Transport equipment includes:

    vehicles or rolling stock (TS);

    technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;

    service systems transport users (clients);

    mechanization means processes in transport infrastructure.

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance in a given period of time. Vehicles are classified according to various criteria. The classification scheme is shown in Fig. 5.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of vehicle types, their interaction with the transport space and types of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated names of vehicles with indication of types,

Figure 5. - Classification of vehicles.

naming names of historical figures and technology developers. So, for example:

    railway vehicles are called trains;

    automobile vehicles - cars, buses with the names of manufacturing plants (VAZ, KamAZ, Ikarus, etc.);

    water and air vehicles - vessels (ships) with the assignment of names of historical figures and technology developers with classification according to the type of working fluid of the engine or propulsion (for example, the motor ship "Vissarion Belinsky", the Ilyushin IL - 86 aircraft, the Kamov KA - 26 helicopter, etc.) d.).

During scientific and technical developments and interaction between transport specialists, detailed qualification characteristics of the vehicle are sometimes required. In this regard, for example:

    IL-76 aircraft: air main cargo vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;

    ship "Rocket" - local river passenger vehicle with autonomous chemical power source and winged suspension;

    train "Red Arrow" - mainline railway passenger vehicle with a mixed energy source (autonomous chemical and centralized electrical) and wheeled suspension;

    VAZ car with trailer – mixed (mainline and local) cargo-passenger vehicle with a chemical energy source and wheel suspension.

2.2. Vehicle composition

A separate vehicle includes:

    autonomous vehicle movement control systems;

    transport media;

    systems for ensuring the functioning of the vehicle;

    energy transport installations.

Autonomous systems Vehicle traffic controls are designed to control the movement of a vehicle according to a given program and include:

    systems for monitoring the parameters of a moving vehicle in space,

    diagnostics of the condition of vehicle structural elements,



    communications with external traffic management authorities.

Transport media They are a supporting structure designed to accommodate all vehicle systems, and consist of a set of load-bearing profile elements (frames, stringers, spars, racks, etc.), on which a shell made of steel sheet or non-ferrous material is installed.

Transport support systems Vehicles are designed to ensure the functional purpose of the vehicle and include:

    equipment for accommodating passengers and cargo,

    household equipment,

    technological equipment (lifting and transport mechanisms),

    mooring devices,

    reception of passengers and cargo, etc.

Energy transport installations are designed to ensure the movement of the vehicle, as well as to supply it with heat, electricity and working fluids and includes:



    devices for supplying vehicles with heat, electricity and working fluids.

The interaction of all these systems ensures that the vehicle fulfills its functional purpose, which is quantitatively reflected by its technical characteristics.

Transport equipment includes:

  • - vehicles or rolling stock;
  • - technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;
  • - service systems for transport users (customers);
  • - means of mechanization of processes in transport infrastructure.

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance in a given period of time. Vehicles are classified according to various criteria. The classification scheme is shown in Fig. 5.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of vehicle types, their interaction with the transport space and types of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated names of vehicles with an indication of types, assignment of names of historical figures and technology developers. So, for example:

  • -railway vehicles are called trains;
  • - automobile vehicles - cars, buses with the names of manufacturing plants (VAZ, KamAZ, Ikarus, etc.);
  • -water and air vehicles - by vessels (ships) with the assignment of names of historical figures and technology developers with classification according to the type of working fluid of the engine or propulsion device (for example, the motor ship "Vissarion Belinsky", the Ilyushin IL - 86 aircraft, the Kamov KA - 26 helicopter, etc. .d.).

During scientific and technical developments and interaction between transport specialists, detailed qualification characteristics of the vehicle are sometimes required. In this regard, for example:

  • - Il-76 aircraft: a long-haul air cargo vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - the ship “Raketa” is a local river passenger vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - the “Red Arrow” train is a mainline railway passenger vehicle with a mixed energy source (autonomous chemical and centralized electric) and wheeled suspension;

Qualification characteristics of a bachelor of specialty 5B071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technology”

A bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems associated with the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.

2. Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: machine-building factories producing transport vehicles and equipment; enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment; design, engineering and technological organizations; machine repair enterprises; branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants; marketing and freight forwarding services; logistics systems, transport management services.

3. Subjects of professional activity Subjects of professional activity are:

Transport machinery and equipment; power equipment; running equipment; work equipment; transport equipment drive systems; traffic control systems; life support systems;

Equipment for the manufacture, testing and disposal of transport equipment;

Equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment;

Control and measuring instruments for the manufacture and operation of transport equipment;

Equipment for automating the working processes of transport equipment.

4. Types of professional activities

A bachelor in specialty 5B071300 – “Transport, transport equipment and technology” can perform the following types of professional activities:

Organizational and technological activities:

Development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment;

Compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) with different types of planning and determining optimal solutions;

Accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the release of quality products.

Production and management activities:

Optimization of manufacturing technologies for transport vehicles and equipment;

Quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products;

Selection and effective use of materials, equipment and other means for the implementation of production processes;

Carrying out activities for standardization and certification of transport vehicles and equipment, technologies for their manufacture and repair;

Organization and management of services and enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment.

Project activities:

Determining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems;

Development and analysis of options for solving problems of predicting consequences, planning and implementation of projects;

Development of designs for machines and equipment taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters;

5. Functions of professional activity

A bachelor in his professional activity performs the following functions:

Carrying out work on the preparation of technical documentation and established reporting according to approved forms;

Conducting training and instruction on safety, labor protection and environmental protection;

Monitoring compliance with requirements for the preparation of documentation for quality management of transport equipment.

6. Typical tasks of professional activity

A bachelor must be prepared to solve the following types of problems:

Technical and detailed design of components and parts of transport equipment;

Conducting reliability tests of transport equipment and its elements using standard methods;

Development of standard technological processes for manufacturing blanks, parts, and assembling components of transport equipment;

Production management at the level of production sites of transport enterprises;

Technological support of existing production;

Technical design of means of automatic control of transport vehicles and equipment based on standard solutions;

Testing of automation equipment using standard methods;

Development of vibration isolation systems for transport equipment and noise protection;

Analysis of reliability and durability of transport equipment.

improving the design of transport vehicles and equipment;

Integrated mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;

Establishing and ensuring optimal operating modes of transport vehicles and equipment.

participation in:

Organization and management of services of industrial transport enterprises;

Development of structures of production and technological, service and operational, installation and commissioning and design departments;

Creation and improvement of transport technology and equipment.

9. Requirements for the key competencies of a bachelor in specialty 5B071300 – "Transport, transport equipment and technology" bachelor's degree must

have an idea about:

The main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of transport technology in connection with related fields of technology;

Main trends in changes in operating conditions of transport equipment;

Economic fundamentals of production;

Methods for studying the state and demand for transport market services;


Methods of technical and economic analysis and making engineering and management decisions;

Legal and legislative foundations of financial relations;

Fundamentals of management and marketing; know:

Basics of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment;

Program-targeted methods and methods of using them in the analysis and improvement of production;

Design of transport equipment;

Fundamentals of legislation and regulatory framework of the industry;

Fundamentals of a market economy;

Methods of engineering calculations and making engineering and management decisions;

Basics of certification and licensing of enterprises and service personnel;

Materials used in the construction of transport equipment and their properties;

Properties and features of the use of alternative fuels;

Design features of transport equipment using alternative fuels;

The state and directions of using scientific achievements in professional activities;

Methods of work and communication with personnel, selection and placement of personnel;

be able to:

Identify program-targeted methods for analyzing technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues;

Use advanced industry, cross-industry and foreign experience;

Determine the features of the conditions of design, manufacturing, operation and operating modes of transport equipment;

Apply data from the analysis of wear mechanisms, corrosion, and loss of structural strength;

Use legislative acts and technical standards in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues;

Rely on the socio-psychological foundations of team management;

have the skills:

Work on a computer;

Use of research methods and instruments;

Application of basic regulatory documents for the operation of transport vehicles and equipment;

Use of metrological rules and regulations;

Knowledge of technical control methods in operating production conditions;

Rational methods of searching and using scientific and technical information;

In organizing safe working conditions and eliminating accidents; be competent:

In the field of interaction between transport and other related industries;

In the design, selection of rational modes of operation and repair of transport vehicles and equipment;

In the field of labor legislation.

A graduate of specialty 050713 – Transport, transport equipment and technology is awarded an academic degree - Bachelor of Transport.
Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with the “Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated November 22, 2002 No. 273-P.

Qualification characteristics of bachelor of specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology

Field of professional activity
A bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems associated with the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: machine-building factories producing transport vehicles and equipment; enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment; design, engineering and technological organizations; machine repair enterprises; branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants; marketing and freight forwarding services; logistics systems, transport management services.
Subjects of professional activity
The subjects of professional activity are:
- transport machinery and equipment; power equipment;
running equipment; work equipment; transport equipment drive systems; traffic control systems; life support systems;
- equipment for the manufacture, testing and disposal of transport equipment;
- equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment;
- control and measuring instruments for the manufacture and operation of transport equipment;
- equipment for automating the working processes of transport equipment.
Types of professional activities
A bachelor in specialty 050713 – Transport, transport equipment and technology can perform the following types of professional activities:
Organizational and technological activities:
- development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment;
- organizing the work of a team of performers, taking into account different opinions and making management decisions;
- compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) for different types of planning and determining optimal solutions;
- accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the release of quality products.
Production and management activities:
- optimization of manufacturing technologies for transport vehicles and equipment;
- quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products;
- selection and effective use of materials, equipment and other means for the implementation of production processes;
- metrological verification of means for measuring product quality indicators;
- carrying out measures for standardization and certification of transport vehicles and equipment, technology for their manufacture and repair;
- organization and management of services and enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment.
Project activities:
- defining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems;
- development and analysis of options for solving problems of predicting consequences, planning and implementation of projects;
- development of designs for machines and equipment, taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters;
- use of information technology in the selection of materials, transport equipment and equipment.
Functions of professional activity
A bachelor in his professional activity performs the following functions:
- carrying out work on the preparation of technical documentation and established reporting according to approved forms;
- conducting training and instruction on safety, labor protection and environmental protection;
- monitoring compliance with the requirements for the preparation of documentation on quality management of transport equipment.
Typical tasks of professional activity
A bachelor must be prepared to solve the following types of problems:
- technical and detailed design of units and parts of transport equipment;
- testing transport equipment and its elements for reliability using standard methods;
- development of standard technological processes for the manufacture of blanks, parts, assembly of transport equipment components;
- production management at the level of production sites of transport enterprises;
- technological support of existing production;
- technical design of means of automatic control of transport vehicles and equipment based on standard solutions;
- testing of automation equipment using standard methods;
- development of vibration isolation systems for transport equipment and noise protection;
- analysis of the reliability and durability of transport equipment.
Areas of professional activity:
- improving the design of transport vehicles and equipment;
- comprehensive mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;
- establishing and ensuring optimal operating modes of transport vehicles and equipment.
Contents of professional activity
Participation in:
- organization and management of services of industrial transport enterprises;
- development of structures of production and technological, service and operational, installation and commissioning and design departments;
- creation and improvement of transport technology and equipment.
Requirements for key competencies of a bachelor's degree in specialty
050713 – Transport, transport equipment and technology, the bachelor must have an understanding of:
- main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of transport technology in connection with related fields of technology;
- main trends in changes in operating conditions of transport equipment;
- economic fundamentals of production;
- methods of studying the state and demand for transport market services;
- taxation;
- methods of technical and economic analysis and making engineering and management decisions;
- legal and legislative foundations of financial relations;
- basics of management and marketing;
- organizational structure of mechanical engineering and repair industries;
- basics of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment;
- program-targeted methods and methods of using them in analyzing and improving production;
- design of transport equipment;
- basic legislation and regulatory framework of the industry;
- fundamentals of a market economy;
- methods of engineering calculations and making engineering and management decisions;
- basics of certification and licensing of enterprises and service personnel;
- materials used in the construction of transport equipment and their properties;
- properties and features of the use of alternative fuels;
- design features of transport equipment using alternative fuels;
- the state and directions of using scientific achievements in professional activities;
- methods of work and communication with personnel, selection and placement of personnel;
be able to:
- highlight program-targeted methods for analyzing technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues;
- use advanced industry, inter-industry and foreign experience;
- determine the features of the conditions of design, manufacturing, operation and operating modes of transport equipment;
- apply data from the analysis of wear mechanisms, corrosion, loss of structural strength;
- use legislative acts and technical standards in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues;
- rely on the socio-psychological foundations of team management;
have the skills:
- work on a computer;
- use of research methods and instruments;
- application of basic regulatory documents for the operation of transport vehicles and equipment;
- use of metrological rules and regulations;
- knowledge of technical control methods in operating production conditions;
- rational methods of searching and using scientific and technical information;
- in organizing safe working conditions and eliminating accidents;
be competent:
- in the field of interaction between transport and other related industries;
- in the design, selection of rational modes of operation and repair of transport vehicles and equipment;
- in the field of labor legislation.

General education disciplines
Required component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Component of choice

Basic disciplines
Required component
Math 1
Math 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Theoretical mechanics
Theory of machines and mechanisms
Materials Science. Structural materials technology
Electrical engineering and electronics fundamentals
Economics of Transport
Strength of materials
Machine parts and design basics
Metrology, standardization and quality management
Component of choice

Profile disciplines
Compulsory disciplines
Organization of production and enterprise management
Reliability of transport equipment
Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment
Fundamentals of technology for the production and repair of transport equipment
Power plants for transport equipment
Fundamentals of automatic control theory
Dynamics of transport technology
Mechanics of liquid and gas, hydraulic and pneumatic drive
Component of choice

Additional types of training
Physical culture
Educational practice
Industrial practice

PGK Intermediate State Control
IGA Final state certification
1) State exams in the specialty
2) writing and defending a thesis

List of universities recruiting students in specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology

State universities
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev


When talking about the level of civilization of a society, the development of a country or region, one of the most important signs that determines this level can be considered the level of transport development. Indeed, if we recall history, the transition from one formation of society to another was accompanied by changes in both transport technology and the transport system itself. In primitive communal society, movement was carried out with the help of animals or on simple floating craft. The need for transport was caused by the need for communication, exchange, and trade. In creating and improving the transport system, all the best and most progressive achievements in science, industry and construction are being implemented.

The stabilization and development of the economy of any country, and especially a country with such a colossal territory as Russia, begins, as a rule, with the development of its own transport system. The main goal is to achieve the level of development of advanced countries and integration into the global transport system. It should be emphasized that such development is aimed at maximizing the interests of the individual, i.e. providing all production structures and the country's population with transport services in the required volume and quality.

The urgent need to develop the Russian transport system is currently due to a number of reasons:

ongoing economic reforms related to the redistribution of forms of ownership;

irrational distribution of traffic volumes between individual modes of transport,

their weak interaction and a number of other factors.

The task is to take the path of development and integration of all types of transport and transport structures into the country’s unified transport system. This step becomes particularly relevant in the implementation of public administration during the transition to a multi-structured economy and various forms of ownership in transport.

The main goal on this path is to meet Russia’s needs for transport services under the most effective conditions for maximum transportation comfort, safety and environmental protection.

Modern civilization cannot be imagined without a developed transport system that ensures large-scale exchange of raw materials, materials, and goods, which are the technological basis of the economy. Transport operations constitute a necessary condition for the flow of production processes, and transport is rightly called the circulatory system of the economy. Moreover, the share of transport use is far from the same both in passenger and freight turnover and in different regions of the country. This happened due to numerous historical, geographical, economic, social and other reasons.

Modern global transport is guided by two principles: to ensure a full cycle of movement according to the “door to door” and “just in time” scheme. That is, goods must be transported from the door of the warehouse of the manufacturer or cargo owner to the door of the warehouse of the consumer or consignee. In this case, neither the cargo owner nor the consignee may participate in organizing the transportation process. They only pay all expenses. The same goes for passengers. They must be transported from the place of departure to the place of arrival, for example, from the doors of their apartment or office to the “doors” at their destination. And the whole process must be completed within the prescribed time frame. Of course, such a transport process is an ideal option, but those types of transport, transport companies and firms that strive for this will be competitive in the modern transport market. Naturally, the implementation of the mentioned principles in transport activities requires modern technology and transport infrastructure and, what is very important, modern forms of organizing transportation and transport management.

In the 20th century and especially in its second half, gigantic transformations took place in all parts of the world and areas of human activity.

Population growth, increased consumption of material resources, urbanization, scientific and technological revolution, as well as natural geographical, economic, political, social and other fundamental factors have led to the fact that world transport has received unprecedented development both in scale (quantitative) and in qualitative relations. Along with the increase in the length of the communication network, traditional modes of transport have undergone a radical reconstruction: the rolling stock fleet has increased significantly, its carrying capacity has increased many times, and the speed of movement has increased. At the same time, transport problems came to the fore. These problems mainly relate to cities and are caused by the excessive development of the automobile industry. The hypertrophied car park of large cities in Europe, Asia and America causes constant traffic jams on the streets and deprives itself of the advantages of fast and maneuverable transport. It also seriously worsens the environmental situation.

Transport, as a particularly dynamic system, has always been one of the first consumers of the achievements and discoveries of a wide variety of sciences, including fundamental ones. Moreover, in many cases he acted as a direct customer for big science and stimulated its own development.

It is difficult to name an area of ​​research that is not related to transport.

Of particular importance for his progress were fundamental research in the field of sciences such as mathematics, physics, mechanics, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, optics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, hydrology, biology and others. To no less an extent, transport needed and needs the results of applied research conducted in the field of metallurgy, mechanical engineering, electromechanics, structural mechanics, telemechanics, automation, and, more recently, electronics and astronautics. In turn, some discoveries and achievements obtained within the framework of transport sciences themselves enrich other sciences and are widely used in many non-transport spheres of the national economy.

Further progress in transport requires the use of the latest, constantly updated results of science and advanced engineering and technology.

The need to cope with increasing freight and passenger flows, the growing complexity of conditions for the construction of transport lines in uninhabited areas and large cities with difficult topography. The desire to increase the speed of communications and the frequency of departure of transport units, the need to improve comfort and reduce the cost of transportation - all this requires the improvement of not only existing vehicles, but also the search for new ones that could more fully meet the requirements than traditional modes of transport. To date, several new types of vehicles have been developed and implemented in the form of permanent or pilot installations, and much more exist in the form of projects, patents or simply ideas.

It should be borne in mind that most of the so-called new modes of transport were proposed in principle many years ago, but they were not used and are now being re-proposed or revived on a modern technical basis.

1. The concept of transport

1.1 Transport and its components

Transport is a branch of material production that carries out a complex of transport and technological processes when moving passengers and goods.

Transport is one of the branches of economic infrastructure, which, in addition to all types of main transport, includes energy, communications, utilities (water supply, sewerage, solid waste disposal), as well as engineering structures such as dams, networks of irrigation and drainage canals. The concept of infrastructure thus serves as a general concept for many types of activities. The term “infrastructure” (from the Latin infra - below, under structura - structure, location) is used to designate a complex of components of the general structure of economic life, which are subordinate in nature and ensure the normal operation of the economic system as a whole.

The work of many sectors of the national economy is directly related to transport: mechanical engineering (car -, locomotive -, carriage -, ship - and aircraft construction), fuel and energy, metallurgy, etc. Transport annually consumes approximately 18% of diesel fuel, 6% of electricity, 10% of timber, 4% ferrous metals.

Transport can significantly influence economic growth. Expanding trade, improving living standards. It helps increase labor productivity by reducing the time it takes to deliver goods or travel to work. Transport actively influences the environment, and this impact is mainly negative. Thus, the share of transport in the total gross emissions into the atmosphere of all products of industrial activity accounts for 40%. The main share of pollution (more than 80%) comes from road transport. It follows from this that the practical reduction in air pollution from transport is largely determined by the solution of the environmental problem in road transport.

The pace of transport development must correspond to economic growth. According to foreign researchers, the growth of gross domestic product in most countries of the world is accompanied by a proportional increase in the cost of fixed assets of transport. Thus, as the country’s economy develops, the transport industry must change in accordance with the dynamics of demand for transport services. There is also an inverse relationship, i.e. transport has an impact on economic development, being, if not the engine, then at least the “wheels” of economic activity. However, special studies have established that investments in only the transport industry or even in the entire infrastructure do not guarantee economic growth. Success depends, first of all, on the economic policy of the state as a whole.

The transport industry includes:

transport infrastructure, which is understood as a complex of permanent (fixed) buildings, structures, devices, devices, etc., intended for transport activities;

transport communications;

transport equipment, including vehicles and

loading and unloading systems,

technical means of servicing vehicle users (clients) and

information and computing systems for managing transportation processes and traffic flow management systems,

personnel working in the transport industry.

Natural and climatic factors (environment) have a great impact on the functioning of transport.

In general terms, all of the above components of the transport industry can be combined into three groups:

transport equipment,


A set that combines technology, many people and the environment is called a polyergatic system. An integrated set of objects, the interaction of which is aimed at achieving a specific goal, is called a complex system.

Thus, transport is a complex polyergative system.

Transport, like any production system, has an external and internal environment. The main subjects of the external environment are consumers of transport services, and the internal environment is represented by transport workers, transport devices and the environment.

Mention of the Russian transport system requires a definition of this concept. Moreover, this definition may apply not only to the country as a whole, but also to the transport system of the region and to the totality of integrated transport systems.

1.2 Unified transport system

The Unified Transport System (UTS) is a set of modes of transport that effectively interact, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination - routes of communication of vehicles (with production and management personnel), providing loading and unloading operations, transportation of people and goods using modern advanced technologies for the purpose of best meeting the demand of the population and cargo owners for transport services.

This rather “dry” definition has a very real basis. Indeed, the presence in our country of various forms of ownership of vehicles and transport infrastructure emphasizes the urgent need for “effective interaction”.

The main task of the UTS should be to best meet the needs of transport services based on the effective interaction of these elements of the internal environment of the transport and road complex, taking into account the environmental friendliness, reliability, safety and social justice of transport services to the external environment. At present, despite certain scientific results and practical efforts to form a unified transport system, the unity of the transport complex in Russia is not fully ensured. And it’s not just about technical difficulties or the absence of a single governing body. Such a body has been created - the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. However, “connecting” different types of transport, and even with market relations and different forms of ownership, is more difficult than it was before, for many reasons. This includes the insufficient development of transport resources and the imperfection of economic and legal mechanisms for interaction between modes of transport.

Transport satisfies one of the most important human needs – the need to move. However, practically no type of transport (except, perhaps, automobile, and even then not always) can independently provide a full cycle of movement according to the “door to door” or “house to home” scheme. Such movement is possible only with clear interaction of individual parts of the transport complex. Organizing the work of such a complex as the UTS of Russia is both a complex task and an urgent need for the country’s economy, which corresponds to the integration trends of the socio-economic development of mankind, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the strategic interests of Russia. At the same time, the unity of the Russian transport system should not mean its isolation from the communication routes of neighboring states and territories, especially the CIS countries, the development and functioning of which for centuries was carried out in a single complex.

In the recent past, the basis of the UTS was considered to be the public form of ownership of transport resources. In connection with the implementation of market reforms, corporatization and privatization of some vehicles, the concept of unity is being seriously tested. At the same time, the emphasis is on the fact that it is not unity, but competition, including between modes of transport, that is the engine of the transport services market. It should be emphasized that there is no single market scheme, and the market mechanism cannot be absolutized. The main thing is a positive end result, which is the conditions and quality of a person’s life, his well-being, social and environmental security, and the generally accepted level of freedom. The specific end result should be an effective resource-saving economy that provides a decent life for people, the most important part of which is transport.

It is obvious that high efficiency of transport services for production can be achieved only if we design and optimize not individual types of communications, but the entire transport network, considered as a single whole, consisting of heterogeneous links that differ in their functions and capabilities. The transport network is designed to meet the transportation demand of a particular region, taking into account its structure. A unified approach allows you to significantly reduce the costs of all resources, including temporary ones, and also ensure maximum network throughput with restrictions on the amount of resources used. Consideration of the transport network as a single whole allows us to establish:

a rational relationship between all modes of transport in all possible directions of transportation and

to prevent unjustified duplication of lines by different modes of transport, which is almost inevitable when analyzing individual transport systems in isolation.

This approach to solving transport problems is practiced quite rarely, and this is due to the still existing departmental disunity of our transport. Different modes of transport must function in conjunction, ensuring uniformity of transport services for customers. The unity of the transport system is achieved in:

the technical sphere of interaction, which involves unification, standardization and coordination of the parameters of technical means of different types of transport, as well as the throughput and processing capacity of interacting systems;

technological sphere of interaction, which is ensured by the unity of technology, combined and interconnected work schedules of transport, senders and recipients of goods, continuous work schedules of transport hubs;

information sphere of interaction, which ensures compatibility of information in content, forms of presentation, speed and timely delivery of information by one mode of transport for decision-making on another;

the legal sphere of interaction, the basis of which is the Charter of Railway Transport, the Charter of Inland Water Transport, the Merchant Shipping Code, the Charter of Road Transport, a collection of transportation rules and tariffs, rules for transportation planning;

the economic sphere of interaction, the basis of which is a unified planning system, the distribution of transportation by mode of transport, the presence or absence of resources;

use of accumulated experience in the interaction of different modes of transport at nodes.

Moreover, each type of transport carries out transportation in the most profitable area for it, and the comprehensive UTS as a whole is designed to ensure full satisfaction of the needs of society in the transportation of goods and passengers.

1.3 Structural and functional characteristics of transport

Structurally, transport can be represented as a system consisting of two subsystems:

public transport,

non-public transport

Moreover, both parts of the system can be represented by enterprises of federal (state), municipal or private ownership.

Public transport is a transport that, in accordance with current legislation, is obliged to carry out the transportation of goods and passengers, no matter who these transportations are presented by: a state enterprise or institution, a public organization, a joint stock company, a company or an individual.

Public transport acts as an independent branch of material production. It serves the sphere of circulation, providing a connection between the sphere of production and the sphere of consumption.

Unlike public transport, non-public transport transports products within the sphere of production, i.e. for a specific enterprise, organization or firm. The transportation he performs is intra-production, or technological. Departmental transport of industrial enterprises is called industrial transport.

Roads or railways (usually of short length) belonging to a particular enterprise are called access roads. The country's transport system has a dense network of such roads. The total length of railway access roads exceeds the length of public railways. More than half of the river fleet vessels (mostly of small carrying capacity and power) belong to various departments (enterprises of the oil and gas industry, forestry, public utilities, etc.). Unlike public transport, industrial transport is also represented by special vehicles, such as cable cars and cable cars, pneumatic transport, etc.

In addition to dividing into public and non-public transport, in some cases it is divided into mainline transport and non-mainline transport. On the one hand, mainline is synonymous with public transport, and non-mainline transport is synonymous with non-public transport (for example, industrial transport is non-mainline transport). On the other hand, the term “mainline transport” is used to refer to communication routes connecting large cities and industrial centers of a country or large region. In this case, small branches from the main highways, despite the fact that they are part of the public network, are not considered links to the main transport and are usually called local lines.

Depending on the purposes of economic analysis, public transport is grouped as follows:

Universal transport (rail, water, road, air) and special transport;

internal transport (carrying out transportation within the country) and external transport (carrying out transportation not only within the country, but also abroad);

year-round transport (rail, road, etc.) and seasonal transport (for example, inland waterways).

1.4 Factors in the use of different modes of transport

Transportation by various modes of transport depends on a number of factors, the main ones being the following:

the nature and level of development of the material and technical base of a particular type of transport, determining its ability to master the requested transportation;

placement of vehicles and networks of transport modes in relation to enterprises and settlements;

organization of the transportation process, regularity of transportation, delivery times of goods and passengers.

Each type of transport has characteristic, unique features in location, technical equipment, transportation capabilities, types of rolling stock, etc. To determine the areas of economically feasible use of a particular type of transport, it is necessary to take into account both general economic and specific transport factors.

General economic factors include:

location and size of production and consumption, determining the volumes and direction of transportation and cargo flows;

the range of products that determines the type of rolling stock and the rhythm of its operation;

the state of inventory inventories, which determines the urgency of cargo delivery, etc.

Specific transport factors include:

placement of a communication network;

operating conditions, including seasonality and rhythm of work;

throughput and carrying capacity;

technical equipment;

transport process organization system.

When comparing transportation options by different modes of transport, the main indicators are:

level of operating costs (cost of transportation);

capital investments;

traffic speeds and delivery times;

Availability of transportation and throughput capabilities;

maneuverability in providing transportation in various conditions;

reliability and uninterrupted transportation, their regularity;

guarantees of safety of transported goods and luggage;

conditions for the effective use of vehicles, mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations.

The magnitude of these indicators is different for each type of transport. It depends on the capacity and structure of cargo flows, transportation distance, size of shipments, type of rolling stock, material and technical base of the mode of transport and a number of other factors

1.5 Technical and economic features of transport

Different types of transport, at the same time, have their own distinctive features. This mainly concerns technical and economic differences that characterize the specificity of transport systems.

The main technical and economic features of railway transport are:

inextricable connection with industrial and agricultural enterprises, construction sites, trading centers, warehouses, etc. Currently, all large enterprises and bases of trade organizations have railway access roads connecting them with main railways. Up to 90% of all cargo transported by rail is originated and depleted on access roads;

the possibility of building railway connections to almost any land territory of the country and ensuring stable connections between regions;

high transport and throughput capacity of railways. A double-track railway line, equipped with automatic blocking, can transport more than 100 million tons in each direction per year, and a single-track line can transport 20 million tons or more in each direction per year. These values ​​can change with changes in the total mass of trains, speeds, etc. The use of railways' carrying capacity is uneven in different regions of the country due to the uneven distribution of production and raw materials;

the possibility of carrying out mass transportation of goods in combination with a relatively low cost of transportation;

the possibility of uninterrupted and uniform transportation at all times of the year and periods of the day;

relatively high speed of movement and delivery times of goods and passengers. Delivery times of goods are one of the important quality indicators that determine the efficiency of using a particular type of transport for a specific transportation. In general, speeding up the delivery of goods has a great economic effect. Calculations show that by reducing the delivery of goods by rail for one day, material resources are released in the amount of approximately 9-10 million tons;

delivery of goods and passengers along a shorter route. As a rule, transportation distances by rail are much shorter than by rivers. For example, from Volgograd to Moscow the railway route is 2.5 times shorter than the river route. It is important to remember that the shorter route is not always the most efficient. In some cases, it is advisable to use modes of transport with low cost compared to shorter routes on high-volume cargo flows;

relatively high economic indicators and fairly advanced transportation technology. If the average fuel consumption in railway transport is taken as one, then in automobile transport it will be 4-5 units.

Compared to other types of transport, sea transportation has a number of technical and economic features that in some cases determine their advantages:

the possibility of ensuring mass intercontinental transportation of goods of Russian foreign trade turnover. The procedure for transporting foreign trade goods is established by special rules and regulations;

relatively small capital investment. Sea routes do not require costs for their construction or maintenance (except for canals);

virtually unlimited bandwidth. Capacity is limited mainly by the processing capacity of seaports and berthing lines, storage tanks, and mechanisms for loading and unloading operations;

relatively low fuel and energy consumption. Sea routes are horizontal, are not connected to the terrain and do not require additional energy to overcome the inclines that occur on railways and road transport. In addition, sea lines are straight;

when transporting over long distances, the cost of transportation is lower than for other types of transport. Large maritime transport vessels significantly improve the ratio of payload capacity to displacement.

The disadvantages of sea transport include:

dependence on natural geographical and navigation conditions. This determines the duration of the navigation period and the complexity of the ice regime: partial or complete freezing of routes, which causes seasonality in maritime communications in a number of areas;

the need to build complex port facilities on the sea coasts. It is more economical to use sea transport over long distances, since at short distances one of the important advantages of sea transport is not realized - the possibility of using vessels of large cargo capacity;

limited use of maritime transport in direct sea communications. Sea routes pass on the outskirts of Russia, so direct communications can only be organized between individual enterprises located in these areas. Sea transportation in domestic communications in small cabotage is, as a rule, less efficient than by rail and river routes due to high costs.

The main technical and economic features that determine the advantages of river transport are:

large carrying capacity on deep-water rivers. So, the river's capacity Volga can be increased to 100 million tons per year;

relatively low cost of transportation. On the rivers of the European part of Russia it is approximately 30% less than on railways, and several times less compared to road transport;

relatively lower capital costs. The costs of organizing navigation along natural main waterways with a throughput capacity of 80-100 million tons per year are several times less than the construction of a railway (with rolling stock) and 3-4 times less than the construction of a road with solid coating.

The disadvantages of using river transport include:

the tortuosity of the route and the shipping channel, the stepwise depths along its entire length, which in some cases makes it difficult for large-capacity vessels to pass;

restrictions on the use of rolling stock due to the seasonality of work;

lengthening cargo routes;

the speed of transportation of goods and passengers is low compared to other types of transport.

Road transport has a number of technical and economic features that determine its advantages and widespread use in all sectors of the economy:

greater maneuverability and mobility. Cargo can be transported directly from the point of production to the point of consumption without reloading and intermediate storage, i.e. "door to door";

high speed of delivery of goods and passengers. In terms of speed, road transport is second only to air transport;

in some cases, a shorter route for the movement of goods and passengers. It is advisable to deliver goods and transport passengers by road in cases where the distance of transportation by road is shorter than by rail.

The disadvantages of road transport include:

relatively high cost, which is significantly higher than in water and rail transport. The high level of cost is the result of the low carrying capacity of a unit of rolling stock and the sufficient complexity of automobile rolling stock;

the relatively high cost of the material and technical base for car maintenance, despite the fact that in some cases this base is not yet sufficiently developed;

insufficient length and poor technical condition of existing roads.

The main advantages of air transport in passenger transportation are:

high speed of passenger delivery, comfortable travel in rolling stock;

maneuverability in organizing passenger transportation. New air lines can be created in a short time and with little capital investment. Aviation transport has the ability to maneuver rolling stock (airplanes, helicopters) depending on the size of passenger flows;

long non-stop flight range (up to 10 thousand km). Non-stop flights increase the speed of passenger delivery;

the shortest distances of air routes compared to routes on other modes of transport. Thus, in a number of directions, the route by air transport is shorter than by railways by 25%, and by sea and river lines - by almost 50%. Between some points, the transportation distance is even reduced by 2-3 times;

saving passengers time. High technical speeds of aircraft, long non-stop flight range, straight routes ensure a significant reduction in travel time for passengers in comparison with other modes of transport;

a fairly high culture of passenger service during flights.

The disadvantages of air transport include the high cost of transportation.

Air transport is mainly passenger transport. Freight transportation carried out by it in the total volume of the country's freight turnover has an insignificant share, however, the special nature and value of such transportation for a number of specific cargoes make them cost-effective. Helicopters are also used in civil aviation and are used in many sectors of the economy, construction, agriculture, geology, etc. Bulldozers, tractors, cars, and large cargo are delivered by helicopter to taiga and mountainous areas. Helicopters also deliver and install supports for high-voltage electrical lines, contact networks and electric railways, communication lines, and radio relay masts.

The advantages of pipeline transport for pumping oil and petroleum products compared to other types of transport are as follows:

the possibility of widespread pipe laying and mass pumping of oil and petroleum products;

shorter pumping distances than when transporting the same goods by rivers and railways;

low cost of oil transportation (two times less than by river transport, and three times less than by railways);

ensuring the safety of petroleum products due to complete sealing of the transportation process;

full automation of operations for loading, pumping and unloading of oil and petroleum products;

lower specific capital investments and metal consumption per unit of transported cargo than in other modes of transport;

elimination (with appropriate isolation) of negative impact on the environment;

a fairly high level of labor productivity;

continuity of the pumping process, practical independence from climatic conditions, a small number of maintenance personnel.

The disadvantages of pipeline transport include its narrow specialization and the need for a stable and sufficient flow of cargo.

Industrial transport is of great importance for meeting the transport needs of enterprises. It carries out intra-shop, inter-shop transportation, from enterprise warehouses to workshops, from workshops to enterprise warehouses, as well as the delivery of products to mainline transport and the removal of goods to warehouses and enterprise workshops. Intra-industrial transportation uses railways, cars and specialized types of transport (monorails and cable cars, belt and other conveyors, etc.). Specialized types of transport are mostly used in metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous), coal, chemical industries and in the building materials industry. The introduction of specialized modes of transport, as calculations show, turns out to be more effective than the use of road or rail, which ultimately helps reduce transport costs, increase transport productivity and overall production efficiency.

The specific features of various types of transport determine the areas of their appropriate use.

The economic indicators of cargo transportation by one or another type of transport depend on many factors: the type of cargo, the size and conditions of transportation, the presence and length of access roads, the degree of automation and mechanization of cargo operations, the possibilities of using the carrying capacity of rolling stock, the availability and location of warehouses, etc.

1.6 Areas of use of various modes of transport

when transporting goods:

Rail transport - transportation of bulk cargo (coal, ore, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, timber and construction cargo, mineral fertilizers, etc.) over long and medium distances (especially in the latitudinal direction), and between enterprises with access railway tracks - and relatively short ones. The presence of railway access roads between corresponding enterprises during massive flows of cargo significantly expands the scope of effective use of railway transport, as it creates conditions for comprehensive mechanization and automation of cargo operations, improving the quality of transportation and safety of cargo. In some cases, the use of railway transport in the presence of access roads is advisable even with insignificant cargo turnover (less than 35-40 thousand tons per year).

Sea transport - transportation associated with overseas navigation for the delivery of goods for export and import to countries maintaining trade relations, transportation of goods of foreign charterers and transportation in large and small cabotage, especially in the regions of the Far East, the Far North, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Chukotka, Okhotsk coast.

River transport - transportation in areas where there are no other types of transport, as well as between points of production and consumption located on the same river routes; transportation in mixed messages in directions where they are more efficient compared to transportation by one mode of transport.

Road transport - transportation of goods in industrial centers, populated areas and agricultural areas, transportation of goods to mainline transport and delivery to recipients from mainline transport destinations; transportation from points of production to points of consumption in the absence of connections between modes of transport, transportation of perishable and other goods within the limits of economic feasibility, transportation within nodes in containers and small shipments.

Air transport - delivery to industrial centers and northern regions of vegetables, fruits and other perishable products, as well as valuable cargo and mail.

Pipeline transport - pumping oil and gas from large fields, moving oil distillation products with stable and stable cargo flows.

when transporting passengers:.

Railway transport - transportation of passengers in intercity traffic over medium distances (700-900 km) and in suburban traffic in large industrial centers.

Maritime transport - transportation of passengers in areas of gravity (Far East, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Chukotka, Okhotsk coast, etc.), on coastal navigation and on cruise trips.

River transport - transportation of passengers between settlements located along the banks of rivers, and in the absence of other types of transport (in areas of gravity), tourist and excursion transportation.

Road transport - transportation of passengers over short distances (in cities and other populated areas), in suburban traffic in most cities and towns, in rural and intercity transport at a distance of up to 500 km.

Air transport - transportation of passengers over long distances both within the country and in the near and far abroad. Thus, about 80% of passengers traveling from the European part to the Far East use air transport.

2. Transport technology

2.1 Vehicle classification

Transport equipment includes:

vehicles or rolling stock;

technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;

transport user (customer) service systems;

means of mechanization of processes in transport infrastructure.

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance in a given period of time. Vehicles are classified according to various criteria. The classification scheme is shown in Fig. 5.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of vehicle types, their interaction with the transport space and types of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated names of vehicles with an indication of types, assignment of names of historical figures and technology developers. So, for example:

railway vehicles are called trains;

automobile vehicles - cars, buses with the names of manufacturing plants (VAZ, KamAZ, Ikarus, etc.);

water and air vehicles - vessels (ships) with the assignment of names of historical figures and technology developers with classification according to the type of working fluid of the engine or propulsion (for example, the motor ship "Vissarion Belinsky", the Ilyushin IL - 86 aircraft, the Kamov KA - 26 helicopter, etc.) d.).

During scientific and technical developments and interaction between transport specialists, detailed qualification characteristics of the vehicle are sometimes required. In this regard, for example:

Il-76 aircraft: long-haul air cargo vehicle

    Logistics and its tasks: management of warehouse facilities, inventories, transportation, packaging and communications. Main groups and types of transport, their comparative characteristics. Principles of technology of the transportation process and design of its model.

    Transport as a special sphere of material production. Its structure and meaning. The level of development of railway transport in Russia compared to other countries. Predominant freight flows of the main highways. Placement of railway transport.

    Main goals of transport logistics. Creation of transport systems. Multimodal transport planning. Technological unity of the transport and warehouse process. Selecting a transportation method and vehicle. Rational delivery routes.

    Transport structure of Primorsky Krai. Classification of the Russian transport system, the place of maritime transport in it. Characteristics of maritime transport of the Primorsky Territory and cargo turnover of seaports. Prospects for the development of sea ports in Primorye.

    General characteristics of industrial transport. The scope of rational use of various types of industrial transport. Rational schemes for the use of industrial transport during transportation. Features of the functioning of industrial transport.

    The essence of the world transport system. The place of the Russian transport system in world transport. Characteristics and features of the transport system of the Far East. Problems and prospects for integrating the Far Eastern region into the global transport network.

    Principles of organizing the work of railway transport, its importance in the state economy and the main directions of development. Problems of railway transport in Russia at the present stage, the need for investments and the scope of their application.

    Road transport as one of the main modes of transport in Russia. Technical shortcomings of Russian automotive equipment and engines compared to foreign analogues. Air transport as a universal mode of transport, development problems.

    Railway transport, its features and main indicators. Features of transportation planning in a market economy. The concept of the development of the transport system in the future. Elements of transport costs for cargo owners, transportation tariffs.

    Territorial differentiation in the location of the Russian road network. Positive trends, potential opportunities and prospects for the development of the country’s road network. Characteristics of various types of transport intended for cargo and passenger transportation.

    Distribution of cargo flows between modes of transport at a minimum of reduced costs. Freight turnover and average transportation distance. Construction of a diagram of cargo flows. Components of cost items. Analysis of the costs of transporting goods by different modes of transport.

    Consideration of the role of railways in the country's unified transport system. Carrying out technical and economic characteristics of railway, road, water, pipeline, air transport and determining their interaction with each other.

    Analysis of factors influencing the choice of transport in order to ensure optimal transportation. Advantages and disadvantages of road, rail, water and air transport. Features of cargo transportation by water and air transport.

    Transport system of Russia: railway, sea, river, road, air and pipeline. Material and technical base, documentation and technical and operational performance indicators. Stations, workshops, maintenance facilities.

    Characteristics of transport - the third, after industry and agriculture, leading sector of material production and infrastructure, which carries out the movement of goods and passengers. Study of land, sea and air transport.

    Main types of transport, their advantages and disadvantages. Methodology for calculating cargo transportation options. Economic assessment of the transportation of various goods. The most rational type of transportation. The volume of cargo transportation and the average price of one ton of cargo.

    Design calculation of optimal transportation planning and analysis of the interaction scheme of the road and railway networks. Developing ways to improve the efficiency of the transportation process by combining road and rail transport.

    Main types of messages in the cargo delivery system. Terminal technologies in the formation of a logistics system for cargo transportation. Technical and economic features of various types of transport and areas of their use. Delivery of cargo to terminals.

    Structure of the transport complex. Rail, air, inland waterway and road freight transportation. Pipeline transport, distillation and operation of oil pipelines. Problems and prospects for the development of the transport complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    The concept and role of transport infrastructure. Theoretical foundations of transport. Transport tariffs and rules for their application. Main types of transportation of goods. The route and its characteristics. Documentation support for transport logistics.