Svetlana Rumyantseva

Hobbies make a person's life brighter and more interesting. A pleasant activity distracts you from the monotony of everyday life, saves you in difficult life situations, and sometimes becomes a means of earning money and a professional calling. A hobby reveals a new side to a person. Hobby becomes a small weakness and a strong passion. What can you be passionate about and enjoy?

Hobbies in a person's life

A passionate person perceives life more positively for several reasons:

Pleasure. When you do something enjoyable, endorphins enter your bloodstream, which has a positive effect on your mood and well-being.

Self-confidence. Success in your favorite activity. Some hobbies are specifically aimed at strengthening.

Benefit. Any hobby bears fruit in exchange for effort. The needlewoman decorates the house with decorative pillows, knits sweaters for her son and husband, and sews dresses for her daughter. An amateur gardener gets a harvest, a fisherman gets tasty fish, a dancer gets a beautiful figure.

Self-realization. Passion helps to discover talents and understand what really attracts a person in life.

What are your hobbies?

To choose an activity to your liking, you need to know what hobbies are. Getting carried away is not as easy as it seems. Predilections change over the years and depend on life situations, character, abilities, availability of free time.

Needlework. A woman's favorite hobby. Craftswomen embroider, knit, weave beads, and create handmade crafts and decorative items. Some make toys, some make postcards. Various materials are used for needlework: fabric, threads, beads and sewing accessories, paper, clay, puff pastry, wax. The scope for imagination is huge: you can create soap sculptures or make origami figures.

Fine arts. Drawing attracts both sexes of all ages. The abundance of directions, techniques and materials opens up scope for creativity. You can paint flowers in oil or make pastel pictures, imitating Degas, invent non-existent characters or draw fantasy castles. Enthusiasm fine arts often becomes a way to earn money. On the Internet you will find many groups in which young authors sell portraits in the pop art style, abstract pictures and works using unique techniques. Positive art is particularly popular and is exhibited in galleries alongside the work of professional artists.

Developmental courses. At any course you can meet an enthusiastic person with a notebook. He comes for new knowledge. His goal is to put one more tick on the list of events attended. Yesterday he was at a lecture on psychology, today he came to a cooking class, and tomorrow he will be among the people studying photography.

Music. This hobby includes playing musical instruments, developing vocal skills, or simply attending concerts and studying musical movements. The passion for music captivates representatives different ages male and female. Some gather small groups, some record amateur albums, and some play for themselves in the evening.

Dancing. And here the choice is huge: ballroom, sports, ethnic, modern, street dances. By doing choreography, you will develop body flexibility, master the symbolism of movements, and learn to express emotions using body language. singles, doubles, group. This is a great way to communicate and get to know each other, and develop communication skills.

Photo. Amateur photographers do not see the meaning of life without the pursuit of rare shots. Creating a series of thematic photos sometimes takes years. Some people take pictures of everything and then choose the best, while others are ready to sit in ambush all day for the sake of good photography. The camera becomes an indispensable friend and companion in any situation.

Sports, fitness. With the growing popularity of a healthy lifestyle, interest in sports is also increasing. A beautiful figure and good health, what could be better?

Yoga. Eastern practice aimed at cleansing the spiritual shell and maintaining physical strength. Helps, teaches self-control and deep internal work, tightens your figure and improves your health. Most often attracts female representatives.

Collecting. Anything can become a collectible: coins, cards, books, calendars, stickers, toy cars. Some collections delight in the uniqueness and diversity of their specimens. In private galleries, from time to time, amateur collections are exhibited, whatever happens to be there: old postcards, porcelain dolls with joints, lost letters... In world history, there are also strange collections of adhesive plasters, pills, and even umbilical hair.

Language learning. How many times a day do you see announcements from schools? foreign languages? They offer to teach everyone English, French, German, Spanish and other European languages. The popularity of such courses is growing every day. Programs on teaching French are shown on TV, websites for learning English are created on the Internet, bookstores you can easily find a Chinese tutorial. Exotic lovers choose dead languages ​​to master: Latin, Ancient Greek. There are also fans of non-existent languages ​​like Tolkien's Elvish dialects.

Construction. This hobby is typical of males. Taking apart an old phone, printer and TV and creating a new gadget out of them is not an easy task. But the creativity of designers merges with the power of analytical abilities, and unimaginable creations are born.

Fishing. A man's hobby. Anglers are often drawn to fishing, but some males replace this hobby with sports.

Blogs. Youth hobby. Blogs and pages in social networks help you tell a lot of people about yourself and your hobbies. Some create, others prepare sweet delicacies and share recipes in electronic diary, others talk about travel, and others collect fairy tales and share them with readers. A blogger's imagination is unlimited.

Reconstruction, role-playing games. Princesses, knights and characters from fairy tale books come to life in role-playing games. Reenactors recreate historical massacres. At festivals, beautiful ladies in ancient dresses and gentlemen in armor gather, here men wave swords, shoot arrows and feel nostalgic for ancient times medieval life. Fans of fantasy books organize their events. Separate gatherings are organized by fans of Japanese culture, dressing up as anime and manga characters. Japanese lovers call such transformations cosplay.

Garden and vegetable garden. An experienced gardener knows exactly how to care for apple trees and plant plum trees. The best reward for a gardener is a rich harvest that will last for the whole year. Large red tomatoes offered as a treat to a neighbor are a real reason for pride. This hobby attracts older people because it requires a lot of free time and patience.

This is not a complete list of hobbies. The world is full of examples of unique hobbies. Try your strength in different directions. Maybe you will like something that you couldn’t even think of before!

Hobbies and character

Hobbies can determine a person’s character, his emotional and mental state. People seek satisfaction in hobbies. With the help of what you love, internal problems are solved. By making up for the lack of something, a person improves well-being and maintains.

Hobbies are a good way to prevent depression and other mental disorders.

People of an egocentric nature tend to collect; they also like to engage in demonstrative creativity in order to receive the appreciation and approval of others in the process.
They direct their energy towards communication, are interested in history, travel - everything connected with people. When engaging in photography, an extrovert is interested in the subject of the photograph. His focus is on the person, not on the artistry of the photo.
Introverts who are searching for themselves engage in art and psychology. They are interested in understanding the depths of their own nature through passion.
Assiduous and neat people choose hobbies that require patience. Phlegmatic people can sit for hours at painstaking work, assembling a detailed model of the aircraft with a count of all the seats and parts of the control panel in the cockpit. These people enjoy the process.
Active and restless individuals prefer sports or active hobbies. To tickle their nerves, they jump with a parachute, snowboard, and organize surf swims.
Wrestlers by nature choose activities with obligatory competition: playing football, basketball, tennis, and even sports fishing, the main thing is competition. Pleasure comes with a feeling of victory, and defeat spurs you to new exploits and forces you to mobilize your strength in the future.
People seeking tranquility love handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, sewing. An activity like this helps to take your mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life and calm your nerves after a difficult day. working day.
Creative people with unconventional thinking tend to design and invent. Men are assembling a new model of power supply for a computer, improving gadgets, and coming up with original methods for repairing an old car that lives only thanks to the thirst for experiments. Women, in a burst of creativity, invent a new cut for dresses, create original and functional household items and furniture from non-standard materials. The main goal of creatives: to invent something unusual.

Hobby makes a person happy and puts him in a positive mood. Having found your favorite activity, you will paint your gray everyday life with new colors and break out of the circle of monotony.

21 March 2014, 15:31

A correctly and competently written resume is half the success when you intend to get the desired prestigious job. Its meaning is that the employer is interested in your candidacy and wants to learn as much as possible about you. Of course, first of all, the person reading your resume is interested in your professional qualities and achievements, but your hobbies and interests play an important role.

In fact, it is your interests, hobbies, and hobbies that can sometimes play a decisive role in your resume, and they will place less emphasis on your education than on your personality. That is why the preparation of the document must be taken with complete seriousness and responsibility, without missing out on such an important section as your interests and hobbies.

Why do employers need your hobbies?

Your potential manager is interested in your hobbies on your resume not only because he is a curious person, but also because they can tell you some interesting information about you that will help him evaluate you.

Real experienced bosses and managers strive to get to know their subordinates better so that they know what cooperation with this person will lead to. But not all of your hobbies should be included in your resume, and you need to select them responsibly so as not to build a false image in the eyes of your potential boss.

What to talk about in your resume?

What hobbies, hobbies, and interests should be included in your resume? First of all, everything that you indicate in the document must correspond to the maximum with the position that you have chosen. An example of your hobbies, a hobby on your resume, if you are trying to get, for example, a position as a physical education teacher, could be like this: I run professionally, I’m preparing for the marathon in Berlin. The main goal that you should pursue when creating a document is to outshine your competitors and snatch the desired position from their hands.

Mistakes among hobbies

When creating your resume, be completely honest, because your potential manager may be interested in the same things you listed in the “hobbies” column and will want to ask a few questions. To avoid getting into trouble, don’t write something that doesn’t actually exist, choose your interests and hobbies carefully so as not to cause negativity in the person interviewing you.

Do not list standard hobbies that most often do not correspond to the chosen position. A negative example of your hobbies in your resume when, for example, applying for a position as a radio or TV presenter, could be the following: I am interested in boxing. The recruiter will most likely react negatively, because bruises are not compatible with the role of a public person. That is why you should not indicate too extreme hobbies when writing your resume.

Try not to touch on topics of religion and politics, they can become a serious obstacle when trying to get the desired position. Also, try not to add more than three of your interests and passions to the “hobbies and interests” column, because the recruiter may think that you will devote the time to them that you will have to devote to work.

What do recruiters do with information about your hobbies?

Each manager before joining leadership position passed psychological preparation, which taught him to thoroughly understand people, anticipate their actions and evaluate strengths every potential subordinate. The recruiter, having analyzed the hobbies and hobbies of the person applying for the position, will be able to build an approximate image and determine the highlights of his character.

Your hobbies and interests outside of work on your resume can say more about you than you think! For example, if a woman indicated on her resume that she likes to embroider, this signals her ability to focus, be diligent and patient. These qualities are great for working in an office with documents. In the future, thanks to such a hobby, a woman will be able to climb the career ladder.

What to indicate if there is no hobby?

A good example of your hobbies, a hobby on your resume, could be your passion for any sport, which will tell the recruiter that you know how to relieve stress and cheer up if you are tired.

If your desired position involves communication with people and communication skills, indicate that you are interested in psychology. But be prepared to be asked a few questions about this topic! Never leave the “hobbies and interests” field empty, even if, at first glance, you don’t have any at all. Indicate that you enjoy spending time with family or gardening. This will, at a minimum, show you on a positive side, but will not leave the recruiter completely unimpressed.

The best hobbies for a resume

An example of your hobbies in your resume, which will help increase your chances of getting the desired position, could be yoga, moderate extreme sports, participation in team sports, blogging, playing any musical instrument, a passion for photography or some unusual hobby.

A passion for yoga will help you understand that you know how to calm down in stressful situations; moderate extreme yoga will show that you can pull yourself together in a dangerous or out-of-control situation. Blogging can be useful not only for you: if you know how to shoot and edit videos well, you can help with the creation of a corporate video, which will earn you a special status in the company. In addition, the skills of maintaining your own written blog when applying for a creative position will help you clearly demonstrate your skills.

Team sports will show the recruiter your ability to fit in and work as part of a team, while playing a musical instrument will show that you are highly focused and highly disciplined. A passion for photography, like blogging, can help you get a special place in a company: you may be entrusted with running a website or promoted to the position of creative director.

It is important to not only indicate your passion, but also to be able to showcase your work. An unusual hobby, in turn, may simply interest a recruiter who will want to learn as much as possible about it (and at the same time about you!).

A new hobby or what interests and hobbies there are (list)

Hobbies can be grouped in different ways: male and female, expensive and almost free, active and passive, extreme and safe, rare and common to the ordinary, etc.

Hobby can be satisfying

Emotional Needs

Mental (thinking) needs

Physical needs.

Your hobby can require both active behavior, give you the opportunity to reset, use up energy, and vice versa, supply you with information, emotions, sensations.

Let me explain in a little more detail.

Mental (mental) needs can be both aesthetic and purely intellectual. Reading a book, playing chess and painting will satisfy various types of mental needs.

If a person is involved in orienteering, then he actively gives and receives energy, both physical, emotional and mental (for example, he thinks about how best to reach a certain point, and he sees different natural landscapes– his brain is actively working).

If a person is a fan of massage, then he receives both physical sensations and emotions.

If a person is engaged in helping homeless animals, then he gives physical energy (works in a shelter, collects help, cares for animals, etc.), gives mental energy (thinks how best to organize this matter, convinces other people to help, etc.), gives emotional energy (he transforms his love, his sadness into active, active sympathy and compassion).

The division into groups is quite arbitrary - it is worth taking into account individual characteristics different people. If, in your opinion, you evaluate a certain type of hobby differently, you are right, because you know yourself better.

The purpose of this division into groups is to help a person navigate the balance of his hobbies and select those activities that are lacking for comfort, pleasure, a feeling of fullness in life, and drive.

To do this, you can first analyze the hobbies you already have and evaluate their overall picture.

There might be a situation like this:

A woman works in an office, doing work that is not particularly interesting and favorite, but which she can easily cope with. Those. She is physically passive almost all day, emotionally passive, and her thoughts are also more likely to rest.

Then she watches TV in the evening. Receives emotions and information.

Then he knits. The body rests again, emotions and brains also rest.

And then she gets the result: no one, and first of all herself, is interested in her. There is practically no fire in the soul and in the eyes. Everything is boring... What to do? Instead of changing her hobby menu in the direction of giving away energy so that her body, soul, and mind can work, she goes on vacation, where she spends most of time, sunbathing on the beach... Irritation and dissatisfaction with life accumulate, although outwardly everything seems to be fine. And this is natural. You can easily determine where her vital active balance is disturbed, and from which categories she should choose hobbies to raise her vitality.

The main purpose of a hobby is to give you pleasure, to give you joy, to be interesting activity. Improve your condition and mood, make life more colorful, varied, rich.

When choosing an activity, pay attention to two points:

Your true actual needs “now”, i.e. what do you really want;

A harmonious combination of your hobbies.

I present to your attention an indicative list of hobbies.

  1. Energy is both given and received

1.Physically, emotionally, mentally (mentally) active

Agility (pairs sport for people and dogs overcoming obstacles)


Alpine skiing

Animal training

Music performance

Historical fencing

Equestrian sport




Role-playing games

Sports: tennis, cycling, martial arts, fencing, volleyball, basketball, football, etc.

Dancing (sports, club, ballroom, etc.)

Tourism (road trips, walking, hitchhiking)

Photo hunt


  1. Physically, emotionally active



Bike rides


Strength training

  1. Physically, intellectually active

Growing indoor plants

Growing garden plants, flowers, trees

Cooking (creating and preparing dishes)

Hiking along challenging city routes

  1. Emotionally, intellectually active

Airbrush (painting mobile phones, computers, refrigerators and most importantly - cars)

Painting, drawing

Mafia game

Backgammon, checkers, Go, card games (preference, poker)

Handicrafts (wool felting, cross stitch, satin stitch, beading, crocheting, knitting, macrame, etc.)

Making toys, dolls

Participation in forums on the Internet

  1. Physically active

Hopscotch game

Bungee jumping


  1. Intellectually active

Painting, calligraphy

Guessing crosswords, scanwords

Learning foreign languages

  1. Emotionally active

Participation in forums on the Internet

  1. Energy is obtained

Trips to restaurants, cafes and food tasting, evaluation of interiors, programs, menus and service

Tasting dishes

Wine tasting


  1. Physical, emotional

Massage with hands, stones, therapeutic, four hands


  1. Physical, mental

Walking in the fresh air

  1. Emotional, mental

Watching TV

Watching movies

Watching theatrical performances

Visiting museums, art galleries, exhibitions

  1. Physical

Passive rest (lying on the couch)

Beach holiday

  1. Mental (thinking)


Collecting paintings, postcards, stamps, ....

Reading books


Listening to lectures

Educational TV programs

  1. Emotional

Observing other people's life events (on forums, flirting and scandals, fights and fun, the life events of neighbors, relatives and friends, characters in TV series and participants in programs a la House 2)

Communication for the sake of communication

Listening to music (from classical to pop)

  1. Energy is reset (given) - works

1.Physical, emotional, mental

Creation of sculptures (from plaster, from clay, from wood, from sand, from ice, from living trees, bushes)


Landscape design

Interior design

Digging (research of artificial underground structures)

Speleology (cave exploration)

Archaeology, including excavations at sites of past military battles

Participation in theatrical productions

  1. Physical, emotional


Cleaning of public gardens, parks, recreation areas

Participation in cleanup days


  1. Physical, mental

Photo and video shooting (fiction and documentary), creation and editing of photo collages, films, videos, slide shows

Creation of leather goods, embossing, binding of ancient books

Wood carving

  1. Emotional, mental

Design of websites, clothing, books, greeting cards

Creation jewelry, jewelry made from various natural or unusual materials

Soap making


Writing poems, stories, fairy tales, novels

Creation of cartoons, comics, caricatures

Composing music

Creation of caricatures, cartoons, epigrams, congratulations and illustrations

Tea ceremony

When preparing a resume or application form, many applicants overlook such an item as “Hobbies and interests.” Of course, it wouldn't be a big mistake to ignore this section. However, there are many employers for whom it is still fundamental.

Why is it necessary to indicate a hobby?

Therefore, searching for examples of interests and hobbies often becomes relevant for those who want to find a highly paid position. Even if the employer does not look at this column directly on the application form, he may ask a question about hobbies during the interview itself. Of course, this section should not exceed the description of the applicant's work experience - otherwise the employer may decide that the candidate devotes too much time to activities outside of work. This means that such an applicant is unlikely to give his fullest during working hours.

Therefore, it is best to indicate a hobby or two. If indicating a favorite activity is difficult for the applicant, you can use the described examples to select options. Interests, hobbies and hobbies for a resume should serve the main goal - finding required work. After all, if you openly tell your employer about yourself, this can become an obstacle on your way. Therefore, applicants often decide to hide unnecessary information about themselves and choose a hobby that is more suitable for the desired vacancy.

However, a candidate who indicates in his application an occupation that is unusual for him, needs to study these examples of interests and hobbies in his resume in advance. Photos on the topic “Hobbies” will help the applicant prepare for tricky questions about the specified hobby. For example, in the following photo you can see an album made by a scrapbooking enthusiast:

What's worth and what's not worth mentioning

It is important for the employer to show that the classes are free time are a source of additional energy for the candidate, which will allow him to work with even greater dedication. It is advisable that hobbies highlight those skills that will be useful in this position. If a person is applying for the position of department head, then it is much more useful to indicate that in high school he was the captain of the volleyball team than to write about his passion for astrology or growing garden asters. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons before indicating certain examples of hobbies in your resume. We will consider further what interests are best suited for the purpose of finding a job.

Correspondence between hobbies and qualities required of the applicant

For example, if a woman is looking for a job that requires perseverance, she can indicate the following activities in the “hobbies” column:

  • Modeling or sewing clothes.
  • Creating a designer doll or toy.
  • Knitting.
  • Embroidery with satin stitch or cross stitch.
  • Decoupage.
  • Studying computer programs.

If you need to demonstrate creative inclinations, you can indicate:

  • Photo.
  • Writing poems and stories.
  • Drawing class.

When an applicant needs to demonstrate the ability to work in a team, it is useful to talk about the following hobbies:

  • Psychological research.
  • Participation in various volunteer programs.
  • Team games.

In the event that a candidate should hint at his sense of purpose, you can indicate the following hobbies:

  • Sports, fitness.
  • Active leisure (however, here it is necessary to indicate that this hobby will not interfere with work).

What is better to remain silent about?

There are many quite specific examples of interests and hobbies. There is absolutely no point in including them on your resume. By writing that he is a member of a subculture, the candidate risks being rejected. Perhaps the applicant, who indicates that he belongs to the Gothic subculture, just collects silver jewelry and various decorative crafts made of wood. But the employer may think that a potential employee of the company will one day show up for work in full Gothic garb - in black clothes, with a bleached face, in metal jewelry. Therefore, regarding subcultures, love of extreme sports, or, for example, hobbies computer games, it’s better to remain silent.

Unusual hobbies – is it worth mentioning?

As for more approved, but slightly unusual hobbies, here it is also better for the candidate to adhere to the principle “measure twice, cut once.” This is about giving extreme examples of interests and hobbies. It is better to write in your resume what the employer wants to see - because this will make it easier to get the desired position. Of course, a rock climber or parachuting enthusiast may be distinguished by his attentiveness, ability to clearly plan a situation, and responsibility.

However, many employers prefer to beware of such individuals. Why is this happening? The fact is that extreme sports are always fraught with injuries - with all the professionalism of the athlete, this option cannot be excluded. The employer fears that the newly hired employee will soon end up in a hospital bed - and then he will not bring benefit to the company, but additional expenses.

What an extreme hobby will tell you about

In addition, people who are risk-takers often underestimate the possibility of failure at work. They make decisions quickly and therefore make mistakes in their work. Also, extreme sports are always accompanied by a surge of adrenaline - which means that the applicant may be an aggressive or irritable person.

Of course, indicating interests and hobbies is not critical when selecting a candidate for a vacancy. However, often it can be the “decisive straw” that determines whether this applicant is suitable, or whether it is better to choose another one.

Categorical prohibition

The worst thing you can indicate in the “Hobbies” column is watching television series or going to the cinema. After all, those people whose leisure time is reduced to passive pastime appear in the eyes of the employer as lazy, lack of initiative, and generally worthless people.

The ideal option is neutral interests and hobbies in your resume. There are numerous examples of applicants being rejected because of an unusual hobby. For example, one applicant was asked how he felt about football. He replied that he was positive, and even supported Spartak Moscow. He was denied the job because the manager himself was a fan of Zenit, and justified his refusal by the fact that he could not trust a St. Petersburger who supported the Moscow team.

Neutral hobbies

If an employer wants to see a specific person as his subordinate, why not satisfy this requirement? You can choose any neutral hobby (or even two or three), and indicate these examples in your resume. Your hobbies, interests, and hobbies are actually of interest to the employer insofar as they can influence the work. Therefore, you can not focus on this point, but indicate what is acceptable to the employer. It will be best strategy getting the desired position. Let's look at a few neutral examples of interests and hobbies in a job resume.

  • Scarbooking, or compiling family and other photo albums.
  • Modeling from clay.
  • Floristry – creating flower bouquets and works of art.
  • Girls can also indicate such a hobby as making cosmetics at home.
  • Men talk about their love for collecting or creating models of ships in a bottle.

It is important to remember one thing - in finding a job, the main factor is professional qualification and work experience. If the applicant meets these points, he has every chance of getting the job. Indicating hobbies and interests is useful for beginners in a particular field. After all, if there is no work experience, a description of a hobby will help the employer form a correct idea about the candidate.