Good afternoon, dear friends! I'm glad to meet you again. As you may have guessed, I want to invite you today to the magical world of goodness and beauty.
Look how many cute faces there are in the hall and they are all different - blondes, brunettes, with fiery hair; blue-eyed and black-eyed. But all, of course, beauties and the first applause to all the girls, mothers, grandmothers gathered in this class.

1st presenter. Get started...
2nd presenter. No, you better...
1st presenter. Why? We agreed that you will be the first to start congratulating, and I will assent..
2nd presenter. Start, please, you, I forgot all the words.
1st presenter. Well, you always fail. I didn’t learn it, as always.
Congratulations, everyone is waiting.
2nd presenter. Well, okay (clears throat, straightens his shoulders)
Dear, deeply respected, honored representatives...
Oh, how many beauties have gathered today! There is a Western taste and an Eastern manner,

1st presenter. Are you saying something very clever?

2nd presenter. And what? Bad, isn't it? Yes, I spent three days choosing words from Dahl’s dictionary!
Listen further. On the day of your celebration, we greet you with great gratitude.
Beautiful ladies of Shakespeare and Blok... Madonnas, ballerinas, portraits of strangers. Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!

1st presenter. Wait. Isn’t it better this way: no matter how March turns out,
for us it is always an expectation of happiness and gentle spring sun.
2nd presenter. You can forget your birthday, but you never know what we’re talking about
Sometimes we forget in the chaos! But about the fact that March 8 is a women's holiday
it is simply impossible to forget!
1st presenter. And, congratulating our dear women and girls on the holiday, giving them smiles, we will always remember the kind, sensitive and caring attitude towards them.
Leading. Our dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today is the very first spring holiday. I would like to wish everyone happiness, spring, and holidays.
And today we have prepared congratulations to our most beloved and closest people - grandmothers and mothers, girls. Children perform.
On this sunny and festive day, On this bright solemn hour, Dear, beloved mothers, We have come to congratulate you.
The winter cold is still angry, The eighth is just the day of spring, But with golden flowers All the streets are already full.
This number eight is my favorite! We congratulate all dear women on this holiday.
To our mothers on spring day
Spring itself sends greetings:
The sound of streams and birdsong
She gives for the holiday.
The sun shines brighter for us
All: On the bright holiday of our mothers!

We invited both grandmothers and mothers to visit us, We promise, we promise: You won’t be bored here.
Everything is ready for the holiday - So what are we waiting for? We will start our holiday with a cheerful song.

A song is playing. Children perform.
ABOUT! How wonderful this word is - mother! Everything on earth is from mother's hands. She taught us - disobedient and stubborn - Good - the highest of torments!

Spring day, frosty day. A cheerful and mimosa day - It's mother's day!
A cloudless day, not snowy - An excited and tender day - It's mom's day!
Who loves you, children, so much, Who loves you so tenderly, Without closing your eyes at night, Who cares about you? All. Mom dear!
Who rocks the cradle for you? Who amuses you with a song or tells you a fairy tale, who gives you toys? All. Mom dear!
If, children, you are lazy, disobedient, playful, as sometimes happens, who sheds tears then? All. Mom dear!

A song is being performed.
Leading. Today grandmothers came to our holiday, and the guys dedicate these poems, our dear grandmothers, to you.

If the grandchildren are cheerful, the Grandmother is even more so:
- Look, they sang like goldfinches, - How glorious!
If the grandchildren want to eat, it’s a joy for Grandma:
- Let them sit, let them eat - They need to grow up!
If the grandchildren went out into the garden,
Grandmother is worried: - Well, like rain or hail - After all, your feet will get wet!
If the grandchildren have gone to bed, Grandmother is not breathing:
- Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli, li, hush, hush, hush!
Cleanliness, silence, warmth, drowsiness. That's what a Grandma is like - caring!

Gifts are given to mothers.

It smelled like March and spring, But winter holds on tightly. The number eight is not simple - a holiday is coming to our homes.
We congratulate our most beloved and dear ones on Women's Day, a joyful day! We wish you all health and happiness on this beautiful sunny day!
We really want to please all our guests today, and for them we have prepared a lot of festive activities.
So here we go. Surely everyone sitting in the hall has read the fairy tale “Cinderella”, but who is its author? (Charles Perrault) Remember how one respectable gentleman’s wife died,
and he married a second time to an arrogant and grumpy woman who had 2 daughters who were very similar to their mother: in face, in mind, and in character.
The husband also had a daughter, kind and friendly, sweet, just like her late mother. What happened next, everyone remember. But this is the 21st century and today we are spending
competitive game program "Super Cinderella 2016".
Listen up everyone! Listen up everyone! Ladies and gentlemen, Madame and Monsieur!
And most importantly, everyone, both friends and girlfriends! This has never been heard in our area!
Attention! Attention! Now Charm Plus Youth, Attractiveness, Fun and Skill, Ingenuity, Optimism are coming onto the scene.
Let it be with you
They last a lifetime!
I invite our participants to the stage!
(Solemn music and applause from the audience sounds)

1. COMPETITION “Introduction” Participants need to introduce themselves and tell what fairy tale they are from.
Summing up.
Drawing lots with the team name. Assignment of girls to teams.

2. COMPETITION "The Princess and the Pea"
_ Let's check if you are real princesses.

It is necessary to place chairs without upholstery in a row, according to the number of expected participants. A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool.
For example, for the first stool - 3 candies, for the second - 2, for the third - 4... The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags.
The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. And so, while dancing, sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how much
there are sweets underneath. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.
Summing up.

3. COMPETITION "Housewives"

Everyone knows that Cinderella was an excellent housewife. Let's check how often our girls help their mothers. To do this, participants must guess riddles
about the objects that the housewife uses.
1. Now back, now forward The steamer walks and wanders. Stop it - woe: You will make a hole in the sea.
2. I am short, thin and sharp. I look for a path for myself with my nose, I drag my tail behind me.
(Needle, thread)
3. Sometimes it’s kitchen, and sometimes it’s pirate, cutting, spicy...
4. A large piece of fabric that is laid on the table. (Tablecloth)
5. A flat stand on which a lot of dishes can be placed at once. (Tray)
6. Container for boiling water. There is an electric one, an ancient relative of the teapot, found in the fairy tale “The Tsokotukha Fly.”

Summing up.

4. COMPETITION "Stepmother's task"

Participants are given a cup in which cereals are mixed. The girls should sort it out and put it on different plates.
Summing up.

5. COMPETITION "Culinary duel"
- How do you know if the pie is baked?
- How to peel an onion so that tears don’t flow?
- What needs to be done to prevent the egg from bursting during cooking?
- What needs to be done without adding water to make over-salted soup normal? (Drop in a few raw potatoes.)
Summing up.

6. Competition "Cleanliness"
2 girls participate in the competition. 5 inflated balloons for each of them are laid out on the floor. Girls, using brooms, must sweep all their balls over the line.
Whoever sweeps away all the balls faster is the winner.
Summing up.

7. Hostess competition
The girls are in 2 teams and line up one after the other. The first participants are given a tablespoon and a potato. On command, the girls must put the potato in the spoon,
run, holding the spoon in your outstretched hand, to the chair, return and pass the spoon to the next participant. The team that runs the fastest without dropping the potato wins.
Summing up.

8. Competition “Young Artists” (captains competition)

The girls are blindfolded and given dictation to draw.
Let's draw a big circle, with a small one on top. There are two ears on the top of the head - This will be the head.
Let's draw a bushier mustache for him for beauty. Now the fluffy tail is ready - You are the most beautiful of all cats!
Summing up.

9. Competition "Black Box".
Leading. Determine from the text what object is in the black box.
(Read the text starting with “5”)
Probably more to primitive man he was curious what it looked like, so he used a puddle of water to do it. Then they came up with a small bronze circle,
which was polished on one side. Modern look This item was invented by the masters of ancient Venice. The method of its manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence,
even the masters lived on an island where outsiders could not enter. Anyone who left the island faced death. This item was used to decorate rich palaces and houses,
but the poor could not afford it, since it was very expensive. Now this item is in every home. What are we talking about? (Mirror)

10. Competition "Oh, how beautiful I am!" (1 person each, draw lots).

Leading. Remember A.S. Pushkin: “Am I the cutest in the world...?”
Each participant is given a mirror in turn. You must, looking at yourself in the mirror, without laughing, say: “Am I the cutest in the world...?”
Whoever does it best is the winner.
Summing up.

Leading. The concept of femininity is associated not only with the physical characteristics of a girl. Of course, appearance is the starting point of this concept.
They associate with it both a certain manner of behavior and the moral character of a person. It is appropriate to mention gait and grace.
Along with femininity, girls are valued for intelligence and intelligence.

11.Competition "Typesetter". The word "femininity" is given.

In a given time, make up as many other words as possible from the letters of a given word. Each word must be composed only of the letters that make up the chosen word.
Summing up After completing the task, you hand over your notes to the jury.

I have one game called "He - She".
He is an elephant - she is... an elephant. He is a moose - she is...a moose. He is a cat - she... Well, of course, she is a cat! Well, you were a little mistaken.
So let's play again, I want to beat you! He is a walrus - she is... a walrus, He is a hare - she is... a hare, He is a bull - she. .. Is everyone familiar with this word? Yes! Yes! She's a cow!

12. COMPETITION "Very skillful hands"

In front of you is an inflatable ball, a spool of thread, a marker, a bow. Try creating a doll. Are you ready? Go for it!
Summing up

13 COMPETITION "Understand Me"
Each participant must guess the title of the song based on its content.
1) A song about using a smile as electricity. (Smile.)
2) A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. (Cheburashka.)
3) A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years. (What they teach at school.)
4) A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (If it takes a long time.)
5) A song about keeping your head, which is not of particular value to a little bear. (Song of Winnie the Pooh.)
6) A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year. (Birthday.)
7) A song in syllables about a wooden man. (Pinocchio.)
8) A song about a boy who didn’t like digging potatoes, but loved to eat. (Antoshka.)

Summing up

Ball, ball, ball... Let's start preparing for the ball

14. Competition "Stylist"

To conduct this competition, we need one stylist and a boy from the audience from each team. Colored rubber bands are at your disposal. Who can tie the most rubber bands in 1 minute?
Summing up

Now let's get down to business! We invite fashion designers! So that you dress us for the ball, there is a new competition - “Model Show”.
Participants design and make an outfit from newspaper sheets.
Girls! You are offered newspaper sheets and a stapler. You must create a festive outfit.
And one of the girls will act as a model and demonstrate this outfit, and the other will comment.
The music starts and the girls go on stage. Costumes are shown and commented on (2 people each).
Leading. I ask you to make two circles around the hall to the music and show your models. Music!
Summing up

1) As a model.
2) Like Baba Dusya after 12 hours of work.
Summing up
Leading. Cinderella will go to the ball as a model, despite working 12 hours.
Congratulations boys.

Dear girls, congratulations on Women's Day! And now we will sing ditties for you very loudly!
The girls in our class are smart and beautiful! And I must admit, we boys really like it!
You are always beautiful: ponytails, braids. Sometimes we pull for them, just out of habit!
How the break comes We love to play with you: We run away as much as we can, So that they can catch up with us!
You dance, sing, love to read books. Don’t forget to give us at least some hints in class!
Today we promise to pay you compliments. And when you grow up a little, we will give you flowers!
We sang ditties for you, But we also want to say: We will boldly protect you always, everywhere and everywhere!

Giving gifts to girls.
Leading. (Kolya rings the bell and then says) - Well, what would a ball be without treats? I ask everyone to come to the table.

Gainanshina Elena Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 42, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Description of material:
I offer you a holiday scenario for students in grades 2-4. This material will be of interest to primary school teachers and additional education teachers.
Goal: Creating conditions for emotional relaxation for children.
Develop children's creative abilities.
Promote the development of positive emotions.
To develop communication skills in children.

The progress of the holiday

Our girls are beautiful princesses. And every princess dreams of going to the royal ball. The girls go on stage and the audience greets them with applause.

It's time for fun

We will surprise you today!

Invite all your friends!

Let the ball begin soon!

We have gathered to see the talents of our princesses. Let friendship win in our game. Let there be no tears, no disappointments. May your knowledge, smiles and success accompany us throughout the game!

1 competition “The fastest”

Who can put together a holiday card faster and read the text?

(The postcard with the congratulatory text is cut into pieces.)

2nd competition "Culinary" at this time a game for spectators

Girls need to be able to cook well. And this is important. Because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Now you will need to cook the borscht. What products will you choose for this? (Write down the necessary ingredients on sheets of paper.)

A game for spectators. Guess the princess's name.

1. She knows (and for good reason!) 4. Her braids are the longest!

Everything about fish and the seas. Who is she? Tell me quickly!

(The Little Mermaid) (Rapunzel)

2. She was a friend of the gnomes 5. She reads in different books

And, of course, you are familiar with it. About fabulously beautiful princes.

(Snow White) (Bella)

3. I pricked my finger on a spinning wheel 6. I danced like that at the ball,

I lost myself in a long sleep... That I lost my shoe!

(Aurora) (Cinderella)

3 competition "CHATTERS"

Everyone knows that girls are big talkers, so our next competition is called “Chatterboxes”. You need to speak for one minute without interruption.

(You can just fantasize.)

If the participant stops, points are deducted.

4th competition “Musical Kaleidoscope”

So, our next competition is “Musical Kaleidoscope”.

Now we will find out how well our girls know the songs?

I will call summary songs, and you have to name this song.

1.A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat.

(“If it takes a long, long time.”)

2.A song about using a smile as electricity.


3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows.

(“Cheburashka’s song.”)

4.Song by syllables about a wooden man.


5.A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year.


6. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years.

(“What they teach at school”)

5 competition “Make a bracelet”

On the tables there are various beads in bowls and strings. Girls are offered to make jewelry for themselves, such as bracelets. Skill and speed are assessed.

6th competition “MOST ARTISTIC”

The girls must perform a dance.

(Gypsy girl or dance of little ducklings.)

7 competition "Intelligence ».

Participants must answer 2 questions.

    What is the name of both the document required to obtain medicine at the pharmacy and the method of preparing the dish? (Recipe.)

    How can you avoid spoiling the porridge? (Oil.)

    In what soup are cucumbers and pearl barley found? (In pickle.)

    What is the name of this type of soup made from pureed vegetables? (Puree.)

    What do you call a salad covered in kvass? (Okroshka.)

    “Chicken solarium” is... What? (Grill.)

    What in the kitchen escapes from a bad housewife? (The milk is boiling.)

    Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese? (From cottage cheese.)

    What root vegetable is needed to make potato pancakes? (Potato.)

    What kind of fish is in holidays puts on a “fur coat”? (Herring, dish “Herring under a fur coat.”)

    What do Italians eat for many kilometers? (Spaghetti.)

    “Twisted” food is... What? (Roll.)

    What turns fruit juice into jelly? (Starch.)

    What drink is most popular in China? (Tea.)

Announcement of winners, award ceremony.

Each participant became a winner in one of the categories:

    The most charming

    The cutest

    The kindest

    The most fun

    The most responsive

    The most skillful

    The most artistic, etc.

Our princess girls have proven that they deserve to be queens and wear the crown.

All participants wear crowns and receive a sweet gift.

Objectives: to foster a spirit of camaraderie in competition, to instill interest in the hobbies of others, to respect the dignity of rivals, to cultivate respect for the female sex.
Equipment: plates, peas, peas, beans, satin ribbons, pencils, markers, paper faces, princess insignia, numbers for contestants, costumes for competitions, clothespins, children's things, basin, rope, certificates.

Celebration progress:

Rumor has been going around for a long time,
What a wonderful country there is.
At least go around the whole wide world,
But there is no better school than ours.
Prince 2.
Attention! Attention!
Hurry to school with us
Today at our school
A fun ball for you.
Beautiful and smart
Cheerful and noisy
Singers, craftswomen, beautiful maidens!
HOST: Good afternoon, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to the Princess Ball competition. Today 12 wonderful, most dexterous girls will compete among themselves for the titles: “Cinderella”, “Princess - Nesmeyana”, “Varvara - beauty, long braid”, “Princess Barbie”, “Most Artistic”.
So, our princesses are ready! Greetings to our participants!
(Little princesses come on stage to the music. The boys take them out, lead them around the hall and seat them on chairs.

The presenter introduces each princess by her last name and first name.)
Princess No. 1:
Princess No. 2:
Princess number 3:
Princess No. 4:
Princess No. 5:
Princess number 6:
Princess number 7:
Princess number 8:
Princess number 9:
Princess number 10:
Princess number 11:
Princess number 12:
HOST: Here they are, our beauties! Each of them is worthy of its title. We will find out which one a little later. Our contestants will be evaluated by a jury...(presentation of the jury)
Presenter: So, it's time to start! First, let's get to know our participants better. The first competition is called
1. Business Card Competition
The girls will need to talk about themselves and maybe even show what they can do and what they are interested in.
(the competition is assessed using a 5-point system).
2. Competition "Cinderella"
HOST: A competition for the title of “Cinderella” is announced. Each participant will have to separate the peas from the beans in a short time. The task is difficult, but I think our participants will cope with it with ease.

3. Competition "Future Mother"
Each of you is a future mother. In this competition you will need to put a cap on your baby and carefully swaddle him. Whoever swaddles his baby faster and better will win this competition.
To the music of "In Every Little Child"

4. Competition "Most Artistic"
The girls must perform a dance, listen carefully to the music and dance.

Leading: I think our participants are a little tired and I suggest they rest.

5. Competition for spectators:
All the girls go out and are divided into two teams and compete in the “Washers” competition. Whose team hangs the most children’s things on a rope wins.

HOST: We have already seen how our participants deftly cope with all tasks.
6.Competition “Varvara beauty – long braid”
HOST: The next competition is the ability of girls to braid a pigtail. We will need girl assistants for whom our participants will braid their hair.
7. Competition "Princess Barbie"
HOST: We will choose “Princess Barbie” for the next competition. The competition is about the ability to correctly apply makeup to the doll's face. You were provided with pencils and markers for the face of a Barbie doll. Whoever manages to paint his doll beautifully wins.

8. Competition "Princess - Nesmeyana"
HOST: Well, now it’s the turn of our little princes. Boys, your task is to make our princesses laugh. Well, you girls, try not to laugh for as long as possible. Boys dressed as grandmothers come out and perform a skit based on the song “Old Grandmothers”

We are good princes of a big country,
Where there is neither snow nor winter
Spring always blooms here,
And the sun is burning hot.
How well did you perform
And they completed all the tasks,
You have charmed everyone here so much
And we will reward you, princesses,
Now we will announce the results.
HOST: Well, all the competitions have been completed. All that remains is to sum up the results and find out what titles our girls will receive today.
Announcements of competition results. Rewarding. Each participant is assigned a title and awarded a badge of honor.


– to develop children’s creative and musical abilities preschool age;

— expand children’s understanding of the public holiday “March 8”; create a festive mood

— to instill in preschoolers love and respect for the closest person - their mother, the desire to help her, to please her.

Equipment: musical equipment, discs with selected music. repertoire, chairs according to the number of participants, balloons, presentation of Our Mothers pictures March 8, ribbons with numbers (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) medals for awarding, photos of mothers on the balloons

Previous work: talking with children about the “International Women's Day March 8th”, learning poems and songs about mothers, drawing portraits of their mothers.

Progress of the event

Music "Spring drops" sounds


On this March day we invited guests.

They seated their mothers and grandmothers in the hall.

Dear grandmothers and mothers, all women in the world.

Children congratulate you on this great holiday!

We sing songs and read poems.

Happy Women's Day, Happy Women's Day


We congratulate you!!!


Tomorrow's princess girls

They can't wait for the holiday.

Everyone is excited in anticipation of the process

A wonderful holiday. So…

It's not easy to be born a princess.

But you can become a princess!

Everything is ready! Let's begin! We invite all girls!

Background music is playing

Girls in pairs with boys enter the hall to the music “Spring Drops” and perform a dance composition. Afterwards, the girls line up in a semicircle in the center of the hall, the boys go to the chairs.


1st: I got up so early today.

2nd: I was so worried in the morning.

3rd: My beloved mother sewed me a new dress!

4th: And my grandmother and I sat in the hairdresser all evening yesterday,

So as not to ruin my curls, I couldn’t sleep all night!

5th: And my mother and I learned the words so that I could read them without hesitation.

6th: And we repeated all the movements 100 times so that I could dance more beautifully than anyone else in the hall!

7th: And I learned all the songs, so much so that I woke up the whole house!

8th: Not a bit of peace all day,

I'm at the mirror in the morning.

9th: I was looking for some cool hairpins, I really need them

Objects of female beauty should be seen by everyone on me!


Oh, how much trouble and worry!

Oh, so many worries and doubts!

Trust us girls, you are all beautiful!

Samira, Aida, Alina, Amina, Darina, Dilyara, Irada, Rusalina, Samira

And yet it’s time to start, we wish you success

Attention! “Princess Parade” - our holiday begins!

(all girls sit down)


Yes, our task is not easy,

How to choose the one that is most beautiful

To be graceful and kind,

So that I can take it with my mind and with everyone.

And our dear jury will help us make our choice.

(Presentation from the jury. After each competition, the jury gives marks)

Before the start of the holiday, the girls distribute the order of performance; they have a ribbon on their hand with the number (order) of performance. Take turns going out and doing tasks

Leading: The first competition is “Acquaintance”.

Each girl goes to the middle of the hall, curtsies and tells what her name is, where she lives, what her hobbies are, what she likes to do most and what she dreams of.

Background music “Spring drops” sounds

Host: The first competition is over, we met our competitors. While the jury is summing up the results, the boys will read poems and congratulate their beloved mothers and grandmothers on the holiday.

Montage of poems (narrated by boys)

The whole sky seems to be made of mica.

And soon - soon in white

The gardens will be covered again.

Our mothers' favorite holiday.

He is the most gentle, the kindest,

And that is why he is dear to us.

For a long time my dad and I thought wisely:

What good could we do?

And on this day - we decided so -

We will do everything for mothers.

We'll sweep the floor for mom,

We'll set the table ourselves.

Let's help her cook dinner,

We will sing and dance with her,

We paint her portrait

We'll draw you as a gift.

We'll bake a pie for mom

Fragrant and rosy.

And, of course, pie

We'll eat together with mom.

“They are unrecognizable! Wow!" —

Then mom will tell people.

And we always, and we always,

We will always be like this.

There are mimosas on the table

On a nice spring day.

May all mothers on Earth

They don't know grief!

Sisters, and grandmothers, and mothers

We congratulate you!

Health and joy to all of you

We wish you with all our hearts!

Presenter: I see that the jury has already finished its deliberations, and we are ready to hear the result of the first competition.

The jury's word.

Music "Spring" sounds

Leading: The second competition is “Artistry”.

In this competition, girls must show their ability to read poetry, sing songs and dance. Performed in turns (music).

Leading: The second competition has ended. The jury has a difficult job ahead of them, because all our participants are simply great. While the discussion is ongoing, the floor goes to our boys.

Poem "Gift"

I decided to cook compote

On mom's birthday.

I took raisins, nuts, honey,

A kilogram of jam.

I put everything in the pan,

Stirred, poured water,

I put it on the stove

To make it tastier,

I won't regret anything!

Two carrots, onion, banana,

Cucumber, glass of flour,

Half a cracker

Everything was boiling, steam was swirling...

Finally, the compote is cooked!

I took the pan to my mother:

Happy birthday, mommy!

Mom was very surprised

Laughed, admired,

I poured compote for her -

Let him try it soon!

Mom drank a little

And...she coughed into her palm,

And then she said sadly:


Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you! Tasty!

Presenter: Dear jury, tell us the results of the 2nd competition.

Presenter: The third competition is “INTELLECTUAL”.

Now let's check your knowledge.

Ved princess is not a title, but a calling!

The princess must be smart and very prudent

Now we'll find out who's smarter!

It is known that all girls love fairy tales about princesses. What other heroines are there in fairy tales? Do our future princesses know them? Now we'll find out. Each girl will be given one riddle.

(In this round, if a contestant finds it difficult to give the correct answer, her mother or her fans help her)


1. I go to my grandmother through the forest and sing a sonorous song.

I bring her pies and cookies for treats.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

2. I am my stepmother's maid

There is ash on my cheek.

But yesterday I was in the castle.

At the king's ball!

And she ran away from the prince,

I even lost my shoe.


3. I ran away from the theater

My friend is the poodle Artemon,

My hair is blue

And Piero is also in love with me.


4. I can handle all tasks.

I'm not afraid of Koshchei

I'll shed the skin of a frog

And I will turn into a princess.

(Frog Princess)

5. For insects, fleas, flies

I baked pancakes and buns

I boiled the samovar.

I almost got eaten by a spider.

Destroyed evil plans

Heroic mosquito.

(The clattering fly)

6. But the road is long

And the basket is not light

I'd like to sit on a tree stump

I would like to eat a pie


7. A girl appeared in a flower cup

And there was that girl a little bigger than a marigold

The girl slept in a nutshell

She was such a sweet girl.


8. There is no river or pond

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole


9. Grandfather and grandmother lived together,

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

(Snow Maiden)

Presenter: And now we have a break for you, but not an advertising break, but a musical one. Surprise congratulations from the boys.

The song "Mom's Song" is performed by Amir

Presenter: Dear jury, tell us the results of the 3rd competition.

Presenter: The fourth competition is “Spring Fantasies”. In this competition, our participants were helped by their mothers. This was their homework: MAKE A SUIT FROM RECYCLED OR WASTE MATERIAL. I invite our participants to go into the room with their mothers and get ready to show their models.

While the girls are busy with work, our guys want to congratulate their beloved grandmothers.

1. Grandma, like the sun, will warm everyone with her gaze,

How good it is for the grandchildren to be with their grandmother!

Grandma will give everyone warmth and affection,

He will gently kiss us and tell us a fairy tale.

2. I will kiss my granny deeply,

Always be healthy, young and happy.

We sing a song to grandma, tender, beautiful,

Happy Women's Day, beloved grandmother.

Song: - dance “Let’s go through the raspberries to the garden” (performed by boys in sundresses)

Presenter: And so, we greet the contestants with applause. Everyone walks around the hall, shows their models, and then sits down and takes turns demonstrating their model.

The participants take turns walking along the catwalk, and their mothers present the costume model: the name, what the costume is made of, etc.

Presenter: While our participants are changing clothes and the jury is deliberating, we will listen to a song about mother “Dear Mommy” (performed by a group of children)

Presenter: Dear jury, tell us the results of the 4th competition

Dear mothers, accept a gift from your sons - dance “Waltz for Mom” Boys invite their mothers to dance

Leading: The whole country and other countries congratulate dear mothers.

Because our mothers are the closest and dearest to us!

Presenter: Let’s sing from the bottom of our hearts now, Mommy’s song about you

About beautiful, dear, sweet, kind and family!

“The song “My mother is the best in the world.” - performed by all children


After singing the song, the children sit down.

Presenter: Attention! The most exciting moment has arrived. Now the jury will announce who became the princess. Jury, over to you!

(The jury says that all the girls are attractive, charming, and have all become princesses)


Nominations can be:

1. Princess Fashion Model

2. Princess Charming

4. Princess Artistry

5. Princess Clever

6. Princess Fantasia

7. Princess Originality

8. Princess Splendor

9. Princess Tenderness

Presenter: All the girls are a sight for sore eyes today!

Beautiful both in appearance and in soul,

Talented to the point of tenderness,

We admired such beauty!

Word to the PARENTS (girls are given books)

Musical congratulations from moms song “Mom’s Heart”

Presenter: There are no losers in our competition. Here are all the winners. And now the photo is for memory.

teacher of the preschool group “Pre-school time”

BMOU "Akhtubinskaya Secondary School"

Komsomolsky village,Krasnoyarsk district,

Astrakhan region Russia

Ball princesses

(Children, accompanied by cheerful music, enter the hall and stand in a semicircle)

1. Spring is walking through the yards

In the rays of warmth and light,

Today holiday of our mothers,

And we are pleased with this!

2. Our kindergarten I'm glad to congratulate you

All mothers, all over the planet,

"Thank you" they tell moms

Both adults and children!

3. Today you were invited to visit

We are our grandmothers and mothers,

We decided to please them

And everyone did something themselves!

4. Mothers, grandmothers, now

We want to congratulate you.

We are also happy to congratulate

Kindergarten teachers.

And girlfriends and sisters,

And, of course, girls!

5 boy. Sometimes we don't notice

How we offend girls

And we take away the toys,

We drag them by the pigtails.

And for everything they are guilty of.

Forgive us, girls!

Don't hold it against us

We love you anyway.

Presenter: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth! The very first thing a person says. And in all languages ​​it sounds equally gentle. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. She has the most faithful and sensitive heart, in which love never fades, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50, you will always need your mother, her gentle gaze.

Let's have fun today

Sing, play, joke, frolic!

This holiday - Mother's Day,

Have fun, whoever is not too lazy!

Our dear mothers and grandmothers,

We've dressed up for you.

All that was prepared was songs and dances,

We'll show you everything now!

A song is being performed "about mom's holiday»

They go to their places. The melody sounds and the Fairy comes out.

Good evening, gentlemen,

A Fairy has come to you from a fairy tale!

Happy Women's Day to everyone,

I wish you happiness and joy!

All the best and beauty,

May your dreams come true!

I invite everyone to the hall

To a magnificent royal ball!

All children perform "Waltz"

I'll wave my magic wand

And I’ll bring the fairy tale to life in the hall!

One, two, three,

Take a closer look!

The clock will strike 12 times

AND the prince will appear at your place!

The clock strikes. It turns out prince.


How many guests are there!

How many friends there are here!

I see grandmothers and mothers

And the girls are here and there!

I had a wonderful dream,

That I'm in love with a beauty.

I want to find her here

You, Fairy, announce a competition!

Attention! We're starting the competition

Everyone princesses from different fairy tales we invite you!

For each task in a beauty contest

We will give you beautiful flowers!

Collect more flowers

And win the Cinderella competition with dignity!

Friends come to the music prince.

Hello prince

Why are you sad today?

Tell me my friend.


So I decided to get married

I want to find myself a worthy wife!

That's what you started! Cool!

Did you want to get married? Ha-ha-ha

Here's to messing around with girls!

They're capricious!

Almost immediately they cry

Yes, we have money, they beg from the boys.

Here, first of all, buy a fur coat

Then the car

And then take it to Europe

Yes, take me to restaurants!


What about love?

My heart is pounding.

It's so wonderful

Declaring your love to a girl!

Well, you got it!

Well friends, let's cheer up our prince

So that he doesn't walk around so gloomy.

Boys dance.

Look beautiful and neat

Girls want it - that’s understandable.

We are starting the first competition

We invite you to show yourself!

(Mama comes out with a basket to the music and addresses Little Red Riding Hood)

Mother: Listen, dear daughter, you have grown up big.

I need to go to grandma and take the pie to her.

And also as a gift anti-wrinkle cream "Oriflame".

I can’t go with you, my friends are waiting at tennis.

Say hi to grandma and tell her I'll be there soon.

As soon as I fix the car, I’ll drop by her immediately.

Well, daughter, I have to go, I'm expecting a call in the evening.

(mom leaves)

Kr. Sh. (shrugs): Grandma can’t have flour,

She's on a diet again.

She needs to keep her form,

She can't gain weight.

Ved: The girl took the basket and turned onto the path. As soon as she took a step, she found herself at the ball. Only suddenly the baby hears, as if someone is calling her.

(Wolf comes out)

Wolf: Hey girl, wait, don’t go past the Wolf!

How far are you going? Can I have a look here?

(looks into the basket)

Here lies the cabbage pie,

How delicious it must be!

Where are you going, child?

And who are you bringing the pie to?

Kr. Sh.: I’m going to my dear granny,

I haven't been there for a long time.

I'll live for two days

And I will come here again.

Wolf: Can I come with you, girlfriend?

We need to accompany you.

The path is long, the forest is dense,

I must go with you!

Let's congratulate grandma together.

Let's keep her company.


Kr. Sh.: Listen, Wolf, aren’t you lying?

Are you leading me right?

Maybe you want to eat me

My grandmother? But in vain!

I heard this fairy tale

Yes, and my mother told me.

Wolf: What are you doing, baby? Ha ha ha! You made me laugh.

What's in your granny that you can eat?

Skin, bones - all food, nothing to eat, trouble!

He follows his diet and kicks a ball in the garden all day.

I’d rather go visit and treat myself to some pie.

Ved.: Here they are walking together, talking about this and that m:

About the weather, about cinema, who we haven’t seen for a long time.

Now the house has appeared, just one step left. (knock on the door)

Kr. Sh.: Knock-knock-knock! Open the door!

Grandmother: Pull the handle harder!

I'm going now, I'm taking a bath.

(Granny comes out and wipes herself with a towel)

Grandmother: I started running in the mornings and lost a kilogram.

I have to keep in shape, I can’t gain weight.

(puts on glasses)

Oh baby, what is it? Did the Wolf come with you?

Kr. Sh.: Yes, grandma, just the two of us.

We're bringing you a pie!

Grandmother: Well, then, I’m glad to see you, we all need to make peace!

Kr. Sh.: My dear grandmother, s. I congratulate you on the holiday!

Wolf: Be always like this everywhere, be athletic, young!

The wolf kneels down and gives flowers to grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. U

They take him by the arms and leave.

Prince: Yes, apparently this is not my bride

She already has a fiancé.

I'll wait for another one!

The next competition is calling us forward,

Which girl will dance better?

You dance, don't stand

And for prince Unleash your talents!

Snow White comes in to the music, the Little Mermaid and Scheherazade look in the mirror.

I am called Snow White, I smile and laugh!

I love to have fun and sing! Come see!

Mirror, mirror, how can I smile?

To our beautiful prince could you turn to me?

Presenter: The mirror thought, suddenly smiled,

It silently looks at everyone around.

(The Little Mermaid

I am the Little Mermaid - kindness, not a girl, but beauty!

prince me today or not)

sleeping Beauty

I, Sleeping Beauty, am not a girl, but kindness

I love animals, birds, fish, I like the sea of ​​smiles!

Dear mirror, tell me the answer, Will he choose? prince me today or not)

Presenter: -The mirror thought, looked, gave an answer it failed the princess!

Scheherazade - oriental beauty

What are you watching, friends? let the prince choose me!

I Princess - Scheherazade, I'm as beautiful as a picture!

I love to sing and dance, I must the prince knows about this!

All princesses:

We have revealed all our talents, we have not forgotten anything,

Only the mirror was silent, did not answer anything,

What should we do, what should we do? Who can judge us?

Fairy: And you dance at the ball

Maybe prince he will choose one of you.

Dance princesses

Ved. Pincess brides are coming from all corners of the kingdom,

They want surprise the prince, amaze with your talents!

Prince: Dear girls, my princesses!

You are all beautiful, smart, nice, sweet, kind - the most important thing!

It’s hard for me to choose, but there is no one among you with whom I will be in love!

TO Prince's friends are suitable for princesses.

1 friend of Snow White kneels and gives flower:

Oh, my regards to all young lady!

Ah, this is the best ball in the world!

You are Snow White the best

Let me take you to my castle

2 friend gets down on his knee and gives flower:

March- a joyful and clear month!

Gentlemen! Our ladies are beautiful!

Little Mermaid You are the best!

3 friend gets down on his knee and gives flower:

How beautiful is your Scheherazade outfit,

You are kind with your gentle soul.

All the boys: We love you very much!

Prince: Well, you’ve found your brides

And they laughed at me!

Fairy: Please sit down, gentlemen! Public attention here.

I declare without praise: we continue the wonderful ball!

Children sit on chairs. Kikimora comes out to the tango with a fan.

Kikimora: Here is the ball for princesses? So this is for me!

I'm yours princesses have their closest relatives!

So tender, so pretty,

Well, my soul is completely unusual!

(To prince) : Did you just shut up, master?

Prince: Yes I have never met such princesses.

Kikimora: I really didn’t like it! Eh, you!

I didn’t see any beauty in me!

I am Kikimora, I am a beauty!

How can anyone not like me!

I'm all fashionable, all green.

I am completely in love with Vodyanoy!

Well, take me to the ball, prince?

Ved: Well, so be it! There will be a role for you.

Will you help me today?

Our ball is wonderful to continue.

Already princesses can't sit still,

It's high time they got into the games!

Kikimora: Play! Well what are you saying? prince?

Is it like this? princesses role?

(to the girls): And who will do things for you?

Here's what you should do for hour:

Sweep the floor and wash the dishes,

Prepare dessert and set the table.

Well, and, of course, yarn.

Only then can they dream about dancing and games!

Ved.: Are you starting to do harm, Kikimora?

You promised! But you can't fool us!

(shows): A lot we have princesses, we will do everything Now:

Some cook, some do the laundry, some wash, some sweep.

Well, Princess hostesses, start,

Don't waste your time!

Prepare dessert for the royal dinner!

Attraction for girls "Make dessert" (2 people in each team)

(models of berries and fruit mixed with vegetables lie on one large tray. You need to choose only fruits for dessert. The girls run up to the tray, grab the fruits and run to their high chair where other empty trays are)

Ved.: So the treat is ready! Surprisingly for all the guests!

Kikimora: And you, gentlemen, come out,

Help me set the tables quickly!

(explains): One at a time subject you take it and bring it to the table here.

The fastest and the bravest, the neatest and the most skillful will win!

Attraction "Set the table" (2 people 1 time) (you can use dummies or cards with pictures)

Kikimora: Well done! You tried your best,

And fun for all the guests!

Ved.: Yes, the work is in full swing, and half the work is done.

Our little effort the princesses have left.

(scatters balloons and lays out 2 hoops. You need to use brooms to sweep the balls into the empty hoops. Who will collect more balls)

Let's sweep the floor and collect this garbage!

Well, which of you girls still wants to work hard?

Kikimora: Come here quickly, find the hostesses here! (points to mom)

(Kikimora calls 4 mothers and girls, gives them brooms)

Kikimora: Take the brooms quickly, "basket" "garbage" notice!

The team that wins will be "basket" which "garbage" there will be more! One, two, three - let's start!

Attraction for girls and mothers "Cheerful broom"

Prince: Oh, how they all tried! Even I got excited!

And as a reward for this we give everyone applause!

Kikimora: And I wanted to ask one more question nose:

I'm looking at you and wondering: They can do everything, they know everything.

And they cook, set the table, sweep the floor with a broom!

And when, I don’t understand, did you learn everything?

(two children come out)

1 child: And say "Thank you" We

Our grandmothers owe it!

We always lead by example

From our grandmothers in everything!

2 child: They work all day,

They drive laziness away from home,

Grandmothers, we love you!

This song is for you!

"Song about Grandma"

Ved: Dear grandmothers! We continue the ball

And we invite you to play with your grandchildren!

(Summons 2 pairs : child - grandmother)

These sticks need to be wound up,

Show off your skill and dexterity!

The most skillful one will win

Get down to business with confidence!

Do you understand the task? Let's start the competition!

Attraction “Who will take the candy faster?”(Grandmothers and grandchildren roll the ribbon onto a stick, in the middle of which a candy is tied. Whoever rolls the ribbon faster takes the candy for himself)

Gypsy chants sound.

Ved: What kind of music is heard? Who's rushing here to the ball?

Kikimora: (goes to the door)

Friends, there are guests outside the door,

They say they came to congratulate!

Hollywood stars. Dance "Jive"

Cinderella comes in to the music.

Time flew by quickly

I didn’t have time to look back -

The clock strikes 12 times.

I didn't have time to holiday now.

My stepmother gave me a lot of work

I redid everything, swept the floor

I cooked dinner and set the table.

Oh how I want to go to the ball!

Hello Cinderella!

Oh, fairy, you came to me,

Tell me how did you find me?

It was easy for me to find you

After all, I’m a fairy, or have you forgotten?

I even know why you are so sad today,

After all, you want to go to the ball.

I wanted to please everyone

I tried to sew a better dress,

I really wanted to go to the ball

I dreamed that I was dancing with Prince I sang.

I worked days and nights, I was in a hurry,

But the evil stepmother did not allow me to go to the ball.

I know Cinderella, how kind and hardworking you are,

And your evil stepmother is envious and grumpy.

You deserve this score

A cheerful noisy carnival.

You will be the most beautiful there

Joy and success await you.

My magic wand help

Give a beautiful dress to Cinderella.

(music plays, Cinderella takes off her cloak and remains in a beautiful dress)

Go to the ball soon

The prince is already waiting for you!

Cinderella walks through the hall to the music and approaches her prince.


O beautiful creature!

You are a charm!

Let me ask

Invite you to dance!

Louder, music, play,

Invite everyone to the dance.

Here are my friends!

This is my bride!

Ved: Well, dear friends, our it's time to end the holiday!

And finally, at this hour, we will all sing a song for mothers now!

Children give mothers gifts.

Prince: I thank everyone for this ball

I give you the royal pie as a souvenir!

(Kikimora brings out the pie)

We are finishing a wonderful ball, congratulations to everyone once again!

Together: Goodbye, see you again!

(Holiday ends with tea in group)