Wolf... An unconditional symbol of anger, dullness and strength in folk art. Yes, the wolf is dangerous, but, often, popular rumor accuses it of other people’s, not at all wolf, sins. “Glory goes to the wolf, but Savva drags the sheep” - dishonest shepherds often attributed their own crimes to wolves. And the degree of danger from these animals is now largely determined by man - hunters have hunted and shot all kinds of forest animals so much that hungry wolves have to hunt in more populated places, where conflict with humans is inevitable.

Wolves have qualities and customs that are quite uncharacteristic of other animals. Even defenseless birds, in the event of an attack on the nest, bravely rush to protect the chicks, but wolves, for some reason, do not do this - the wolf cubs call in vain for help from their older relatives and can only escape by flight. And this despite the fact that wolves are quite kind to their offspring - they train wolf cubs, tinker with them a lot and play. And one more thing - wolves have a rather strange relationship with dogs: it would seem that it would be easy for wolves to “kill” hounds during a hunt (and, moreover, wolves often attack dogs in villages, in their very lair), but in the forest “ “gray sharks” don’t even try to cope with the dogs, running away limply and falling right under the hunters’ shots.

There are many different tales about the wolf. The roots of the age-old hostility towards the wolf are hidden in the wolf's attitude towards domestic animals. Agriculture has been the basis of human existence for centuries, which is why people were so jealous of factors that could bring them to the brink of starvation. IN this moment agriculture The wolves are not a threat at all, but alas, we are unable to forget old sins.

Riddles about the wolf

Gray, scary and toothy
Caused a commotion.
All the animals ran away.
Scared the animals...

Who is cold in winter
Is he wandering around angry and hungry?

Gray chases white
Wants to have a white lunch.
As soon as he catches up, he clicks his teeth:
White - poor, well-fed - ...

He makes friends only with a fox,
This beast is angry, angry.
He clicks and clicks his teeth,
Very scary gray...

He looks like a shepherd.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep.

Grayish, toothy.
Prowls through the fields,
Looking for calves and lambs.

Proverbs, sayings and signs about wolves

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.
And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.
The sheep's tears will also be shed for the wolf.
No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest.
A wolf is hired cheaply to be a shepherd, but the world thinks about it.
Glory goes to the wolf, and Savva drags the sheep.
The teeth feed the wolf, the legs carry the hare, and the tail protects the fox.
A wolf is not a shepherd, a pig is not a gardener.
A wolf is not beaten by a race, a wolf is beaten by a trick.
The wolf is in the plow, and he is in the meadow.
It's bad for the sheep where the wolf is the commander.
The wolf sheds every year, but everything is gray.
The wolf can also be seen in sheep's clothing.
A wolf won't eat a wolf.
A wolf is not poisoned by a wolf.
Seeing the goat, the wolf forgets the thunderstorm.
You can't kill a wolf with a word.
Being born a wolf, you cannot be a fox.

Poems about the wolf

Among the fallen trees, between the roots,
Having dug a hole for housing,
A wolf family grew up...


Georgy Petrovsky

A thin wolf wanders along the forest...
My stomach was stuck to my back.
Even the poor fellow’s mouth is cramping;
The time is approaching spring.
The wolf gets cold,
And the village is beautiful!
Here in the forest there is terrible hunger,
Well, there is the dream itself:
And kids and lambs,
You can also eat a rooster
"Mars", "Snickers", pistachios,
And other nonsense.


Sasha Cherny

The whole village sleeps in the snow.
No goo-goo.
The month disappeared for the night.
Snow is blowing.
The kids are all on the ice,
On the pond.
The sleighs squeal together -
Let's go in a row!
Some are in the harness, some are the rider.
The wind is sideways.
Our convoy has expanded
To the birches.
Suddenly the front line shouts:
“Devils, stop!”
The sleds stopped, the laughter stopped.
“Brothers, wolf!..”
Wow, how they sprayed back!
Like hail.
Scattering everything from the pond -
Who goes where.
Where is the wolf? Yes, it's a dog -
Our Barbos!
Laughter, roar, laughter and talk:
“Oh yes wolf!”


A gray wolf is walking and wandering.
And teeth click and click.
Fur like bristles,
She reared up on her back.

He doesn't want mushrooms
Only sharpens his teeth
To eat the bunny
A mouse or a hedgehog.

What should a wolf do?
The hedgehog is very prickly.
The mouse is hiding in a hole
The bunny disappeared onto a hillock.

The animals are having fun
They are not afraid of the wolf.
After all, the wolf has a toothache,
And he whines in pain.

The wolf doesn't eat raspberries
Cranberries and rowan...
The wolf was chasing a bunny,
A tooth was injured with a stick:

- I will eat raspberries
Cranberry and rowan.
Just help me
Heal my tooth.

The woodpecker flew up to the wolf,
He looked into the toothy mouth.
There is a splinter in it.
– The wolf is seriously ill.

The woodpecker opened his mouth to the wolf -
Healed me from a splinter.
And he said sternly:
- Everything, patient, is ready.

Wolf, don’t hurt the weak
And don’t chase the animals.
Eat mushroom pies
If teeth are expensive.

Guys, please help me, I just don’t even know what “Night Night” is!!! I googled and didn’t find anything! Just tell us what “Nochnitsa” is all about and where it comes from

In general, such a belief in the Night Lady came from... Stories with her participation are not needed, thank you in advance!!!

(DON'T THINK THE ASSIGNMENT IS TOO BIG). Write a summary (15 SENTENCES) on this passage: He closed his eyes and endlessly carefully collected everything

your strength. He
braced himself, trying not to succumb to the feeling of faintness that flooded, as if
tide, his whole being. This feeling rose in waves and made me sick
consciousness. At times he seemed to be drowning, plunging into oblivion and struggling
swim out, but in some inexplicable way the remnants of his will helped him again
get to the surface.
He lay on his back motionless and heard the hoarse breathing of the wolf
approaches him. It felt closer and closer, time dragged on without
end, but the man did not move even once. You can hear breathing right above
ear. A hard, dry tongue scratched his cheek like sandpaper. Hands
his fingers were thrown up - at least he wanted to throw them up
they bent like claws, but grabbed the void. For fast and confident movements
strength was needed, and he had no strength.
The wolf was patient, but the man was no less patient. Half a day he
lay motionless, fighting oblivion and guarding the wolf who wanted him
eat and which he would eat himself if he could. Every now and then a wave
oblivion overwhelmed him, and he saw long dreams; but all the time, both in dreams and
in reality, he expected that he was about to hear hoarse breathing and be licked by a rough
He did not hear breathing, but woke up because the rough tongue
touched his hand. The man was waiting. The fangs lightly squeezed his hand, then
the pressure became stronger - the wolf tried with all his might to sink his teeth into
the prey he had been waiting for so long. But the man waited a long time, and he
the bitten hand squeezed the wolf's jaw. And while the wolf weakly
fought back, and the hand just as weakly squeezed his jaw, the other hand
reached out and grabbed the wolf. Five more minutes and the man pinned down the wolf
with all its weight. His hands were not strong enough to strangle the wolf, but
the man pressed his face against the wolf's neck, and his mouth was full of fur. Passed
half an hour, and the man felt that a warm stream was oozing down his throat.
It was painful, as if molten lead was being poured into his stomach, and
Only by force of will did he force himself to endure. Then the man rolled
on his back and fell asleep.
On the whaling ship Bedford were several people from the scientific
expeditions. From the deck they noticed some strange creature on the shore.
It crawled towards the sea, barely moving on the sand. Scientists could not understand that
this is what it is, and, as befits naturalists, they got into the boat and sailed to
shore. They saw a living creature, but it could hardly be called
person. It heard nothing, understood nothing and writhed on the sand,
like a giant worm. He was almost unable to move forward, but
it did not retreat and, writhing and writhing, moved forward steps
twenty an hour.

Three weeks later, lying on the bunk of the whaling ship Bedford, a man
with tears he told who he was and what he had to endure. He
muttered something incoherent about his mother, about Southern California, about the house
among flowers and orange trees.
Several days passed, and he was already sitting at the table with the scientists and
captain in the ship's wardroom. He rejoiced at the abundance of food, anxiously
watched every piece that disappeared in someone else's mouth, and his face
expressed deep regret. He was sane, but felt hatred
to everyone sitting at the table. He was tormented by the fear that there would not be enough food. He
asked about the provisions of the cook, the cabin boy, and the captain himself. They are without
they finally reassured him, but he did not trust anyone and secretly looked into
pantry to see for yourself.
They began to notice that he was getting better. He was getting fatter every day. Scientists
shook their heads and built different theories. They began to limit his food, but
it kept spreading out in width, especially in the waist.
The sailors chuckled. They knew what was going on. And when scientists began
keep an eye on him, everything became clear to them too. After breakfast he sneaked to
tank and, like a beggar, extended his hand to one of the sailors. That
grinned and handed him a piece of sea biscuit. The man greedily grabbed a piece,
looked at it like a miser at gold, and hid it in his bosom. The same
Other sailors also gave him handouts, grinning.
The scientists remained silent and left him alone. But they looked
slowly his bed. It was stuffed with breadcrumbs. The mattress was full of crackers.
There were crackers in all corners. However, the man was of sound mind. He just
took measures in case of a hunger strike - that's all. Scientists said that this
must pass. And it did indeed pass before Bedford stood on
anchored in San Francisco harbor.

In a willing herd, the wolf is not scary.

People live in cramped conditions, but in the open space they chase the wolf.

Attack the gray one, the gray one will destroy everything.

Believe the wolf's tears.

Lending money is like feeding a wolf.

The wolf molts every year, but does not change its custom.

The wolf is not a horse's friend.

A wolf is still a wolf, even if he didn't eat your sheep.

The wolf is prowling, looking for bread.

To be afraid of the wolf is to run away from the squirrel.

If you're afraid of the wolf, don't go into the forest.

Put a wolf as a shepherd.

Don't call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf's legs feed him.

You can't play a pig against a wolf.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

Winter for the wolf's custom.

Howl like a wolf for your sheepish simplicity.

Some as a fox, some as a wolf.

Looks like a fox, but smells like a wolf.

A wolf is hired cheaply to be a shepherd, but the world thinks about it.

The wolf called the goat to a feast, but the goat did not come.

And the wolf mocks, but does not laugh.

And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

And it happens that a sheep eats a wolf.

Like sneaking under a wolf.

The mare made peace with the wolf, but did not return home.

The goat competed with the wolf - the horns and hooves remained.

Whoever sings in the forest and sees a raven will stumble upon a wolf.

Whoever entered the rank as a fox will become a wolf in the rank.

Whoever was born a wolf will never be a fox.

Where to meddle with wolves if they have a dog's tail.

Either howl with the wolves or be eaten.

The fox will guide seven wolves.

The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught.

He loves a sheep like a wolf.

The wolf was slandered, and the hares ate the mare.

The wolf was betrothed, and the shepherd stole the calf.

Glory goes to the wolf, and Savva drags the sheep.

The wolf is not beaten with race, but with trickery.

They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep.

Don't put your finger in the wolf's mouth.

The wolf will not change his nature until the skin is removed.

Don't rush, goat, all your wolves will be there.

Don't make your enemy a sheep, make him a wolf.

It is inconvenient for a calf to kick a wolf.

It's hard for a sheep to live with wolves.

The wolf looks back at its tail.

The wolf had one song, and they adopted it (about yawning).

I ran from a wolf, but ended up running into a bear.

The sheep's tears will flow to the wolf.

The wolf took pity on the mare: he left the tail and mane.

Stop joking, the wolf said to the trap, let go of your paw.

They remembered the wolf, and he was here.

A wolf would pretend to be a goat, but the tail is not like that.

He calmed down that the wolf was under the horn.

We're talking about a wolf, and he's coming towards you.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

To live with wolves, howl like a wolf.

You can't take two skins off one wolf.

Just become a sheep, and the wolves are ready.

Gray is the wolf, gray is the wolf, and all wolf's honor to him.

A quarter grayer than a wolf.

Gray was remembered, and gray is here.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

No matter how much you feed the wolf, he looks into the forest.

Dog, why are you barking? - I scare the wolves. - Dog, why did you put your tail between your legs? - I'm afraid of wolves.

I would feed the wolf if I ate grass.

You can't drive an old wolf into a snare.

Become a sheep - there will be wolves.

A well-fed wolf is more humble than an envious person.

You can't tear the bones out of a hungry wolf's teeth.

What is grey, so is the wolf.

What the wolf has in its teeth, Yegory sent.