depends on the width of the spacer frame - according to GOST R 54175-2010, this figure should be in the range of 8-36mm.

Depending on the manufacturing technology, spacer frames can be made by bending and closed on one connector, or assembled from four straight sections fastened with 4 connecting corners;

2) Corners– elements made of plastic, steel or cast zinc for fastening straight frame cuts. The choice of material for the corner is not important - the main thing is that it ensures the mechanical stability of the frame structure;

3) Molecular sieve– absorbent material that absorbs excess moisture inside the glass unit;

4) Various sealants for primary and secondary sealing, which must meet the requirements of GOST R 54173-2010 “Glued double-glazed windows. Methods for determining the physical characteristics of sealing layers."

To give the windows exclusivity and the façade of the building individuality, various coatings and tinting are used for glass. But the most popular solution today is decorative frames placed inside a double-glazed window, which can have the shape of a cross-shaped frame (like French windows) or depict a more complex figure (double circle, polygon, arch).

It is necessary to take into account that double-glazed windows are products with a long warranty service(from 5 years old). If a defect is detected, the glass unit will have to be replaced.

Technological process for the production of double-glazed windows

1. Cut

A sheet of glass is placed on a cutting table, where it is cut according to specified parameters into blanks for the future double-glazed window. Depending on the technological equipment of the production, cutting can be done manually with a sharp carbide cutter, or automatically. Naturally, when the machine operates, the cutting accuracy is much better and productivity is higher.

2. Washing

The cut pieces are placed on a special inclined stand and cleaned using a spray bottle with glass cleaning liquid or plain water. After washing, the window should be wiped dry with a cotton/suede cloth or dried with warm air. This prerequisite for high-quality adhesion of the sealant - on a damp and insufficiently clean surface, sealing will be incomplete, and in places of contamination, moisture can penetrate inside the glass unit.

The process can be accelerated by using a washing machine, in which all cleaning and drying processes are performed automatically using water and compressed air.

3. Preparing the spacer

To form a single-chamber double-glazed window, you need two glasses and a spacer placed between them. The cleanliness of the spacer bar is subject to the same requirements as for glass. That is, it must be pre-cleaned from dirt, corrosive substances and possible moisture (usually, the process is carried out simultaneously with glass washing).

According to standard technology, the bar is cut into sections of the required length, taking into account that the perimeter of the glass will always be greater than the perimeter of the frame. These sections are attached with corners and filled with absorbent. The “warm edge” technology uses a flexible spacer frame that does not require preliminary manipulations with cutting.

4. Internal sealing

For fastening to glass, the spacer strip is covered on both sides with internal sealant - butyl tape (attached manually) or molten butyl, which is applied using extruder. According to the standard, the depth of the primary layer of sealant should not be less than 4 mm, and the overall depth of the sealing coating should be from 9 mm. These parameters are set technological documentation and depend on the type of sealant used.

The use of a butyl extruder ensures not only speed, but also high strength of internal sealing, since before application to the frame butyl is heated to 120-160C, which creates optimal conditions for the “adhesion” of the sealant.

Two holes with a plug are made in the bar. One is for gas injection, the second is for air outlet.

5. Formation of a double-glazed window

The second glass “covers” the frame, the glass unit forms a single structure, which is sent to the press for gluing. It could be hand press, the pressure of which is regulated by valves, or pneumatic, with roller feed.

The production of two- and three-chamber double-glazed windows follows the same algorithm - a strip is again attached to the second glass, sealed and covered with a third glass. The process is repeated depending on constructive type windows.

6. Gas filling

Through a specially left hole, the glass unit is filled from the inside with gas (carbon dioxide, xenon, argon or various mixtures). At this stage, it is important to regulate the flow rate - if the pressure is high, the air from inside the double-glazed window will not escape through the second hole, but will mix with the gas.

7. External sealing

The finished glass unit is treated with silicone or polyurethane sealant. The easiest way to apply sealant is with a mixing device with cartridges. The minimum thickness of external sealant for structures filled with argon is 5 mm, with dry air - 3 mm.

8. Packaging of finished products

Finished double-glazed windows are installed vertically on stands with an inclination of 5-7 degrees to the vertical to prevent tipping. This position is necessary to prevent further compression of the butyl. If you store a glass unit in a horizontal position, there is a high probability of butyl compression and loss of sealing qualities.

Cork/polymer gaskets are placed between the glass units to protect the surface from damage during transportation or storage. After complete polymerization (3-12 hours - depending on the temperature in the workshop and the properties of the sealant), the products are ready for shipment.

According to GOST R 54175-2010, each double-glazed window must be marked. The marking is applied to the glass in the lower left corner or on the spacer frame and contains the trademark/name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, and formula of the glass unit.

Business plan for an enterprise for the production of double-glazed windows

1. Room

To open production workshop a premises with an area of ​​300 m 2 was rented. Rental price per month – 120 rubles/m2.

The premises meet all the requirements of GOST R 54175-2010 for a workshop for the production of double-glazed windows:

  • divided into warehouse consumables, finished products and the workshop where the equipment is located;
  • the temperature regime is observed +16 - +24C;
  • humidity level does not exceed 50%;
  • has water connection and heating;
  • complies with fire safety standards in accordance with GOST 12.1.004-91 “System of occupational safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements.”Additionally, lighting sources were installed in the glass washing area and above the cutting table.

2. Form of organization

Since the main buyers are individual entrepreneurs producing PVC windows, it was decided to register the business as an individual entrepreneur using the simplified tax system of 6%.

3. Capital investments

Equipment was purchased - a technological line produced by Fimtec (Germany), with a capacity of up to 350 double-glazed windows/shift.


  • cutting kit (unit for straight cutting + table 2.3 * 3.3 m) – 400,000 rubles;
  • washing machine – 978,000 rubles;
  • filter for water purification – 95,000 rubles;
  • semi-automatic assembly line with a roller press – RUB 1,025,800;
  • saw for cutting the spacer frame – 135,500 rubles;
  • apparatus for filling the frame with absorbent – ​​44,000 rubles;
  • manual bending unit for rounding the frame – 46,650 rubles;
  • butyl extruder – RUB 767,800;
  • table for sealing double-glazed windows (rotating) – RUB 147,160;
  • compressed air dryer – 67,400 rubles;
  • pneumatic kit – 44,000 rubles;
  • small package of tools (glass gauge, ruler with suction cups, manual glass cutter, angle, compass up to 2000mm, suction cup with 2 heads) – RUB 30,000.
  • Total: RUB 3,781,310

4. Staff

It is planned to hire a technologist and 5 general workers to service the line. The wage fund will be 75,000 rubles/month.

5. Shop productivity and profit

It is planned to work in one 8-hour shift, with an output rate of 50 m 2.

Total for the month: 50m2 * 22 work shifts = 1100m2.

Sales price of finished products – 1350 rub/m2

Profit: 1350 rubles/m2 * 1100m2 = 1,485,000 rubles/month.

6. Calculation of material costs

  • To produce 1 m 2 of single-chamber double-glazed windows you will need: - sheet glass 4 mm thick - 2.5 m 2 * 320 rubles/m 2 = 800 rubles;
  • aluminum spacer frame PROFIL GLAS, 11.5 mm – 4 m.p. * 7.61/1 m.p. = 30.44 rubles;
  • plastic corners 4 pcs. * 23.81/ 100 pcs. = 0.95 rub;
  • butyl Fenzi – 20 gr. * 214.71/1 kg. = 4.30 rub;
  • secondary sealant – 228 ml. * 210.3/l = 47.95 rub;
  • molecular sieve – 160 gr. * 65.80/1 kg. = 10.53 rub.

Total: 894.17 rub.

The cost of a window depends not only on its size, but also on the width of the spacer frame

Material costs will be: 1100 m 2 /month * 894.17 rubles = 983,587 rubles / month.

7. Production costs

  • rent – ​​36,000 rubles/month;
  • Payroll – 75,000 rub/month;
  • social contributions (37.5%) – 28,125 rubles/month;
  • electricity 85 kW/day * 22 work shifts * 3 rubles = 5,610 rubles/month;
  • USN (income tax) - 89,100 rubles/month;
  • rental of a Gazelle car with a pyramid installation and driver services – 6,000 rubles/month;
  • material costs – 983,587 rubles/month.

Total: 1,223,422 rubles/month.

8. Evaluation of financial results

Net profit: 1,485,000 - 1,223,422 = 261,578 rubles/month.

Production profitability:(RUB 261,578: (RUB 983,587/month * 12 months)) * 100% = 22%.

Return on initial investment: RUB 3,781,310: RUB 261,578/month = 1 year 3 months.