for primary school students of the VIII type.

The training consists of 7 lessons connected by a single plot. Each lesson includes practical work on the correction of fine motor skills of the hands (application, modeling, making crafts, drawing a picture, etc.). Classes were held with 3rd grade students with intellectual disabilities.

  1. Develop perception and ideas about sensory standards.
  2. develop time orientation skills, Days of the week, months, seasons, time of day.
  3. Develop psychomotor skills of orientation in space large and small.
  4. Develop psychomotor skills: accuracy of movements, coordination, speech, motor memory, flexibility, learn to perform various rhythmic movements.
  5. Raise interest in various activities, the desire to participate in collective games, exercises, joint creative work.

Means of correction: games, exercises, drawing, modeling, appliqué, etc.

Correction form: group

Materials and equipment: handout visual didactic material, paper, colored paper, colored pencils, wax crayons, paints, plasticine, natural material, vegetables, cereals.




  • Teach voluntary tension - relaxation
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills
  • Develop tactile sensations
  • Develop visual and auditory perception
  • Develop attention, memory, thought processes
  • Develop movement coordination
  • develop speech
  • Develop correct speech inhalation and exhalation


  • Repeat the properties of objects (color, shape, size)
  • To consolidate the concepts: right-left, up, down


  • To cultivate the ability to subordinate their actions to instructions.
  • Cultivate mutual understanding, friendliness
  • Cultivate respect for each other

Materials for the lesson:

  • Bag of vegetables
  • Poster "Contour images of objects" (made by hand)
  • Drawn pictures "Carrots" on strings
  • Dotted cards with vegetables
  • Split picture "Cabbage" with a sample
  • Pencils



Introduction. Set to work.
Bunny riddle.
Bunny game.
Visual gymnastics "Carrot".
Game "Magic Bag of Vegetables".
Exercise "Noisy vegetables".
Breathing exercise "Carrot".
Fizkultminutka. Bunny game.
Exercise. "Cut pictures. Cabbage".
Finger gymnastics.
Exercise "Draw vegetables."
Completion of the lesson.

40 min.

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today we are waiting for guests. Tell me if you like it when guests come!

//Children's answers//

let's listen to a poem and find out who will come to us.

On the golden road
Autumn is bountiful.
Harvested maple leaves
Carries a chest with him.
The chest with her dowry
Full of sunshine
Lots of red lingonberries here
Ripe apples and mushrooms.
On the golden road
Autumn has come to visit us
And animals and children
She brought gifts to everyone.

// "Autumn" comes out with a chest //.

Autumn: Hello guys! I came to visit you. Do you know who I am?

/Answers of children/.

How do you know that I'm coming?

//Children list the signs by which they determine the arrival of Autumn. There is a knock on the door.//

Psychologist: Someone else came to us.
Bunny: Hello guys, do you know who I am? Remember me a riddle.
Children remember the riddle: In winter - white, in summer - gray.
Bunny: What, you, well done! Now let's play the game "Bunnies"


Target: development of general motor skills, motor memory.

Game progress: Children make three jumps in a circle and run. Repeated several times.

Visual gymnastics. "CARROT".

Target: The development of the motor muscles of the eye.

Exercise progress: Children have carrots in their hands (paper cut) and they perform movements according to the text.

Raise the carrot
You look at her
Drop the carrot down
Just look with your eyes.
Up and down and left and right
Oh yes, Zainka is skillful
blinking eyes
closes eyes
Bunnies took carrots
They danced merrily with them.

visual material:


Target. Development of tactile sensations, perception of color, shape, size. Game progress. Children determine by touch: What vegetables are in the bag. Name their shape, color, size.

Exercise "Noisy fruits and vegetables".

Target: development of perception of contour images, attention.

Exercise progress: Children are offered a card with contour images of vegetables and fruits. Children tell what they see in the picture. (Cards can be made by yourself)

Breathing exercise "CARROT".

Target: Development of directed exhalation.

The progress of the exercise. Children blow on carrots (cut out of paper or cardboard) hanging in front of them on strings with a thin long stream (4-phase correct breathing is used: 1,2,3,4 - inhale; 1,2,3,4 - delay; 1,2,3,4 - exhale; 1,2,3,4 - delay).

Game "BUNNY".

Target: Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, speech.

Game progress: Children perform movements according to the text.

white bunny sitting
And wiggles his ears
It's cold for a bunny to sit
Gotta warm up the paws
Paws up, paws down
Raise your toes
We put the paws on the side
On toes skok-skok-skok
And then squatting
So that the paws do not freeze.

Exercise "CUT CABBAGE".

Target: Development of the integrity of perception, analysis, synthesis.

Exercise progress: Children collect a split picture - cabbage, having a sample in front of their eyes.

Finger gymnastics "Bunny".

Target: Development of fine motor skills, accuracy of movements.

Exercise progress: Children perform movements according to the text:

The bunny went out for a walk
Moved one ear, the other.
Two ears.


Target: Development of graphomotor skills, integrity of perception.

Exercise progress: Children draw the outline of vegetables point by point

(potato, tomato, carrot, cucumber, turnip, beetroot).

Color them in.


Target: Teaching relaxation techniques.

Exercise progress: Walks - a wolf wanders, looking for a bunny - the children tense up, shrink.
Gone - relax.

Completion of the lesson. Summarizing.

How to restore vision in 1 month without surgery?

The Diamond Eye Method is a fully integrated and systematic approach to natural vision restoration.

What are the results of the course:

  • Restoration of vision in a natural way without titanic efforts based on the cultivation of healthy vision habits;
  • The ability to work on a computer for as long as you need, and not as much as you are forced to because of eye strain;
  • Improving posture by strengthening the musculoskeletal apparatus of the spine;
  • Confidence in maintaining the results of improved vision for many years;
  • The influx of strength, energy and inspiration;
  • Improving concentration, memory, awareness;
  • Emotional, mental and physical resistance to stress when working and communicating with people;
  • General improvement of the body as a whole.

What is included in the course?

The method is based on:

  1. Qigong (ancient Chinese art of self-regulation of the body, a traditional health system, the basis of internal styles of martial arts).
  2. Relaxation, coordination and training of the oculomotor muscles.
  3. Taoist massage.
  4. Yoga exercises to correct posture and strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the spine.
  5. Exercises for the development of stress resistance.
  6. Autotraining (self-regulation and relaxation)
  7. Balanced diet.


1st day

1st lesson - 1 hour. Introduction. Setting. Content:

  • Familiarity with the structure and lesson plan.
  • Preparation and preparation for classes.
  • Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of classes.

2nd lesson - 3 hours. Qigong for vision and general health:

Step Theory:

  • What is qigong? What does qigong give for vision and health?
  • Why Qigong exercises are the best exercises for natural vision restoration and healing?
  • Safety precautions when working with energy.

Practice step:

  • Warm up from neck to toe.
  • Strengthening upstream and downstream.
  • Activation of the channels of the arms and legs.
  • Ball, rubber band, accordion Ray.
  • Activation of visual pathways.
  • Activation of streams from the eyes: 2 techniques.
  • Energy breath from the eyes.

You will learn:

  • Activate and manage bioenergy.
  • How to recharge with new strength, energy and inspiration in 1 minute?
  • Breathe energy.

3rd lesson - 2 hours. Eye muscle training:

Step Theory:

  • How not to harm the training of the oculomotor muscles?
  • Safety engineering.
  • Features of breathing and the number of repetitions.

Practice step:

  • Finger to the mid-eyebrow and the tip of the nose.
  • Cross, diagonals, rectangle, circles in dynamics and statics with open and closed eyes.
  • Palming.
  • Blink.

2nd day

1st lesson - 2 hours. Repetition of qigong exercises for the eyes and training of the oculomotor muscles.

2nd lesson - 2 hours. Taoist massage:

Step Theory:

  • Types and purposes of massages.
  • Safety engineering.
  • Recommendations for breathing and massaging speed.

Practice step:

  • Finger preparation.
  • Adjustment of the massaged area.
  • Massaging acupuncture points around the eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Massaging the pericardial canal.
  • Percussion of the gallbladder channel.
  • Tapping of the liver channel.

3rd lesson - 1.5 hours. Autotraining:

Step Theory:

  • What is autotraining? What does he give?
  • Safety engineering.
  • How often do you need to perform auto-training exercises for a guaranteed result?
  • What is an entity? What entities are there?
  • What gives work with entities?

Practice step:

  • Relaxation training.
  • Autotraining to identify and eliminate the causes of visual impairment.
  • Awakening of the essences of the body.
  • Breathing from the eyes with the essence of the visual system.
  • Auto-training on the desire and ability to see.

4th lesson - 1 hour. Final lesson. Summarizing:

  • Recommendations for self-study.
  • Lifestyle.
  • Useful habits.
  • How to save vision and prevent recurrence?

Copied from the site ""

Extra pounds do not go away?
Do constant dieting failures make you feel guilty?
Not enough energy for fitness?

Most The best way to get rid of extra pounds is to leave them on a plate!

Do you want to do it yourself manage your« perfect» weight?

With many diets and weight loss programs, our country does not become less overweight people. There are more and more of them. So it's good for someone. Paranoia about food has long become widespread and has crossed the boundaries of healthy reality.

Training "Slimness" is not a diet and not a "correct" sports or low-calorie diet. Our training is an opportunity to look from the other side at your relationship with food, new approach to life, lifestyle. And it's not for a while, it's forever if you accept the training program. Our program is the most permissive and the main task- remove the accumulated stress associated with food. Realize that food is not our enemy or friend, comforter, cure for life's difficulties or pleasure, etc. Food is a source of energy for our body and nothing else, without which it cannot function effectively.

An eating disorder is a mental disorder in which a person eats food not to satisfy hunger, but to cheer up and get pleasant emotions. For people with food addiction, food helps to cope with excitement, anxiety, it helps to relieve stress.

Why is this happening? Because the feeling of “emptiness” inside a person, which he tries to fill with food, leads to falling into “bondage”. The body can confuse the sensations that arise from mental experiences with signals of hunger, which leads to haphazard eating and overeating.

Psychological problems that prevent you from finding an ideal figure.

Eating Disorders removable but it requires responsible work and personal motivation.

  1. Do you often continue to eat after you feel comfortably full?
  2. Do you often overeat before you start a new diet (realizing that on a diet you can not afford to eat all this for a long time)?
  3. Do you sometimes eat to cope with emotions or to fight boredom?
  4. Are you one of those who consistently dislike physical activity?
  5. Do you only exercise when you are on a diet?
  6. Do you often skip meals or only eat when you are literally dropping from hunger and end up overeating?
  7. Do you feel guilty if you overeat or eat "unhealthy food", which eventually leads to more overeating (it's all gone anyway)?

If you answered “yes” to all or some of these questions, your current weight may be higher than your physiological weight, which your body has been programmed to maintain on its own from birth, without additional effort on your part. It is very likely that you will be able to return to this weight. The most important thing to remember is that weight loss SHOULD NOT be an end in itself, as eating for weight loss will greatly hinder your ability to listen to your body's internal signals.

Psychology of Slimness

Do you think that for this you need to have an "iron" character?

But it's not!

If we eat on time and in the amount our body needs, then all systems work smoothly. Our body has the energy it needs right time, does not work with overload, processing excess food, does not save energy in reserve. In this case, we always have a normal weight. When we limit ourselves, eat low-calorie food, then we have a constantly starving body, living with a constant lack of energy. This is an organism that constantly finds something somewhere, takes energy from one system and transfers it to another. The moment will come and the body can not cope, some system of the body will fail.

Each organism has its own normal weight. It is known that in order for a woman to become pregnant, she needs to be a little in the body. That is, to accumulate additional energy for new processes in the body. Lack of weight leads to the fact that the body cannot function as healthy.

Our body has biological needs. These include sleep, breathing, sex, excretion of waste products, eating and drinking, etc. With food addiction, the connection with our body is disrupted and then we cannot determine when energy is needed for our body.

We decide to eat or not to eat, what to eat, what calorie content is rational, without taking into account the true needs of our body. And we are always wrong.

Our body is huge. chemical laboratory. At the right moment, he makes an analysis and understands what chemical element or the substance is not enough or required by our body. At the cellular level, he knows what product he needs right now. But if the connection is broken, we cannot hear these signals. If now our body needs a small piece of butter, and we shove lettuce into it, because we think it is useful, we are not in contact with our body. Our body is depleted over time, because it does not receive what it needs and in the right amount.

Our body has its own wisdom. Try to feed a newborn baby when he does not want to eat. This is impossible because he has a biological connection with his body with his body. The child knows what he wants, how much and when. But this is not known to parents who try to satisfy all the biological needs of the child with food. Whenever a child cries, the mother pushes him to the breast. Crying is the only signal that a newborn baby can give. But his need now may not necessarily be food. It can be thirst, a full diaper, sleep, a desire for contact, something hurts or other discomfort, etc. Parents and social environment impose rules on how to eat, what to eat.

And we gradually lose contact with ourselves, with our true needs, with our body. A distrust of one's own body is formed.

We are different!

What is good for one is bad for another.

In order to manage your eating behavior and stay at your ideal weight, you need to reconnect with your body with your biological needs. Appreciate and respect what is valuable for your body. Learn to love and appreciate your body, just as you love and appreciate your home, your city, the place where you grew up. Your body is like yours small motherland", your resource, source life force your immunity. You can’t treat your body according to other people’s patterns and rules.

At the Slimness training, we build an individual conscious nutrition program to reduce or correct weight. Classes are designed for 4 days for 4 hours. The fifth lesson takes place in a month and allows you to correct what caused difficulty in the process of building your new lifestyle.

I am waiting for you and will gladly help you in this extraordinary journey to my place. You will be surprised how easy and joyful it is to lose weight, have a lot of energy and enjoy the process. The whole program was developed and tested on myself, my relatives and clients.

My personal result: - 40 kg in 8 months.

Training leader:

Katya Bednova

Summer is finally here, which means it's definitely time to get slimmer! I highly recommend this course to everyone. My results - in two months minus 10 kg! The course helps not only to get rid of excess weight and food addiction, but also to better understand your needs, love yourself and your body! This is not a diet, not restrictions, but a completely different - a comfortable lifestyle that gives new opportunities and time for yourself! Irina Vasilievna Romanovskaya works wonders! Thank you dear!

Natalia Fatorova

Organizational matters.

  • Training is held when the group is recruited according to the schedule.
    * Possible individual work and remote via Skype (Skype).
  • The duration of the training is four days.
  • The price includes psychological support for a month.
  • Dress code is comfortable.
    Shoes are interchangeable.

You can specify the address of the place where psychological courses and trainings are held and the directions for them in the sections.

Tatiana Pavlova
Training "Correction of fears with the help of art-therapeutic methods"

I would like to bring to your attention training which I spent with colleagues: pedagogues-psychologists of our district. Also this training can be adapted for older children.

Concept. At the core fear as a basic human emotion lies the instinct of self-preservation. It should be noted that fears may not have these positive functions, and then they become signals of personal trouble. fears accompanied by dysfunctional manifestations in the form of chronic emotional dissatisfaction, dejection, general lethargy, irritability, anxiety. Exist different kinds therapies that are used in practical work co fears. Application art therapy exercise is indispensable in cases of emotional disorders (fear, anxiety)

Target: overcoming fears through art therapy.


Increasing self-confidence;

Formation of a positive I-concept;

Overcoming negative experiences;

Decreased emotional stress.

Estimated result: Members training learn to overcome fears with the help of art therapy methods.

Material and equipment: colored pencils or felt-tip pens, A4 paper.

Forms of work: art therapy

Number of participants:

Main part.

Introduction. (Mini-lecture)

Today we will look at ways to overcome fears and anxiety in people with using the art therapy method expressive drawing. Expressive drawing is a safe way "chill out" and relieve tension. WITH help visual images, it is easier for the participant to express unconscious internal conflicts and fears than to put them into words. Art therapy exercises serve as a means of free self-expression and self-knowledge, suggest an atmosphere of trust, attention to man's inner world.

Immediately we will stipulate the rules that we will adhere to throughout classes:

open communication


non-judgmental judgments

voluntary participation

Here and now

Acquaintance (waiting collection):

I propose to start our training with acquaintance and expectations from the upcoming training.

Exercise "Our Expectations"

Target: revealing the expectations of the participants. Request correction.

At the end training we will have the opportunity to analyze your expectations. Now, we are moving on to an exercise called "Magic Mirrors".

Exercise "Magic Mirrors"

Target: the formation of a positive self-concept, increased self-confidence, reduced anxiety.

You are invited to draw yourself in 3 mirrors, but not simple ones, magical: in the first - small and frightened, in the second - large and cheerful, in the third - not showing anything and strong.

Now everyone should submit their drawing and answer the following questions.

1. Which person looks prettier?

2. Who do you look like now?

3. In what mirror do you most often look in your life?

4. Who would you like to be like?

5. What feelings did you have in the process of drawing 3 drawings?

Exercise 2. "Draw your fear»

Target: overcoming negative experiences, symbolic destruction fear, reducing emotional stress.

Now, I suggest you draw your fear. And then, take turns talking about your drawings.

1. What is shown in the picture? Tell me more about him.

2. What did you feel while drawing?

I offer you several options to choose from getting rid of your fear: destroy drawing (fear) ; turn scary to funny by completing the drawing; decorate it so that it pleases itself and becomes good; Or come up with your own version.


1. What is the way to get rid of the fear you chose?

2. What feelings did you have during "deliverance"?

3. Has your attitude towards this fear now?


We are finishing our lesson here and now, I want to thank all the participants of our lesson, please tell us how you feel, whether your expectations from today's lesson were justified.