You have collected a package of documents and calculated how much it will cost to launch a real estate company. Great! All you have to do is figure out what your business will be called.

It would seem, what is there to think? This is a serious organization and the “Real Estate Agency” signs will be enough! If you have the only similar company in small town, maybe this will work. But when there is more than one competitor, it is very important to be remembered by potential clients! How to do this? Now we'll tell you.

Names of real estate agencies: formulating the main rules

Remember two main criteria - clarity and brevity. Assume that when a potential client sees your sign on the street or reads information about the company on the Internet, he should immediately remember it. And of course, understand what services you provide.

When creating names for real estate companies, we recommend choosing one of the naming principles:

  • Direct associations with business. This simple method really works. “Housing problem” or “Your own home” immediately refer to the direction of the company’s work. The main disadvantage is that there are a majority of such companies.
  • Add a geo reference. Of course, if it says something to your audience. For example, “Mortgage agency on Vasilyevsky”. The main thing is to make sure that there are not 5 other similar companies located near you.
  • Use of the owner's name. Another option is to give the name some personality. "Real estate agency of Konstantin Rumyantsev." Make sure the owner's name is easy to remember, otherwise you should avoid this method.

How to name a real estate agency according to Feng Shui: we're not kidding

We anticipate comments that such methods do not work in such a serious business. Of course, we do not advise you to become imbued with Chinese wisdom and rely only on it. However, we urge you to remember: the main principle of Feng Shui is harmony. The Earth element, which is suitable in this case, is associated with reliability, caring for people, a warm hearth, etc.

Agree, “My new apartment” sounds much better than “Real Estate Agency No. 1.” Starting from a specific direction is a win-win option. Use positive associations that inspire trust and are associated with comfort, reliability and safety.

This applies not only to the company name, but also to the logo and website design as a whole. Proceed from the fact that the name does not exist on its own, but is included in the general concept.

What names should you avoid?

There are names that seem original and sound beautiful, but if the meaning behind them is lost, it is better to abandon them.

  • Be careful with foreign words. Sometimes the owner chooses a name, say in English, solely out of euphony. It is very distantly connected with the business sector. Example: “Green House” can equally well turn out to be both a country real estate company and a landscape design company.
  • Do not use “status” but meaningless names. “Garant Plus” or “Agency Elite” will tell you that you provide reliable service or work with premium clients. But they don’t tell you the main thing: your activity is related to real estate.

Previously, many entrepreneurs, trying to get to the top of the lists of directories, tried to name a real estate agency so that it began with the letter “A”. Hence the names that are quite ridiculous for the real estate industry: “Lampshade”, “Active Search” or “Alliances” and “Alexandra”, which are incomprehensible to clients.

Fortunately, entrepreneurs now very rarely make such mistakes. And they direct their efforts to promoting on the Internet. However, this is a topic for a separate article.

Remember the price segment

In an effort to achieve a euphonious name, do not forget that you need to get into your target audience. If you are helping in the purchase of inexpensive housing, avoid prefixes such as “elite”, “premium”, etc.

Are you targeting wealthy buyers? Think about how to play with this when naming. But don't overdo it. The real estate agency "Top-premium elite apartments", of course, is already too much. Don't forget about the slogan and others advertising texts- here you can turn around.

General recommendations when creating a name for a real estate company

Let us list the main rules for successful naming:

  • Simplicity and conciseness
  • Connection with real estate and your line of work
  • Positive associations
  • Absence of templates and banal words

We wish you good luck in creating and growing your business!

Whatever a person creates in this world, he must take care of his creation and provide every opportunity for its development. The same applies to real estate agencies. From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, when creating similar business Initially, you should take care of its correct name, which should be based on the element to which this agency belongs. It can be easily determined by knowing in advance the functions of this enterprise. Since all real estate agencies are involved in caring for people, protecting and preserving their homes, they belong to the Earth element. Manifestations of this element must be used not only in the name, but also in the design of the premises of the enterprise, the creation of a logo, a company website and various advertising banners. In addition to the Earth, which we have already decided on, Fire, which supports the Earth throughout, is also suitable for the above purposes.

The shape of the earth is a square, while the color is brown and yellow, but the shape of fire is triangular, and the color is all existing shades of red. These are the colors that should be used to decorate agency premises. People who come to such a company will understand on a subconscious level where and why they came. It will be much easier for them to relax and trust the professionals.

The same effect should be used when creating the correct website design or agency logo. For example, if a potential client, before going to a similar company, initially selects his options on the Internet, going to the website of each organization and evaluating the services provided, then a properly designed Feng Shui page will undoubtedly help him make the best choice.

But if a real estate agency takes care of designing the correct sign using the described elements, which will perfectly reflect the essence of the entire organization, they will come here more people"from the street." The thing is that such advertising will lure them on an unconscious level. Even if most buyers don't even think about at the moment purchase real estate, they will simply come to you to find out the full list of services provided.

But before naming a real estate agency (Feng Shui options are the main ones), you need to give preference to those words that a person associates with safety, home, comfort and reliability. You shouldn’t get too clever and come up with a name with a large number English words. A simpler and correctly chosen company name will inspire more trust among its future clients.

There are some basic principles to consider when choosing the most appropriate name.

1. In the name of a real estate agency, you should not use words that do not correspond to your field of work. For example, if the housing you provide is aimed at a more affluent audience, and the organization’s name uses the slogan “affordable housing,” this will not benefit you. On the other hand, ordinary citizens will never be attracted by the phrase “luxury real estate” in the name.

2. You should not use abstract names - simple associations and understanding of all the words used.

3. Always focus on the target audience that will use the services of the future enterprise.

4. Consider all types of services that will be provided: sales, rentals, or both.

Among other things, do not forget about all the other principles of Feng Shui for any commercial premises. For the success of a new agency, it is very important to choose the right office location, normalize the flow of Qi in it, correctly seat the “main operating” people (director, accountant), and also choose the most optimal place for office equipment and cash registers. Very often, a competent consultant can help in such matters, who will make choosing the right name easier and more interesting.

Take care of your agency and let it prosper!

Every true entrepreneur knows that business consists of little things. And every little detail needs to be carefully thought through, only then will a complete picture emerge that will delight you and your clients. There is no need to make banal arguments, such as - whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. The name of the real estate agency is one of essential elements, well, “the boat will float” the way you steer it. It is very difficult to come up with a name that absolutely everyone would like. But if the name you choose evokes positive emotions in 80-90% of clients, then this is already a success. Having analyzed existing real estate agencies, we can note the following patterns in their names. Basically, the word “real estate” is always present, there is a geographical reference and, in direct or abbreviated form, an indication of the owner of the enterprise.

Name for real estate agency

The sign above the entrance to your office must indicate the professional direction of the enterprise. This is especially important for a real estate agency, because in this case we are talking about a lot of money, so you need to try to build the most trusting relationships with clients. In most cases, a real estate agency is chosen based on a recommendation or location. All people living in your area are potential clients, and from the name of your organization they should understand that you are engaged in real estate transactions, that is, on such a problem they can come in and consult or give instructions for the sale (purchase, rental) of an apartment. But this is only if the company is located “on the ground”, and not in the endless labyrinths of office centers.

The agency name must contain keywords, which indicate your type of activity. For example, a template could be like this - Real estate agency “advertising phrase”. You can also start with words such as: “Society”, “Company”, “Enterprise”, but then there should be a keyword, for example, “real estate”, otherwise it will cause some inhibition in the minds of potential clients.

Often the name of an agency is associated with its location. You can focus on the name of the area; such keywords are probably already used. You can start with the following words: Moscow Real Estate Agency and then add something personal, for example, a name, if it sounds good. A good option will be - Moscow Real Estate Agency "Victoria". Real estate agency "Slavik" will no longer be suitable.

Remember that the name should appeal not only to you, but also to your customers. Therefore, it is advisable to come up with 2-3 working options at once that you personally like. After that, conduct a survey among your family and friends which of these options they personally like. Also for this you can use social media, the survey results will help you make your final decision.

Logo for a successful real estate agency

Today there is huge competition among real estate agencies, so it is very important to set them apart from the competition. High-quality logo development will help you acquire regular customers. When creating a corporate identity for a real estate agency, you should focus on such criteria as reliability, solidity, knowledge of the subject area, and the availability of housing options that will suit the client. Most often, on the logo of such organizations you see an authentic house, a skyscraper, or even an entire small town, buried in foliage. But put it next to the logo of your competitors and, most likely, you will see a similar picture. Creating a real estate agency branding involves more than creating a first-level association, such as a label for a can of corn. Not simple enough beautiful picture on your business card to attract more clients.

Visual identification of a company is one of the most important components of the overall branding concept. This is what pops into a consumer's head when he hears the name of a company. The logo must be associated with the name of the agency and be firmly associated with it. Target audience, market condition, positioning, general ideology of the company - these are the main components on which it relies nice logo. Corporate identity is everything that your real estate agency visually consists of: business cards, letterheads, dress code, business documentation, outdoor advertising, packaging, etc. The creation of a corporate identity is preceded by careful research work, the result of which are various instruments that form corporate identity: logos, colors and fonts. The finished design will be an excellent conductor between the client and the company.

December 8, 2016

Do you remember the famous Vrungel’s saying about a boat that will float as you call it? Agree that choosing a catchy name that immediately sticks in your memory is already half the success in the prosperity of any business. And the office providing real estate services is no exception.

Choosing the name of the real estate agency

So, you are a businessman, your field is transactions in the housing market. But what can you call a real estate agency if you don’t have too much creativity? Or simply nothing comes to mind?

In this case, there are simple algorithms for generating a suitable name. Let's look at the main ones.

The magic of foreign language pronunciation

Not everyone is fluent in a foreign language. By choosing a sonorous foreign-language name, the owner of almost any business can add mystery and ambiguity to his sign. The phrase should be short, uncomplicated, consist of 1-3 words that are more or less understandable to the average consumer, and be pleasant to the ear.

At the subconscious level, he should associatively evoke the motive of recognition among potential clients. People going to the agency for the first time should feel that this place is already somewhat familiar to them.

It is important to take care that the name of a real estate agency, even a foreign one, does not turn out to be a random meaningless set of words. There will always be a meticulous client who will not be lazy to analyze the true meaning of a word or phrase. And the matter could end in serious failure.

Direct associations

This is the simplest and most uncomplicated way. Its essence is a direct indication of the area of ​​activity of your office. Most of these signs are like this. This includes numerous “City Real Estate”, “Square Meters” and “Housing Issues”. Classics of the genre - “Your Home” or “Mortgage Agency”.

The advantage of such a name is that the client has no doubt about where he ended up. Agree, when you open the door under the sign “Your Home,” you hardly expect to end up in a pharmacy or an antique shop. The downside is mediocrity. With such a name, you will not stand out among numerous and sometimes very creative competitors. And, as a result, advertising costs will increase.

Making the task more difficult

Indirect associations

If you designate your activity with some beautiful and sonorous word like “Elite”, no one will understand its meaning without decoding it. For example, the name “Garant” hints at commitment and quality, but does not say anything about the specific area of ​​​​the services offered.

Something personal

You can call the agency a beautiful female name or, for example, “Ignatiev and K” - after the owner’s surname. This option is not bad, but we should not forget that it is more suitable for a small town in which famous personalities are at odds. In a metropolis, it is difficult for an ordinary client to keep such a name in his head, since there is no association with a specific person. In this case, the fight against competitors will have to be accelerated in other ways.

What else can you think of?

You can sit down with your business colleagues and produce brainstorming. Or you can calculate the desired option by simply searching through more or less suitable words and their combinations. You can order beautiful name for a real estate agency in a specialized naming bureau - there are many of them now. In a word, there are more than one or two ways to come up with a sonorous and satisfying name for your business.

What else should you take care of in this difficult creative task?

Feng Shui can help you

It is no secret that it is now very fashionable to conduct almost any business with an eye on the tenets of Feng Shui. What does this mean in relation to our case? For the successful development of a business, you should know the element to which it may relate. And this depends on the functions that your agency will perform.

By definition, these include preserving and protecting clients' homes and caring for people. In general, this moment can be attributed to the Earth element. Its manifestation should be played up both in the name and in the interior design.

Among other things, you should use it when developing a website design, choosing advertising banners etc.

Another element that may also be suitable is Fire. Its task is to support the Earth. The colors of these two elements should be yellow and brown (for Earth). Fire includes all shades of red found in nature.

How does this work

If you use these colors in the interiors of the agency premises, it will influence the subconscious of clients in the right direction. Against the backdrop of such influence, a person entering the office will be able to more easily relax and trust a professional realtor.

If feng shui elements are applied to the design of an outdoor sign, it will attract more customers from the street. The fact is that such advertising operates on an unconscious level and can encourage even those who are not currently planning to buy or sell a home to come to you. Perhaps a person suddenly wants to familiarize himself with the full list of services provided. Such people are your potential clients.

If you use Feng Shui technology when choosing the name of a real estate agency, you should focus on words that evoke pleasant associations with comfort, safety, reliability and a warm home. At the same time, it is especially not recommended to experiment with complex names - this does not contribute to customer trust.

Thoughts to note

What other advice can you give to a newly minted businessman who is puzzling over what to name a real estate agency?

Here are some useful "tricks". Do not use words in the title that do not specifically relate to your niche. For example, if you are targeting a more or less wealthy audience, using the slogan “affordable housing” will only harm yourself.

The situation is the opposite - the sign “Elite Real Estate” will most likely scare away ordinary buyers.

Try to avoid abstract names that do not carry a specific meaning. Always keep your target audience in mind. Try to take into account the maximum possible number of services that you are going to provide - rent, sale, or all together.

Well, if nothing comes to mind, you can always invite a competent consultant who, for a reasonable fee, will help you choose a suitable name for a real estate agency.

Are you planning to open a real estate agency and are confused, not knowing what to call a real estate agency? Giving a name to your brainchild, your enterprise, is not an easy task. After all, there are an endless number of companies in the real estate market today - those that have been operating for decades, as well as young companies. And how not to get lost among the sea of ​​offers, the sea of ​​advertising, how to make sure that you are noticed and paid attention to?

A capacious, clear, memorable name is of decisive importance. Then they will pay attention to the quality of services you provide, but first, as they say, “there was a word,” in other words, there was a name.

Start with the simplest things. Survey the real estate market in different regions to see what names your competitors have, so that your name does not accidentally overlap with the name of another company.

When searching for a name for your agency, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • It is better to reflect the specifics of your company in the name. For example, if you are going to conclude transactions with different real estate - both commercial and residential, then you should not focus on one thing in the name. Also, if your specialization is aimed at the middle segment of the market, you should not use phrases such as “luxury housing” in the title, and vice versa; when targeting a reputable client, the title should not contain wording like “affordable housing.”
  • In solving the problem, what to name a real estate agency, “don’t philosophize,” don’t come up with abstract names that are hard to remember.
  • Consider the target audience your agency is targeting.
  • Consider the types of services that you are going to provide - it will be purely sales or purely rental, or maybe both.

Choose a few names that seem most attractive and memorable to you. Consult with friends and acquaintances, announce some kind of competition “For the best company name.” Then, having in your arsenal a certain number of items to choose from, act according to the principle of exceptions or according to the principle highest rating, which your friends will help you determine.