Tender procedures in Russia have become the basis for the procurement activities of all budgetary organizations in the Russian Federation and most large commercial companies. More than 20 trillion rubles pass through government procurement alone every year. Competently fitting into the procurement system of a particular company for a supplier means providing for oneself stable work for years to come. But to do this, you need to learn how to find tenders and win them. In this article we will talk about what a tender is, how to look for it, who can participate in it, under what conditions, and how to avoid the most common mistakes for competitive bidding participants.

Tender is competitive bidding. The buyer declares his readiness to buy a product or service from the bidder who offers the lowest price and at the same time meets all the conditions. In Russia there are several types of such auctions intended for various fields economy and procurement volumes.

The term “tender”, which translated from English means “competition” or “bargaining”, in Russian legislation is not fixed and is used as a symbol for any public auction.

Who participates in tenders

There are three entities involved in any auction:

  1. Customer is a legal entity that wants to purchase goods or services. This includes state and non-state enterprises and organizations claiming to electronic trading trading platforms that they have a certain amount to purchase the item being traded.
  2. The auction organizer is a specific division of the customer legal entity or organization that is engaged in the development of documentation and conducting tenders.
  3. Supplier is any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who wishes to take part in the auction and sell its goods or services to the customer.

Other persons involved in trading (personnel of electronic trading platforms, notaries and others) play a secondary role, performing service functions.

Many companies are customers in some tenders and participate in competitive procedures as contractors in others.

What you need to know about tenders: in what areas are they held?

There are two types of tenders - commercial and government. The first are carried out by companies in which the state share in the capital is absent or less than 50%. The rules are set by the customers themselves in accordance with their internal documents.

Most tenders in the Russian Federation are government procurement and are conducted in accordance with two laws:

  • No. 44-FZ (“On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs"). According to this law, everyone is required to purchase goods and services. budgetary organizations in the country. According to the Unified Information System, where all government procurement is entered, in 2017, 289 thousand customers placed 3.16 million tender notices under 44-FZ for a total amount of 7.1 trillion rubles.
  • No. 223-FZ (On procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities"). This legal act regulates tenders of enterprises with state participation over 50%, as well as autonomous institutions and business companies. According to 223-FZ, according to the Ministry of Finance, 87.5 thousand customers expressed a desire to purchase goods and services. In the first half of 2018, 1,090 organizations placed orders for a total amount of 7.5 trillion rubles (almost 30% of this amount came from the Rosneft company). More than 96% of purchases were made from sole supplier.

Where are tenders held?

All competitive tenders are now held on electronic trading platforms - specialized Internet portals where customers place tenders and suppliers participate in them. Auctions, requests for quotations and other procurement procedures are held here. There are several hundred ETPs in Russia. For public procurement Only nine have been approved:

Large corporations organize tenders on popular electronic trading platforms and also have their own trading platforms - this makes it easier to control tenders and quickly change conditions if necessary. A few examples of sites:

See the list of all trading platforms registered in the Russian Federation.

Types of tenders and their purpose

There are many classifications of competitive bidding, let's look at the most popular ones.

By composition of tender participants

  • open competition– everyone can participate in it if they are able to fulfill the customer’s conditions;
  • closed competition– carried out in areas where compliance with secrecy conditions is required ( defense industry, areas related to state secrets, ensuring the activities of sensitive facilities, etc.) therefore, a narrow circle of organizations can participate, chosen by the customer himself;
  • limited participation competition– in areas of activity where licenses and permits are required. Only persons with these permissions can participate.

By method of determining the winner

The legislation provides for commercial customers and companies with state participation to independently choose the method for determining the winners. As a result, over the 3 quarters of 2018, customers under 223-FZ used more than 5 thousand (!) methods of identifying best supplier. True, all these were non-competitive purchases - from a single supplier; they cannot be called tenders in the full sense of the word.

But in competitive procurement the winner is determined in the following ways:

  • Electronic auction– any person can participate in it; information about such a tender is published without restrictions and is available to everyone. For some government procurements (list of them), the customer is obliged to carry out exactly electronic auction. A similar tender is held on electronic trading platforms. Read more about it below.
  • Request for quotation- a procedure in which the customer announces the conditions for the performance of work or services and the maximum price, and the participants indicate how much they are ready to “shrink” from the proposed amount. The one who offers the least wins. Applications are opened simultaneously on the date specified in the tender documentation. For government procurement, there is a limit on the total amount of requests for quotation per year (no more than 100 million rubles or no more than 10% of the annual procurement volume), as well as on the maximum contract amount - a product or service should cost no more than 500,000 rubles.
  • Request for proposals– the difference from a request for quotation is that the customer does not set an initial maximum price. Tender participants must offer the amount themselves, and the one who turns out to be less (or vice versa, higher - depending on the conditions of the tender) wins.

According to the tender procedure

  • One-stage– suppliers who submit applications automatically become participants in the competitive procedure if the applications meet the customer’s requirements.
  • Two-stage– the customer collects applications and, based on them, specifies procurement requirements. This method of bidding is used for the purchase of complex products, scientific research, literary works and other goods or services, the purchase of which the customer cannot clearly define in all respects (price, terms, type of delivery, and so on). Therefore, the initial tender notice does not require bidders to state the final price - it only asks them to describe how the order will be completed. Then, based on negotiations with the participants, a new, already specific order is formed. Participants in the first stage can replace applications with new ones or refuse to participate. Competitive procedures are carried out in the usual way.

How to prepare for a tender

Before registering on an electronic trading platform, you need to understand what a tender is, how it works and in what sequence you need to act. To participate in a tender, regardless of its type, you must go through several standard stages.

Stage 1. Search for tender

All purchases of state and municipal organizations are carried out in the Unified information system(EIS), whose website is located at this address: www.zakupki.gov.ru. All customers conducting tenders under 44-FZ and 223-FZ are required to register on the portal.

In addition to the tender documentation itself, the UIS contains procurement plans of organizations (this allows suppliers to plan their activities for participation in tenders). There is also a register of unscrupulous suppliers, a register of complaints, information on the execution of contracts, data on the formation of initial maximum prices and much more. useful information, assisting tender participants.

You can search for purchases of private companies yourself, but this is not very productive: manually review hundreds of Internet resources in short terms impossible. There is a way out: information about purchases is accumulated on the websites of companies’ electronic trading platforms. In a structured form with a good search for dozens of parameters, information about tenders of commercial and government companies is brought together in procurement aggregators (my-tender.ru, findtenders.ru, synapsenet.ru, tenderplan.ru and others). These services work on both free and on a commercial basis. For example, on synapsenet.ru an annual package of services for selecting tenders according to your parameters will cost 4,800 rubles.

Stage 2. Tender evaluation

Even if you have found a tender that is suitable for your business profile, it must be properly assessed for the likelihood of winning. Huge number procurement – ​​both government and commercial – is “tailored” to specific suppliers. And by applying for such a competition, you will simply waste time.

You can distinguish a fictitious tender from a truly competitive one by the presence of specific requirements. If the purchase of a car involves a complete set that exactly matches the same one in the largest city car dealership, this is a reason to think about it. And if, while studying the history of a customer’s tenders, you came across a competition that had already been won by that same car dealership, then there can be no doubt: the terms of reference were written for a specific participant.

Also at this stage, the economic benefits of participating in the tender and the percentage of the initial price that can be “advanced” by participating in the tender are calculated.

Stage 3. Registration of an electronic signature

To register on the trading platform, you need to receive an email digital signature(EDS) in one of the certification centers. EDS are computer files with a unique encoding made specifically for the owner of the signature. After installing the digital signature on your computer, you can certify everything electronic documents sent to participate in tenders.

To sign, you must provide constituent documents(for legal entities) or passport and (for individuals and individual entrepreneurs). The cost of an electronic signature for participation in auctions starts from 4,000 rubles. You can issue an electronic signature for different trading platforms - it will cost more, but such an electronic signature is more effective, since it will be possible to participate in a wide range of tenders.

Stage 4. Preparation of documents

Depending on the type of tender - electronic auction, request for quotations or request for proposals - the volume differs necessary documentation, but the basic package for all types of procurement is the same. Despite the fact that the law allows you to submit documents in paper form, to participate in bidding on the electronic trading platform you are required to place scanned copies of documents.

Documents provided by the participant (supplier)

  • A copy of the registration certificate or extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs/Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • A copy of the organization's charter
  • Certificate of tax registration (TIN of the organization)
  • Confirmation of financial solvency (certificate from the bank on account status, balance sheet for the last period).
  • Certificates and licenses for goods (if needed).
  • Most tenders require participation security - sum of money, which is transferred to the customer as a guarantee that the participant seriously intends to fight for victory. The deposit is returned if the participant has fulfilled all requirements. Few companies can send live ones for these purposes, so usually a document is transferred as collateral.

Documents provided by the customer

  • detailed description offers of goods or services;
  • initial maximum price (if assumed);
  • charter, certificates, licenses;
  • other required documents.

How the tender works: step-by-step instructions

The most common procedure in competitive bidding is an open electronic online auction. Let's look at participation in tenders using his example.

Step 1. Registration on trading platforms

In the Russian Federation there are specialized platforms for certain industries, but it is much more effective to register on universal electronic trading platforms that are among those approved for government procurement or have a wide range of services (Sberbank-AST, a group of OTC platforms, the Russian Auction House, the All-Russian Electronic Procurement System, etc.). Especially those where there are many tenders suitable specifically for your field of activity. You can select the desired ETP, for example. The site selection strategy can be any:

  • Registration on all electronic trading platforms where the information you received is valid electronic signature.
  • Registration on the largest electronic trading platforms.
  • Registration on the ETP of the enterprises with which you are going to cooperate.
  • Registration on the ETP, where specific orders that interest you are placed.

To be accredited as a supplier, you need to provide scanned documents listed in the previous chapter. Please note: documents will be checked, so registration may take up to 3-5 days. And if you register to participate in a specific tender, you may not make it in time. Some sites offer an express accreditation service. For example, you can be accredited on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform in 3-5 hours, but you will have to pay 9,990 rubles for this.

Step 2. Submit an application

You can start filling out an application for the lot you need even before registration on the ETP is received, since all information about the tender offer for an open auction or request for quotation is in unlimited access. The tender application form is usually available in the documentation attached to the order.

  • Use only generally accepted names of goods, services, production and trade processes, settlements and so on. Let the customer have no reason to refuse you on the basis that you and he named the same item differently.
  • Do not use language that can be interpreted in different ways.
  • You need to fill out all the documents that the customer included in the application. It is better to call again and clarify, rather than leave any column blank and, because of this, not be allowed to participate in the tender.

The mandatory set of information that must be contained in the tender application is as follows:

  1. Express agreement to sell a product or provide a service in accordance with the terms of purchase.
  2. Name of product/service.
  3. The number of goods or services planned for delivery.
  4. Parameters of goods or services (must at least correspond to those stated in the purchase, improved ones can be offered).
  5. Confirmation of compliance of goods or services with customer requirements (warranty obligations, year of production, etc.).

The application is submitted to electronic form to the address specified by the customer in the auction documentation. The required documents are attached to the application in scanned form and certified by the electronic digital signature of the supplier.

Step 3. Payment for application security

If previously the participant was obliged to transfer a percentage of the NMCC to a virtual account of the trading platform (where this money was blocked until the end of trading), then from October 1, 2018 it is necessary to open a special account in an authorized bank () and transfer the money there. Funds will also be blocked in a new way: only after all applications have been submitted, so if you change your mind about participating during this time, you will have time to return the money.

Step 4. Participation in bidding

On the day when the electronic auction is scheduled, the customer checks the first parts of the applications (information about the participant) for compliance with the procurement requirements. Any violation (lack of any documents, failure to comply with filing deadlines, etc.) becomes the reason for refusal, which can be appealed to the OFAS (Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for your territory).

If your application is accepted for participation in the auction, you receive access to the tender page in the ETP to submit price proposals. To understand how to win a tender, experts advise calculating the minimum cost that you are willing to agree to under the terms of the purchase.

Oddly enough, the percentage of participants who excessively reduce the price during the bidding process and then are unable to fulfill their obligations is quite large in the Russian Federation, especially when it comes to government procurement.

Please remember that refusal to enter into a contract or violation of a contract may result in inclusion in the list of unscrupulous suppliers. With this stamp you will not be able to take part in either government or commercial tenders, and in the end you will have to open a new legal entity.

When the time comes for the auction to start, you log in using your digital signature and track in real time price offers other participants. Detailed conditions auctions - time of holding, initial maximum contract price (IMCP), price reduction step - are prescribed in the documentation for the tender, re-read it carefully.

Most often, the auction step is set in the range from 0.5% to 5% of the initial level. That is, if the NMCC is equal to a million rubles, and the step is 5%, then you can offer 950,000 rubles, and your rivals will reduce the price from your figure by no less than 5%.

The winner is the participant who first established the most low price before the end of the auction time.

Step 5. Drawing up the protocol

After the auction is completed, the second parts of the applications are considered - those containing the specifications for goods or services proposed by the participants. At this stage, there may be surprises for the winner if it turns out that he offered a product or service that does not correspond to the application in any respect. Let's say a customer needed 100 ballpoint pens of a certain color and ball thickness, and the winner offered 100 pens required quality, but of a different color. In this case, the application is rejected, and the winner is the participant who offered the second best price (if his application meets the requirements).

When the second parts of applications are reviewed, the official winner is announced and an auction protocol is drawn up.

What should the winning bidder do?

Within the period specified in the documentation, the winning bidder is obliged to conclude a contract with the customer. Usually attached to the auction documentation standard project– read it carefully, check all titles, titles, terms and conditions.

The final version of the contract, which will be sent to you after the publication of the protocol, will indicate the amount - check that too. The human factor in the preparation of such papers is of great importance, since through the purchasing departments of commercial companies and government organizations Dozens of documents are processed per day, and typo errors become commonplace. After signing a contract, failure to fulfill it will automatically result in you being included in the list of unscrupulous suppliers.

From July 1, 2018, trading platforms received the right to charge winning bidders for using ETP (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2018 No. 626). The amount is determined by orders on trading platforms () and is up to 1% of the initial maximum price contract, but should not exceed 5,000 rubles.

  • Making a decision to participate at the last minute

You saw a profitable tender a couple of days before the application deadline and decided to take part in time. Such haste often results in errors in applications; sometimes it is not possible to obtain an electronic digital signature on time or fulfill other requirements of the site. It is recommended to plan your participation in tenders; haste is not suitable in this case.

  • Poor forecasting

Most often this happens due to inattentive study of tender documentation. Along with general conditions The contract often includes specific requirements stipulated in footnotes, notes, and written in fine print. For example, increased requirements for warranty obligations are imposed or a special procedure for performing work is established. If you miss this point, you will incorrectly calculate expenses and...

  • Participation in several tenders simultaneously

The “I’ll win somewhere” strategy sometimes leads to the fact that you win several tenders with the same deadline and simply do not have the resources to complete them on time and with the required quality.

  • Victory at any cost

Newcomers often suffer from this disadvantage: they want to build a reputation, even at the cost of zero profit at an early stage of work. As a result, it turns out that you have no money for development, but you have debts and unfulfilled obligations. Winning a tender must bring profit - this is an axiom for a bidder.

  • Equipment malfunctions

A common problem: at the decisive moment of the tender the computer freezes or reboots, on the day of the auction incompatibility of the equipment with the ETP software appears, and so on. The computer must be in working order and powerful enough before bidding software You need to update it in a timely manner; on the day of the auction you should not experiment with the software.

How to make money on tenders?

There are two ways to make money on tenders with minimal initial investment.

1 Search for tenders, systematization of data, sale of information to potential participants.

For this method you only need a computer and the Internet - all the information is in public access. However, the profit will not be large: firstly, you will have to look for clients and convince them to buy information from you, and secondly, in Russia there are now many convenient automated services searching for purchases that are difficult for one person to compete with.

Niche work can bring success: searching for information in a specific region or in one industry where you have expert knowledge. The advantage of this option is that it doesn’t matter to you whether the client wins or not, whether he has a chance to win or not initially.

2 Participation in tenders under an agreement with the supplier.

Essentially, these are agency functions: using the client’s money, you receive an electronic digital signature, prepare all documents for the supplier, select and approve tenders, participate in them and receive an additional reward if you win when a predetermined price is reached. You can also create outsourcing company and take on entire enterprises and organizations for tender services.

In this case, you can “play” on the client’s lack of experience in participating in auctions. For many business managers and entrepreneurs, this process seems complicated and confusing, so they do not participate in the auction, waiting for a more opportune moment.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How does a tender differ from an auction?

An auction is a type of tender. But if a tender is a common term for competitive bidding, then an auction is the name of the procurement method officially enshrined in the laws of the Russian Federation. The procedure for holding auctions is defined in 44-FZ and 223-FZ.

Is it possible to participate in commercial tenders on the same site with an electronic digital signature received for government procurement?

An electronic digital signature is issued for specific sites. If the site conducts both commercial and government procurement, you can obtain a universal digital signature, but it will cost approximately 2 times more than a separate electronic signature for government or commercial procurement. For example, on the Unified Electronic Trading Platform, an EDS for participation in bidding for 100 commercial and 9 government sites costs 6,200 rubles, and only for state ones - 3,600 rubles.

When can goods and services be purchased without competition?

Private companies have the right to purchase anything from anyone without competitive procedures. Organizing tenders is their initiative aimed at saving money or increasing transparency of procurement for internal control. But among state and municipal organizations, purchases from a single supplier are allowed only in a few cases.

In this article we will become familiar with the concept of tender. How is the word spelled correctly, what does it represent, what meaning does it have and what phenomenon is it considered to be the name of? The reader can find out this and much more here.


Tender - what is it? This term does not have a clear interpretation in the current legal acts of the Russian Federation; therefore, it is deprived of a comprehensive description of the concept of a tender application, commission and documentation. In accordance with the instructions of legislative bodies, this word is used in the sense of competition. Despite this, business world Russia uses the first version of the word more often than the second. In this regard, both concepts will appear in the article.

The word "tender" came to us from English speech and was used to refer to the processes of bidding and competitions.


The following types of competitions include:

  1. Open type.
  2. Closed type.
  3. Specialized type.
  4. Two-step procedures.
  5. Request for quotation.
  6. Purchasing from a single source.

The word "tender" is translated as "offer". There are many other forms of its translation, which depend on the area of ​​their application. If we talk specifically about the trade craft, then the tender is the main form by which government procurement is carried out.

The winners of the competition for the ownership of the tender have the right to sign a contract of national significance. To do this, the terms of the contract must comply with the requirements for tender documents. The competition is divided into two components: closed and outdoor stages. Any supplier can participate in the second type of process.

Regardless of the translation of the word "tender", the form of its writing is the same. The word can also indicate a boat, a characteristic of a person, etc.

Classification according to participants

What is a tender, and how can it be classified? A tender is a special form of bidding that is classified according to a set of specific principles. One example is the type of person involved. The tender can be closed, open or with restrictions on participation.

Permissible change in competition requirement

When answering the question about what a tender is, it is important to mention that there are differences in this process according to the number of stages. This allows us to distinguish one-stage and two-stage competitions, which are another way of classification constituent elements of this term.

Tolerance differences

The meaning of the word “tender” includes the concept of general and preliminary qualification selection.

Documents confirming the ability of subjects to participate in such a competition are prepared in advance by the supplier himself and then reviewed by the customers who organized the tender. In case of non-compliance with the clause describing the deadlines for submitting applications, the request may be subject to rejection.

The customer has the right to request, in addition to the original competitive bid, several copies of the contract, which is necessary to preserve the documentation and will allow several members of the commission to work with the papers at once.

When sealing, two options can be used in relation to copies. In the first case, the copies and the original can be in the same envelope or placed in different ones. If you use the second option, you will need to make appropriate notes on the pages of the logbook.

Most bidding procedures involve a specific way of filing and sealing your bid and must be included in specific documentation to confirm your eligibility to bid.

Participation in tenders includes specific wording in the list of entities entitled to attend. Such groups of persons include the competition commission that accepts applications and people representing the interests of the supplier.

Closed tender

If we talk in simple words What is this - a tender? It can be summarized that this is a form of bidding. A procedure that has many features that allow it to be classified into a number of types.

There is a concept of a closed tender, which has many similarities with an open one. The difference lies in the choice of the individuals involved. IN open form Each company has the right to vote after submitting and accepting an application. Closed tender procedures are not disclosed to the public, and requests for participation are sent only to a certain, limited circle of people.

Among the main reasons, one can highlight the presence of appropriate qualifications that suit the needs and interests of the customer, the special purpose of the product and too large number existing applications, in comparison with the cost of the purchased goods.

Procedures accompanying closed tenders

From the fact that it is a closed tender, a certain number of procedures are provided that are provided for by the basic provisions on the conduct of these events.

It is well known that the right to participate in closed tenders belongs only to specially invited suppliers. These types of purchases include a number of products that have special purpose and specific character. The total purchase volume is in most cases quite small. The last reason makes it impossible to carry out procedures over long periods of time.

Products purchased by special companies must be inspected by representative government bodies. This procedure arose due to the fact that representatives of such authorities need to assess the need for it.

Open form

What does the word “tender” mean in relation to an open form of conduct? It provides for the right to participate, which is consistent with legislative guidelines, to all suppliers who responded to the notice announcing the start of the competition.

Such information is most often posted in specially designated publications, for example, in Internet resources and the media. The event is carried out by a special customer or authorized person. Papers on tender documentation are the most important components of the contract between two or more persons participating in the tender. They contain information about the schedule of the procedure.

There is a special form in accordance with which the application must be filled out. The tender will be canceled if only one application was submitted.

Quote concept

The word "tender" includes another concept called quotation. It is associated with serial type products. The request, in the majority of cases, is made to three or more companies. The choice of the company that will supply the products is done by comparing prices.

The mechanics of creating a request for quotation are very economical and quickly compiled. One supplier has the right to submit a single price quote and cannot influence this.

The process of drawing up a quotation protocol includes the requirement to attach certain documents. The size of the purchase determines the effectiveness of the influence of requests. The larger it is, the less rights the quote has. The procedures associated with requesting quotes begin with their distribution and continue until the issue of the cost of the goods is resolved.

Historical data

The lexical meaning of the word “tender” has many meanings today. In addition to the procurement process discussed in this article, it can refer to a fuel car or a sailboat. The translation of the word "tender" has many meanings, including im. nouns (sentence) and adjectives (tender, loving, soft, etc.).

These procedures have been known to the world community since ancient times. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a semblance of a tender appeared only in the eighteenth century, during the reign of Peter the Great.

For a long time, due to restructuring and other factors, the concept of tender was absent. Many years passed before the bargaining died down and was replaced by the procedure discussed in the article. It was only in the eighties that the construction industry began to exploit contract bidding, which marked the beginning of a new development this process on the territory of Russia. However, the tender began to actively develop only in the nineties.

After the victory in World War II, special legislative bodies created the structure of the competition. This was a means to combat corruption. For example, in 1946 a large amount was allocated cash, aimed at repairing German cities that had been plundered by converting them into bribes for officials from America.

A synonym for the word “tender” can be words such as bidding, competition, and also include yacht, cutter and screed.

Two-stage tender

There is a tender phenomenon consisting of two stages. Its procedures begin with the attraction of a number of applications for participation in the competition. The customer sends individual invitations to various suppliers, inviting them to attend a special competition for the purchase of certain products. Next, the supplier must be asked to provide the customer with a set of tender documents.

The organizers are preparing the initial competitive applications. They are then sent to customers, who have the right to ask a number of questions that require answers regarding the procedure being carried out, and the supplier, in turn, corrects certain provisions. After receiving the application and its registration, the customer must issue receipts.

The concept of a request

Request for proposal is the main method of procurement. The use of this procedure can be used in cases where the customer has information about the purposes of the purchase and its purpose. Sometimes it is difficult for the customer to get a general picture of the purpose of the proposed product or service, and he can find out about this in more detail from the supplier.

A request for proposal can only be used in an open tender where all applications have been rejected. Most often this is a problem caused by a poor method of attracting suppliers.

As a rule, customers mention in their requests a desire to find out general results and information about the product, service or work to be offered. The request form has several states depending on the specific information part.

Such data includes information about the customer, a general set of requirements for various parameters of the purchased product, which must also be met by the supplier himself. Here you can also find a list of criteria according to which proposals are evaluated and the design requirements are determined. important documents, and also considers the date, place and form of this event.


When organizing tenders, some mistakes are often made that are not given due attention, which leads to the complication of the tender procedure or its cancellation altogether.

One of the most famous mistakes is the creation of tenders based on the proposal of a specific entity supplying the product. This leads to errors and incorrect wording in the requirements for the competition itself.

There are a number of cases in which it was hidden important information or the package of documents was provided incompletely. It is well known that the price of competition documentation cannot exceed the costs of the replication process, but it also happened that their cost was inflated by the organizer himself. It is also undesirable to introduce an excessive number of requirements.

10 minutes to read. Views 8 Published 03/25/2018

Every organization that dreams of obtaining a major deal that can help in the development of the enterprise can take part in various tenders. Participation in such events allows you to get the opportunity to earn high revenue thanks to the completed order. However, ignorance of the conditions and rules for participation in such events pushes many companies away from the possibility of making a stable profit. In this article, we propose to consider what a tender is and how to participate in it.

Knowing the rules and instructions for participating in a tender is the first step to victory

What is a tender

In simple terms, a tender is the placement of an order related to the performance of certain services or the acquisition of special equipment. The contractor for the order is determined on a competitive basis. Companies wishing to receive an order must adhere to the regulations of this event. Failure to complete the application correctly or failure to comply with other conditions may result in denial of participation. However, each person participating in the tender is given the opportunity to re-issue his/her application. There are many different subtleties and nuances associated with conducting a tender.. However, such obstacles are not a reason for refusing to develop your own enterprise.

A profitable deal can not only bring large profits, but also receive orders for a long period of time.

Tender competitions are used in various fields entrepreneurial activity. Both small businesses and big business. Most often, such competitions are associated with the purchase of certain products or the search for a contractor. In order to become a participant in this event, you will need to fill out an application correctly. Properly completed paperwork can significantly increase the chances of concluding a deal.

Types of competitions

The first thing you need to know about such events is the nuances associated with the classification of tenders. An open competition implies an unlimited number of participants. Thus, any company that provides services or sells products can take part in these tenders. There are special websites that provide all the information about the upcoming event.

Anyone can receive documents related to the competition by paying an “entry fee.” In some cases, running costs The customer takes responsibility for holding the competition. In this situation there is no need to pay membership fee. The documents under consideration contain information about the conditions of the event, the rules for considering the application and the requirements for performers. These rules must be followed throughout the competition.

Most often, open tenders are used to select a contractor government orders. One of the benefits of this competition is the opportunity to get the most out of the deal. In addition, there are visible disadvantages. Due to the wide range of interested parties, the possibility of receiving an order decreases and the workload on company employees increases.

All rules that must be followed by participants and organizers of tenders are regulated by Federal laws

A company wishing to hold such an event can use the services of special companies or independently prepare all the paperwork necessary to start trading. Choosing the latter option may lead to an increase in the workload of enterprise personnel.

Closed tender - implies a limited number of applicants for an order. In this case, the customer company selects applicants who will have the opportunity to take part in the competition. Recruitment criteria may vary. For some customers, the reputation of the contractor is of increased importance. This fact can explain the fact that many private entrepreneurs are trying to increase the image of their company through constant advertising through means mass media.

One of the important rules of such events is the confidentiality of information about bidders. These requirements help reduce the risk of agreement among performers. In addition, the financial burden on auction organizers is reduced, since the list of potential performers does not exceed ten organizations.

The last type of tender is two-stage tenders. A special feature of this event is the limited number of applicants. It is important to note that companies wishing to receive an order must meet certain requirements. In addition, care should be taken to comply with a number of conditions of the competition.

A two-stage competition takes a long period of time during which candidates must complete test task. It is at the first stage that those companies are determined that will be able to receive the desired order. After the results of the applicants have been carefully analyzed, the company conducting the tender begins to agree on a solution.

There are several types of two-stage competitions that should be considered in more detail:

  1. "Open Brief"- in this situation, the customer at the initial stage provides data regarding the requirements for the future project. Applicants are required to propose methods for solving production issues. The winning bidder is determined by voting for the best project.
  2. "Price" tenders– when holding this competition, each applicant in his application must provide information regarding the timing of the order, the price of products or services, as well as their quality.

Very important rule What everyone should remember is the correct execution of all documents

How to take part in the competition

In order to take part in the tender, the contractor will need to familiarize himself with the conditions of the event and submit the appropriate application. In most cases, all requirements for applicants are specified in advance, which allows applicants to choose the most profitable model of their behavior. It is important to pay attention to the fact that such auctions can involve both individual entrepreneurs, and large businesses. Also, the competition can be held for both Russian and foreign companies. The main requirement for applicants is to study the rules of this event and prepare the necessary documentation in advance.

The instructions “for dummies” below will allow you to properly prepare for the competition:

  1. It is necessary to study in detail the ninety-fourth article of the Federal Law. This document provides information on requirements and deadlines that the customer should take into account when drawing up the rules for the event.
  2. Today there are about one dozen large electronic platforms conducting similar auctions. Experts do not recommend using all services at the same time. In order to get profitable orders, it is best to focus your attention on one of these services.
  3. Next, you will need to begin collecting the package of documents required to participate in the auction;
    If this event is held on the Internet, the applicant will need to undergo accreditation on the site and obtain an electronic digital signature.
  4. Only after completing the above steps should you apply for participation in the competition. Submission of an application confirms compliance with all stated requirements for the implementation of the task.
  5. In some cases, it becomes necessary to change the application or for the applicant to refuse to participate in the auction. In this situation, one should take into account the timing of such actions, which are regulated by the auction organizers. You should also consider the timing of the event itself. In order to select a contractor, the customer needs no more than two days.
  6. It is important to constantly monitor the deadlines for submitting your bid application. By decision of a special commission, this period may be extended for a certain period of time. In some cases, the location of the auction may change. In this situation, the party acting as organizer must send written notice to each applicant.
  7. After deadline Submission of applications will be completed, the organizers of the competition will consider the proposals of applicants. The company that offers the most convenient terms of the transaction becomes the winner.

To participate in auctions and tenders, each company can submit only one application

How to apply correctly

Let's talk about where to start participating in tenders. This stage is the main point of receiving a large order. In order to correctly draw up an application, you will need to study the requirements of the auction organizers. The structure of the document is also important. As a rule, it consists of two parts. The main part of the document provides information about the goods or services offered. Also in this part of the form you should confirm your consent to the conditions of the event organizers.

The second part contains the details of the applicant. Here you need to provide information about available licenses related to certain types of business activities. In addition, various certificates and permits may be required. After this, the details and contact details of the applicant are provided.

There are two ways to submit your bid. The first method is the classic version of a written application. The second method involves submitting documents electronically. When choosing the last option for submitting an application to participate in the auction, you should purchase an electronic digital signature in advance. In the event that the applicant’s application fully complies established requirements, this organization becomes a full-fledged participant in the auction.

Having dealt with the question of what is needed to participate in tenders, it should be noted that correct composition applications are far from an easy task. It is this fact that explains the fact that most applicants turn to special companies involved in drafting papers. Contacting such companies allows you to reduce the risk of various errors occurring during the collection and preparation of papers required to participate in the competition. In addition, specialists from consulting firms can act as a person representing the interests of the client during bidding.

To participate in the tender, a company or individual entrepreneur must have confirmation of its reliability and compliance of the goods and services provided with the customer’s requirements

How the tender is conducted

So let's look at how the tender works. The choice between the proposals of the applicants is carried out in several stages. In addition, there is a clear sequence of bidding that the organizers must follow. First of all, the organizers’ task is to create a list of requirements for future applicants. This step is discussed when deciding on the need to hold a competition.

Next, the method of conducting the event is selected. This can be either notification through the media or sending out invitations. After the deadline for submitting applications from potential contractors has come to an end, special commission should begin considering proposals. The task of the commission is to study in detail all proposals received and select best options . After this, the results are announced and the winner is announced.

Collection of necessary documentation

The first participation in such events may raise questions related to the collection necessary documents. Many organizations do a number of typical mistakes and provide incorrect information. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the list of required documents is announced by the auction organizer several days before the start of accepting applications from applicants.

In order to submit an application, you will need to prepare copies of the business registration certificate, TIN, as well as financial statements over the past twelve months. In addition, you will need a bank statement confirming the solvency of the enterprise. In some cases, auction organizers require a certificate from the tax service confirming the absence of debt.

Among the required documents for filing an application, certificates and other documents should be highlighted that confirm the quality of the services or products offered. All copies of the above documents must be certified by a notary office.

For a bona fide company without stains on its reputation, there are no obstacles to participating in government tenders

Stereotypes about tenders

Having considered the principle of operation of such events, it is necessary to dispel myths that distort real information about tender competitions. Such myths often contribute to the refusal of many private entrepreneurs to participate in tenders.

One of the main stereotypes about tenders is the myth that the winner is determined in advance. This situation took place in the distant nineties. Today, cases of corruption and false competitions are rare. To be convinced of this, you just need to try to take part in such an event. However, there are certain nuances here. According to experts, the high cost of the order may indicate a sham competition, where the winners are determined in advance.

Participation in such a competition can lead to the loss of not only time, but also the finances necessary to obtain and certify documents. Based on this fact, it is recommended to study in detail the terms of the competition, the customer’s requirements and information about the auction organizers.

It is also quite common to believe that young companies cannot take part in such transactions. In order to reduce the likelihood of refusal to participate in the tender, you should study the requirements of the organizers in detail. In addition, it may be necessary to contact specialists who can represent the interests of the company acting as a contender. These measures will help to significantly increase the chance of winning and receiving the desired order.

It is concluded with the winner of the tender - the participant who submitted a proposal that meets the requirements of the documentation, which offers the best conditions.

The term “tender”, used in everyday speech, can be an analogue of the Russian terms competition or auction, as well as other competitive procedures, for example, request for quotations, request for proposals.

Trades in Russian Federation are divided into open and closed, can be carried out in one or two stages, in the form of a competition or auction. Bidding carried out for government needs within the framework of a state order is carried out in only one stage.

Legislation on the placement of state and municipal orders (Federal Law of July 21, No. 94-FZ “On the placement of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”) also provides for other methods of procurement that are not tenders - this is a request for price quotes, which can be used for small volumes of purchases (less than 500,000 rubles per quarter for goods of the same name), as well as purchases from a single source, used in cases specifically specified in Russian legislation.

Russian legislation

On July 21 of the year, Federal Law No. 94-FZ “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, and provision of services for state and municipal needs” was issued, which came into force on January 1 of the year. This law regulates all state and municipal procurement in the Russian Federation, and also introduces a number of mandatory requirements on publishing information about ongoing procurement on the Internet.

Law 94-FZ does not contain the term “tender”, since it is borrowed from English language by tracing (borrowing the structure of an element of a foreign language) without translating it and reflecting the true meaning of the word. Instead, the term present in the legislation of the Russian Federation is used - open competition. The law also defines such types of procurement as request for quotation, open auction, open auction in electronic form, pre-selection, exchange trading.

On July 24, Federal Law No. 218-FZ “On Amendments to Federal law“On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs.” This law introduced significant changes to the procedures for placing government orders, expanded the list of grounds for procurement using the “single supplier” method, changed the procedure for calculating deadlines (from calendar days to working days), etc.

Subsequently, Federal laws were adopted introducing numerous clarifications and amendments to the law. The current edition contains amendments that have entered into force.

In accordance with the law, state and municipal procurement in the Russian Federation must be posted on the unified official website of government procurement of the Russian Federation zakupki.gov.ru and the results of these tenders must also be posted there. Duplicating an order on a regional website or other source is acceptable, but publishing a tender notice for alternative sources failure to publish it on the official government procurement website is a gross violation.

On July 18, 2011, Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, and services by certain types of legal entities” was adopted. The law deals with enterprises with state participation: state-owned companies, natural monopolies, state corporations. It also applies to unitary enterprises, autonomous institutions, business companies with a share of state (municipal) participation of more than 50% and on their subsidiaries. Law 223-FZ does not establish restrictions on procurement - procurement can be carried out both in traditional form and electronically, that is, on any electronic trading platforms. The only thing this law requires is to streamline procurement by formally describing the procurement procedure and the forms of procurement procedures used in the Procurement Regulations, and publish this provision on the website zakupki.gov.ru. In addition, if this site for one reason or another ceases to operate, companies will need to publish all necessary information on their own sites.

Various commercial closed tenders may not be published on the official government procurement website. Often they are published only on the website of the customer’s company, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. However, there are various information aggregators, which include both tenders on the official website and tenders not posted on it.

Fraud with tender offers

The purpose of the fraud is to ensure that the pre-selected candidate wins. The fact that the tender is being held dishonestly can be determined by a number of characteristic signs:

See also



  • The many faces of corruption. Identification of vulnerabilities at the level of economic sectors and public administration= The Many Faces of Corruption: Tracking Vulnerabilities at the Sector Level. - M.: "Alpina Publisher", 2010. - 552 p. - ISBN 978-5-9614-1062-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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