Makhmudov Iskandar (Iskander) Kakhramonovich was born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara, Uzbek SSR. His father, Kahramon, worked as a civil engineer, his mother taught Russian. As a preschooler, he and his family moved to Tashkent, where he spent his childhood and teenage years.


He received his higher education at Tashkent State University. According to some reports, the parents of the future billionaire insisted that he enter the Faculty of Oriental Studies at TSU. By 1984, he mastered the Arabic language, which he soon found useful in his service.

Labor activity

After graduating from the university, he found a job in the Main Engineering Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade and went to work in Libya as an engineer-translator. A year and a half later, he moved to Iraq, where he worked as a translator for about two and a half years.

Having left his engineering and translation activities at the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Foreign Economic Relations, in 1988 he became an employee of the State Joint Stock Company Uzbekintorg in Tashkent, where he worked until 1990. At the same time, the future billionaire met his companions - brothers Lev and Mikhail Cherny. Following them, he moved to Moscow and began to be responsible for the coal direction in their business (Trans Commodities), since he had experience working with raw materials. Later he became a junior partner in the company of the Chernykh and Ruben brothers Trans World Group (TWG), registered in London.

From 1991 to June 1994, he was Deputy Director of Marketing at Alice JSC.

In 1993, he left TWG and in 1994 began buying shares in copper enterprises.

From July 1994 to February 1996, he was the director of JSC Industrial and Financial Company Meta Service. In 1994, he took part in the privatization of the only Pavlodar aluminum smelter in Kazakhstan.

In 1996, he headed as general director the leading enterprise in the Urals for the extraction of copper ore - the Gaisky mining and processing plant.

In 1998-1999, not without the support of his partner Mikhail Cherny, he created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (7 large and many small plants in the Urals, Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky Copper Smelter, Kachkanarsky Mining and Processing Plant, etc., according to the Profile magazine at the beginning 2002 controlled approximately 40% of copper production in the Russian Federation, the remaining 60% - Norilsk Nickel). From then to the present, he has headed UMMC as president.

In 2002, on the basis of enterprises controlled by Iskander and Dmitry Komissarov, Transmashholding CJSC was created, Russia’s largest manufacturer of rolling stock for rail transport.

He and partner Andrey Bokarev hold a 13% stake in Transoil LLC (an 80% stake in Transoil belongs to another billionaire, Gennady Timchenko) and are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC.

UMMC, controlled by him, in turn, owns 100% of the shares of the restaurant holding Food Service Capital, which includes the Unified Food Network, which serves passengers of the Sapsan trains, 17 steakhouses, 3 fish establishments, 6 beer houses and 8 burger joints. Also, since 2013, UMMC has owned a controlling stake in the Czech enterprise Kunovice Aircraft Industries, which produces small passenger aircraft.

He is a shareholder of Aeroexpress LLC (17%), and since May 2015 - the holder of 12.25% of the shares of the Kalashnikov arms concern.


He is known as a generous philanthropist in all spheres of public life: he supports medicine, orphanages, war veterans and others.

He is among the top twenty richest businessmen in Russia according to the annual ranking of Forbes magazine. Thus, in 2011, the businessman was on the 12th line of the list with a fortune of $9.9 billion, in 2013 - in 15th place with a mark of $8.7 billion, in 2015 he dropped to 29- 1st line with a fortune of $3.5 billion, and as of March 2016 he occupied 21st position ($4 billion).

In 2017, it ranked 19th with a fortune of $6.5 billion; in 2018 it rose to 16th place, increasing its fortune by $800 million.

On April 18, 2019, the next Forbes list was released, in which he took 18th place among the richest businessmen in Russia with a mark of $6.6 billion.

Interesting facts

The famous businessman speaks six languages, including Uzbek, Tajik, Russian, Arabic, Farsi and English.

Marital status

Married for the second time. He separated from his first wife, an Uzbek by nationality, even before moving to the Russian capital. The current wife is Margarita Ildusovna Makhmutova (Tatar by nationality).

From his first marriage he has a son, Jahangir, born in 1987.

, Russian, Arabic, Farsi and English [ ] .


Born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara. He spent his childhood and youth in Tashkent. Parents are teachers at Tashkent universities.

At the insistence of his parents, in 1984 he graduated from the Arabic department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tashkent State University. I did not serve in the army thanks to the military department at the university.

In 1984-86. - worked in Libya as a translator for a group of Soviet military advisers and specialists from the Main Engineering Directorate of the USSR State Committee for Electric Power Supply, which was involved in the supply of weapons. He worked through the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.

In 1986-88 - translator for a group of Soviet military advisers in Iraq (In the Directorate for the Construction of Military Facilities of the Iraqi General Staff). In 1988-90 worked in middle management positions in the State Joint Stock Company "Uzbekintorg" in Tashkent - then, before the creation of the sovereign Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations - a monopoly company operating mainly in cotton on the foreign market.

By this time, I met two famous Tashkent “guild workers”, brothers Lev and Mikhail Cherny. Even then, the latter, relying on the support of criminal clans, worked with fairly large capital, gradually moving from the production of consumer goods to a more serious “raw materials business”.

Later he moved to Moscow, where he began to collaborate in the “aluminum business” of his Tashkent fellow countrymen, brothers Mikhail and Lev Chernykh, and became a junior partner in the management of the brothers’ company Trans World Group (TWG) registered in London [ ] .

From 1991 to June 1994 - Deputy Director for Marketing of Alice JSC. Soon Makhmudov left there and started selling copper on his own. From July 1994 to February 1996 - Director of JSC Industrial and Financial Company Meta Service. In 1994, Makhmudov helped the Cherny brothers take root in Kazakhstan and participated in the privatization of the only Pavlodar aluminum plant in the country.

In 1996, he occupied the chair of general director of a reputable enterprise - the Gai Mining and Processing Plant - the leading enterprise in the Urals for the extraction of copper ore. In 1998-99, with the support of Mikhail Cherny, who by that time had separated from his brother Lev, he created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (7 large and many small plants in the Urals, Uralelectromed, Sredneuralsky Copper Smelter, Kachkanarsky Mining and Processing Plant, etc. , according to the magazine "Profile" at the beginning of 2002, controlled approximately 40% of copper production in the Russian Federation, the remaining 60% - Norilsk Nickel).

The Spanish prosecutor's office suspects that in 2001-04, through the Spanish company Vera Metallurgica (registered in Alicante in September 2001, authorized capital 278,500 euros, owner: Israeli citizen Mikhail Chernoy, director: Eugen Aschenbrenner, disappeared), associated with UMMC, criminals were laundered money (Izmailovskaya organized crime group) in the amount of about 4 million euros. The connection between UMMC, Rusal and Vera Metallurgica may be the fact that the company was engaged in metal trading. Representatives of the Spanish prosecutor's office and judge Fernando Andreu came to the Russian Federation to transfer case materials to Russian colleagues and interrogate suspects, including Oleg Deripaska.

He holds the position of President of UMMC, which he still holds today. UMMC (Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company) won the competition for nickel mining in the Novokhopyorsky district of the Voronezh region. Despite mass protests from the population, collected 30 thousand signatures, UMMC is carrying out geological work to prepare for nickel mining in the Novokhopyorsky district.

Condition assessment



Mr. Makhmudov and his business partner Andrey Bokarev acquired 13% of the ownership in Transoil LLC. They purchased shares from Gennady Timchenko, co-owner of the Gunvor company.

Transoil LLC is a railway operator in Russia. The company is one of the largest rail carriers of oil and petroleum products in Russia.

The total sales volume for Transoil LLC for the first three quarters of 2012 amounted to 51.1 billion rubles.


In November 2012, it was announced that TMH increased its net profit by 9 percent to 2.69 billion rubles. The company also reduced its long-term liabilities by 39 percent.


Kunovice Aircraft Industries

"Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" is the owner of a controlling stake in Kunovice Aircraft Industries.

First Deputy Minister of Defense Alexander Sukhorukov visited the Kunovice factories, expressing interest in the updated L-410 aircraft. The Russian army plans to use the L-410 aircraft to train pilots, who will then train on the new larger Il-476 aircraft. Kunovice is currently negotiating the delivery of 8 aircraft to the Russian Ministry of Defense in 2013.


Makhmudov owns a 17.5% stake in Aeroexpress LLC. Aeroexpress provides rail transportation services between Moscow and surrounding airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo).

JSC Russian Railways owns 50% of Aeroexpress. In November 2012, it was reported that Russian Railways intend to sell half of its shares (25%) to TransGroup AS LLC.

"Moscow Passenger Company" and "TsPPK"

Mr. Makhmudov and his partner Mr. Bokarev are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC.

In 2011, the Moscow Passenger Company bought a 25% stake in OJSC Central Suburban Passenger Company. TsPPK provides 56% of all suburban transportation in Russia.

In December 2012, the Moscow Passenger Company became the winner of the tender for the purchase of another 25% of the shares of TsPPK OJSC. This purchase will increase the capitalization of the Moscow Passenger Company to 50%.

In 2011, more than 500 million passengers traveled on trains operated by TsPPK. In 2011, TsPPK received 24 billion rubles in revenue and 4.7 billion rubles in profit.

Football club CSKA

Some media reported that Mr. Makhmudov bought a controlling stake in the CSKA football club.

International space services


The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the owner of 100% of the shares of the restaurant holding Food Service Capital, which includes the Unified Food Network, which serves passengers of the Sapsan trains, 17 steakhouses, 3 fish establishments, 6 beer houses and 8 burger joints.


Mr. Makhmudov has donated more than one billion dollars to charities over the past decade, including medical clinics, housing programs, orphanages and free service assistance programs, not only for the children of UMMC employees, but also for disabled children, orphans and children from disadvantaged families."

Medical services

It was reported that Mr. Makhmudov's company plans to send five L-410 UVP E20 aircraft to the Orenburg region to help the region with regional cargo transportation by the end of next year. “Three aircraft from the Czech aircraft plant are passenger aircraft, and the remaining two are convertible, which can provide the region with medical services in remote areas” RusBusinessNews.

Personal life

Married for the second time. Lives in Moscow with his son Jahongir Makhmudov, born in 1987.

The first wife is Uzbek. Makhmudov broke up with his former wife even before moving to Moscow. According to some reports, he devotes a lot of time to his son from his first marriage [ ] .

Second wife - Margarita Ildusovna Makhmutova, Tatar. She has no children.

See also


  1. Makhmudov Iskandar Kakhramonovich (undefined) . Persons and companies. Business FM Archived March 1, 2012.
  2. Iskandar Makhmudov (undefined) . Retrieved February 13, 2011. Archived March 1, 2012.
  3. Iskandar Makhmudov (undefined) . Directory of persons. Vedomosti. Retrieved February 13, 2011. Archived March 1, 2012.
  4. "Iskander Makhmudov" (undefined) . Retrieved March 19, 2017.

Fixed Assets

OJSC "Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" (50%), LLC "Rodionov Publishing House" (25%), together with a partner Andrey Bokarev owns 13% of shares in a large railway carrier of petroleum products - Transoil LLC (purchased from Gennady Timchenko). Makhmudov owns a 17.5% stake in Aeroexpress LLC, which transports passengers between Moscow and nearby airports; "Kuzbassrazrezugol" (60%), "Transgroup" (33%).

Owns shares (22%) of the holding company Transmashholding CJSC (TMH), which produces rolling stock for railways and subways in Russia.

In 2012 Transmashholding acquired a 75% stake in Zheldorremmash, a subsidiary of Russian Railways OJSC.

As of 2013, he ranked 15th in the ranking of the richest Russians according to Forbes, with a capital of $8.7 billion.

In April 2014 UMMC structures consolidated 100% of the restaurant holding Food Service Capital, which includes the companies Arpicom and Unified Food Network (USP). Makhmudov and his partner Andrey Bokarev are the owners of Moscow Passenger Company LLC. UMMC is the owner of a controlling stake in Kunovice Aircraft Industries. The businessman is also interested in investing in the space industry. Finally, the entrepreneur owns a controlling stake in FC CSKA. Partners: Andrey Kozitsyn(together they bought shares of enterprises that became the basis of UMMC), Sergey Glinka, Maxim Liksutov, Andrey Bokarev.


Iskandar Makhmudov was born on December 5, 1963 in Bukhara, Uzbek SSR. He graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​of Tashkent State University with a degree in military translator with knowledge of Arabic, worked in Libya and Iraq, and during the years of Perestroika he worked at Uzbekintorg. Met famous Tashkent "guild workers" Lev and Mikhail Cherny, then moved to Moscow, where he began collaborating in the “aluminum business” with the Cherny brothers.

1991-1994 - Deputy Director for Marketing of the joint stock company "Alice".

1994-1998 – worked in the industrial and financial company "Meta Service", the security service of LLC "Medox", general director of the leading copper mining enterprise in the Urals - "Gaisky Mining and Processing Plant"; LLC "Group "Siberian Aluminum"

Since 1999 - President of OJSC "Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company" (UMMC). The company was created with the support of Mikhail Cherny; it includes seven large and many small factories in the Urals.

In 2004 acquired 25% of Rodionov Publishing House LLC (magazines “Profile”, “Career”, etc.)

In the 2000s, Makhmudov created Transmashholding (production of railway transport). It is assumed that the success of this line of business was due to the connections of the Cherny brothers with the leadership of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation in the 1990s and early 2000s, which controlled Russian railways. It was reported that in the 2000s, Makhmudov managed to establish good relations with the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin.

In 2006, Makhmudov became the owner of the Hatfield coal mine near Doncaster (South Yorkshire, UK).

In the fall of the same 2006, UMMC-Holding received the right to manage the assets of OJSC Management Company Kuzbassrazrezugol, one of the largest coal mining companies in the country. After this, Makhmudov was also called by the press as a co-owner of Russia's largest company in the transport engineering industry - Transmashholding CJSC.

In 2008, Makhmudov and restaurateur Mikhail Zelman, as co-owners (in equal shares) of the Arpikom restaurant chain, created in 2003, established the United Food Network (USN) company to create a network of kitchen factories that supply food to trains.

In October 2010, Makhmudov and Bokarev bought a 25% stake in Aeroexpress LLC, a company engaged in rail passenger transportation to airports and suburban express transportation. Another 50% of the shares belonged to OJSC Russian Railways, the remaining 25 percent belonged to Delta-Trans-Invest LLC.

In September 2011, the Moscow Passenger Company (MPC), owned by Aeroexpress and Integrated Transport Systems CJSC, bought a blocking stake in Central Suburban Passenger Company OJSC. For 25% plus one share of an unprofitable operator of passenger transportation in Moscow and the region, 21 million rubles were paid. Kommersant's sources believed that the purchase was necessary for the new owners in order for Transmashholding to receive orders for electric trains, because since 2012, Russian Railways OJSC stopped purchasing them.

In 2012-2013, high-profile trials took place in London between Oleg Deripaska and Mikhail Cherny and Roman Abramovich With Boris Berezovsky. The name of Iskandar Makhmudov was also heard at these trials. In the end, the current Russian oligarchs Deripaska and Abramovich chose to make peace with the disgraced oligarchs Cherny and Berezovsky, who at one time were their “godfathers,” in order to avoid revealing historical facts about the peculiarities of Russian business in the 1990s that shocked the world community. It is reported that Makhmudov was among the mediators at these negotiations.

In 2014, Transmashholding companies won tenders for the supply of cars and repairs of rolling stock of the Moscow Metro for a total amount of more than $7 billion.

In 2015, Forbes estimated the oligarch’s fortune at $3.5 billion—29th place in the “Russia’s Richest Businessmen” ranking.

Touches to the portrait

Over the past 10 years, he has allocated more than $1 billion to charitable purposes, including medical clinics, orphanages, and programs to help war veterans.

Married for the second time, he is in close contact with his son from his first marriage.

Speaks Uzbek, Russian, Arabic and English.

Makhmudov collects sharks, enjoys diving, and owns a Predator yacht.


Makhmudov worked closely with Oleg Deripaska. In 1998-2000 Makhmudov was deputy general director for development of the Siberian Aluminum group, while Deripaska was the president of the Siberian Aluminum industrial group.

In the early 2000s, when Alexey Mordashov publicly announced his intention to acquire Kuzbassugol, his ex-wife made herself known, who accused the businessman of underpaying child support for her son. Mordashov suggested that Makhmudov, who was also interested in Kuzbassugol, could be behind the scandal. Makhmudov himself denied all accusations.

The scandalous story broke in 2000. around the Kachkanarsky GOK "Vanadium". Makhmudov entrusted management to his childhood friend Jalol Khaidarov, who tried to become the owner of the enterprise. Makhmudov initiated a lawsuit and appeared at the plant, accompanied by bailiffs. A crowd of workers and pensioners came out against the businessman, which was dispersed with water cannons in 20-degree frost. After this, the bailiffs entered the enterprise, and the plant was taken over by Makhmudov. The scandal was covered by all world media.

A few days later, Andrei Kozitsyn, on instructions from Makhmudov, seized the Nizhnesadinsky Metallurgical Plant in a similar scheme. The company's management was locked in the office, the plant's papers and seals were taken away, and the protesting workers were again doused with water.

Khaidarov moved to the USA, where, together with Mikhail Zhivilo filed a $3 billion lawsuit against Makhmudov and other Russian businessmen accused of racketeering and corruption. The American court refused to consider the claim.

In 2005 The prosecutor's office of Bashkiria opened a criminal case on the fact of particularly large damage to the Bashkir Copper and Sulfur Combine (BMSC) managed by UMMC. The controlling stake in BMSC, owned by the government of Bashkiria, was transferred to the trust management of UMMC in 2004. Since then, his debt has grown significantly. UMMC was also suspected of withdrawing the company's assets and deliberately bankrupting it.

Football club CSKA

Some media reported that Mr. Makhmudov bought a controlling stake in the CSKA football club.

International space services

The Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) plans to coordinate international activities with other national space agencies, such as the European Space Agency. In 2011, Roscosmos announced plans to promote Russian launch services to other countries.

Many companies in Russia are already operating in foreign market spaces. International Space Services, owned by the Ural Mining Company, sells Zenit launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Baikonur is a city in the Kyzylorda region of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is leased and administered by Russia.


The Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company is the owner of 100% of the shares of the restaurant holding Food Service Capital, which includes the Unified Food Network, which serves passengers of the Sapsan trains, 17 steakhouses, 3 fish establishments, 6 beer houses and 8 burger joints.


Mr. Makhmudov has donated more than one billion dollars to charities over the past decade, including medical clinics, housing programs, orphanages and free service assistance programs, not only for the children of UMMC employees, but also for disabled children, orphans and children from disadvantaged families."

Medical services

It was reported that Mr. Makhmudov's company plans to send five L-410 UVP E20 aircraft to the Orenburg region to help the region with regional cargo transportation by the end of next year. “Three aircraft from the Czech aircraft plant are passenger aircraft, and the remaining two are convertible, which can provide the region with medical services in remote areas” RusBusinessNews.

Personal life

Married for the second time. Lives in Moscow with his son Jahongir Makhmudov, born in 1987.

The first wife is Uzbek.

The history of the formation of the business of oligarch Iskander Makhmudov

Makhmudov broke up with his former wife even before moving to Moscow. According to some reports, he devotes a lot of time to his son from his first marriage.

The second wife is Margarita Ildusovna Makhmutova, Tatar. She has no children.

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  • OTRK "Iskander" missile will find a target using a photograph. New weapons in Russia

    The public history of the Iskander complex began with a scandal. It happened on the first, closed day of work (only for specialists) of the MAKS-99 aerospace salon in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

    We have completed state tests of the new Iskander tactical missile system,” said Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov at a meeting with the Russian President. He noted that the purchase of such a complex is planned for next year. "

    According to him, this complex will begin to be purchased in 2005.

    The main feature of the Iskander (NATO reporting name is SS-X-26) is that the missiles are manufactured using stealth technology.

    The public history of the Iskander complex began with a scandal. It happened on the first, closed day of work (only for specialists) of the MAKS-99 aerospace salon in Zhukovsky near Moscow.

    The head of the Armament Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Anatoly Sitnov, discovered a mobile launcher of the Iskander-E operational-tactical complex on the open site of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM).

    They say that the general was beside himself - how could a top-secret piece of equipment end up at the show, when foreigners would be walking around?! The car was urgently covered with a tarpaulin and quietly driven away from the exhibition - out of harm's way. Although, as the now former head of KBM Nikolai Gushchin later said, not without irony, the letter “E” precisely meant that the car was exhibited in an export version.

    Even before the completion of state tests and official adoption, Iskander-E became one of the most attractive export products of the Russian defense industry. A number of countries in the Middle East have already expressed a desire to buy it (for them, the complex, due to its tactical and technical characteristics, can be considered not operational-tactical, but strategic), India, and China is interested.

    “The complex meets all the requirements of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Missile Technologies,” Georgy Kuzyk, deputy head of the KBM for foreign economic relations, told Izvestia. — The missile’s flight range is 280 km, the weight of the warhead is 480 kg. So there should be no problem with the export of these weapons.

    "Iskander-E" is a fundamentally new weapon that compares favorably with its analogues. For example, from the American ATACMS, whose flight range is only 115 km. In the future, the Americans want to increase it to 190 km, but this will happen, as experts say, only due to a sharp reduction in the weight of the warhead from 570 to 160 kg.

    However, this is not a matter of competition on the foreign market. Iskander was created primarily for its own army. Chief of the General Staff Yuri Baluevsky, who took part in the meeting with the president, spoke about this. According to him, in 2005, the Ground Forces will have the first missile brigade equipped with new weapons: each of its three missile divisions has 3 batteries, each of them has 3 mobile launchers of the Iskander-E complex, each with 2 rockets. In total - 27 launchers and (taking into account the reserve on the "loading" machines) 100 missiles. Each of them carries to the target a conventional warhead (comparable in destructive impact to a nuclear weapon, only without radioactive contamination of the area) or a cluster warhead consisting of 54 separate combat elements (penetrating, high-explosive fragmentation or any other type).

    Thanks to this, Iskander-E is capable of hitting any targets, including underground, small-sized and area targets, while being deep in the rear of its own troops. Moreover, as experts say, the complex contains technical solutions that allow the missile to easily overcome enemy air defense or missile defense systems. Today only the most modern ballistic missile, Topol-M, possesses such qualities.

    Another advantage of the complex is that it can receive target designation both from reconnaissance satellites or aircraft, and from the ground - from a special combined arms reconnaissance vehicle or from a soldier spotting artillery fire. Even from a photograph of a target on the ground, which at a combat position will be entered through a scanner into the on-board computer of the complex.

    Having received target designation, the vehicle is ready for battle - the launcher doors will open, the launch guide will rise, and the first missile will be launched, and less than a minute later, the second.

    The Iskander-E missile will be guided to the target by a homing head that uses both radar and optical methods of target detection. (A similar principle is implemented in the American Tomahawk and CALCM cruise missiles. How they work could be seen in television reports from Iraq and Yugoslavia, when the missile’s flight to the target was broadcast live from the missile.) “Comparing” both images, the missile hits desired object. The head is so sensitive that it allows you to successfully hit a target - including a moving one - even on moonless nights, with an error of plus or minus 2 meters. No other tactical system in the world can solve such a problem, except for Iskander-E.

    “I do not rule out that the Iskander could be put into service in September of this year,” the military expert emphasized.

    During the already conducted tests of the Iskander, which was created by the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (KBM), high accuracy in hitting area and small-sized ground targets was demonstrated.

    With the use of an inertial guidance system, the probable circular deviation from the target when firing at a maximum range of 280 km ranged from 30 to 50 meters, and when operating an optical-electronic correlation-extreme guidance system, it was 5-7 meters.

    The homing head of the Iskander complex, created by the Central Scientific Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics (TsNIIAG), was demonstrated at the 7th international arms exhibition Eurosatori-2004 held in Paris in June and aroused great interest among specialists.

    History of the creation of the Iskander OTRK

    The immediate predecessor of the Iskander operational-tactical missile system was the Oka OTRK.

    The 9K714 "Oka" operational-tactical missile system, developed at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau under the leadership of chief designer Sergei Pavlovich Nepobedimy, was supposed to replace the 9K72 complex in the army-front link. The Oka missile system was unique in terms of the technical solutions adopted and their implementation and had no analogues in the world. However, the fate of "Oka" turned out to be very sad.

    In December 1987, Gorbachev and Reagan signed the USSR-USA Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range Missiles (INF). The assessments of this document are very contradictory. It stopped the continental nuclear arms race and reduced the threat to the USSR from forward-based American assets. At the same time, due to a number of political mistakes of the Soviet leadership, weapons systems vital for defense capability came under restrictions. The first among them was Oka, which appeared in the agreement under the symbol OTR-23. In 1989, more than 200 missiles and 102 launchers were destroyed.

    The students of the designer Invincible were able to revive the OTR-23. The new complex was named "Iskander". The new complex, naturally, had more advanced tactical and technical parameters. The advanced design principles and ideas that Invincible put into each of his “products” are embodied in the Iskander.

    Iskander can deliver cluster (with 54 combat elements), penetrating, high-explosive fragmentation, and in the future other warheads to the target. This allows you to hit small-sized and area targets, including enemy fire weapons, air defense and missile defense systems, aviation at airfields, command posts, etc. The RK includes a missile, a self-propelled launcher, a transport-loading and command-staff vehicle, a mobile information preparation station, mobile technical support units, as well as sets of arsenal and training equipment.

    Most of the body of the Iskander missile is made using Stealth technology and has a small effective dispersion surface, which significantly reduces the likelihood of it being hit by the enemy. The “invisibility” effect is achieved through a combination of design features, in particular, treating the rocket with special coatings and dropping protruding parts after launch.

    The Iskander trajectory is not only non-ballistic, but also difficult to predict. Immediately after launch and immediately upon approaching the target, the missile performs intensive maneuvering. Depending on the trajectory, overloads range from 20 to 30 units. Accordingly, an interceptor missile must withstand an overload of at least 2-3 times higher. All this creates additional difficulties for developers of anti-Iskander systems.

    The most important feature of the launcher was the placement of two missiles on it. One minute after the first one is launched, the second one can start. The launcher itself was developed by the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan" and, in addition to missiles, carries a full set of equipment for preparation and launch. According to experts, the Iskander operational-tactical missile system is superior in tactical and technical characteristics to its foreign counterparts.

    Tactical and technical characteristics of the Iskander

    Firing range:

    Minimum - 50 km

    Maximum - 280 km

    rocket launch weight - 3800 kg

    warhead weight - 480 kg

    mass of the launcher with missiles - 42300 kg

    Warhead type: cassette, high-explosive fragmentation, penetrating

    Rocket engine: Solid propellant rocket engine

    Type of control system: autonomous, inertial, integrated with optical seeker

    Chassis type: wheeled, all-terrain

    Number of missiles:

    on the launcher - 2 missiles

    on the transport-loading vehicle - 2 missiles

    Combat crew of self-propelled launcher: 3 people

    Temperature range of use of the rocket: from +50 to -50 degrees

    Service life: 10 years, of which 3 years in field conditions.





    Area of ​​interest

    Personal life


    His parents, teachers at Tashkent universities, insisted that their son enter the university at the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

    At that time, the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Tashkent University was closely connected with military organizations and trained employees to work in the countries of the East, where the USSR supplied weapons. Which was especially honorable and promised an extraordinary career rise.

    After graduating from college, Iskander Makhmudov went to work in Libya and then to Iraq. In Libya, he worked in an organization called the Main Engineering Directorate, this is the Soviet analogue of Rosvooruzhenie. In Iraq - in one of the Soviet departments that was involved in construction.

    Then Makhmudov was invited to the state foreign trade organization Uzbekintorg, which, within the framework of allocated national quotas, was engaged in the purchase of goods necessary for the republic. He gained his first serious commercial experience there.

    Later, Iskander Makhmudov moved to Moscow, where he met his old acquaintance and fellow countryman Mikhail Cherny. They took their first steps in business together. Makhmudov got a job in one of the Trans World Group structures, but soon left there and started selling copper.

    From July 1994 to February 1996 - Director of JSC Industrial and Financial Company Meta Service.

    In 1996 Makhmudov became the general director of the Gaisky mining and processing plant, the leading enterprise in the Urals for the extraction of copper ore.

    In 1999 together with his partners, he created the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), of which he has been president since its founding until now.


    UMMC was founded in 1999. structures of the current president of the company, Iskander Makhmudov. By that time, Makhmudov, together with his partners, had bought shares in most copper enterprises in Russia - from mining and processing plants to factories producing final copper products (in total, more than 20 enterprises in Russia, as well as the Lithuanian Litkabel; their total turnover in 2001 was $1.2 billion). Under the auspices of UMMC it was planned to consolidate all controlled copper assets. However, the consolidation process dragged on: only in the spring of 2002.

    UMMC received permission to acquire controlling stakes in the holding's parent enterprises - Uralelectromed (60% of shares) and Gaisky GOK (40.67%) (Vedomosti, 2002). According to experts, Makhmudov now controls 35-40% of production Russian copper, the rest comes from Norilsk Nickel.


    Among Iskander Makhmudov’s partners, Oleg Deripaska is named. In addition to Deripaska, Makhmudov is also credited with friendship with Alexander Mamut. However, all this, by Iskander Makhmudov’s own admission, is in the past: “Several of our enterprises once owned shares in MDM Bank. But that was a very long time ago, we sold these papers and no longer maintain any business relations. And our friendly relations are not bad. Especially with Melnichenko, whom we have known for a long time. I know Mamut worse.” (“Vedomosti”, 2001).

    Alexander Abramov, head of EvrazHolding, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper in 2002. he spoke about the partnership with Iskander Makhmudov: “Makhmudov is a shareholder of NTMK. He has a 6.8% stake in the plant. We have a processing agreement under which he supplies NTMK with raw materials from the Kachkanarsky GOK, which he owns, and takes away the finished metal. We also had a stake in the Kachkanarsky GOK, but we sold it. Makhmudov considers it advisable to maintain the stake in NTMK. If we agree with Lisin [NLMK] on a merger, then it would be logical to consolidate the Kachkanarsky GOK into a large company. We will resolve this issue with the owners of the mining and processing plant.”


    Now Mikhail Zhivilo, the head of the Metallurgical Investment Company (MIKOM), has filed a lawsuit in an American court, accusing Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov of giving bribes, racketeering, and even organizing contract killings.

    Mikhail Zhivilo was joined by Makhmudov’s former partner and closest friend, Jalol Khaidarov, whom the head of UMMC Iskander Makhmudov first appointed to manage the Kachkanarsky GOK, and then, accusing him of withdrawing shares, forcefully expelled him from the enterprise.

    According to Alexey Mordashov, General Director of Severstal OJSC, he has assumptions that Makhmudov was not involved in the scandal related to the lawsuit of his ex-wife Elena Mordashova. Makhmudov himself also commented on the situation: “I have absolutely nothing to do with this story. I don’t know what grounds Mordashov has to talk about my involvement in the case. You have to ask him yourself. True, I am closely following the story, and if Mrs. Mordashova manages to sue for something, I will offer to buy something from her.”

    Some analysts believe that UMMC was an element of the so-called “Family” and now maintains strong ties in the highest echelons of Russian power.

    Area of ​​interest

    In the area of ​​interest of Iskander Makhmudov are the Kuzbass coal mines, which supply coke to metallurgical plants. Makhmudov owns a third of Kuzbass coal production (a seventh of all coal production in Russia). UMMC controls Kuzbassrazrezugol, the largest coal company in the country. 16% of the shares of Kuzbassugol, the second coal company, owned by the Kemerovo region, by order of Governor Aman Tuleyev, were sold without announcement or competition to one single buyer. It was the Novosibirsk intermediary company Belon. There is an opinion that Iskander Makhmudov is behind it.

    UMMC is one of the real contenders for purchasing a license to develop the largest in Russia and third in the world Udokan copper deposit (Chita region). It contains 20 million tons of “pure” copper, which is a quarter of the national reserves. Enterprises for processing non-ferrous metals UMMC is systematically absorbing “secondary processing” enterprises - producers of cables and rolled products. In particular, the holding plans to gain full control over OJSC Sibkabel. St. Petersburg-based Sevkabel may also be of interest to the holding.

    Ferrous metallurgy.

    UMMC, a participant in the dispute over stakes in OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, plans to gain control over it, and in the future, to create a powerful metallurgical alliance. Makhmudov’s plans are to bring Severstal under his control. The first step on this path has already been taken: the MDM group, “allied” with Makhmudov, took possession of 36% of the shares of the Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant, a strategic supplier of Severstal (25% of the iron ore purchased by Severstal).

    In Kuzbass business circles, they speak with caution and irritation about Makhmudov’s claims to the Kemerovo Azot chemical plant, which is now owned by the gas and petrochemical concern SIBUR. There is information that, having gained control over a significant part of Kuzbass coal, Makhmudov is trying to take control over the Altai “Koks”, the largest Russian coke chemical enterprise.


    UMMC, through its OJSC Kuzbassrazrezugol, acquired control over OJSC Rosterminalugol in the Leningrad region - a specialized port whose capacity in the future can transship up to 6-10 million tons of coal per year. Now the controlling stake in the terminal belongs to the state, but Kuzbassrazrezugol, having bought 45% of the shares, plans to take control of the port. According to some reports, the holding is also interested in control over one of the ports of the Far East, which are so far divided between Severstal, MDM, EvrazHolding, MMK and the Alliance group. In the future, the oligarch’s expansion may affect railways and power plants, the privatization of which will happen in the coming years.

    Personal life

    Iskander Makhmudov is married for the second time. Makhmudov broke up with his former wife even before moving to Moscow, but, according to some sources, he devotes a lot of time to his son from his first marriage. Partial to sharks.

    Margarita Makhmudova: “A woman is a bird created for flight. Anything is possible if she opens the wings of her dreams wide!..”

    ...The famous oligarch in Russia, the owner of an empire called the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Iskander Makhmudov, is not yet very well known in the circles of the general Ukrainian public. Several years ago, this name began to “promote” in connection with his plans to acquire Luganskteplovoz, but then the idea failed, which, however, does not mean that Mr. Makhmudov’s interest in this enterprise disappeared.

    In Russia, Mr. Makhmudov is very well known and enjoys a unique reputation. Here's how Profile magazine wrote about him : “If you believe the rumors, then only Berezovsky was more terrible and more influential than the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company Iskander Makhmudov in our country. Makhmudov does not give interviews, rarely appears in public, and in the Makhmudov-Deripaska tandem (in this context it is most often customary to mention the name of our hero), he is assigned the role of a punishing hand, merciless to competitors... Makhmudov is demonized, presented as the evil genius of the newest Russian economy, who has applied his a weary hand to almost all the scandals occurring in the copper industry.”

    It is clear that such a characteristic must be “conformed”. And Iskander Kahramonovich is “trying.” In the biography (it is set out in sufficient detail in the specified Profile article) everything is “as it should be”: involvement in the arms trade back in Soviet times, close ties with the “siloviki” and no less fruitful cooperation with the Cherny brothers. “Hobbies” are also okay: Mr. Makhmudov collects sharks. His personal life was also successful: his second marriage to student Margarita. Master, what's going on here?

    Mrs. Makhmudova, as expected, is a regular at endless Moscow entertainment. Her release into the world is celebrated by the press. This is what, for example, Russian Izvestia wrote about in October 2004:

    “To warm up, models walked along the catwalk. They were looked at by guests, among whom were philanthropist Alimzhan Tokhtakhunov (Alik Taiwanchik - “Obkom”), public figure Anzori Aksentiev, businessman Andrei Kobzon, chairman of the board of directors of the Capital insurance group Yuri Tskhovrebov, head of DON-Stroy Dmitry Zelenov, general director "Russian Media Group" Sergei Kozhevnikov, president of the film company "Central Partnership", producer Ruben Dishdishyan, athlete Pavel Bure. “And here is Nekrich’s wife, and here is Makhmudov’s wife,” friendly comments were loudly heard. (The gentlemen had in mind the richest businessman Mikhail Nekrich and the head of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Complex Iskander Makhmudov)..."

    But these social events are not enough for Ms. Makhmudova. The bird woman wants more. Including in Ukraine.

    One way or another, in 2004, Public Relations Agency Bagira LLC began operating in Ukraine, formed on the intellectual basis of Scientific Research Institute of PR (Russia) by Margarita Ildusovna Makhmudova, who is the founder of both companies.

    For some time, the Bagheera agency has been engaged in the modeling business and organizing various events, using its Russian developments. For example, from holding a beauty contest among representatives of companies in the construction industry “Miss Creation 2003” under the patronage of the Moscow government, to the “Miss Business 2004” competition organized on the same principle in Ukraine, under the patronage of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Industrial Policy and entrepreneurship, which is headed by Yuri Yekhanurov. Well, a respected politician could not refuse an aspiring businesswoman from a neighboring country, so he shared his “patronage”.

    Inspired by the successful debut (we are talking about “patronage”, it is still too early to judge the success of the competition itself - it continues...) the Bagheera agency begins to try its hand in the field of PR. And the very first attempt turns into a stunning success! Last week it became known that Bagheera won the tender to conduct a PR campaign for compulsory civil liability insurance of Ukrainian car owners, which was conducted by the Motor Transport Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU), with a modest budget of 2,500,000 hryvnia. And - oh, miracle! – “Baghira” won this tender from one of the most serious network advertising agencies operating in Ukraine – Scholz&Friends! And, we repeat, this is despite the fact that at the time of winning the tender, the agency had no experience in conducting such companies!

    There are perhaps two points worth noting here. As April 1 approaches, the topic of auto insurance is acquiring an increasingly “public” sound, and PR support for this innovation will clearly not hurt.

    And second. Among the contenders for the title of “Miss Business 2004”, which is still held by “Bagheera”, there are too many beautiful ladies representing Ukrainian insurance companies - members of this very... Motor and Transport Insurance Bureau. Take a look, for example, at the website of this competition - and see for yourself. There are business ladies from IC Garant-Auto, IC Inpro, and five ladies from IC Inkomstrakh - among the participants numbered 1 to 10...

    We do not, of course, undertake to judge who (among the MTIBU members) will win this competition, and how successful the PR campaign will be to promote the “autocitizen” to the masses. But “Bagira” and Ms. Makhmudova can already be congratulated on their victory.

    Such a “business woman” needs an eye and an eye. What if her heart is attracted not so much by “flying on the wings of a dream” (see epigraph), but by a successful landing – on the soil of Ukrainian “real estate”? It was not for nothing that Margarita Ildusovna “PRed” the Moscow DSK-1, and then the corresponding department in the Moscow government...