Group PZ-52 Zaulochnaya T.M.

Material for the presentation on the topic: “Social and pedagogical protection of the rights of children to participate in labor activity».

Handbook of a social teacher: grades 5-11 / Ed.-comp. T.A. Shishkovets. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: VASH, 2007. - 336 p. - (Pedagogy. Psychology. Management).

Socio-pedagogical protection of the rights of minors to participate in labor activity In the view of the majority of modern adolescents, work is primarily a way of earning money; interesting, but low-paid professions, as a rule, do not attract them. Ideally, they link their future either with highly paid legal work in the field of economics, finance, legal services which requires a good education (which usually costs a lot of money), competence, responsibility, diligence, or with work in shadow economy one way or another associated with corruption, violence and other illegal means of enrichment. The types of labor activity offered by educational institutions, youth labor exchanges, etc., having a pronounced socially useful orientation, do not find sufficient popularity among adolescents. The lack of a profession (specialty), work experience and overstated claims among minors make them uncompetitive in the labor market. Protection of the rights of the child in socio-pedagogical activities 75 Without receiving the necessary support from the state, adolescents create their own entrepreneurial niches: - legal (trading newspapers, handing over bottles, washing cars, etc.); - semi-legal (school "black market", cleaning commercial tents at night, etc.); - illegal (trade in illegal goods - drugs, weapons, etc.). The consequences of such spontaneous employment are obvious. Unfortunately, at present, the negative manifestations of this process are increasingly beginning to be fixed as signs of teenage and youth subculture. In this regard, the role of organized forms of employment of minors is growing. On the one hand, the social pedagogue, providing economic support to the minor and his family, the employment of the child in free time contributes to his employment. On the other hand, he is forced to fight semi-legal or illegal employment of children as sources of deviation and violation of their rights. The state develops the legal framework for the employment of minors, initiates special bodies and training (career guidance) programs that help create jobs for minors, involve minors in active work, protect their rights, interests and benefits in the field of employment. According to the basic provisions of law, underage citizens are allowed to work that does not harm their health, normal development, morality and does not violate the learning process. Employment of adolescents at the age of 14 is allowed only with the written consent of one of the parents or the person replacing him. The direction of adolescents for employment is carried out in accordance with the List of types of work, jobs and professions in which the use of adolescent labor is allowed, developed by enterprises in agreement with regional labor authorities, educational authorities, health authorities and trade unions. It is prohibited to send teenagers to heavy work, work with harmful or hazardous conditions work and at night, for work on carrying and moving weights, the weight of which exceeds the maximum norms established for them, as well as work related to the production, storage and sale of alcohol

drinks, work that is harmful to the morals of a teenager, and work performed on a rotational basis. The maximum working hours during holidays for students aged 16 to 18 are 36 hours per week and 6 hours per day; for students aged 14 to 16 24 hours a week and 4 hours a day. During the academic year, the duration of the weekly study and daily working hours of students may not exceed half of the maximum length of working time provided for students of the corresponding age during the holidays. The performance of work by students is confirmed by a certificate indicating the type of work, hours of work and wages or a corresponding entry in the work book issued by the enterprise - the organizer of the work. Employment of students for temporary work can be carried out in an organization regardless of the form of ownership. Employment of adolescents for temporary work is organized with the direct participation of state executive authorities, labor authorities, employment service, education, healthcare, commissions for minors and the protection of their rights, committees for youth affairs and is carried out in cooperation with employers, trade unions, youth, children's and other public associations. Students who work in their free time, who have mastered knowledge and skills in any profession or specialty in accordance with the qualification characteristics in the course of their work, are assigned an initial qualification category (class, category) based on the requirements for training personnel in the workplace. Students who have expressed a desire to apply for a job submit a personal application with the consent of one of the parents or a person replacing him, present a certificate of residence and a birth certificate or passport, as well as a certificate medical institution about the state of health. Employment is formalized by a contract in writing with the consent of the trade union committee. The contract should set out the mutual obligations of the parties as fully as possible. When hiring students, the administration is obliged to acquaint them with the nature of the work, working conditions, rules of internal work schedule explain their rights and obligations,

instruct in detail on safety, industrial sanitation and other labor protection rules and fire safety. Students can terminate the contract by notifying the administration of the enterprise in writing three days in advance. The work of a student in an enterprise must also be terminated upon a written application from one of the parents or a person replacing him, or on the basis of a medical certificate on a state of health that prevents the continuation of work, or at the initiative of the educational institution in case of deterioration in attendance at classes. When the contract is terminated, the enterprise issues a work certificate to the student indicating the profession (specialty), qualification, position and working time. This time is included in the length of service in accordance with applicable law. Based on the certificates, the enterprise where the student will be employed after graduation must make an appropriate entry in the work book. Remuneration for the work of students working at enterprises in their free time is made in proportion to the time worked or depending on output. The enterprise, within the limits established by law, may accrue to students up to pay to salary and provide them with other benefits and advantages. Earned by students in their free time sums of money are paid to them in full within the terms appointed for the payment of wages at this enterprise. Minors may also be involved in public works. Public works are understood as publicly available types of labor activity, which, as a rule, do not require preliminary professional training, have a socially useful orientation and are performed by citizens at the direction of the employment service. The main types of public works are: - care for the elderly and disabled; - assistance in servicing the sick and servicing children during the holidays; - seasonal assistance in carrying out agricultural work and harvesting agricultural products; - cleaning of the territory of cities, settlements, industrial enterprises; - participation in the construction of housing and the reconstruction of the housing stock, yes, social and cultural facilities; restoration of historical and architectural monuments, complexes, protected areas; - seasonal assistance in servicing passenger transport, mail and communications; - assistance to organizations of housing and communal services and consumer services population; - ecological improvement of regions (landscaping and landscaping of territories, preservation and development of forestry, recreation and tourism areas); - assistance in organizing large-scale cultural events (sports competitions, festivals, construction sports grounds, maintenance of children's recreation during the holidays, etc.); - participation in federal and regional public campaigns (surveys public opinion, population census, etc.), etc. The direction for public works is carried out by the bodies public service employment. For those who wish to participate in public works, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded for a period of up to six months and with the right to extend it by agreement of the parties. At the conclusion employment contract it is necessary to provide and take into account the period of work and the mode of work; working conditions and provision with the necessary means of work; wages, distribution to employees of the benefits and benefits operating at the enterprise; responsibility, rights and obligations of the parties, terms of termination of the contract.

The modern school is in dire need of support and development of a system of socio-psychological support for students. Educational priorities and provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard require great attention to the personality of the student, his social problems, the solution of which is impossible without professional work specialized specialists - social educators and psychologists. The content of the manual covers the multifaceted area of ​​activity of a social teacher - from direct work with a child, his family, the socialization of students in society to interaction with all social services involved in educating the younger generation.
Designed for deputy directors, heads of methodological associations, experienced teachers with many years of experience, novice social teachers to determine boundaries professional activity; can be useful to social workers in any field.

Detailed description


The current socio-economic situation in the country is characterized by multi-scale transformations in all spheres of life, which is accompanied by active processes of destruction of habitual views, beliefs, attitudes, value orientations and their replacement with new ones. AT professional field this is manifested in the fact that professions that meet the needs of new, emerging forms of the economy are becoming prestigious in our society today. Every year, there is a growing shortage of highly qualified specialists in the most relevant areas for society: health, education, social protection, etc.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of the IEO, the Federal State Educational Standards LLC and the Federal State Educational Establishment of the Special Educational Establishment, the modern school needs a qualitative development of the system of socio-psychological support for students. In the context of solving new strategic objectives new requirements are imposed on the results of mastering the main educational programs, requirements on their structure and content, and on the conditions for their implementation. Key direction of innovation in the system
general education is to modernize the conceptual and technological approaches to the organization of educational activities that ensure the achievement of new educational results by schoolchildren as the basis for the success of further education. Educational priorities require great attention to the personality of the student, his social problems, the solution of which is impossible without the professional work of specialized specialists - social educators and psychologists.

Modernization of modern Russian education consolidated the priority of the individual in the process of educating and educating a person in conditions educational institution. This approach requires more attention to the personality of the student, his social problems, which in the conditions of an educational institution are multifaceted. Among them, the need to solve the social and pedagogical problems of a person, due to the individual possibilities of his training and education, relationships with the teacher, class, individual groups and personalities of the class, school, environment and relationships in the family, the environment of direct communication.

The modern school is in dire need of support and development of a system of socio-psychological support for students. The growth of child crime, teenage drug addiction, computer addiction and "virtual" aggression in children, the lack of a system of universal values ​​among the younger generation (tolerance, communication skills, culture) - all these problems are acute for the school and society as a whole. Their solution is impossible without the professional work of specialized specialists - social educators and psychologists.

In a circle professional duties social educators include work with children, adolescents, youth and their parents, adults in the family environment, with adolescent and youth groups, associations.

This means that the main area of ​​activity of a social educator is society (the area of ​​the immediate environment of the individual, the area of ​​human relations). At the same time, priority (especially in modern conditions) is the sphere of relations in the family and its immediate environment, at the place of residence. A social educator works with children, their families, family and neighborly environment. goal - organization of preventive, socially significant activities of children and adults in society. tasks - a wide scope of activities from direct work with a child who has problems with socialization in the surrounding society, to interaction with all social organizations and social institutions involved in the social education of the younger generation.

Depending on the profile, the place of work of a social pedagogue can be: social and pedagogical services of educational institutions, social services of specialized institutions (rehabilitation centers, social shelters), services of municipal authorities.

Thus, the social educator:

- organizes educational work aimed at the formation of a common culture of the individual, respect for the environment, the adaptation of the individual to life in society;

studies the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the individual and its microenvironment, living conditions, identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, behavioral deviations and provides timely social assistance and support to students and pupils;

acts as an intermediary between the individual and the educational institution, family, environment, authorities;

- contributes to the realization of the rights and freedoms of students, the creation of a comfortable and safe environment, ensuring the protection of their life and health;

creates conditions for the development of talents, mental and physical abilities of students during extracurricular time;

- interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services and other services in assisting students, children in need of guardianship and guardianship, children with disabilities, as well as those in extreme situations ;

– participates in the development, approval and implementation of educational programs of the institution, is responsible for the quality of their implementation within its competence.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the role of educational and educational institutions in solving the life problems of the child. Any state institution, within the walls of which children find themselves, faces many unresolved problems, their number is constantly increasing; amplification occurs social function public institutions; specialists are appointed to the role of a social worker, social pedagogue; approval of the regulatory and legal financial base for their activities; there is a system of training and advanced training of specialists.

The content of the handbook is determined by the questions that are most often asked by people starting to work as a social educator. They have a special pedagogical education and teaching experience or came to the field of education from another industry, deciding to transfer their practical experience children in difficult life situations. P the individual can serve as a guideline in determining the boundaries of professional activity for a novice social pedagogue. A social educator is primarily a pedagogical specialty, but in the position of a social educator we find the following features:

Lawyer - implementation and protection of the rights of the child;

Social worker - life support of the child;

Sociologist - sociological research in the environment;

Social psychologist - study and adjustment of interpersonal relationships;

a teacher-psychologist - the study of the state and correction of the child's mental development;

Manager and coordinator - representing the interests of the child in state and public structures;

Teacher-organizer - holding social and cultural events.

The job description can incorporate some of the listed functions if the person has special training to their implementation, but still the social pedagogue must, first of all, devote his working time pedagogical work with a child in a problematic life situation, his social development. Job self-determination will also depend on the type of educational institution.

Introduction 3

Social and pedagogical work in a general education institution in the context of the introduction of GEF 8

Program corrective work at the level of primary general

education 13

The role of a social educator in the preservation and promotion of health and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard 26

Planning of socio-pedagogical work 42

Implementation of interaction with the social and educational department of the education department 51

Single qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees 55

Job description of a social educator(sample) 58

Professional status of a social educator in OU 65

Toolkit of professional activity of a social pedagogue 79

Socio-pedagogical technologies of work with children at risk in educational institutions 87

Approaches, aspects, directions 87

Psychological and pedagogical model of early prevention of pedagogical neglect of children and adolescents 100

Samples of documents required by a social pedagogue when working with children at risk 105

Normative acts regulating social work on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency 122

Features of the work of a social pedagogue with drug addicts 125

Socio-pedagogical technologies for the prevention of drug addiction 125

Technology of work of a social pedagogue with a family 134

Forms and methods of working with families 134

Forms of social and pedagogical assistance to the family 137

Social and educational activities with the family 141

Methods of work of a social pedagogue with parents 160

The work of a social pedagogue with children 181

Diagnostics of personality and its social connections 188

The work of a social pedagogue with gifted children 194

Psychophysiological characteristics of gifted children 194

Gifted child in the family 197

Methods of work of a social pedagogue with gifted children 198

Diagnostic materials in the work of a social pedagogue 200

Questionnaires 200

Acts 223

Personal and account cards 232

Applications 251

Attachment 1. Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation"(dated 07.24.1998 No. 124-FZ (as amended on 03.12.2011) 251

Appendix 2 Federal Law on the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development 267

Official documents 288

Literature 288

Current page: 1 (the book has a total of 16 pages) [available reading excerpt: 11 pages]

I. A. Telina
Social educator at school


At present, there are serious problems in Russia concerning the main spheres of children's life, causing concern as government agencies as well as the general public. Their solution is supposed to focus special efforts. First of all, these are the problems of health, nutrition, social problems of minors.

A systemic crisis that has engulfed all global community Today, it is characterized by such common features for different countries as increased social exclusion among young people, an increasing spread of self-destructive behavior among children, which leads to the spread of crime, prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism and other negative phenomena. The destruction of the institution of the family, which is not able to take sufficient care of children, does not fulfill parental responsibilities, and often creates conditions that are dangerous for the life and development of children, is becoming more and more tangible.

“Children at risk”, due to certain circumstances of their lives, are more susceptible to negative external influences from society and its criminal elements, which becomes the reason for the maladjustment of minors. Experts often talk about a combination of many adverse conditions(drunkenness of one of the parents, sexual corruption of children, one of the parents serving a prison sentence, child abuse), which make it impossible for children to continue living in families where a direct threat to their health and life is created.

The rapid reform of society, the aggravation of employment problems led to the emergence of groups of people who, for various reasons, experience difficulties in adapting to new socio-economic conditions, which often leads to family disorganization, an increase in violence in it, including against children and adolescents, and the expansion of their deviant behavior. and, consequently, neglect and delinquency.

The growing social significance of the problem of protecting childhood and juvenile delinquency indicates the need to develop social program legal, socio-economic, educational and health measures to prevent juvenile delinquency and give this program a priority status. Prevention of juvenile delinquency is one of the leading directions of the entire fight against crime. Their effective warning is essential condition protecting the moral health of the younger generation.

Under the current conditions, it becomes relevant to understand the essence and purpose of the professional activity of a social teacher as the implementation of social education, the creation of favorable conditions for the socialization of a growing person at each stage of his development by organizing the main areas of life and providing him with qualified individual assistance in solving age-related and personally significant problems.

Proposed tutorial addressed to students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Social Pedagogy", and may be useful to the administration of educational institutions, social pedagogues and specialists working with minors.


1.1 Social pedagogue at school: appointment of a specialist

The modern period of reforms in our country requires the search for a new model of public education of the younger generation. The current situation puts forward the tasks of educating the child's personality in an open social environment and close interaction of all educational structures of society: schools, families, labor collectives, the public. In the process of such collective cooperation, a new promising direction pedagogical science - social pedagogy. Pedagogy of relations in society is the basic integrative basis in the system of services to help the population, including minors.

Within the framework of the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, social and pedagogical activities are carried out by full-time social teachers of educational institutions, boarding schools, penitentiary special educational and educational institutions of open and closed type. Among the new institutions of the system of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which have been formed in recent years, are centers for psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (they provide methodological assistance to specialists working with minors - social pedagogues, psychologists, teachers of secondary schools, as well as parents), shelters for children and adolescents, etc. In their work, institutions for the protection and support of orphans and children left without parental care (orphanages, boarding schools, etc.), institutions additional education, children's clubs at the place of residence, etc.

Currently, the school is one of the traditional places of work of a social pedagogue. The introduction of the rate of a social teacher in a school is determined by Article 55 federal law Russian Federation "On Education". Among goals socio-pedagogical activity in an educational institution M. V. Shakurova identifies the following:

- contribute to the elimination and overcoming of specific difficulties in the process of socialization of schoolchildren from socially disadvantaged families and social strata;

- to develop the process of advanced socialization, that is, to acquaint all students, regardless of their origin, with their role prospects and chances in society, with public demands, to prepare them for a critical perception of these prospects;

- to promote the development of the personality and its orientation in social processes at the stage of education and choice of profession;

– participate in resolving potential and ready to break out conflicts.

Considering the role of a social pedagogue in working with children, L. D. Baranova rightly notes that “the solution of the problem of developing social and pedagogical work with children directly depends on staffing. Focusing only on a teacher who is able to fully teach and work intensively outside of school hours is unpromising. A teacher, a social pedagogue, an educator, a teacher of additional education can and should work in close cooperation with all interested institutions and organizations for the benefit of the child.

In turn, P. A. Sheptenko and G. A. Voronina believe that “a social teacher working with all categories of the population, children, adults, their families, is called upon to create a system of social assistance to the development and self-development of the individual, to provide the most favorable conditions, psychological comfort. In social practice aimed at improving the well-being of people, the efforts of social educators, social workers, specialists of all institutions of the microdistrict in the interdepartmental system of social services. The versatile voluntary activity of numerous assistants is stimulated and activated: volunteers, volunteer enthusiasts, paraprofessionals, the public, various charitable organizations, foundations, associations, voluntary societies, creative unions, churches, commercial structures, enterprises and organizations. Thanks to this, there is a consolidation of all the forces and capabilities of society in relation to a particular client, the activity of the client himself as the subject of this process is stimulated.

In the course of his work, the social teacher at the school decides the following tasks:

- carries out a set of activities for upbringing, education, development and social protection individuals in institutions and at the place of residence of students;

- studies the psychological, medical and pedagogical characteristics of the personality of students and its microenvironment, living conditions;

- identifies interests, needs, difficulties, problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner;

- acts as an intermediary between the student and the institution, family, environment, specialists from various social services, departments and administrative bodies;

- determines the tasks, forms, methods of socio-pedagogical work, ways to solve personal and social problems, takes measures for social protection and assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual students;

- organizes different kinds socially valuable activities of students and adults, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval;

- contributes to the establishment of humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment;

- contributes to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety of the students' personality, ensures the protection of their life and health;

– carries out work on employment, patronage, housing, allowances, pensions, registration of savings deposits, use of securities of students from among orphans and children left without parental care;

– interacts with teachers, parents, specialists of employment services, charitable organizations and others in assisting students in need of guardianship and guardianship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, as well as those who find themselves in extreme situations.

A social teacher, providing comprehensive assistance to children and adolescents at school, performs a number of functions. Consider their content.

Educational and educational function- ensuring a targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children and adults, promoting the pedagogical activities of all social institutions of the microdistrict (families, educational institutions, labor collectives, means mass media, microsociety); the desire to fully use in the educational process the means and capabilities of society, the educational potential of the microenvironment, the capabilities of the individual himself as an active subject of the educational process.

Diagnostic function- setting a "social diagnosis" by studying the personal characteristics and social living conditions of children, families, social environment, identifying positive and negative influences, problems.

Organizing function- organization of socially valuable activities of children, teachers and volunteers (public figures) in solving the problems of social and pedagogical assistance, support, education and development, implementation of plans, projects and programs.

Predictive and expert function- development of programs, projects, plans for the socio-pedagogical development of the microdistrict, institution, its structures; socio-pedagogical design of the child's personality, groups of children; examination of similar documents and materials.

Organizational and communicative function- the inclusion of voluntary assistants, the population of the microdistrict in social and pedagogical work, in joint work and leisure, business and personal contacts, the concentration of information and the establishment of interaction between various social institutions in their work with children and families.

Security and protective function- the use of the existing arsenal of legal norms to protect the rights and interests of the individual, to promote the use of state coercion measures and the implementation of legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct and indirect illegal influences on the wards of a social teacher.

Social compensatory function– development and implementation of a set of measures that help equalize opportunities for a social start, replenish or compensate for a child’s social inferiority due to specific personal and family circumstances.

Intermediary function- the implementation of relations in the interests of the child between the family, educational institution, the immediate environment.

For example, P. A. Sheptenko and G. A. Voronina distinguish the following functions in the work of a social teacher:

analytical and diagnostic function(study, a real assessment of the characteristics of the social microenvironment, the degree and direction of its influence on the personality, the social status of the child in various fields activities and communication, definition and analysis social factors, their orientation and influence on the personality; identification of the merits of the child's personality, his "problem field", individual psychological and personal characteristics; setting a "social diagnosis", studying, a real assessment of the characteristics of the child's activities and learning; establishing the causes of deviant behavior; identifying the causes of family dysfunction; assistance in identifying especially gifted children; identification of children with emotional and intellectual developmental delays);

predictive function(based on the analysis of the social and pedagogical situation, programming and forecasting the process of education and development of the individual, the activities of all subjects of social education; assistance in self-development and self-education of the individual; determining the prospects for the development of the individual in the process of socialization; planning one's own socio-pedagogical activities based on a deep analysis of the results previous activity);

organizational and communicative function(inclusion of subjects of educational activities, the public, the population of the microdistrict in the process of social education of the younger generation, in joint work and leisure, business and personal contacts; collection of information about the negative and positive impact for a pupil of social and pedagogical institutions, organizations; formation of a democratic system of relationships among children and adolescents; building relationships with pupils on the basis of dialogue and cooperation);

corrective function(correction of all educational influences exerted on pupils by the family and the social environment, including the informal one; strengthening the positive influence and neutralizing the negative influence of others and the social environment on the personality of the child; correction of self-esteem of schoolchildren, status in a team, peer group; assistance in getting rid of habits that are detrimental to health);

coordinating and organizational function(organization of socially significant activities of children and adolescents in an open microenvironment, influence on the reasonable organization of leisure; inclusion in various types of educational activities, taking into account psychological and pedagogical requirements; organization of collective creative activities of children with adults; coordination of the activities of all subjects of social education; interaction with social protection and assistance);

the function of social support and assistance to pupils(qualified socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child in self-development, self-knowledge, self-esteem, self-affirmation, self-organization, self-realization; trusting relationship with the child);

security and protective function(use of a set of legal norms aimed at protecting the rights and interests of children, adolescents, youth associations; the use of state coercion measures, the implementation of legal liability in relation to persons who allow direct or indirect illegal influences on children; interaction with social protection and assistance authorities);

psychotherapeutic function(care for peace of mind the child, his feelings and experiences; trusting relationship with the child; verbal and non-verbal impact on the emotions and self-awareness of the child; resolution of interpersonal conflicts; organization of a situation of success);

social and preventive function(organization of preventive measures to prevent deviant and criminal behavior of children and adolescents; influence on the formation of moral and legal stability; organization of a system of measures for the social improvement of the family);

rehabilitation function(a system of measures for the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and support of persons (primarily minors) who have returned from places of detention, special institutions, as well as persons for various reasons (illness, disability, drug addiction, sexual aggression, imprisonment, stress, etc.) socio-economic, professional and other difficulties in the system of social, family and other relations that cause various forms of social maladjustment).

Among the above functions of a social teacher, R. V. Ovcharova highlights preventive and social therapeutic function which consist in taking into account and putting into action socio-legal, legal and psychological mechanisms for preventing and overcoming negative influences; organizing the provision of sociotherapeutic assistance to those in need, ensuring the protection of their rights.

In turn, G. N. Shtinova, M. A. Galaguzova, Yu. N. Galaguzova distinguish the following functions that a social pedagogue performs in his professional activities:

- diagnostic;

- educational or educational;

- organizational;

- prognostic;

- prophylactic or preventive-prophylactic;

- socio-therapeutic or correctional rehabilitation;

- organizational and communicative or intermediary;

– security-protective or human rights;

- research or organizational and methodological (conducting analytical work with regulatory, organizational and other documents; development of programs, methods, technologies of activity; preparation teaching materials; implementation of the exchange of experience of specialists, participation in conferences, seminars; organization of scientific and practical research on the problems of professional activity).

As we can see, the content of these functions of a social pedagogue reflects the specific features of his professional activity.

Based on the functions of a social teacher at school, T. A. Shishkovets formulates the principles of a specialist’s activity:

The principle of interaction, which consists in the purposeful constant cooperation of a social teacher with other employees of an educational institution to resolve various problems and conflict situations; creating a pedagogical environment in educational institution; establishing links and coordinating activities with all social institutions dealing with the issues of socialization of students.

The principle of a person-centered approach based on a humane attitude towards the individual; respect for the rights and freedoms of both the student and the teacher; assistance in self-development and socialization of the individual; encouragement of her creative self-realization.

The principle of positive perception and acceptance of personality, meaning the acceptance of a child and an adult as they are; search in every person positive qualities, relying on which you can form other, more significant personality traits, optimism and faith in the capabilities and abilities of the individual; formation of readiness of children and adolescents to reject the negative manifestations of reality.

Principle of confidentiality providing for the establishment of relations of openness; confidence in the reliability of the information received; maintaining professional secrecy in relations between the social educator and students, parents, teachers.

Main directions socio-pedagogical work with children in an educational institution is considered to be the following:

– assistance to the family in problems related to education, upbringing of the child;

- helping the child to eliminate the causes that negatively affect his attendance and academic performance;

- involvement of children, parents, the public in the organization and holding of socially significant events, actions;

- recognition, diagnosis and resolution of conflicts affecting the interests of the child, problem situations in the early stages of development in order to prevent serious consequences;

– advising group and individual children and their parents on the resolution of problematic life situations, stress relief, raising children in the family;

- identifying the requests, needs of children and developing measures to help specific students with the involvement of specialists from relevant institutions and organizations;

Assistance to teachers in resolving conflicts with children.

In agreement with the administration, in view of the existing problems within a particular school, a social pedagogue can develop his activities in the necessary directions, filling them with specific content. Table 1 below reflects an approximate list and content of the main activities of a social pedagogue.

Table 1

Directions and content of the activity of a social pedagogue

Main performance criteria social educator are:

- analysis of the socio-pedagogical problems of children and adults of a particular micro-society and the results of their solution;

- the dynamics of the involvement of children and adults in various types of activities in society, at the place of residence;

- the dynamics of changes in the level of relations of children, adolescents, youth, the older generation to the basic social values;

- the results of the involvement of the adult population in activities to improve the socio-pedagogical conditions in the microdistrict;

- assessment of the socio-psychological situation in the society, microdistrict, their microclimate;

- the dynamics of development in the children's, adolescent, youth, family and neighborly environment of democratic, amateur principles, relations of humane cooperation, mutual understanding, camaraderie;

- the level of professional growth of a social teacher.

Thus, socio-pedagogical activity at school is an activity aimed at solving the problems of social education and socio-pedagogical protection of the child, providing him with the necessary, timely qualified assistance in organizing his education, rehabilitation and adaptation in society.

Questions and tasks for self-examination

1. What is the purpose of a social pedagogue at school as a specialist?

2. Name the tasks that a social teacher solves in the process of working at school.

3. What functions does a social teacher perform, providing comprehensive assistance to students at school?

4. List the principles of the activity of a social educator.

5. What are the main areas of socio-pedagogical work with children at school?

6. On the basis of what criteria is the effectiveness of the work of a social pedagogue determined?

Bibliographic list

1. Ovcharova, R. V. Reference book of a social teacher / R. V. Ovcharova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 480 p.

2. Social teacher at school (from work experience) / ed. - comp. L. D. Baranova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 187 p.

3. Tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for the positions of employees of educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Annex to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 17, 1995 - No. 4.

4. Shakurova, M. V. Methods and technology of work of a social teacher: a textbook for students. universities / M. V. Shakurova. - 3rd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p.

5. Sheptenko, P. A. Methods and technology of work of a social teacher: a textbook for students. universities / P. A. Sheptenko, G. A. Voronina; ed. V. A. Slastenina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 208 p.

6. Shishkovets, T. A. Handbook of a social teacher: grades 5-11 / T. A. Shishkovets. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: VAKO, 2009. - 336 p.

7. Shtinova, G. N. Social pedagogy: a textbook for university students / G. N. Shtinova, M. A. Galaguzova, Yu. N. Galaguzova; under total ed. M. A. Galaguzova. – M.: GIZ VLADOS, 2008. – 447 p.

This book will tell you about what a social educator is; what qualities should he have; what are the secrets of his professional technologies; who needs social and pedagogical support; what is socio-pedagogical diagnostics; with whom the social educator interacts professionally.

Addressed to social educators and employees, heads of educational institutions, teachers providing training, and students mastering the specialty 031300 "Social Pedagogy".

Series: "Tutorial".

M.: Sfera, 2004

ISBN 5-89144-177-2

Number of pages: 482.

The content of the book "Reference Book of the Social Educator":

  • 4 Introduction
  • 6 Chapter 1. Social pedagogue and his professional activity
    • 6 1.1. Professional Status and Ethics of the Social Pedagogue
      • 8 Job Responsibilities social educator
      • 9 Professional knowledge social educator
      • 9 Professional skills of a social educator
      • 11 Rights of a social educator
      • 17 Professional qualities of a social educator
      • 19 The appearance and behavior of a social educator
      • 20 Ethical obligations of the social educator towards clients
      • 22 Ethics social educator in relation to his colleagues
      • 23 The ethical obligations of the social educator towards the governing organization or leader
      • 23 Ethical obligations of a social educator to his profession
      • 24 Ethical obligations of a social educator to society
    • 25 1.2. Approximate model of the personality and professional activity of a social pedagogue
      • 32 Areas of professional activity of a social pedagogue
      • 34 Social roles of a social educator
      • 45 Approximate model of professional activity of a social pedagogue
      • 50 Scheme of image components
    • 50 1.3. The role of a social educator in harmonizing interpersonal interactions
      • 50 Activity as a factor in the development of the team and personality
      • 51 Joint activity (JA) as a specific form of interaction
      • 60 Communication as subject-practical and spiritual interaction
      • 61 Interpersonal interaction as a socio-psychological problem
      • 62 Technology of harmonization of interpersonal interaction in the teaching staff
      • 63 Technology of socio-psychological correction of interpersonal interactions in the teaching staff
      • 78 Methodology "Lifestyle"
      • 81 Methodology "Basic aspirations"
      • 85 Method "Life Purpose"
      • 91 Methodology "Personal biography"
      • 98 Relaxation games
      • 98 Adaptation games
      • 99 Formula games
      • 99 Liberation Games
      • 100 Communication Games
    • 74 1.4. Self-diagnosis and self-development of the personality of a social teacher
      • 102 Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of social work
      • 103 Criteria for the effectiveness of the professional activity of a social pedagogue
      • 109 Creative individuality of the social pedagogue and its qualities
      • 113 A variant of the algorithm for determining the pedagogical potential of the creative individuality of a social teacher
      • 114 Variant of the determination algorithm professional excellence social educator
      • 116 Actions to actualize the creative individuality of a teacher in an educational institution
      • 117 The content and algorithm of professional self-education of a social teacher
      • 118 Self-management of a social educator
      • 123 Self-management technique
    • 100 1.5. Pedagogical reflection and improvement of the professional activity of a social pedagogue
  • 132 Chapter 2. Social pedagogue in the education system
    • 132 2.1. School as an open socio-pedagogical system
    • 143 2.2. Socio-pedagogical model of the institution of additional education for children
    • 151 2.3. Preschool microcenters for socio-pedagogical support of childhood in rural areas
      • 155 Regulations on the rural preschool microcenter for socio-pedagogical support of the family and the child
    • 160 2.4. Socio-pedagogical activity in boarding schools
      • 162 Main functional responsibilities social pedagogue in a boarding school
      • 165 Approximate plan of work of a social teacher of a boarding school for the academic year
      • 169 Cyclogram of the work of a social educator
      • 169 Work program of the social pedagogue "Adaptation"
      • 170 Stages of work
      • 172 Individual card child
      • 175 The work program of a social psychologist to ensure social status child
      • 175 The content of the work
      • 176 Child examination sheet
    • 179 2.5. Valeological model of social pedagogue activity
      • 186 Questionnaire for teachers
      • 188 Questionnaire for parents
      • 191 Questionnaire for students
      • 194 Factor analysis of research results
      • 195 Regulations on the valeological service of educational institutions
      • 198 Regulations on the office "Healthy child"
      • 201 Map-scheme of the main options for medical and recreational activities in kindergarten
      • 201 Individual plan-satellite of the annual plan of the educational, educational and health-improving process of a social teacher (valeologist)
      • 202 Distribution of theoretical and practical material by sections of the program of the third health-improving lesson of physical education at school
  • 207 Chapter 3. Social pedagogue in the system of rehabilitation service for children and adolescents
    • 207 3.1. The general concept of comprehensive care for children and adolescents
    • 213 3.2. Principles of construction and structure of the service for helping children and adolescents
      • 219 General structure of the service
    • 225 3.3. Regional rehabilitation service of the education system
      • 230 The system of rehabilitation work in educational institutions
      • 233 Stages of work of the teaching staff to create a service
    • 234 3.4. Model and mechanism of functioning of the rehabilitation service
      • 240 Approximate functions of various levels of the rehabilitation service of the education system
      • 241 Protocol of coordinated actions of participants in the rehabilitation process
      • 242 The mechanism of diagnostics and selection of objects of rehabilitation
    • 244 3.5. Types and methods of rehabilitation of deviant children and adolescents
      • 246 Socially and pedagogically neglected child as an object of prevention and correction
      • 247 Structural and functional model of the system of early prevention and correction of socio-pedagogical neglect of children in kindergarten(school)
      • 248 Approximate model of complex psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of socially and pedagogically neglected children and adolescents
      • 251 Approximate model of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation
      • 255 Exemplary model of medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents in an educational institution
      • 255 Special medical and pedagogical rehabilitation
  • 259 Chapter 4. Technologies and methods of professional activity of a social pedagogue
    • 259 4.1. General classification and purpose of technologies and methods in social work with children, teenagers and youth
      • 263 Classification of social technologies
      • 264 An example of socio-psychological technology. Socio-psychological training for adolescents with communication problems
      • 266 Approximate content of the training sessions of communication skills
      • 267 An example of socio-medical technology
      • 270 An example of socio-pedagogical technology of working with teenagers at school
      • 274 Classification of the main methods used by the social educator
      • 275 Socio-pedagogical methods
      • 278 The program of socio-pedagogical prevention of deviations in the gender-role behavior of children and adolescents
        • 278 Part I. Introduction to the problem
        • 280 Part II. Diagnostics of the gender identity of children from the orphanage
        • 282 Part III. The main directions of preventive work
        • 283 Part IV. Sex Education and Education Program
      • 283 Topics of conversations for parents and educators of orphanages on moral and sexual education
      • 287 Psychological and pedagogical prevention of deviant behavior
      • 302 Characteristics of a difficult teenager
    • 275 4.2. Technology of socio-pedagogical prevention of deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents
    • 306 4.3. Socio-psychological technologies in the work of a social teacher with deviant children and adolescents
      • 307 Game correction of children's behavior in a group
      • 307 Stages of psychocorrection
      • 308 The structure of the psycho-correctional lesson
      • 310 The program of game correction of disorders in the development of the properties of the subject of self-consciousness and communication in socially and pedagogically neglected children
      • 325 Correction of aggressive manifestations: general principles, rules, technologies
      • 328 Technology of complex correction of aggressive behavior (I.A. Furmanov)
    • 331 4.4. Technologies of social and pedagogical support for children and adolescents in crisis situations
      • 334 Critical situation
      • 334 General Technology of Crisis Intervention
      • 335 Theoretical Foundations
      • 338 Practical use
      • 340 Strategies and techniques
      • 341 Technology to help children and adolescents in crisis situations
      • 342 Analysis of the crisis situation of the child
    • 345 4.5. Technologies of work of a social teacher with a family
      • 345 Family, its educational potential
      • 346 Models of helping the modern family
      • 347 Learning model in working with parents
      • 348 Psychological and pedagogical consultations
      • 348 Pedagogical assignments
      • 349 Pedagogical workshops
      • 349 Humanistic client-centered approach in family counseling
      • 350 Family Counseling Technique
      • 352 Parental correctional groups
      • 353 Sample parenting program
      • 355 Main directions and tasks family psychotherapy
      • 360 Technique of family systemic psychotherapy according to E.G. Eidemiller
      • 361 An example of using the integrative model of family psychotherapy according to A.V. Chernikov
  • 365 Chapter 5. Socio-pedagogical diagnostics
    • 365 5.1. Essence and features of socio-pedagogical diagnostics
    • 380 5.2. Study of the social situation of development of children and adolescents
      • 382 Methodology "Individual social situation of development" I.A. Nikolaeva
      • 396 Methodology for diagnosing socio-psychological adaptation of adolescents by K. Rogers and R. Diamond
    • 402 5.3. Diagnosis of socio-pedagogical neglect of children
      • 406 Stages of complex diagnostics of socio-pedagogical neglect of children
      • 411 The method of complex express diagnostics of the state of socio-pedagogical neglect of children (MEDOS)
      • 420 Methodology for registering a child's social activity
      • 422 The method of complex express diagnostics of professional and personal characteristics and communication style of a teacher with children (MEDOP)
      • 428 The method of complex express diagnostics of the features of the family atmosphere, family upbringing and the attitude of parents to children (MEDOR)
        • 428 I part. Self-diagnosis of a typical family condition
        • 429 II part. Self-diagnosis of parental attitude towards children
    • 433 5.4. Personality in the social world. Study of interpersonal relations of children and adolescents
      • 436 Methodology for the study of social networks of a teenager
      • 436 Picture social network
      • 438 Qualitative interaction analysis
      • 440 Test "Self-assessment"
      • 446 Test-questionnaire of self-attitude V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileeva
      • 452 Questionnaire of social and communicative competence (SCC)
    • 460 5.5. Diagnostics of the family and family education
      • 460 Workshop on diagnosing the needs of parents in psychological and pedagogical training
      • 462 The study of the psychological atmosphere of the family and family relations
        • 462 A. Methodology "Typical family condition"
        • 463 B. Methodology "Analysis of family anxiety" (AST)
        • 464 B. Parenting Test Questionnaire (ORI)
        • 470 D. Test "Kinetic pattern of the family" (KRS)
        • 473 Symptom complexes of the kinetic pattern of the family
        • 474 E. Family Parenting Analysis Questionnaire (FAQ)
      • 475 The general scheme of the diagnostic process in working with the family
  • 477 Main literature
  • 478 Table of contents

Social teacher

Job responsibilities. Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions, organizations and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children). It studies the characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and their microenvironment, their living conditions. Identifies the interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner. Acts as an intermediary between students (pupils, children) and an institution, organization, family, environment, specialists from various social services, departments and administrative bodies. Defines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work with students (pupils, children), ways to solve personal and social problems using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Takes measures for social protection and social assistance, realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students (pupils, children). Organizes various types of socially significant activities of students (pupils, children) and adults, events aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval. Contributes to the establishment of humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment. It contributes to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health. Organizes a variety of activities of students (pupils, children), focusing on the characteristics of their personality, the development of their motivation for relevant activities, cognitive interests, abilities, using Computer techologies, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the organization of their independent activities, including research. Discusses with students (pupils, children) current events of our time. Participates in the implementation of work on employment, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, the use of securities of students (pupils, children) from among orphans and left without parental care. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. in assisting students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and guardianship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, as well as caught in extreme situations. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, in other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other events provided for educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) of students (pupils, children). Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; basics social policy, law and state building, labor and family law; general and social pedagogy; pedagogical, social, developmental and child psychology; basics of health saving and organization of a healthy lifestyle, social hygiene; socio-pedagogical and diagnostic methods; methods and uses educational technologies, including remote ones; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; basics of working with a personal computer, with email and browsers, multimedia equipment; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; socio-pedagogical diagnostics (surveys, individual and group interviews), skills of socio-pedagogical correction, stress relief, etc.; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the areas of training "Education and Pedagogy", "Social Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.