And even what cannot be, one day may also be!

Are you, my friend, ready for a Miracle? -

It's all around!

It cannot be separated, it cannot be measured -

You just have to believe in him!

Let an inflorescence of miracles descend from heaven to you...)

Much of the magic in the world seems non-existent because we are too blind or too busy to see it. Blindness and unbelief are the two enemies of magic. Seeing and believing - many gates open for those who are capable of this, if they want.

Andre Norton

They say that there are no miracles left in the world, that there is no longer a single unicorn, not a single dragon, and the dryads and elves have sunk into the distant past. Sometimes I myself believe in the disappearance of all this. But then I remember my childhood, like now, and everything again seems two-sided, like a wizard’s hat - reality and a fairy tale. Just everyday life makes us believe that life has one layer.

Elchin Safarli

- You know, Joel, the magic goes away.

- What are we going to do?

- Enjoy the moment.

Man creates miracles with his own hands.

Don't wait for a miracle - create something wonderful for yourself!

Don't scare away the miracle. It's already nearby...

A fairy tale is a fairy tale, and if you decide not to pay attention to it, it will move aside, and life will again become as simple as a tram...

Miracles love to be understood

How much... and for how long...

We are ready to wait for them!

Therefore... they don’t happen right away...

There is a lot of magic in the world. It's just that most people never use it. They don’t know how to do it,” the boy shook his head, regretting the short-sightedness of humanity. “And I, in my opinion, am on the verge of an opening.” I think the key here is to repeat, repeat, repeat what you want to happen, and believe it yourself. Then the magic will work and everything will work out as it should.

Frances Eliza Burnett "The Secret Garden"

Just believe in magic. It's nearby)

Do miracles happen?

They happen. But only with those who believe in them.

What about those who don’t believe?

And to those who do not believe, events happen that are not subject to rational explanation.

Magic, like a balloon on a string, flies like a butterfly next to us, looks into our eyes, like a kitten, and asks: Well, smile at me, please!



Magic happens only when it is supposed to happen, minute by minute. And it happens all the time.

Do you want to see miracles? Create them!

Whenever you trust words,

And the truth that is known by the heart,

Let the heart light up from the truth,

There would be no limit to miracles.

Do good deeds while waiting for a miracle.

Then the miracle will not come to you empty-handed.

There are two ways to live life: the first is as if miracles do not exist, the second is as if there are only miracles around. Albert Einstein

Don't expect a miracle, create a miracle yourself. And run, run away from pessimists, skeptics, whiners, push them away. They destroy expectation and faith in the miracles of life.

Here it is - a miracle. In every breath.

Mixed with the evening scent of freshness and cut grass, with the aroma of roses.

It is in every leisurely movement of smiling old men. In the gentle singing of birds hidden in the leaves of trees. You remember every moment with special poignancy, because this is the moment of your happiness, your victory.

That's faith. It seems to you that the whole globe is spinning just with your belief in what is about to happen. This is a moment of divine power. When you don't think about falling. He's gone. Because there is only this moment of taking off into the heavens. Geordie wanted to hug the whole world. She felt the whole world in her heart. He was there.

Jordy Rivers. Dandelion Era

In fact, life is full of fantastic and absolutely incredible coincidences, but usually we manage to miss them all, without even realizing that they are encountered at every step.

Erlend Lu

One girl could do Magic... The real thing. She finished drawing the rainbow. As soon as he sees one in the sky that does not touch the ground, he immediately runs for brushes and paints. How could it be otherwise? After all, everyone has long known that the seven-colored tails of a rainbow connect the hearts of those who are destined to meet and love each other... So it is no good when a rainbow is not an arc, but simply hangs in the sky without touching the ground.

Such magic. What can you do?

Miracles happen!) The main thing is to know how to happen))

Sometimes miracles come to see people...

Stop looking for miracles anywhere... Go to the mirror and smile at it!!! You are the greatest miracle in the entire Universe...

A fairy tale is the most effective remedy for the blues after freshly brewed coffee and whipped cream with cherry liqueur.

Magic is believing in yourself. And when you succeed, then everything else succeeds.

You're already an adult, I know.

But never stop believing, okay?

Close your eyes and you will feel it around you.

Children need a fairy tale

To become fearless,

Adults need it too - just like that,

just like that...

The main thing for me is to never cease to be surprised. Before going to bed, I always give myself the task of discovering something surprising early in the morning. Ray Bradbury

Man is the king of nature. But not because he can cut down the forest, but because he can grow it in the desert. A person can perform a miracle if only he wants it.

There should always be a place for a fairy tale in life...

Maybe miracles don’t happen at all, but a piece of something magical clearly exists in this world.

I understood one simple Truth - Miracles must be done with your own hands! If a person’s Soul thirsts for a Miracle, give him this Miracle!!!

"SCARLET SAILS". Captain Gray.

Sitting on the edge of a cloud,

An angel is nibbling on a cookie,

And where the crumbs touch the ground,

Miracles happen there...

I came to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing... This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too.

Miracles happen everywhere, you just need to have a sensitive heart and a receptive eye.

- and you will see matter and spirit dancing together everywhere.

Osho "Beyond Enlightenment"

Bus, trolleybus or taxi.

The man is going home.

After work.

An ordinary coat, briefcase or bag.

Thoughts in my head.

Sad, stringy, deaf.

And almost nothing makes me happy...

But you know what?

That's not what this is about at all.

The point is that this man is actually a wizard.

The most real one.

And he can work real miracles.

And at home he has a magic cloak with twinkling stars gathering dust.

Only now he completely forgot about it.

Actually, he forgot about everything.

I forgot who he is.

I forgot about my magical power.

I forgot how to work miracles...

Do you know who this person is?

Every day is an adventure that is often hidden behind the ordinary. Miracles always happen, they are all around us, you just need to be able to look.

Magic grows from deep inner silence...

Faith works miracles. Based on the principle of reciprocity.

We seem to have learned everything in the world.

We managed to change our minds about everything,

But still, like little children.

We believe in the impossible and wait...

Don't try so hard, the best things happen unexpectedly.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

There is a place on earth where nothing is impossible and everything becomes reality. You just have to believe in it.

It's strange that we don't notice the miracles happening around us. The world has accumulated huge reserves of unrealized miracles...

If you believe in something you can't see,

then for me it’s better to believe in miracles than in bacteria.

The most incredible thing about miracles is that they happen!

The world can be magical. If you want...

I want to meet summer sunrises on your roofs,of which there is so much magic...

If you’re going to dream, then don’t deny yourself anything, right?

Meanwhile, life is full of miracles, and the most important magic is that we can create them ourselves! Moreover, it is not so difficult;)

Some people can go their whole lives without noticing the little miracles that happen to us every day - those blessings that God sends us from heaven in order to make us smile, laugh or touch us to the depths of our souls, to gently draw us closer to to your side. Donna Vanleer - Christmas Shoes

Do you know what the problem is in this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.

Man seeks miracles.

If only he could see

How wonderful is the human heart...

It is easier to repeat a miracle than to explain it.

Frances Eliza Burnett. Secret garden.

Miracles always happen despite everything.

The more contrary, the more wonderful the miracle.

In the magical world, everything is possible:

Fly like a bird, chat with an elf,

And flying to the moon is not so difficult.

It’s not shameful for us to dream in our sleep!

In the duel between reality and fantasy, power is not always on the side of reality.

John Steinbeck

And no matter how much they tell me that this is impossible, I will believe that somewhere there is still my wonderland...


Well, if you don't believe in magic, then it won't touch you. If you don't believe that the world has its own heart, then you won't hear it beat.

Be surprised, and the world will definitely pleasantly surprise you again.

I am still amazed by the view of the clouds and the sunset. I always make a wish when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor shower. The world is full of miracles.

It is difficult for a person in this life to do without secrets and ancient legends, without those fabulous stories that the planets whisper to each other at night.

Howard Lovecraft

You sit with your hands folded on your belly and wait for a miracle. But there is still no miracle. But there is a belly.

Whatever path you choose, new adventures always await you!

There is magic that is learned from a book, with difficulty remembering spell after spell. And there is something else that comes from the depths of the heart, from the depths of a loving heart.

Fairy tales are more than truth, not because they tell us about the existence of dragons, but because they tell us: dragons can be defeated.

People are interesting creatures. In a world full of wonders, they managed to invent boredom.

The magician is not the one who turns lead into gold, or causes a storm... The magician is the one who can see the souls hidden in the body and make them bloom!..

Miracles happen in life! They just don't happen by magic. People make them themselves, for example, for those they love.

I came to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing. Leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, foxes, squirrels and even people are made of magic. This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too.

Magic is a real world, whose borders a child's imagination can make endless.

We shout that miracles don’t happen without even trying to find them.

Shy miracles happen. They rub against the sleeve and attach themselves to the eyelashes. They wait for you to notice them, and then they melt away.

Miracles are not necessarily such great events, and they can happen in the most unexpected places. They can - in the sky, or on the battlefield, or in the kitchen in the middle of the night. For a miracle to happen, you don't even have to believe in miracles, but when a miracle happens, you will definitely know about it, because then something completely ordinary, which seemed completely unimportant, suddenly becomes very, very important. This is why miracles are best suited for the simplest things, the simpler the better; The less likely a miracle is, the more miraculous it is.

Miracles are not necessarily grandiose, a miracle can happen in the most unexpected place; The most amazing miracles happen in the most ordinary surroundings.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens.

Not everyone gets to see what the stars are doing while waiting for summer. So sit by the window, breathe as quietly as possible... and you will see... And let this be your big and amazing secret...

Sometimes miracles are so tiny that people simply don't notice them.

Do not forget that miracles do not belong to you, but you belong to them. Even when it comes to miracles that you yourself perform. Max Fry

Miracles happen around us. We need to open our eyes to see them.

The magical world is a world filled with something very close. This is a world where you can escape from problems, where you are always welcome. To love magic is to be able to enjoy everything, both little things and important things, like a child. This is when you have grown up, but there is still a little child in your soul who loves miracles and fairy tales. A true lover of magic is the kindest and friendliest creature on the planet.

What allows miracles to happen is the desire to believe that life is a miracle.

We become blind to what we see every day. But every day is different, and every day is a miracle. The only question is to pay attention to this miracle. Paulo Coelho

A fairy tale is the most effective remedy for the blues after freshly brewed coffee and whipped cream with cherry liqueur. V. Kovaleva, All about fairies

As long as you try to control Life, there will be no miracle in it. It just can't be. A miracle comes only at the moment when you are ready to trust Life. And it comes on its own, without notice, without warning, without guarantees.

The modern reader demands that magic be done in accordance with the laws of physics. They want magic to work logically, they need cause and effect, they need the principle of conservation of matter and energy... They don’t want magic to work as if by magic... Lois McMaster Bujold. Answers

Only those who can believe in magic will receive unlimited power over reality...

True wisdom is experiencing a miracle. This feeling of miracle is everywhere you go, in everything that your gaze falls on: in the eyes of a child, in the beauty of a flower, in the flight of a bird. Deepak Chopra

My heart, never lose hope
miracles live in the invisible.


Imagination is what makes a magician great, for through it he can go beyond tradition and beyond the structure of what now exists, into the higher realm of creation of the very fabric of magic. Terry Goodkind

Magic is dissolved in the air, in the space surrounding us. True, there is very little of it, tiny grains, so an ordinary person does not notice these grains.

As long as I believe that fairy tales are real, the magic will not leave me.

Clive Staples Lewis, "The Chronicles of Narnia"

Only those capable of believing in magic will receive unlimited power over reality.

Maybe in order to experience a miracle, one must believe in miracles? Dan Brown

People who love magic are absolutely pure.

I have come to the conclusion that magic is what pushes, lifts and generally makes things out of nothing. Leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers, foxes, squirrels and even people are made from magic. This means that magic is simply everywhere - around us, and in all other places too. Francis Burnett. Secret garden

Miracles cannot be cited as evidence. can’t try to explain miracles, they get spoiled... Max Fry

Miracles do not actually violate the laws of nature.

K.S. Lewis talked about this and it is an incredible revelation.

If we think that miracles are quite common, we will expect them.

And waiting for a miracle is the surest way to get it.

Someone else's thoughts or a thread from the world...

Smart people don't look for solitude so much...

1). *** Smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools.

2). *** Only those who spare no effort to take off take off.

3). *** And ice melts when we shine, and hearts open when we love, and people change when we are open, and miracles happen when we believe.

4). *** Never remind people about yourself. Those who really need you will never forget about you.

5). *** Every morning should begin with the successes of yesterday evening.

6). *** A person's true worth is measured in the things he strives for.

7). *** It is very important to learn not to hold anyone. There are good people nearby - rejoice, if there is no one nearby - relax, rethink your life.

8). *** Speaking without thinking is like shooting without aiming.

9). *** This is our difference - you want to lose small, but I want to win big.

10). *** Friends respect each other's decisions, even if they don't agree with them. This is called devotion.

11). *** Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level, where they will crush you with their experience.

12). *** Silence and a smile are two powerful weapons. A smile is a way to solve many problems, while silence helps to avoid them.

13). *** There are no guarantees in life, there are only possibilities.

14). *** Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experiences, the worst will give you a lesson, and the best will give you memories. Appreciate everyone.

15). *** Think about what can make you happy. Do what you like. Be with people who make you feel good and go only where they want you.

16). *** If at the moment you are alone, it is not because no one needs you, but because you care who is next to you.

17). *** Good friends go to those who know how to be a good friend themselves.

18). *** - Loneliness is when there is no one to pick you up from the morgue. Everything else is just temporary difficulties.

19). *** If they don’t love you, don’t beg for love. If they don’t believe you, don’t make excuses. If you are not valued, don't prove it...

20). *** A fool blames others, a smart person blames himself, but a wise person does not blame anyone.

21). *** The scale of your personality is determined by the magnitude of the problem that can piss you off.

22). *** This is your life, and it gets shorter every minute.

23). *** What seems to us like difficult trials is sometimes actually a blessing in disguise.

24). *** Happy is not the one who has everything best, but the one who gets the best out of what he has.

25). *** People think they will be happy if they move to Paris, but then it turns out: wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

26). *** The first impression from a person is the most correct, since he does not yet know what to hide from you.

27). *** Being angry and irritated is nothing more than punishing yourself for other people’s stupidities.

28). *** The wise man is not the one who thinks a lot about great things, but the one who thinks little about little things.

29). *** If a person is looking for the meaning of life, he will not find anything. If a person searches for life itself, then he will find its meaning.

30). *** Even the one who is far away is nearby if he is in your heart; even the one who stands next to you is far away if your thoughts are far from him.

31). *** No matter how much you motivate a fool, the maximum you will achieve is that he will become a motivated fool...

32). *** Don’t expect it to get easier, simpler, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise you won't have time.

33). *** To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoice!

34). *** Appreciate “today” - there is so little of it! “Yesterday” has passed, but “tomorrow” has not come!

35). *** The best form of courtesy, no matter where a person was raised, is not to poke your nose into other people's affairs.

36). *** Remember that no one knows whether tomorrow will come. Live now! At this second! At this moment!

37). *** The depth of a well, like the depth of the soul, can be measured by throwing a stone there.

38). *** Learn to enjoy life. She will teach herself to suffer.

39). *** The person who never changes his opinion is stupid.

40). *** The main rule of reality is not to get confused in your illusions...

41). *** Don't rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.

42). *** A smart person doesn’t say half of what he knows, a stupid person doesn’t know half of what he says.

43). *** Never spare money for what you want!

44). *** You must have a dream. Necessarily. So that you can get up in the morning.

45). *** If you asked a person: “How are you?” and they answered you: “Fine,” know that you are not part of his circle of trust.

47). *** Strong is not the one who can afford a lot, but the one who can refuse a lot.

48). *** It is impossible to see new shores without sailing from the old ones...

49). *** You can't lose what doesn't exist. You cannot destroy what is not built. You can only dispel the illusion of what seems real.

50). *** I don’t regret anything - if only because it’s pointless.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 02/28/2014. Treasured box. Thoughts of famous people. Part V
  • 02/27/2014. Do you love chocolate as much as I love it?
  • 22.02.2014. Someone else's thoughts or a thread from the world...
  • 02/21/2014. Red South...
  • 02/20/2014. Winter in paradise. Part VI. Saint's Day Valentina.
  • 02/17/2014. Treasured ball. Other people's thoughts. Part IX.
  • 02/16/2014. Winter in Paradise... Part V. Maugham and Noah.
  • 02/15/2014. Margarita.
  • 02/14/2014. Robin Sharma. 200 life lessons. 191-200.
  • 02/13/2014. Robin Sharma. 200 life lessons. 181-190.
  • 02/12/2014. Robin Sharma. 200 life lessons. 171-180.
  • 02/11/2014. Robin Sharma. 200 life lessons. 161-170.
  • 10.02.2014.

It's amazing how disgusting people can be in their shamelessness. For example, the head physician of the Bodrost clinic and therapist Olga Dzyk composed some kind of “leftist” libel and called a sick elderly woman “Almost healthy.” It would seem that they clearly went too far. Give back and get out of the stupid situation more smoothly. But no, they continue...

My mother went to an appointment scheduled for March 2 with Olga Dzyk, a doctor at the Bodrost clinic. She looked at it and wrote out a certificate based on the results of the treatment. A most interesting, I tell you, medical document.

Yes, yes friends! On February 20, Olga Anatolyevna examined an elderly woman and confirmed the diagnosis - ARVI, acute pharyngitis, exacerbation of bronchial asthma. I made an appointment for March 2nd and...

In the best bureaucratic traditions, “What do you want, sir,” falsified medical documents, issuing a certificate of treatment allegedly in 4 days, and not in two weeks as she herself prescribed.

This is how it turns out, instead of medical care, the therapist and the Chief Doctor throw the patient off sick leave, and people in uniform and robes create a little hell for the pensioner.

It’s good that my mother went to a normal clinic, and you supported the dissemination of information. As a result, the prosecutor and judge changed their anger to mercy and my mother was able to calmly complete her treatment. Not in “Bodrost”, of course, but in a normal medical institution, where fluorography was prescribed, and full-fledged treatment, and in the end I was discharged only on March 6th.

We notified the court and the date for the next hearing has now been agreed upon. It will take place on March 23 at 11 o’clock at the address: Gryazovets, st. Sokolovskaya 34, court district No. 34. Media participation is welcome.

As for doctor Olga Dzyk, you yourself can tell her everything you think about her as a medical worker and a person. Here is her page on VK