Trade portal "Fabrikant" is one of the largest electronic trading th sites of Russia.

It occupies a leading position in the market. The portal brings together 500,000 companies from various sectors of the economy. The total trading volume in the system exceeded 4 trillion rubles. Thanks to Fabrikant, the companies saved more than 466 billion rubles on purchases.

The largest Russian and foreign companies make electronic purchases at Fabrikant. Tens of thousands of suppliers of goods and services use the portal to find their customers and expand their sales markets.

Among Fabrikant's clients are such industry flagships as the State Corporation Rosatom, OA Russian Railways, RUSAL, OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, OJSC OSK, OJSC Seventh Continent and many others.

The ETS-Fabricant consortium unites several electronic trading platforms: Fabricant, Oborontorg, Spetsstroytorg, Gazneftetorg,.

Trade portal "Fabrikant"

Fabricant's Projects

The manufacturer develops a number of subsidiaries... All projects of the company are focused on increasing the competitiveness of the business and make the process of finding business partners convenient, fast and efficient.

National electronic platform

National electronic platform

Site site -

Year of creation - 2010

The National Electronic Platform (formerly the MICEX ETP) is one of the five federal electronic platforms authorized to conduct public procurement auctions. The site operator is ETS JSC.

At the site, purchases are carried out under 44-FZ, under 223-FZ, purchases for the purpose of overhaul apartment buildings and auctions for the privatization of state property.


Trading System "Oborontorg"

Site site -

Year of creation - 2009

Specialized platform for trading enterprises defense complex... Subholdings of Oboronservice OJSC place their orders in the Oborontorg system, including Aviaremont OJSC, Voentorg OJSC, Krasnaya Zvezda OJSC, Oboronenergo OJSC, Oboronstroy OJSC, etc.

Trading system ""

Site site -

Year of creation - 2012

A specialized trading platform for oil and gas industry enterprises. The largest companies in the industry conduct their purchases in the system: OJSC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredelenie and 154 gas distribution organizations, OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoset, OJSC Gazprom neftekhim Salavat, OJSC Gazprom Gazenergoholding, LLC PPTK, etc. ...


Trading system "Spetsstroytorg"

Site site -

Year of creation - 2012

Specialized trading platform construction industry... Is an official platform for purchases of enterprises of the Federal Agency for Special Construction of the Russian Federation: 16 Main Directorates, all their subordinate branches and industrial enterprises.

Fabricant Ukraine

Trade system "Fabrikant Ukraine"

Site site -

Year of creation - 2012

Advanced technologies, proven by many years of experience in Russia, were applied in the development of the regional site "Fabrikant Ukraine". The market for electronic trading and effective competitive procurement in Ukraine is now at the stage of active growth and development. The Fabrikant Ukraine system unites enterprises of various sectors of the economy in a single information space.

The electronic platform Fabrikant was founded in 2005 to conduct electronic trading. Its purpose was to reduce the proportion of corruption among tenderers and reduce procurement costs. An indisputable plus was the fact that customers were able to expand the range of suppliers and choose really the most advantageous offers, and suppliers were able to enter the market with their offers even to other regions.

On this moment ETP Fabrikant is already a group of sites, each of which specializes in a certain area of ​​procurement. Let's consider them in more detail.

Groups of sites Fabrikant

In 2009 was formed Trading system "Oborontorg"... She specializes in holding tenders for defense industry enterprises. Here, purchases of major defense holdings such as OJSC Oboronservice and its partners take place. This is the first daughter trading floor formed by ETP Fabrikant.

Further, in 2010, 2 more Trading systems were created: JSC "" andNEP (ETS JSC)... The first one specializes in trading in the oil and gas industry. It is used for purchases by the Gazprom group of companies.

(On January 19, 2017, there was a change in the commercial designation of the MICEX electronic platform - now the name is used National electronic platform. )

In 2012 were created Trading systems "Spetsstroytorg" and "Fabrikant Ukraine".

"Spetsstroytorg" is the official platform for the procurement of enterprises of the Federal Agency for Special Construction of the Russian Federation and tenders on this topic are held there.

"Fabrikant Ukraine" was created specifically for procurement on the territory of Ukraine. On this portal, enterprises of various industries participate in procurement.

For a long time, the Fabrikant trading platform has been one of the main ETPs, where purchases are carried out in a variety of industries. According to the portal, about 25,000 people visit the site every day, and 210,000 suppliers are actively working.

Ensuring participation on the ETP Fabrikant

To participate in the auction on the ETP Fabrikant, it is necessary to make a provision for participation in the auction. RusTender is a partner of the platform and offers a tender loan for favorable terms.

Accreditation for Fabricant

To obtain accreditation for the ETP Fabrikant, you must first obtain a CEP (qualified electronic signature), establish a specialized software CryptoPRO and send the required package of documents to the site. Consideration will take some time and if you receive a refusal, you will have to go through the procedure of filling out and sending the documents again.

Because the check takes a rather significant amount of time, it will probably be easier to contact the specialists right away. Employees of the company RusTender will help with the registration of an EDS and will prepare a package of documents for accreditation at the Fabrikant site, after which you will successfully register and will be able to participate in the purchase you are interested in.

Official website Fabricant

The official website of the Fabrikant group of platforms is

Here you can find transitions to the portals of all subsidiary sites, as well as all the necessary information to participate in the auction and select the auction you are interested in. All the necessary and detailed information about the rules of participation and instructions on the actions that you need to perform on the portal.

OOO IWC"RusTender"

The material is the property of the site. Any use of the article without specifying the source - the site is prohibited in accordance with article 1259 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

There are many systems focused on carrying out certain procurement procedures. One of these is the trading platform. Here, customer organizations buy and supply organizations sell goods, works, or services.

A brief history of the ETP

The electronic trading platform was created in 2005. This is a group of companies, each of which has its own direction of activity in the field of procurement. This group includes the following trading systems:

  1. Oborontorg. It was established in 2009 and has a line of business in the field of procurement of defense enterprises.
  2. Founded in 2010 for the purpose of holding tenders by companies in the oil and gas industry.
  3. "National Electronic Platform" (NEP). Created in 2010 and, unlike the rest trading systems belonging to the group of companies is an accredited ETP for holding tenders at Fabrikant in accordance with the law on contract system 44-FZ.
  4. "Spetsstroytorg". It was founded in 2012 and is the official system for holding tenders for enterprises of the Federal Agency for Special Construction of the Russian Federation.


The official website of the Fabrikant trading platform offers customers the opportunity to organize the procurement process by industry. It is focused primarily on corporate bidding and procurement in accordance with 223-FZ. For example, purchases of the shipbuilding industry, purchases of Rosatom and enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group are carried out here. Additionally, bankruptcy and property auctions are held on the NEP-Fabricant trading floor. Such a division makes it possible to conveniently and quickly find a particular procurement procedure or customer, depending on the industry in which the activity is carried out. Participants are provided Additional services: attraction of suppliers, individual settings for work, provision of statistical data.

Customers are offered a wide range of ways to conduct trades on the Fabrikant site, depending on the volume, timing and other conditions. When carrying out corporate tenders, methods such as competitive selection, tenders, reductions, qualifying selection and others are used.

According to statistics, more than 520,000 participants take part in the auctions on the ETP Fabrikant. During the entire existence of the system, 1,286,000 transactions were concluded with a total budget of over 4 trillion rubles. During this time, customers have managed to save more than 14.5% of the initial maximum price.

Electronic public tenders for bankruptcy are carried out with the aim of quickly disposing of the debtor's property. Anyone can take part in such an auction at the Fabrikant site and compete for the lot they like. Due to the fact that the organizers of the auction are trying to sell the property as quickly as possible, it is sold at a price significantly lower than the market price. Thus, at such auctions, you can inexpensively buy an apartment, land plot, car, special equipment, equipment, securities, office buildings, factories and any other property that has any material value.

How is the auction on the Fabrikant ETP?
Participation in trading on electronic platforms can be accepted as an organization ( entity) and an ordinary citizen ( individual).

The organizers do not put forward any restrictions, so such events are a great opportunity to make a purchase on favorable terms. The participant who made the highest money bet wins the auction. Bankruptcy auctions start from the amount assigned by the organizers, and the increase goes with a predetermined step.
To participate in the auction, you must:
Find a suitable lot by first checking all the information about it (so that it does not have a complex encumbrance, it is not arrested by third parties, etc.);
Purchase and configure an electronic signature, if it is not there;
Pass accreditation on the ETP (for this you need to timely submit the requested and properly executed documents for consideration);
Apply for participation and make an advance payment (in case of a loss, the prepayment is refunded).
What property can be bought from bankruptcy auctions?

Any property of the debtor for which money can be raised is put up at auctions;
Real estate;
Motor transport;
Accounts receivable;
Professional equipment;
Special equipment and much more.

Real estate from bankruptcy bidding can be purchased for enough favorable price... Such auctions are a chance for people who want to acquire their own housing, but do not have enough money on hand. With the right approach at the auction, you can buy, for example, an apartment much cheaper than its market value.

Torgietp Bankruptcy Bidding Broker
For people who do not have experience of participating in such auctions or do not want to spend their time, nerves, efforts and money to buy an EDS, get accredited, understand all the nuances of the process and study the legislation, it is better to participate in the auction through a representative. Brokers are such representatives. They provide all the assistance you need to bid for bankruptcy.

Fabrikant employs:

  • Customers 223-FZ,
  • Commercial organizations,
  • Enterprises of the State Corporation "Rosatom",
  • Enterprises of the Norilsk Nickel group,
  • Enterprises of the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

Also on the site are auctions for the sale of debtors' property or bankruptcy.

Registration on ETP Fabrikant

The procedure is the same for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals:

  1. Go to the registration form.
  2. Enter your personal information.
  3. Fill in the information about the organization: manually or automatically by TIN.

Login and password will be valid to enter Personal Area on three trading platforms:

Electronic signature

Get a signature if you plan to:

  • Work in the section “Procurements by Rosatom”,
  • Work in the section "Bidding for bankruptcy",
  • Participate in procurement procedures with the requirement to secure bids.

Regular qualified signature will not work - you need a signature with OID"". You can buy it in one of the. To participate in the procurement of Rosatom, the EP must be of an improved format.

Download the software for the correct operation of the electronic signature and upload the certificate to your personal account. Instructions and links to software are in.


To participate in the procurement of Rosatom and buy the property of bankrupts, you need to obtain accreditation. To do this, in the accreditation tab of your personal account:

Accreditation will take 1-2 business days, accelerated accreditation is possible. The accreditation will be valid for 24 months to participate in Rosatom's procurement, indefinitely - to participate in bankruptcy bidding.

Setting up a personal account

  • In the "Additional users" section, add as many specialists of your company as you like and configure access rights for each,
  • In "Documents and Licenses", "Forms for Participation" create and store copies and templates of documents for participation (standard applications, declarations, etc.),
  • In the "Calendar" plan to participate in purchases,
  • V " Personal settings»Set parameters to automatically receive newsletters about interesting tenders,
  • In the section "Belonging to SMEs", confirm your status as a small or medium-sized business in order to receive preferences in procurement under 223-FZ.

Participation in the procurement


At Fabrikant, you can participate for free in the purchases of some customers. They can be found under the status "Participation is free".

To work in the auction of any organizers, you need to connect to one of the tariffs, for example:

  • If you have not worked on the site before, get access for 21 days at the "Start Unlimited" tariff for 11,900 rubles. and participate in an unlimited number of purchases for any amount,
  • If you plan to participate in purchases from the NMC up to 500,000 rubles, the tariff “ Small purchase"- 14 900 rubles. in year.

Purchasing information and questions to the customer

To learn about the requirements and apply, click the "Participate" button.

In a purchase notice, you can:

  • Look general terms and Conditions and requirements for all lots,
  • View detailed requirements for lots, where the customer specifies the terms of purchase,
  • Track changes in conditions and requirements for all purchase lots. If you sign up for a purchase, you will find out about the changes in it using automatic mailing,
  • Ask a question to the organizer of the purchase and get an answer to it,
  • See anonymous questions to the customer from other suppliers and the answers to them.


The supplier may include an offer for any number of lots in the application:

  • Indicate your price for each lot and for each position in it, if there is such a division,
  • Make proposals on the mandatory purchase parameters that the customer specified. For example, experience with him, term delivery of goods,
  • Please attach required and additional documents.

By submitting an application, you can:

  • See her,
  • Edit. For example, change the price, add or remove your offers for lots,
  • Withdraw the application, stating the reason.

The site will remind you of what needs to be done mandatory requirements customer. For example, deposit and block money to secure the application.

You can follow the course of trading in the "Orders" and "Protocols" tabs.

We wrote about registration on other commercial sites in.