Overshadowed by the news about Vladimir Putin's nomination was an extremely important event for domestic aviation. Russian promising fighter The Su-57 made its first flight with a new engine (“product 30”). This means that our country has acquired a full-fledged fifth-generation aircraft. The Su-57 will definitely be included in the State Armament Program, which must be approved by the president, and the first batch of fighters will enter the Aerospace Forces in 2018-2019.

Network-centric war

The Su-57 is better known as the T-50 and the Advanced Frontline Aviation Complex (PAK FA). The fighter received this name in August 2017. According to the stated tactical and technical characteristics(TTX), this car belongs to the fifth generation. Russia has been pursuing such an aircraft since the 1990s. The preliminary design of the T-50 was completed at the Sukhoi Design Bureau in November 2004, and in 2010 the prototype took to the skies for the first time.

The main differences between the fifth generation and the fourth (according to experts, are rather conditional) are maximum automation control process, versatility, stealth (“flat” geometry and special materials in the design) and high speed characteristics (reaching supersonic speed in non-afterburning mode).

The pilot of such a machine receives information from all information carriers within a radius of hundreds of kilometers thanks to perfect software And radar station. It is believed that the fifth-generation fighter is designed to conduct combat operations in the so-called network-centric war.

In military parlance, participants in a theater of military operations (TVD) are connected by a single information and communication field, which allows them to assess the situation in detail and more quickly respond to its changes. The events taking place can literally be observed on the monitor screen. This deprives the enemy of surprise and the opportunity for unexpected maneuver.

In practice, if we take the Syrian Aerospace Forces operation as an example, network-centric warfare will be expressed in the fact that information received from a drone about the location of the terrorist command post will be available to Special Operations Forces units, Su-57 crews in the air and headquarters. Participants in the theater of operations will be able to control the process of destroying an enemy target in real time.

Ridiculous situation

The key problem of the PAK FA was the lack of an appropriate engine. Since 2010, these years, prototypes of the Su-57 have flown on AL-41F1 engines (“product 117”), which were installed on previous generation aircraft.

When creating and finalizing the PAK FA, the domestic designer managed to solve many technical and technological problems. According to unconfirmed reports, some of the materials and components were purchased abroad. Imported products made it possible to ignore problems in the production of composites and some components (in particular, electronics).

With the introduction of the sanctions regime, Western states practically stopped military-technical cooperation with Moscow. In addition to this, the Su-57 did not have a suitable engine. Judging by the test results, the designers managed to solve the vast majority of the difficulties that arose, and in a relatively short term.

Experts suggest that at the beginning of 2017, Russia was ready to launch mass production of the Su-57. However, the lack of an engine slowed down this process and delayed the time for the vehicle to be put into service. It was impossible to delay the launch of production, if only for reputational reasons. The car took off seven years ago, and during this time the federal media turned the PAK FA (like the Armata tank) into a PR project.

The Russian average person had some incredible expectations from the Su-57. First of all, citizens were instilled with the idea that the fifth-generation American aircraft F-22 and F-35 are an expensive toy, and our new fighter (for some unknown reason) will definitely be better. In recent years it has been released huge amount materials where the capabilities of the PAK FA and the latest aircraft USA.

Thanks to this presentation of information, Russia found itself in a very ridiculous situation. The Su-57, as the media vying with each other, is the coolest fighter of our time, but there is no engine for it. This circumstance buries the meaning of any arguments in favor of the PAK FA, and journalists and all kinds of experts said little about such an inconvenient topic.

The development of the engine for the PAK FA was classified. The presentation of the demonstration sample took place on November 11, 2016 at the A. Lyulka experimental design bureau (Moscow); in October 2017, the first photographs appeared. It is assumed that “product 30” will be able to develop thrust in cruising mode of 107 kilonewtons and in afterburner mode of 176 kilonewtons.

The designers were faced with the task of creating an engine with increased thrust (that is, very powerful) and economical fuel consumption. The first flight may indicate that the lion's share of the problems were eventually resolved. According to official information, the tests of “product 30” were carried out normally, the flight lasted 17 minutes. The Su-57 was piloted by Hero of Russia Sergei Bogdan.

“This is proof of the high potential of the Russian aircraft industry, capable of creating highly intelligent advanced systems - a unique airframe, innovative digital components, latest engines", said Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

The entry into service of the Su-57 will allow Russia to maintain its status as the second aviation power after the United States. On current moment Only the United States can boast of achievements in the field of the latest aviation technologies that have been put into practice. China believes it also has a fifth-generation aircraft, but the Chengdu J-20 fighter lacks a suitable engine.

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Those who have read books like “Entertaining Physics” know that the invisible man himself becomes blind. Why? So we see perfectly well with a transparent glass lens, right? And the eye is also a lens, with all that it entails... Or so: it is invisible, but at a height of 170 cm two transparent eyes gaze out. Horrible!

The same problem with stealth. Imagine walking at night wearing black clothes. You can't be seen. But the road and oncoming passers-by are not visible to you either. And you turn on the flashlight... But the on-board radar is not a flashlight, it’s a powerful searchlight! It turns out that stealth is blind as a mole. Or he's not stealth. And the reasoning that the stealth will see you much earlier than you see it, and therefore will launch a missile at you first, is very doubtful.

It will be objected to me that the newest fighters have a radar with an active phased array antenna (AFAR), which can probe the space with an inconspicuous thin beam. But even the thinnest beam is still much more powerful than that dead reflected signal that your radar usually sees. Will they say that the onboard radar sees only its reflected signal? So it is necessary to regard the radar designers as idiots, who were still too lazy to provide for such a mode of operation.

Not only is the stealth blind, he is also mute. Well, at least he's not deaf and dumb. You can use the radio station in reception mode, but talking to yourself is also unmasking. Either in plain text or in encrypted codes. That is, stealth aircraft cannot even exchange information from the radar with each other, as the MiG-31 and Su-27 do. Sit and stupidly do what the earth tells you and the GPS shows you. If the enemy hasn't silenced them...

Another problem. The Americans either did not know or forgot that there are different radio waves. For example, in the USSR, airborne aircraft radars operated at a wavelength of approximately 3 cm, shipborne radars - 10 cm, and ground-based ones - 30 cm. This range is also called meter (in the press), although in fact it is decimeter. And radio waves in this range are reflected from objects in a completely different way than three-centimeter ones. Roughly speaking, the “stealth” in it is clearly visible.

Moreover, soon after the appearance of “stealth”, news appeared about the development of a radar that sees them. There were no details, except for the humorous phrase that this was “a victory of reason over common sense,” but, judging by the photo, this is a multi-frequency radar.

But even with on-board radars, oddities arise that make one doubt the victorious reports: “Test pilot Larry Nielsen, in an interview with World Air Power Journal, stated that the N-019 radar (developed by NPO Phazotron) installed on the MiG-29 sees B-2 (this is an American stealth bomber, strategic, absolutely insane in price) even against the backdrop of the earth. In his opinion, it can almost certainly be assumed that the MiG-31 and Su-27 radars are also capable of selecting such a target, and at a much greater range.”

This is about those MiG-29s that ended up in NATO after the unification of the two Germanys, that is, the most ancient modifications of the MiG-29. http://suavia.info/page/23/ But the radar on the small MiG-29 is quite weak...

And from the same place: “...The report on the MiG tests was heard by a Congressional commission. It noted, in particular, that “the planned work to reduce the radar visibility of the B-2 to the required level is many times higher in cost than the work aimed at modernizing the radar of Soviet fighters.”

And the following phrase really finishes it off: “The detection range of an aircraft is equal to the fourth root of the change in the EPR value. For example, if a radar is capable of detecting a target with an ESR of 10 sq. m at a range of 100 miles, then a target with an EPR of 5 sq. m will be detected only at a distance of 84 miles. Target with EPR 1 sq. m will be detected at a distance of only 55 miles. Thus, reducing the ESR by 90% reduces the detection range by 45%. Reducing the EPR by 1000 times will reduce the detection range by 82%.”

But that's not all. There is, after all, such a cunning radar as “Kolchuga”. It does not emit anything at all, that is, it is even problematic to destroy it if you do not know exactly where it is hidden. And she sees stealth aircraft no worse than ordinary aircraft, and will even be able to distinguish them from other types. How does it work? I'll explain it very roughly.

There are always some radio waves on the air. Radio stations, television transmitters, base stations mobile communications, etc., etc. They looked at some square with their receiving antennas and remembered the picture. If an airplane appears in this square, the picture will change dramatically, because radio waves are reflected from the plane, flow around it, etc. If stealth appears there, even one that absorbs all the waves, the picture will still change, even brighter. And from the nature of the changes you can see: stealth! “Guys, great catch! Rockets to battle!

Of course, the mathematics there is very complicated. But “Kolchuga” has been in the series for a long time, which means we got it done. But the British, as they say, also tried to develop something similar. Moreover, they greatly simplified their task in advance: they used only mobile communication frequencies (tell me, is this available in Afghanistan or Iraq? Will it definitely work during the war?) Alas, the English sirs did not have enough wiles even for this. But “Kolchuga” was produced not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, at the Donetsk “Topaz”. What needs to be done? Accuse Ukraine of allegedly selling it to Iraq. And for this bench, request a complete set design documentation and a commission for the plant... How many secrets has Ukraine already squandered... And for some reason they beg for cheap gas from Russia, and not from the USA or England...

And the news that an additional long-wave radar has been developed for the PAK FA and Su-35, the antennas of which will be built into the leading edges of the wing. Stealth is not a problem for her.

There are many more ways to deal with invisible people. This is a general law: for every poison there is always an antidote, for every sword there is a shield. It is foolish to rely on a wunderwaffe: by the time you widely introduce it into the troops, an antidote will already be found.

In general, invisibility is a good thing, we should strive for it, but making a fetish out of it, as some do, especially sacrificing other important characteristics for this, was not at all worth it.

Well, so as not to run twice, let’s briefly talk about other requirements for the fifth generation.

Non-afterburning supersonic

Probably not everyone knows that the cruising speed of most modern fighters is exactly the same as that of passenger aircraft: 850-900 km/h. This is the most economical flight mode. But in order to catch up with the adversary, you can turn on the afterburner and accelerate to about 2500 km/h. The only problem is that afterburning engines are very power hungry.

So they decided that the fighter should fly at a speed of 1500-1800 km/h without turning on the afterburner. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to increase the engine thrust. True, whatever one may say, air resistance also needs to be reduced.

Why do you need to increase cruising speed? After all, you can catch up or escape with afterburner, but in normal flight you can get by at subsonic speed. It is believed that such a fighter will have the initiative in battle, maneuver around a slower enemy, get behind him faster, etc. But super-maneuverability is much better for these purposes. As one English pilot said, when the Su-27 was first shown abroad, he and his colleagues timed the turn, and were shocked that a full turn on the Su-27 could be done, according to them, in 10 seconds. Other fighters need several times more time for this. Another thing is that at high speed the time that a ground enemy has to shoot you down before you attack him is reduced. And escape after the attack too.

I heard the opinion that supersonic flight worsens invisibility, but why was not explained. If true, then this is another disadvantage for supersonic cruising speed.

Because only cruising supersonic sound will ensure acceptable survivability of promising stealth strike aircraft operating without fighter cover in Anti-Access Area-Denial zones.

Let's remember what the conceptual design of the LRSA (Long Range Strike Aircraft) from Lockheed Martin was in 2007:

Why was it abandoned? Because in American realities, this design definitely does not fit into today’s requirements of no more than 550 million dollars per car for a series of 80-100 cars.

This is what the LRS-B design from the New Bomber Team consisting of Boeing and Lockheed Martin looks like now:

Competing with New Bomber Team Northrop Grumman, the concept differs only in details:

Do I need to write that the transition from supersonic to subsonic design was primarily due to economic reasons?

As a rule, any weapon system cannot be considered separately from other systems. However, there are exceptions - for example, a long-range strike aircraft operating in the enemy’s air defense zone without support from its front-line (tactical) aviation. This is exactly how the Americans viewed the concept of New bomber on horizon for 2018 (The Bomber 2018), aka LRSA, and some eight others years ago:

"The B-52 and B-1 are not expected to engage a target in guarded enemy territory without the help of advanced airframes like the stealthy F-22 Raptor, according to Lt. Col. Tony Siler, ACC chief of the Ground Dominance Capability Team. "We refer to it as, "Kick down the door," said Colonel Siler. Taking down a portion of the enemy's air defense is the initial part of air warfare." "t penetrate guarded territory on its own - but the new bomber could be expected to penetrate, engage, and return without any help."

It was planned that the promising long-range strike aircraft would operate in A2AD zones completely independently. ""We refer to it as, "Kick down the door"... new bomber could be expected to penetrate, engage, and return without any help."

Within a few years, economic realities forced us to discard this concept and, within the framework of the NGB (Next Generation Bomber) program and later the LRS-B (Long Range Strike Bomber) program that replaced it, to rely on a sort of simplified and cheaper B-2. Such an LRS-B will require support from tactical aviation in A2AD zones, similar to that which, for example, accompanied the B-2A bomber raids in 1999 on targets in Serbia:

“The B-2A had solid air cover in the skies of Serbia, which included a squad of EA-6B electronic warfare aircraft and F-15C fighters with information support Sentry AWACS aircraft. Such tactics contradict the principles of using stealth aircraft (acting alone, without involving other types of aircraft that do not have stealth properties and are capable of unmasking stealth). In addition, the cost of one bomber combat mission increased sharply. Very “delicate” work was also required to coordinate the joint actions of many different types of aircraft. This could not but affect the efficiency combat use bombers, as well as ensuring the required secrecy regime. However, the Americans (especially after the loss of the first F-117) probably relied more on the power of air cover rather than on the combat survivability of the Spirit itself.

At the same time, for the failed project to modernize the B-1B into the two-swing B-1R, for example, the following “raider” scenarios were considered:

They came in pairs (at a time when the F-22A had almost exhausted its missile potential in a collision with a numerically superior enemy) and defeated everyone.

If we return “to our roots,” that is, to the PAK DA, then we need a supersonic long-range strike aircraft that also carries air-to-air weapons for operations in A2AD zones without any support from our front-line (tactical) aviation.

We do not have so many air bases around the world, a large aircraft carrier fleet and the most powerful fleet tanker aircraft like the Americans to support the sorties of long-range strike aircraft to intercontinental ranges by groups of front-line fighters and electronic warfare aircraft. PAK DA must have the ability " infiltrate, find and return without outside help."

And yes, the unfortunate UCLASS from the previous post. After all, it was also intended as a deck-based weapon for independent long-range penetration into A2AD zones and solving strike problems there. But apparently they appreciated the chances - they shed tears. If the B-2A, which required cover from the EA-6B and F-15C even in the night sky over Serbia in a multi-hour flight, had an average speed of 720 km/h, then this miracle has a cruising speed of 580 km/h. How this miracle will independently exist without cover by electronic warfare aircraft and fighters in the cruel world of over-the-horizon, multi-position, balloon radars of the future and zoned air defense missile systems and fighters (possibly unmanned) guided by their target designations is in principle understandable - bad, but not for long.

My colleague knows better where UCLASS is being projected today

Fifth generation fighters, created in the USA and in Russia, no longer differ much from each other in their technical characteristics and combat capabilities. In some respects, we were able not only to catch up with the Americans, but in some places to surpass them. True, in some cases there is still a backlog, although it is rapidly decreasing. As a result, the Su-57 has a good chance of winning over the F-22 at short range, and a draw with the F-35 at long range

The last pre-production prototype of the Su-57 aircraft, equipped with a new second stage engine, took off

Photo: vpk.name

M multi-year creation program Russian fighter The fifth generation has finally reached the finish line. At the end of last year, after numerous modifications, the last pre-production prototype of the Su-57 aircraft, equipped with a new second-stage engine, took off for the first time. The flight lasted 17 minutes and took place in normal mode. “This is proof of the high potential of the Russian aircraft industry, capable of creating highly intelligent advanced systems,” said the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

New power point with the working title “product 30”, it is capable of developing a maximum afterburner thrust of up to 19 tons. This is approximately 15–20% more than that of the first stage engine - AL-41F1S. According to the general director of the OKB named after A. M. Lyulka Evgenia Marchukova, such characteristics were achieved due to a sharp improvement in operating cycle parameters, unit efficiency and the use of new structural materials. According to the developers, they managed to reduce the number of parts in the high-pressure compressor of the new engine by almost half compared to the AL-41F1C and provide a significant increase in work by one stage. At the same time, the cost of such a compressor will remain almost the same as that of its predecessor.

In general, “product 30” introduced a number of innovative solutions, and some of them have no analogues in the world

In general, “product 30” introduced a number of innovative solutions, and some of them have no analogues in the world. First of all, these are composite metal-ceramic turbine blades made of especially heat-resistant alloys - they have an extremely complex design. The secret here is not only in the composition of these materials, which, in general, is not so difficult to determine, but also in the technology of their manufacture. Another innovation is a plasma afterburner, which provides oxygen-free engine starting at high altitudes, which increases the survivability of the fighter in close combat. For the same purpose, the engine nozzles can deviate in two planes at once - up-down and left-right, and not just in one, like all other aircraft of this class.

Cruising supersonic

But the most important thing is that thanks to the new engines, the Su-57 can now fly a considerable distance at supersonic cruising speed, that is, without the use of afterburner. This is one of three the most important characteristics, distinguishing the fifth generation of fighters from the fourth. The other two are extremely low visibility for enemy radars and are equipped with an onboard radar system with an active phased antenna array (AFAR), which allows you to detect all air targets at a long range and issue a command to destroy them. Note that supersonic cruising flight mode greatly saves fuel, which means it sharply increases the combat radius of the aircraft. Today, there is only one fighter in service around the world that fully meets all the criteria of the fifth generation - the heavy American F-22 Raptor. It is no longer produced, but is on combat duty in the US Air Force and is actively used in combat operations. But the lighter American F-35 fighter, which the United States itself also classifies as the fifth generation, only partially corresponds to it. Due to its design, this aircraft can fly at supersonic speed without activating the afterburner for only about 150 km, or less than ten minutes.

Thanks to the new engines, the Su-57 can now fly a considerable distance at supersonic cruising speed, that is, without the use of afterburner

Photo: WistaNews.ru

Thus, our Su-57 will become the second full-fledged fifth-generation fighter to be put into service. This is expected to happen by the end of next year. Now the new Russian aircraft has already completed the first stage state testing program and is in experimental combat operation. In mid-February, two such vehicles even made a two-day voyage to the Khmeimim airbase in Syria - there they worked out algorithms of action, including the use of specially developed aviation assets defeats of the new generation. 14 different types have already been created, including air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, as well as adjustable bombs. True, the internal compartments of the Su-57 fuselage are unlikely to fit more than eight missiles. That is, the same as the F-22 Raptor. “During the tests, protocols for information interaction with almost all types of weapons have already been agreed upon. Work is going on intensely. Launches are just around the corner. This applies to the products of both “Rainbow” and “Vympel”, and the parent company in Korolev,” said the head of the Tactical Corporation missile weapons» (KTRV) Boris Obnosov. All these enterprises have been developing air-launched hypersonic missiles since Soviet times. One of them, as part of the Kinzhal complex, has already been tested with the MiG-31 and has been in service in the Southern Military District for several months. This means that, unlike the American fighter, our aircraft will be the first in the world to receive unique air-to-surface weapons capable of destroying targets at a speed of about Mach 10 at a distance of more than two thousand kilometers. The only drawback of such a missile is that it can only be placed on the external sling of a fighter, which dramatically increases its visibility to enemy radars.

Unlike the American fighter, our aircraft will be the first in the world to receive unique air-to-surface weapons capable of destroying targets at a speed of about Mach 10 at a distance of more than two thousand kilometers.

As stated by the Deputy Minister of Defense Yuri Borisov, by the end of this year his department will sign a contract for the supply of an initial batch of 12 Su-57 fighters. However, after the training of flight personnel at the Lipetsk Aviation Center, the number of purchased fighters will increase sharply - to at least 60 aircraft in the next five to seven years. And in the longer term, the Su-57 will become the main strike complex of our front-line aviation. But will it be better than its foreign competitors? And will he be able to win a technological duel against them in an aerial confrontation?

Combat functionality vs low visibility

It is no secret that all fifth-generation fighters in the USA, Russia and China are made using stealth technology, which reduces the aircraft's visibility to radars and allows, as far as possible, to implement the First Look - First Kill principle. ). This applies to the design of the airframe itself, its skin, and the materials used. By the way, this is why the armament of such aircraft is placed, as a rule, only in the internal compartments of the fuselage, although external hangers on the wings are also provided for additional missiles. But in the latter case, the visibility of the fighter to radars, primarily for ground-based complexes Long-range air defense with powerful radars is increasing sharply. And the detection range increases to maximum. Essentially, this means that an aircraft overloaded with missiles simply turns into a target that is relatively easy to shoot down.

Fifth generation fighters put into service and currently at the testing stage

Model Su-57 F-22A F-35A J-20
Lead developer Sukhoi Design Bureau Lockheed Martin/Boeing Lockheed Martin Chengdu Aircraft
Maximum speed (km/h) 2800 2410 1930 1700
Supersonic flight range (km) 2000 1500 2200 n. d.
Service ceiling (km)
20 20 18,2 20
Empty weight (tons)
Normal take-off weight*
Effective dispersion area (ESR; sq. m)
n. d.
> 0,5
n. d.
Maximum missiles for air combat**
Maximum air-to-surface missiles**
4 2 2
Maximum adjustable bombs**
H036 "Squirrel"
Number of transceiver modules in the radar
Detection range of 4th generation fighters (km)
n. d.
Detection range of 5th generation fighters (km)
n. d.
Cruise missile detection range (km)
n. d.
Take-off run (meters)
> 350
Share of composites in airframe structure*** (%)
< 20
Price (millions of dollars)
n. d.
experimental combat operation
in service
in service
operational readiness
Combat radius (km)
more than 1000
n. d.
Maximum thrust in afterburner (tf)
2 × 15.8
1 × 19.5
2 × 16****
Thrust-to-weight ratio in afterburner at normal take-off weight with full tanks

*With ammunition and full fuel tank.

**Only in internal compartments in the standard kit at the moment (the number of missiles and adjustable bombs varies depending on the mission, but cannot exceed the maximum combat load).

***By mass and surface area.

****For WS-15 engines.

A confrontation in an air battle with a vehicle of a similar class is a different matter. This is where stealth technologies, coupled with onboard radars, play a decisive role. It is well known that the visibility of an aircraft is characterized by its effective dispersion area (ESR). This is a formal parameter that is measured in units of area and is a quantitative measure of the property of an object to reflect electromagnetic wave. The smaller this area, the more difficult it is to detect the aircraft and, accordingly, to hit it with a missile. In any case, the detection range is sharply reduced. So, almost all fourth-generation fighters have an ESR of more than 1 square meter. m, and for fifth-generation cars it is several times less. And although the exact data is kept secret, most experts are inclined to believe that, for example, the F-22 and F-35 have an average RCS of approximately 0.2–0.3 square meters. m. True, the developer of the aircraft, Lockheed Martin Corporation, assures that the ESR of the F-22 when irradiated by the radar from certain angles does not exceed 0.0001 square meters. m. “On the radar, this plane is reflected like a golf ball,” Americans like to boast. But if such an indicator is actually achieved, then only with the frontal influence of the radar of another similar aircraft at the same altitude.

Here it must be said that the ESR of complex objects cannot be calculated using formulas, since it is measured experimentally with special instruments in anechoic chambers or at test sites. Moreover, its value very much depends on the direction from which the aircraft is irradiated, and for the same aircraft it is represented by a range of indicators in which the best values ​​for the scattering area are recorded when the aircraft is irradiated in the forward hemisphere. Thus, there simply cannot be accurate EPR indicators, and the figures released by Lockheed Martin are just minimum values range, its lower limit. A few years ago, the chief designer of the Su-57 Alexander Davydenko estimated the average EPR value of the F-22 at 0.3–0.4 square meters. m and at the same time emphasized that “we have similar requirements for visibility.”

Nevertheless, one cannot help but admit that American fifth-generation fighters really have exceptional stealth. For example, in the F-22 this is achieved, among other things, by a high proportion of composite materials. There are at least 40% of them in the airframe design. Moreover, almost a third of this amount is made up of thermoplastic carbon fiber reinforced plastics and radio-absorbing materials. The latter constructively shape the edges of the aircraft's wings. Most The airframe is made of composites based on bismaleimides - heat-resistant polymers that can withstand temperatures up to 230 °C. But in the design of the nozzle devices, radio-absorbing materials based on ceramics are used, which also reduce the radar signature of the aircraft. At the same time, the engine nozzles themselves have a flat shape. This feature of their design makes it possible to reduce visibility in the infrared range, but at the same time it can become disastrous in close air combat, since it significantly limits the aircraft’s maneuverability, since the engines can only deflect up or down.

“On the radar, this plane reflects like a golf ball,” Americans like to boast. But in fact, if such an indicator is actually achieved, then only with the frontal impact of the radar of another similar aircraft at the same altitude

It is no secret that at least on the first prototypes of the Su-57, the engines had round nozzles with a radio-absorbing coating, but were not protected by ceramic plates. On the one hand, this significantly increased the RCS of our aircraft, but on the other hand, it allowed it to actively maneuver in close air combat. The plane could perform aerobatic maneuvers of virtually any complexity, which are so popular with air show spectators. In fact, these most complex elements of piloting have an important practical significance- many of them are designed to avoid enemy missiles fired at an aircraft. Whether these design solutions will be retained on production vehicles is unknown. The latest Su-57 prototypes are somewhat different from the first models. After strengthening the airframe structure and some other changes, our fighter became several tens of centimeters longer: its nose cone was changed, and the classic air pressure receivers disappeared from the outer skin, the place of which was taken by complex systems for measuring altitude and speed parameters.

But one parameter definitely remained unchanged - thrust-to-weight ratio. Our fifth-generation serial fighter will have the tallest aircraft of its class in the world. If you do not take into account weapons (the payload weight of heavy fighters is approximately the same), then the Russian aircraft is more than a ton lighter than the F-22, and together with fuel, bombs and missiles they have almost the same take-off weight. But at the same time, the two Su-57 engines can produce a maximum afterburner thrust of 38 tons per second, while the F-22 only has about 32 tons per second. And the thrust-to-weight ratio of the single-engine F-35 is even less - about 19.5 tons per second.

All this cannot but affect the flight characteristics of aircraft. If the flight range of the Su-57 is more than 2000 km, and the combat radius is about 1000 km, then the F-22 has about a quarter less. The situation is approximately the same with maximum speed. For the Su-57 it is more than 2800 km/h versus 2400 km/h for the F-22 and 1900 km/h for the F-35. At the same time, the airframe of our aircraft, like its American competitors, is made of composites and radio-absorbing materials. By weight they are approximately a quarter of the weight of an empty Su-57, which is slightly less than that of the F-22, and by surface area - 70%, which is slightly more than that of the American.

In other words, in conditions of long-range air combat, our fighter, all other things being equal, has a much greater chance of successfully completing all anti-missile maneuvers and evading weapons fired at it. But still main indicator the survivability of a fifth-generation aircraft is its avionics, including radars and radars.

"Squirrel" is ready for battle

It was on this that the Americans initially made their main bet when creating the F-22 and F-35. It is known that the first of these aircraft is equipped with the AN/APG-77 radar, and the second - AN/APG-81. Both of these stations have AFAR, consisting of many receiving-emitting modules. In the first case, there are just under two thousand, and in the second - only 1200. Note that the use of radars with active phased array antennas marked the transition from silicon electronics to revolutionary heterostructures and monolithic microwave microcircuits based on arsenide or gallium nitride.

Key indicators of fifth-generation fighter programs in the USA, Russia and China

Model F-22A F-35A/B/C Su-57 J-20
Cost of the creation program (billion dollars)*
> 5
n. d.
First flight
Start of mass production
Total issued**
Number in national armed forces
2 2
Number in the armed forces of other countries
Program status
not produced
in production
in experimental combat operation
in pilot production
Current planned procurement volume for national aircraft**
Planned export volume**
export prohibited

Sources: Lockheed Martin, Pentagon, author's estimates

*Including R&D.

**As of March 2018.

And it’s clear why. The emergence of AFAR makes it possible to implement the idea of ​​network-centric warfare, when combatants are united in single network, and, for example, a fighter becomes a command post for ground troops, air defense forces and a group of combat aircraft. And here the Americans have advanced further than we have. If in Russia radar modules are made on the basis of gallium arsenide, then in the USA they are made on the basis of gallium nitride. Gallium nitride remains operational at temperatures up to 200 °C, while arsenide remains functional at half that temperature. Accordingly, the powers are different: almost 20 W per channel versus 7 W. This makes it possible to increase the signal potential and, as a result, increase the radar range or reduce the antenna diameter. According to Lockheed Martin, the radars on the F-22 and F-35 can detect targets with an ESR of 1 sq. m in normal mode at a range of up to 225 km and up to 193 km in LPI (low probability of interception) mode. And, say, cruise missiles with an EPR of 0.1 square meters. m they will be able to detect at a range of 110–140 km. Considering that the Su-57 is equipped with the N036 Belka radar with 1526 receiving-emitting modules, which are made on the basis of gallium arsenide, the power of our avionics, in theory, should be noticeably less than that of American systems. But in reality this is not the case. The thing is that the Belka consists of five antennas with AFAR, three of which operate in the X-band, and two more in the L-band. Moreover, they, together with electronic warfare equipment, are dispersed over the entire surface of the fighter and make up the so-called smart skin of the Su-57. It is this that provides the pilot with a 360° view and allows him to detect subtle targets at a great distance and issue a command to destroy them.

In conditions of long-range air combat, our fighter, all other things being equal, has a much greater chance of successfully completing all anti-missile maneuvers and evading weapons fired at it

But that's not all. Optical-location stations of the Atoll complex are also installed in front of the Su-57 cabin. They monitor all airspace in the optical range around the entire perimeter of the aircraft and can detect thermal radiation aircraft at a distance of several tens of kilometers and aim air-to-air missiles at them, as well as protect the aircraft itself from attacking enemy missiles. However, OLS can be used quite effectively against ground targets - they ensure the use of aircraft weapons with television or laser homing heads. The Su-57 also has several missile detection sensors in the ultraviolet range, as well as jamming systems in the infrared range. In general, with the help of the Belka, our fighter can simultaneously track up to 60 targets and attack up to 16 of them. This is less than the radar capabilities of the F-22 and F-35, which track up to 100 targets and can attack up to 20 simultaneously. But here we are dealing specifically with the capabilities of radars, and not the aircraft themselves. Thus, the F-22 has a maximum of eight missiles in its internal compartments. That is, as much as the Su-57. And, for example, the internal ammunition load of the F-35 is only six air-to-air missiles. So, even if they wanted to, these planes would not be able to destroy 20 air targets.

Thus, the ability to detect targets early is likely to be critical in medium-range dogfights. Our aircraft is slightly better than the F-22, if we take into account cruise missiles and fourth-generation fighters, and is only a few kilometers inferior to the capabilities of the F-35 in terms of earlier detection of fifth-generation fighters. But we must understand that all this is just estimates. Apparently, not only experts, but even the US and Russian military do not know the real indicators. And this is easy to explain. In Syria, F-22s avoid appearing on our radars; they rarely fly into the active zone Russian complexes Air defense S-400. Therefore, it is not yet possible to compile an accurate radio-electronic profile of these aircraft. True, US Air Force Lieutenant General Veralynn Jameson recently stated that “the sky over Iraq and Syria has become for Russia a real storehouse of information about our actions.” However, this still concerned mainly not technical characteristics American aircraft, and the tactics of their use by the US Air Force. Finally, there is some reason to believe that the Research Institute of Instrument Engineering (NIIP) named after V.V. Tikhomirov, when creating more advanced versions of the Belka, nevertheless switched to using gallium nitride. In any case, the general director of NIIP Yuri Bely in an interview with Izvestia, he stated that his institute was able to assess the shortcomings of previous developments and began to use the latest scientific achievements, including in terms of smart cladding.

The emergence of AFAR makes it possible to implement the idea of ​​network-centric warfare, when combatants are united into a single network, and, for example, a fighter becomes a command post for ground troops, air defense forces and a group of combat aircraft

“The characteristics of the radar have been confirmed in the main modes - when scanning airspace and earth's surface“, - Mr. Bely clarified. Moreover, Ryazansky instrument plant has already released the first samples of a new radar with AFAR. If they are indeed made on the basis of gallium nitride, then the Belka’s target detection range capabilities will inevitably increase. But even if this is still far away, the Su-57 in its current form can at least compete on an equal footing with the American F-22 and F-35. Our fighter has a good chance of winning in close air combat and a draw in long-range combat.