Considering various options parties , they can all be divided into several main types. The classification directly depends on the reason for the party and the scale of the events.

So, the party happens:

For example, there could be such an evening where all the guests will be Americans dating back to 1930 :). Also, you can arrange a themed party with your friends. Most often, such parties occur when there is a crowd of large quantity people.

Discussions of the Apocalypse are very relevant now, so why not have one? This will be a truly fresh and original reason to gather close and cheerful friends!

As you can see, the types of theme parties can be very diverse - from hot Hawaii to the snowy Alps :).

The organization of such a party is best left to professionals. Basically, large companies prefer to hire companies to organize a holiday.

To such a party you can invite circus and original genre artists, pop singers, magicians and other characters who can bring a moment of entertainment to the corporate event. It is also better to opt for a professional presenter and musicians - this will allow you not to worry at all about preparing competitions and musical background.

A beach party or a picnic are great types of outdoor parties that can be varied interesting games and entertainment.

Do you want to properly organize a picnic on the river bank or in the forest? Then use our recommendations in the article “”, “”, and various ideas for decorating food, drinks and places to relax can be taken from the review “ ».

Such a party will not require any preparation from you, because the organization of such parties takes place at the level of the art director of the nightclub :). All you need to do is dress appropriately, put on makeup and, taking a couple of close friends and good mood, head to the nearest nightclub with a reputation for great parties!

A home party can be dedicated to any holiday - birthday, anniversary, housewarming or New Year. Take advantage of our practical tips in the article “ » and create an unforgettable festive atmosphere in your apartment.

Have you figured out what kind of parties there are? Then start gathering guests, preparing the menu and thinking through the plot! Don't forget to use our tips and become a real master in organizing fun and leisure!

Thematic holidays come in different sizes. For some, it’s enough to put napkins with a rose pinned on the plates - and that’s a pink party. And some people want to subordinate everything to the chosen theme: select music, decorate the hall, come up with a program, create a photo zone and buy themed souvenirs for guests.

The hardest thing is to know where to start. Then ideas will fall out of a cornucopia, you just need to think carefully about what will be the highlight of this year for an anniversary or an ordinary birthday.

I have collected 10 ideas to awaken your imagination:

We study the calendar of unusual holidays

I think everyone is already used to the fact that almost every day of the year there is some kind of holiday. All sorts of Days of Emoticons, Smiles, Hugs, Pi Day, Cat Day and Pirate Imitation Day. We just look at what day you were born and combine your holiday with some World Beauty Day.

I remember celebrating my brother’s birthday on Cosmonautics Day. Well, what an endless flight! Of course, there was a starry sky made of foil star balloons, a comic menu “for astronauts,” a selection of songs and space music, a photo zone with a rocket, and tasks to test the vestibular system.

Don't miss interesting dates

This is for the case if the date is not an anniversary, but interesting. Remember the slang for the game Lotto with barrels? 22 - swan geese, 44 - chairs, 55 - gloves, 66 - felt boots, 77 - hatchets, 88 - nesting dolls.

Well? And how can you please your 88-year-old grandmother by throwing her a Matryoshka-themed party! Beautiful, bright, fun.

We dedicate the holiday to the main hobby of the hero of the day

One such anniversary made an indelible impression on me. It was a man's holiday for a chess fan. The black and white design, real chess pieces on the tables, all the vocabulary in the toasts and speeches of the presenter are from chess terminology. The guests came in black and white. Beautiful, elegant.

We ask the hero of the occasion about his hobby. Embroidery, modeling, scrapbooking, collecting stamps or toy soldiers?

Using the zodiac sign

I can’t say that you can come up with a great party for all zodiac signs. Personally, my Cancer does not inspire me at all. Even boiled.

But all sorts of Volodya, Gemini and Libra can become the basis of the holiday. Filling out the program comic horoscopes and predictions, light the candles and turn on the mystical ball. By the way, we have a cool one for such a party.

We remember important dates and connect them with the best hits from “Song of the Year”

The point is this. Every person’s biography contains important dates: when he was born, went to school, got married, had his first child, etc. You need to find a list of songs from the “Song of the Year” programs in order to remember which song was popular that year and sounded from every iron. .

A warm wave of pleasant memories will flow over all guests, believe me! You can have a karaoke party or just dance to original recordings. We are on such holidays.

Horse surname

My maiden name is Krotova. Not a horse, but an animal)). Naturally, with kindergarten and until my marriage I was a Mole. All my notebooks were decorated with a Czech cartoon character, and I called the elegant velvet jacket “mole skin.” So here it is. Surnames, good nicknames and even nicknames on social networks can be a hit at a themed party.

There are such bright surnames that are associated with certain objects, animals, plants, substances and phenomena. In my memory there was Vishnevskaya’s cherry anniversary and Zolotov’s golden holiday.

Beautiful dream

Favorite movie or book

Young people actively choose quests “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter” or “Star Wars”. For the generation over 40, a party “in the style of the USSR” with the heroes of Gaidaev’s comedies is a success.

Of course, the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” remains popular. In Moscow there are ready-made restaurants with black cats and posters with Sharapov. And the music... Well, without Rio-rita!


Each person may have talents that have nothing to do with his profession. You can come up with funny script“Reincarnation”, in which we will honor the hero of the day in images from past lives. Yes, he is a military man. But how wonderfully he sings songs with a guitar, paints pictures, is interested in history, and at the same time amazingly coolly renovates his apartment and grows amazing vegetables in his dacha.

The most interesting thing is that at such holidays guests learn so many new things about the hero of the occasion that there is no limit to surprise. Try it!

The hero of the day may also outwardly resemble some famous person in the past: a king, a writer, an artist, an actor, etc.

Around the world in 80 years

If a person has traveled a lot and visited many countries, you can come up with a cool themed holiday with a demonstration of the best shots, decoration, treats and a program so that pleasant memories of these trips become the main emotional accent of the entire holiday.

We offer the “Around the World” banquet quest and any party such as Hawaiian, Mexican, French, Italian. Food, music, show numbers, costume photo shoots - everything will be for real!

I will be glad to add additions in comments! What themed holidays did you host (were guests) for people? of different ages? What creative discoveries do you remember most?

IN lately themed birthday parties at home get everything great popularity, thereby winning a separate place “under the sun”.

It has become fashionable to invite friends to a party and, thinking through everything down to the smallest detail, shock everyone original ideas.

If you want your birthday party to be a success, use our original ideas. We will introduce you not only to the main ones, but also tell you which side is better to start organizing!

Birthday Party

Do you have a birthday in the summer? The ideal solution would be. However, it is also perfect for the cold season :).

It can become no less incendiary. Sombreros, marcas and fiery dances until the morning will not leave you indifferent! A birthday in this style will leave the most positive photos and impressions!

If you are planning to organize a holiday only among women, then or will be an excellent option.

But if your company is dominated by men, then it is better to arrange, or.

". She will make your birthday unforgettable. After all, such themed birthday parties at home are an excellent reason to give up banal drinking sessions at a huge table!

Do everything to ensure that your birthday party leaves a lasting impression, a lot of great photos and the most positive reviews!

Esquire looks back at 10 legendary parties that weren't always about music or dancing, but always about fun.

Truman Capote's Black and White Ball

In 1966, Truman Capote published his nonfiction novel In Cold Blood. The book tells the story of two drifters who murdered an entire family of farmers in Kansas. The novel, which Capote worked on for six years, immediately became a bestseller, which only a child would not read. Having sold the rights to publish the book and film adaptation (and received about $2 million for it), Capote decided to throw a party that would be remembered with reverence centuries later: the Black and White Ball.

Capote himself selected the guests for the party of the century: actors, writers, politicians, journalists. From time to time he re-read the list, crossed out some names (Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, all the journalists who spoke unflatteringly about the book) and added new ones. As a result, 540 people received invitations—that’s exactly how many people could fit in the large hall of the Plaza Hotel, where they decided to hold the event. Inspired by My Fair Lady, Capote asked guests to come in black and white outfits and masks. The owner’s wish was fulfilled unquestioningly: everyone’s masks turned out to be so unique that the Museum of New York later collected them along with invitations and costumes and created a memorial archive - the kind only awarded to the ball in honor of the inauguration of George Washington.

Mr and Mrs Bradley-Martin's party

By the end of the 19th century, the world was experiencing a severe economic crisis - the Long Depression. Unemployment, falling wages, bankruptcy of thousands American companies. In order to somehow stimulate the economy of New York, two wealthy socialists, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley-Martin, decided to throw a grand costume ball on February 10, 1897.

The family invited 1,200 of America's wealthiest people to their lavish reception at the Waldorf Astoria. Mrs Bradley-Martin asked everyone to come dressed in 16th, 17th or 18th century attire, always purchased from a local merchant.

On the appointed date, about 700 of the wealthiest people of that time came to the hotel, which for the day turned into the French Versailles (it is not surprising that the most popular costume among women was the image of Marie Antoinette). Oysters, foie gras, a turtle dish—the guests had the entire exquisite cuisine of Astoria at their disposal: the hosts invited them to safely order whatever they liked from a very expensive menu. True, many were outraged by the family’s wastefulness - to such an extent that the Martins soon had to leave America and go to England.

The Merry Pranksters welcome the Hells Angels to Ken Kesey's home

Half a century ago, Ken Kesey—he was not yet thirty, but had already written two landmark novels—invited bikers from the famous Hell's Angels motorcycle club to his home in the San Francisco mountains. Kesey was the leader of the Merry Pranksters, a mid-1960s American commune that sparked the acid revolution. At this party, the young writer decided to pit the educated and talented Pranksters against the asocial Angels, always running into trouble. Kesey was brought in contact with the latter by Hunter S. Thompson, who had already been working on a novel dedicated to bikers for a year. Thompson saw that the two groups were not so different: both were anarchists, nonconformists, and had problems with the law (the bikers for being accused of violence, and Kesey and friends for possessing and using marijuana). Such arguments worked, and the Angels, usually reluctant to make contacts, accepted the invitation.

On the appointed day, about forty Hell's Angels rode their Harley Davidsons into Kesey's domain. The huge area was all lined with sound amplifiers - they were hidden in the crown of tall redwood trees, from where music could be heard: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and almost continuously - Bob Dylan. Others were connected to a fictitious radio station, on which some of the Pranksters read impromptu poetry. And across the entire square was a giant banner that read, in red, white and blue letters, “The Merry Pranksters Welcome the Hell’s Angels.” The party, as expected, turned into a classic “sex, drugs and rock and roll”, where the main figures of the beat generation - Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassidy, Richard Alpert, Hunter Thompson himself and the Hell's Angels - merged in frantic fun.

Costume ball of Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra

In 1903, while the revolution was just creeping up to the gates of the Winter Palace, Emperor Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna decided to organize a masquerade ball. The event was timed to coincide with the 290th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, which the emperor wanted to celebrate on a grand scale. They decided to hold the ball over two days: first, the guests were invited to the Hermitage for a concert, where, among other things, the opera “Boris Godunov” performed by Fyodor Chaliapin and the ballet “Swan Lake” with Anna Pavlova were shown, and then to a luxurious dinner.

The costume ball itself took place on the second day - and it was royally pompous. Know everything Russian Empire dressed in costumes of the 17th century: boyars, atamans, archers, even peasants - dozens of tailors and artists worked on outfits worth an entire estate. Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra made themselves dresses for Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, borrowing original jewelry. Dressed guests arrived at Concert hall The Hermitage, where the waltz, quadrille and mazurka were danced into oblivion. Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich later recalled: “... all of St. Petersburg danced in the Winter Palace. I remember this date exactly, since it was the last big court ball in the history of the empire.”

P Diddy's White Party

It was 1998, Sean Combs, known as P. Diddy, was not yet one of the most influential rappers, but his singles were already topping Billboard, the album had gone platinum and won a Grammy. Not knowing what to do with the fortune that had fallen on him, Combs bought a house in the Hamptons, crowded with smooth, well-behaved and very rich white Americans who were not happy about such a neighborhood. Puff Daddy realized that in such a company it would be difficult for him to be considered one of his own, and the only way to make himself known was to throw a party where everyone would be in white. White party.

Combs invited 75 guests to dinner at his all-white home. Most of the people who came were friends of the owner—hip-hop producer Russell Simmons, actor Chris Rock, and Saturday Night Live producer Marcy Klein. That summer, all East Hampton was talking about was P. Diddy. The White Party became an annual event, to which prominent producers, musicians, actors, models—in short, everyone—were expected to be invited. Over the years, Combs has taken guests to St. Tropez, rented the original Declaration of Independence, and turned away food critic Katie Lee for her cream-colored outfit: white means white.

Party in honor of the premiere of Stravinsky's Les Noces

Two wealthy Americans, Sarah and Herald Murphy, lived in Paris and were friends with Pablo Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald, composers Cole Porter and Igor Stravinsky. In July 1923, Diaghilev's Russian Ballet came to the city, bringing a production of Les Noces to the music of Stravinsky.

To celebrate the premiere and welcome everyone who was there, the Murphys invited friends on a barge cruising along the Seine. The party turned out to be fun: Stravinsky was mischievous and confused the cards of the guests, according to which they were seated at the table; Sarah Murphy built pyramids of toys - clowns, animals, cars, dolls - in the very center of the table, and Picasso rearranged them, as if there had been a miniature accident, on top of which was a cow on the fire escape. The famous pianist Marcel Meyer played Scarlatti while artist Natalya Goncharova read hands to Jean Cocteau's cries of “We are drowning!” Already at dawn, two guests stretched a huge laurel wreath across the deck and forced Stravinsky to jump over it. Then the composer recalled this party as the best night of his life.


Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Janis Joplin, Jefferson Airplane, Santana, The Grateful Dead, David Crosby, Stephen Stills - all gathered for the legendary three-day (and gradually turned into four) rock festival in 1969. The organizers deceived the authorities by declaring 50 thousand visitors, although they sold almost 200 thousand tickets. As a result, there were so many people wanting to attend the concert that the barriers were removed altogether and entry became free. Traffic jams on the road to Woodstock stretched for several kilometers, so participants had to walk to the festival. Half a million people intertwined into a single intoxicated and raging organism.

On the first day it started to rain, and the entire festival area turned into a huge mud pit. This did not scare anyone: people continued to use drugs, run around naked and have sex in front of everyone. Despite the unprecedented number of guests, Woodstock was held very peacefully: during all four days, the police did not receive a single report.

Admiral Russell Punch Fountain

Back in 1694, Admiral Edward Russell was a respected person in the Royal Navy Great Britain, at least until he decided to please his officers and throw a party for them. Think about the biggest cocktail you've ever made. A giant glass of Long Island? A jug of punch? A pot of mulled wine? Lord Russell mixed 1000 liters of brandy, 600 liters of wine, 635 kilograms of sugar, 2500 lemons, 75 liters of lime juice, 2.5 kilograms of nutmeg and poured it all into a huge fountain.

Bartenders plied the makeshift bowl in small wooden canoes, refilling guests' glasses. The task is not the easiest: the waiters had to change every 15 minutes so as not to fall overboard from the intoxicating alcohol fumes. The party lasted a whole week and only stopped briefly during the rain while the silk tent was stretched over the cocktail party. The officers dispersed only when the fountain was completely drained.

50th anniversary of the Sultan of Brunei

When you are a sultan, your birthday becomes a national event. In 1996, Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the Sultan of Brunei, decided to celebrate his fiftieth birthday with a two-week break. The program includes a military march, a full-scale polo match with Prince Charles on a specially built site, and an inexhaustible flow of champagne and black caviar. The celebration ended with a personal concert by Michael Jackson, to which the birthday boy himself did not appear. The party cost about $27 million (nowadays such a feast would cost $40 million), sixteen of which Jackson took.

Masquerades at an elite Hollywood sex club

Damon Laughner never thought - just at the moment when his life was going to hell, he watched Stanley Kubrick's film "Eyes Wide Shut". He created a page on Facebook, and dozens of people immediately started adding him.

The loudest sex masquerades in Sanctum take place on Saturday nights. Scantily clad priestesses greet guests at the entrance to the mansion. There is a party atmosphere inside - guests drink, dance, flirt with each other. Then they will be offered to caress or whip the “slave” who was led into the hall on a golden chain. Today, an annual subscription to a sex club costs $10,000, and a lifetime membership costs $75,000. Sanctum guarantees anonymity, so billionaires, Hollywood celebrities, famous TV show hosts, rock stars come here - and some return more than once.