In order to reduce the gas pressure level of the main gas pipeline to a safe level, it is customary to use a gas distribution station. GDS differ in performance, purpose, and gas consumption.

The supply of gas to enterprises and populated areas is ensured through the following operations:

    gas purification from impurities;

    decrease in blood pressure;


    Maintaining gas reporting before its supply.

All stages of gas processing must be monitored by a specially trained person - a gas distribution station operator.

Description of the profession

A gas distribution system operator is an employee who belongs to the category of workers. To his area labor tasks includes maintenance of automatic equipment systems that are necessary to account for gas distribution.

The list of his responsibilities also includes the following:

    setting up the necessary modes for the equipment used;

    Carrying out inspections for malfunctions or gas leaks;

    monitoring the operation of pressure regulators and metering devices, checking their technical condition;

    processing data from recording devices;

    carrying out calculations on the amount of gas that is transferred;

    preparing the equipment used for condition and performance checks;

    carrying out repair work;

    maintaining records of the quantity and consumption of odorant and oil for dust collectors.

Performing such a wide range of tasks requires the operator to have certain knowledge in the following areas:

    station layout and design;

    arrangement of instruments and apparatus;

    principles of operation of equipment, instruments for regulation, accounting and control of devices that operate under pressure;

    rules for safe work with odorant;

    setting up the functioning of pressure regulators and gas metering devices.

A gas distribution station operator has the opportunity to work at enterprises that process petroleum products, gas, as well as service main gas pipelines.

At the same time, the working conditions for these specialists are quite difficult. So, workplace located in the operator's room, where devices and devices for regulating, metering and monitoring gas distribution are installed. And in the process of work it may be adversely affected the following factors:

moving equipment and its mechanisms;

high noise level;

bad daylight;

work with toxins (hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, methanol).

Where can I learn to be a gas distribution station operator?

Because the this area activity requires specific knowledge and skills, then in order to work as an operator it is best to obtain an average special education by profile. Duration educational program is about two years.

Also, training in this profession can be completed directly at the production site. To do this, you must have a general basic or general secondary education. In this case, the training period will be about five months.

Further Professional Development As a gas distribution station operator, it means either improving your skill level or mastering related specialties. For this purpose there are refresher courses and professional retraining. However, when the operator reaches the highest rank, he can supervise workers who have lower qualifications.

Professional categories of gas distribution station operator

The grade level is an indicator of the worker's skill. For this specialty there are fourth, fifth, sixth categories.

Gas distribution station operator 4th category

Engaged in servicing a non-automated station with a gas capacity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m.

Gas distribution station operator 5th category

It works either with non-automated gas distribution stations, where the gas productivity is over 1.0 million cubic meters. m, or with automated stations with a gas capacity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m.

Gas distribution station operator 6th category

Serves automated gas distribution stations with a daily gas output of over 1 million cubic meters. m.

Personal qualities of the profession of gas distribution station operator

Important qualities that speak of professional suitability operator, we can name the following:

    the ability to concentrate on the task at hand;

    the ability to quickly adapt and switch your attention;

    visual memory;

    good hearing perception;

    stress resistance;



The profession also has its own medical contraindications. These include diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as decreased visual acuity and hearing.

Salary level of the profession gas distribution station operator

Average level wages for a specialist in this profile is 20,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the profession of gas distribution station operator

IN pros this specialty can be written:

A to cons attributed:

    high responsibility, which leads to stressful situations;

    low wages.

A gas distribution station is designed to reduce gas pressure to safe fuel levels. There are several types of stations: automatic, distribution, control and distribution and production. A gas distribution station operator can work in the areas of processing oil and gas services for main gas pipelines. His responsibilities include monitoring the operation of stations, diagnosing faults and emergency situations, commissioning activities.

Qualification categories

Since the work of a gas distribution system operator requires enormous moral and physical stress, the specialization is divided into several categories. Having received the primary rank, the operator begins work as a junior specialist and his responsibilities include monitoring pressure devices, servicing stations and subordinating to a senior-ranking foreman. The highest caste of the GDS operator is the specialist who manages the station and the employees working on it. He decides on the possibility of using the station, studies diagrams and drawings, and gives instructions to other specialists. The size of the salary also depends on the rank.

Training program

Like the work of a gas distribution station operator, this is a set of activities on which the correct work stations and gas pipelines in general, so the operator is required to obtain a whole package of knowledge, such as:

  • Understanding of the diagrams of gas distribution stations and communication control and distribution points,
  • Basics of working with special devices;
  • Fundamentals and rules for the use and safety of equipment,
  • Skills in working with pressure equipment;
  • Rules for handling odorant,
  • Study the setup of pressure sensors, as well as gas meters.

Frequency of training

Based on education standards for specialized professions, extra education The GDS operator is recommended to take at least 72 hours of short-term qualification courses annually, at least once every 5 years, and have a current medical record. It is worth noting that people under 18 years of age are not allowed to participate in GDS operator training.

In what forms is training provided?

In our training center You can undergo training to obtain a GDS operator qualification remotely, that is, without interrupting work or studying at a university, on a remote basis. Training takes place via the Internet, on an online platform, where you can also pass a qualifying exam and receive a certificate and certificate of completion of training.

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of devices, control devices, gas measurement and accounting, automatic equipment systems, gas purification and odorization installations and pipeline communications at non-automated gas distribution stations (GDS) or control and distribution points (CPP) with a daily gas productivity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m. Ensuring the specified mode of gas supply to consumers. Conducting the necessary switching of devices, fittings and apparatus in accordance with the established operating mode. Detection of gas leaks and malfunctions in the operation of devices, fittings and apparatus. Setting up and checking the operation of pressure regulators and metering devices. Processing cartograms of recording devices and calculating the amount of gas transferred to consumers. Preparation of instruments for state verification. Current repairs and participation in mid-term repairs of equipment and communications of gas distribution stations and control points. Maintaining cleanliness of equipment, communications, premises and territory of the gas distribution station and distribution control center. Keeping records of odorant and oil for dust collectors.

Must know: diagram of GDS and KRP communications, wiring of instruments and devices; design and operating rules of equipment, control devices, accounting and control of pressure devices; rules for handling odorant and gas odorization standards; methods for setting up pressure regulators and gas meters.

When working at non-automated gas distribution stations and control stations with a daily gas production of over 1.0 million cubic meters. m or when working on automated gas distribution stations and control points with all types of services with a daily gas production of up to 1 million cubic meters. m - 5th category;

when working on automated gas distribution stations and control points with all types of services with a daily gas productivity of over 1 million cubic meters. m - 6th category.

Secondary specialized education required.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a gas distribution station operator of the 4th, 5th, and 6th category, sample 2019. A person with education, special training and work experience. Do not forget, each instruction of the operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th, 5th, 6th category is issued in hand against a receipt.

Typical information about the knowledge that an operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th, 5th, and 6th category must have is presented. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

5th category - When working on non-automated gas distribution stations and control points with a daily gas productivity of over 1.0 million m3 or when working on automated gas distribution stations and control points with all types of services with a daily gas productivity of up to 1 million m3

6th category - When working on automated gas distribution stations and control points with all types of services with a daily gas production of over 1 million m3.

1. General Provisions

1. A gas distribution station operator of the 4th category belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person with secondary specialized education and ________ years of experience in this position is accepted as an operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category.

3. A gas distribution station operator of the 4th category is hired and dismissed from the position by _____________ (by whom, position)

4. An operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

— technological diagram of the location of the gas pipeline and collectors and the rules for their operation;

— properties of gases;

— methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of gas pipelines and collectors;

— rules for fencing accident sites of gas pipelines;

— installation of pumps, condensation structures and instrumentation;

- plumbing.

qualification requirements requirements for this position of a lower rank.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and anti- fire safety;

— rules for using funds personal protection;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, to rational organization labor in the workplace;

— range and labeling of materials used, consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

— rules for moving and storing goods;

— types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

5. In its activities, the operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category is guided by:

- legislation Russian Federation,

— Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- real job description,

— Internal rules labor regulations organizations.

6. The operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category reports directly to: _________ (position)

2. Job responsibilities of a gas distribution station operator of the 4th, 5th, 6th category

Gas distribution station operator of the 4th category:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

1. Maintenance of main gas and oil product pipelines to consumers and gas collectors on the station territory.

2. Controlling the operation of pumps for pumping condensate from settling tanks and ensuring its transportation by tank trucks to the industrial site.

3. Monitoring the pressure in the gas pipeline.

4. Checking main pipelines for leaks.

5. Adjustment of locking devices.

6. Timely elimination of malfunctions in the operation of gas pipelines and collectors.

7. Routine repair of serviced equipment.

8. Job responsibilities for this position of a lower rank(s).

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

— Execution within employment contract orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

— Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition.

— Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. Rights of the operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th, 5th, 6th category

An operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

- on encouraging distinguished employees subordinate to him,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to its activities.

5. Require management to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th, 5th, 6th category

The operator of a gas distribution station of the 4th category is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of a gas distribution station operator of the 4th, 5th, 6th category - sample 2019. Job responsibilities gas distribution station operator of the 4,5,6th category, rights of the operator of the gas distribution station of the 4,5,6th category, responsibility of the operator of the gas distribution station of the 4,5,6th category.

This training program is intended for training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the profession “Gas distribution station operator” of the 4th–6th category. The curriculum includes qualification characteristics, educational and thematic plans, theoretical and industrial training programs, and tickets for testing knowledge. The occupational safety training program for the profession “GDS Operator” was developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.0.004-90 “Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions"and taking into account the standards Labor Code RF dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 Federal Law, Federal Law“On the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” dated July 17, 1999 No. 116 Federal Law (as amended on December 30, 2008), resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” dated 01/13/2003 No. 1/29, resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia “On approval of the Standard Program for the course “Industrial Safety” dated 07/05/2002 No. 42 on the basis of the Regulations on the system of continuous corporate vocational training of workers in companies and organizations of OJSC Gazprom " And methodological instructions Central educational and methodological office for vocational training personnel of the gas industry and a standard program agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation, with Gazobezopasnost LLC, with the trade union of workers in the oil and gas industries and approved by the Department of Personnel and social development Gazprom". The qualification characteristics are compiled in accordance with the current Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (issue 36, section “Refining of oil, petroleum products, gas, shale, coal and maintenance of main pipelines”). The curriculum and thematic plans are developed taking into account the knowledge and work skills of students. Theoretical and industrial training programs provide that by the end of the training each worker will be able to independently perform all the work provided qualification characteristics, technological conditions and standards established at the enterprise. The duration of training is 382 hours, of which the duration of theoretical training is 160 hours, on-the-job production training is 200 hours, 8 hours are allocated for consultations and a qualification exam, 6 hours for the occupational health and industrial safety exam. Theoretical classes are held exchange rate method with groups of permanent members on a schedule. To conduct theoretical classes, engineering and technical workers are invited who have passed, in the prescribed manner, a knowledge test and are admitted to teaching work in personnel training. Theoretical training should precede industrial training. During the training process, workers must acquire not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills safe methods and methods of performing work provided for by the qualification characteristics, but also to study safety rules, technologies for carrying out hazardous gas and hot work, learn to use personal protective equipment (gas masks and life belts) and provide first aid. Training in the subject: “Occupational Health and Industrial Safety” in professions for which additional (increased) labor protection requirements are imposed, as well as in professions and work related to the maintenance of facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor of Russia, ends with an exam in “Occupational Health and Industrial Safety” " The training ends with final qualifying exams, including the completion of trial tests by workers. production work and testing of theoretical knowledge. To test theoretical knowledge, the program provides for the availability of tickets. Each of the 20 tickets consists of 4 questions. Knowledge testing is carried out by a permanent commission of the enterprise. The results of the knowledge test are documented in a protocol in which those who pass the exams are awarded the qualification “Gas Distribution Station Operator” of the 4th–6th category. Persons who do not pass the exams must take a second knowledge test.


Profession – Gas distribution station operator. Qualification – 4÷6th category, Gas distribution station operator:
  • must know
  • diagram of the gas distribution system, communications, wiring of instruments and devices;
  • design and operating rules of equipment, regulation, accounting and control devices; pressure devices;
  • rules for handling odorant and standards for gas odorization;
  • methods for setting up pressure regulators and gas meters.
  • rules for technical operation of main gas pipelines;
  • safety rules for the operation of main gas pipelines;
  • regulations on the technical operation of gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines;
  • rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kg/cm 2), hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature not higher than 388 0 K (115 0 C):
  • internal labor regulations;
  • safety rules in the gas industry;
  • methods of providing first aid;
  • ways to prevent and eliminate possible accidents (according to the emergency response plan);
  • the route of the gas pipeline branch and the location of the security (zero) valve;
  • purpose and design of the security tap;
  • design and operation of automation, protection and alarm systems;
  • in-house device gas equipment;
  • about danger electric current and safety measures when working with electrical equipment and devices;
  • instructions on labor protection, by profession and type of work according to the approved list;
  • instructions on fire safety measures;
  • instructions for storage, transportation (carriage) and use of the odorant.
Gas distribution station operator should be able to:
  • maintain devices, control devices, gas measurement and metering, automatic equipment systems, gas purification and odorization installations, pipeline communications at manual and automated gas distribution stations (GDS) with a daily gas output of up to 1.0 million m 3 or more, depending on the category ;
  • ensure the specified mode of gas supply to consumers;
  • carry out the necessary switching of instruments, fittings and apparatus in accordance with the established operating mode;
  • detect gas leaks and malfunctions in the operation of instruments, fittings and apparatus;
  • keep equipment, communications, premises and territories of the GDS clean;
  • keep records of odorant.
Additionally, in accordance with the requirements of VRD 39-1.10-005-2002 “Regulations on the technical operation of gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines”:
  • maintain equipment, systems, components and pipeline communications using safe techniques and work methods;
  • make all necessary switches of equipment, fittings (including the security valve) and instruments in accordance with the operating mode of the station;
  • change the main technological mode of the station by order of the dispatcher of the gas treatment facility with an entry in the operator’s logbook;
  • carry out a daily air analysis for gas contamination (once per shift) and record the measurement results in a log;
  • promptly troubleshoot problems in communications, connecting lines, devices and equipment. Malfunctions and failures in the operation of equipment, as well as deviations from the specified mode, must be recorded in the station operation log and measures must be taken to eliminate them;
  • correctly use personal protective equipment, including personal respiratory protection;
  • work with odorant using safe techniques and work methods;
  • keep an operational log and other necessary documentation in accordance with regulatory requirements;
  • exercise control over the work of the UKZ.


Training, retraining and advanced training of workers by profession: “Gas distribution station operator” at grades 4–6. Duration of training – 3 months
No. Items Number of hours
1. Theoretical training
1.1. Basics market economy 12
1.2. Occupational health and safety 24
1.3. Fundamentals of ecology and protection environment 12
1.4. Fundamentals of Russian legislation 14
1.5. Basics of working on a PC with AOS and simulators 6
1.6. Basics of electrical engineering. 4
1.7. Special technology 88
TOTAL: 160
2. Industrial training
2.1. On-the-job training 200
TOTAL: 200
3. Consultations Exam Qualifying exam 8 6 8
TOTAL: 382
Note : items 1.1÷1.6. are studied according to separate programs developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Subject training 1.2. occupational safety ends with an exam.
subject “Special technology” Thematic plan No. Number of hours
1. Themes 2
2. Introduction 4
3. Physico-chemical properties of flammable gases 4
4. Trunk gas pipeline system 4
5. Information from thermodynamics 24
6. Construction of gas distribution stations 12
7. Instrumentation; automation, protection and alarm equipment 38

Operation of gas distribution stations

PROGRAM Topic 1. Introduction Main directions, tasks and prospects for the development of the gas industry. Areas of use natural gas in the national economy. The importance of the profession “Gas distribution station operator” and prospects for its development. Role professional excellence worker in ensuring the quality of work performed. Labor and technological discipline, work culture. Familiarization with qualification characteristics, training program and class schedule. Duties, rights and responsibilities of the gas distribution station operator. Topic 2. Physico-chemical properties of flammable gases Combustible gases used as fuel in enterprises and in everyday life. Advantages and disadvantages of natural gas. Application area. Composition and classification of natural gases. Physico-chemical properties of flammable gases: color, smell, calorific value , compound, specific gravity
  • linear part (LP), including a pipeline with bends, loopings and jumpers, shut-off valves, transitions through natural and artificial obstacles, units for starting and receiving treatment devices, units for collecting and storing condensate, devices for introducing methanol into the gas pipeline;
  • compressor stations (CS) and their connection units, gas distribution stations (GDS), underground gas storage facilities (UGS), gas cooling stations (GCS), gas reduction units (URG), gas metering stations (GIS);
  • installations of electrochemical protection of gas pipelines from corrosion, power lines;
  • technological communication lines and structures;
  • buildings and constructions;
  • permanent roads and helipads.
Topic No. 4. Information from thermodynamics. Physical quantities and their measurement. Four states of matter. Pressure, temperature, density, specific volume, heat capacity, viscosity. Units. Elasticity and plasticity. Transmission of pressure by gases and liquids. Change in the state of aggregation of a substance. Boiling, evaporation, condensation, solidification, sublimation. Dry and saturated steam. Absolute and relative humidity of gases, dew point. Methods for determining gas humidity. The first and second laws of thermodynamics. Topic 5. Construction of gas distribution stations Purpose of GDS. Placement of GDS, minimum permissible distances to settlements, individual industrial and other enterprises, buildings and structures. Secured territory. Sanitary protection zone.
  • Purpose, design and location of the security tap. Requirements for the site and fencing of the security crane. Schemes of security valves, equipment composition, control methods.
  • Division of GDS according to their design:
  • custom design stations;
automatic block AGRS - AGRS-1/3, AGRS-3, AGRS-10, Energia-1, 3, Tashkent-1, 2, Saratov-5, Urozhay-5, 10, Kavkaz-5, 10, 20, Snezhet- 20, 60. block-complete (BK-GRS) - with one output manifold per consumer (BK-GRS-I-30, BK-GRS-I-80, BK-GRS-I-150) and two output manifolds per consumer (BK-GRS -II-80, BK-GRS-II-120, BK-GRS-II-160). Schematic diagrams of GDS various types , and designs, depending on productivity and the number of outlets per consumer. Equipment layout.
  • Main blocks, units and devices of the gas distribution system their purpose; composition, purpose and design of equipment, operating principle: node, normal position of shut-off valves; three-way valve (switching device-PU); safety valves (PPK-4, SPPK4, SPPK-4R), settings, inspection frequency; instrumentation;
  • gas purification unit - dust and moisture collection devices (gas separators, multicyclone dust collectors, viscine, cassette filters), a system for automatic removal of condensate into high-pressure collection tanks, devices for additional purification and drying of pulse and command gas to ensure uninterrupted operation of protection systems, automatic regulation and management; shut-off valves; instrumentation; technological diagram of the unit.
  • hydrate formation prevention unit - fire gas heaters (PGA-10, PGA-100 and PGA-200) and with intermediate coolant (PG-10, PTG-15 and PTPG-30, BPG-30); heaters with cabinet gas control devices including pressure regulators RD-32 M, RDNK-400, safety relief valves PSK-50 and safety shut-off valves such as PKK, PKN, PKV; automatic regulation and protection with included solenoid valves, thermostats and sensors for sending a signal to control center health care facilities and to the operator’s house in the event of the gas heater igniter flame going out; pipelines and fittings; instrumentation;
  • reduction node – diagrams of reduction nodes with one, two or more reduction lines; reduction line, diagrams, valve with pneumatic drive, pressure regulator type RD-64 with air reducer type VR-1, installation diagram and piping of the regulator type RD-64, manual valve; pressure regulators of the RDU type (actuator, amplifier and differential reducer); instrumentation;
  • unit for commercial gas metering and gas metering for own needs - rotary volumetric gas meters of the SG, RG, TZ type; electronic correctors, multi-line measuring microprocessor complexes “Superflow”;
  • Devices for determining gas contamination - mine interferometers SHI-10, SHI-11, Rhodes - M. Design, principle of operation, procedure for operating the device. Gas analyzers. Design, principle of operation, procedure for working with the USTG device.
  • protection of the consumer from exceeding operating pressure in low networks: consumer protection using “Control regulators” (pressure regulators connected in series on each working and reserve reduction lines) or using a shut-off valve; their configuration, volume and frequency of control and preventive work;
  • emergency warning alarm, monitored parameters, remote alarm units USG-4, USG-10, UDKS-4601 - their technical characteristics; commissioning, performance check;
  • security alarm;
  • fire alarm.
  • gas odorization unit - diagrams; drip-type odorization plants: manual, universal UOG-1 and automatic AOG-30, OGP-02; equipment: consumables with a level tube and underground tanks, flow meter diaphragm, injection dispenser, filter, float chamber, time relay, valve, impulse tubes and valves;
  • shut-off valves – plug valves with manual control and with pneumatic drive, their modifications, pneumatic control units of type UUP-1 and UUP-2, ball valves (KSh) with manual control and pneumatic-hydraulic actuator, wedge valves, needle shut-off valves (VI-10, VI-15).
Assistive systems:
  • communication and telemechanics systems – technical means of communication with the gas treatment facility and the consumer, technical means of telemechanics, purposes and requirements for them;
  • electrical equipment – ​​power supply, lighting, lightning protection, grounding, requirements for them;
  • heating and ventilation – heating of technological blocks. Ventilation devices in rooms and gas distribution units, requirements for them, air exchange rate.
  • corrosion protection – corrosion protection of underground communications and structures, cathodic protection installations (CPO), insulating inserts (flanges), corrosion protection of overhead communications and ground-to-air transitions;
Requirements for the GDS territory. Fencing, security alarm. Warning notices. Requirements for the access road to the gas distribution station. Requirements for buildings and premises. Classification of production and auxiliary premises according to their explosion and fire hazard. Sanitary conditions. Electricity supply. Grounding. Lighting. Lightning protection. Gas supply. Operator's home gas supply system. Cabinet gas control unit. Low (medium) pressure gas pipeline to the operator’s house. Requirements for premises in operators' houses intended for the installation of household gas appliances. Places for installing gas appliances. Instantaneous water heaters. Types and technical characteristics of instantaneous water heaters. Main structural elements: gas burner device with main and pilot burners, heat exchanger with combustion chamber, block valve, gas outlet and automation system. Capacitive water heaters. Specifications. Main structural elements: water tank, gas burner, automatic safety and regulation. Interaction Gas combustion products and their removal. Design, purpose, technical characteristics of heating boilers. Requirements for ventilation and smoke removal devices from gas appliances installed in the operator’s premises. Practical lessons: Familiarization with the structure and location of GDS equipment on a working sample of AGDS 1/3 and Energia-1. Topic 6.
  • Instrumentation; automation, protection and signaling equipment Fundamentals of metrology. Types of measurements: direct, indirect.
  • International system
  • units, basic and additional units. Measuring instruments. Accuracy class and instrument error.
  • Devices for determining gas contamination - mine interferometers SHI-10, SHI-11. Design, operating principle, operating procedure of the device. Gas analyzers. Design, operating principle, operating procedure of the USTG device
  • protection of the consumer from exceeding operating pressure in low networks: protection of the consumer using “Control regulators” (pressure regulators connected in series on each working and reserve reduction lines) or using a shut-off valve; their configuration, volume and frequency of control and preventive work;
  • automatic protection of gas heaters, automatic combustion and safety of gas heaters, hot water boilers of heating and heating systems; automation elements: thermal relay, solenoid valve, magnetic valve, igniter, thermometer, burner; adjustment and performance testing;
  • automatic condensate collection and removal system;
  • remote control of the security valve, valves at the inlet and outlet of the gas distribution system. Alarm systems, their purpose and design, operating principle, Requirements for them:
  • emergency warning alarm, remote alarm units USG-4 and USG-10, their technical characteristics; commissioning, performance check;
  • security alarm;
  • fire alarm.
Topic 7. Operation of gas distribution stations Rules for technical and safe operation of gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines. The procedure for putting the station into operation after emergency stops. Planned and emergency procedures for decommissioning the station. Work under special operating conditions. Rules for conducting hazardous gas and hot work on the territory and premises of the gas distribution station. Technological operating mode at the gas distribution station. Monitoring station parameters, permissible deviations, maintaining log books and documentation at the GDS. Operational and administrative subordination of the GDS personnel. Duties, rights and responsibilities of State Registration Service personnel. List of operational and technical documentation for the gas distribution station. Requirements of production instructions and labor protection instructions for the GDS operator, labor protection instructions for types of work and instructions for operating equipment from manufacturers. Forms of GDS service: shift, home-based, periodic, centralized. Factors determining the form of station maintenance. Number of operators at gas distribution stations with different forms of service. GDS operator permission to work independently. Valve maintenance. General rules. Rules for the operation of plug valves with manual control and pneumatic drive, ball valves (BCV) with manual control and pneumatic-hydraulic drive, wedge valves, needle shut-off valves (VI-10, VI-15). Checking the functionality, setting and testing of safety valves. Gas purification from contaminants. Basic provisions and requirements for pressure vessels Operation of pressure vessels. Monitoring pressure drops on filters and dust collectors, removing dirt and sludge from the cleaning unit. Pyrophoric compounds. Terms of inspection, internal inspection and hydraulic testing of dust collectors. Features of the operation of filters, dust collectors and separators in winter period and when wet gas enters. Combating hydrate formation. Methods. The use of methanol to prevent and destroy hydrate plugs. General gas heating using a gas heating unit. Reasons causing a change in the outlet pressure at the gas distribution station. Operator actions when output pressure changes. Reduction unit. Direct-acting pressure regulators, operation of regulators with a set-point reducer. Starting and stopping direct acting regulators. Starting and stopping gas pressure regulators of the RDU type with a control pilot. Gas reduction unit for own needs. Setting up the RDNK-400, RD-32M regulator. Periods of repair and preventive maintenance. Gas flow measurement unit. Checking instruments using standard instruments. Landing at "0". Odorization of gas. Rules for transportation, receipt, storage and use of odorant. Draining the odorant into an underground container, refilling the consumable container. Norm and accounting of odorant consumption. Checking the degree of odorization of natural gas. Actions of the GDS operator to neutralize the odorant spilled on the ground. Checking for gas contamination production premises GDS: reduction hall, recording and command instrument rooms, odorization and operator rooms. Schedule, sampling locations. Operation of the ShRP (GRU) gas supply system of the operator's house. Operation of indoor gas-using equipment. Special operating conditions for GDS. Electricity supply. Grounding. Lighting. Lightning protection. Gas supply to the consumer from the AGDS via a bypass (bypass) line. The order of transition from automatic to manual reduction (via the bypass line) and from manual to automatic. The procedure for setting the gas outlet pressure of the main and reserve gas pressure reduction lines. The procedure for disassembling the FH-0.2 cassette filter for internal inspection and cleaning of the filter element. Elimination of gas leaks on threaded and flanged connections on gas pipelines, instruments and equipment of gas distribution stations.


industrial training

Thematic plan
No. No. Number of Hours
1. Occupational health and fire safety briefing 2
2. Carrying out plumbing work 18
3. Carrying out work on the assembly and disassembly of gas pipelines 20
4. Carrying out work on maintenance, installation and adjustment of control valves for gas distribution stations 40
5. Carrying out maintenance work and testing the functionality of instrumentation, safety and security automation, alarm systems 30
6. Independent performance of work as a gas distribution station operator 90
TOTAL: 200

Operation of gas distribution stations

Topic 1. Occupational health and fire safety briefing Instruction on labor protection and fire safety at a gas enterprise. Safety rules for operation, maintenance and repair of gas equipment for various purposes. Trauma and its causes. Responsibility for violation of labor protection rules and instructions. Fire safety. Causes of fires at gasified facilities. Actions in case of fire. Instruction on labor protection and fire safety in the workplace. Topic 2.Carrying out plumbing work Marking. Preparing parts for marking. Marking of simple parts with dimensions measured from the edges of the workpiece and from the center lines. Marking parts using templates. Sharpening and refilling of tools. Straightening, cutting and bending of metal. Exercise in holding a hammer and in movement when delivering wrist, elbow and shoulder strikes. Straightening of steel rods, strip and sheet steel, and pipes using prisms on the plate. Cutting sheet steel according to the level of the vice jaws. Tool sharpening. Bending in a vice and on a hand press. Metal cutting. Exercises in positioning the worker’s body, holding and moving a hacksaw. Cutting strip steel, square, circle and small diameter pipes in a vice according to the marks. Cutting pipes and profiles with a cutting wheel and a manual grinding machine. Cutting pipes on a pipe cutting machine. Filing. Exercises in holding a file. Sawing of flat parallel surfaces, chamfers and radius surfaces. Drilling through holes on a machine according to markings and jigs, drilling blind holes. Drilling with hand drills. Countersinking holes for screw heads and rivets. Manual reaming of cylindrical holes. Thread cutting. External thread cutting. Installation and fastening of the die in the die holder. Thread cutting using dies with sliding dies. Internal thread cutting. Installing the tap in the driver. Tapping threads in through and blind holes. Lapping. Purpose of lapping. Preparation of lapping materials depending on the material of the parts to be lapped. Lapping parts on a plane on a plate. Lapping in two mating parts (plunger-seat). , compound, Carrying out work on assembling and disassembling gas pipeline connections Familiarization with the device and purpose process pipelines at the GDS. Selection and rational use of pipes, connecting parts, materials and protective anti-corrosion coatings during pipeline installation, depending on the transported medium, temperature, pressure and installation method. Re-insulation of ground-to-air transitions). Testing of pipelines for strength and tightness. Purge of impulse tubes. Studying methods of connecting pipelines: by welding, flange, coupling. Preparation of edges and assembly of pipes for welding. Assembly and disassembly of flange and coupling connections of pipelines. Checking the tightness of connections, troubleshooting. Installation and dismantling of a chamber or chamberless diaphragm on an inlet or outlet gas pipeline. Revision of the tapering device. Installation of connecting lines from the tapering device to the differential pressure gauge. Topic 4 . Carrying out work on maintenance, installation and adjustment of shut-off and control valves for gas distribution stations Study of the design and purpose of GDS shut-off valves: manually operated and pneumatically actuated plug valves and their modifications, pneumatic control units of type UUP-1 and UUP-2, ball valves (KSh) with manual control and pneumatic-hydraulic actuator, three-way valves, wedge valves, gate valves locking needle (VI-10, VI-15). Their maintenance and repair. Checking the stroke and tightness of the closure, checking the tightness of threaded, flange connections and fittings, lubricating rubbing parts, refilling oil seals. Familiarization with the structure and purpose of GDS units, their maintenance and repair. Disassembly and assembly of pressure regulators and safety valves, repair of individual components, lapping of seats. Putting into operation, setting up and checking the functionality of pressure regulators and safety valves. Preparation for operation and start-up of gas heaters, heating and hot water boilers, ShRP and CV joints of gas supply systems, gas heaters of gas distribution stations and operator's houses. Checking the functionality and setting up the PSK and PZK (shut-off valves) of ShRP and ShRU gas supply systems for gas heaters of gas distribution stations and operator's houses. Bypassing the low-pressure gas pipeline route of the gas supply system of the operator’s home. Maintenance of drip-type odorization plants: manual, universal UOG-1 and automatic AOG-30, OGP-02, deodorizers. Participation as part of the team in filling the underground and consumable odorant tanks, introducing methanol into the gas distribution system communications. Transferring the station's operation to the bypass line (bypass) and from the bypass to the operation of the regulators. Bringing the station out for repairs and putting it into operation. Checking the condition and troubleshooting equipment in heating, ventilation and lighting systems. Topic 5. Carrying out maintenance work and checking the operability of instrumentation, safety and security automation, alarm systems. Checking the serviceability and taking readings of instrumentation. Setting up devices, turning on and off connecting lines. Preparing instruments for testing and verification. Purge of connecting lines. Processing diagrams using a planimeter. Checking the correctness of planimeter readings using a control ruler. Maintenance of command devices for controlling membrane pressure regulators. Putting the pressure regulator into operation. Maintenance and performance testing of consumer protection against excess operating pressure in low networks: “Protection 2-5” systems; consumer protection with the help of “Control regulators”; setting them up. Maintenance and performance testing of automatic protection of gas heaters, automatic combustion and safety of gas heaters, hot water boilers of heating and heating systems. Maintenance of the automatic condensate collection and removal system. Maintenance and performance testing remote controlsecurity valve, valves at the inlet and outlet of the gas distribution system. Maintenance and performance testing of emergency warning systems, USG-4 and USG-10, commissioning. Maintenance and testing of security and fire alarms. Checking for gas contamination in the production premises of the gas distribution station: the reduction hall, the premises of recording and command devices, the odorization room and the operator room. Topic 6. Independent performance of work as a gas distribution station operator Independent performance of work as a gas distribution station operator, in accordance with the qualification characteristics. Independent introduction and maintenance of a given technological mode station operation. Taking instrument readings, processing diagrams, calculating gas consumption with the introduction of necessary corrections. Maintaining a logbook and other operational and technical documentation. Monitoring the operation of station components and communications, detecting and eliminating faults. Direct participation in repair work carried out on GDS equipment and communications. Application of high-performance techniques and methods of work, rational organization of the workplace. Fulfillment of requirements

production instructions

and instructions on labor protection during work. Compliance with the established procedure for accepting and handing over shifts at the gas distribution station.

  1. STO Gazprom 2-3.5-454-2010 Rules for the operation of main gas pipelines.
  2. Rules for the protection of main pipelines.
  3. PB 08-624-03 Safety rules in the oil and gas industry.
  4. PB 03-576-03. Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels.
  5. SNiP 3.01-85. Organization of construction production.
  6. SNiP III-42-80*. Main pipelines. Rules for production and acceptance of work
  7. SNiP 2.05.06-85. Main pipelines. Building codes and rules.
  8. VPPB 01-04-98*. “Fire Safety Rules for Enterprises and Organizations of the Gas Industry” (with amendments and additions introduced by letter 000 “Gas Safety” dated 06.21.99)
  9. Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation. PPB-01-03.
  10. PB 03-576-03. Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels.
  11. Safety rules for the operation of main gas pipelines. Approved Mingazprom 03/16/84
  12. Rules for the protection of main pipelines. Approved Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 1992 with additions from Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated November 23, 1994 No. 61
  13. PB 12-529-03. Safety rules for gas distribution and gas consumption systems.
  14. PR 50.2.016-94. "Rules of metrology" GSI. Requirements for calibration work." Adopted by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated 09.1994 No. 17
  15. NPB 105-2003. “Determination of categories of premises and buildings according to explosion and fire hazard.”
  16. NPB 160-97. Signal colors. Fire safety signs.
  17. VRD 39-1.14-021-2001. one system labor protection management and industrial safety in the open joint stock company"Gazprom", (as amended, order dated February 14, 2002, No. 19.)
  18. VRD 39-1.10-069-2002. Regulations on technical operation of gas distribution stations of main gas pipelines
  1. Safety instructions for production, storage, transportation (carriage) and use of odorant. Approved OJSC "Gazprom" dated March 29, 1999
  1. Standard instructions for organization safe conduct gas hazardous work. Approved Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR 02/20/85
  1. Rules for the use of gas and the provision of gas supply services in the Russian Federation. 2002
  1. Rules for the protection of gas distribution networks. 2000
  2. STO Gazprom 2-2.3-143-2007 “Instructions on the procedure for receiving from suppliers, transporting, storing, dispensing and using methanol at production, transport and UGS facilities of OJSC GAZPROM.”

Educational and reference materials

  1. A. A. Danilov, A. I. Petrov Gas distribution stations. St. Petersburg, Nedra, 1999
  1. SonninskyA. B. Increasing the reliability of the gas distribution system. Moscow, VNIIGAZ, 1991
  1. Pevzner M.I., Isserlin A.S. Theory and practice of gas combustion. Leningrad, Nedra 1981
  1. Yanovich A. N., Astvatsaturov A. Ts., Busurin A. A. Occupational health and safety in the gas industry. Moscow, Nedra, 1978
  2. Tutorial. "First health care injured and acutely ill." Developed by OJSC Gazprom. 1999
  3. KOS "Management of gas supply to consumers from gas distribution stations"
  4. KOS "GDS Management"
  5. KOS "Construction and operation of GDS equipment"
  6. WWTP "Construction and maintenance of GDS "Urozhay-10"
  7. WWTP "Gas distribution station"

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS). Issue No. 36. Part No. 1
Approved by Resolution State Committee USSR on labor and social issues and All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 7, 1984 N 171/10-109
(as amended by the Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 02/03/1988 N 51/3-69, dated 08/14/1990 N 325/15-27, Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 11/21/1994 N 70, dated 07/31/1995 N 43)

Gas distribution station operator

§ 23. Gas distribution station operator of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Maintenance of devices, control devices, gas measurement and accounting, automatic equipment systems, gas purification and odorization installations and pipeline communications at non-automated gas distribution stations (GDS) or control and distribution points (CPP) with a daily gas productivity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m. Ensuring the specified mode of gas supply to consumers. Carrying out the necessary switching of devices, fittings and apparatus in accordance with the established operating mode. Detection of gas leaks and malfunctions in the operation of devices, fittings and apparatus. Adjustment and testing of pressure regulators and metering devices. Processing cartograms of recording devices and calculating the amount of gas transferred to consumers. Preparing devices for state verification. Current repairs and participation in mid-term repairs of equipment and communications of gas distribution stations and distribution centers. Maintaining cleanliness of equipment, communications, premises and territory of the State Distribution Station and Control Station. Maintaining records of odorant and oil for dust collectors.

Must know: diagram of GDS and KRP communications, piping of instruments and apparatus; design and operating rules of equipment, regulation devices, accounting and control of devices operating under pressure; rules for handling odorant and standards for gas odorization; methods for setting up pressure regulators and gas meters.

When working at non-automated gas distribution stations and control stations with a daily gas production of over 1.0 million cubic meters. m or when working on automated gas distribution stations and control points with all types of services with a daily gas productivity of up to 1 million cubic meters. m - 5th category;