It’s natural to have doubts before doing something new. Everyone is afraid to go beyond the boundaries of their understanding, but now they are actively talking online about virtual earnings. Many people want to, but are hesitant to try it. In vain, because this is the widest niche these days, relevant and promising.

Making money on the Internet, fact or fiction? Believe it or not, my blog brings me good money. Now there will be comments that creating a website is difficult and this option is not suitable for everyone. This is true, but there are other ways to make money, including those designed for beginners.

Where can every beginner start?

Accounts in social networks Absolutely everyone has it, and from your pages you can do simple tasks. Now likes, subscribers, reposts and much more are being ordered in huge quantities. Register on and connect all your profiles, you don’t have to use promoted accounts here:

The orders are simple, they pay well, considering the time required. Many people come with mobile devices and connect groups, the project’s functionality is constantly expanding. It is not necessary to create an electronic wallet; withdrawal to mobile balance is available from 25 rubles.

I receive regular payments from this project, but the tasks end quickly. You have to frequently check in and update their list in anticipation of new orders. To avoid wasting time, use other similar services:

With these sites you don’t have to learn anything or invest money. You register, work, get honest money. Best option for a beginner, it is used even by foreigners.

The truth about making money on the Internet

There is an opinion among newcomers that it is easy for everyone to make money online, and the real rich people make profits through deception. This is not true, there are many honest methods, but you will have to work hard to make them profitable. There is nothing to do here without knowledge, but we are not talking about programming skills or website creation. Any skills are useful.

For example, stable salary Freelancers earn money by performing various types of work. Doctors provide consultations, gamers help fill YouTube channels, active users of social media. networks moderate groups, film fans write film reviews, and so on. Without creating your own website, it is quite possible to find permanent remote work.

At first it will be difficult, because there is no experience and useful connections. We have to look for employers from everyone accessible ways. The best of them are freelance exchanges. On FL you will find huge amount offers:

Even experienced money makers and programmers need assistants to create letters, process pictures, and so on. How can you help? If searching for employers is too much of a burden for you, use whatever knowledge you have to write articles. Any materials are put up for sale on the exchange:

Take a look to see how profitable this business is. The most important thing is that you start from scratch, any knowledge is useful and you work according to a free schedule. The main thing is to overcome difficulties at the beginning, because they buy texts from experienced authors, you first have to collect reviews and ratings for things to go uphill.

The money comes, but you have to work hard and actively. Nowadays, more and more different sites are opening, so the demand for content is increasing. Write about what you are good at, create a base of regular customers.

Making money on the Internet, fact or fiction? Now you know the answer to this question. On by example I told you about remote work and proved that the money really comes. If none of the above suits you, look at other options in the article -. Stop being afraid, deception is everywhere, but if you are careful, you will not stumble upon scammers.

Hi all!

One of the bitter truths is that in 80% of cases you will not make money, but 20% of your efforts and right decisions will bring you success, but for them to be correct, this requires experience. To begin with, you don’t need to be a sucker and clearly understand 3 simple laws making money on the Internet. You not only need to know the laws, it is important to follow them, otherwise the picture will be something like this: time was wasted, health was possibly ruined, scammers were fed, their sins were absolved without their pants and dough. Then we sobered up and thought, fuck it... this Internet.

About laws:

First Law: Never be fooled by easy money. “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”, and the British say this - “There are no free lunches”

Second law: If the work is simple, you will earn only bread

Third Law: If you want to receive something, be prepared to give or do something.

I think there is no need to explain the details for each of them, everything is simple and clear. Don’t be fooled by “success” coaches and various courses that promise that in a few weeks you will earn 100,000 rubles per month. At the same time, lying on the sofa and still sucking money out of you. Study for yourself various ways earning money, or even better, find a mentor or upliner who, in his practice, shows real results and results, and will also be happy to advise and support you.

So now let's move on to main ways to make money on the Internet:

1. Earn enough bread, or maybe more...
2. Earnings to understand how you can later earn more

Investment projects, HYIPs

Network companies (MLM) and other matrix projects

3. Earning money for serious people



Your website or blog

Affiliate programs

Your project on the Internet


Online store

Earnings without investment

To earn, for example, 1000 rubles. per day, you need to sit at the computer at least 20 hours a day. And even then it’s not an option that you’ll earn money, depending on where of course. In short, you will sit and plow, but you can’t plow too much.

If you want to make money on clicks, then you are most likely setting yourself up for trouble. You will click on advertising links, click and click, click and click, you will end up with these damn clicks in your dreams, they will follow you everywhere, and your eyes will start to twitch or become red like a vampire - this is the best case, and in the worst case they will fall out or burst from stress!!! Oh my God... Do you still want to make money like this? What for? Read on.

Polls, forums, reading articles, etc. - everything is the same, your eyes will burst.

Writing articles (not professional copywriting) is a painstaking task, it requires the talent of the author, and in order to make good money you need to write a lot or be in authority. Let's go over this topic too.

File hosting services

The earning scheme here is approximately the following: we select a file-sharing service on the Internet (for example,, upload some of your files to it, if it is downloaded 1000 times, you get approximately 5-7 bucks.

The moral of this story is this: without your advertising, no one will know about this file and will not download it; you need to publicize it on some resource website, blog in a group, etc. To earn at least $1000 per month, you need to have about 1000 downloaded files, or better yet several times more, and your site should be mega-popular with traffic of about 20,000 people per day, try doing this :)


Forex is financial market where you can buy or sell currency. As in any business, you can make decent money in Forex and go broke. A large stream of amateurs and even just organic losers in life are pouring into this niche. But it is impossible for such comrades to make money on Forex. They won’t even really understand why this happened, and then they will call everything incomprehensible a scam. Therefore, those who are burned out on Forex look for the reason for their failures not in themselves, not in their knowledge, nor in their intellect (everyone secretly considers themselves the smartest), but in external reasons and declare Forex a scam. In general, there is only one result here - you need to learn this business and then you will become a trader or become an investor. It’s easier to be an investor, many understand this, but to make serious money you need serious investment and rich experience, while just like a trader, there will always be a risk of getting into something.

Investment projects, HYIPs

The fact is that investing in such inventions of the human mind is a profitable business, but also risky. There are strategies, methods, and techniques that can significantly increase the number of projects from which you can get a pretty penny for your loved one. Again, the words strategy, techniques, etc. were heard. therefore, without knowledge and experience, you are again without pants, everything is simple. The word diversification in this type of earnings is often used and it is appropriate, but more important is your experience, activity in attracting partners and sometimes instinct. Beginners, as a rule, are in the minus in most cases. Under favorable circumstances, a single investor will stand in line at a bakery for bread, but advanced investors in this industry understand and most importantly know how to spread caviar on their bread.

Network companies (MLM)

MLM (network marketing) is a complete mess here.

To understand who actually makes money in this business, I will briefly describe its structure.

Any network company consists of three groups of people:

1. The founders of the company are the people who created the company and receive the main profit from its turnover

2. Leaders are the first persons on whom the entire company and all its distributors rest. This good people, organizers of various schools, trainings, seminars. They very powerfully know how to motivate people sitting in the hall, inspire them and make them have a great desire to work in MLM. These are the people who get good checks in business, who stand on stage with them with golden smiles and joy on their faces, and everyone else (doomed to failure) stands, clap, look at them and dream.

3. Distributors (Doomed to Fail) - These are 95% of the people who fail in business.

Attention, it is important to understand!

Only leaders make big money in MLM ( network marketing), everyone else earns crumbs.

There are real leaders who are in contact with the founders of the company and are well versed in this business and can really teach something.

There are dummy leaders who imagine themselves to be MLM gods, who teach business to other people, and sit in the ass themselves.

MLM business is based on the cycle of distributors - one who came doomed to failure, then left, another one came, also then left, etc.

The most disgusting thing for me in this business is that some individuals engage in outright lies in order to earn their money. Another nasty thing in this area is the application of the principle of zombifying people and the fact that people succumb to this symptom. Do you want to be a zombie? It's up to you to decide, in short, stop writing about MLM, anyone who wants to find out everything in detail will find out for themselves.

Let's go further, and I will say an important thing, if you immediately think about one of the following ways of earning money and make a choice on one of them, then you will get to a higher level, you will not waste your time, you will develop in the right direction. You will not be among those who can be called shkolota, zombie people. To be honest, I was like that myself, I had to keep my head down for a while and give away my money on the Internet. Think about it, you must get to this level, to the level of an adequate person who understands that you cannot easily pull a fish out of the pond, that you need to invest or do something in order to make a profit.


Copywriting - professional activity on writing advertising and presentation texts. These can be considered all texts that directly or indirectly advertise a product, company, service or person. Today, copywriting is more often understood as writing unique articles(from the point of view search engines). You can write to someone directly, having a wealth of experience, you can use the exchange ( to search for orders. In this matter, you probably need a burning desire to write and you need the talent of a writer, knowledge of SEO (search engine optimization of articles). You can earn money in different ways, as an option, in order not to be a writer all your life, you can use this method to earn capital for some of your future projects. This type of income can be classified as freelancing.


A freelancer is a free worker, a private specialist who can simultaneously carry out orders for different clients. The meeting place between the freelancer and the customer can be one of the popular resources located at Freelancing is remote work via the Internet. This can be website promotion services, development of projects, programs, websites, design work, copyright and much more. In order to make money here, you have to know how to do something.

If you want to earn a lot of money, you must be a pro, you must have colossal experience in that case, examples of work, portfolio. People who have already used your services should speak well of you and can recommend you to others...

You can work in copywriting and freelancing without financial investments, the most important thing here is professionalism.

Your website or blog

At the first stage, there are two problems - making a website and promoting it. Learn how to do this, the Internet is full of information, if you want and choose the right information, as well as the right approach, you will succeed. You don’t have to be a pro at something, you can learn, put it into practice and write about it on a blog, while you must show your results. Once you have results in your business, you can train someone or help someone. Promotion is sometimes more difficult than developing a resource; if the site is zero and there is no audience, then you can only earn enough for a sandwich on it.

The following things bring you earnings on the site:

Some information on earnings can be found here:

Affiliate programs

IN affiliate programs you can work and earn money without having anything at all - neither your website, nor starting capital. To make good money in affiliate programs, you need to know certain information on this topic, look for profitable affiliate programs and be among the first to promote any project, product or service. The main advantage of making money from affiliate programs is that those who really make money from them are those who have a huge subscriber base or have their own target audience.

Your project on the Internet

First, you need to become a pro in some field, have a great understanding of your business, establish contacts with people who are moving in this topic, and then you can already think about your project. This could be some kind of service, exchange, etc. and here, as I already said, you will need a team - organizers, programmers, promoters and anyone else.


This is earnings from selling your information products. Very profitable view earnings, but in order to earn a lot of money in it, you again need to be a professional in some field. Creating information products (educational courses, trainings, books, etc.) is not an easy task. Making a product is one thing, but selling it is another.

Online store

Creating an online store, I mean good online store, this is also a serious level and a team is needed here. A process with many levels of organization - managers, purchasing, warehousing, shipping, registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur, etc. If you have interesting ideas In this area, you can try and start small. It will be useful to find training video courses on how to create an online store from scratch.

In the end, I want to sum it up and express the idea that no matter what method of earning money you choose, it turns out like this: HOW NOT TO SPEAK, YOU CAN’T DO WITHOUT A BLOG! A blog is one of the important tools for the good development of your online business. Those who know how to make money on the Internet, but do not have their own blog, have earned several times more by having one. Don't be a ZOMBIE like those who spam on social networks, by email, on Skype and offers various super projects. Keep your blog, promote it, and people will come to you.

Well, here's the list: make money on the Internet and where hard times will take someone depends only on the person himself. It is impossible to describe everything in detail within the framework of one article; my goal was to show the main directions and suggest in which direction to dig further. I wish you good luck in your endeavors. That's it, see you later!

The Internet is increasingly affecting different areas our lives, and work on this list is no exception. The most common among remote professions This is copywriting. Thus, thanks to copywriters, Internet resources are filled and updated.

The Internet is increasingly affecting various areas of our lives, and work is no exception on this list. The most common among remote professions is copywriting. Thanks to copywriters, Internet resources are filled and updated.

Many, having learned about such earnings, immediately register on various resources and content exchanges, expecting instant profits. But is it so easy to just write a related and interesting text on a given topic?

Firstly, this job is not as highly paid as many people think. To start making really good money and getting good money, you need to improve your skills and earn the trust of customers. But it’s unlikely that copywriting can immediately become your main income; it’s better to consider it as an additional job.

Secondly, a copywriter must be literate and be able to clearly express a thought or state the essence. Possession of information is the basis of writing an article. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to refer to various resources on the pages more than once World Wide Web. The uniqueness of the texts you write must be high in order for them to be truly appreciated.

If you have already decided on your desire to get into copywriting, then register on two or three content exchanges. You can either take orders or write articles yourself and sell them in stores that exist at each exchange. If you decide to start selling your material, then the articles put up for sale should exceed the number of twenty pieces. Only then will you understand whether your texts are popular.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated about this, but every job, especially something as creative as copywriting, requires an investment of your time. The Internet provides everyone with opportunities to earn money, and only you can decide how to use this opportunity.

War on cockroaches or truth and lies about making money on the Internet

It would seem that everything is clear to everyone about making money on the Internet. But no! Everyone has cockroaches in their heads. And if we talk about cockroaches in terms of making money on the Internet, they are especially large and fat.

Let me break down what I know myself:

Earning money on websites - briefly
Give people what they want and they will make you money!

FALSE: You need to be a programmer to create an online business.
TRUTH: all the secrets have already been posted on the Internet. Time is money. When in doubt, hire a consultant. At the Institute E-Commerce Individual consultation and support until the result is achieved.

1. Selling other people's goods for bonuses. Affiliates. In other words, MLM business.
Most goods are tangible and can easily be sold offline. The Internet in this case is simply one of the tools. In recent years, products have appeared that you can’t tear away from the Internet. Among them there are those that are implemented under MLM schemes.

LIE: These are scams, they sell low quality goods, because the store won’t take them, you can’t make money like that, etc.
TRUTH: Products as in regular stores, different in quality level. Another thing is that they often disguise themselves as MLM distribution. financial pyramids, where the product is just a cover.

This topic is extensive and requires separate material.

2. Execution of orders
Clicking on links, visiting websites, reading letters, filling out questionnaires and similar crap.

FALSE: You can make money doing this.
TRUTH: this is earning money on the Internet without investments, but the income from it is earned by employers, and not by those who stick out their tongues and rub their fingers on the keyboard.

3. Forex, game on the stock exchange

LIE: This is a path to ruin
TRUTH: before you go there with real money, you need to gain knowledge and practical experience. Even when using PAMM accounts, you need to clearly understand who you trust with money.

I read it and I understand. But how to do it - Who would show and teach?

Like any business and skill, you need to learn from the basics. Just like we learned to drive a car, play the musical instruments, swim or sew a dress.
For every person there are two paths.
1- free, choosing the material yourself. It's long and you can make mistakes
2- paid and fast. You need to choose your mentor.
The fastest way is to do your job next to an experienced mentor.

Thank you Anna, I have known you since 1993 and everything you and Mikhail Mataev taught me helped me in
life! I am amazed at your intelligence! Thank you

Hello again, friends! Today I will share with you, in my opinion, a very important topic that worries many people. Namely, is working on the Internet a scam or is it really possible to make money on this without running around forums and reading a bunch of reviews?

The article will be useful to those who want to earn extra money in free time on the Internet, but does not know how to do it, or is not at all sure that it is possible to make money on the Internet. And also for those who want to transfer their skills and abilities “online” and start. If you belong to one or the other, read on and try in practice everything you learn from this article.

I’ll say it right away so as not to torment you.

It is POSSIBLE to make money on the Internet!

I am living proof of this. I started earning money remotely almost a year ago. Initially, I freelanced in my free time from work. Then I found 2 permanent jobs on the Internet, and I no longer had any desire to go to a regular job (it didn’t bring any pleasure, only money). Now I am 22 years old, and I have a permanent employer who trains me. Working personal assistant, plus every month there are constant orders for various services, which I also provide remotely (for money!)

But why are so many people who don’t want to work where they currently earn money, but want to travel and at the same time so that they always have “cash” on hand, not earn money on the Internet?

Freelancing: expectation and reality

Is working on the Internet a scam or real?

Myths about remote work

Oh yes, as usual there is everything new and unknown floating around large number myths. I don’t want to go into details of where they come from; it’s better to look at a few of them at once:

Myth№ 1 "RemoteJobthisNotTruthAndnonsense/divorceForsuckers"

Yes, many people think so. And often this is due to the fact that, while trying to find a job on the Internet, they came across advertisements for “quick income”, reprints of written text, Forex, etc.

Yes! There is deception on the Internet, just like in real life. In order not to be among the fools, go to proven freelance exchanges, like , register and earn real money. That's where I started. Nice place to start.

The employer on this exchange knows very well what is on it most The performers are not professionals, but they don’t charge much for their work. So if you have no experience in remote work, but have a mad desire, register there and start earning money. But more on that a little later.

Myth№ 2. "Unstableincome.RemotelymanyNotyou'll earn money"

Nonsense! Of course, if you don’t know how to do anything, you work exclusively under pressure, then you will be very welcome in the army;)

But if you know how to create a website, you good designer, or a video editor who does his work efficiently and on time, then you will have a queue of customers who want to work with you and are ready to pay well!

Whoever works, eats the same way. You can easily work at a computer for 4 hours a day and earn 100 thousand rubles. per month, provided that you are a cool specialist in your field. Understand, no one is paid money just like that... not on the Internet, anywhere!

Myth№ 3. "ThisNotpromising"

Every year, more and more employers begin to use the services of freelancers and hire remote workers. For what? Yes, it's just convenient.

A businessman has a one-time task, wants to test something, or just needs to get some information, and it’s a pity to waste time on it - why not use the service of a freelancer? If you did well, you can apply again. If he always does well and needs someone to permanent job- they hire him to a remote state and pay him a salary (some may even give him an official job).

There is another way and other prospects

I got a job as a personal assistant to the managing partner of a training company because I was interested in looking at the management process from the inside, learning the basics and using the acquired skills for personal purposes (all this was discussed at the initial interview with the employer).

Important: behonestWithemployer!Speakto himOtheirplansonwork,ThenHewillunderstand,whichatyouambitionsAndcantheirsendVnecessarybed,toAllremainedVwinning.

For two months I was busy searching for information on the Internet and structuring it (saving time for the manager), then, since I did a good job with this, I was assigned to do SMM marketing. I didn’t know anything about this... I had to learn as I went. Having mastered this, I was given responsibilities for the project (creating sales pages for the training and promotion).

Naturally, my earnings grew in proportion to the responsibilities assigned to me.

This is an example from personal experience. I can’t say 100% that this is true everywhere, but I hope that I was able to rid you of the doubts that arose because of these myths.

Freelancing VS permanent job

So who do you want to be: a freelancer or an employee who works remotely?

Here, as everywhere else, there are pros and cons.


  • You set your own working hours.
  • If you don’t like the customer, you can refuse to work with him.
  • Opportunity to work in different areas.


  • Unstable influx of work and income. Although I already wrote about this earlier. If the only thing cooler than you in the market is eggs, then customers will line up to work with you.
  • The customer can "throw". To prevent this from happening, work on trusted exchanges like Workzilla or safe transaction— if you agree with the customer on cooperation, then the funds to pay for your work are debited from his account in advance and frozen until the final acceptance of the project.

Or by prepayment, if the cost of your work is from 2000 rubles. If the work costs less, then asking for advance payment is stupid, in my opinion.

Alternatively, if you are working with a customer for the first time, and you are not sure of each other, you can work in stages. For example, if you are a designer and take an order to draw a landing page, you can agree with the customer on payment for each screen.


  • Career growth;
  • Teamwork;
  • Opportunity to work officially (for some this is important).


  • Your work schedule is established by the hiring regulations. It can be specific in time, for example from 9:00 to 18:00, or work with a deadline (there is a task, there is a deadline... how much time you spend on it is in fact no one’s business).

Professions on the Internet

What professions are now in demand on the Internet?

  1. . Drawing of sales pages, banners, avatars, previews for videos, etc.
  2. layout designerAndprogrammer. If you know how to design websites, write codes and algorithms, then you don’t have to do it in an office for 20 thousand rubles. Freelance exchanges require such specialists every day.
  3. . There are 2 options: get paid for 1000 characters, or write “selling” texts for landing pages, commercials, etc. Such copywriters earn from 5 to 20 thousand rubles for one text.
  4. Privateassistant. Cool job if you yourself want to create a business in the same field as your employer. You take on some of your boss’s tasks, thereby learning + getting paid for it. For me this is a very cool prospect =)
  5. Internet marketer. This is the profession I trained for, oh. In short, you attract clients for your employers by marketing online, thereby earning yourself money and respect.

This is only part of the professions. For those who are interested in learning about this in more detail, you can download the book “7 professions for make quick money on the Internet" absolutely free and in less than half an hour find out about everyone promising professions on the Internet with detailed description what needs to be done and how much money you will receive for this work.

How to start earning money remotely right now?

Surely you, dear reader, are already eager to try your hand at remote work. Now I will tell you how to make money on the Internet today.

The first thing I advise you to start with is to register on several services. Let's start with

I started from this site and will recommend it to everyone. There is a downside that registration is paid and a “work subscription” type has recently been introduced. To see available tasks and be able to take them, you need to pay a symbolic amount of money, which you will earn after the first order. You can read more about working on this site.

For those who are interested in a way to earn money without investments, pay attention to the Seosprint service. Perfect for schoolchildren or students who do not have special skills. Here people make money by writing reviews on forums or websites, by clicking on necessary banners and advertising).

I advise you to enter “YouTube” in the search and the service will give you tasks where for viewing short videos they pay relatively a lot.

If you are a pro at something, then try to post your services on a service called "Quark". You don’t have to pay anything for registration and you can earn from 500 rubles on this service. One disadvantage is that the customer needs to look for you himself.

Another way I want to mention is paid surveys. This is when companies arrange a survey for people for marketing purposes and are willing to pay for it. This type of earnings does not require any financial investments from you and, in fact, you can do this anywhere in your free time.

I haven’t tried this type of income, so detailed information I can't give it. But there is a lot of information on the Internet, if you are interested, you can Google it.

In fact, there are more and more exchanges and services for remote earnings every month. Try to start with the ones I described in this article and the scams now.

I hope that the article was useful and interesting for you. If so, then share it with your friends and subscribe to the blog to keep abreast of events and new publications.

Try to put into practice the tips that you have learned and it will be interesting if you post in the comments the results you get.

Thank you! See you again =)

TextDenis Shabalin(c)especially for